Gen 1 Nidoqueen (UU) [QC 2/2] [GP 1/1]

Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
This is part of a project to get rid of the poor quality, misinformation-ridden RBY analyses from over a decade ago. These works are low-priority and should be treated as such.

Tagging Hex Poisonous as they have historically used Nidoqueen quite a bit and would likely give good feedback.


Nidoqueen has access to some of the best coverage in the game, including moves like STAB Earthquake, Thunderbolt, and Blizzard. This makes it a difficult Pokemon to switch into, often forcing super effective damage onto opposing teams. Furthermore, its Ground typing provides it with ample points of entry through predicted Thunderbolts and Thunder Waves. It can also avoid the OHKO from Dewgong's Blizzard, Kadabra's Psychic, and —most notably—Tentacruel's Surf, all while striking back fiercely in return. This, theoretically, makes Nidoqueen work well as a late-game threat.

Nidoqueen's benefits largely end there, though. While it can stomach the strong aforementioned attacks, it's not fast and can't OHKO their users back, so it just gets outsped and KOed one-on-one. This means that Nidoqueen mandates ample paralysis support from teammates like Hypno to be effective, which not every team can afford. Worse still, it has common weaknesses to Surf, Blizzard, and Psychic, all of which often lead to it getting forced out after a KO by the threat of being revenge killed. Nidoqueen also struggles mightily to break Hypno, a common sight on RBY UU teams, which can threaten it with sleep or a 2HKO from Psychic in return. Even though Nidoqueen has the bulk to avoid some KOs Nidoking cannot, like the 2HKO from Kangaskhan's Earthquake, Nidoking is often superior due to it outspeeding and severely damaging Gyarados and Dragonite. Overall, despite not being horrendous, Nidoqueen is rarely used in high-level play.

name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Blizzard
move 3: Thunderbolt
move 4: Toxic / Body Slam


Nidoqueen's STAB Earthquake deals massive damage to many Pokemon in RBY UU, enabling it to sweep paralyzed teams late-game. Most notably, it allows Nidoqueen to 2HKO paralyzed Tentacruel with ease. The combination of Blizzard and Thunderbolt allows Nidoqueen to hit nearly the entire RBY UU metagame for super effective damage, giving it an array of 2HKOs, notably against Dragonite, Dodrio, and Gyarados. Toxic is mainly to prevent Dragonite from going for a Wrap sweep, as Nidoqueen fails to OHKO it with Blizzard. If this isn't a concern, Body Slam lets Nidoqueen become more self-sufficient, spreading its own paralysis while denying switch-ins from checks like Dugtrio.

Nidoqueen has a gigantic movepool, making it very customizable for teams. Substitute can relieve prediction, as Nidoqueen is immune to Thunder Wave paralysis and can force out Pokemon like Gyarados to get it off for free. Rock Slide can be used to 2HKO Articuno, which is otherwise only 4HKOed by Thunderbolt and uses Nidoqueen as setup fodder. However, it's ineffective elsewhere, making Nidoqueen more matchup reliant. Counter is a valid choice for checking Normal-types like Persian and Kangaskhan, notably allowing Nidoqueen to switch into a Hyper Beam from the latter and subsequently OHKO it. Fire Blast can be used to fish for burns against Tentacruel switching in, which cripples its Wrap, but it's otherwise difficult to recommend due to the omnipresence of Pokemon that resist Fire-type attacks.

- Written by: [[Plague von Karma, 236353]]
- Quality checked by: [[Sevi 7, 505149], [phoopes, 96315]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]
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This is pretty much all there is to say about Queen. Maybe add that King is superior, because it can actually outspeed some of the midgame threats its looking to 2HKO, so it's better to use Nidoking pretty much all the time.

Also sub needs to be somewhere. Either slashed with Body Slam or the first option for OO. It's really good.

Besides that it looks good. Good job!

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Unlike its brother Nidoking, Nidoqueen has the bulk to survive normally devastating blows, such as avoiding the 2HKO from Kangaskhan's Earthquake. It can also avoid the OHKO from Dewgong's Blizzard, Kadabra's Psychic, and —most notably—Tentacruel's Surf, all while striking back fiercely in return.

I would reword this, right now it sounds like you're implying that Queen avoids the OHKO on the three moves listed whereas King doesn't. I just calc'd them though and King also avoids the OHKO on all three moves, and it obviously hits back harder. It's probably just because it follows the line where Queen avoids the 2HKO from Khan EQ whereas King doesn't, you're correct there. But yeah both of them survive the OHKOs so I would reword it.

Oftentimes, it gets one shot, and that's it.

I feel like there's some dissonance here with what you talked about in the first paragraph, avoiding OHKOes, and directly before this, where you say it can stomach nuclear blows. I'd probably just remove this sentence.

That's really about it for my nitpicks. Once that's set, QC 2/2
I would reword this, right now it sounds like you're implying that Queen avoids the OHKO on the three moves listed whereas King doesn't. I just calc'd them though and King also avoids the OHKO on all three moves, and it obviously hits back harder. It's probably just because it follows the line where Queen avoids the 2HKO from Khan EQ whereas King doesn't, you're correct there. But yeah both of them survive the OHKOs so I would reword it.

I feel like there's some dissonance here with what you talked about in the first paragraph, avoiding OHKOes, and directly before this, where you say it can stomach nuclear blows. I'd probably just remove this sentence.

That's really about it for my nitpicks. Once that's set, QC 2/2
Good catches. Implemented and ready for GP!
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(AC)/(RC): Add/Remove Comma


Nidoqueen has access to some of the best coverage in the game, including moves like STAB Earthquake, Thunderbolt, and Blizzard. This makes it a difficult Pokemon to switch into, often forcing super effective damage onto opposing teams. Furthermore, its Ground typing provides it with ample points of entry (RC) be it through a predicted Thunderbolt or through predicted Thunderbolts and Thunder Waves. It can also avoid the OHKO from Dewgong's Blizzard, Kadabra's Psychic, and —most notably—Tentacruel's Surf, all while striking back fiercely in return. Unlike its brother Nidoking, Nidoqueen has the bulk to survive normally devastating blows, such as avoiding the 2HKO from Kangaskhan's Earthquake. This, theoretically, makes Nidoqueen work well as a late-game threat.

Nidoqueen's benefits largely end there, though. While it can stomach some nuclear blows, fighting back is another story, as it's simply too slow to 2HKO what it wants to in return. While it can stomach the strong aforementioned attacks, it's not fast and can't OHKO their users back, so it just gets outsped and KOed one-on-one. This means that Nidoqueen mandates ample paralysis support from teammates like Hypno to be effective, which not every team can afford. Worse still, it has common weaknesses to Surf, Blizzard, (AC) and Psychic, all of which often lead to it getting forced out after a KO by the threat of being revenge killed. Nidoqueen also struggles mightily to break Hypno, a common sight on RBY UU teams, which can threaten it with sleep or a 2HKO from Psychic in return. Overall, Nidoqueen is very rarely used in high-level play, though it can be rewarding in the right hands. However, Even though Nidoqueen has the bulk to avoid some KOs Nidoking cannot, like the 2HKO from Kangaskhan's Earthquake, Nidoking is often superior due to it outspeeding and severely damaging Gyarados and Dragonite. Overall, Nidoqueen is rarely used in high-level play. (if you wanted, you could add something like "Nidoqueen, despite not being horrendous, is rarely..." for tone reasons, or you could elaborate why it could be specifically rewarding - especially as opposed to King)

name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Blizzard
move 3: Thunderbolt
move 4: Toxic / Body Slam


Nidoqueen's STAB Earthquake deals massive damage to many Pokemon in RBY UU, enabling it to sweep paralyzed teams late-game. Most notably, it allows Nidoqueen to 2HKO paralyzed Tentacruel with ease in this scenario. The combination of Blizzard and Thunderbolt allows Nidoqueen to hit nearly the entire RBY UU metagame for super effective damage, giving it an array of 2HKOs, notably against Dragonite, Dodrio, (AC) and Gyarados. Toxic is mainly to prevent Dragonite from going for a Wrap sweep, as it Nidoqueen fails to OHKO it with Blizzard. If this isn't a concern, Body Slam lets Nidoqueen become more self-sufficient, spreading its own paralysis while denying switch-ins from checks like Dugtrio.

Nidoqueen has a gigantic movepool, making it very customizable for teams. Substitute can relieve prediction, as it's Nidoqueen is immune to Thunder Wave paralysis and can force out Pokemon like Gyarados to get it off for free. Rock Slide can be used to 2HKO Articuno, which is otherwise only 4HKOed by Thunderbolt and uses Nidoqueen as setup fodder. However, it's ineffective elsewhere, making Nidoqueen more matchup reliant. (removed hyphen) Counter is a valid choice for checking Normal-types like Persian and Kangaskhan, notably allowing Nidoqueen to switch in and tank into a Hyper Beam from the latter and subsequently OHKO it. Fire Blast can be used to fish for burns against Tentacruel switching in, which cripples its Wrap, but it's otherwise difficult to recommend due to the omnipresence of Pokemon that resist Fire-type attacks.

- Written by: [[Plague von Karma, 236353]]
- Quality checked by: [[Sevi 7, 505149], [phoopes, 96315]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]