Nidoking (Poison)

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Nidoking is one of the best wallbreakers that Poison has to offer thanks to its powerful combination of Life Orb and Sheer Force. Its role as a wallbreaker is very important in the Steel matchup, as Earth Power + Flamethrower demolishes Steel teams after Heatran's Air Balloon has been popped. Nidoking also offers Poison an Electric immunity to prevent Volt Switch spam from Electric-types like Regieleki and Tapu Koko. Its access to BoltBeam coverage allows Nidoking to apply more pressure on Flying teams, which is nice, since Stealth Rock cannot pressure Flying much because of how often it uses Heavy-Duty Boots. Nidoking is, however, slower than many faster threats like Excadrill, Cinderace, and Keldeo and weak to Water-, Ice-, and Ground-type moves like Scald, Ice Beam, and Earthquake. These flaws mean, Nidoking can only come in on certain passive walls or slower Pokemon like Galarian Weezing, Skarmory, and Toxapex.

name: Wallbreaker (Poison)
move 1: Earth Power
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Thunderbolt / Stealth Rock
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Life Orb
ability: Sheer Force
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Nidoking's powerful Earth Power damages Steel-, Electric-, Rock-, and Poison-types like Heatran, Tapu Koko, Rhyperior, and Toxapex. It appreciates Flamethrower for consistency to help with Steel-, Bug-, and Grass-types like Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Buzzwole, and Tapu Bulu, whereas Fire Blast is nice for picking up more KOs against bulkier Steel-types like Celesteela and Corviknight. Both Earth Power and Flamethrower are needed to deal with Steel's defensive cores members: Aegislash, Heatran, and Celesteela, but, Thunderbolt or Ice Beam is needed to pop Heatran's Air Balloon. Thunderbolt is useful for hitting Water- and Flying-types like Mantine and Slowbro, whereas Ice Beam helps with Ground-, Grass-, and Flying-types like Hippowdon, Appletun, and defensive Zapdos. Stealth Rock allows Nidoking to compress the role of entry hazard setter, but the presence of Heavy-Duty Boots reduces the need for hazards. Maximized Speed EVs allow Nidoking to Speed tie an opposing Nidoking and outpace Diggersby and Togekiss.

Nidoking offers the entire team its Electric immunity, but Toxapex appreciates it more than other teammates due to its weakness to Electric. Toxapex's bulk and Scald allow it to switch into physical attackers that threaten Nidoking like Dracovish and Cinderace while also shutting down setup sweepers like Weavile and Cloyster with Haze. Galarian Weezing provides a Dragon immunity, which is important to switch into a Draco Meteor or Dragon Darts that could KO Nidoking, while also having utilities like Defog to get rid of entry hazards, Will-O-Wisp and Toxic Spikes to spread status, and Pain Split for longevity. It also helps with Urshifu-S, which can spam Wicked Blow if Galarian Weezing isn't on the team. Nidoking is weak to Psychic, so adding a Psychic-immune teammate like Skuntank or Drapion helps with Pokemon like Latias, Alakazam, and Tapu Lele. The former has Defog and Sucker Punch to revenge kill Psychic- and Ghost-types like Blacephalon and Alolan Raichu, while the latter has useful utilities like Knock Off, which removes Heavy-Duty Boots and makes Stealth Rock more effective and Whirlwind to phaze setup sweepers like Jirachi and Spectrier. Amoonguss is the best check to Ground-type Pokemon, notably Mold Breaker Excadrill, which threatens Nidoking and most of its teammates with Earthquake. Amoonguss also helps break Steel teams, as it has Spore to give Nidoking opportunities to come in while also forming a Regenerator core with Toxapex; together, they help Nidoking deal with Ground-, Rock-, and Water-type Pokemon like Excadrill, Rhyperior, Terrakion, and Urshifu-R. Nihilego runs Choice Scarf to revenge kill Pokemon like Dragonite, Landorus-T, and Victini and appreciates Nidoking's ability to threaten Steel-types it cannot properly deal with, like Ferrothorn and Aegislash. It has nice coverage moves like Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, Power Gem, and Grass Knot, which improve quite a few matchups like Flying, Dragon, Fire, and Ground. Gengar is an option over Nihilego and supports Drapion or Skuntank in dealing with Psychic- and Ghost-type Pokemon like Galarian Corsola and Slowbro with Shadow Ball, and it also deals with bulky Pokemon like Toxapex and Aegislash. Galarian Slowking's ability to sponge Psychic-type attacks that KO Nidoking from Pokemon like Alolan Raichu and Latias is appreciated, and it forms a triple Regenerator core with Toxapex and Amoonguss, making Poison teams harder to break.

Other Options
Sludge Wave can be used to notably hit Clefable, because, otherwise, Nidoking may be at risk of losing its item from Knock Off.

Checks and Counters

**Knock Off**: Nidoking does not appreciate its item being removed and it being weakened by Knock Off users like Clefable and Tornadus-T.

**Priority Moves**: Priority moves like Aqua Jet and Ice Shard from Pokemon like Crawdaunt, Azumarill, and Mamoswine can KO Nidoking if their users are running a damage-boosting item like Choice Band or Life Orb, or after some prior chip damage.

**Super Effective Attacks**: Fast Ground-type Pokemon like Landorus-T, Excadrill, and Garchomp threaten Nidoking out with Earthquake. They also fear switching into Nidoking, though, since they are at risk of being hit by Ice Beam. Water-types like Keldeo, Urshifu-R, and Barraskewda can KO Nidoking with their Water-type STAB moves but do not always appreciate switching in risking a Thunderbolt. Ice-types like Kyurem, Weavile, and Mamoswine can KO Nidoking with Ice-type moves bar Ice Shard, which requires prior chip damage. However, yet again, they fear switching in, this time due to Earth Power or Flamethrower.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Specially bulky Pokemon like Piloswine, Blissey, and Snorlax can sponge all of Nidoking's attacks. Piloswine can KO Nidoking with Earthquake and set Stealth Rock for chip damage, while Blissey and Snorlax can recover from and switch into its moves whenever due to their high bulk. Blissey can set up Stealth Rock and generate momentum with Teleport, while Snorlax can set up Curse and recover off damage with Rest. Slowking can also generate momentum with Teleport or deal chip damage with Scald, while Mandibuzz can remove Nidoking's Life Orb with Knock Off and recover with Roost.

**Revenge Killers**: Naturally faster threats like both Urshifu formes, Tapu Lele, and Excadrill, and Choice Scarf users like Dracovish and Heracross have no problem KOing Nidoking.

- Written by: [[Roxiee, 481576]]
- <Poison> analysis by: [[Roxiee, 481576]]
- Quality checked by: [[<Havens>, <391540>], [<Decem>, <362454>], [<maroon>, <305839>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<Finland>, <517429>], [<Bandkrook>, <301217>]]
Last edited:


* Nidoking is one of the best wallbreakers available that Poison has to offer thanks to its powerful combination of Life Orb and Sheer Force.
* Nidoking's role as a wallbreaker is very important in the Steel matchup as its access to Earth Power and Flamethrower demolishes after Heatran's Air Ballon Balloon is popped.
* Stealth Rock allows Nidoking to act as an entry hazard setter but the need for hazards in this generation as compared to previous generations has denigrated because of Heavy-Duty Boots. (This is more of a set comment than an overview bullet.)
* Nidoking also offers Poison Electric-immunity, which is nice for Electric-types like Regieleki and Tapu Koko while also effectively attacking Flying-type Pokemon thanks its BoltBeam coverage: Thunderbolt and Ice Beam.
* Nidoking overall has a wide range of coverage and amazing wallbreaking capabilities but is however slower than much faster threats like Landorus, Cinderace, and Keldeo.
Talk about more weaknesses of this Pokemon.

name: Wallbreaker (Poison)
move 1: Earth Power
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast (swap these)
move 3: Thunderbolt / Stealth Rock
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Life Orb
ability: Sheer Force
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Paragraph 1:
* Nidoking is a great wallbreaker thanks to Sheer Force and Life Orb, that offers a range of coverage moves like Earth Power, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam, while also compressing the role as an entry hazard setter if its running Stealth Rock.
* Nidoking's Ground-typing gives the team Electric-immunity and helps boost the power Earth Power which damages Steel-, Electric-, Rock-, and Poison-types like Heatran, Tapu Koko, Rhyperior, and Toxapex.
* Flamethrower helps with Steel-, Bug-, and Grass-types like Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Buzzwole, and Tapu Bulu whereas Fire Blast is nice for picking up more KOs against more bulkier Steel-types like Celesteela and Corviknight. swap the positions of both of these moves in accordance with the change made to the set.
* Both Earth Power and Flamethrower are needed to deal with Steel's defensive cores: Aegislash, Heatran, and Celesteela, however, Thunderbolt or Ice Beam is needed to pop Heatran's Air Balloon.
* Thunderbolt is useful for hitting Water- and Flying-types like Mantine, Slowbro, and Articuno whereas Ice Beam helps with Ground-, Grass-, and Flying-types like Hippowdon, Appletun, and Zapdos.
* Maxim)ized EVs Specially Attack and Speed EVs allows Nidoking to have the best damage output while also speed-tieing tying (remove hyphen) with opposing Nidokings and outpacing Diggersby and Togekiss.

Paragraph 2:
* Nidoking offers the entire team its Electric-immunity, but Toxapex appreciates Nidoking's ability to sponge Electric-type attacks more than other teammates due to its weakness to it.
* Toxapex is a staple on all Poison teams as it supports Nidoking in beating Fire-types like Heatran, Centiskorch, and Cinderace, while also spreading status ailments like Scald burns or Toxic to help teammates later in the match.
* Galarian Weezing provides Dragon-immunity thanks to its part Fairy-typing and has useful utilities like: using Defog to get rid of entry hazards, spreading status through Will-O-Wisp and Toxic Spikes to spread status with Toxapex, and Pain Split for longevity.
* It also helps with Urshifu-S which can spam Wicked Blow if Galarian Weezing isn't on the team.
* Nidoking is weak to Psychic so adding a Psychic-immunity like Skuntank or Drapion helps with Pokemon like Latias, Alakazam, and Tapu Lele.
* Skuntank is used over Drapion because it The former has Defog and Sucker Punch to revenge Psychic- and Ghost-types like Blacephalon and Alolan Raichu, however, Drapion can be used over Skuntank because it while the latter has useful utilities like Knock Off and Toxic Spikes. (as continuation from the previous sentence)
* Amoonguss is the best check to Ground-type Pokemon, notably Mold Breaker Excadrill, considering it threatens everything with Earthquake including Nidoking.
* Amoonguss It also forms a Regenerator core with Toxapex and together they both help Nidoking deal with Ground-, Rock-, and Water-type Pokemon like Excadrill, Rhyperior, Terrakion, and Urshifu-R.
* Nihilego runs Choice Scarf or Meteor Beam + Power Herb to help with Fire-type Pokemon along with Nidoking and Toxapex.
* Nihilego It also (as continuation from the previous sentence) appreciates Nidoking's ability to threaten Steel-types it cannot properly deal with like Ferrothorn or Aegislash, but it has a number of coverage moves like Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, Power Gem, and Grass Knot which improves quite a few matchups like Flying, Dragon, Fire, and Ground.
* Gengar is an option over Nihilego and supports Drapion or Skuntank with dealing with Psychic- and Ghost-type teams thanks to Shadow Ball.,(remove period; add comma)
* It has the given its ability to revenge kill threats like Alakazam, Victini, and Dragapult with Choice Scarf or break through fat Pokemon like Toxapex, Galarian Corsola, or Aegislash with Choice Specs. (this sentence you can compound with the above one.)
* Crobat is hard to hit but it offers Ground-type immunity and a way to bring in neighboring teammates on switches with U-turn.
* It's ability to go through Substitute Pokemon like Kyurem or Salazzle is appreciated thanks to Infiltrator.

Other Options
* Focus Blast on Nidoking is an option to KO Heatrans running Air Balloon but the miss chance makes it pretty risky considering you need Nidoking throughout the duration of the matchup.

Checks and Counters

**Super-Effective Priority Moves** Priority moves like Aqua Jet or Ice Shard from Pokemon like Crawdaunt, Azumarill, and Mamoswine can KO if they are running a damage boosting item like Choice Band or Life Orb or after some prior chip damage.
**Fast Ground-types**: Fast Ground-type Pokemon like Landorus-T, Excadrill, and Garchomp threatens Nidoking out with Earthquake, but Amoonguss is nice for dealing with said threats.
**Water-types**: Water-types like Keldeo, Urshifu-R, and Barraskewda can KO Nidoking with their Water-STAB. Water-type STAB moves.

**Ice-types**: Ice-types like Kyurem, Weavile, and Mamoswine can KO Nidoking with Ice-type moves bar Ice Shard after prior chip damage.
**Specially-Defensive Pokemon**: Bulky SpD Specially bulky Pokemon like Piloswine, Blissey, and Snorlax can sponge all of Nidoking's attacks. Piloswine can KO Nidoking with Earthquake and set Stealth Rocks for chip while Blissey and Snorlax can recover and switch into its moves whenever due to their high bulk.
**Revenge Killers*: Naturally faster threats like Urshifu (specify which form, or formes), Choice Specs Spectrier, and Excadrill, priority-users like Mamoswine and Rillaboom, and scarfers Choice Scarf users like Landorus-T (Landorus-T is naturally faster than Nidoking anyways; choose a different Pokemon) or Heracross have no problem with dealing with Nidoking.

- Written by: [[Roxiee, 481576]]
- <Type> analysis by: [[Roxiee, 481576]]
- Quality checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>]]
No need to hyphenate an immunity base (Electric immunity, not Electric-immunity). QC 1/3
Just another AM QC cause cant give it the go.

* Nidoking's role as a wallbreaker is very important in the Steel matchup as its access to Earth Power and Flamethrower demolishes after Heatran Air Balloon is popped.
- This reads somewhat oddly, it kind of implies that I can also hit Heatran with Flamethrower as well. Make sure you correct that. Also I would say Fire Blast instead because that is first slashed in front of Flamethrower. Also, I would use a different example for Fire Blast if you're thinking of adding them into the same sentence, just for more clarity as to what Earth Power handles as to what Fire Blast handles.
- Make sure to remove Landorus

* Nidoking is a great wallbreaker thanks to Sheer Force and Life Orb, that offers a range of coverage moves like Earth Power, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam, while also compressing the role as an entry hazard setter if its running Stealth Rock.
* Nidoking's Ground-typing gives the team Electric-immunity and helps boost the power Earth Power which damages Steel-, Electric-, Rock-, and Poison-types like Heatran, Tapu Koko, Rhyperior, and Toxapex.

- These two sound kind of redundant because of the overview. You can add it to the overview but change the wording around or completely remove it.
* Toxapex is a staple on all Poison teams as it supports Nidoking in beating Fire-types like Heatran, Centiskorch, and Cinderace, while also spreading status ailments like Scald burns or Toxic to help teammates later in the match.
- Just a nitpick but pretty much "to help whittle down foes for Nidoking to KO easier." Since this analysis is more focused on Nidoking here.
* Gengar is an option over Nihilego and supports Drapion or Skuntank with dealing with Psychic- and Ghost-type teams thanks to Shadow Ball, given its ability to revenge kill threats like Alakazam, Victini, and Dragapult with Choice Scarf or break through fat Pokemon like Toxapex, Galarian Corsola, or Aegislash with Choice Specs.
- I'd remove Alakazam, Gengar does not revenge kill Alakazam unless its Focus Sash is broken otherwise Alakazam will surely always beat Gengar.
* Crobat is hard to hit but it offers Ground-type immunity and a way to bring in neighboring teammates on switches with U-turn.
- I don't understand what that means. Are you talking about Crobat being difficult to fit on a Poison team? I'm not really sure. Crobat is also another option to use in removing hazards with defog.

Checks and Counters

**Revenge Killers*: Naturally faster threats like both Urshifu forms, Choice Specs Spectrier, and Excadrill, priority-users like Mamoswine and Rillaboom, and Choice Scarf users like Dracovish or Heracross have no problem with dealing with Nidoking.
- Mamoswine is just being used too much in the checks and counters. Use a different Pokemon or remove Mamoswine since it's already mentioned twice in this section.
I’m removing crobat mentions because it’s terrible in a non-mega gallade meta game (no reason to use it over skunktank or weezing as a defogger) and adding Galarian slowking- but I’ll implement most of this tonight


* Nidoking is one of the best wallbreakers available that Poison has to offer thanks to its powerful combination of Life Orb and Sheer Force.
* Nidoking's role as a wallbreaker is very important in the Steel matchup as its access to Earth Power and Fire Blast demolishes Steel after Heatran Air Balloon is popped. Mention Flamethrower here instead; Skarmory being the primary Flying on Steel means Flamethrower is better than Fire Blast always
* Nidoking also offers Poison Electric-immunity, which is nice for Electric-types like Regieleki and Tapu Koko while also effectively attacking Flying-type Pokemon thanks its BoltBeam coverage: Thunderbolt and Ice Beam.
* Nidoking overall has a wide range of coverage and amazing wallbreaking capabilities but is however slower than much faster threats like Excadrill, Cinderace, and Keldeo and weak to Water-, Ice-, and Ground-type moves like Scald, Ice Beam, and Earthquake. Why is it bad that Nidoking is weak to these types of attacks?

name: Wallbreaker (Poison)
move 1: Earth Power
move 2: Fire Blast / Flamethrower Reorder this to Flamethrower / Fire Blast. Flamethrower is much better for the consistency
move 3: Thunderbolt / Stealth Rock
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Life Orb
ability: Sheer Force
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Paragraph 1:
* Nidoking is a great wallbreaker thanks to Sheer Force and Life Orb, that offers a range of coverage moves like Earth Power, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam, while also compressing the role as an entry hazard setter if its running Stealth Rock.
* Nidoking's Ground-typing gives the team Electric-immunity and helps boost the power Earth Power which damages Steel-, Electric-, Rock-, and Poison-types like Heatran, Tapu Koko, Rhyperior, and Toxapex.
* Fire Blast and Flamethrower helps with Steel-, Bug-, and Grass-types like Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Buzzwole, and Tapu Bulu whereas Fire Blast is nice for picking up more KOs against more bulkier Steel-types like Celesteela and Corviknight and Flamethrower being more reliable in terms of accuracy. Talk about Flamethrower like it is the better option
* Both Earth Power and Flamethrower are needed to deal with Steel's defensive cores: Aegislash, Heatran, and Celesteela, however, Thunderbolt or Ice Beam is needed to pop Heatran's Air Balloon.
* Thunderbolt is useful for hitting Water- and Flying-types like Mantine, Slowbro, and Articuno whereas Ice Beam helps with Ground-, Grass-, and Flying-types like Hippowdon, Appletun, and Zapdos.
* Stealth Rock allows Nidoking to act as an entry hazard setter but the need for hazards in this generation as compared to previous generations has denigrated because of Heavy-Duty Boots.
* Maximized Special Attack and Speed EVs allow Nidoking to have the best damage output while also speed tying with an opposing Nidoking and outpacing Diggersby and Togekiss.
* Would give two usage tips about positioning Nidoking and not letting Life Orb get Knock Offed respectively

Paragraph 2:
* Nidoking offers the entire team its Electric immunity, but Toxapex appreciates Nidokings ability to sponge Electric-type attacks more than other teammates due to its weakness to it.
* Toxapex is a staple on all Poison teams as it supports Nidoking in beating Fire-types like Heatran, Centiskorch, and Cinderace, while also spreading status ailments like Scald burns or Toxic to help teammates later in the match. Focus on how Txapex is great defensively to cover for Nidoking's vulnerability to attacks and name out which types of attacks in particular. I would paraphrase the defensive core and what they do for Nidoking since a lot of this can be shortened.
* Galarian Weezing provides Dragon immunity thanks to its part Fairy-typing and has utilities like: using Defog to get rid of entry hazards, spreading status through Will-O-Wisp and Toxic Spikes, and Pain Split for longevity. Why does a Dragon immunity matter?
* It also helps with Urshifu-S which can spam Wicked Blow if Galarian Weezing isn't on the team.
* Nidoking is weak to Psychic so adding a Psychic-immunity like Skuntank or Drapion helps with Pokemon like Latias, Alakazam, and Tapu Lele.
* The former has Defog and Sucker Punch to revenge Psychic- and Ghost-types like Blacephalon and Alolan Raichu, while the latter has useful utilities like Knock Off and Toxic Spikes. Knock Off is important so Stealth Rock actually puts in work
* Amoonguss is the best check to Ground-type Pokemon, notably Mold Breaker Excadrill, considering it threatens everything with Earthquake including Nidoking. Would highlight on how Nidoking + Amoonguss is a nice Steel breaking core. Spore is really nice to give Nidoking more wallbreaking opportunities as well
* It also forms a Regenerator core with Toxapex and together they both help Nidoking deal with Ground-, Rock-, and Water-type Pokemon like Excadrill, Rhyperior, Terrakion, and Urshifu-R.
* Nihilego runs Choice Scarf or Meteor Beam + Power Herb to help with Fire-type Pokemon along with Nidoking and Toxapex.
* It also appreciates Nidoking's ability to threaten Steel-types it cannot properly deal with like Ferrothorn or Aegislash, but it has a number of coverage moves like Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, Power Gem, and Grass Knot which improves quite a few matchups like Flying, Dragon, Fire, and Ground.
* Gengar is an option over Nihilego and supports Drapion or Skuntank with dealing with Psychic- and Ghost-type teams thanks to Shadow Ball, given its ability to revenge kill threats like Alakazam, Victini, and Dragapult with Choice Scarf or break through fat Pokemon like Toxapex, Galarian Corsola, or Aegislash with Choice Specs.
* Galarian Slowking's ability to sponge Psychic-type attacks that KOs Nidoking from Pokemon like Alolan Raichu and Latias are appreciated while also forming a triple Regenerator core with Toxapex and Amoonguss making Poison harder to break.

Other Options
* Focus Blast on Nidoking is an option to KO Heatran running Air Balloon but the miss chance makes it pretty risky considering you need Nidoking throughout the duration of the matchup.
* Sludge Wave

Checks and Counters

**Super-Effective Priority Moves** Priority moves like Aqua Jet or Ice Shard from Pokemon like Crawdaunt, Azumarill, and Mamoswine can KO if they are running a damage boosting item like Choice Band or Life Orb or after some prior chip damage.

**Fast Ground-types**: Fast Ground-type Pokemon like Landorus-T, Excadrill, and Garchomp threaten Nidoking out with Earthquake, but Amoonguss is nice for dealing with said threats.

**Water-types**: Water-types like Keldeo, Urshifu-R, and Barraskewda can KO Nidoking with their Water-type STAB moves.

**Ice-types**: Ice-types like Kyurem, Weavile, and Mamoswine can KO Nidoking with Ice-type moves bar Ice Shard after prior chip damage. Condense Ice/Water/Ground/Psychic w/e to a super effective coverage bullet point since they're all pretty much the same in how they beat Nidoking. Would then rename the first point to priority/revenge killers since it's fine to talk about them in the same vein

**Specially-Defensive Pokemon**: Specially bulky Pokemon like Piloswine, Blissey, and Snorlax can sponge all of Nidoking's attacks. Piloswine can KO Nidoking with Earthquake and set Stealth Rocks for chip while Blissey and Snorlax can recover and switch into its moves whenever due to their high bulk. Say how Blissey can generate momentum with Teleport/put up Stealth Rock and Snorlax can set up. Mandibuzz and Slowking are also notable here

**Revenge Killers*: Naturally faster threats like both Urshifu forms, Choice Specs Spectrier, and Excadrill, priority-users like Mamoswine and Rillaboom, and Choice Scarf users like Dracovish or Heracross have no problem with dealing with Nidoking.

**Knock Off**
- Written by: [[Roxiee, 481576]]
- <Poison> analysis by: [[Roxiee, 481576]]
- Quality checked by: [[<Havens>, <391540>], [<username2>, <userid2>], [<username3>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
Would recommend rereading this to try and phrase things better. QC 2/3
- make the line about elec immunity and boltbeam into separate sentences

[set comments]
- in thunderbolt targets, articuno is a bad pokemon change or remove that example
- in ice beam targets i would clarify defensive zapdos, as nidoking loses to the newer specs zapdos variants
- remove conkeldurr from knock off users
- toxapex cant really check volcarona with haze since they commonly run psychic, also if its +1 wicked blow then pex hazes after the attack its getting 2hkod. also not a great haze example
- would just focus on scarf nihilego for nidokings teammates so it has immediate speed control
- only talk about specs gengar, scarf is such a bad set on gengar

[other options]
- remove calm mind, i have never heard of this before

[checks and counters]
- change the super effective priority moves to just Priority Attacks, it doesn't like dealing with any of them
- supereffective attacks bullet, don't talk about amoonguss support in checks & counters
- for the revenge killers bullet (you talk about priority here) which already has its own bullet move them there
- for revenge killers just focus on faster offensive pokemon like lele and choice scarf users that can beat it

QC 3/3
noob amcheck time add remove comment RH = remove hyphen AC = add comma AP = add period RC = remove comma AS = add space



Nidoking is one of the best wallbreakers available that Poison has to offer thanks to its powerful combination of Life Orb and Sheer Force. Its role as a wallbreaker is very important in the Steel matchup as its access to Earth Power and Flamethrower demolishes Steel-types after Heatran's Air Balloon is popped. Nidoking also offers Poison (Nidoking resists Poison-types but is immune to poisoning. If that's what you meant, replace "Poison" with "poisoning") an Electric (RH) immunity to prevent Volt Switch spam from Electric-types like Regieleki and Tapu Koko thanks to its Ground-typing. (RH) Its access to BoltBeam coverage allows Nidoking to apply more pressure on Flying-teams (RH) which is nice since Stealth Rock cannot pressure Flying much because of Heavy-Duty Boots. Nidoking has a wide range of coverage and amazing wallbreaking capabilities but is, (AC) however, (AC) slower than much faster threats like Excadrill, Cinderace, and Keldeo and weak to Water-, Ice-, and Ground-type moves like Scald, Ice Beam, and Earthquake. Because of these weaknesses and Nidoking's low Speed, Nidoking can only come in on certain passive walls or slower Pokemon like Galarian Weezing, Skarmory, and Toxapex.

name: Wallbreaker (Poison)
move 1: Earth Power
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Thunderbolt / Stealth Rock
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Life Orb
ability: Sheer Force
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Nidoking is a great wallbreaker thanks to Sheer Force and Life Orb, that offers offering a range of coverage moves like Earth Power, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam, while also compressing the role as an entry hazard setter if its running Stealth Rock. Its Ground-typing (RH) gives the team Electric-immunity and helps boost the power of Earth Power which damages Steel-, Electric-, Rock-, and Poison-types like Heatran, Tapu Koko, Rhyperior, and Toxapex. It appreciates Flamethrower for consistency to help with Steel-, Bug-, and Grass-types like Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Buzzwole, and Tapu Bulu whereas Fire Blast is nice for picking up more KOs against more bulkier Steel-types like Celesteela and Corviknight and Flamethrower being more reliable in terms of accuracy. Both Earth Power and Flamethrower are needed to deal with Steel's defensive cores: Aegislash, Heatran, and Celesteela, however, Thunderbolt or Ice Beam is needed to pop Heatran's Air Balloon. Thunderbolt is useful for hitting Water- and Flying-types like Mantine and Slowbro whereas Ice Beam helps with Ground-, Grass-, and Flying-types like Hippowdon, Appletun, and defensive Zapdos. Stealth Rock allows Nidoking to act as an entry hazard setter but the need for hazards in this generation (AC) as compared to previous generations, (AC) has denigrated because of Heavy-Duty Boots. Maximized Special Attack and Speed EVs allow Nidoking to have the best damage output while also speed tying with an opposing Nidoking and outpacing Diggersby and Togekiss. Nidoking does not appreciate having its item removed from Pokemon that run Knock Off like Mew and Drapion and instead should try weakening such threats before attempting to KO them.

Nidoking offers the entire team its Electric immunity, but Toxapex appreciates Nidokings Nidoking's ability to sponge Electric-type attacks more than other teammates due to its weakness to it. Toxapex's defensive bulk and Scald allow it to switch into physical attackers that threaten Nidoking like Dracovish and Cinderace while also shutting down setup sweepers like Weavile and Cloyster with Haze. Galarian Weezing provides Dragon immunity which is important to switch into a Draco Meteor or Dragon Darts that could potentially KO Nidoking while also having utilities like: using like Defog to get rid of entry hazards, spreading status through Will-O-Wisp and Toxic Spikes, and Pain Split for longevity. It also helps with Urshifu-S which can spam Wicked Blow if Galarian Weezing isn't on the team. Nidoking is weak to Psychic so adding a Psychic-immunity like (RH) Skuntank or Drapion helps with Pokemon like Latias, Alakazam, and Tapu Lele. The former has Defog and Sucker Punch to revenge kill Psychic- and Ghost-types like Blacephalon and Alolan Raichu, while the latter has useful utilities like Knock Off to remove Heavy-Duty Boosts to make Stealth Rocks more effective and Whirlwind to phase phaze setup sweepers like Jirachi and Spectrier. Amoonguss is the best check to Ground-type Pokemon, notably Mold Breaker Excadrill, considering it threatens everything with Earthquake including Nidoking. It also forms a Steel breaking an anti-Steel core with Nidoking as it has Spore to give Nidoking opportunities to come in while also forming a Regenerator core with Toxapex. (AP) and togetherTogether, they both help Nidoking deal with Ground-, Rock-, and Water-type Pokemon like Excadrill, Rhyperior, Terrakion, and Urshifu-R. Nihilego runs Choice Scarf to revenge kill Pokemon like Dragonite, Landorus-T, and VictiniandVictini and appreciates Nidoking's ability to threaten Steel-types it cannot properly deal with like Ferrothorn or Aegislash. It has nice coverage like Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, Power Gem, and Grass Knot which improves quite a few matchups like Flying, Dragon, Fire, and Ground. Gengar is an option over Nihilego and supports Drapion or Skuntank with dealing with Psychic- and Ghost-type Pokemon like Galarian Corsola and Slowbro with Shadow Ball while also dealing with fat bulky Pokemon like Toxapex and Aegislash with Choice Specs. Galarian Slowking's ability to sponge Psychic-type attacks that KOs KO (KO over KOs because a plural was used before in the same sentence.) Nidoking from Pokemon like Alolan Raichu and Latias are appreciated while also forming a triple Regenerator core with Toxapex and Amoonguss, (AC) making Poison harder to break.

Other Options
* Sludge Wave can be used to allow Nidoking to hit notably Clefable while otherwise even though it may be at risk of losing its item from Knock Off. (Quick question: does Clefable commonly run Knock Off?)

Checks and Counters

**Knock Off:** Nidoking does not appreciate its item being removed from Pokemon like Clefable and Tornadus-T as it weakens its ability to break through Pokemon.

**Priority Moves** Priority moves like Aqua Jet or Ice Shard from Pokemon like Crawdaunt, Azumarill, and Mamoswine can KO Nidoking if they are running a damage boosting item like Choice Band or Life Orb or after some prior chip damage.

**Super-Effective Attacks:** Fast Ground-type Pokemon like Landorus-T, Excadrill, and Garchomp threaten Nidoking out with Earthquake. They also fear switching into Nidoking since they are at risk of being hit by Ice Beam. Water-types like Keldeo, Urshifu-R, and Barraskewda can KO Nidoking with their Water-type STAB moves but does do not always appreciate switching in riskingto a Thunderbolt. Ice-types like Kyurem, Weavile, and Mamoswine can KO Nidoking with Ice-type moves bar Ice Shard after prior chip damage but yet again fear switching in due to being hit by a Earth Power or Flamethrower. (Another question: Ground-type moves are not super effective against Ice-types, right?)

**Specially-Defensive Pokemon**: Specially bulky Pokemon like Piloswine, Blissey, and Snorlax can sponge all of Nidoking's attacks. Piloswine can KO Nidoking with Earthquake and set up Stealth Rocks for chip damage while Blissey and Snorlax can recover their HP and switch into its moves whenever due to their high bulk. Blissey can set up (AS) Stealth RocksRock, recover its HP with Soft-Boiled, and generate momentum with Teleport while Snorlax can set up (AS) Curse and recover off damage with Rest. Slowking can also generate momentum with Teleport or do chip damage with Scald while Mandibuzz can remove its Life Orb with Knock Off and recover with Roost.

**Revenge Killers*: Naturally faster threats like both Urshifu forms, Tapu Lele, and Excadrill, and Choice Scarf users like Dracovish or Heracross have no problem with dealing with Nidoking.

- Written by: [[Roxiee, 481576]]
- <Poison> analysis by: [[Roxiee, 481576]]
- Quality checked by: [[<Havens>, <391540>], [<Decem>, <362454>], [<maroon>, <305839>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]

i probably missed some things but oh well. at least i tried. /shrug
Add/Fix Remove Comment
(AC): Add Comma



Nidoking is one of the best wallbreakers available that Poison has to offer thanks to its powerful combination of Life Orb and Sheer Force. Its role as a wallbreaker is very important in the Steel matchup, (AC) as its access to Earth Power and Earth Power + Flamethrower demolishes Steel teams after Heatran's Air Balloon is popped. Nidoking also offers Poison an Electric immunity (removed hyphen) to prevent Volt Switch spam from Electric-types like Regieleki and Tapu Koko thanks to its Ground-typing. Its access to BoltBeam coverage allows Nidoking to apply more pressure on Flying teams, (removed hyphen and added comma) which is nice, (AC)= since Stealth Rock cannot pressure Flying much because of how often it uses Heavy-Duty Boots. Nidoking has a wide range of coverage and amazing wallbreaking capabilities but is, (AC) however, (AC) slower than much many faster threats like Excadrill, Cinderace, and Keldeo and weak to Water-, Ice-, and Ground-type moves like Scald, Ice Beam, and Earthquake. Because of these weaknesses and Nidoking's low Speed, These flaws mean Nidoking can only come in on certain passive walls or slower Pokemon like Galarian Weezing, Skarmory, and Toxapex.

name: Wallbreaker (Poison)
move 1: Earth Power
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Thunderbolt / Stealth Rock
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Life Orb
ability: Sheer Force
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Nidoking is a great wallbreaker thanks to Sheer Force and Life Orb, that offers a range of coverage moves like Earth Power, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam, while also compressing the role as an entry hazard setter if its running Stealth Rock. Its Ground-typing gives the team Electric-immunity and helps boost the power Earth Power which Nidoking's powerful Earth Power damages Steel-, Electric-, Rock-, and Poison-types like Heatran, Tapu Koko, Rhyperior, and Toxapex. It appreciates Flamethrower for consistency to help with Steel-, Bug-, and Grass-types like Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Buzzwole, and Tapu Bulu, (AC) whereas Fire Blast is nice for picking up more KOs against more bulkier Steel-types like Celesteela and Corviknight and Flamethrower being more reliable in terms of accuracy. Both Earth Power and Flamethrower are needed to deal with Steel's defensive core members: Aegislash, Heatran, and Celesteela, however, but Thunderbolt or Ice Beam is needed to pop Heatran's Air Balloon. Thunderbolt is useful for hitting Water- and Flying-types like Mantine and Slowbro, (AC) whereas Ice Beam helps with Ground-, Grass-, and Flying-types like Hippowdon, Appletun, and defensive Zapdos. Stealth Rock allows Nidoking to act as an compress the role of entry hazard setter, (AC) but the presence of Heavy-Duty Boots reduces the need for hazards in this generation as compared to previous generations has denigrated because of Heavy-Duty Boots. Maximized Special Attack and Speed EVs allow Nidoking to have the best damage output while also speed tying with Speed tie an opposing Nidoking and outpace Diggersby and Togekiss. Nidoking does not appreciate having its item removed from by Pokemon that run Knock Off like Mew and Drapion, (AC) and it instead should try weakening such threats before attempting to KO them.

Nidoking offers the entire team its Electric immunity, but Toxapex appreciates Nidokings ability to sponge Electric-type attacks it more than other teammates due to its weakness to it Electric. Toxapex's defensive bulk and Scald allow it to switch into physical attackers that threaten Nidoking like Dracovish and Cinderace while also shutting down setup sweepers like Weavile and Cloyster with Haze. Galarian Weezing provides Dragon immunity, (AC) which is important to switch into a Draco Meteor or Dragon Darts that could potentially KO Nidoking, (AC) while also having utilities like (removed colon) using Defog to get rid of entry hazards, spreading status through Will-O-Wisp and Toxic Spikes to spread status, and Pain Split for longevity. It also helps with Urshifu-S, (AC) which can spam Wicked Blow if Galarian Weezing isn't on the team. Nidoking is weak to Psychic, (AC) so adding a Psychic-immunity Psychic-immune teammate like Skuntank or Drapion helps with Pokemon like Latias, Alakazam, and Tapu Lele. The former has Defog and Sucker Punch to revenge kill Psychic- and Ghost-types like Blacephalon and Alolan Raichu, while the latter has useful utilities like Knock Off to remove Heavy-Duty Boosts to make Stealth Rocks more effective and Whirlwind to phaze setup sweepers like Jirachi and Spectrier. Amoonguss is the best check to Ground-type Pokemon, notably Mold Breaker Excadrill, considering it threatens everything with Earthquake including Nidoking. It forms a Steel breaking core with Nidoking which threatens Nidoking and most of its teammates with Earthquake. Amoonguss also helps Nidoking break Steel teams, as it has Spore to give Nidoking opportunities to come in, (AC) while also forming a Regenerator core with Toxapex; (added semicolon) and together, (AC) they both help Nidoking deal with Ground-, Rock-, and Water-type Pokemon like Excadrill, Rhyperior, Terrakion, and Urshifu-R. Nihilego runs Choice Scarf to revenge kill Pokemon like Dragonite, Landorus-T, and Victini (added missing space) and appreciates Nidoking's ability to threaten Steel-types it cannot properly deal with, (AC) like Ferrothorn or and Aegislash. It has nice coverage moves like Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, Power Gem, and Grass Knot, (AC) which improves quite a few matchups like Flying, Dragon, Fire, and Ground. Gengar is an option over Nihilego and supports Drapion or Skuntank with in dealing with Psychic- and Ghost-type Pokemon like Galarian Corsola and Slowbro with Shadow Ball, (AC) while also dealing with fat and it also deals with bulky Pokemon like Toxapex and Aegislash with Choice Specs. Galarian Slowking's ability to sponge Psychic-type attacks that KOs Nidoking from Pokemon like Alolan Raichu and Latias are is appreciated, (AC) while also forming and it also forms a triple Regenerator core with Toxapex and Amoonguss, (AC) making Poison harder to break.

Other Options
* Sludge Wave can be used to allow Nidoking to hit notably Clefable while notably hit Clefable because, otherwise, it Nidoking may be at risk of losing its item from Knock Off.

Checks and Counters

Poison (added/moved colons for first three)
**Knock Off**: Nidoking does not appreciate its item being removed from Pokemon and it being weakened by Knock Off users like Clefable and Tornadus-T as it weakens its ability to break through Pokemon.

**Priority Moves**: Priority moves like Aqua Jet or and Ice Shard from Pokemon like Crawdaunt, Azumarill, and Mamoswine can KO Nidoking if they their users are running a damage-boosting (added hyphen) item like Choice Band or Life Orb, (AC) or after some prior chip damage.

**Super Effective (removed hyphen) Attacks**: Fast Ground-type Pokemon like Landorus-T, Excadrill, and Garchomp threaten Nidoking out with Earthquake. They also fear switching into Nidoking, (AC) though, since they are at risk of being hit by Ice Beam. Water-types like Keldeo, Urshifu-R, and Barraskewda can KO Nidoking with their Water-type STAB moves but does not always appreciate switching in risking a Thunderbolt. Ice-types like Kyurem, Weavile, and Mamoswine can KO Nidoking with Ice-type moves bar Ice Shard, (AC) after which requires prior chip damage. (added period. also, I assume that's right) but However, yet again, (AC) they fear switching in, (AC) due to being hit by a Earth Power or this time due to Earth Power and Flamethrower.

**Specially Defensive (removed hyphen) Pokemon**: Specially bulky Pokemon like Piloswine, Blissey, and Snorlax can sponge all of Nidoking's attacks. Piloswine can KO Nidoking with Earthquake and set Stealth Rocks for chip damage, while Blissey and Snorlax can recover from and switch into its moves whenever due to their high bulk. Blissey can setup Stealth Rocks set up Stealth Rock and generate momentum with Teleport, (AC) while Snorlax can set up (was "setup") Curse and recover off damage with Rest. Slowking can also generate momentum with Teleport or do deal chip damage with Scald, (AC) while Mandibuzz can remove its Nidoking's Life Orb with Knock Off and recover with Roost.

**Revenge Killers**: (added missing asterisk for second pair) Naturally faster threats like both Urshifu formes, Tapu Lele, and Excadrill, and Choice Scarf users like Dracovish or and Heracross, (AC) have no problem with dealing with Nidoking.

[CREDITS] (removed < >)
- Written by: [[Roxiee, 481576]]
- Poison analysis by: [[Roxiee, 481576]]
- Quality checked by: [[Havens, 391540], [Decem, 362454], [maroon, 305839]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [username2, userid2]]
Add // (AC): Add comma



Nidoking is one of the best wallbreakers that Poison has to offer thanks to its powerful combination of Life Orb and Sheer Force. Its role as a wallbreaker is very important in the Steel matchup, as Earth Power + Flamethrower demolishes Steel teams after Heatran's Air Balloon is has been popped. Nidoking also offers Poison an Electric immunity to prevent Volt Switch spam from Electric-types like Regieleki and Tapu Koko. Its access to BoltBeam coverage allows Nidoking to apply more pressure on Flying teams, which is nice, since Stealth Rock cannot pressure Flying much because of how often it uses Heavy-Duty Boots. Nidoking is, however, slower than many faster threats like Excadrill, Cinderace, and Keldeo and weak to Water-, Ice-, and Ground-type moves like Scald, Ice Beam, and Earthquake. These flaws mean Nidoking's low Speed, Nidoking can only come in on certain passive walls or slower Pokemon like Galarian Weezing, Skarmory, and Toxapex.

name: Wallbreaker (Poison)
move 1: Earth Power
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Thunderbolt / Stealth Rock
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Life Orb
ability: Sheer Force
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Nidoking's powerful Earth Power damages Steel-, Electric-, Rock-, and Poison-types like Heatran, Tapu Koko, Rhyperior, and Toxapex. It appreciates Flamethrower for consistency to help with Steel-, Bug-, and Grass-types like Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Buzzwole, and Tapu Bulu, whereas Fire Blast is nice for picking up more KOs against bulkier Steel-types like Celesteela and Corviknight. Both Earth Power and Flamethrower are needed to deal with Steel's defensive cores members: Aegislash, Heatran, and Celesteela, but, Thunderbolt or Ice Beam is needed to pop Heatran's Air Balloon. Thunderbolt is useful for hitting Water- and Flying-types like Mantine and Slowbro, whereas Ice Beam helps with Ground-, Grass-, and Flying-types like Hippowdon, Appletun, and defensive Zapdos. Stealth Rock allows Nidoking to compress the role of entry hazard setter, but the presence of Heavy-Duty Boots reduces the need for hazards. Maximized Speed EVs allow Nidoking to Speed tie an opposing Nidoking and outpace Diggersby and Togekiss. Nidoking does not appreciate having its item removed by Pokemon that run Knock Off like Mew and Drapion, and it instead should try weakening such threats before attempting to KO them.

Nidoking offers the entire team its Electric immunity, but Toxapex appreciates it more than other teammates due to its weakness to Electric. Toxapex's bulk and Scald allow it to switch into physical attackers that threaten Nidoking like Dracovish and Cinderace while also shutting down setup sweepers like Weavile and Cloyster with Haze. Galarian Weezing provides a Dragon immunity, which is important to switch into a Draco Meteor or Dragon Darts that could KO Nidoking, while also having utilities like Defog to get rid of entry hazards, Will-O-Wisp and Toxic Spikes to spread status, and Pain Split for longevity. It also helps with Urshifu-S, which can spam Wicked Blow if Galarian Weezing isn't on the team. Nidoking is weak to Psychic, so adding a Psychic-immune teammate like Skuntank or Drapion helps with Pokemon like Latias, Alakazam, and Tapu Lele. The former has Defog and Sucker Punch to revenge kill Psychic- and Ghost-types like Blacephalon and Alolan Raichu, while the latter has useful utilities like Knock Off to remove ,(AC) which removes Heavy-Duty Boots to make and makes changing this to avoid the structure X to remove X to make X, which is weird to read Stealth Rock more effective and Whirlwind to phaze setup sweepers like Jirachi and Spectrier. Amoonguss is the best check to Ground-type Pokemon, notably Mold Breaker Excadrill, which threatens Nidoking and most of its teammates with Earthquake. Amoonguss also helps break Steel teams, as it has Spore to give Nidoking opportunities to come in while also forming a Regenerator core with Toxapex; together, they help Nidoking deal with Ground-, Rock-, and Water-type Pokemon like Excadrill, Rhyperior, Terrakion, and Urshifu-R. Nihilego runs Choice Scarf to revenge kill Pokemon like Dragonite, Landorus-T, and Victini and appreciates Nidoking's ability to threaten Steel-types it cannot properly deal with, like Ferrothorn and Aegislash. It has nice coverage moves like Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, Power Gem, and Grass Knot, which improve quite a few matchups like Flying, Dragon, Fire, and Ground. Gengar is an option over Nihilego and supports Drapion or Skuntank in dealing with Psychic- and Ghost-type Pokemon like Galarian Corsola and Slowbro with Shadow Ball, and it also deals with bulky Pokemon like Toxapex and Aegislash. Galarian Slowking's ability to sponge Psychic-type attacks that KO Nidoking from Pokemon like Alolan Raichu and Latias is appreciated,(AC) and it forms a triple Regenerator core with Toxapex and Amoonguss, making Poison teams harder to break.

Other Options

Sludge Wave can be used to notably hit Clefable,(AC) because, otherwise, Nidoking may be at risk of losing its item from Knock Off.

Checks and Counters

**Knock Off**: Nidoking does not appreciate its item being removed and it being weakened by Knock Off users like Clefable and Tornadus-T.

**Priority Moves**: Priority moves like Aqua Jet and Ice Shard from Pokemon like Crawdaunt, Azumarill, and Mamoswine can KO Nidoking if their users are running a damage-boosting item like Choice Band or Life Orb, or after some prior chip damage.

**Super Effective Attacks**: Fast Ground-type Pokemon like Landorus-T, Excadrill, and Garchomp threaten Nidoking out with Earthquake. They also fear switching into Nidoking, though, since they are at risk of being hit by Ice Beam. Water-types like Keldeo, Urshifu-R, and Barraskewda can KO Nidoking with their Water-type STAB moves but do not always appreciate switching in risking a Thunderbolt. Ice-types like Kyurem, Weavile, and Mamoswine can KO Nidoking with Ice-type moves bar Ice Shard, which requires prior chip damage. However, yet again, they fear switching in, this time due to Earth Power or Flamethrower.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Specially bulky Pokemon like Piloswine, Blissey, and Snorlax can sponge all of Nidoking's attacks. Piloswine can KO Nidoking with Earthquake and set Stealth Rock for chip damage, while Blissey and Snorlax can recover from and switch into its moves whenever due to their high bulk. Blissey can set up Stealth Rock and generate momentum with Teleport, while Snorlax can set up Curse and recover off damage with Rest. Slowking can also generate momentum with Teleport or deal chip damage with Scald, while Mandibuzz can remove Nidoking's Life Orb with Knock Off and recover with Roost.

**Revenge Killers**: Naturally faster threats like both Urshifu formes, Tapu Lele, and Excadrill, and Choice Scarf users like Dracovish and Heracross have no problem with dealing with KOing Nidoking.

- Written by: [[Roxiee, 481576]]
- <Poison> analysis by: [[Roxiee, 481576]]
- Quality checked by: [[<Havens>, <391540>], [<Decem>, <362454>], [<maroon>, <305839>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<Finland>, <517429>], [<Bandkrook>, <301217>]]