National Dex Monotype Nidoking (Poison) [Done]


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name: Wallbreaker (Poison)
move 1: Earth Power
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Thunderbolt
move 4: Flamethrower / Stealth Rock
item: Life Orb
ability: Sheer Force
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

An amazing offensive typing, unparalleled coverage options, and access to Sheer Force in conjunction with Life Orb make Nidoking a premier offensive option on Poison-type teams. Earth Power is very strong and helps greatly in the Steel-, Electric-, and Poison-type matchups. Ice Beam aids greatly against Flying-, Dragon-, and Ground-type Pokemon such as Zapdos, Dragonite, and Hippowdon, respectively, while Thunderbolt helps against Water- and Flying-types such as Mantine and Celesteela. Thunderbolt in tandem with Ice Beam also gives Nidoking the renowned BoltBeam coverage, hitting every Flying-type Pokemon for super effective damage, thus making Nidoking a great asset in the Flying matchup, while also dealing at least neutral damage to every other Pokemon. Flamethrower rounds off the set and synergizes extremely well with Earth Power in the Steel matchup by dealing with threats like Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor. Stealth Rock may be opted for in lieu of Flamethrower on teams that appreciate Stealth Rock support; however Flamethrower is generally preferred. Sheer Force powers up all of Nidoking's moves while also removing any Life Orb recoil damage. Maximum Speed investment along with a Timid nature allows Nidoking to be as fast as possible, outspeeding key threats such as Heatran.

Nidoking appreciates Mega Venusaur and Toxapex as teammates, as the two form the defensive backbone of Poison-type teams, together being able to switch in against almost any attack. Mega Venusaur provides Nidoking a switch in against Water-type Pokemon such as Keldeo and Tapu Fini. It also comfortably deals with a majority of Ground-type Pokemon such as Hippowdon and Gastrodon. Toxapex, on the other hand, provides Nidoking with an Ice- and Water-type switch-in while also providing Toxic Spikes support, while Nidoking in return provides an Electric immunity. Alolan Muk and Drapion provide the team with much needed Psychic-type immunity thanks to their secondary Dark typing. They can also Pursuit trap threats like Latios, Latias, and Alolan Raichu. Drapion can also provide Toxic Spikes support, and Alolan Muk is able to take advantage of Nidoking's wallbreaking to sweep late-game with its Curse set. Galarian Weezing synergizes well on Poison-type teams, as it provides reliable entry hazard control thanks to Defog and acts as a good defensive pivot immune to Ground thanks to Levitate. Its secondary Fairy typing provides a Dragon immunity, allowing it to comfortably deal with threats like Dragonite. Crobat is another great option as a Defog user with access to Taunt, U-turn, and a great Speed tier, which allows it to deal with threats like Mega Gallade and Galarian Zapdos. Choice Scarf Nihilego handles fast threats and provides Stealth Rock support, and helps greatly in the Ice and Fire matchups by dealing with threats like Alolan Ninetales and Volcarona with ease. Gengar can be a reliable wallbreaker teammate with Choice Specs or Nasty Plot, helping greatly against Psychic- and Ghost-types like Mew and Galarian Corsola. Last but not least, Galarian Slowking acts as a great specially defensive switch-in against common threats to Nidoking, like Choice Specs Kyurem, while also providing the team with a secondary switch-in against Psychic-type attacks.

Other Options

Nidoking can opt for Fire Blast over Flamethrower for the increased power, notably always OHKOing Tapu Bulu and 2HKOing specially defensive Celesteela. However, Flamethrower is generally preferred due to its increased accuracy. Substitute can be used over Thunderbolt or Flamethrower, easing predictions in the Flying and Steel matchups. However, the lack of Thunderbolt or Flamethrower allows threats like Mantine or Ferrothorn to take advantage of Nidoking, respectively. 36 Attack EVs along with a Naive nature can be used so Nidoking can 2HKO Blissey with Superpower in the Normal matchup.

Checks and Counters

**Revenge Killers**: Faster threats like Keldeo and Victini and priority users such as Aqua Jet Azumarill and Ice Shard Mamoswine can easily deal with Nidoking due to its subpar defensive stats.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Specially defensive walls like Mew, Blissey, and Gastrodon can easily switch in against any of Nidoking's attacks, and Mew can cripple it with Knock Off, while the latter two can deal sizable damage to it.

**Ground-types**: Ground-type Pokemon like Excadrill and Landorus can easily outspeed and OHKO Nidoking with their Ground-type STAB options, while defensive Ground-types such as Hippowdon and Gastrodon can withstand a hit and retaliate with Earthquake.

**Ice-types**: Faster Ice-type threats like Weavile and Kyurem have little to no trouble dealing with Nidoking with their super effective Ice-type STAB moves, while other Ice-types like Mamoswine can KO Nidoking with Ice Shard after chip damage.

**Psychic-types**: Psychic-type threats like Latios, Mega Gallade, and Tapu Lele can outspeed and OHKO Nidoking with their super effective Psychic-type STAB moves.

**Water-types**: Defensive Water-type Pokemon like Mega Swampert and Gastrodon can take multiple hits and threaten to KO Nidoking with Earthquake, while offensive Water-type threats like Keldeo and Greninja outspeed and easily deal with Nidoking, although they need to be wary of Earth Power and Thunderbolt.

- Written by: [[Maple, 473171]]
- Quality checked by: [[Mateeus, 321991], [maroon, 305839]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]
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name: Wallbreaker (Poison)
move 1: Earth Power
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Thunderbolt (minor, but IB has higher priority than tbolt; it is the more relevant move out of the duo)
move 4: Flamethrower / Stealth Rock
item: Life Orb
ability: Sheer Force
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

An amazing offensive typing, unparalleled coverage options, and access to Sheer Force in conjunction with Life Orb makes Nidoking a premier offensive option on Poison-type teams. Earth Power acts as Nidoking's main STAB option, helping greatly in the Steel-, Electric- and Poison-type matchups. Ice Beam aids greatly against Flying-, Dragon- and Ground-type Pokemon such as Landorus, Dragonite, and Hippowdon, while Thunderbolt helps against Water- and other Flying-types such as Mantine and Celesteela (reordered to fit the new move order; feel free to reword this as you like). Thunderbolt in tandem with Ice Beam also gives Nidoking access to the renowned BoltBeam coverage, hitting every Flying-type Pokemon for super effective damage, thus making Nidoking a great asset in the Flying matchup. Flamethrower rounds off the set and synergizes extremely well with Earth Power in the Steel (removed the -type) matchup by dealing with threats like Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor. Stealth Rock may be opted for in lieu of Flamethrower on teams that appreciate Stealth Rock support; however, Flamethrower is generally preferred. Sheer Force increases damage output on all of Nidoking's moves while also removing any Life Orb recoil damage. Maximum Speed investment along with a Timid nature allows Nidoking to be as fast as possible, outspeeding key threats such as Heatran and Gliscor while maximum Special Attack investment ensures Nidoking hits as hard as possible.

Nidoking appreciates Mega Venusaur and Toxapex as teammates as they form the backbone of the defensive core on Poison-type teams, together being able to switch in against almost any attack. Mega Venusaur provides Nidoking a switch in against Water-type Pokemon such as Keldeo and Tapu Fini. Mega Venusaur also comfortably deals with a majority of Ground-type Pokemon such as Hippowdon and Gastrodon. Toxapex on the other hand provides Nidoking with an Ice- and Water-type switch in while also providing Toxic Spikes support while Nidoking in return acts as a reliable Electric-type immunity. Alolan Muk and Drapion act as great teammates as they provide the team with a much needed Psychic-type immunity thanks to their secondary Dark typing. They can also Pursuit trap threats like Latios, Latias and Alolan Raichu. Drapion can also provide Toxic Spikes support, and Alolan Muk is able to take advantage of Nidoking's wallbreaking to sweep late-game with its Curse set. Galarian Weezing synergizes well on Poison-type teams as it provides reliable hazard control thanks to Defog and acts as a good defensive pivot and a Ground-type immunity thanks to Levitate (definitely add Crobat in this section as a Ground immunity that can remove entry hazards; on its particular description, you can mention its superior speed, access to Taunt, and STAB Brave Bird that deals with Mega Gallade and G-Zapdos). It's secondary Fairy-typing provides a Dragon-type immunity, allowing it to comfortably deal with threats like Dragonite without much trouble. Choice Scarf Nihilego acts as a great teammate, being able to act as a form of speed control, provide Stealth Rock support, and help greatly in the Ice and Fire (again, removed the hyphens when talking about matchups) matchups by dealing with threats like Alolan Ninetales and Volcarona with ease (removed the Flying part because Nidoking already excels there, and it cannot do much there anyway because of steela/the grounds). Gengar can be a reliable wallbreaker teammate option with Choice Specs or Nasty Plot, helping greatly against Psychic- and Ghost-types like Mew and Galarian Corsola. Last but not least, Galarian Slowking also pairs up well on Poison-type teams as it acts as a great specially defensive switch-in against common threats to Nidoking like Choice Specs Kyurem while also providing the team with a secondary switch-in against Psychic-type attacks.

(More of a GPish note, but do be wary of structure repetitions; you have "act(s) as" a lot when describing Nidoking's good teammates)

Other Options

Fire Blast can be opted for over Flamethrower for the increased power, notably always OHKOing Tapu Bulu and 2HKOing specially defensive Celesteela. However, Flamethrower is generally preferred as it is a more reliable option due to its increased accuracy. (Mention Substitute as an option over either Thunderbolt or Flamethrower that allows it to ease predictions against Flying and Steel, respectively, but do talk about its drawbacks)

Checks and Counters

**Revenge Killers**: Faster threats like Keldeo and Victini and priority users such as Aqua Jet Azumarill and Ice Shard Mamoswine can easily deal with Nidoking due to its subpar defensive stats.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Specially defensive walls like Mew, Blissey, and Gastrodon can easily switch in against any of Nidoking's attacks and Mew can cripple it with Knock Off while the latter two can deal sizable damage to (neither Blissey nor Gastrodon OHKO) it.

**Ground-types**: Ground-type Pokemon like Excadrill and Landorus can easily outspeed and OHKO Nidoking with their Ground-type STAB options while defensive Pokemon such as Hippowdon and Gastrodon can live a hit and retaliate with Earthquake.

**Ice-types**: Faster Ice-type threats like Weavile and Kyurem have little to no trouble dealing with Nidoking with their super effective Ice-type STAB moves while other Ice-types like Mamoswine can KO Nidoking with Ice Shard, after chip damage.

**Psychic-types**: Psychic-type threats like Latios, Mega Gallade and Tapu Lele can outspeed and OHKO Nidoking with their super effective Psychic-type STAB moves.

**Water-types**: Defensive Water-type Pokemon like Mega Swampert and Gastrodon can live multiple hits and threaten to KO Nidoking with Earthquake while offensive Water-type threats like Keldeo and Greninja outspeed and easily deal with Nidoking, although they need to be wary of Earth Power or Thunderbolt.

- Written by: [[Maple, 473171]]
- Quality checked by: [[Mateeus, 321991], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
QC 1/2! :staravia: To easily apply the QC, just c/p and adjust the formatting accordingly.
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[set comments]
- if you wanna use landorus as an ice beam target make sure to mention defensive landot or on predicted switch. if not then u just take an eq and get bopped
- boltbeam actually hits every pokemon for neutral damage as well, making it harder to wall

[other options]
- add superpower and make the nature naive: target being boots blissey. 36 attack evs guareentees a 2hko on blissey with superpower. this is optional but definitely can help in the normal mu.
36 Atk Life Orb Nidoking Superpower over 2 turns vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 715-845 (100.1 - 118.3%) -- guaranteed KO in 2 turns

QC 2/2
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(AC)/(RC): Add/Remove Comma

name: Wallbreaker (Poison)
move 1: Earth Power
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Thunderbolt
move 4: Flamethrower / Stealth Rock
item: Life Orb
ability: Sheer Force
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

An amazing offensive typing, unparalleled coverage options, and access to Sheer Force in conjunction with Life Orb makes Nidoking a premier offensive option on Poison-type teams. Earth Power acts as Nidoking's main STAB option, helping is very strong and helps greatly in the Steel-, Electric-, (AC) and Poison-type matchups. Ice Beam aids greatly against Flying-, Dragon-, (AC) and Ground-type Pokemon such as Zapdos, Dragonite, (AC) and Hippowdon, respectively, (AC) while Thunderbolt helps against Water- and Flying-types such as Mantine and Celesteela. Thunderbolt in tandem with Ice Beam also gives Nidoking access to the renowned BoltBeam coverage, hitting every Flying-type Pokemon for super effective damage, thus making Nidoking a great asset in the Flying matchup, (AC) while also dealing at least neutral damage to every other Pokemon. Flamethrower rounds off the set and synergizes extremely well with Earth Power in the Steel matchup by dealing with threats like Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor. Stealth Rock may be (was "maybe") opted for in lieu of Flamethrower (RC) on teams that appreciate Stealth Rock support; (comma -> semicolon) however, (AC) Flamethrower is generally preferred more. Sheer Force increases damage output on powers up all of Nidoking's moves while also removing any Life Orb recoil damage. Maximum Speed investment along with a Timid nature allows Nidoking to be as fast as possible, outspeeding key threats such as Heatran while maximum Special Attack investment ensures Nidoking hits as hard as possible.

Nidoking appreciates Mega Venusaur and Toxapex as teammates, (AC) as they the two form the defensive backbone of the defensive core on Poison-type teams, together being able to switch in against almost any attack. Mega Venusaur provides Nidoking a switch in against Water-type Pokemon such as Keldeo and Tapu Fini. Mega Venusaur It also comfortably deals with a majority of Ground-type Pokemon such as Hippowdon and Gastrodon. Toxapex, (AC) on the other hand, (AC) provides Nidoking with an Ice- and Water-type switch-in (added hyphen) while also providing Toxic Spikes support, (AC) while Nidoking in return acts as a reliable Electric-type provides an Electric immunity. Alolan Muk and Drapion act as great teammates as they provide the team with a much needed Psychic-type immunity thanks to their secondary Dark typing. They can also Pursuit trap threats like Latios, Latias, (AC) and Alolan Raichu. Drapion can also provide Toxic Spikes support, and Alolan Muk is able to take advantage of Nidoking's wallbreaking to sweep late-game with its Curse set. Galarian Weezing synergizes well on Poison-type teams, (AC) as it provides reliable entry hazard control thanks to Defog and acts as a good defensive pivot and a Ground-type immunity immune to Ground thanks to Levitate. Its (removed apostrophe) secondary Fairy typing (removed hyphen) provides a Dragon-type immunity, allowing it to comfortably deal with threats like Dragonite without much trouble. Crobat is another great option as a Defog. Defog user with access to Taunt, U-turn, (AC) and a great Speed tier, (AC) which allows it to deal with threats like Mega Gallade and Galarian Zapdos makes it a great Defogger. Choice Scarf Nihilego acts as a great teammate, being able to act as a form of speed control and handles fast threats, provides Stealth Rock support, (AC) and helps greatly in the Ice and Fire matchups by dealing with threats like Alolan Ninetales and and Volcarona with ease. Gengar can be a reliable wallbreaker teammate option with Choice Specs or Nasty Plot, helping greatly against Psychic- and Ghost-types like Mew and Galarian Corsola. Last but not least, Galarian Slowking also pairs up well on Poison-type teams as it acts as a great specially defensive switch-in against common threats to Nidoking, (AC) like Choice Specs Kyurem, (AC) while also providing the team with a secondary switch-in against Psychic-type attacks.

Other Options

Fire Blast can be opted for Nidoking can opt for Fire Blast over Flamethrower for the increased power, notably always OHKOing Tapu Bulu and 2HKOing specially defensive Celesteela. However, Flamethrower is generally preferred as it is a more reliable option due to its increased accuracy. Substitute can be used over Thunderbolt or Flamethrower, easing predictions in the Flying and Steel matchups. However, (AC) the lack of Thunderbolt or Flamethrower allows threats like Mantine or Ferrothorn to take advantage of it Nidoking, respectively. 36 Attack EVs along with a Naive nature can be used so Nidoking can 2HKO Blissey with Superpower in the Normal matchup.

Checks and Counters
=================== (removed extra blank line under)

**Revenge Killers**: Faster threats like Keldeo and Victini and priority users such as Aqua Jet Azumarill and Ice Shard Mamoswine can easily deal with Nidoking due to its subpar defensive stats.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Specially defensive walls like Mew, Blissey, and Gastrodon can easily switch in against any of Nidoking's attacks, (AC) and Mew can cripple it with Knock Off, (AC) while the latter two can deal sizable damage to it.

**Ground-types**: Ground-type Pokemon like Excadrill and Landorus can easily outspeed and OHKO Nidoking with their Ground-type STAB options, (AC) while defensive Pokemon Ground-types such as Hippowdon and Gastrodon can live withstand a hit and retaliate with Earthquake.

**Ice-types**: Faster Ice-type threats like Weavile and Kyurem have little to no trouble dealing with Nidoking with their super effective Ice-type STAB moves, (AC) while other Ice-types like Mamoswine can KO Nidoking with Ice Shard (RC) after chip damage.

**Psychic-types**: Psychic-type threats like Latios, Mega Gallade, (removed hyphen and added comma) and Tapu Lele can outspeed and OHKO Nidoking with their super effective Psychic-type STAB moves.

**Water-types**: Defensive Water-type Pokemon like Mega Swampert and Gastrodon can live take multiple hits and threaten to KO Nidoking with Earthquake, (AC) while offensive Water-type threats like Keldeo and Greninja outspeed and easily deal with Nidoking, although they need to be wary of Earth Power and Thunderbolt.

- Written by: [[Maple, 473171]]
- Quality checked by: [[Mateeus, 321991], [maroon, 305839]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]