First of all, thanks to
beauts for helping with the sheet and to the managers:
beauts again,
Career Ended, and
King Leo V for voting the PRs. You guys are great!
Every team ranked all the other 5 teams on all 4 gens being played in the tournament from 1 to 5, with 1 being the strongest in their opinion and 5 the weakest. We just averaged the results and followed a formula of 3x SS + 1x every old gen and the results are as follow. Without further ado,
6. Dreary Drifloons
(4.75 SS (6th), 2.5 SM (3rd), 4.5 BW (6th), 3 DPP (4th), 24.25 Total)
Dreary Drifloons are really a bit dreary for the results they got. The team managed by beauts and Career Ended. With a 4.75 in SS they occupy the last spot for the current generation. Beauts as SS NFE council and really experienced in OMs can for sure do great and give some experience to the other players which are qutie new to the tier: potatochan and AM. Both of them can do fine if htey get used to the tier as soon as possible though. Fraise, who played NFE in OMFL, and other players can give support to the team and I can see them playing. For the golden old generation as it is SM, they occupy third position with a 2.5 score (they even have 1 vote with a score of 1). Sasha seems to be a consistent tour player that will be able to pull through some games using Miyami's, Cheryl's, and Simbo's teams. It seems that this team has plenty of support for this old gen and might be a surprise. In the blackey and whitey generation, Drifloons occupy
5 position with a score of 4.5 with jay as a player and a new face with a lot of support that are old faces but not main BW NFE. Finally, DPP shines a bit with a score of 3 and Beraldinho as the main player. Beraldinho is quite new in NFEPL but quite experienced in DPP in several tiers and PLs. With Beauts' help who supported shiloh last NFEPL, I am pretty sure that they will bring some good matches.
5. The Lampent Legion
(4 SS (5th), 5 SM (6th), 3.4 BW (4th), 2.8 DPP (4th), 23.2 Total)
The Lampent Legion is lead by their strongest SS player as well, Lepton. They are a SS NFE council member that has a lot of experience in NFEPLs. Moreover, they have become more and more established in several OM tours. Dragonillis is also quite experienced in NFEPLs with some positive runs since last generation. Finally, Milo is the last contender that can do fine with some support for the former players. Some players such as 5Dots, who played NFE in OMFL, can be expected to give some good support. Sun and Moon generation has WMAR as a player who received 5/5 votes with score of 5. WMAR is an old face that has been recently playing SS NFE in OMFL but needs to finally burst out as a tour player. Dragonillis' support is expected to be important in SM NFE. BW NFE has innovamania as the main player which is known for playing several old gen tiers (mainy from DPP to ORAS). Moreover, innovamania might be receiving some help from experienced players in the tier such as WMAR and other old faces too such as lepton and Toy Time King. Finally, DPP NFE also shines a bit like a diamond with Toy Time King as a player who always plays consistently in NFEPLs and ensure some wins.
4. Cursed Corsolas
(2.25 SS (3rd), 3 SM (4th), 1.5 BW (1st-2nd), 5 DPP (6th), 16.25 Total)
Fourth position is for Cursed Corsolas lead by King Leo V. For current generation they have the seasonals winner, NFE tier leader, and SS NFE council member Ho3n who is the main SStar. Their teams are offensive and a bit weird sometimes but they work. As many people say, Ho3n can go quite negative or quite positive but will be always someone to be taken into account. He also played NFE last OMPL. PandaDoux has been a consistent player in SS NFE lately that with proper support can be a good adding to any team. Finally, POAT is also having good success lately in distinct teamtours and seem to be someone that shines when unexpected. King Leo V can also support as he is knowledgeable of the tier and has played NFE in last OMPL like Ho3n. For SM NFE, Corsolas have Elgino playing. Elgino is a tour player with a lot of experience in Rand bats. With King Leo V, S1nn0hC0nfirm3d, and BP support I am pretty sure they can bring some heat into the tour. In BW NFE we have a tie for the first spot between Gurdurrs and Corsolas with 1.5 points each of them. King Leo V seems to be leading this old gen although they might be switching after first weeks. Leo’s aggressive styles will be quite valuable in BW and will contrast with the consistency of Spacial’s teams. Both players are super-experienced in NFEPLs and they will surely be bringing some heat in this gen. Finally, DPP NFE player is So Noisy who is a tour player but with no experience in NFE and DPP. However, Fantos13 and other old faces in the team can help them to get used to the tier as soon as possible and can be overcome this issue quite fast.
3. Gigachad Gurdurrs
(3.75 SS (4th), 1.75 SM (2nd), 1.5 BW (1st-2nd), 1 DPP (1st), 15.5 Total)
Gigachad Gurdurrs lead by Spacial are one of the big three teams. Current generation is the worst one for them although they have some faces that are in the rise and motivated such as Ojr which had a good run in last OMPL playing NFE and reaching finals. It is expected to be the one leading SS NFE here. Givra is someone that already has played NFE for a while and is prepared to take the stage. Finally, pannuracotta isnt super experienced in NFE but is a tourplayer that can adapt with enough support and bring some wins. Players such as Reece and Abriel can give good support. For SM NFE we have one of the strongest players in the pool that is Ninjadog which has some rivalry with Quaggs and has been playing SM NFE in several NFEPLs. For BW NFE, we have a tie for first position between Gurdurrs and Corsolas with 1.5 points each of them. Spacial will be playing for Gurdurrs with probably some small support of old faces such as shiloh and ninjadog. Leo’s aggressive styles will be quite valuable in BW and will contrast with the consistency of Spacial’s teams. Both players are super-experienced in NFEPLs and they will surely be bringing some heat in this gen. DPP NFE is atrociously dominated by Gurdurrs with shiloh as the player and 1 as score (4/4 votes with 1 score), which underwent undefeated last NFEPL. Do they need support? Not that much, but as far as I know shiloh loves testing and for this they will have some players such as Spacial that can be supportive. But last year many different supporters were in the Hatt team and this difference might be important for this current NFEPL.
2. Deez Nuzleaf
(2 SS (2nd), 1.25 SM (1st), 4.75 BW (6th), 2.25 DPP (2nd), 14.25 Total)
Deez Nuzleaf leady by Quagg and 85percent are another team of the big three. Their current generation is really good with The Strap (The Strap), TheFrankling, and Arcticbreeze. None of them need any presentation and are old faces for NFEPLs. The Strap is an old SS NFE council and has some positive runs in the previous years. TheFranklin isn't new in NFEPL but his success in several PLs and tours has been recent. Now, considered a tour player, he is someone to be scared of when playing against. Arcticbreeze is a knowledgeable face in NFE for a long time but last year had a negative run in Bo3. However, this year has come to fix it no matter what. In the golden and favourite NFE old gen, there is practically an unanimous decision about who leads the PR. With 3/4 votes scoring 1, Nuzleafs with Quagg as the main player are considered the best team for SM. They not only have Quagg, but also 85percent for support role. This combination seems to be quite overwhelming. Beyond this, ArcticBreeze which is playing SS also has a ton of experience in SM being able to help if needed (but I do not think will be needed). BW NFE is the spot in which Nuzleafs do not shine. Pinorska, which is a new face in several tours (playing BW in ZUPL too), will have the help from ArcticBreeze and CrazyStevy which have played BW NFE in the past. Nuzleafs occupy second position for DPP NFE with HSOWA as the main player. HSOWA also shone last NFEPL but didn’t go undefeated like shiloh. However, the star yu-gi-oh player will be doing great with the help of DPP players such as neomon and maybe The Strap.
1. Bayern Munchlax
(1 SS (1st), 4 SM (5th), 2.25 BW (3rd), 4 DPP (5th), 11.25 Total)
Bayern Munchlax managed by Mirbro and Oranberryblissey10 are the last team of the big three. Their current generation is the highest ranked inter- and intrateam. They had an unanimous 1 scoring with players such as Dr PhD BJ, Jordy, and Stareal. The two former have had recent success in individual SS NFE tours while the latter had a positive run in OMPL with its team winning the whole tour. Support comes from both managers Mirbro and Oranberryblissey10 and also from Megatyler30. In OMPL, both Mirbro and Oranberryblissey10 supported their teams bringing one of them to semifinals with a 7-1 in SS NFE and the other one to win the tour. For SM NFE, Munchlax have Descending as the main player receiving 4/4 votes with scores of 4. Descending seems to be a new player that needs to show off but with some experience in old gens in other tiers. Munchlax team will be having Mirbro’s support. For BW NFE, we have the penguinish Snorlax Gorex which is not new in a NFEPL but quite new in BW old gen. Its vast experience in teamtours and support from Oranberryblissey10 and Mirbro will be good for consistency in a tier with not a lot of players. Finally, the shining and hard old gen has OBB10 who also supported shiloh in last NFEPL and has some experience in DPP NFE. Nevertheless, their main experience in NFEPLs is in SS and this might be important for, at least, first weeks. However, Ara, who is experienced in other DPP tiers, will be helping them.
In general, it seems like Bayern Munchlax (11.25) and Deez Nuzleaf (14.25) are leading the PRs with Munchlaxes shining in SS and BW while Nuzleafs mainly in SM and DPP although their SS is the second best one. Gigachad Gurdurr are following them quite close (15.5) having an amazing old gen pool as the best team for DPP, tied for BW, and the second best in SM. However, their SS is quite frail. Cursed Corsola are fourth (16.25) with a good BW and consistent SS players but they are frail in SM and DPP. The Legion Lampent 23.2) and Dreary Drifloon (24.25) are in the bottom with no tiers standing out although Lampents have a good DPP and Drifloon a good SM.
Thanks for reading! I hope everyone has a fun NFEPL!