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NFE NFE Resources

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amazing art by brzozod526

Welcome to the NFE Resources thread. This thread is solely for the discussion of the resources listed. Any general NFE discussion should be discussed in the NFE Metagame Thread.

- Viability Rankings led by Jett
- Role Compendium led by Marjane
- Set Compendium led Marjane
- Speed Tiers led by uhuhuhu7

Metagame Thread
Sample Teams
Old Gens Hub lead by SBPC

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NFE Viability Rankings

These are the Viability Rankings for the NFE tier. Pokemon are ranked based on their positive and/or negative traits, including their splashability, effect on the metagame, and reliability, as well as numerous other factors. All Pokemon for now are ranked by alphabetical order. If you'd like to see a Pokemon change rank, please leave a constructive post here detailing the rank you'd like to see the Pokemon moved to, and provide evidence to support your reasoning. Most importantly, if you wish to nominate an unranked Pokemon to be ranked, replays are required.

Reserved for absolutely meta defining Pokemon.


:Kadabra: Kadabra
:Machoke: Machoke
:Raboot: Raboot

Reserved for Pokemon that do great in the current meta, and otherwise need little to no support to function, or ones that provide a tremendous amount of support.


:Corsola-Galar: Corsola-Galar
:Hattrem: Hattrem
:Piloswine: Piloswine
:Tangela: Tangela
:Thwackey: Thwackey


:Klang: Klang
:Ferroseed: Ferroseed
:Mareanie: Mareanie
:Vullaby: Vullaby
:Wartortle: Wartortle


:Clefairy: Clefairy
:Duosion: Duosion
:Lampent: Lampent
:Roselia: Roselia

Reserved for Pokemon that work well in the meta or can provide valuable niches, but otherwise have large competition or flaws that make them not as viable as A-Rank Pokemon.


:Charjabug: Charjabug
:Fraxure: Fraxure
:Linoone-Galar: Linoone-Galar
:Morgrem: Morgrem


:Dartrix: Dartrix
:Fletchinder: Fletchinder
:Gastly: Gastly
:Koffing: Koffing
:Mienfoo: Mienfoo
:Palpitoad: Palpitoad


:Drakloak: Drakloak
:Hakamo-o: Hakamo-o
:Porygon: Porygon
:Seadra: Seadra
:Slowpoke: Slowpoke
:Togetic: Togetic
:Torracat: Torracat

Reserved for Pokemon that have a notable niche, but are generally outclassed or have major flaws that hold them back.


:Abra: Abra
:Brionne: Brionne
:Carkol: Carkol
:Dusclops: Dusclops
:Dwebble: Dwebble
:Gloom: Gloom
:Krokorok: Krokorok
:Lickitung: Lickitung
:zweilous: Zweilous


:Charmeleon: Charmeleon
:Hippopotas: Hippopotas
:Munchlax: Munchlax
:natu: Natu
:Vulpix: Vulpix


:Drilbur: Drilbur
:Farfetch'd-Galar: Farfetch'd-Galar
:Mudbray: Mudbray
:sandshrew-alola: Sandshrew-Alola
:Shellos: Shellos
:Stunky: Stunky
:vulpix-alola: Vulpix-Alola
:Whirlipede: Whirlipede
:woobat: Woobat
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NFE Role Compendium

This is the Role Compendium for the NFE tier. Each Pokemon that is here is viable in the NFE metagame, and as such, it will change as the viability rankings get updated. Feel free to discuss below whether a Pokemon should be added to or removed from a certain role; however, please refrain from discussing the order of a given subsection unless something is completely off. The order of which Pokemon are listed in each subsection is based on the Viability Rankings. Pokemon have been organised into five separate sections:

Section 1: Utility
Section 2: Offensive Roles
Section 3: Support Roles
Section 4: Type Checks
Section 5: Weather

- Section 1: Utility

Entry Hazards and Support:
  • Stealth Rock :Corsola-Galar::Piloswine::Clefairy::Ferroseed::Carkol::Palpitoad::Drilbur::Dwebble::krokorok::Hippopotas::mudbray:
  • Spikes :Roselia::Ferroseed::Carkol::Whirlipede::dwebble:
  • Toxic Spikes :Roselia::Mareanie::Koffing::Whirlipede:
  • Sticky Web :Charjabug:
  • Rapid Spin :Wartortle::Carkol::Drilbur::sandshrew-alola:
  • Defog :Vullaby::Dartrix::Togetic::fletchinder:
    Galarian Form
  • Magic Bounce :Hattrem:
  • Memento: :shellos::vulpix::dusclops:
  • Screens: :morgrem: :vulpix-alola:(aurora veil)

- Section 2: Offensive Roles


  • Physical:Machoke: :Klang::piloswine::thwackey: :raboot::Linoone-Galar::Dartrix::fraxure: :hakamo-o::fletchinder: :Drakloak::dusclops::Torracat:
    Galarian Form
    :mienfoo: :mudbray:
  • Special :kadabra::klang::hattrem::roselia::tangela::clefairy::lampent::vullaby::wartortle::brionne::morgrem::duosion::gastly::palpitoad::togetic::charmeleon::gloom::porygon::abra::drakloak::torracat::seadra:
  • Taunt-Based:thwackey: :raboot::Linoone-Galar::vullaby::Morgrem::fraxure: :hakamo-o: :fletchinder: :dusclops: :krokorok::Torracat:
  • Setup-Based:machoke: :klang::thwackey: :raboot::Hattrem::Clefairy::lampent: :Morgrem::Duosion: :togetic: :hakamo-o: :Munchlax::sliggoo:

Choice Item Users:
  • Choice Band:Piloswine: :thwackey::Raboot::Linoone-Galar::Fraxure:
    Galarian Form
  • Choice Scarf :Thwackey::Raboot::Lampent::Linoone-Galar: :Brionne: :Fraxure::gastly: :Charmeleon::Drilbur:
    Galarian Form
    :krokorok: :Torracat::seadra:
  • Choice Specs :Klang::Hattrem::Roselia::Lampent::Brionne: :gastly: :porygon: :Drakloak::torracat:
Item Removers:
  • Offensive :kadabra::machoke::thwackey::pikachu::tangela::linoone-galar::dartrix::gastly::dwebble::krokorok: :mienfoo:
  • Defensive :tangela::clefairy::ferroseed::mareanie::vullaby::dartrix::dwebble::lickitung::sandshrew-alola:
Setup Sweepers:
  • Bulk Up :Machoke::Raboot::Hakamo-o::mienfoo::Torracat:
  • Curse :Piloswine::Clefairy::Ferroseed::Wartortle::Dartrix::Shellos::Gloom::Munchlax::Sliggoo::Hippopotas::lickitung:
  • Dragon Dance :Fraxure::Hakamo-o:
  • Scale Shot :fraxure::hakamo-o::seadra:
  • Swords Dance :Thwackey::Fraxure: :Dartrix::Hakamo-o::fletchinder::Drilbur:
    Galarian Form
  • Calm Mind :Corsola-Galar::Hattrem::Clefairy::Lampent::Duosion::Dusclops:
  • Nasty Plot :Morgrem::Vullaby::Togetic:
  • Growth :tangela::roselia::gloom:
  • Agility :raboot::fletchinder::seadra:
  • Flame Charge :Raboot::Lampent::fletchinder::Torracat:
  • Shell Smash :Wartortle::dwebble:
  • Acid Armor / Iron Defense :lampent::duosion: :shellos::sliggoo: / :corsola-galar::klang::mareanie: :carkol:
  • Amnesia :corsola-galar: :shellos:
  • Other :Klang: (Shift Gear) :mudbray: (Stamina) :seadra: (Focus Energy) :dusclops: (Power-Up Punch) :charmeleon::munchlax:(Belly Drum)
Priority Attack Users:
  • Bullet Punch:Machoke:
  • First Impression :Fraxure:
  • Ice Shard :Piloswine::sandshrew-alola:
  • Sucker Punch :Raboot::Dartrix::morgrem:
  • Aqua Jet :Wartortle: :Brionne:
  • Fake Out :thwackey::mienfoo::Torracat:
  • Shadow Sneak :dartrix::dusclops:
  • Grassy Glide :thwackey:

- Section 3: Support Roles


  • Physically Defensive:Machoke::Corsola-Galar::tangela::Hattrem::charjabug::Clefairy::Mareanie::Vullaby::wartortle::Dartrix::Carkol::Palpitoad::Shellos::slowpoke::togetic::Gloom::koffing::dusclops::Hippopotas::Mudbray:
  • Specially Defensive :Corsola-Galar::Klang::Roselia::Clefairy::Ferroseed::Mareanie::Vullaby::wartortle::brionne::Carkol::Palpitoad::Shellos::slowpoke::sliggoo::togetic::koffing::porygon::munchlax::dusclops::hippopotas::lickitung::mudbray::sandshrew-alola:
  • Mixed :Corsola-Galar: :Mareanie: :Vullaby::wartortle::Munchlax: :Dusclops:
  • Tanks :Machoke: :klang::Piloswine: :tangela: :hippopotas::Mudbray:
  • Volt Switch:Klang::Charjabug:
  • U-Turn :Thwackey::Raboot::Vullaby::fletchinder::Drakloak::Torracat::mienfoo:
  • Flip Turn :brionne::wartortle:
  • Parting Shot :Linoone-Galar::Torracat:
  • Teleport :kadabra::Clefairy::slowpoke::porygon::abra:
  • Regenerator :tangela::Mareanie::Duosion::slowpoke::mienfoo:
  • Aromatherapy/Heal Bell:Hattrem::Roselia::Clefairy::Togetic::lickitung:
  • Healing Wish :Hattrem::Clefairy:
  • Wish :Clefairy::Togetic::lickitung:
  • Clear Smog :Shellos::koffing:
  • Haze :Corsola-Galar: :Mareanie: :Dusclops::wartortle: :dartrix:
  • Roar/Whirlwind :piloswine::Vullaby: :hakamo-o: :Hippopotas::munchlax: :krokorok::torracat:
  • Dragon Tail :hakamo-o::lickitung:

- Section 4: Type Checks
  • Dark :machoke::charjabug::clefairy::linoone-galar::vullaby::morgrem::togetic::krokorok::mienfoo:
  • Fire :piloswine::lampent::mareanie::wartortle::fraxure::palpitoad::hakamo-o::seadra::brionne::drakloak::slowpoke::munchlax::sliggoo::hippopotas::shellos:
  • Fighting :kadabra::corsola-galar::hattrem::clefairy::charjabug::mareanie::vullaby::dartrix::morgrem::duosion::slowpoke::togetic::fletchinder::abra:
  • Ghost :lampent::vullaby::linoone-galar::morgrem::gastly::porygon::drakloak::dusclops::krokorok::lickitung:
  • Grass :raboot::roselia::ferroseed::lampent::vullaby::fraxure::carkol::gastly::hakamo-o::fletchinder::koffing::drakloak::sliggoo::torracat::sandshrew-alola:
  • Ground :kadabra: :piloswine::thwackey::roselia::tangela::clefairy::ferroseed::vullaby::wartortle::palpitoad::hakamo-o::seadra::togetic::abra::brionne::slowpoke::gloom::shellos:
  • Poison :kadabra: :raboot::klang: :piloswine: :hattrem: :ferroseed: :lampent::duosion: :carkol: :hakamo-o::drakloak: :dusclops: :gastly:
  • Psychic :klang: :piloswine::ferroseed: :linoone-galar: :vullaby: :morgrem: :gastly: :krokorok:
  • Steel :machoke: :raboot: :ferroseed: :lampent::mareanie: :carkol: :palpitoad::hakamo-o: :torracat: :mienfoo::charmeleon:
  • Water :klang::thwackey::roselia: :tangela::charjabug: :ferroseed::mareanie::vullaby::wartortle::palpitoad::dartrix::brionne::gloom:

- Section 5: Weather


  • Hail Setters :Vulpix-Alola:
  • Hail Abusers :sandshrew-alola:
  • Sun Setters :Vulpix:
  • Sun Abusers :raboot::roselia::tangela::Lampent::wartortle::Gloom::Charmeleon:
  • Rain Setters :charjabug::clefairy::linoone-galar::vullaby: :palpitoad::slowpoke::porygon::dusclops::mienfoo:
  • Rain Abusers :wartortle::brionne::palpitoad::seadra:
  • Sand Stream :Hippopotas:
  • Sand Rush :Drilbur:
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SS NFE Speed Tiers

This post is a resource detailing the Speed tiers of all Pokemon considered viable in the SS NFE metagame, per the Viability Rankings.

:vullaby: Vullaby :vullaby:
:fraxure: Fraxure :fraxure:
:linoone-galar: Linoone-Galar :linoone-galar:
:fraxure: Fraxure :fraxure:
:hakamo-o: Hakamo-o :hakamo-o:
:wartortle: Wartortle :wartortle:
:dwebble: Dwebble :dwebble:
:vullaby: Vullaby :vullaby:
:klang: Klang :klang:
:whirlipede: Whirlipede :whirlipede:
:charmeleon: Charmeleon :charmeleon:
:drilbur: Drilbur :drilbur:
:fraxure: Fraxure :fraxure:
:mienfoo: Mienfoo :mienfoo:
:sandshrew-alola: Sandshrew-Alola :sandshrew-alola:
:drilbur: Drilbur :drilbur:
:fraxure: Fraxure :fraxure:
:farfetchd-galar: Farfetch'd-Galar :farfetchd-galar:
:hakamo-o: Hakamo-o :hakamo-o:
:gloom: Gloom :gloom:
:klang: Klang :klang:
:tangela: Tangela :tangela:
:wartortle: Wartortle :wartortle:

:kadabra: Kadabra :kadabra:
:drakloak: Drakloak :drakloak:
:linoone-galar: Linoone-Galar :linoone-galar:
:whirlipede: Whirlipede :whirlipede:
:wartortle: Wartortle :wartortle:
:raboot: Raboot :raboot:
:abra: Abra :abra:
:torracat: Torracat :torracat:
:seadra: Seadra :seadra:
:raboot: Raboot :raboot:
:thwackey: Thwackey :thwackey:
:torracat: Torracat :torracat:
:krokorok: Krokorok :krokorok:
:seadra: Seadra :seadra:
:morgrem: Morgrem :morgrem:
:fletchinder: Fletchinder :fletchinder:
:whirlipede: Whirlipede :whirlipede:
:gastly: Gastly :gastly:
:thwackey: Thwackey :thwackey:
:drilbur: Drilbur :drilbur:
:fraxure: Fraxure :fraxure:
:wartortle: Wartortle :wartortle:

:mienfoo: Mienfoo :mienfoo:
:vulpix: Vulpix :vulpix:
:vulpix-alola: Vulpix-Alola :vulpix-alola:
:drilbur: Drilbur :drilbur:
:woobat: Woobat :woobat:
:fraxure: Fraxure :fraxure:
:Krokorok: Krokorok :krokorok:
:farfetchd-galar: Farfetch'd-Galar :farfetchd-galar:
:hakamo-o: Hakamo-o :hakamo-o:
:Lampent: Lampent :lampent:
:mienfoo: Mienfoo :mienfoo:
:roselia: Roselia :roselia:
:klang: Klang :klang:
:piloswine: Piloswine :piloswine:
:wartortle: Wartortle :wartortle:
:dwebble: Dwebble :dwebble:
:farfetchd-galar: Farfetch'd-Galar :farfetchd-galar:
:lampent: Lampent :lampent:
:morgrem: Morgrem :morgrem:
:machoke: Machoke :machoke:
:dartrix: Dartrix :dartrix:
:vullaby: Vullaby :vullaby:

:brionne: Brionne :brionne:
:klang: Klang :klang:
:piloswine: Piloswine :piloswine:
:hattrem: Hattrem :hattrem:
:togetic: Togetic :togetic:
:whirlipede: Whirlipede :whirlipede:
:machoke: Machoke :machoke:
:porygon: Porygon :porygon:
:sandshrew-alola: Sandshrew-Alola :sandshrew-alola:
:palpitoad: Palpitoad :palpitoad:
:gloom: Gloom :gloom:
:klang: Klang :klang:
:tangela: Tangela :tangela:
:wartortle: Wartortle :wartortle:
:mienfoo: Mienfoo :mienfoo:
:roselia: Roselia :roselia:
:tangela: Tangela :tangela:
:vullaby: Vullaby :vullaby:
:wartortle: Wartortle :wartortle:
:dartrix: Dartrix :dartrix:
:hattrem: Hattrem :hattrem:
:brionne: Brionne :brionne:
:carkol: Carkol :carkol:
:piloswine: Piloswine :piloswine:
:hattrem: Hattrem :hattrem:
:whirlipede: Whirlipede :whirlipede:
:machoke: Machoke :machoke:
:mareanie: Mareanie :mareanie:
:mudbray: Mudbray :mudbray:

:gloom: Gloom :gloom:
:porygon: Porygon :porygon:
:togetic: Togetic :togetic:
:charjabug: Charjabug :charjabug:
:clefairy: Clefairy :clefairy:
:koffing: Koffing :koffing:
:shellos: Shellos :shellos:
:hippopotas: Hippopotas :hippopotas:
:corsola-galar: Corsola-Galar :corsola-galar:
:duosion: Duosion :duosion:
:lickitung: Lickitung :lickitung:
:dusclops: Dusclops :dusclops:
:clefairy: Clefairy :clefairy:
Negative (0 IVs)​
:slowpoke: Slowpoke :slowpoke:
:duosion: Duosion :duosion:
Negative (0 IVs)​
:ferroseed: Ferroseed :ferroseed:
:dusclops: Dusclops :dusclops:
Negative (0 IVs)​
:munchlax: Munchlax :munchlax:
:ferroseed: Ferroseed :ferroseed:
Negative (0 IVs)​
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Gloom as B-rank strikes me as odd when it has one of the best 2 sets you could wish for.

Set 1, phystank, is amazing to handle Gurdurr and Machoke who otherwise are definitely monsters for the meta, where strength sap heals you and prevents them from gaining ATK, where moonblast hits them SE. Gloom can run gimmicks (sleep powder) or full offenses for the rest of its moves, and even run synthesis to avoid having the same issues as Corsola-G does (hattrem bouncing, etc)

Set 2, as mentioned in the dynamax suspect, is a full on offensive sun set that relies on dynamaxing (or... not because it's literally not a requirement for gloom. It growths, then hits hard. Like all growth sweepers do.)

Beyond this gloom can easily tank a lot of mons that Corsola-G would have trouble with, or rather, it does it without losing vitals.

Machoke: 252 Atk Guts Machoke Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gloom: 123-145 (37.9 - 44.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Gloom has a niche over Corsola against Machoke because losing Eviolite isn't a big issue for Gloom (provided you have to lose -someone-'s item, as machoke WILL click that knock off anyways) and isn't at risk of the 2hko from knock off with a crit (which, admittedly, isn't the most relevant argument, but losing eviolite on Corsola is very suboptimal.)

252+ Atk Gurdurr Ice Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Gloom: 94-112 (29 - 34.5%) -- 5.2% chance to 3HKO
Similar to Machoke except Gurdurr has no knock off; Gloom walls it easily and can place leech seeds if it expects a switch or just moonblast and deal good (27%) damage to Gurdurr.

252+ Atk Farfetch'd-Galar Brave Bird vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Gloom: 140-166 (43.2 - 51.2%) -- 5.9% chance to 2HKO
Much like Corsola, Gloom has issues with Farfetch'd (especially if it set a sub prior), not much to be said there

Surprisingly (not) gloom has a decent shot at klang unless sub klang, can live piloswine if no flinch, has trouble with pawniard, but unlike Corsola has a good matchup versus Morgrem, which can nasty plot threaten corsola, and has a better shot at handling DD unmixed Drakloak (which Corsola loses to if it dynamaxes at the right moment, but corsola wins against if it gets the wisp off, risky 1v1)

Also, with correct investment gloom can outspeed pilo machoke. Which isn't the MOST relevant but for pilo it means it can stall it out in a 1v1 (when otherwise it can't really do that properly due to flinching)

tl;dr Gloom provides major support for Corsola's few weaknesses and covers a lot of physical Pokemon on its own which can lend corsola to take a special role instead, covering that side. Gloom needs little to no support to function well on a team and is pretty splashable provided you are not already psychic/ice weak (hi mr. mime soon to be banned.com). Gloom definitely deserves A-rank imo. (if we can suggest subranks, A- Rank, imo.)
Natu: C to B (probs like B/B+ when we get subranks)

This mon is fire rn. With the tools to bop basically all fat Pokemon which are heavily relied upon in the meta, it's a fantastic partner for set up or for just offensive Pokemon in general, especially those who dislike Haze. It beats Corsola outright, and can switch into non cm sets, prevents sap recovery, makes corsola think twice about clicking a non-attack. It also easily switches into Mareanie, preventing Tspikes and forcing it out. Good speed lets it outspeed and hit gurd/choke hard on a free switch, and good coverage lets it hit steels like ferro well. It doesnt prevent rocks from anything other than clef or gcors, but its still a fantastic antispikes, anti marecors, anti ferro, just antifat in general and offers fantastic support for offensive threats. You also make charja think twice about putting up webs, especially since volt doesnt do much. Underrated rn imo
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Welcome to the first VR update, including the introduction of SUBRANKS! In the tab below you will find a list with all the changes and below that reasoning behind some of the more significant changes.
:Rufflet: Rufflet S -> A-
:Clefairy: Clefairy A -> B
:Drakloak: Drakloak A -> B
:Farfetch'd-Galar: Farfetch'd-Galar A -> B
:Fraxure: Fraxure A -> A-
:Gurdurr: Gurdurr A -> A-
:Haunter: Haunter A -> A+
:Klang: Klang A -> B+
:Machoke: Machoke A -> A+
:Piloswine: Piloswine A -> A+
:Diglett: Diglett B -> C
:Gloom: Gloom B -> A-
:Hakamo-o: Hakamo-o B -> B-
:Lampent: Lampent B -> B-
:Morgrem: Morgrem B -> B+
:Mudbray: Mudbray B -> C+
:Munchlax: Munchlax B -> C+
:Palpitoad: Palpitoad B -> B-
:Pawniard: Pawniard B -> B+
:Pikachu: Pikachu B -> B-
:Vullaby: Vullaby B -> B-
:Vulpix: Vulpix B -> B-
:Carkol: Carkol C -> B-
:Charjabug: Charjabug C -> B+
:Cutiefly: Cutiefly C -> UR
:Dewpider: Dewpider C -> C-
:Dottler: Dottler C -> C-
:Dusclops: Dusclops C -> C-
:Frillish: Frillish C -> UR
:Hattrem: Hattrem C -> B+
:Honedge: Honedge C -> C-
:Natu: Natu C -> B-
:Scraggy: Scraggy C -> UR
:Shelmet: Shelmet C -> C+
:Togetic: Togetic C -> B
:Zweilous: Zweilous C -> C+
:Remoraid: Remoraid UR -> C+
:Boldore: Boldore UR -> C-
:Ponyta-Galar: Ponyta UR -> C+
:Shellos: Shellos UR -> C-
Now, on to the significant changes. Thanks Simbo for helping write some of these.

Notable Rises

:Gloom: from B to A-: Gloom is one of the better defensive Pokemon in the current metagame. While it does face some degree of competition from Corsola-Galar as a defensive wall, Gloom is a more reliable check/counter to key threats such as Machoke, Linoone-Galar, Fraxure, Gurdurr, and Thwackey. It also matches up well against key defensive Pokemon such as Corsola-Galar, Mareanie, and Clefairy. Between Sleep Powder and Growth, it has good utility options to surprise teams.

:Charjabug: from C to B+: Charjabug has had very good usage over the past few weeks and was significantly under-ranked. Webs will continue to define itself as more than just a niche playstyle with the lack of hazard control in the tier, coupled with Corsola-Galar being a fantastic spinblocker. Charjabug is not only the best Webs setter in the tier but also a very solid defensive pivot, and is able to reliably check Mr. Mime Galar, the best offensive threat in the tier. It can also cripple faster threats with Thunder Wave. Fantastic bulk on the physical side also lets it act as a solid Machoke switch-in. It can stomach hits, then use its slow Volt Switch to let in frailer offensive threats. It matches up well against both Hattrem and Natu and makes them think twice about switching in to bounce back its Sticky Webs.

:Hattrem: from C to B+: Thanks to Magic Bounce, Hattrem is a great anti-stall measure, being able to reliable switch into good defensive Pokemon such as Corsola-Galar, Mareanie, Roselia Gloom, and Ferroseed. It can bounce back hazards from some of the aforementioned Pokemon, but also deters hazards from Carkol, Palpitoad, and Clefairy. Preventing Strength Sap recovery from Corsola-Galar is massive, and it often finds itself a valuable teammate for wallbreakers such as Machoke because of this. It has enough Speed to outspeed most of the bulkier Pokemon in the tier, and providing Healing Wish support for fearsome Pokemon such as Machoke, Sneasel, Mr. Mime Galar etc is a very valuable niche to have. It was severely underrated and under-ranked in the previous VR update, and this large rise in rank reflects this.

:Togetic: from C to B: Togetic finds itself in a weird position in this metagame. The lack of Roost and Defog (pre-home) means that it has lost a lot of its defensive utility from Generation 7. However, the Galar Snap and the lack of threats in the 200-300 Speed tier compared to previous generations means that Nasty Plot offensive Togetic sets become much better. With enough speed and the coverage to outpace and threaten key threats such as Machoke, Roselia, Gloom, Ferroseed, Galarian Corsola, and Mareanie, as well as enough bulk to tank hits, set up Nasty Plot, and break, Togetic is one of the better wallbreakers in the current tier, and this rank rise reflects that.

:Natu: from C to B-: Natu is the second Magic Bounce Pokemon in the tier. While it lacks Hattrem's better bulk, Natu does have access to reliable recovery and pivot options in U-Turn and Teleport. Reliable recovery lets it switch into and provide more long-term hazard prevention from Mareanie, Roselia, Galarian Corsola, Clefairy, and Ferroseed in comparison to Hattrem. It also cannot be trapped by Trapinch. While Hattrem is strictly the better Magic Bounce user and hazard deterrent, Natu has enough niches over Hattrem to justify the raise in rank.

Notable Drops

:Rufflet: from S to A-: With the removal of Dynamax, Rufflet has clear weaknesses, most notably its average Speed which can no longer be compensated by Max Airstream and Max Moves in general covering for its Hustle inaccuracy. Whilst Rufflet is still a solid Choice Scarf or Choice Band user, its potency as a setup sweeper has significantly decreased and its general reliability as an offensive threat decreasing has caused it to drop to A-. It still is a dangerous Pokemon; Flying-type switch-ins are limited in the tier, especially when most are hit hard by Close Combat, but the banning of Dynamax means that Rufflet is no longer the S-rank monster it previously was and is far more easy to revenge kill and deal with offensively.

:Clefairy: from A to B: Clefairy was overvalued in the previous VR update, and the banning of Dynamax hasn't done much to improve its stock in the current meta. Losing Soft-Boiled means that Calm Mind and other late-game cleaner sets are harder to pull off, and Clefairy faces huge competition as a defensive wall from the likes of Ferroseed, Galarian Corsola, Gloom, Mareanie etc, who are all more valuable and splashable for the average team. Clefairy is still a fairly good Pokemon, but it is not on the same level as the A rank threats.

:Drakloak: from A to B: Drakloak is a Pokemon who heavily benefitted from Dynamax. Physical sets with Dragon Dance took advantage of Dynamax turning both Outrage and Phantom Force into strong one-turn attacks which do not lock you into a move, and special sets appreciated Dynamax breaking the Choice Specs lock. While Drakloak does still have a niche of being a reasonably good attacker who is fast, it is far easier to wall post-Dyna, which is reflected by this rank drop.

:Farfetch'd-Galar: from A to B: Similar to Rufflet, Galarian Farfetch’d sits at mediocre speed tier, and therefore relied heavily on Max Airstream in order to get around its offensive checks or sweep teams. It is difficult justifying the usage of Galarian Farfetch'd now that it lost its Speed boosting method over Machoke and Gurdurr, and the large rank drop reflects how significant Dynamax was to this Pokemon's viability.

:Klang: from A to B+: Klang is another offensive threat which loses out due to the removal of the Dynamax mechanic. After a couple Shift Gear boosts, Max Steelspike was very useful for getting around some of its common switchins such as Gurdurr and Machoke, due to the boost in the Defense stat and the doubling HP. Klang is also less reliable as Max Steelspike was guaranteed to hit the opposing target, whereas Gear Grind has quite poor accuracy. In addition, offensive Klang sets can no longer use Dynamax to break past counters such as Mareanie and Ferroseed. Resttalk and bulkier sets are still solid in the metagame, serving as both a good wincon and a check to threats such as Haunter and Mr. Mime-Galar, but the banning of Dynamax took some of the sting out of it offensively, which resulted in this drop.

Looking forward to seeing more nominations soon!!
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Been a solid week since the update, been trying to get a lot of games to best understand and back up my opinions on the post-Dyna NFE meta. Most of the VR is very accurate now, and I agree with almost everything. There's only a few noms that I personally think are worth mentioning:

:klang: Klang: B+ to A-
Klang no doubt is just as viable of a set up sweeper as Fraxure, arguably even more viable. Building around either Sub or RestTalk Klang as your wincon is very easy and intuitive when support like LO Haunter, Knock Off Machoke, and phys def Gloom all exist to switch in and break down its checks. Both sets can set up on most of the special attackers of the tier and be great late game sweepers, and even some walls like Piloswine or Corse can't wall it depending on the set. While it lost a lot from Dyna being gone, its still a total top tier that players ought to always build for and consider.

:honedge: Honedge: C- to C+/B-
Honedge has an incredible anti-meta typing with Steel/Ghost, meaning even with its poor special def and speed it can set up a ton of relevant Pokemon like Ferroseed, Rufflet, Klang, and Mime without Shadow Ball to name a few. Once at +2, it's Shadow Sneak is a priority attack that is great for sweeping late game on the likes of Mime, Haunter, and the other multitude of Ghost/Psychic Pokemon in the meta with only SR or other chip needed. Its a great addition for teams that want to have extra priority, and unlike Pawniard, Shadow Sneak is guaranteed priority and Honedge has the bulk to take a ton of physical trade offs on mons like Linoone-Galar and Sneasal. It's not a perfect mon, and its reliance on good tradeoffs, set up opportunities, and competition with Pawniard hinders it. It's more of a low middle ranked mon rather than the least viable mon worth using is all.

:roselia: Roselia: B to B+
Rose might be generally outclassed by Ferro, but I'd argue with it's high speed tier relative to the other walls and bulky attackers in the tier makes it very valuable when you consider its movepool options. A heavy 136 EVs for speed allows it to outspeed Adamant CB Pilo and everything below it, making that along with Machoke, Mare, Gurdur, and more vulnerable to Sleep Powder and Leaf Storm. This is still enough special bulk to be 3HKO'd by LO Haunter, and have positive trade offs with Mime as you can put it to sleep. Hat has to worry about Leaf Storm damage if Specs, and Ferro/Gloom have to worry about it stacking Spikes. These positive MUs make it totally worth considering at the top of B.

:farfetch'd-galar: Farfetch'd-Galar: B to B-
Fetch lost a ton with Dyna being gone, and now faces incredible competition from both Machoke and Gurdurr. I'm already of the opinion that at least one of these two fightings (if not both) should be on any serious NFE team in this meta for all the value they bring, so to consider another mid-speed Fighting type to build with would mean that Fetch would need to bring something huge to the table. Fact of the matter is that without the speed boosts from Max Airstream, its SD Scrappy sets are pretty underwhelming. It might be able to get off a Substitute and SD on Pokemon it threatens out like Pawn or a choice-locked Linoone, but Fetch relies on the opponent to have Gloom or physdef Cors as their Fighting checks so that it can break past them or anything the opponent sacks. Fetch also would love to have all of Knock/Sub/BB, and is forced to be vulnerable to more checks depending on what coverage is chosen; without Sub, Corse can Wisp / Sap, and without Knock, Fecth can be checked by Hatt. It's just in a tough situation that Fetch isn't being the best glue or wincon like the other Fightings, and often is a liability with its reliance on the right movepool and setting up.

:palpitoad: Palpitoad: B- to B+
Palpitoad has all the right things for its role as a SR wall. It's great base 69 speed means that even when uninvested it can outpace every other rocker in the tier, and has a dangerous Scald/EP coverage to hurt just about anything that isnt Hatt or Rose. The rare Water STAB with Scald is particularly notable for deterring Piloswine and other Grounds or Fire types, and having the rare Toxic means that even Cors cant stay in on it. It's a good switch in to most Pokemon just in general thanks to all these traits and its good mixed bulk, and on top of all that can check Klang very well. By being this good of a rocker, Palp covers a ton for teambuilding with little opportunity cost and a ton of room to support its short comings. Check out this replay for it in action early to late game setting rocks then actually cleaning a weakened, slower team.

:Hattrem: Hattrem: B+ to A-/A
Hat has proven itself a staple on so many teams in the current meta thanks to both Magic Bounce and its raw power / coverage. Magic Bounce is one of the best options for hazard control in the current meta, as everyone knows Defog has a ton of options and not every team can afford Rapid Spin Mime. Hatt does this while also shutting down recovery from Cors, and with the right investment can be 4HKO'd by Night Shade while firing back Specs Psychics/Dark Pulses, or have Gleam/Mystical Fire coverage for potential Dark/Steel switch ins. Using Hatt is just so rewarding at the moment, as its ability gives it a ton of switch ins, and its speed still allows it to outspeed most of the slower attackers. It's without doubt in my mind a top tier mon in this meta, and thats not even considering the potential of Eviolite sets with Nuzzle and their function to trade hits / status with weaker offensive Pokemon.

That's all for now, mostly rises!
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Few quick noms, agree with all of Ho3n's noms

Mareanie: A to A-/B+

Mare usage has fallen off heavily post-Dyna. The rise of hat makes stacking Toxic Spikes very difficult, and just allowing Hat free switch-ins is not optimal. It's too passive and lets in too much to justify keeping it in the A rank, and it is also the biggest momentum sink defensive Pomemon in the tier currently. Rising Roselia and Gloom usage also hinder its ability to stack Tspikes and they can both freely switch into and exploit mare. Haunter can sub up on it, it loses to choke, haze is not really as important as it was in a Dynamax meta. Overall, I think it falls short in a post-Dyna meta, can't keep up against offensive teams and lets in too many big threats, and other defensive walls such as Gloom, Roselia, and Gcorsola are easier to fit on teams right now. It still walls Klang, weakens Gcors, and is a good wall, but not A worthy imo.

Gurdurr: A- to B+

Outclassed mostly by Machoke unfortunately, and most teams appreicate Choke more. BU Drain Punch is still a good niche, and Defog is nice, but Hattrem is now the premier hazard deterrent, and Gurdurr BU sets are walled by Gcors, the most prominent mon in the meta, and situationally walled by Mare, Clef/Toge, and Gloom depending on coverage. It's not A- good right now, it's mostly in Machoke's shadow.

Lampent: B- to B

Lampent is really good right now imo. Between Scarf, Specs, and CM Sub stabs, it hits nearly all of the tier hard and is very annoying for most standard builds to switch into. Nothing in the S to A ranks with the exception of Spdef Mareanie can switch into it, and in the lower ranks, only Spdef Palp and Munch are solid switch-ins. It matches up really well offensively against standard Choke/Cors/Hatt teams, and most teams right now aren't packing a Fire resist.

Munchlax: C+ to B-

Think I undervalued Munchlax for the first update, being a good Ghost-Type switch-in and one of the only Haunter switch-ins in the tier is solid. It also walls and can switch into and sit in on Gcors, Ferro, Rose etc. Fighters are fairly easy to chip for a well-built team. It's a decent special wall and wincon. Better than C+
Welcome to VR Update #2. Below you will find what each individual council member voted, along with the reasoning for any changes.

VR Update 2.png
:Klang: from B+ to A-: Klang has shown consistent usage despite the loss of Dynamax and was dropped too low last update. Its SpDef Rest Talk set continues to be one of the few reliable switchins to Haunter. The more offensive Substitute set is also rising in popularity, as it brings more immediate power, while still being able to deal with status moves. Both sets are proving to be effective late game wincons and its overall defensive and offensive merit is why it has been moved up to A-.

:Honedge: from C- to C+: Honedge's typing is definitely a valuable niche in the current meta. This combined with its very respectable physical bulk makes it one of the few defensive Rufflet checks in the tier, and with Sacred Sword, allows it to beat both Linoone-Galar and Sneasel in one on one situations. Its access to Shadow Sneak is also very valuable being one of the more reliable ways of revenge killing Haunter, after a bit of chip.

:Farfetch from B to B-: Farfetch'd-Galar has seen a significant drop in usage post-Dynamax; more than we predicted in the previous update. Unlike the other Fighting-types, its has poor defences, which isn't helped by its middling Speed tier. It's difficult to find opportunities to get Farfetch'd-Galar in, in order to setup a Swords Dance and its heavy reliance on the team for some sort of speed control (eg. Webs or being Scarfed), means it only fulfils a small niche as an offensive Fighting-type.

:Palpitoad: from B- to B: Palpitoad makes a for a very reliable Stealth Rocker and physical wall. It's defensive typing means its able to switch into most Pokemon in general since very few Pokemon carry coverage to hit it for super effective damage. It's one of the more reliable Klang checks as well as being able to switch in. Its access to the combination of potential Scald burns and the limited Toxic dissuade common threats such as Piloswine and Corsola, respectively.

:Hattrem: from B+ to A-: Hattrem is one of the most common Pokemon at the moment, thanks to Magic Bounce. It is most teams form of hazard control, because of the limited Defog distribution and our Rapid Spinners being relatively poor in general. Hattrem can also prevent Corsola-Galar from ever recovering and dissuade it from using status moves, just because of the presence of its Magic Bounce ability, whilst also with investment avoiding a 3HKO from Night Shade. It has very solid coverage, and the combination of Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Dark Pulse and Mystical Fire let it hit everything currently in the S to A- ranks, barring Rufflet, for super effective damage. Its utility of Healing Wish and Nuzzle continue to be very useful support for teams.

:Mareanie: from A to A-: Mareanie is no where near as common as it was during the Dynamax meta. Haze is not nearly needed as often as before. A lot of teams currently run Hattrem which stops it from every setting up Toxic Spikes. The rise of grounded Poison-types such as Roselia and Gloom also make this difficult. Common tanks such as Machoke and Piloswine are able to break past it with ease. Haunter being the biggest offensive threat can use Mareanie as an opportunity to pull off a free Substitute. Overall, Mareanie struggles to keep up with the meta changes, with everything becoming slightly more offensive but is still a reasonably solid wall, hence only this minor drop.

:Gurdurr: from A- to B+: Sadly, Gurdurr is largely outclassed by Machoke due to not having access to Knock Off. Even with Taunt, Gurdurr is unable to beat to the most prominent Pokemon in the tier, Corsola-Galar which completely walls its Bulk Up sets. Depending on its coverage, its also walled by Mareanie, Gloom or Fairy-types.

:Lampent: from B- to B: Lampent is very difficult to switch into right now, since its amazing coverage of allows it to hit everything except specially defensive water types hard. It matches up really well offensively against teams with standard Machoke, Corsola-Galar and Hattrem core. Addiotionally most teams are currently not running a Fire resist, allowing Choiced sets to freely spam Fire Blast with relative safety.

:Munchlax: from C+ to B-: Munchlax is the most reliable Haunter switchin, in the tier and a solid special wall in general. Its able to setup on passive Pokemon such as Ferroseed, Gloom, Roselia and non-Haze variants of Corsola-Galar.

Thanks to those who posted nominations in the past, and I'm hoping these changes reflect the meta better and that we see more nomms in the future.
As a fan of various unmons (and as a council member ig) I've taken a look at the C ranks of this VR and gotten very sad :(
so here's my attempt to fix them!


Honedge: C+ -> C/C- I know this thing literally JUST got up to C+ but I don't understand why. It's cool that it gets sd and sneak I guess, but Corsola-Galar beats almost everything Honedge does and it does it while being Corsola-Galar. I don't want to encourage new players to use this instead of Corsola-Galar because C+ is still an "Okay" rank for a mon to be at.

Mudbray: Keep C+ Mudbray hasn't been explored to its full extent yet but it's definitely better than the mons currently in C and C-, keep it where it is.

Ponyta-Galar : C+ -> UR there is literally no reason I could think of for using this over Hattrem other than that it's faster. Next.

Remoraid: C+ -> UR Moody is too random for it to work most of the time and this mon can't even abuse it well.

Shelmet: C+ -> C Similar to Mudbray, I don't think Shelmet has been explored fully, but it's not as good as Mudbray at all, so I think C is a fine rank for it currently.

Zweilous: Keep C+ This thing is terrifying if it's able to do anything. I want to see it used more so keep it at C+.


Corvisquire: Keep C Birds that aren't named Rufflet haven't really gotten any love so far. This mon probably does enough to warrant a C rank.

Diglett: C -> UR completely outclassed by Trapinch except in the extremely rare scenario where it's able to set up with sub hone claws. UR it.

Drilbur: Keep C has a valid niche on HO, also it's literally on a sample for some reason? Should probably stay ranked then.

Sinistea: Keep C the only smasher right now, pretty scary if it gets an opportunity to set up under screens. Has a valid niche, keep at C.

Sliggoo: Keep C oh how the titan has fallen. Despite my passionate hatred for this mon's entire line I will admit sap sipper is an acceptable niche to have right now. So Sliggoo can stay at C


Boldore: C- -> UR Boldore is literally worse than Carkol. It doesn't really have a niche over it other than showing up on low ladder and still dying to Piloswine. UR it.

Dewpider: C- -> UR Doesn't have a niche over the much better Charjabug and the very borderline acceptable Dottler as a webs setter.

Dottler: Keep C- Psychic typing along with recover is a good enough niche to keep Dottler on the VR for right now.

Dusclops: Keep C- council talked about this guy for 2 hours already I'm not reopening that can of worms.

Shellos: C- -> C+ Shellos legitimately has a niche that's not dogshit or outclassed like the other mons in C and C-. Sticky hold stops it from ever losing Eviolite which greatly increases it's ability to wall mons like Machoke and Linoone-Galar. Access to Stockpile to further increase its bulk and Clear smog to stop setup further this niche of being a dumb wall that you can't knock. It's not even a meme it's good.

UR Mons:

Salandit: UR -> C/C+ well known for being the mon that worked once for me in NFEPL2 back in SM. Salandit actually has a niche now. The ability to spread toxic to normally immune mons like Gloom and Klang greatly helps a team that struggles with them. Corrosion toxic is good.

Those are all the unmon noms I have so far. I'll leave it to other powerful innovators like ShuckleDeath to add some more. Or later me once I get Pupitar and Mime Jr. to work at least once.
s/o Tack :] for dealing with my shit as we make awful teams that somehow aren't awful together.
Until next time when I nom a bunch of shitmons up and down once again.
More Noms:


:haunter: Haunter - A+ to S: Kind of been the general consensus for the while now, was surprised it wasn't ranked up in the last shift, but I guess no one formally nommed it so I may as well. Everyone who plays the tier knows of Haunter's immense offensive pressure. A great dual STAB, awesome speed and power, and has a lot of utility in its coverage and multiple viable sets / variations. Haunter is a premier mon to build around and for, and like Gorsola, centralizes the meta around a certain speed tier and needed checks. Unlike Machoke, Haunter's position as a strong and fast special attacker is much more valuable and unique. This easily makes it a slight tier above it and Piloswine, as Haunter simply is no doubt the best for its roles, and almost any offensive team mandates its usage.

:linoone-galar: Linoone-Galar - A to A+: The Dark / Normal typing with an almost untouchable speed works so well for linoone. It dances around teams thanks to Knock into Parting Shot, and can be invaluable for either the speed support from Torb sets, or the Taunt and one-time Haunter switch in with the Eviolite sets. Even its checks hate coming into it for losing their Eviolite, as it makes the Fighting-types be in range of Haunter's Psychic to 1HKO, and walls fear being shut down by Taunt. Trappinch fails to trap the Torb sets with Protect, and only have a 37% chance to 1HKO Evio sets. It itself may not be as unhealthy as Machoke and possibly Piloswine have been suggested to be recently, but it totally makes broken mons more broken. That is a level of unparalleled support and prestige that justifies this rise.

:rufflet: Rufflet - A- to A: Rufflet has almost no viable 0 switch ins or counters, and even if its one counter that comes to mind Honedge rises in popularity, that is not only a C+ mon but also can go down to Shadow Claw if the CB sets opt for that over U-turn. That is a very easy tradeoff to guarantee nothing trades well with CB Ruff if played correctly, and even has the added bonus of hitting Gors / Hatt without recoil. Regardless, its wallbreaking speed and power are unparalleled. It can be supported just fine and is one of the few mons that can gurantee 1HKOs on the Fighting-types and Piloswine. On top of that, it has a decent amount of variability, although I do not account for these sets to be as viable or unstoppable as the CB set. Of course Rufflet is limited by its inconsistency from its low accuracy, heavy residual damage vulnerability, and 50/50s that it forces. This causes it to have a high skill ceiling for teams that prepped for it, and ultimately prevents it from being any more viable (that still doesn't exclude it from being deemed as broken, though). It deserves a rise.

:trapinch: Trapinch - B to B+ / A-: What Trappinch offers to the right offensive teams is invaluable / borderline uncompetitive. It can get rid of a handful of crucial checks and counters depending on if its CB or Eviolite, allowing for Haunter and entry hazard setters to run rampant. It single handedly devalues Klang and Ferroseed as special walls, and puts much more pressure on Piloswine to be the only guranteed Haunter switch in (which already is a mess because of the liklihood of Wisp or even Specs Energy Ball taking it down). Even Linoone-Galar has a heavy opportunity cost of running Evio Taunt, the best of its sets for punishing Haunter / Gors, for its likelihood to be 1HKO'd. It usage has even warranted Hattrem running Protect itself for almost no other viable reason. Surely, Trapinch is worthwile amongst the top tiers, as it warrants an entire strategy that has seen a ton of success with limited to no viable counter play once its in.

:Gurdurr: Gurdurr - B+ to A-: A tone deaf drop in my ears was Gurdurr to the B ranks. Gurr has been a staple on the double-fighting archetype that has been running around, and unlike some of the reasoning above suggests, it actually has its reasoning as to why some teams would prefer it over choker. Not only is its Taunt / Defog support unique, but Gurdurr is just a better designated switch-in to physical attackers like Linoone-Galar, Pawn, Sneasel, and Klang. Fighting priority and the recovery from Mach and Drain Punch respectively are great way to keep Gurdurr around much longer than Machoke would in the same situations. This also frees up Machoke to be its Florb set if it wanted, which is an incredible wallbreaker, or just double down on the Eviolite tanks. All in all, Gurdurr is a staple to so many teams for these reasons, so why the drop?

:shellos: Shellos - C- to C+: Shellos is totally deserving of a raise for its unique ability to keep its Evio and wall the Fighting-types and Knock Off users to an extent. It sees a good amount of use for a C rank mon, and is one of (if not thee) best of them for what its worth. It seems like its own standalone mon rather than an ultra specific niche, and for that I give it props.

:drizzile: Drizzile - UR to C / C+: You know I had to do it to em. Attached below is a spoiler of the set I've been running these past two months. Drizzle only has a few niches but they are very valid on the right teams. It threatens bringing Piloswine down to barely any health (small chance to 1HKO), can 1HKO Haunter with Sucker Punch (25% chance normally; 87% after 1 turn of LO recoil), pivot with U-turn, and lastly 2HKO's Mare with Mudshot. These are the positives and yes, it pretty much stops here outside of the reasonable Torrent situations and nailing slower physical attackers like Machoke, Gurdurr, and Rufflet. The fact of the matter is that the meta is way too focused on physical attackers and walls, so having a midspeed Water-type mixed attacker can actually be a valuable support to some teams. Not to mention that some teams only have 1 or no Water resists, and that once in Torrent range Drizzle can 2HKO Gorsola and 1HKO specs Hatt. It obviously has its competition, but the fact that the tier just lacks special attackers as a whole makes the small niches Drizzle have noteworthy and totally worth ranking.
Drizzile @ Life Orb
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 156 Atk / 252 SpA / 100 Spe
Mild Nature
- Surf
- Sucker Punch
- U-turn
- Mud Shot / Substitute


:Mareanie: Mareanie - A- to B+: Mare has become second banana to Gors and Gloom as a Fighting-type check. This is largely because of the support Machoke and Gurdurr have so easily deals with and prevents Mare from deterring them. Hattrem and Haunter can switch in and shrug off Scalds, and too many Poison-types, Magic Bounce users, and Guts users have been making Toxic Spikes much more unviable. I'd argue Mare is better off having Toxic to wear down Gors and Vullaby if needed late game at this point, or even Payback for Haunter. Mare is much deserving of a drop, as while it still has its worth, it should not be comparable to Gloom at this point.

:ponyta-galar: Ponyta-Galar - C+ to UR: Seriously why is this ranked. It sees no use or valuable niche over Dousion or Hattrem. There are only downsides to using it, and should not be anywhere near viable.

:shelmet: Shelmet - C+ to C: Shelmet has hard time dealing with Hatt, the main hazard preventer, and can't do that much with Bug Buzz while it give Hatt a free Mystical Fire / Psychic. While it can somewhat wall Fighting-types and Yawn Defog users, there is just nothing that great using Shell over Gloom, Rose, or Ferroseed.

:boldore: Boldore - C to UR: Totally, Boldore's niche of having Sturdy with a strong Stone Edge / Body Press to back up SR is insignificant when Piloswine does that and more. Piloswine already has a pseudo-Sturdy with how bulky it is, and has much better coverage options and attacks to boast.

Thats all for now. When the eventual suspect test rears its head, I'm sure a lot of these noms will be in vain. Regardless, its worth going over what I believe the last shift had missed.
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:Mareanie: Mareanie : A- to B: I'm gonna be blunt, this shit is ass. Loses to haunter, loses to machoke, fucked up by anyone after it gets knocked when its literally supposed to switch in to the knock mons, pilo being in the tier definitely doesnt help it. I have no clue why this is above B.

:Fraxure: Fraxure : A- to B+: Despite having taunt and being a sweeper than can setup on corsola, it doesn't like the ice shard spam from pilo and sneasel or just does not have the opportunity to setup in a lot of games. Definitely not bad but isn't upto the quality of mons like gloom, klang and trapinch (which should be in a-)

:Corvisquire: Corvisquire : C to UR: this is unviable
I agree with most the nominations on this thread so far; here are just a few of my own:

:Thwackey: B to B- Thwackey has really fallen off since the start off SS. With how popular Klang, Ferroseed, Gloom and other walls are along with its poor matchup against the big three (Galarian Corsola, Haunter and Machoke), Thwackey struggles to get much done in the current metagame. It’s outclassed by other wallbreakers right now, and its choiced sets aren’t particularly effective either. The hype for this has died down, with the usage stats showing this and I believe it’s deserving of this drop.

:Clefairy: B to B+ Clefairy is a really good physically defensive wall at the moment, being able to switch into the most Machokes, since they very rarely carry Heavy Slam. It’s able to check the common physical Dark- and Fighting-types in the tier reliably. Whilst Klang and Haunter are super common, Clefairy can keep checks for the aforementioned threats, such as Machoke and Ferroseed, healthy with Wish. I find WishPassing super useful currently, especially when bringing in tanks, like Piloswine which want to switch into many attacks, and healing Galarian Corsola, whose Strength Sap tends to gets blocked by the common Hattrem.
Posting for crystalites so he doesnt double post

The council has decided that because of home's release, the metagame will shift heavily to the point that we will need all nominations to be new. Because of this, nominations before this post will likely not be considered, however if the nomination is still relevant, feel free to quote your post and add any extra relevant information.

Ill probably edit in noms if i get any, happy posting

:gurdurr: B+ to S
Gurdurr truly did recieve the saving hand of arceus from home, as gaining knock off has turned gurd from a subpar fighting phystank into an omnipresent sweeper that can clean teams with minimal support. With teammates removing the few flying type checks to it, very little can actually stop this thing long term, and sap checks must struggle with Hattrem.

:wartortle: New to B+
This thing is actually kinda banger with shell smash, but it has trouble getting it off. I think B+ is a nice place for this mon to start as once it gets out, it's relatively hard to stop from sweeping. Great late game but needs great team support.

:torracat: New to B
Another fire type is really nice and this gets intimidate with a decent offensive movepool and access to U-turn. B seems ok for a start.

:vulpix-alola: new to A-
Veil is borked, ice is a nifty offensive typing. Genuinely not much to say about this mon, it has the unique advantage of being the only (viable) veil setter in the tier though. A- may be pushing it, but the offensive pressure that veil can provide to teams is well worth it with the multitude of setup sweepers we have.

:togetic: B to A
This got roost and is probably the best gurdurr check in the tier. Really fat mon too.
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Home's been a pretty nice update so far giving us some really nice tools to work with. Here are my nominations after playing around for a bit.

:Sneasel: A to S
The Home update gave Sneasel Knock Off back, which has been a pretty substantial buff. This not only lets Sneasel easily wear down its commons checks, such as Machoke, Piloswine and Ferroseed, far more easily but provides useful utility in general being able to remove Eviolite's from defensive switchins. Its Choice Band set improved since Knock Off is a very spammable move to be locked into and far more reliable and less team reliant than Throat Chop. Its Ice Shard is also extremely valuable for revenge killing Ivysaur under the sun. Swords Dance is also extremely threatening and pairs very well Aurora Veil support.

:Rufflet: A- to A+
Rufflet regained access to Roost, which the Double Dance set greatly benefits from. It’s now able to easily boost up in front of Physical attacks with Bulk Up and recover its health. I think it speaks volumes that if given a free turn to use Bulk Up as the opponent goes into their Standard Piloswine, it’s able to just setup on it for free. It’s one of the best abusers behind Auroral Veil. Knock Off distribution indirectly buffed Rufflet since it can either more freely spam Aerial Ace after a few Bulk Up or if choiced locked spam its Flying STAB.

The Sun Package

:Vulpix: B- to B+
:Ivysaur: New to B
:Charmeleon: UR to C+

Alright so I’m going to talk about the next three together, since they are very closely linked. Sun has picked up quite a bit of traction recently (s/os Quagg sgoat). Rather than just relying on Gloom, teams are looking towards Scarf Charmeleon and the newly released Ivysaur as other sun abusers (some sun teams don’t even run Gloom any more!!).

So firstly, more sun abusers is a massive buff to Vulpix, which is the sole Drought user in the tier. Vulpix also carries some very useful utility such as Encore, Will-O-Wisp, Hypnosis and Memento which all cripple opposing Pokemon, especially setup sweepers, and let you switch into your sun sweepers far easier.

Ivysaur is a brilliant sun Sweeper. The most effective set is Growth + 3 attacks. Access to Weather Ball and Growth makes it extremely difficult to switch into since the Steel-types and Roselia which are able to switch into its STAB attacks are hit for super effective damage by Weather Ball under Sun. Ivysaur is pretty lackluster without sun but is by far the most reliable and threatening sun sweeper we have.

Charmeleon is an amazing wallbreaker thanks to both Solar Power and Sun boosting its Fire Blast massively. Apart from bulky Water-types,, it’s quite difficult to switch into Charmeleon under sun. It’s coverage is kinda poor so you’ll pretty much be always using Fire Blast. It’s also very reliant on Sun being up but I think it’s definitely notable enough to deserve C+.

I’m pretty much in agreement with most of SBPC ’s nominations although I think he nommed Togetic too highly.

:Togetic: is a reliable switchin to Gurdurr, assuming they dont start running Poison Jab, and has access to Defog and Roost now, which are great for making it a reliable wall and Defogger. However, it should probably be fine at B+ or A- rather than A, since it does suffer from a lot of momentum issues. It doesn’t have a great matchup into common sun teams, and struggles with HO Aurora Veil teams going around. Sneasel and Haunter still being super common means it can be forced out super easily. I think it’s niche still stands tho so a rise is deserving.

Probably will drop more nomms later once i’ve tried out some other mons.
:corsola-galar: S -> A-
Galarian Corsola is by far the biggest loser of the Home DLC release. It can't check Gurdurr particularly well due to Knock Off, Toxic has become available for various defensive Pokemon like Charjabug and Clefairy, Sneasel and Pawniard have become far more viable, and its primary checks like Linoone-Galar and Hattrem are still just as good as before.
It's still reasonably solid, being one of the better Stealth Rock users and a check to certain physical attackers like Scarf Rufflet, but it's become far easier to give teams counterplay against Corsola and it feels like Cors is becoming deadweight in certain matchups for the first time, whereas before you could see it put in work even vs a core of Hattrem/Machoke or something because of how good Night Shade is.

:machoke: A+ -> A
Machoke is still fantastic, but its Eviolite set is overshadowed by Gurdurr due to its far superior bulk. Gurdurr is a better Klang & Piloswine answer, it can perform as a win condition with Bulk Up, and is generally just much easier to fit on teams.
Flame Orb should rise in usage though; it can really put the hurt on the standard Gurdurr counters like Mareanie and Togetic (Earthquake/Facade and Heavy Slam).

:ferroseed: A -> A-
I would've made this nom pre-home to be honest, I'm a known Ferroseed hater. That said, it's lost some of its lustre with Knock Off becoming less exclusive. It has all the same issues with Fighting-types and Hattrem, still leaves teams struggling against certain Pokemon it can't handle (but is usually expected to) like Substitute Haunter and Bulk Up Rufflet.

:duosion: B -> B-
Following the pattern of Knock Off, Duosion is way easier to offensively check with the likes of Pawniard and Sneasel becoming vastly more viable. It has no coverage for Steel-types, faces heavy competition with Hattrem unless you're using Iron Defense or Trick Room, and both of these sets have the same ongoing issues with consistency (Iron Defense being unable to touch the increasingly common Dark-types and OTR being checked somewhat easily by specially defensive walls like Klang and Ferroseed)

:drakloak: B -> B-
Alright, I have two arguments for this one.
The first one is thus: Piloswine is more common than before, as are offensive checks like Sneasel.
The second one is thus: it's always been disappointing, with Haunter's presence mandating bulky defensive Pokemon like Klang, Carkol and Piloswine on teams. None of these Pokemon care about Drakloak at all; its Special Attack stat is almost half that of Haunter's, and a lack of coverage makes it impossible to suprise these Pokemon with a physical DD set (and honestly being a lure is the only niche it'd have over Fraxure).

:gurdurr: B+ -> S
Yo this is a huge rise but I think everyone knows why. Knock Off makes it far more reliable at dealing with the likes of Galarian Corsola and Hattrem, and means it can pressure resists like Charjabug and Mareanie way more. It's one of the few things that can reliably check Sneasel and Klang, while also being fantastic against Piloswine, Galarian Linoone and way more. Poison Jab and Ice Punch are also viable alternatives to Mach Punch for taking on the likes of Clefairy, Togetic and Gloom. I feel like I'm preaching to the choir here but Gurdurr is the best Pokemon in the current meta with no exception.

:sneasel: A -> A+/S
:pawniard: B+ -> A-
Both Sneasel and Pawniard got Knock Off back and became far more threatening wincons as a result. Barely anything checks them, with Sneasel especially being a solid offensive check to Rufflet and Haunter. This pairing is also arguably the most reliable way of crippling Gurdurr, which is a huge bonus in itself. Sneasel is arguably broken, with most offensive checks dying to Ice Shard after a bit of chip and Gurdurr being crippled after maybe two switch-ins without full investment into Physical Defense.

:rufflet: A- -> A+
Access to Roost, and almost as importantly access to Aurora Veil support makes Rufflet far more viable as a wincon, with Bulk Up sets being lowkey broken and Choice Scarf/Choice Band sets being as good as ever.

:togetic: B -> B+
:clefairy: B -> B+
They're both pretty consistent answers to Gurdurr and Wish support is genuinely really good in a tier where you want to be pivoting around a lot with Pokemon like Piloswine, Gurdurr and Hattrem. Not a ton has changed for them in what they do, but I think their niches of "bulky Fighting-type resist that can be knocked off without caring and sometimes wishpass" is more valuable than it was pre-home. Less Machoke is also pretty good for them. Oh, and Togetic got Roost. Nice, I guess.

:carkol: B- -> B
Carkol is a cool blanket check for special attackers in the tier. Haunter, Gloom, Klang (lol) etc.
A lot of people seem to have a hard time building with this thing, but I hope some of my recent NFE Open games shows that when supported properly (hatt/gurdurr/carkol was an incredible defensive core pre-home) Carkol can put in serious work. This is one of the noms I can see being disputed the most, since it's largely unproven post-home and Piloswine has overtaken Galarian Corsola as the best rocker, but I personally think it's still good enough to justify a raise and I'll be happy to nom it up again a couple of months from now if this one doesn't go through.

:vulpix: B- -> B
While Sun is admittedly a rather matchup-dependant playstyle, it's far from an unviable one. Torracat recently dropped, but even without that addition, Sun's proven itself to me (at least in tests) as a strong enough playstyle to warrant a small rise. I'll talk more about this later.

:diglett: C -> C+
Diglett has a strong niche as a suicide lead on HO teams. Stealth Rock/Memento/Earthquake/Filler (I usually opt for Toxic here) is incredibly solid, reliably getting Stealth Rock up (Arena Trap preventing the majority of Pokemon from switching into Hattrem) and giving a teammate virtually free setup thanks to Memento. Diglett is more than just a budget Trapinch, I promise.

:wartortle: Unranked -> B
Probably the most overhyped Pokemon of the Home release. It has some pretty nice bulk that lets it get Shell Smash up semi-reliably but a mediocre base 65 Special Attack leaves it struggling against all the standard Specially Defensive mons. It does have a good matchup against teams reliant on Piloswine or Carkol to take special hits, but it also doesn't offer a ton of compression and is generally not too useful in the matchups where it doesn't have a clear way of breaking through the likes of SpDef Gurdurr or defensive Roselia.

:torracat: Unranked -> B+
Torracat is a pretty cool offensive pivot, with options on both the Physical and the Special side. Intimidate & Parting Shot is really cool and notably better than it is on something like Galarian Linoone, with the key difference being that Piloswine is this things main switch-in and being unable to meaningfully touch Hattrem or Machoke because of the stat drop gives a huge amount of momentum to the Torracat user. Band and Specs also seem pretty viable, although maybe not any more than Raboot sets already are. This thing is basically a more versatile Raboot, so one subrank higher seems fitting.

:vulpix-alola: Unranked -> A-
Aurora Veil is really good, if only because of how insane a lot of our setup sweepers are at the moment. I only hesitate to put it higher than A- because I don't think it's strictly necessary on every build of its type, with Morgrem or even (non-screens) Hattrem providing a decent amount of support that can work better on some builds to let Sneasel, Gurdurr, Klang etc. thrive.

:charmeleon: Unranked -> B-
The only rank nomination that didn't come from Home. Charmeleon is almost entirely restricted to sun builds, but Solar Power gives it a fantastic niche as an incredibly powerful scarfer under the aforementioned condition. It OHKOs or 2HKOs most of the tier, and its reliance on Sun is the only reason I wouldn't put this higher.
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Post-Home VR Post:

Home has had a heavy impact on the NFE meta, and its has already seen the first wave of quickbans with the decision to nerf sun with the Ivysaur ban. After a good amount of games both with and without Ivy, here are my noms (also, I agree with almost everything the previous noms have said)!

:corsola-galar: Corsola-Galar - S to A-: The large additions of both Toxic and Knock Off to a ton of Pokemon has significantly widened the amount of Pokemon that can deal with it. Of course the big ones include Sneaasel, Pawniard, and Gurdurr, but even to a lesser extent Mareanie and Ferroseed also scare Cors from switching in. There is still merit for it being a great wall even without its Eviolute on, but all of the centralizing factors that made it manageable pre-home just got better, and it is having a harder time being worthwhile.

:machoke: Machoke - A+ to A-: Another big drop is Machoke, solely because Gurdurr really steals the show now. Machoke's existing sets bar any defensive No Guard variants are almost completely outclassed now. Even its offensive coverage in EQ / Bullet Punch can be rivaled with Gurdurr's coverage in Tpunch/ Poison Jab / Mach Punch / Taunt. Machoke's new niche is just being a second Fighting-type to double down on; take this NFE Open finals game where even two Flame Orb sets were ran to success. I think this archetype and the unpredictability of two great Fighting-types is very valid, but Machoke losing its independence really makes it drop.

:sneasel: Sneasel - A to S; :gurdurr: Gurdurr - B+ to S: Okay, two in one, but these rises have been almost completely agreed on. Sneasel is just so fast and hard to punish, while itself punishes the entire tier with a STAB Knock Off and then a complimentary STAB Icicle Crash. Most of its defensive checks rely on huge bulk even after Evio is gone for them to have a chance to wall it. Next is Gurdurr, which is just an upgrade from Machoke. More so, its versatility is deadly, and has reliably recovery / priority on all its sets. Both of these skew but also mandate usage, and are undoubtably the stars of the meta.

:rufflet: Rufflet - A- to A+: Here is a mon I have tested a ton. Even outside of veil, Bulk Up Roost sets are very hard to deal with. In veil, its near unstoppable. There is also a lack of reliable flying resists, and a big one being Klang cannot even effectively deal with it most of the time. And thats not to get into its CB or Scarf sets, which are also still incredible. A total top tier without doubt.

Edit: Posted too early.

Charmeleon: UR to C: In sun its very scary but lacks that great of coverage and gets worn down. Relies on a decent match up and for sun to be up.

Daitrix: UR to B+: Ive used this a ton, and SD with Knock and STAB BB are awesome. Its at a wallbreaking speed that beats all the usual slow mons like Gurr and Hatt. It even has sucker for Haunter, or other supportive moves to supplement its SD sets. Totally worthwhile and has won a lot of games for me, limited by its bulk and tradeoffs, namely a huge Ice weakness and being worn down from SR + recoil.

Wartortle: UR to A: A solid offensive Water type, finally! Its SS sets are always pressuring teams and forcing teambuilding to have answers to it, and even then, with Torrent and Substitute it can break through stuff it shouldn't normally. Theres alot of variation with it potentially being the teams hazard control, or having physical investment like Zen Headbutt to dent Rose and Mare. Still limited, and most speed control can outspeed it, but so long as veil is around its going places.
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Hey everyone, the results of the first post Home VR slate are finally up!!
VR Update 3.png


:Sneasel: from A to S: With access to Knock Off once again, Sneasel has a super spammable STAB move which is able to punish its common switch-ins, and help wear those down for itself and its teammates. Sneasel being the fastest unboosted Pokemon in the tier and its amazing Attack stat makes it extremely hard to punish despite is poor defenses and means it is not onlyis a solid wallbreaker but an amazing revenge killer.

:Gurdurr: from B+ to S: Gurdurr has seen a massive increase in usage since it regained access to Knock Off, which allows it to cripple the defensive capability of common switch-ins as well as a providing it solid coverage to hit Pokemon which resist its Fighting-type STAB. It now outclasses Machoke in pretty much every way apart from its speed tier, which isn't hugely problematic due to having access to Mach Punch and better bulk.

:Rufflet: from A- to A+: Home gave Rufflet Roost, which greatly improved the reliability of both the Double Dance and Sub Bulk Up sets. the combination of Bulk Up and Roost is an extremely difficult one to deal with, especially when Rufflet is behind Aurora Veil. There is also a lack of Flying resists in the tier which means it can run a mono Flying-type attack, without being particularly punished.

:Pawniard: from B+ to A-: The return of Knock Off in itself movepool is a significant buff to its Swords Dance set. Knock off lets Pawniard break for itself and punishes its defensive switch-ins much harder. As an added bonus, it reliably wears Fighting-types which tend to switch into it.

:Trapinch: from B to A-: Trapinch is the best trapper in the metagame, thanks to the combination of its solid Attack stat and First Impression making up for its very poor speed, letting it trap Sneasel, Hattrem and Galarian Linoone. Earthquake lets it deal with walls such as Mareanie and Carkol, which many setup sweepers can have trouble dealing with. Whilst its poor defenses and speed tier mean it is often forced to switch out after netting a kill, its trapping ability is unrivalled and limits both gameplay and building.

:Clefairy: from B to B+: With Soft-Boiled and Teleport in its arsenal, Clefairy now has a more reliable form of recovery as well as being a more reliable Wishpasser. Clefairy is also one of the better checks to Gurdurr.

:Togetic: from B to B+: Togetic now has access to more reliably recovery moves with more PP such as Roost and Soft-Boiled, helping increase its longevity. It also is one of the better and more reliable Gurdurr checks in the tier.

:Carkol: from B- to B: Carkol is a solid role compressor and one of the most reliable checks to Special Attackers such as Haunter, Klang, and Gloom. Its also able to punish Hattrem, which likes to switch in and block its hazard attempts, with Fire Spin and then proceeding to win the 1v1.

:Shellos: from C- to C: Shellos is a decent wall, especially with Sticky Hold meaning it can never lose its Eviolite. It has reliable recovery and Clear Smog means it isn't complete setup bait.

:Charmeleon: from UR to C+: Whilst Sun has fallen off a fair bit with the banning of Ivysaur, Charmeleon is still extremely potent on Sun teams and its Solar Power and Sun boosted Fire Blasts are extremely difficult to switch into. It definitely has a niche so it deserves to be on the VR.


:Corsola-Galar: from S to A: Galarian Corsola has been far more manageable with Knock Off's and Toxic's distribution being back to normal. Whilst it's still a solid wall, Sneasel and Gurdurr on the majority of teams means Galarian Corsola is easily forced out and it now almost always loses its Eviolite in a game. Galarian Corsola used to be able to blanket check more than half of the metagame, but now it can even struggle in certain matchups.

:Machoke: from A+ to A: Aside from No Guard Dynamic Punch sets and max Speed Flame Orb Machoke, Gurdurr outclasses Machoke in pretty much every other way. It lacks the same coverage and utility moves that Gurdurr has, as well as being less bulky that Gurdurr and with Knock off being far more common, teams are far less reliant on using Machoke as their main item remover.

:Ferroseed: from A to B+: Ferroseed lost a lot of its niche due to Knock Off distribution increasing, as it was seen as a very solid role compressor, with hazards and Knock Off. Hattrem usage remaining high along with Gurdurr becoming more popular has definitely had an effect on its lowering usage in the post Home meta.

:Drakloak: from B to B-: Drakloak remains disappointing and the rise in usage of Sneasel makes it even more difficult to use effectively. It doesn't have the Special Attack stat Haunter possesses, so it isn't a great wallbreaker, and its physical sets have a very limited movepool. Its Speed tier is its one saving grace as it can be a decent revenge killer in certain situations.

:Honedge: from C+ to C: The increase in Knock Off distribution makes it much harder to use, especially with the rise of Sneasel and Gurdurr.

:Shelmet: from C+ to C: Defog distribution going up along with Hattrem still having solid usage means that Hattrem struggles to setup hazards and spread status.

:Ponyta-Galar: from C+ to UR: Heavily overranked, doesn't do very much.

:Remoraid: from C+ to UR: Its base stats are far too bad to abuse moody and its way too random to rely on.

:Boldore: from C- to UR: Outclassed by Carkol in pretty much every way.

:Dewpider: from C- to UR: Outclassed by Charjabug which has a better typing as a Sticky Web setter.

New Pokemon

:Vulpix-Alola: from New to A-: Alolan Vulpix is the only Pokemon in the tier with access to both Snow Warning and Aurora Veil. Aurora Veil is incredibly solid at the moment, due to the many setup sweepers (Rufflet, Klang, Gurdurr, Sneasel, Wartortle etc.) that reside in the tier. Alolan Vulpix doesn't offer much else, and its poor defenses mean that it can sometimes be difficult to setup Aurora Veil.

:Wartortle: from New to A-: Wartortle gained access to Shell Smash this generation making solid setup sweeper/cleaner. Whilst its mediocre Special Attack stat means it requires hazards/Knock Off support in order to break past Special walls, the lack of Water resists along with its solid bulk does mean its able to reliably setup up in the majority of games and spam its STAB moves somewhat freely.

:Torracat: from New to B+: Torracat is a very nice offensive pivot with defensive utility, thanks to its Intimidate and access to Parting Shot. It has a lot of competition from Raboot as a Fire-type which is slightly faster and hits marginally harder on the physical side but Torracat's added versatility is ultimately enough to justify the difference in subrank.

:Dartrix: from New to B: Dartrix makes for a solid wallbreaker, with moves such as Swords Dance, Knock Off, and Brave Bird. Access to Sucker Punch helps it deal with faster Pokemon such as Haunter. Its weakness Stealth Rock and Ice-type attacks means it can be worn down pretty easily and sometimes struggle to switch in.

:Brionne: from New to C+: An amazing Special Attack along with very solid defenses means it can either be used as a Choice Specs wallbreaker capitalising on the fact that tier has very few viable water resists or as a defensive wall, with RestTalk and very spammable move in Scald. Its mediocre speed tier means its offensive sets can be easily revenge killed, and its defensive sets are passive and opponsing Pokemon may be use it as an opportunity to setup.

Thanks again to those who posted their nominations this time around and we're hoping the VR is a much more accurate representation of the metagame. Looking forward to seeing new nominations!!
With Gurdurr, Sneasel, and Rufflet departing from the tier, the meta has shifted very drastically, and after a day or two of testing, I've found chunks of the VR that need readjusting.

:Machoke: A to A+
The departure of Gurdurr pushed away any form of semblence for competition Machoke has for a bulky fighting type slot, as Machoke encompasses incredible bulk, and unmatched walkbreaking power, still being near impossible to switch into, while having Knock Off to soften enemy checks over the course of the game. This thing absolutely deserves a rise.

:Pawniard: A- to A
With Sneasel gone, the slot of best STAB Knock spammer is one with quite the competition. Between Pawn and Lin-G, I'd have to give it to Pawn. The lack of Gurdurr means that this mon has no true avenue of being guaranteed to be handled by methods like Mach Punch (unless you wanted to run timburr) while its wallbreaking power is still incredible. Defiant is the icing on the cake here, as it allows Pawniard to punish the Strength Sap users of the tier with only having to be weary of Cors-G's Will-O-Wisp, while its defensive typing and access to the aforementioned Sucker Punch lets it have a much easier time switching into Haunter and handling it offensively.

:Gloom: A- to A
With Machoke running train on the entire tier, a plant with a mission rises from it's roots, and with the help of poking a silly straw into your opponent's pokemon, Strength Sap can keep Gloom healthy while having a very adored ability to switch into fighting type moves without being weak to Knock Off. Other than that, it's utility and offensive coverage are incredibly helpful towards the meta, giving options like Sleep Powder and Toxic to cripple enemy teams, with dual STABs and Moonblast to chip down enemies.

:Trapinch: A- to A
With the departure of 3 pokemon that could heavily capitalize on coming in after a Pinch kill, the mon has become aggravatingly more lethal, with the list of mons it can safely remove increasing in the popularity of dark types to handle haunter, and threats such as Klang and the more passive Clefairy being dealt with by Earthquake, Trapinch is definitely becoming a more prevalent member of teams.

:Klang: A- to A
No Gurdurr means that Shift Gear just lost one of its few consistent switchins, and because of it, Klang has definitely been more of a present threat in builder, and quite effective in practice. Water types such as Brionne and Wartortle being pressured by Wild Charge makes it harder to find solid ways to stop Gear Grind sweeps, and the rare specs set can still deal incredibly consistent damage while having volt switch to evade physical walls such as Gloom, Mareanie, and Corsola-G.

:Torracat: B+ to A-
This nom is mostly being made out of the fact that its a solid Klang check that isnt bugged by Pinch's trap due to Parting Shot and U-Turn when it isnt choice locked, as well as resisting First Impression. But Torracat outside of this is still an incredible choice for a bulky pivot, having good utility options in Fake Out, Taunt, and Will-O-Wisp. It's also a pretty decent scarfer, being able to hit a solid speed tier and push out damage with its STAB and odd coverage.

:Brionne: C+ to B+
This thing is so criminally underrated that it's like an undiscovered musician. Specs trucks half the meta for literally free, while Spdef Rest is an insanely helpful defensive set with the lack of bulky waters in the tier. This thing needs to be rised way up, as of now C+ is underselling it drastically.

:Linoone-Galar: A to A-
Facing incredibly stiff competition from Pawniard, lacking forms of priority, and its wallbreaking power being lesser for the meta slowing down, Lin-G is still pretty good, but it's definitely taken a dunk in viability in comparison to Pawniard. The VR should be changed to accurately portray this.

:Vulpix: B- to C+
With the rise of Carkoal as a hazard setter, and the somewhat small rise of Veil teams, Sun has become harder to effectively run in NFE, making Vulpix slightly less viable as a result.

:Charmeleon: C+ to C
Everything about vulpix but this thing actually relies on it to function properly, so if pix drops i believe this should too.
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I agree with most the changes that SBPC has suggested but I'm gonna make my own nominations on a few as I feel like some Pokemon are placed far too low.

:Machoke: A to S Machoke continues doing what it's always done, being a massive statstick bringing both amazing bulk and offense to the field. RestTalk PhysDef Choke has seen a big rise in usage as the main way to deal with Pawniard and other Steel-types. Machoke is honestly just super reliable at the moment and in my eyes should be on pretty much every team. Gloom is pretty much the only reliable switch-in to all 3 of its sets and even then it can struggle once its had its Eviolite removed against the Flame Orb set. Gurdurr going really helped it a lot as there isnt really another Pokemon which can fulfil a similar role. Whilst Machoke is still relatively slow, and offensive counterplay has always been the best way to deal with it, I think the rise of this more defensive set definitely shows that Machoke is able to adapt to pretty much any given situation making it one of the Big 3 in the tier.

:Pawniard: A- to A+/S I think this thing is nuts right now. It has very few reliable switch-ins (defensive Choker and Palpitoad) and is able to setup and break past most walls in the metagame. Sucker Punch lets it clean very easily and makes up for its mediocre speed tier (which in all honesty isn't even bad due to dexit causing a big split between the slow and the fast Pokemon and Pawniard being one of those mons which fill the gap). Gurdurr going was massive since we dont have any good Mach Punch users any more making this thing harder to revenge kill. Defiant also makes it much harder to deal with for physical walls which rely on Strength Sap such as Gloom and Galarian Corsola, whilst also deterring Defog, making it very useful for physical spam teams. Overall Pawniard's just super reliable and will always find some use in any give matchup.

:Haunter: A+ to S This mon has consistently been a top tier threat since the start. Sneasel going means the only viable Pokemon to outspeed it is Galarian Linoone (lol Drakloak sucks). It's so versatile at the moment with Eviolite Will-O-Wisp seeing more usage as of recent but its Choiced sets are still extremely potent and with Trick cripples common switch-ins. Life Orb is still extremely solid and Haunter is able to use moves like Substitute to play around Sucker Punch users like Raboot and Pawniard. Haunter's immunity to Spikes makes it hard to wear down and allows it to switch in and out multiple times during the course of the game. It can use these opportunities to wear down its checks with relative ease since the majority lack any form of reliable recovery. Haunter has limited offensive and defensive counterplay and definitely deserves a rise with how good it can deal with most the metagame.

Lastly, for my own nomination:

:Woobat: UR to C+ I'm not entirely sure where I'd put this to be honest, but it isn't just a meme mon at this point. I've had relatively good success with a Nasty plot Sub Salac set, and the Psychic- and Fire-type coverage is able to handle most the meta with ease after a couple boosts. Its extremely potent with screens and Trapinch support and benefitted a lot with Sneasel going, since it means Piloswine is the only Ice Shard user now. It definitely has a niche in the metagame as a very potent sweeper.
Hello! Since the metagame has been developing and pushing its variety lately I have a few nominations to propose.

I've started trying out rain for fun and trying to see if there were more to some of the overlooked Pokemons. I've mainly based my team around Wartortle and Lombre who are the biggest rain abusers along with Brionne. I've had a lot of fun using it, there definitely are things to be changed but this is an overall pre fun team. (thought i'd drop the team while i'm talking about it, feel free to edit it)
:machoke: :lombre: :vullaby: :wartortle: :palpitoad: :haunter:

:lombre: -> C+
Definitely has a good niche hitting a speed of 398 under rain as well as a special attack of 360 (which is a little underwhelming next to other specs users like Brionne but still very solid). Lombre has good coverage and a good movepool that actually makes it hard to switch into. After most of your walls are chipped down Lombre can easily come in and clean up. Lombre is also fine out of rain tho I don't recommend it, 199spe means you still outspeed a large part of the metagame so the pressure is still there.

:palpitoad: -> B+
Palpitoad is really solid right now, one of the best Pawniard checks and one of the best rockers of the moment. It easily deals with Defensive Choke and pivots like Torracat and Vullaby which are pretty common as well. It beats literally every other rocker either through Scald or Toxic, Palpitoad is just the Marshtomp of gen8.

:roselia: -> B+/A-
Easily one of my favourite Pokemon to be using at the moment. Roselia is an amazing lure, every top threat likes to switch into it which makes it really easy to use. Whether you're using specs or bulky, Roselia adds a lot of pressure. Being able to use Sleep Powder on Pawniard, Haunter or Machoke is a huge advantage. Roselia is super flexible you can run whatever you want on it, para, sleep, leech, aromatherapy or even fully offensive. Everything just works with it which is why it's so fun, your opponent will never really know if they're safe to switch Torracat, Haunter or something else in. Roselia is also best known for its hazard work which is still really useful at the moment.

Many other nominations have already been talked about so I thought I could respond to the ones I disagree with, hopefully this will spark conversation.

:Gloom: A- to A
With Machoke running train on the entire tier, a plant with a mission rises from it's roots, and with the help of poking a silly straw into your opponent's pokemon, Strength Sap can keep Gloom healthy while having a very adored ability to switch into fighting type moves without being weak to Knock Off. Other than that, it's utility and offensive coverage are incredibly helpful towards the meta, giving options like Sleep Powder and Toxic to cripple enemy teams, with dual STABs and Moonblast to chip down enemies.

:Trapinch: A- to A
With the departure of 3 pokemon that could heavily capitalize on coming in after a Pinch kill, the mon has become aggravatingly more lethal, with the list of mons it can safely remove increasing in the popularity of dark types to handle haunter, and threats such as Klang and the more passive Clefairy being dealt with by Earthquake, Trapinch is definitely becoming a more prevalent member of teams.

:Klang: A- to A
No Gurdurr means that Shift Gear just lost one of its few consistent switchins, and because of it, Klang has definitely been more of a present threat in builder, and quite effective in practice. Water types such as Brionne and Wartortle being pressured by Wild Charge makes it harder to find solid ways to stop Gear Grind sweeps, and the rare specs set can still deal incredibly consistent damage while having volt switch to evade physical walls such as Gloom, Mareanie, and Corsola-G.

:Torracat: B+ to A-
This nom is mostly being made out of the fact that its a solid Klang check that isnt bugged by Pinch's trap due to Parting Shot and U-Turn when it isnt choice locked, as well as resisting First Impression. But Torracat outside of this is still an incredible choice for a bulky pivot, having good utility options in Fake Out, Taunt, and Will-O-Wisp. It's also a pretty decent scarfer, being able to hit a solid speed tier and push out damage with its STAB and odd coverage.

I think these noms were given as soon as the bans happened so they were probably right at the time but now they don't feel as accurate. The changes made through the last couple of weeks have left many teams to be restructed and re-arranged because of how unbalanced the metagame feels at the moment. Crystal has talked about the top 3 threats here which I completely agree with and 85percent made a really solid post here about them as well.

:gloom: For reasons I have touched upon with Roselia, I don't think Gloom should move. It's still one of the best walls in the metagame and it still does great against Machoke but as a whole Gloom is becoming very passive and Steel-types are thriving right now. The difference between Gloom and Roselia is that Roselia is much more versatile, you can use it pure offensively, bulky or a mixture of both whereas Gloom is much more limited and predictable. I could see Gloom staying at A- or even going down to B+ tbh.

:trapinch: It has been recently touched upon in the Discord server that Trapinch isn't as effective as it is said to be. Trapinch has a lot of difficulties in the metagame through its terrible speed and lack of general stat. Its high attack and ability pushes it in the A- ranks but I don't think it could ever go over that. Trapinch's best assets are linoone and klang trapping which both have been limited lately by the use of Pawniard and its counters. Trapinch most of the time is also just better when replaced by a Machoke or other threats in what it wants to do.

:klang: I think Klang is also fine where it is, Gurdurr leaving didn't really impact it as much as SBPC is suggesting. I think it sets are still solid but it is not as good as it once was because of the rise of all these threats that have a much more oriented role. I think Klang is best as pivot rn because of the rise of Defensive Machoke and Pawniard as well as Water and Grass types. Choice Specs however is much more easily dealt with, most Pokemons have no trouble switching-in or blocking an attack, Klang doesn't really have any good coverage besides Electric and even then it doesn't do a whole lot, Steel Beam also takes away a lot of its health.
Hey frens, the VR has now been updated.

vr update 4.png


:Haunter: from A+ to S. Haunter is an extremely versatile Pokemon with its Choice Specs set being particularly devastating as its able to 2HKO the majority of the metagame. There are very few Pokemon which can reliably revenge kill it due to its insane speed tier. In tours, the Life Orb set has been very popular and has shown to be a very consistent wallbreaker and cleaner.

:Pawniard: from A- to S. Pawniard is the best STAB Knock Off user and with Swords Dance an extremely potent setup sweeper, cleaner and wallbreaker. It has limited amount of defensive and offensive counterplay due to its unique typing, access to priority in Sucker Punch and a great ability in Defiant gaining boosts from Strength Sap from walls and Defog. This also makes Pawniard a relatively reliable hazard setter with its typing deterring Hattrem from switching in. Overall Pawniard is seeing a huge rise due to its splashability and how difficult it is to deal with as an offensive threat.

:Machoke: from A to A+. Defensive RestTalk Machoke has seen a big rise in usage and is currently the best Pawniard counter. Machoke is extremely easy to fit onto teams due to a combination of its solid bulk and incredible attack stat and does not have much competition for its role. Its offensive sets are still incredibly difficult to switch into due to its incredible coverage.

:Gloom: from A- to A. Gloom is the most reliable answer to the very common Machoke as well as being a solid physical wall in general. It also has access to solid utility in Toxic, Leech Seed, Sleep Powder and a few others which make it solid team support.

:Klang: A- to A. Klang benefited greatly from Gurdurr's ban. Shift Gear makes it an incredible cleaner and access to Wild Charge means it is able to deal significant damage to the majority of our Water-types which would otherwise wall it. It's specially defensive set is still one of the most reliable Haunter checks and can act as a useful pivot as well.

:Carkol: B to B+. Carkol's access to both entry hazards and Rapid Spin make it a solid role compressor and one of the most reliable checks to Special Attackers such as Haunter, Klang, and Gloom. It has continued to be a very popular choice over the past month and benefited from Gurdurr's departure.

:Palpitoad: B to B+. Palpitoad is one of the few reliable Pawniard answers, a decent Machoke switch-in and a fantastic glue mon in general. It has useful utility in Stealth Rock and can Toxic bulkier Pokemon to wear them down. Its also able to beat the majority of Stealth Rock users in the tier.

:Roselia: B to B+. Both offensive and defensive Roselia sets have risen in usage. It is blessed with access to Spikes which is incredibly useful with how limited hazard removal is in the current metagame. A recent trend of using Sleep Powder has meant it is able to cripple common switch-ins such as Pawniard and Torracat which would otherwise setup on it. This utility has led to an increase in the rankings.

:Brionne: C+ to B. Brionne was slightly underranked as of last update. Its Choice Specs set has shown to be incredibly potent due to a lack of Water-type resists in the tier, whilst its more defensive sets are also solid due to its high natural special bulk and Scald letting it cripple physical attackers.

:Swirlix: UR to C-. A Calm Mind Cotton Guard set with Unburden has seen a fair amount of success recently as a effective win condition especially on screens teams.


:Vulpix: B- to C+. and :Charmeleon: C+ to C.
Sun has been struggling since the departure of Ivysaur. The rise of FIre-type resists such as Carkol, Brionne, and Palpitoad as well as Aurora Veil teams being around means that both Vulpix and Charmeleon are more difficult to use effectively so they have both dropped.

:Thwackey: B to B-. Thwackey hasn't been used much since the start of SS NFE with its Choice Scarf and SD sets finding very little success. It still has decent stats and a solid movepool but its poor matchup into common Pokemon such as Gloom and Haunter make it an unreliable choice.
Gonna do a personal VR with my extensive knowledge of the current meta, see how much it agrees with what Quagg is gonna post. Sorry if reasoning isn't super indepth, but there's a lot of mons.

S rank

Haunter is fine

A+ rank

Pilo is fine
Machoke: A+ to S. Objectively the best or second best mon in the meta depending on your meta takes. It's a great mon on any team and playstyle, has set variety, massive building threat, almost mandates usage. It's very difficult building a team without Choke, provides an insane amount f value in one slot that is worthy of S

A rank

Cors, gloom, and klang are fine.
Galarian Linoone - A to A+. It's the fastest viable unboosted mon in the tier, offers great utility and support, and is the best Haunter revenge killer in the tier. Great pivot, very splashable, can run Tosic Orb too to revenge +2 Tort after chip, for a decent amount of teams it forces Choke or a physdef or spdef wall to tank a knock, softening them up for the likes of Haunter, Wartortle, specs special attackers etc. It's not immediately threatening, but does provide a great deal of support and utility that goes beyond A imo.

A- kinda ass

Fraxure A- to B+. Clefairy being far more viable than it was a few months ago hinders frax viability, and Wartortle being the premier form of setup right now also means it competes with more as a wincon. It's not terrible, but is difficult to fit on a team, especially considering it needs quite a lot of work and support to clean at +1. It's not A- material.
Hattrem A- to A/A+. Definitely needs a rise. It's still one of the premier hazard deterrents, and this new physdef giga drain sets means it has a favourable matchup and can switch in fairly comfortably to every viable hazard setter in the tier except Gcors and charja. It warps gameplay when it comes to hazards, and is a good mon outside of Magic Bounce. The specs set has seen a fall from grace due to an abundance of specially defensive walls, but hatt is still better than A-.
Mareanie A- to B+. Mareanie is just too weak to a lot of the top threats to be a viable defensive wall. If you want a machoke 'check', you'd run Gloom or Gcors. If you want a Haunter or Wartortle check, youd run spdef brionne, klang, rose, maybe even shellos. Tspikes and knock niche is nice, but idt it's worth being a less reliable wall for.
Trapinch A- to B. Yh this things not good. It offers far too little in one slot. NFE is very compressed building wise, you need to cover a lot of threats in 6 slots or atleast have counterplay. Trapinch offers zero real defensive utility, and its not worth putting it on a team for the few things it can trap when you could offensively pressue them in other ways.
Vulpix A A- to B-. Screens Morgrems a better setter, especially with the one-time Twave bail that screens offense sometimes needs.
I think tort is fine at A- for now, but could be decent in A too.


Carkol B+ to A-. Good role compression in one mon, being a haunter check when spdef is also nice, it checks a fairly unique but important set of Pokemon with its typing that not many walls can provide, such as Gloon, Rose, Haunter, Klang etc, while providing hazards, removal (or secondary removal if paired with Hatt). Its a fairly splashable defensive mon that deserves a higher rank than everything else in B+ currently, altho with how bad A- currently looks, its hard to judge B+.
Charja is fine.
Clef is fine, maybe A- but not sure.
Ferroseed B+ to B. The tier just has more valuable defensive Pokemon. It's hard to fit ferro on a team when other Pokemon can fulfill the defensive role you'd use Ferro for more reliably.
Morgrem is fine.
Palpitoad is fine.
Roselia B+ to A- With the recent trend and rise of both offensive and defensive waters, a good grass type like Roselia that can perform both offensive and defensive capabilities while providing a Spiker and Tspikes absorber is super nice. Offensively it can weaken walls like Carkol or Hattrem for other Pokmeon or blow through teams that rely on spdef water as their spdef wall. Defensively, it checks Haunter, the offensive waters, can switch into Toxic etc. Good mon, definitely better than most of current A-
Toge is weird, idk how I feel about that mon in general, i always over/underestimate it in different metas.
Torracat idk, probably B+ to B but I have no real reasoning one way or the other on him, just haven't seen/used him enough to make a call.

B rank

Brionne B to B+ Both offensively and defensively, Brionne is super annoying, especially if your team isn't packing a Grass. Fully spdef resttalk is probs one of the best Haunter checks you're gonna get, while also walling basically every non Grass special attacker in the tier, except for the likes of recovering boosters like Vull, Toge and Duo. It's also really difficult to break on the special side, but most physical attackers in the tier lack reliable recovery, so it's not too difficult to wear down the mons that break brionne. Specs is powerful and annoying to switch into. It's better than B.
Dartrix is fine.
Duosion is fine.
Lampent B to B-. I've never actually seen anyone really use Lampent for quite a while, but it seems outclassed by Haunter as an offensive Ghost, and all the spdef wall prep for Haunter, Tort, and some specs users does not help it at all. Very difficult to fit on a team, and the iter has better special attackers.
Raboot is fine.

B- is also pretty bad, minus seems like a bad rank

Drakloak B- to C. Yh this things p ass now, was decent back in Dyna times, but even though it's the fastest unboosted mon in the tier, it's too trash to make use of that speed.
Farfetch'd G B- to C+. It's outclassed by Machoke on 99% of teams, but still has the unique niche of being a moderately fast (in comp to NFE speed) Fighter with Defog.
Haka is fine.
Munch is bad but fine.
Natu B- to C+. Mostly outclassed by Hattrem. It does have a few unique tools over Hatt, like reliable recovery, two pivot moves etc, but it's just too frail to stand on it's own in the current meta.
Pikachu is fine, maybe B but not sure.
Thwackeys fine
Vullaby B- to B. It's a decent spdef wall and fogger. Does face heavy competition from other Pokemon for those roles, but it can do it in one slot which is nice. It's objectively better than its current B- partners.

Reasoning is probs gonna be shorter for these C rankers. I think a lot of them are relics from a previous meta that don't currently see usage and have no notable niche.


Mudbray is fine
Vulpix C+ to B-. Partially because most of C is quite bad, but sun is also a fairly underexplored playstyle rn, especially with a lot of the common spdef walls being steel, grass or water types. It is heavily mu dependent, but I think it's a viable enough playstyle for it's weather setter to be in the B's
Zweilous C+ to B-. I think zwei is is a better mon than the current C rank stuff. It has a good enough speed tier to be dangerous for most teams and be faster than half a current nfe team. If your team doesn't have a Fairy, CB Hustle attacks (if they hit) are scary. It doesn't have the same spammability as Rufflet did, but it's decent imo

C kinda where it really falls off

Charm is fine.
Corv is fine.
Diglett I suppose is fine
Drilbur is fine.
Honedge C to UR. I don't think Honedge has any useful niche in current meta. Too slow, pretty frail on the special side
Shellos C to B. I love one of UOP's favourites in December is now p solid. Sticky Hold gives it a massively useful niche over any other wall in the tier, being able to keep its Eviolite and negate Trick, which gives it a extra degree of reliability against Haunter if Spdef. It also has really useful utility moves for a wall, Clear Smog, Infestation, Scald, defense and spdef boosting options, reliable recovery etc. It's more prone to status than something like Brionne, but its objectively better than anything else in C and B-
Shelmet is fine.
Sinistea C to UR. Want a Smasher, pick Tort. Want an offensive Ghost, pick Haunt.
Sliggoo is fine.

C- is chill
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