Neon's Sprite Recolouration Station (TAKING COMMISSIONS)

Here I will recolour any sprites to your liking! Here are my general rules:-
- Please tell me which sprite to use from the games. Also, if you'd like I will take colours from other pokes and put them on the sprite.
- I RECOLOUR sprites. I don't EDIT them. Sadly, you will not get Brock with a ditto face. (That actually happened on another forum. And I probably won't come back there. It happened a lot.)
- No legendary pokemon. They require very intense precision, so I don't like to recolour them.
- If your sprite looks a bit off I may've used squares to cover up any white spaces. In my red Dragonair art, this happened.
- I use MS Paint for Windows 10. I won't state my computer, though. I don't use tablets.
- I may add details like Pokedex number, entry, height and weight and all other info. But only on your permission.
- I'm not good at digital art that involves drawing freehand so I usually use a flat colour. Tell me the colour and if not I'll put flat colours.

ANYWAYS here is my sample art. These are my three best works and they may not be up to date but they are good.


This was a present for my friend Amara, fittingly titled "Amara's Poliwag" It is about one-month-old but still good. Yeh. Still good. Poliwag is her favourite Pokemon and her favourite colours are purple and blue, hence the colouring.

Red Dragonair was about half a year ago when I first learned how to copy colours. Red Dragonair has the red of Darmantian, yellow of a Pikachu, pink of Jigglypuff and the green of a Victrebel. This is also my example of boxing up sprites with squares, as seen with the tails' jewels. If not, they would float in the air!

Cherry is my Chikorita character in my Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon game. This was some fanart I made and it was made on the 20th of Feb 2016, the day the game graced Australian screens. (curse Americans and them getting games early) The colours were all from a Cherubi sprite. I also have the art for my partner Nibbles but I like Cherry more.

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Slowbros that have Shellders on them. That actually look like Shellders. A watchful eye can also see Cloyster and Slowpoke colours were used. The text mucked up here too. I, TBH thought Shellder changed to clamp tightly on Slowbro because Slowbros turn into slowpokes when Shellder falls off and Slowking turns into an idiot when Shellder falls off his head. Considering Slowkings are men.

A mareep. That looks like a shiny one. Nuff said.
Actually I have more to say, including the fact this is my first ever time I used a shiny. The outside of the orb on Mareep's tail was a shiny Growlithe.

Yes female crows look little different than males but I used peahens for inspiration and not female crows. I wanted to put a green neck but it didn't turn out the way I wanted.

Also remember I take commissions as long as they align within the rules.
Hi! I have a bit of advice. Something that can make recoloured sprites look really good is recoloured outlines. e.g, if you're recolouring a Pokemon to a very different colour, the outlines look off. That's because outlines have an effect on the sprite and make it, for lack of a better description, "fit". You should try out recolouring outlines, it can make sprites look very nice.