Hello everyone. I recently tried to make a RMT for the first time, and I realized that there's a certain standard here at Smogon in terms of presentation and quality. No worries - I've had time to make some team revisions as well as aesthetic changes. Despite the gen 6 weather nerf, I'm determined to utilize rain in my main competitive team. Perhaps it's the endless stretches of cool sea in Hoenn that inspired me to invent such a team, or maybe it's the fact that Mega-Swampert just kicks so much ass. Anyway, here goes.
Fo'shizzle (Politoed)@Damp Rock
Drizzle, Bold Nature
252 HP, 252 Defense, 4 Special Attack
-Perish Song
My main rain setter. Though not quite what it used to be, Politoed still does an excellent job at setting rain, and with the help of a damp rock he keeps it up for longer. The EV/Nature Spread maximizes Politoed's physical defense and bulk, with his Special Defense being sufficient uninvested. Scald is somewhat mandatory, dealing excellent damage with STAB and rain boost, with a decent burn chance making it spammable. Toxic is for wearing down foes and encouraging switches, and Perish Song stops set-up sweepers and stallers who want to stick around for a while (namely Mega-Venusaur). Rest is a viable recovery move for Politoed because it doesn't even need to be able to attack, just switch in and set up rain. Next.
Mia Khalifa (Goodra)@Damp Rock
Hydration, Bold Nature
252 HP, 252 Defense, 4 Special Attack
-Rain Dance
-Dragon Pulse
-Sludge Bomb
Goodra functions as both a secondary rain setter and a rain abuser. Its spread, like Politoed's, maximizes defensive bulk, with its special bulk being outstanding uninvested. Rain Dance is for backup, in case Politoed gets KO'd. Dragon Pulse is a strong stab option for other Dragon Types that would resist the water, grass, and electric moves mainly being used by the rest of my team. Sludge Bomb is primarily for coverage against fairies. Rest...oh dear. Hydration+Rest=full instant healing, , and when coupled with Goodra's tankiness, it's nothing to laugh at. Hail Hydration.
Legolas (Jolteon)@Expert Belt
Volt Absorb, Timid Nature
252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Defense
-Volt Switch
-Signal Beam
-Shadow Ball
Jolteon is probably one of my favorite pokemon of all time, but he's not on my team for his Red/Blue nostalgia. Jolteon is an excellent Thunder abuser in the rain, and a speedy, formidable threat to most other water types that would hope to take advantage of the rain. His EV spread maximizes his speed and special sweeping capabilities, and a Timid nature enables him to outspeed...um, I might need help on that one. I've been told to run Timid over Modest though, so I'll trust the experts. Volt Switch is for momentum, though also powerful STAB. Signal Beam is for grass types that would otherwise take his STAB attacks with ease, and shadow ball is for ghosts and psychics, with a decent chance to lower special defense. Overall, I deem Jolteon is an excellent addition to my team. And I could totally see him shield-boarding down a flight of stairs, slaying helpless orcs by the dozen. Moving on.
Breloominati (Breloom)@Focus Sash
Technician, Jolly Nature
252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Defense
-Bullet Seed
-Rock Tomb
-Mach Punch
Breloom is, in my opinion, a really underrated pokemon. Though not especially fast, he packs a hell of a punch, and does his job well. This is a fairly standard Breloom set, with EVs giving it maximum physical sweeping potential. Bullet seed is a powerful STAB attack after technician's boost, and it can also break through substitutes and continue to hit. Rock Tomb can be used to punish switches and lower speed, and also helps cover Breloom's crippling flying weakness. Mach punch for powerful STAB priority, can be used to take down steel types that would otherwise wall Breloom. Spore is one of the only perfectly accurate sleep-inducing moves, and Breloom can use it well. Breloom also acts as a great check to other Mega-Swamperts.
Sovereign (Metagross)@Assault Vest
Clear Body, Adamant Nature
252 HP, 252 Attack, 4 Defense
-Meteor Mash
-Zen Headbutt
Metagross, you scary son of a bitch. EVs allow it to stay in for a while and hit like a freight train, and assault vest improves its lacking special defense. Meteor Mash for scary STAB with a chance to raise its attack to alarming levels. EQ for coverage, Zen Headbutt primarily for dealing with Mega-Venusaur (whom I believe to otherwise be a huge threat to this team). Once Metagross has fulfilled its purpose, it can explode and bring another pokemon down with it. ME fans will understand the name. Did I miss anything?
The moment you've all been waiting for...
Vladimir (Swampert)@Swampertite
Swift Swim, Adamant Nature
252 Attack, 152 Speed, 104 HP
-Ice Punch
-Low Kick
If you pooped yourself, I won't judge. With its new Mega, Swampert can now be used viably in OU, though admittedly it needs rain to allow it to thrive, survive, and kill stuff. EVs give it maximum offensive force, with enough speed to, when doubled in rain, JUST outspeed a max speed timid mega-sceptile. The rest is bulk. Once its main threats, being grass types, are removed by my other pokemon, Mega-SWampert can basically sweep un-opposed. The first two moves are powerful STAB, Waterfall being EXTREMELY powerful when rain-boosted. Ice Punch is for coverage, and to insure that Mega-Sceptile gets OHKO'd. Otheriwise, stick with waterfall. STAB+rain makes waterfall generally more effective than Ice Punch. For example, if Ice punch is 4x effective and Waterfall is 2x, Waterfall is stronger. The last move is filler mostly, though Low Kick deals significant damage with Mega-Swampert's weight. In all, this thing is a formidable threat to any team, provided it gets enough support.
So, that's that! I'd REALLY appreciate any advice you guys can give me. This team has been tested on PokemonShowdown, and overall it has worked well. Note: I do not use legendaries on my teams, so Thundurs/Tornadus aren't options. Sorry. Again, I could use some help fine-tuning, so please comment. Thank you!
AAAUGH please ignore the awkward format in politoed's section I'm so sorry I don't know what happened.
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