DD Salamence!!!
Hey there! Dragon Dance Salamence is among the top sweepers in the OU tier, and so with the right support, surely he must be unstoppable! I've been playing around with this team for a while now, and although Salamence has successfully pulled off a few sweeps, my team still has some very notable weaknesses.
During early game, my team aims to set up Steath Rocks, block them from being spun away with a ghost-type and spin out our own hazards. Then it proceeds to remove threats to Salamence, and then wait until the right moment come for him to come in and sweep. So, here's the team:
Salamence @ Lum Berry
Ability: Moxie
Nature: Naive
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
~ Outrage
~ Dragon Dance
~ Earthquake
~ Fire Blast
The teams main star and it is a beast! After a dragon dance, Salamence gains power and speed, so it will be difficult to revenge kill, most of the time. Fire blast and earthquake destroys any grass/steel types that the team hasn't removed, and after a +2 boost, thanks to Moxie, he is set to use Outrage. Lum Berry is there to avoid status and to give him a chance to clean up, if Outrage doesn't do the job.
Magnezone @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Magnet Pull
Nature: Timid
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
~ Thunderbolt
~ Flash Cannon
~ Hidden Power Fire
~ Volt Switch
Magnezone is an excellent partner for Salamence, as it resists all of his weaknesses and takes care of troubling steel types, such as Ferrothorn and Skarmory. Thunderbolt and Volt Switch are it's main stab, allowing it to maintain momentum and hit flying types and water types for massive damage. Except in the rain, Hidden Power Fire destroys Scizor, Ferrothorn and Forretress. Flash Cannon hits Rock and Ice-types hard, and hits Ground types for neutral damage, finishing them off when at low-health.
Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
Nature: Relaxed
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
~ Stealth Rock
~ Leech Seed
~ Protect
~ Power Whip
My choice for a wall. Ferrothorn's typing, stats and movepool propelled it to the top of the list of walls in OU, but of course you all know that. He sets up Stealth Rocks, and with the combination of Leech Seed and Protect, he can defeat anything that fails to 2HKO it. Protect also allows me to see through VoltTurn strategies, as well as any unexpected coverage moves that could destroy it. However, that could lead to the the opponent predicting, as I make the switch. Power Whip is my main source of STAB attack that can take care of the majority of Water pokes.
Jellicent @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 248 HP / 212 Def / 48 Spe
~ Scald
~ Will-O-Wisp
~ Recover
~ Taunt
I need Stealth Rocks to remain on the field, so that Focus Sash attackers do not ruin Salamence's day. Jellicent is my obvious choice for a spinblocker, as it shares fantastic type synergy with Ferrothorn. Scald is the obvious STAB move of choice, thanks to the burn chance. Will-O-Wisp ruins any Physical Attacker, and Taunt is an excellent way to stop utility pokes. The EVs allow me to outspeed other Jellicent and Taunt them, as well as maintain a defensive presence.
Starmie @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
~ Hydro Pump
~ Ice Beam
~ Thunderbolt
~ Rapid Spin
This guy is my Rapid Spinner. Since I really want him to be around for a bit longer, to spin hazards, I decided to go for Leftovers instead of Life Orb. The EVs and moveset is pretty standard, and lets it do it's job decently.
Infernape @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Natual Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
~ Close Combat
~ Flare Blitz
~ Stone Edge
~ U-turn
While Infernape's offensive capabilities are somewhat limited nowadays, with the popularity of Choice Band and stronger physical attackers, I still decided to use him, as he can be a good physically-based revenge killer/scout, thanks to great coverage and Speed. Close Combat and Flare Blitz are my STABs, which are still capable to dealing sizeable damage outside of rain. Stone Edge is a coverage move against Volcarona and flying types such as opposing Salamence. He may not be a dedicated lead, but I still start off with him most of the time.
If the team does it's job, Salamence will be pretty hard to beat, but it still can be easily revenge killed. This include Ice Shard users, such as Mamoswine and Weaville, as well as naturally faster Choice Scarf users, such as Keldeo and Terrakion. Magnezone is not the most sturdy of pokes, and is easily defeated by any super effective move. Ferrothorn and Jellicent might seem like an unbreakable combo, but the truth is that there are many Special Attackers that carry a coverage move and can beat them both. Starmie is also quite fragile, and is pursuit bait, which could prevent it from doing its job. Infernape is naturally frail, and with the defence and HP drops from Close Combat and Flare Blitz respectively, it won't be sticking around for long. Also, it's Attack stat may not be enough to overcome bulkier offensive foes, such as Dragonite.
The problem is, that while each Pokemon in the team seems have excellent type synergy on paper (after checking Marriland) and their roles seem to perfectly contribute towards a Salamence sweep, when out in practice, there are those weaknesses that the opponent can take advantage of. Even though Infernape and Magnezone can pull off a semi Volt Turn combo, the truth is that my team can lose momentum very easily.
Notable Threats:
These are a few threats that I currently know of and have faced against. I am open to listening about any other potential threats.
This guy is a terror against my team. The combination of STAB Icicle Crash/ Ice Shard and Earthquake is unresisted on my team, and OHKOes Magnezone and Salamence easily.
Unless Magnet Pull is activated, I can never use an electric attack again, until this electric thingamajig is dead. His STAB Thunder destroys Starmie, Jellicent and Infernape, and Focus Blast can take on Ferrothorn and Magnezone with ease. The Agility set makes it impossible for me to revenge kill.
Thanks to its excellent coverage and Magic Guard, this guy can only be revenge killed, which is inconvenient especially if he has a Focus Sash. He is definitely a guy to watch out for.
Since common variants of him include Superpower or Fire Blast, Tyranitar can be really effective against my team. Choice Band Superpower can really put the hurt on Magnezone and Ferrothorn, and Crunch and Pursuit will definitely damage Jellicent and Starmie. The Special Defence boost means that they can't do that much in return, except hope for a burn.
I really need some advice that can fix these weaknesses on my team. I am open to any suggestions. Advice regarding complete changes to the team are also appreciated, as long as they still have Dragon Dance Salamence and they compliment the above-mentioned strategy. I will make any changes in red.
The very best of thanks for taking notice of this thread, and I hope you all have a great day!
Hey there! Dragon Dance Salamence is among the top sweepers in the OU tier, and so with the right support, surely he must be unstoppable! I've been playing around with this team for a while now, and although Salamence has successfully pulled off a few sweeps, my team still has some very notable weaknesses.
During early game, my team aims to set up Steath Rocks, block them from being spun away with a ghost-type and spin out our own hazards. Then it proceeds to remove threats to Salamence, and then wait until the right moment come for him to come in and sweep. So, here's the team:
Salamence @ Lum Berry
Ability: Moxie
Nature: Naive
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
~ Outrage
~ Dragon Dance
~ Earthquake
~ Fire Blast
The teams main star and it is a beast! After a dragon dance, Salamence gains power and speed, so it will be difficult to revenge kill, most of the time. Fire blast and earthquake destroys any grass/steel types that the team hasn't removed, and after a +2 boost, thanks to Moxie, he is set to use Outrage. Lum Berry is there to avoid status and to give him a chance to clean up, if Outrage doesn't do the job.
Magnezone @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Magnet Pull
Nature: Timid
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
~ Thunderbolt
~ Flash Cannon
~ Hidden Power Fire
~ Volt Switch
Magnezone is an excellent partner for Salamence, as it resists all of his weaknesses and takes care of troubling steel types, such as Ferrothorn and Skarmory. Thunderbolt and Volt Switch are it's main stab, allowing it to maintain momentum and hit flying types and water types for massive damage. Except in the rain, Hidden Power Fire destroys Scizor, Ferrothorn and Forretress. Flash Cannon hits Rock and Ice-types hard, and hits Ground types for neutral damage, finishing them off when at low-health.
Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
Nature: Relaxed
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
~ Stealth Rock
~ Leech Seed
~ Protect
~ Power Whip
My choice for a wall. Ferrothorn's typing, stats and movepool propelled it to the top of the list of walls in OU, but of course you all know that. He sets up Stealth Rocks, and with the combination of Leech Seed and Protect, he can defeat anything that fails to 2HKO it. Protect also allows me to see through VoltTurn strategies, as well as any unexpected coverage moves that could destroy it. However, that could lead to the the opponent predicting, as I make the switch. Power Whip is my main source of STAB attack that can take care of the majority of Water pokes.
Jellicent @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 248 HP / 212 Def / 48 Spe
~ Scald
~ Will-O-Wisp
~ Recover
~ Taunt
I need Stealth Rocks to remain on the field, so that Focus Sash attackers do not ruin Salamence's day. Jellicent is my obvious choice for a spinblocker, as it shares fantastic type synergy with Ferrothorn. Scald is the obvious STAB move of choice, thanks to the burn chance. Will-O-Wisp ruins any Physical Attacker, and Taunt is an excellent way to stop utility pokes. The EVs allow me to outspeed other Jellicent and Taunt them, as well as maintain a defensive presence.
Starmie @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
~ Hydro Pump
~ Ice Beam
~ Thunderbolt
~ Rapid Spin
This guy is my Rapid Spinner. Since I really want him to be around for a bit longer, to spin hazards, I decided to go for Leftovers instead of Life Orb. The EVs and moveset is pretty standard, and lets it do it's job decently.
Infernape @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Natual Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
~ Close Combat
~ Flare Blitz
~ Stone Edge
~ U-turn
While Infernape's offensive capabilities are somewhat limited nowadays, with the popularity of Choice Band and stronger physical attackers, I still decided to use him, as he can be a good physically-based revenge killer/scout, thanks to great coverage and Speed. Close Combat and Flare Blitz are my STABs, which are still capable to dealing sizeable damage outside of rain. Stone Edge is a coverage move against Volcarona and flying types such as opposing Salamence. He may not be a dedicated lead, but I still start off with him most of the time.
If the team does it's job, Salamence will be pretty hard to beat, but it still can be easily revenge killed. This include Ice Shard users, such as Mamoswine and Weaville, as well as naturally faster Choice Scarf users, such as Keldeo and Terrakion. Magnezone is not the most sturdy of pokes, and is easily defeated by any super effective move. Ferrothorn and Jellicent might seem like an unbreakable combo, but the truth is that there are many Special Attackers that carry a coverage move and can beat them both. Starmie is also quite fragile, and is pursuit bait, which could prevent it from doing its job. Infernape is naturally frail, and with the defence and HP drops from Close Combat and Flare Blitz respectively, it won't be sticking around for long. Also, it's Attack stat may not be enough to overcome bulkier offensive foes, such as Dragonite.
The problem is, that while each Pokemon in the team seems have excellent type synergy on paper (after checking Marriland) and their roles seem to perfectly contribute towards a Salamence sweep, when out in practice, there are those weaknesses that the opponent can take advantage of. Even though Infernape and Magnezone can pull off a semi Volt Turn combo, the truth is that my team can lose momentum very easily.
Notable Threats:
These are a few threats that I currently know of and have faced against. I am open to listening about any other potential threats.
This guy is a terror against my team. The combination of STAB Icicle Crash/ Ice Shard and Earthquake is unresisted on my team, and OHKOes Magnezone and Salamence easily.
Unless Magnet Pull is activated, I can never use an electric attack again, until this electric thingamajig is dead. His STAB Thunder destroys Starmie, Jellicent and Infernape, and Focus Blast can take on Ferrothorn and Magnezone with ease. The Agility set makes it impossible for me to revenge kill.
Thanks to its excellent coverage and Magic Guard, this guy can only be revenge killed, which is inconvenient especially if he has a Focus Sash. He is definitely a guy to watch out for.
Since common variants of him include Superpower or Fire Blast, Tyranitar can be really effective against my team. Choice Band Superpower can really put the hurt on Magnezone and Ferrothorn, and Crunch and Pursuit will definitely damage Jellicent and Starmie. The Special Defence boost means that they can't do that much in return, except hope for a burn.
I really need some advice that can fix these weaknesses on my team. I am open to any suggestions. Advice regarding complete changes to the team are also appreciated, as long as they still have Dragon Dance Salamence and they compliment the above-mentioned strategy. I will make any changes in red.
The very best of thanks for taking notice of this thread, and I hope you all have a great day!