Need help RNG'ing a 6 IV Ditto, Pokemon Black

If this isn't the right place, please just move it, please don't lock it.

I am trying to RNG for a 6IV Ditto in Giant Chasm...and I am doing something fundamentally wrong. I am hitting my PIDRNG, because the species is correct (ditto) and the nature that RNG reporter says it should be. But the IV spread is wrong. And the IV spread is not given by any of the adjacent seeds either. When I calibrated, the Timer0 literally alternated between 2 different Timer0s. But I consistently am hitting this (wrong) seed/ditto. I will attach screen grabs of my set up. As for my method:

Enter my MAC Address, fill in Black English for game version. Fill in my target date and time. Hard Reset my game, attempted to hit seed. Catch pokemon, enter IV's calculate parameters...see below 7 iterations and 2 different Timer0s...

Send to profile. Save. Open 5th Gen time finder. Fill out info, search. Find a seed. See below the screen grab of Time Finder window...


Copy seed. Paste seed. Fill out info... Roamer is caught, so left box unticked...tried with it ticked and it didnt make a difference. See RNG Reporter screen...


Used the highlighted frame. Starting frame 40, target is 45. Turned game on. Because of seconds, have to set time to one minute earlier and let the second hand go all the way around...Attempt to hit seed, hit A one second early because of offset. Don't press buttons until the starting movie. Start game without C Gear off...Open party menu, open on Chatot, rotate through them 4 more times for my 5 frame advancements. Sweet scent, catch ditto. And consistently wrong IV's. And the IV spread it has is not present in any of the adjacent seeds, I looked.

Obtained Ditto IV's:
HP: 18-19
Atk: 4-5
Def: 6-7
SpA: 24
SpD: 12-13
Spe: 12-13

Y'all...I have caught this ditto literally 30 times. I have read every guide I can find. Watched every video i could find. I have literally been trying to troubleshoot this for 24 combined hours. And to make matters worse, I successfully did this 2 years ago, and sent a ditto to my best friend. PLEASE HELP ME.

Edited because I suck at first drafts.
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We have a 5th Generation RNG help thread which would be a more appropriate location to direct any further questions/discussion on the matter.

But in short (see image below) what you're getting is exactly what you'd expect. You are on IV frame 1 and are searching frame 9. Adjust your search parameters to be min/max frame 1, and you should be fine. There are ways to advance to the specified frame (mentioned in the on-site guide), but they're more hassle than they're worth.
Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 03.28.45.png
I'll second what Jellicent said about this thread in WiFi being a better place to put this, but I'll try my best to help out anyway.
The only potential issue that I can see Min/Max frame set to 1-20 in the Seed Finder, but iirc these should both be set to 1.
Try using this seed and then doing your advancements (sorry for keypresses):

If you don't like the nature then pick a different one, just use the same seed in the main window.
EDIT: Ninja'd by .com
We have a 5th Generation RNG help thread which would be a more appropriate location to direct any further questions/discussion on the matter.

But in short (see image below) what you're getting is exactly what you'd expect. You are on IV frame 1 and are searching frame 9. Adjust your search parameters to be min/max frame 1, and you should be fine. There are ways to advance to the specified frame (mentioned in the on-site guide), but they're more hassle than they're worth.
View attachment 61803
Omg it's so obvious now. You have to advance 2 different frames or set min max to 1. Thank you so much .com and Legofigure11 and thank yout guys for not nuking the thread. I tried searching for the right thread, just not hard enough.