

Necturna is one of the most threatening sweepers on teams that aim to stack entry hazards and continually wear down the opposition. Necturna fits particularly well on these teams because it will often need chip damage on the opposition to efficiently sweep. While its typing is amazing offensively, it's also pretty good defensively, granting Necturna resistances to Electric, Water, and Ground and an immunity to Normal and Fighting, allowing it to set up on Pokemon like Tapu Koko, Gliscor, and Chansey. However, Necturna has a hard time setting up initially because of its susceptibility to faster Pokemon like Tornadus-T and Heatran. In addition, it's vulnerable to priority from Pokemon like Weavile and Syclant because of Shell Smash's defense drops. Although Necturna can use Shadow Sneak to pick off weakened faster Pokemon, it's still outsped by common Choice Scarf users like Jumbao and Volkraken even after setting up with Shell Smash.

name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Power Whip
move 3: Shadow Claw
move 4: Shadow Sneak
item: Ghostium Z
ability: Forewarn
nature: Adamant
evs: 52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe


Power Whip allows Necturna to deal with Pokemon like Toxapex and Arghonaut. Although it's quite weak and may appear to be an odd pick on a sweeper that boosts its Speed, Shadow Sneak is incredibly important; most notably, it allows Necturna to deal with Pokemon that are faster than it even at +2, such as Mega Alakazam and Choice Scarf Kitsunoh. It also allows Necturna to pick off Choice Scarf Volkraken once weakened.

Set Details

204 Speed EVs allow Necturna to outspeed Mega Lopunny after it has used Shell Smash. Ghostium Z allows Necturna to break through bulky Steel-types like Celesteela, Magearna, and Ferrothorn, which could otherwise check it pretty well.

Usage Tips

Necturna should be played very patiently, as it needs as much chip damage on its checks as possible to ultimately sweep, so don't rush it and attempt to sweep early-game. From there, Necturna can use its defensive typing to set up on Pokemon like Tapu Koko and Gliscor, which have no practical way of harming its ability to sweep. If the foe has a defensive Tomohawk, Necturna will be unable to sweep. However, you can use this to your advantage to position teammates like Magearna and Mega Alakazam in a favorable position.

Team Options

Necturna fits on a wide variety of teams, ranging from bulky offense to hyper offense to even balance. Because Necturna really benefits from Spikes quickly wearing down the opposition, setters like Greninja, Ash-Greninja, Ferrothorn, and Arghonaut are excellent partners. Stealth Rock setters that can keep entry hazards up against Tornadus-T, such as Mega Tyranitar, Heatran, and Mega Diancie, are also good partners. Most notably, Stealth Rock allow Necturna to KO bulky Tornadus-T with a boosted Shadow Claw, allowing it to save its Z-Move. Stealth Rock also quickly wear down Volkraken, allowing Necturna to KO it with a Shell Smash boost after it switches into it two times. Mega Alakazam can wear down Steel-types like Celesteela and Magearna into range of Necturna's boosted Shadow Claw. Pokemon like Magearna, Mega Alakazam, and Tapu Koko can take advantage of Tomohawk, which is by far the best defensive counter to Necturna. Lastly, dual screens Tapu Koko synergizes really well with Necturna on hyper offensive teams, granting it many more opportunities to set up.

Other Options

A Belly Drum set is an option that can sweep much earlier than Shell Smash variants thanks to its massively improved damage output. However, because of the fact that Belly Drum cuts into Necturna's HP, combined with this set's reliance on Shadow Sneak to deal with anything faster, it's often seen as unreliable. A Choice Band set can be run to act more as a wallbreaker and to lure traditional answers with moves like V-create, Bolt Strike, and Dragon Ascent. Necturna is quite slow, though, so it's often unreliable at breaking walls. Necturna can drop Shadow Claw and Ghostium Z in favor of running Rockium Z along with Stone Edge to take on Tornadus-T more reliably, but the fact that Necturna won't be able to deal with weakened Steel-types by itself is rather undesirable.

Checks and Counters

**Flying- and Fire-types**: Flying- and Fire-types like Tornadus-T, Hawlucha, and Heatran are capable of outspeeding Necturna and can prevent it from using Shell Smash. However, if Necturna has already used Shell Smash, these Pokemon can struggle to check it, especially if Never-Ending Nightmare hasn't been used yet. Hawlucha, however, can even outspeed a boosted Necturna if Unburden is activated.

**Tomohawk**: Tomohawk is the best defensive check to Necturna, being capable of removing Necturna's boosts with Haze, negating damage with Roost, and retaliating with its Flying-type STAB moves.

**Choice Scarf Users**: Choice Scarf users like Volkraken, Jumbao, Weavile, and Kartana are not particularly bothered by even a boosted Shadow Sneak and can easily OHKO Necturna after it has used Shell Smash. They're really easy to wear down over time, though, leaving them susceptible to a boosted Shadow Sneak.

**Cyclohm**: Cyclohm has the bulk necessary to take even a boosted Never-Ending Nightmare, and it can even retaliate with Flamethrower and Ice Beam.

**Priority**: Priority from Pokemon like Weavile, Syclant, Mega Mawile, and Mega Pinsir can OHKO Necturna after it has set up. They must be wary of Shadow Sneak, though, because they're easy to wear down into range of a boosted Shadow Sneak. Additionally, Mega Mawile is rather unreliable, as Sucker Punch fails if Necturna uses Shadow Sneak.

**Multiple Z-Move Targets**: Necturna will often want to use its Z-Move on Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Celesteela, Magearna, and Tornadus-T. If you have a combination of these Pokemon, Necturna will often find itself incapable of sweeping because it can't overwhelm all these Pokemon on its own.

- Written by: [[Jordy, 395754]]
- Quality checked by: [[xavgb, 231402], [G-Luke, 264912], [snake_rattler, 227784]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Rabia, 336073], [The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216]]
Last edited:

* Necturna is one of the most threatening sweepers on teams that aim to stack hazards and continually wear down the opposition.
* It fits particularly well on these teams because Necturna will often need chip damage on the opposition to efficiently sweep.
* While its typing being is amazing offensively, it's also pretty good defensively, granting Necturna resistances to Electric, Water, and Ground and an immunity to Normal and Fighting, allowing it to set up on Pokemon like Tapu Koko, Gliscor, and Chansey.
* However, Necturna also has a hard time setting up initially because of its susceptibility to faster Pokemon like Tornadus-T and Heatran. Add something about Shell Smash's Def drop imo.
* It's also still outsped by common Choice Scarf users like Jumbao and Volkraken even after setting up with Shell Smash. Fortunately, it has access to Shadow Sneak, allowing it to pick them off after they've been weakened.

name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Power Whip
move 3: Shadow Claw
move 4: Shadow Sneak
item: Ghostium Z
ability: Forewarn
nature: Adamant
evs: 52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe


* Shell Smash is what makes Necturna such a devastating sweeper, making it nearly impossible to stop once Shell Smash has been used.
* Power Whip allows Necturna to deal with Pokemon like Toxapex and Arghonaut.
* Although it's quite weak and may appear to be an odd pick on a sweeper that boosts its Speed, Shadow Sneak is is incredibly important for Necturna. Most notably, it allows it to deal with Pokemon that are faster than it, even at +2, like Mega Alakazam, as well as Choice Scarf Kitsunoh and Volkraken. Reword this to explain that Mzam and Kit are OHKOs, and that it picks off weakened Volkraken.

Set Details

* 204 Speed EVs allow Necturna to outspeed Mega Lopunny after it has used Shell Smash.
* Ghostium Z allows Necturna to break through bulky Steel-types like Celesteela, Magearna, and Ferrothorn, which could otherwise check it pretty well.

Usage Tips

* Necturna should be played very patiently, because it needs as much chip damage as possible to ultimately sweep, so don't rush it and attempt to sweep early-game.
* From there, Necturna can use its defensive typing to set up on Pokemon like Tapu Koko and Gliscor, which have no practical way of harming it to sweep.
* If the foe has a defensive Tomohawk, Necturna will be unable to sweep. However, you can use this to your advantage to position yourself with teammates like Magearna and Mega Alakazam in a favorable position.

Team Options

* Necturna fits on a wide variety of teams, ranging from bulky offense to balance to even hyper offense. Stress BO and HO as the best fits for Necturna, then mention that it can also be used on balance.
* Because Necturna really benefits from the fact that Spikes can quickly wear down the opposition, setters like Greninja, Ash-Greninja, Ferrothorn, and Arghonaut are excellent partners.
* Stealth Rock setters that can keep Stealth Rock up against Tornadus-T, such as Mega Tyranitar, Heatran, and Mega Diancie are also good partners. Most notably, Stealth Rock allow Necturna to KO Tornadus-T with a boosted Shadow Claw, allowing it to save its Z-Move. Add that it can KO Scarf volk after two rocks switchins.
* Similarly to Spikes, Mega Alakazam can quickly wear down the opposition. More specifically, it can wear down Steel-types like Celesteela and Magearna into range from Necturna's boosted Never-Ending Nightmare. It already KOes both of these with +2 NEN. Change it to Shadow Claw
* Pokemon like Magearna, Mega Alakazam, and Tapu Koko can take advantage of Tomohawk, which is by far the best defensive counter to Necturna.
* Lastly, screens Tapu Koko synergizes really well with Necturna on hyper offensive teams, granting it many more opportunities to set up.

Other Options

* Belly Drum is an option that can sweep much quicker than Shell Smash variants thanks to its massively improved damage output. However, because of the fact that it cuts into Necturna's HP, it's often seen as unreliable.
* A Choice Band set can be run to act more as a wallbreaker and to lure traditional answers with moves like V-Create, Bolt Strike, and Dragon Ascent. Necturna is quite slow, though, so it's often unreliable in breaking walls.

Checks and Counters

**Flying- and Fire-types**: Flying- and Fire-types like Tornadus-T, Hawlucha, and Heatran are capable of outspeeding Necturna and can prevent it from using Shell Smash. Hawlucha can even outspeed a boosted Necturna if Unburden is activated.

**Tomohawk**: Tomohawk is the best defensive check to Necturna, being capable of removing Necturna's boosts with Haze, negate damage with Roost, and it can retaliate with its Flying-type STAB moves.

**Choice Scarf Users**: Choice Scarf users like Volkraken, Jumbao, Weavile, and Kartana are not particularly bothered by even a boosted Shadow Sneak and can easily OHKO Necturna after it has used Shell Smash. They're really easy to wear down over time, though. - Phone makes it hard to calc but i don't believe Scarf kart knock OHKOes

**Cyclohm**: Cyclohm has the bulk necessary to take even a boosted Never-Ending Nightmare and it can even retaliate with Fire Blast.

**Priority**: Priority from Pokemon like Weavile, Syclant, Mega Mawile, and Mega Pinsir can OHKO Necturna after it has set-up. They must be wary of Shadow Sneak, though, because they're easy to wear down into range of a boosted Shadow Sneak. Additionally, Mega Mawile is rather unreliable, because Sucker Punch fails if Necturna uses Shadow Sneak.

**Multiple Z-Move Targets**: Necturna will often want to use its Z-Move on Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Celesteela, Jumbao, and Tornadus-T. If you have a combination of these Pokemon, Necturna will often find itself incapable of sweeping because it can't overwhelm all these Pokemon. Change bao to Magearna

- Written by: [[Jordy, 395754]]
- Quality checked by: [[, ], [, ], [, ]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]

Phone QCING whoop. QC 1/3

* Necturna is one of the most threatening sweepers on teams that aim to stack hazards and continually wear down the opposition.
* It fits particularly well on these teams because Necturna will often need chip damage on the opposition to efficiently sweep.
* While its typing is amazing offensively, it's also pretty good defensively, granting Necturna resistances to Electric, Water, and Ground and an immunity to Normal and Fighting, allowing it to set up on Pokemon like Tapu Koko, Gliscor, and Chansey.
* However, Necturna also has a hard time setting up initially because of its susceptibility to faster Pokemon like Tornadus-T and Heatran. In addition, it's susceptible to priority from Pokemon like Weavile and Syclant because of Shell Smash's defense drops.
* It's also still outsped by common Choice Scarf users like Jumbao and Volkraken even after setting up with Shell Smash. Fortunately, it has access to Shadow Sneak, allowing it to pick them off after they've been weakened.

name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Power Whip
move 3: Shadow Claw
move 4: Shadow Sneak
item: Ghostium Z
ability: Forewarn
nature: Adamant
evs: 52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe


* Shell Smash is what makes Necturna such a devastating sweeper, making it nearly impossible to stop once Shell Smash has been used.
* Power Whip allows Necturna to deal with Pokemon like Toxapex and Arghonaut.
* Although it's quite weak and may appear to be an odd pick on a sweeper that boosts its Speed, Shadow Sneak is is incredibly important for Necturna. Most notably, it allows it to deal with Pokemon that are faster than it, even at +2, like Mega Alakazam and Choice Scarf Kitsunoh. It also allows Necturna to pick off Choice Scarf Volkraken once weakened.

Set Details

* 204 Speed EVs allow Necturna to outspeed Mega Lopunny after it has used Shell Smash.
* Ghostium Z allows Necturna to break through bulky Steel-types like Celesteela, Magearna, and Ferrothorn, which could otherwise check it pretty well.

Usage Tips

* Necturna should be played very patiently, because it needs as much chip damage as possible to ultimately sweep, so don't rush it and attempt to sweep early-game.
* From there, Necturna can use its defensive typing to set up on Pokemon like Tapu Koko and Gliscor, which have no practical way of harming it to sweep.
* If the foe has a defensive Tomohawk, Necturna will be unable to sweep. However, you can use this to your advantage to position yourself with teammates like Magearna and Mega Alakazam in a favorable position.

Team Options

* Necturna fits on a wide variety of teams, ranging from bulky offense to hyper offense to even balance.
* Because Necturna really benefits from the fact that Spikes can quickly wear down the opposition, setters like Greninja, Ash-Greninja, Ferrothorn, and Arghonaut are excellent partners.
* Stealth Rock setters that can keep Stealth Rock up against Tornadus-T, such as Mega Tyranitar, Heatran, and Mega Diancie are also good partners. Most notably, Stealth Rock allow Necturna to KO Tornadus-T with a boosted Shadow Claw, allowing it to save its Z-Move. Stealth Rock also quickly wear down Volkraken, allowing Necturna to KO it after 2 rounds with a Shell Smash boost.
* Similarly to Spikes, Mega Alakazam can quickly wear down the opposition. More specifically, it can wear down Steel-types like Celesteela and Magearna into range from Necturna's boosted Shadow Claw.
* Pokemon like Magearna, Mega Alakazam, and Tapu Koko can take advantage of Tomohawk, which is by far the best defensive counter to Necturna.
* Lastly, screens Tapu Koko synergizes really well with Necturna on hyper offensive teams, granting it many more opportunities to set up.

Other Options

* Belly Drum is an option that can sweep much quicker than Shell Smash variants thanks to its massively improved damage output. However, because of the fact that it cuts into Necturna's HP, it's often seen as unreliable.
* A Choice Band set can be run to act more as a wallbreaker and to lure traditional answers with moves like V-Create, Bolt Strike, and Dragon Ascent. Necturna is quite slow, though, so it's often unreliable in breaking walls.
(Mention Rockium Z)

Checks and Counters

**Flying- and Fire-types**: Flying- and Fire-types like Tornadus-T, Hawlucha, and Heatran are capable of outspeeding Necturna and can prevent it from using Shell Smash. (Mention that none of these Pokemon like switching in and lose the ability to actively threaten Nect once it sets up, especially if NEN is still intact.) Hawlucha can even outspeed a boosted Necturna if Unburden is activated.

**Tomohawk**: Tomohawk is the best defensive check to Necturna, being capable of removing Necturna's boosts with Haze, negate damage with Roost, and it can retaliate with its Flying-type STAB moves. (Mention how easy it is for Tomohawk to be taken advantage of by metagame trends)

**Choice Scarf Users**: Choice Scarf users like Volkraken, Jumbao, Weavile, and Kartana are not particularly bothered by even a boosted Shadow Sneak and can easily OHKO Necturna after it has used Shell Smash. They're really easy to wear down over time, though, leaving them susceptible to a boosted Shadow Sneak.

**Cyclohm**: Cyclohm has the bulk necessary to take even a boosted Never-Ending Nightmare and it can even retaliate with Fire Blast.

**Priority**: Priority from Pokemon like Weavile, Syclant, Mega Mawile, and Mega Pinsir can OHKO Necturna after it has set-up. They must be wary of Shadow Sneak, though, because they're easy to wear down into range of a boosted Shadow Sneak. Additionally, Mega Mawile is rather unreliable, because Sucker Punch fails if Necturna uses Shadow Sneak.

**Multiple Z-Move Targets**: Necturna will often want to use its Z-Move on Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Celesteela, Magearna, and Tornadus-T. If you have a combination of these Pokemon, Necturna will often find itself incapable of sweeping because it can't overwhelm all these Pokemon.

- Written by: [[Jordy, 395754]]
- Quality checked by: [[xavgb, 231402], [, ], [, ]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]
implement these, and then notify so I can give another one over before passing the 2/3

* Necturna is one of the most threatening sweepers on teams that aim to stack hazards and continually wear down the opposition.
* It fits particularly well on these teams because Necturna will often need chip damage on the opposition to efficiently sweep.
* While its typing is amazing offensively, it's also pretty good defensively, granting Necturna resistances to Electric, Water, and Ground and an immunity to Normal and Fighting, allowing it to set up on Pokemon like Tapu Koko, Gliscor, and Chansey.
* However, Necturna also has a hard time setting up initially because of its susceptibility to faster Pokemon like Tornadus-T and Heatran. In addition, it's susceptible to priority even after setting up from Pokemon like Weavile and Syclant because of Shell Smash's defense drops.
* It's also still outsped by common Choice Scarf users like Jumbao and Volkraken even after setting up with Shell Smash. Fortunately, it has access to Shadow Sneak, allowing it to pick them off after they've been weakened.

name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Power Whip
move 3: Shadow Claw
move 4: Shadow Sneak
item: Ghostium Z
ability: Forewarn
nature: Adamant
evs: 52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe


* Shell Smash is what makes Necturna such a devastating sweeper, making it nearly impossible to stop once Shell Smash has been used.
* Power Whip allows Necturna to deal with Pokemon like Toxapex and Arghonaut.
* Although it's quite weak and may appear to be an odd pick on a sweeper that boosts its Speed, Shadow Sneak is is incredibly important for Necturna. Most notably, it allows it to deal with Pokemon that are faster than it, even at +2, like Mega Alakazam and Choice Scarf Kitsunoh. It also allows Necturna to pick off Choice Scarf Volkraken once weakened.

Set Details

* 204 Speed EVs allow Necturna to outspeed Mega Lopunny after it has used Shell Smash.
* Ghostium Z allows Necturna to break through bulky Steel-types like Celesteela, Magearna, and Ferrothorn, which could otherwise check it pretty well.

Usage Tips

* Necturna should be played very patiently, because it needs as much chip damage as possible to ultimately sweep, so don't rush it and attempt to sweep early-game.
* From there, Necturna can use its defensive typing to set up on Pokemon like Tapu Koko and Gliscor, which have no practical way of harming it to sweep.
* If the foe has a defensive Tomohawk, Necturna will be unable to sweep. However, you can use this to your advantage to position yourself with teammates like Magearna and Mega Alakazam in a favorable position.

Team Options

* Necturna fits on a wide variety of teams, ranging from bulky offense to hyper offense to even balance.
* Because Necturna really benefits from the fact that Spikes can quickly wear down the opposition, setters like Greninja, Ash-Greninja, Ferrothorn, and Arghonaut are excellent partners.
* Stealth Rock setters that can keep Stealth Rock up against Tornadus-T, such as Mega Tyranitar, Heatran, and Mega Diancie are also good partners. Most notably, Stealth Rock allow Necturna to KO Tornadus-T with a boosted Shadow Claw, allowing it to save its Z-Move. Stealth Rock also quickly wear down Volkraken, allowing Necturna to KO it after 2 rounds with a Shell Smash boost.
* Similarly to Spikes, Mega Alakazam can quickly wear down the opposition. More specifically, it can wear down Steel-types like Celesteela and Magearna into range from Necturna's boosted Shadow Claw.
* Pokemon like Magearna, Mega Alakazam, and Tapu Koko can take advantage of Tomohawk, which is by far the best defensive counter to Necturna.
* Lastly, screens Tapu Koko synergizes really well with Necturna on hyper offensive teams, granting it many more opportunities to set up.

Other Options

* Belly Drum is an option that can sweep much quicker than Shell Smash variants thanks to its massively improved damage output. However, because of the fact that it cuts into Necturna's HP, it's often seen as unreliable.
* A Choice Band set can be run to act more as a wallbreaker and to lure traditional answers with moves like V-Create, Bolt Strike, and Dragon Ascent. Necturna is quite slow, though, so it's often unreliable in breaking walls.
* Rockium Z can be run with Stone Edge instead of Shadow Claw to reliably take Tornadus-T more reliably, but the fact that Necturna won't be able to deal with weakened Steel-types by itself is rather undesirable.

Checks and Counters

**Flying- and Fire-types**: Flying- and Fire-types like Tornadus-T, Hawlucha, and Heatran are capable of outspeeding Necturna and can prevent it from using Shell Smash. However, if Necturna has already used Shell Smash, these Pokemon can struggle to check it, especially if Never-Ending Nightmare hasn't been used yet. Hawlucha, however, can even outspeed a boosted Necturna if Unburden is activated.

**Tomohawk**: Tomohawk is the best defensive check to Necturna, being capable of removing Necturna's boosts with Haze, negate damage with Roost, and it can retaliate with its Flying-type STAB moves.

**Choice Scarf Users**: Choice Scarf users like Volkraken, Jumbao, Weavile, and Kartana are not particularly bothered by even a boosted Shadow Sneak and can easily OHKO Necturna after it has used Shell Smash. They're really easy to wear down over time, though, leaving them susceptible to a boosted Shadow Sneak.

**Cyclohm**: Cyclohm has the bulk necessary to take even a boosted Never-Ending Nightmare and it can even retaliate with Fire Blast.

**Priority**: Priority from Pokemon like Weavile, Syclant, Mega Mawile, and Mega Pinsir can OHKO Necturna after it has set-up. They must be wary of Shadow Sneak, though, because they're easy to wear down into range of a boosted Shadow Sneak. Additionally, Mega Mawile is rather unreliable, because Sucker Punch fails if Necturna uses Shadow Sneak.

**Multiple Z-Move Targets**: Necturna will often want to use its Z-Move on Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Celesteela, Magearna, and Tornadus-T. If you have a combination of these Pokemon, Necturna will often find itself incapable of sweeping because it can't overwhelm all these Pokemon.

- Written by: [[Jordy, 395754]]
- Quality checked by: [[xavgb, 231402], [, ], [, ]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]

Phone check! great work as usual QC 2/3.

Necturna is one of the most threatening sweepers on teams that aim to stack hazards and continually wear down the opposition. It fits particularly well on these teams because Necturna will often need chip damage on the opposition to efficiently sweep. While its typing is amazing offensively, it's also pretty good defensively, granting Necturna resistances to Electric, Water, and Ground and an immunity to Normal and Fighting, allowing it to set up on Pokemon like Tapu Koko, Gliscor, and Chansey. However, Necturna also has a hard time setting up initially because of its susceptibility to faster Pokemon like Tornadus-T and Heatran. In addition, it's susceptible to priority, even moreso after setting up, from Pokemon like Weavile and Syclant because of Shell Smash's defense drops. It's also still outsped by common Choice Scarf users like Jumbao and Volkraken even after setting up with Shell Smash. Fortunately, it has access to Shadow Sneak, allowing it to pick them off after they've been weakened.

name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Power Whip
move 3: Shadow Claw
move 4: Shadow Sneak
item: Ghostium Z
ability: Forewarn
nature: Adamant
evs: 52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe


Shell Smash is what makes Necturna such a devastating sweeper, making it nearly impossible to stop once Shell Smash has been used. Power Whip allows Necturna to deal with Pokemon like Toxapex and Arghonaut, which could otherwise stop Necturna's sweep early. Although it's quite weak and may appear to be an odd pick on a sweeper that boosts its Speed, Shadow Sneak is is incredibly important for Necturna. Most notably, it allows it to deal with Pokemon that are faster than it, even at +2, like Mega Alakazam and Choice Scarf Kitsunoh. It also allows Necturna to pick off Choice Scarf Volkraken once weakened.

Set Details

204 Speed EVs allow Necturna to outspeed Mega Lopunny after it has used Shell Smash. Ghostium Z allows Necturna to break through bulky Steel-types like Celesteela, Magearna, and Ferrothorn, which could otherwise check it pretty well.

Usage Tips

Necturna should be played very patiently, because it needs as much chip damage as possible to ultimately sweep, so don't rush it and attempt to sweep early-game. From there, Necturna can use its defensive typing to set up on Pokemon like Tapu Koko and Gliscor, which have no practical way of harming it to sweep. If the foe has a defensive Tomohawk, Necturna will be unable to sweep. However, you can use this to your advantage to position yourself with teammates like Magearna and Mega Alakazam in a favorable position.

Team Options

Necturna fits on a wide variety of teams, ranging from bulky offense to hyper offense to even balance. Because Necturna really benefits from the fact that Spikes can quickly wear down the opposition, setters like Greninja, Ash-Greninja, Ferrothorn, and Arghonaut are excellent partners. Stealth Rock setters that can keep Stealth Rock up against Tornadus-T, such as Mega Tyranitar, Heatran, and Mega Diancie are also good partners. Most notably, Stealth Rock allow Necturna to KO bulky Tornadus-T with a boosted Shadow Claw, allowing it to save its Z-Move. Stealth Rock also quickly wear down Volkraken, allowing Necturna to KO it after 2 rounds with a Shell Smash boost. Similarly to Spikes, Mega Alakazam can quickly wear down the opposition. More specifically, it can wear down Steel-types like Celesteela and Magearna into range from Necturna's boosted Shadow Claw. Pokemon like Magearna, Mega Alakazam, and Tapu Koko can take advantage of Tomohawk, which is by far the best defensive counter to Necturna. Lastly, screens Tapu Koko synergizes really well with Necturna on hyper offensive teams, granting it many more opportunities to set up.

Other Options

Belly Drum is an option that can sweep much quicker than Shell Smash variants thanks to its massively improved damage output. However, because of the fact that it cuts into Necturna's HP, it's often seen as unreliable. mention that you have to wear down stuff even more bc you're relying on shadow sneak for anything faster A Choice Band set can be run to act more as a wallbreaker and to lure traditional answers with moves like V-Create, Bolt Strike, and Dragon Ascent. Necturna is quite slow, though, so it's often unreliable in breaking walls. Rockium Z can be run with Stone Edge instead of Shadow Claw to reliably take Tornadus-T more reliably, but the fact that Necturna won't be able to deal with weakened Steel-types by itself is rather undesirable.

Checks and Counters

**Flying- and Fire-types**: Flying- and Fire-types like Tornadus-T, Hawlucha, and Heatran are capable of outspeeding Necturna and can prevent it from using Shell Smash. However, if Necturna has already used Shell Smash, these Pokemon can struggle to check it, especially if Never-Ending Nightmare hasn't been used yet. Hawlucha, however, can even outspeed a boosted Necturna if Unburden is activated.

**Tomohawk**: Tomohawk is the best defensive check to Necturna, being capable of removing Necturna's boosts with Haze, negate damage with Roost, and it can retaliate with its Flying-type STAB moves.

**Choice Scarf Users**: Choice Scarf users like Volkraken, Jumbao, Weavile, and Kartana are not particularly bothered by even a boosted Shadow Sneak and can easily OHKO Necturna after it has used Shell Smash. They're really easy to wear down over time, though, leaving them susceptible to a boosted Shadow Sneak.

**Cyclohm**: Cyclohm has the bulk necessary to take even a boosted Never-Ending Nightmare and it can even retaliate with Fire Blast standard defensive carries one or both of flamethrower / ice beam

**Priority**: Priority from Pokemon like Weavile, Syclant, Mega Mawile, and Mega Pinsir can OHKO Necturna after it has set-up. They must be wary of Shadow Sneak, though, because they're easy to wear down into range of a boosted Shadow Sneak. Additionally, Mega Mawile is rather unreliable, because Sucker Punch fails if Necturna uses Shadow Sneak.

**Multiple Z-Move Targets**: Necturna will often want to use its Z-Move on Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Celesteela, Magearna, and Tornadus-T. If you have a combination of these Pokemon, Necturna will often find itself incapable of sweeping because it can't overwhelm all these Pokemon.

- Written by: [[Jordy, 395754]]
- Quality checked by: [[xavgb, 231402], [G-Luke, 264912], [, ]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]

3/3, gorgeous

Necturna is one of the most threatening sweepers on teams that aim to stack entry hazards and continually wear down the opposition. It Necturna fits particularly well on these teams because Necturna it will often need chip damage on the opposition to efficiently sweep. While its typing is amazing offensively, it's also pretty good defensively, granting Necturna resistances to Electric, Water, and Ground and an immunity to Normal and Fighting, allowing it to set up on Pokemon like Tapu Koko, Gliscor, and Chansey. However, Necturna also has a hard time setting up initially because of its susceptibility to faster Pokemon like Tornadus-T and Heatran. In addition, it's susceptible to priority,(RC) even moreso after setting up,(RC) from Pokemon like Weavile and Syclant because of Shell Smash's defense drops. It's also Although Necturna can use Shadow Sneak to pick off weakened faster Pokemon, it's still outsped by common Choice Scarf users like Jumbao and Volkraken even after setting up with Shell Smash. Fortunately, it has access to Shadow Sneak, allowing it to pick them off after they've been weakened.

name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Power Whip
move 3: Shadow Claw
move 4: Shadow Sneak
item: Ghostium Z
ability: Forewarn
nature: Adamant
evs: 52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe


Shell Smash is what makes Necturna such a devastating sweeper, making it nearly impossible to stop once Shell Smash has been used (this sentence tells me nothing tbh; what about Shell Smash makes Necturna nearly impossible to stop? I'd rather see this sentence dropped instead of included as is). Power Whip allows Necturna to deal with Pokemon like Toxapex and Arghonaut. Although it's quite weak and may appear to be an odd pick on a sweeper that boosts its Speed, Shadow Sneak is is incredibly important for Necturna. Most notably, it allows it Necturna to deal with Pokemon that are faster than it,(RC) even at +2, like such as Mega Alakazam and Choice Scarf Kitsunoh. It also allows Necturna to pick off Choice Scarf Volkraken once weakened.

Set Details

204 Speed EVs allow Necturna to outspeed Mega Lopunny after it has used Shell Smash. Ghostium Z allows Necturna to break through bulky Steel-types like Celesteela, Magearna, and Ferrothorn, which could otherwise check it pretty well.

Usage Tips

Necturna should be played very patiently, because as it needs as much chip damage on its checks as possible to ultimately sweep, so don't rush it and attempt to sweep early-game. From there, Necturna can use its defensive typing to set up on Pokemon like Tapu Koko and Gliscor, which have no practical way of harming it its ability to sweep. If the foe has a defensive Tomohawk, Necturna will be unable to sweep. However, you can use this to your advantage to position yourself with teammates like Magearna and Mega Alakazam in a favorable position.

Team Options

Necturna fits on a wide variety of teams, ranging from bulky offense to hyper offense to even balance. Because Necturna really benefits from the fact that Spikes can quickly wear wearing down the opposition, setters like Greninja, Ash-Greninja, Ferrothorn, and Arghonaut are excellent partners. Stealth Rock setters that can keep Stealth Rock up against Tornadus-T, such as Mega Tyranitar, Heatran, and Mega Diancie,(AC) are also good partners. Most notably, Stealth Rock allow Necturna to KO bulky Tornadus-T with a boosted Shadow Claw, allowing it to save its Z-Move. Stealth Rock also quickly wear down Volkraken, allowing Necturna to KO it after 2 rounds with a Shell Smash boost. Similarly to Spikes, Mega Alakazam can quickly wear down the opposition. More specifically, it can wear down Steel-types like Celesteela and Magearna into range from of Necturna's boosted Shadow Claw. Pokemon like Magearna, Mega Alakazam, and Tapu Koko can take advantage of Tomohawk, which is by far the best defensive counter to Necturna. Lastly, dual screens Tapu Koko synergizes really well with Necturna on hyper offensive teams, granting it many more opportunities to set up.

Other Options

A Belly Drum set is an option that can sweep much quicker earlier than Shell Smash variants thanks to its massively improved damage output. However, because of the fact that it Belly Drum cuts into Necturna's HP, combined with the fact that it this set relies on Shadow Sneak to deal with anything faster, it's often seen as unreliable. A Choice Band set can be run to act more as a wallbreaker and to lure traditional answers with moves like V-Create, Bolt Strike, and Dragon Ascent. Necturna is quite slow, though, so it's often unreliable in at breaking walls. Rockium Z can be run with Stone Edge instead of Shadow Claw Necturna can drop Shadow Claw in favor of running Rockium Z along with Stone Edge (not rly necessary but I think this sounds less awkward personally) to reliably take on Tornadus-T more reliably, but the fact that Necturna won't be able to deal with weakened Steel-types by itself is rather undesirable.

Checks and Counters

**Flying- and Fire-types**: Flying- and Fire-types like Tornadus-T, Hawlucha, and Heatran are capable of outspeeding Necturna and can prevent it from using Shell Smash. However, if Necturna has already used Shell Smash, these Pokemon can struggle to check it, especially if Never-Ending Nightmare hasn't been used yet. Hawlucha, however, can even outspeed a boosted Necturna if Unburden is activated.

**Tomohawk**: Tomohawk is the best defensive check to Necturna, being capable of removing Necturna's boosts with Haze, negate negating damage with Roost, and it can retaliate retaliating with its Flying-type STAB moves.

**Choice Scarf Users**: Choice Scarf users like Volkraken, Jumbao, Weavile, and Kartana are not particularly bothered by even a boosted Shadow Sneak and can easily OHKO Necturna after it has used Shell Smash. They're really easy to wear down over time, though, leaving them susceptible to a boosted Shadow Sneak.

**Cyclohm**: Cyclohm has the bulk necessary to take even a boosted Never-Ending Nightmare,(AC) and it can even retaliate with Flamethrower and Ice Beam.

**Priority**: Priority from Pokemon like Weavile, Syclant, Mega Mawile, and Mega Pinsir can OHKO Necturna after it has set up(RH). They must be wary of Shadow Sneak, though, because they're easy to wear down into range of a boosted Shadow Sneak. Additionally, Mega Mawile is rather unreliable, because as Sucker Punch fails if Necturna uses Shadow Sneak.

**Multiple Z-Move Targets**: Necturna will often want to use its Z-Move on Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Celesteela, Magearna, and Tornadus-T. If you have a combination of these Pokemon, Necturna will often find itself incapable of sweeping because it can't overwhelm all these Pokemon.

- Written by: [[Jordy, 395754]]
- Quality checked by: [[xavgb, 231402], [G-Luke, 264912], [snake_rattler, 227784]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]
gp 1/2 once done
remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 2/2

Necturna is one of the most threatening sweepers on teams that aim to stack entry hazards and continually wear down the opposition. Necturna fits particularly well on these teams because it will often need chip damage on the opposition to efficiently sweep. While its typing is amazing offensively, it's also pretty good defensively, granting Necturna resistances to Electric, Water, and Ground and an immunity to Normal and Fighting, allowing it to set up on Pokemon like Tapu Koko, Gliscor, and Chansey. However, Necturna has a hard time setting up initially because of its susceptibility to faster Pokemon like Tornadus-T and Heatran. In addition, it's susceptible vulnerable (repetition) to priority from Pokemon like Weavile and Syclant because of Shell Smash's defense drops. Although Necturna can use Shadow Sneak to pick off weakened faster Pokemon, it's still outsped by common Choice Scarf users like Jumbao and Volkraken even after setting up with Shell Smash.

name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Power Whip
move 3: Shadow Claw
move 4: Shadow Sneak
item: Ghostium Z
ability: Forewarn
nature: Adamant
evs: 52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe


Power Whip allows Necturna to deal with Pokemon like Toxapex and Arghonaut. Although it's quite weak and may appear to be an odd pick on a sweeper that boosts its Speed, Shadow Sneak is incredibly important for Necturna; (SC) most notably, it allows Necturna to deal with Pokemon that are faster than it even at +2, such as Mega Alakazam and Choice Scarf Kitsunoh. It also allows Necturna to pick off Choice Scarf Volkraken once weakened.

Set Details

204 Speed EVs allow Necturna to outspeed Mega Lopunny after it has used Shell Smash. Ghostium Z allows Necturna to break through bulky Steel-types like Celesteela, Magearna, and Ferrothorn, which could otherwise check it pretty well.

Usage Tips

Necturna should be played very patiently, as it needs as much chip damage on its checks as possible to ultimately sweep, so don't rush it and attempt to sweep early-game. From there, Necturna can use its defensive typing to set up on Pokemon like Tapu Koko and Gliscor, which have no practical way of harming its ability to sweep. If the foe has a defensive Tomohawk, Necturna will be unable to sweep. However, you can use this to your advantage to position teammates like Magearna and Mega Alakazam in a favorable position.

Team Options

Necturna fits on a wide variety of teams, ranging from bulky offense to hyper offense to even balance. Because Necturna really benefits from Spikes quickly wearing down the opposition, setters like Greninja, Ash-Greninja, Ferrothorn, and Arghonaut are excellent partners. Stealth Rock setters that can keep Stealth Rock entry hazards up against Tornadus-T, such as Mega Tyranitar, Heatran, and Mega Diancie, are also good partners. Most notably, Stealth Rock allow Necturna to KO bulky Tornadus-T with a boosted Shadow Claw, allowing it to save its Z-Move. Stealth Rock also quickly wear down Volkraken, allowing Necturna to KO it after 2 rounds with a Shell Smash boost after it switches into it two times. Similarly to Spikes, Mega Alakazam can quickly wear down the opposition. More specifically, it (weird transition) can wear down Steel-types like Celesteela and Magearna into range of Necturna's boosted Shadow Claw. Pokemon like Magearna, Mega Alakazam, and Tapu Koko can take advantage of Tomohawk, which is by far the best defensive counter to Necturna. Lastly, dual screens Tapu Koko synergizes really well with Necturna on hyper offensive teams, granting it many more opportunities to set up.

Other Options

A Belly Drum set is an option that can sweep much earlier than Shell Smash variants thanks to its massively improved damage output. However, because of the fact that Belly Drum cuts into Necturna's HP, combined with the fact that this set relies this set's reliance on Shadow Sneak to deal with anything faster, it's often seen as unreliable. A Choice Band set can be run to act more as a wallbreaker and to lure traditional answers with moves like V-create, Bolt Strike, and Dragon Ascent. Necturna is quite slow, though, so it's often unreliable at breaking walls. Necturna can drop Shadow Claw and Ghostium Z in favor of running Rockium Z along with Stone Edge to take on Tornadus-T more reliably, but the fact that Necturna won't be able to deal with weakened Steel-types by itself is rather undesirable.

Checks and Counters

**Flying- and Fire-types**: Flying- and Fire-types like Tornadus-T, Hawlucha, and Heatran are capable of outspeeding Necturna and can prevent it from using Shell Smash. However, if Necturna has already used Shell Smash, these Pokemon can struggle to check it, especially if Never-Ending Nightmare hasn't been used yet. Hawlucha, however, can even outspeed a boosted Necturna if Unburden is activated.

**Tomohawk**: Tomohawk is the best defensive check to Necturna, being capable of removing Necturna's boosts with Haze, negating damage with Roost, and retaliating with its Flying-type STAB moves.

**Choice Scarf Users**: Choice Scarf users like Volkraken, Jumbao, Weavile, and Kartana are not particularly bothered by even a boosted Shadow Sneak and can easily OHKO Necturna after it has used Shell Smash. They're really easy to wear down over time, though, leaving them susceptible to a boosted Shadow Sneak.

**Cyclohm**: Cyclohm has the bulk necessary to take even a boosted Never-Ending Nightmare, and it can even retaliate with Flamethrower and Ice Beam.

**Priority**: Priority from Pokemon like Weavile, Syclant, Mega Mawile, and Mega Pinsir can OHKO Necturna after it has set up. They must be wary of Shadow Sneak, though, because they're easy to wear down into range of a boosted Shadow Sneak. Additionally, Mega Mawile is rather unreliable, as Sucker Punch fails if Necturna uses Shadow Sneak.

**Multiple Z-Move Targets**: Necturna will often want to use its Z-Move on Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Celesteela, Magearna, and Tornadus-T. If you have a combination of these Pokemon, Necturna will often find itself incapable of sweeping because it can't overwhelm all these Pokemon on its own.

- Written by: [[Jordy, 395754]]
- Quality checked by: [[xavgb, 231402], [G-Luke, 264912], [snake_rattler, 227784]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Rabia, 336073], [, ]]