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Tournament NDPL III - Format Discussion

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Hi everyone, with NDPL III coming up, Kris and I would like to open a discussion on the format of the tournament, particularly the tiers to be played.

Last year's tiers:
NatDex OU x3
NatDex Monotype x2
NatDex UU
NatDex AG
NatDex Bo3 (OU/UU/AG)

Tiers from this year's World Cup:
NatDex OU x4
NatDex UU
NatDex Monotype
NatDex AG
NatDex Bo3 (OU/UU/AG)

Neither of these formats necessarily have to be used, and we're open to other suggestions as well. Please let us know your thoughts!
NatDex OU x3
NatDex Monotype x2
NatDex UU
NatDex AG
NatDex Bo3 (OU/UU/RU)

AG should be axed from BO3 its a whole different beast from OU/UU and requires Dynamax knowledge. Its also not very popular with the AG base according to this thread. ND RU should finally get a chance to be in a Team tour. All competitiveness and actual player arguments go out the window when you also include AG in this format.

I would also say have replace one of the Monoslots with another OU because they already had a entire PL dedicated to them buts likely not to happen to be honest.
Just saying here that while many things aren't final there's high chances 2x Mono won't be returning. It had good intentions going in but the flaws in it showed a lot last ndpl.

Something to keep in mind while we decide the format
Just saying here that while many things aren't final there's high chances 2x Mono won't be returning. It had good intentions going in but the flaws in it showed a lot last ndpl.

Something to keep in mind while we decide the format

NatDex OU x4
NatDex Monotype
NatDex UU
NatDex AG
NatDex Bo3 (OU/UU/RU)

There should be 4 OU slots because its by far the most popular format by a mile. I still believe RU is better suited for the BO3 slot but another option is to swap AG and RU around and keep the old BO3 and have a entire RU slot.

The reason I still would prefer a AG slot is because of the Dynamax mechanics however.
3 OU
Custom OU / BO3 (OU UU RU)

AG is god awful in BO3, hope it will be removed this time
Currently what i support rn, last slot is ordered by preference (bc BO3 is boring to prep/schedule/play and adding RU won't really change that)
Custom OU cld be a suspect slot like it was done in SMPL, or threat like i introduced in the ndwc discussion format

I also believe RU deserve a slot this year, much more than 2 monotype, as much as i enjoy playing mono far more than RU mono has a whole side PL
3 OU
1 UU
1 RU
1 Mono
1 Suspect OU / 1 AG
1 Bo3 (OU/UU/RU)

While I don’t know much about how suspect OU is managed, I’m partial to an AG-less NDPL (hence why it’s not in the Bo3) and it seems interesting enough to warrant a slot. For similar reasons, I think RU should also get a slot, as the tier is quite interesting and can be given more of a platform if it gets more than a Bo3 game, though finding players may be a hassle.
Anyone who supports custom ou(???) But wants ag removed because it's not popular and doesn't "fit" has no idea what they're talking about. Please do not introduce random clown slots fnr.

That being said, I do believe RU deserves a chance. It's a fun and balanced tier and its inclusion in RU Snake last year means that there are some good tour players already familiar with it. It's also a bit tricky to add to the tour. I'd want to add it into bo3, which also means axing one of the OU slots. While that's not necessarily a great solution, seeing as four OU slots worked great imo in WC, I think it should be fine.

3 OU
1 UU
1 RU
1 Mono
1 AG
1 Bo3 (OU/UU/RU)

I feel like this format should satisfy the most amt of people
2of RU/AG/(another) OU
Bo3 (OU, UU, RU)

The 2 changes that definitely should be made:
-include RU with a separate slot or/and include it in Bo3 over AG
-cut 2nd mono slot

Explanation of the things above:
RU deserves a slot for a long time. It was never featured in team tours iirc.
RU deserves also the bo3 slot over AG.
It feels super wired to see a Tier without any bans or rules mixed in one slot with Tiers that have those.

Having 2 mono slots is stupid, even UU has a larger playerbase by far. There is no reason to continue 2mono slots.
We can use this slot for a extra one of RU/AG/ a 4th OU slot.
I would also remove AG entirely, to have a RU slot +a 4th OU slot, but I understand why people still want an AG slot.

This will be the compromise anyway lol:
Bo3 (RU, UU, OU)
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bo3 (OU/x/x)

definitely axe ag from bo3, bo3 is the most competitive slot in a tour and im not an ag hater i really like it but i just dont think its very competitive in natdex and it makes it a huge headache to prep for in 2 slots as someone who managed last ndpl/plans to manage again. also, is there any chance the ndag vr/sample teams/x resource gets updated before the pl? iirc the resources are really outdated (correct me if im wrong pls) and it makes it only harder to adequately prep that slot/help your player as manager unless you get a mainer and just let them fend for themselves. 4ou+ou in bo3 is just too much and there really isnt a need to have technically 5 ou slots, just remove one ou for ru. dont do suspect ou's they r bad and unless the community wants a lot of things retested in ou there isnt really a point imo. last note, is it possible to get natdex ru its own little category in builder like nduu does? i dont see why it hasnt been done yet unless its too niche for kris or whoever to make it a thing, in that case i understand.

regardless i think this is the best format, includes all the tiers played in nd and a competitive bo3 slot. and yay people are supporting mono this is so yass

NatDex OU x4
NatDex Monotype
NatDex UU
NatDex AG
NatDex Bo3 (OU/UU/RU)

There should be 4 OU slots because its by far the most popular format by a mile. I still believe RU is better suited for the BO3 slot but another option is to swap AG and RU around and keep the old BO3 and have a entire RU slot.

The reason I still would prefer a AG slot is because of the Dynamax mechanics however.

This is fire, 4 ou slots is gas, and we kill 2 birds with 1 stone by killing ag from bo3 (please make this happen regardless of what the final call is) and slotting in ru. Hard agree with Kate tho, custom ou and dropping ag sounds terrible, just keep it simple.
Hi everyone, thanks so much for your participation in this discussion! After some conversation, we've decided on this format for NDPL III:

NatDex OU x3
NatDex UU
NatDex RU
NatDex Monotype
NatDex AG
NatDex Bo3 (OU/UU/RU)

Signups should be up within the next 24 hours, looking forward to seeing you all there!
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