Based on community feedback I am suspecting Darmanitan-Galar-Zen. If passed, DGZ will be banned from the metagame, and if not it will remain in the metagame.
Darmanitan has a formidable statline, sporting 160/135 physical offense which allows it to outspeed many relevant attackers besides MMY and Zacian-Crowned. In addition, it receives STAB on the highest BP physical attacks Glacial Lance and V-Create, allowing it to do significant damage every time it attacks, and even claim a kill every time it comes in, if it is positioned correctly. Using Mold Breaker allows it to 2HKO one of its strongest checks in FC Arceus-Water and most other FC users, and the combination of Glacial Lance, V-Create, and Bolt Strike allows it to 2HKO basically everything in the tier.
However, it is not without its flaws. Its mediocre bulk means that if it does not KO its opponent it is likely to be KOd itself, and its 4x weakness to Stealth Rock and reliance on Mold Breaker + Choice Band/Life Orb to score 2HKOs causes some reliance on prediction and team support to keep hazards off the field. While defensive counterplay is hard to come by, there are still ways to deal with it such as Prankster Glare, Dauntless Shield Groudon-Primal, or relatively unexplored walls/pivots such as Arceus-Fire/Rock or Darmanitan-Zen/Victini.
- We will be using the new suspect process laid out by Zarel here (aka no COIL).
- The voting requirements are a minimum GXE of 78 with at least 28 games played.
- Do so by making a new alt with the prefix “zen”. For example I could register the alt "zen anaconja"
- The alt must have a creation date on or after September 1, 2022
You must post your proof of reqs in this thread and play your games on the main pokemonshowdown.com sim.
DGZ will be allowed in the ladder for the duration of this suspect; I would recommend using it as much as you can to get a feel of how they are in the meta and have a good idea of if they are broken/unhealthy or if they are perfectly manageable after all.
- Post your proof of reqs and, if you wish, your stance on the matter briefly, in this thread. Read the following CAREFULLY on how to do so:
- Post in this thread if you have any questions about THIS SUSPECT PROCESS.
- Post your stance on the matter in this thread without proof of requirements (This should be posted in the main thread instead)
- Post anything in this thread unrelated to this suspect (with or without proof)
This suspect period will last until September 15, 2022, 11:59 pm GMT-5. We will try to begin the voting process immediately after and post the Voter ID Thread similar to past suspects.
- 78 GXE after 28 games with a new alt
- “zen” alt with image proof IN THIS THREAD
- DGZ is ALLOWED on ladder
- DEADLINE: September 15, 2022