Name: Iron Job
Original Pokemon: Iron Hands

Abilities: Quark Drive
Stats: 104 / 120 / 88 / 50 / 118 / 90 [570 BST]
Movepool Changes: +Fiscal Force, Bullet Punch, Flash Cannon, Karate Chop
Fiscal Force: 10 PP Steel Status. Raises the user's Attack one stage and cures its status.
Explanation: We're kinda lacking in speed boosting sweepers, so I figured I'd make a mon to fill the role. Struggles with a lot of mons that walls its STABs and coverage but makes up for it by being able to set up on the Wisp users that are everywhere.
Flavor: Iron Hands finally got off his lazy ass and found a job as an accountant. Nobody does W-2s better. Is also learning karate in his free time.

Name: Thundapult
Original Pokemon: Dragapult

Abilities: Clear Body / Soul Eater | Cursed Body
Soul Eater: Water Absorb for Ghost moves.
Stats: 88 / 75 / 120 / 85 / 100 / 132
Movepool Changes: +Encore, Nasty Plot, Poltergeist, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, -Will-O-Wisp
Explanation: Ultimate Iron Hands counter plus a really good way of screwing over Ceruledge and choice-locked Pult, with super consistent pivoting options combined with Encore allowing it to be a major nuisance to a lot of the top dogs in the meta. Obviously a bit passive but gets enough utility that its sets should have a lot of variety depending on what folks want it to do. Ended up removing Wisp cause it would be kinda cringe !
Flavor: Some Dragapults chose to live most of their lives in storm clouds, and over time developed an affinity for the electricity present in them. Also it eat ghost or something idk.

Name: Fushimmer
Original Pokemon: Ceruledge

Abilities: Flash Fire | Drought
Stats: 80 / 80 / 115 / 80 / 100 / 70 [525 BST]
Movepool Changes: +Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Moonblast, Solar Beam, Spirit Break, -Destiny Bond, Hex, Night Shade, Phantom Force, Poltergeist, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak
Explanation: We've got all the tools for viable Sun already in the meta right now between Typhlosion, Victreebel, and Ceruledge, and the only thing missing is a setter. That being said, the abusers aren't stellar and Fushimmer lacks much utility besides Wisp and... uh... Clear Smog, so I think the playstyle could be balanced and unique without being overwhelming.
Flavor: Pastel goth Ceruledge.

Name: Bouffalant

Abilities: Reckless / Sap Sipper | Soundproof
Stats: 100 / 125 / 105 / 40 / 95 / 55 [520 BST]
Movepool Changes: +Body Press, Bulk Up, Headlong Rush, Stealth Rock
Explanation: Bouffa-Lu: forma de Headlong Rush. These additions turn Bouffalant on its head, with Stealth Rock and great bulk combined with an amazing ability in Sap Sipper making it a stellar defensive mon, or its great STABs in Reckless Head Charge and Headlong Rush making it a solid option as a breaker. Cotton Guard Body Press is also pretty devilish.

Name: Crabominable

Abilities: Hyper Cutter / Iron Fist | Fur Coat
Stats: 97 / 133 / 77 / 63 / 67 / 51 [486 BST]
Movepool Changes: +Liquidation, Mach Punch, Stealth Rock, Swords Dance, Wave Crash
Explanation: Honestly shocked nobody else did this yet. Water/Fighting Fur Coat crab has an absolutely stellar matchup into Kingambit and Ceruledge, and with the right coverage makes for a terrifying breaker in its own right.

Name: Klawf

Abilities: Anger Shell / Shell Armor | Regenerator
Stats: 90 / 105 / 115 / 35 / 80 / 75 [500 BST]
Movepool Changes: +Crunch, Dark Pulse, Parting Shot, Taunt
Explanation: Klawf already has a ton of utility, but a type change and a bulk boost allow it to do much better into Latios and Ceruledge (at least until it starts running CC). Still not the greatest option, but this should at least save it from death next slate.
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