Hey everyone, the NatDex UU tiering council has decided to suspect test Hawlucha!
Suspect Test Reasoning
Hawlucha was one of the latest unbanned Pokémon alongside many others. Since then, it has already made its presence within the tier more than known to any player. Its good STAB combination, Flying + Fighting, allows it to hit nearly the entire tier for at least neutral damage (outside of Aegislash). This, alongside its boosting move in Swords Dance, makes finding defensive counterplay incredibly difficult. The ability Unburden supported with its natural high speed tier allows it to outspeed the entire tier after Unburden has been activated, meaning no offensive counterplay exists outside of priority. However, due to the boost the Terrain-seeds give, most common one being Grassy Seed giving +1 Defense, even priority doesn't do the trick unless Hawlucha is severely weakened.
It's not like Hawlucha lacks setup opportunities either. It can easily abuse common Pokemon like Krookodile, defensive Scizor, Weavile locked into a Dark move, or Tapu Bulu. This means Hawlucha can easily find setup opportunities in most games if played correctly, especially if you factor in the Defense boost it gets from activating the Terrain-seed.
However, Hawlucha does still have counterplay. Most defensive Psychics, such as Slowking, Mew and Reuniclus, can live a hit from full and threaten a KO. However, it's almost near impossible to keep these Pokémon at full health throughout the entirety of a game. Aegislash is a good check, but Taunt being a common 4th move on Hawlucha means Aegislash gets forced into its Sword-form quite easily and does not act as a great check any longer due to the fragile nature of this forme.
Suspect Test Information
- **This is new to National Dex UU suspect tests** Reading this is mandatory to participate in the suspect test. The voting requirements are a minimum GXE of 76 with at least 40 games played. In addition, you may play 1 less game for every 0.2 GXE you have above 76 GXE, down to a minimum of 20 games at a GXE of 80. Also, needing more than 40 games to reach 76 GXE will suffice.
GXE minimum games 76 40 76.2 39 76.4 38 76.6 37 76.8 36 77 35 77.2 34 77.4 33 77.6 32 77.8 31 78 30 78.2 29 78.4 28 78.6 27 78.8 26 79 25 79.2 24 79.4 23 79.6 22 79.8 21 80 20
- You must use a fresh account that begins with the given prefix for this suspect test. That prefix is NDUUL. For example, I could signup and qualify with the name NDUUL N_Mareanie.
- You may not impersonate or mock another user with your account name. If there is any slight hesitation, you're probably better off picking a different name. We reserve the right to null your voting requisites if you are found impersonating or mocking another user with your account name. Moderator discretion will be applied.
- If you are found trying to manipulate voting requisites in any way, you will be met with a harsh infraction. Manipulating voting requisites ranges from faking your screenshot to asking another user to forfeit.
- The Pokemon that's being suspect tested, Hawlucha, will be allowed on the National Dex UU ladder for the next two weeks so that we can properly assess its position in the metagame.
- This suspect test will go on for two weeks. It will last until December the 15th at 11:59 PM GMT+1.
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