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Resource National Dex UnderUsed Analyses Reservation Thread (update post #110)


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If you are new to C&C and analysis writing standards, please check the following threads before posting!

Spelling and Grammar Standards
Grammar-Prose Team Queue (instead of posting, please tag the GP Team Bot to eventually receive a GP Check!)

Welcome to the National Dex UnderUsed Reservation Thread! Finally, reservations for analyses are open! Check the following rules before posting in this thread!


  • Anyone can reserve up to one analysis at time, however, if you are a badge holder, you can reserve two analyses. If you are a member of the National Dex UnderUsed QC team, you can reserve up to three analyses.
  • You can only reserve a new one once your previous analysis has reached the GP phase.
  • Check the Reservation Sheet before posting to see if the Pokemon is available! Some Pokemon may also have more than one set, so specify if you want to write only certain set or all of them.
  • You can only create a thread once a QC member Likes your post or approves on Discord, so be sure to check this thread often after posting!​
  • Do not reserve a Pokemon without extensive metagame knowledge and how it works; it will become clear for us if you don't know about what you are writing and your analysis will be reassigned.

Analysis Thread Tags

  • [WIP] --- The Work-in-Progress tag indicates that you are still completing your Pokemon's skeleton. This tag indicates that you are not ready for QC checks, and are still working. Do not be lazy in this stage, if you do not get it to the QC stage within 72 hours of having this tag, then your analysis will be archived and reassigned. If you have a reason that is taking longer than 72 hours you must let a moderator or member of the QC team know.
  • [Quality Control] --- This is the most important stage of the analysis. Please put the tag [QC: 0/1] in your thread title. Once the QC check is implemented, replace the tag with [GP 0/1]. For the time being, analyses for this metagame will be receiving just one check until the metagame stabilizes. Your analysis will also be taken over by volunteers (AMQC) if a QC check fails to be implemented within a week. Additionally, members of the QC team may decide that your analysis does not meet the standards they are looking for, at which point they may archive it and reassign it to someone else.
  • [Copyediting] --- This stage is where Grammar Prose will come and make sure that your analysis is of written quality. They will correct grammatical errors. You must receive one GP check before your analysis is considered done. Like GP, you must put [GP: 0/1] in your thread title. This has to be after [QC: 1/1] or it can replace the [QC: 1/1] in your title entirely.
  • [Done] --- This tag indicates that your analysis is done. You have received a QC check and one GP check, and it is ready to be uploaded by site. This will be handled by our C&C Moderators, so feel free to tag them once your thread hits this stage.
If you have any questions about C&C, feel free to PM any QC member.

You should use the following format when writing
(paste from teambuilder)

  • role that the Pokemon plays
  • coverage moves that affect its role
  • EV spread in one sentence or less
  • brief example of teammates that benefit from the Pokemon's presence
  • brief example of foes that the Pokemon is vulnerable to + teammates to help cover them

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user link here
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user link 1 here
user link 2 here
Grammar checked by:
user link here

Choice Band (Scizor) @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Knock Off
- Pursuit / Close Combat / Dual Wingbeat

Choice Band provides Scizor with immediate power on its attacks, allowing it to be more proficient as a wallbreaker, pivot, and late-game cleaner all at once. Bullet Punch puts substantial pressure on win conditions such as Calm Mind Clefable, Dragon Dance Mega Tyranitar, and Tapu Bulu, outright OHKOing the latter from full HP. Knock Off allows Scizor to remove important items from Pokemon otherwise reliant on them to deter it, such as Heavy-Duty Boots from Salamence and Rocky Helmet from Buzzwole and Amoonguss. Pursuit takes advantage of Scizor's excellent typing against several Psychic-type Pokemon to trap them, most notably Mega Latias, Choice-locked Latios, and Slowking. Alternatively, Close Combat and Dual Wingbeat are options to pose a more immediate threat to their respective targets, such as Iron Treads and Magnezone with Close Combat and Buzzwole and Mega Venusaur with Dual Wingbeat. Scizor fits best on bulky offense teams that can best take advantage of its strong momentum-grabbing capabilities and cleanup potential. Pivots such as Rotom-W, Cinderace, and Sandy Shocks can help Scizor by threatening the physical walls used to stifle it, including Skarmory and Buzzwole; in return, Scizor can help force damage onto walls that normally handle these pivots, such as Tangrowth and Blissey. Scizor also appreciates strong entry hazard removal options to avoid being worn down quickly, including Defog from Rotom-W, Tapu Fini, and Volcanion and Rapid Spin from Iron Treads; the aforementioned Defog users are also capable of taking advantage of Fire-types that may pose a threat to Scizor, such as Cinderace and Ceruledge. On the other hand, entry hazard support from the likes of Clefable, Ting-Lu, and Meowscarada is imperative to increase the overall impact of Scizor's pivoting capabilities as well as extend its capacity to revenge kill threats like Galarian Moltres and Dragon Dance Salamence with Bullet Punch.

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Reservation Sheet
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