
(Shell Smash)

(Mixed Wall)

(Physically Defensive)

(Physically Defensive, Hex)

(Lead, Swift Swim)

(Defog, Waterium Z)

(dragon dance, Flyinium Z)

(Physically defensive, rest talk)

(Physically defensive)

(Physically defensive)

(band, scarf)

(unaware, soak stallbreaker)

(offensive defog)

(electrium z, pivot)

(specs, physically offensive, specially offensive, lead, scarf)


(band, assault vest, belly drum)

(Defog lol)

(swift swim)



(specially defensive, Grassium Z, trapper)


(rest talk, assault vest, subcoil, band)

(assault vest, band, figy berry)

(offensive dance, bulky dance, physically defensive)

(offensive pivot)

(scarf, stored power, band)



(growth, specs)


(Assault vest, physically defensive)


(Physically defensive)

(band, swords dance, bulk up, physically defensive)

(Physically defensive)
Yeah no FWG isnt as powerful as it was in USUM since two cornerstones, Toxapex and Ferrothorn, are finding it increasingly difficult to avoid 2hkos without sacrificing special bulk. Heatran lacks any form of recovery, a weakness that is more apparent in this meta when the constant barrage of leech seed, u-turns and volt switch will add up. Mega Venu simply cannot live in this meta where Mega Metagross exists. Mega Metagross invalidates Venusaur as a wall, as a Pokemon, and as a father. If you arent running water absorb or dumb shit like jellicent or milotic you're at a severe disadvantage against Draco.
Oh and I simply dont get why people are suddenly pretending like Seismitoad is suddenly this super viable meta bastion of survivability. Hes not lol. Like hes good but the reasons he is meta is entirely external - if you look at his kit he has
- Mediocre, poorly focused stats
- No recovery
- Low to zilch offense options partially due to a lack of power
- Bad
Oh yeah i get it "role compression" but lets be real: if seismitoad didn't get stealth rock no one would ever use him ever except in niche situations. Hes only useful in SS because there are no other options, and hes only useful here because hes immune to fishious rend and you can slap sr on him and say "yeah my team has all bases covered bend over"
Same thing with Conkeldurr. You back stabbing two faced monsters. Look at his USUM dex analysis. Its not even an analysis - it's three shitty paragraphs simply railing on the poor man. Oh but then on the SS dex you're all like "yeah conk is my boy hes super cool hes a premiere wallbreaker" well you know what? Fuck you if you cant handle Conkeldurr at his worse you dont deserve him at his best.
Where was i going with this? Right:
- Fishious Rend coupled with a lack of existent counters warps the viability of FWG's defensive consistency.
- Mega Venusaur, usually the best mega evo on FWG, is easily taken out by Mega Metagross who is a staple on most teams right now. Also, the prevalence of Koko + Lucha is troubling as Lucha breaks through the core quite easily.
- Another generation, still, a lack of a truly viable defensive fire type. Heatran's lack of recovery hurts his staying power more than ever. Heavy Duty Boots is nice but only really benefits Rotom-Heat and Moltres, who no one really uses.
- Darmanitan-Galar is a massive threat to FWG, fucking over the F and G by default and able to deal high damage to the W with EQ or Max Quake.
- FWG's counterplay against dual screens hyper offense (thanks N_Mareanie ) equates to Toxapex praying not to be stunned or critted by a +2 Dark Pulse from Mega Blastoise. But what about Shift Gear Magearna? Nasty Plot Hydreigon? SubDD Zygarde? ClangClang Kommo-O? Band Dracovish? Oh my.
- The new generation, as expected, has brought in a bunch of bullshit. Centiskorch? Coalossal? Appletun? Drednaw? That cotton motherfucker? They were clearly designed to only coexist with a certain group of Pokemon and as a direct result most of them range from completely useless to novelty (but usually completely useless).
I'm not saying FWG is currently bad by any means and people still use it, and I could see it improving vastly when Dynamax, Mega Meta, and Darm are banned, but yeah, it got really shafted this gen.