Hello Party people
After the recent Dugtrio and Genesect bans, the National Dex council has decided to continue addressing problematic / potentially problematic aspects of the metagame. With discussion around various aspects of the metagame happening in metagame discussion, the VR, and in the live chat channels, we wanted a thread where we can directly address these issues and monitor them much more closely and use the posts in this thread when discussing potential action moving forwards.

Zygarde has been at the forefront of the metagame for a while thanks to its ability to easily bypass the very few defensive checks it has with Toxic or Glare. Choice Band Zygarde is one of the most prominent wallbreakers in the metagame, with only a few solid defensive answers, of which the most common are Tangrowth, physically defensive Clefable, and Slowbro, all of which can be overwhelmed if crippled by one of the aforementioned status conditions. Dragon Dance variants, on the other hand, are some of the most threatning sweepers in the meta due to Zygardes respectable bulk letting it find many set-up oppurtunites, as well as its ability to muscle past its would-be checks with its diverse options like Z moves, Toxic, or Outrage. This isnt to mention that plethora of other, albeit, less popular Zygarde sets such as Coil, Dtail, RestTalk which all have different checks and add to Zygardes immense set diversity, making it incredibly difficult to prepare for in the teambuilder, as well as play around in a battle.

Mega Metagross is another Pokemon which has been brought up as an issue due to its very limited defensive counterplay options. Unlike Zygarde, Mega Metagross has very little variety in its set due to how effective its one set is. Similarly to Zygarde though, Mega Metagross's ability to overwhelm its answers is what is seen as an issue - a timely Meteor Mash attack raise or Zen Headbutt flinch can very easily snowball into a Mega Metagross sweep because of how few answers it has, meaning that having a chance to bypass the one defensive check your opponent has can make it almost impossible to deal with. Slowbro is forced to spam Slack Off versus Mega Metagross, which gives it many options to Paralyse and ultimatley beat it with Thunder Punch. Physically defensive Tangrowth cannot switch into Metagross if it has got an Attack raise from Meteor Mash. Rotom-H can be killed by a Zen Headbutt after a Meteor Mash Attack raise, or flinched to death by Zen Headbutt itself etc. Mega Metagross is also incredibly difficult to revenge kill due to its respectable bulk, meaning Pokemon such as Protean Greninja, Choice Scarf Hydreigon, non-Choice Specs Dragapult, Bisharp, and Mega Lopunny need Mega Metagross to be chipped before they can kill it. One thing to note is how many checks are shared between Zygarde and Mega Metagross which allows them to make an extremely effective core capable of wearind each others checks down. Zygarde can also often force Toxic onto Tangrowth and Slowbro, which makes Mega Metagross able to deal with them easily.

Mega Blastoise is a Pokemon that has been getting a lot of attention recently due to its ability to flat out sweep unprepared teams extremely easily. Mega Blastoise's solid bulk gives it many oppurtunities to set-up with Shell Smash, and once it has set-up there is very little that can take a hit from it thanks to its incredible Special Attack stat coupled with Mega Launcher. Pokemon such as Toxapex and Assault Vest Tangrowth can live one hit from Mega Blastoise provided they are completley healthy. This is where Mega Blastoises's affinity to Hyper Offense teams comes from, as they are able to support Mega Blastoise by being able to reliablly keep up multiple layers of hazards, allowing Mega Blastoise to more easily sweep through teams. This leaves very few defensive answers to a Mega Blastoise, with only Tapu Fini able to take it on consistently with entry hazards up. Apart from Tapu Fini, offensive counterplay is the best way to deal with Mega Blastoise, as the defense drops from Shell Smash allow it to be revenge killed more easily, however, due to its high speed when boosted allowing it to outspeed every relevant Choice Scarf user sans Greninja and Ditto, priority is typically the best way to revenge kill it. However even at -1, Mega Blastoise must be worn down a fair amount before Zygarde's Choice Band Extreme Speed, Mega Lopunny's Fake Out + Quick Attack, or Bisharp's Sucker Punch can kill it, which often forces the opponent to attack Mega Blastoise as it sets up in order to be able to revenge kill it later.
Please use this thread to bring up anything you feel may add to the discussion on the above 3 Pokemon in the National Dex metagame. Please avoid one liners and posts without any real content or posts about any Pokemon not mentioned above for now. Also please no asking to unban Ubers in this thread, Funbot will smite you.
After the recent Dugtrio and Genesect bans, the National Dex council has decided to continue addressing problematic / potentially problematic aspects of the metagame. With discussion around various aspects of the metagame happening in metagame discussion, the VR, and in the live chat channels, we wanted a thread where we can directly address these issues and monitor them much more closely and use the posts in this thread when discussing potential action moving forwards.

Zygarde has been at the forefront of the metagame for a while thanks to its ability to easily bypass the very few defensive checks it has with Toxic or Glare. Choice Band Zygarde is one of the most prominent wallbreakers in the metagame, with only a few solid defensive answers, of which the most common are Tangrowth, physically defensive Clefable, and Slowbro, all of which can be overwhelmed if crippled by one of the aforementioned status conditions. Dragon Dance variants, on the other hand, are some of the most threatning sweepers in the meta due to Zygardes respectable bulk letting it find many set-up oppurtunites, as well as its ability to muscle past its would-be checks with its diverse options like Z moves, Toxic, or Outrage. This isnt to mention that plethora of other, albeit, less popular Zygarde sets such as Coil, Dtail, RestTalk which all have different checks and add to Zygardes immense set diversity, making it incredibly difficult to prepare for in the teambuilder, as well as play around in a battle.

Mega Metagross is another Pokemon which has been brought up as an issue due to its very limited defensive counterplay options. Unlike Zygarde, Mega Metagross has very little variety in its set due to how effective its one set is. Similarly to Zygarde though, Mega Metagross's ability to overwhelm its answers is what is seen as an issue - a timely Meteor Mash attack raise or Zen Headbutt flinch can very easily snowball into a Mega Metagross sweep because of how few answers it has, meaning that having a chance to bypass the one defensive check your opponent has can make it almost impossible to deal with. Slowbro is forced to spam Slack Off versus Mega Metagross, which gives it many options to Paralyse and ultimatley beat it with Thunder Punch. Physically defensive Tangrowth cannot switch into Metagross if it has got an Attack raise from Meteor Mash. Rotom-H can be killed by a Zen Headbutt after a Meteor Mash Attack raise, or flinched to death by Zen Headbutt itself etc. Mega Metagross is also incredibly difficult to revenge kill due to its respectable bulk, meaning Pokemon such as Protean Greninja, Choice Scarf Hydreigon, non-Choice Specs Dragapult, Bisharp, and Mega Lopunny need Mega Metagross to be chipped before they can kill it. One thing to note is how many checks are shared between Zygarde and Mega Metagross which allows them to make an extremely effective core capable of wearind each others checks down. Zygarde can also often force Toxic onto Tangrowth and Slowbro, which makes Mega Metagross able to deal with them easily.

Mega Blastoise is a Pokemon that has been getting a lot of attention recently due to its ability to flat out sweep unprepared teams extremely easily. Mega Blastoise's solid bulk gives it many oppurtunities to set-up with Shell Smash, and once it has set-up there is very little that can take a hit from it thanks to its incredible Special Attack stat coupled with Mega Launcher. Pokemon such as Toxapex and Assault Vest Tangrowth can live one hit from Mega Blastoise provided they are completley healthy. This is where Mega Blastoises's affinity to Hyper Offense teams comes from, as they are able to support Mega Blastoise by being able to reliablly keep up multiple layers of hazards, allowing Mega Blastoise to more easily sweep through teams. This leaves very few defensive answers to a Mega Blastoise, with only Tapu Fini able to take it on consistently with entry hazards up. Apart from Tapu Fini, offensive counterplay is the best way to deal with Mega Blastoise, as the defense drops from Shell Smash allow it to be revenge killed more easily, however, due to its high speed when boosted allowing it to outspeed every relevant Choice Scarf user sans Greninja and Ditto, priority is typically the best way to revenge kill it. However even at -1, Mega Blastoise must be worn down a fair amount before Zygarde's Choice Band Extreme Speed, Mega Lopunny's Fake Out + Quick Attack, or Bisharp's Sucker Punch can kill it, which often forces the opponent to attack Mega Blastoise as it sets up in order to be able to revenge kill it later.
Please use this thread to bring up anything you feel may add to the discussion on the above 3 Pokemon in the National Dex metagame. Please avoid one liners and posts without any real content or posts about any Pokemon not mentioned above for now. Also please no asking to unban Ubers in this thread, Funbot will smite you.