NFE National Dex NFE

National Dex NFE

NFE, or Not Fully Evolved is a metagame around the premise of only allowing pokemon that can still evolve. Unlike LC, this includes any stage 2 Pokemon that is able to evolve, rather than just Stage 1 Evolutions.​

Eviolite or Eviolite? That is the question. Historically, the NFE metagame has mainly consisted of balance and bulky-offense teams that center around Eviolite, as it increases the bulk of non-fully evolved Pokemon by 50%, and by extension, moves like Knock Off, Thief, Covet, and Trick become very valuable for creating progress. However, other playstyles have also been very successful, with hazard stack and Sticky Web teams being especially notable due to the rarity of Heavy-Duty Boots. All in all, NFE is a wide-ranging metagame with a low power creep that offers an enjoyable experience for both beginners and competitive veterans alike.

However, the introduction of threats both old and new means that the metagame is doubtlessly going to evolve from here!
Please use this thread to discuss meta trends and new features that impact the Generation 9 National Dex NFE metagame!

:krokorok: Velcroc (TL)
:sealeo: sealoo
:butterfree: Cao Jie
:machoke: db
:electabuzz: zastra (TL)

Former Council
:monferno: blinkboy

: NFE allows any pokemon that is both unbanned from the tier, and can evolve in-game.
Clauses: Standard NDOU Clauses, Terastal Clause
:Basculin-White-Striped: Basculin-White-Striped
:bisharp: Bisharp
:chansey: Chansey
:doublade: Doublade
:Duraludon: Duraludon
:gligar: Gligar
:haunter: Haunter
:kadabra: Kadabra
:magneton: Magneton
:mr-mime-galar: Mr. Mime-Galar
:porygon2: Porygon2
:primeape: Primape
:Qwilfish-Hisui: Qwilfish-Hisui
:ursaring: Ursaring
:scyther: Scyther
:sneasel: Sneasel
:Sneasel-hisui: Sneasel-Hisui
:type-null: Type: Null
Unbans: Moody

/challenge gen9nationaldexag @@@ gen9nationaldex, Not Fully Evolved, -Basculin-white-striped, -Bisharp,-Chansey, -Combusken, -Doublade,-Duraludon, -Gligar, -Kadabra, -Haunter,-Magneton,-Mr. Mime Galar, -Porygon2,-Primeape,-Qwilfish-hisui,-Ursaring, -Scyther, -Sneasel, -Type: Null, +Moody
/tour new gen9nationaldexag, elim,,, [Gen 9] National Dex NFE
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 5
/tour rules gen9nationaldex, Not Fully Evolved, -Basculin-white-striped, -Bisharp,-Chansey,-Doublade,-Duraludon, -Gligar, -Kadabra, -Haunter,-Magneton,-Mr. Mime Galar, -Porygon2,-Primeape,-Qwilfish-hisui,-Ursaring, -Scyther, -Sneasel, -Type: Null, +Moody

:Dipplin: Dipplin

S Rank
Reserved for Pokemon that are absolutely meta-defining. These Pokemon are able to perform a variety of roles very effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.

:piloswine: Piloswine [Eviolite, Choice Band, Icium Z]

A Rank
Reserved for Pokémon that perform extremely well in the metagame. These Pokémon are typically considered excellent Pokémon let down by a few faults, thus keeping them out of S Rank. They typically require more support than an S Rank Pokémon, but nonetheless are very effective.

:electabuzz: Electabuzz [Fightium Z, Eviolite, No Item]
:golbat: Golbat [Eviolite]
:gurdurr: Gurdurr [Eviolite, Flame Orb]
:misdreavus: Misdreavus [Eviolite]
:qwilfish-hisui: Qwilfish-Hisui [Eviolite, Darkium Z, Poisonium Z, Waterium Z]
:wartortle: Wartortle [Eviolite]

:Frogadier: Frogadier [Eviolite, Focus Sash, Waterium Z, Heavy Duty Boots]
:raboot: Raboot [Choice Band, Fightium Z, Firium Z, Heavy Duty Boots]
:rhydon: Rhydon [Eviolite, Choice Scarf]
:servine: Servine [Eviolite]
:thwackey: Thwackey [Eviolite, Grassy Seed]

:Corsola-Galar: Corsola-Galar [Eviolite]
:Duosion: Duosion [Eviolite]
:Sliggoo-Hisui: Sliggoo-Hisui [Eviolite, Steelium Z, Life Orb]
:Hattrem: Hattrem [Eviolite]
:Machoke: Machoke [Eviolite, Icium Z, Flame Orb]
:Magmar: Magmar [Fightium Z, Firium Z, Sitrus Berry, Eviolite, Heavy Duty Boots, No Item]
:Mareanie: Mareanie [Eviolite]
:Roselia: Roselia [Eviolite]
:tinkatuff: Tinkatuff [Eviolite]
:tangela: Tangela [Eviolite]
:vigoroth: Vigoroth [Eviolite]

B Rank
B Rank Pokémon are typically considered good, but overall quite niche, and require much more support than a Pokémon in A or S Rank. Their flaws are also much more prominent than Pokémon in S or A Rank, making them less effective overall

:clefairy: Clefairy [Eviolite]
:crocalor: Crocalor [Eviolite]
:dunsparce: Dunsparce [Eviolite]
:fraxure: Fraxure [Eviolite, Steelium Z, Choice Band]
:gabite: Gabite [Eviolite]
:klang: Klang [Eviolite]
:lampent: Lampent [Choice Scarf]
:marshtomp: Marshtomp [Eviolite]
:monferno: Monferno [Electrium Z]
:naclstack: Naclstack [Eviolite]
:pawniard: Pawniard [Eviolite, Steelium Z]
:rufflet: Rufflet [Choice Band]
:vulpix: Vulpix [Heat Rock]

:combusken: Combusken [Eviolite, Firium Z]
:dartrix: Dartrix [Eviolite]
:drakloak: Drakloak [Eviolite]
:girafarig: Girafarig [Eviolite]
:glimmet: Glimmet [Eviolite, Focus Sash]
:hakamo-o: Hakammo-o [Eviolite, Steelium Z, Dragonium Z]
:ivysaur: Ivysaur [Eviolite]
:morgrem: Morgrem [Light Clay]
:quilladin: Quilladin [Eviolite]
:swirlix: Swirlix [Grassy Seed]

:ferroseed: Ferroseed [Eviolite, Focus Sash]
:fletchinder: Fletchinder [Eviolite]
:Krokorok: Krokorok [Choice Scarf]
:magnemite: Magnemite [Eviolite]
:metang: Metang [Eviolite]
:murkrow: Murkrow [Eviolite, Choice Scarf]
:palpitoad: Palpitoad [Eviolite]
:quaxwell: Quaxwell [Eviolite]
:sliggoo: Sliggoo [Eviolite]
:toedscool: Toedscool [Eviolite]
:zweilous: Zweilous [Choice Band, Eviolite, Darkium Z]

C Rank
C Rank Pokémon are generally mediocre in the metagame. They typically require much more support than Pokémon higher up the viability rankings, although they can still be effective in the right circumstances.

:gastly: Gastly [Choice Scarf]
:lairon: Lairon [Eviolite]
:Mienfoo: Mienfoo [Choice Scarf]
:seadra: Seadra [Eviolite, Life Orb]
:vullaby: Vullaby [Eviolite]
:qwilfish-hisui::hattrem::gurdurr::vigoroth::quilladin::piloswine:- Qwilfish-Hisui Balance by zastra
:qwilfish-hisui::wartortle::frogadier::servine::tinkatuff::gabite:- Spikes Frogadier+Tinkatuff BO by pannu
:frogadier::thwackey::pawniard::misdreavus::raboot::wartortle:- Normalium Z Raboot+Shell Smash Wartortle Spikes HO by sealoo
:piloswine::electabuzz::tangela::mareanie::pawniard::corsola-galar:- Fightium Z Electabuzz Balance by sealoo
:pmd/duosion::pmd/gurdurr::pmd/golbat::pmd/servine::pmd/misdreavus::pmd/pawniard: - Duosion BO by zastra
:pmd/frogadier::pmd/pawniard::pmd/roselia::pmd/rhydon::pmd/gurdurr::pmd/electabuzz: - Dual Spikes by hidin + Cao Jie

Tiering Log
May 5, 2023 - Kadabra is quickbanned
June 2, 2023 - Basculin-White-Striped and Sneasel-Hisui are quickbanned
June 10, 2023 - Pikachu is quickbanned
October 14, 2023 - Qwilfish-Hisui is quickbanned
December 20, 2023 - Duraludon is quickbanned
March 6, 2024 - Pikachu is unbanned
September 8, 2024 - Combusken is banned via suspect
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Sample Teams


Sample Teams (last updated: 05/03/2024)
:pmd/morgrem::pmd/servine::pmd/gurdurr::pmd/magmar::pmd/wartortle::pmd/gabite:Belly Drum Magmar Screens by zastra
:pmd/piloswine::pmd/golbat::pmd/servine::pmd/electabuzz::pmd/machoke::pmd/frogadier:Machoke+Frogadier Bulky Offense by Velcroc
Hazard Stack
:pmd/gurdurr::pmd/golbat::pmd/pawniard::pmd/wartortle::pmd/piloswine::pmd/roselia:Pawniard Toxic Spikes by zastra and SBPC
:pmd/frogadier::pmd/piloswine::pmd/magmar::pmd/ferroseed::pmd/clefairy::pmd/gurdurr:Grassium Z Frogadier SpikeStack by sealoo
:pmd/Electabuzz::pmd/magmar::pmd/servine::pmd/corsola-galar::pmd/golbat::pmd/rhydon:Fightium Z Electabuzz Balance by sealoo
Semi Stall
:pmd/dipplin::pmd/golbat::pmd/wartortle::pmd/gurdurr::pmd/roselia::pmd/gabite:Dipplin Semi Stall by zastra
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Viability Rankings

◆ S Rank ◆
Reserved for Pokemon that are absolutely meta-defining. These Pokemon are able to perform a variety of roles very effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.
:pmd/dipplin: Dipplin [Eviolite]
:pmd/electabuzz: Electabuzz [Fightinium Z / Eviolite / Heavy-Duty Boots]
:pmd/golbat: Golbat [Eviolite]
:pmd/magmar: Magmar [Choice Specs / Fightinium Z / Heavy-Duty Boots / Eviolite]

★★★ A Rank ★★★
Reserved for Pokemon that perform extremely well in the metagame. These Pokemon are typically considered excellent Pokemon let down by a few faults, thus keeping them out of S Rank. They typically require more support than an S Rank Pokemon, but nonetheless are very effective.

:pmd/Frogadier: Frogadier [Focus Sash / Grassium Z / Heavy Duty Boots / Eviolite / Choice Scarf]
:pmd/gurdurr: Gurdurr [Eviolite / Flame Orb]
:pmd/piloswine: Piloswine [Eviolite / Choice Band / Icium Z]
:pmd/servine: Servine [Eviolite / Normalium Z / Choice Scarf]

:pmd/corsola-Galar: Corsola-Galar [Eviolite]
:pmd/misdreavus: Misdreavus [Eviolite / Choice Scarf]
:pmd/pawniard: Pawniard [Eviolite / Steelium Z]
:pmd/quaxwell: Quaxwell [Eviolite]
:pmd/roselia: Roselia [Eviolite]
:pmd/thwackey: Thwackey [Eviolite / Grassy Seed / Choice Band]
:pmd/wartortle: Wartortle [Eviolite / Icium Z]

:pmd/clefairy: Clefairy [Eviolite]
:pmd/crocalor: Crocalor [Eviolite]
:pmd/dunsparce: Dunsparce [Eviolite]
:pmd/duosion: Duosion [Eviolite]
:pmd/koffing: Koffing [Eviolite]
:pmd/machoke: Machoke [Eviolite / Icium Z / Flame Orb]
:pmd/marshtomp: Marshtomp [Eviolite]
:pmd/raboot: Raboot [Choice Band / Normalium Z / Heavy Duty Boots / Fightinium Z / Eviolite]
:pmd/rhydon: Rhydon [Buginium Z / Eviolite / Choice Scarf / Focus Sash]
:pmd/tangela: Tangela [Eviolite / Life Orb]
:pmd/tinkatuff: Tinkatuff [Eviolite / Air Balloon]

★★ B Rank ★★
B Rank Pokemon are typically considered good, but overall quite niche, and require much more support than a Pokemon in A or S Rank. Their flaws are also much more prominent than Pokemon in S or A Rank, making them less effective overall

:pmd/ferroseed: Ferroseed [Eviolite / Focus Sash]
:pmd/fraxure: Fraxure [Eviolite / Steelium Z / Choice Band]
:pmd/gabite: Gabite [Eviolite / Choice Scarf]
:pmd/girafarig: Girafarig [Eviolite]
:pmd/hattrem: Hattrem [Eviolite]
:pmd/vigoroth: Vigoroth [Eviolite]

:pmd/drakloak: Drakloak [Eviolite]
:pmd/ivysaur: Ivysaur [Eviolite / Life Orb]
:pmd/klang: Klang [Eviolite]
:pmd/lampent: Lampent [Choice Scarf]
:pmd/linoone-galar: Galarian Linoone [Toxic Orb / Eviolite]
:pmd/mareanie: Mareanie [Eviolite]
:pmd/monferno: Monferno [Electrium Z / Eviolite]
:pmd/morgrem: Morgrem [Light Clay]
:pmd/naclstack: Naclstack [Eviolite]
:pmd/rufflet: Rufflet [Choice Band / Eviolite]
:pmd/sliggoo-Hisui: Sliggoo-Hisui [Eviolite / Steelium Z / Life Orb]
:pmd/toedscool: Toedscool [Eviolite]
:pmd/vullaby: Vullaby [Eviolite]
:pmd/vulpix: Vulpix [Heat Rock]

:pmd/glimmet: Glimmet [Focus Sash]
:pmd/hakamo-o: Hakammo-o [Eviolite / Steelium Z / Dragonium Z]
:pmd/lairon: Lairon [Eviolite / Choice Band]
:pmd/metang: Metang [Eviolite]
:pmd/swirlix: Swirlix [Grassy Seed]
:pmd/zweilous: Zweilous [Choice Band / Eviolite / Darkinium Z]

★ C Rank
C Rank Pokemon are generally mediocre in the metagame. They typically require much more support than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, although they can still be effective in the right circumstances.
:pmd/combusken: Combusken [Electrium Z / Fightinium Z / Eviolite]
:pmd/dartrix: Dartrix [Eviolite]
:pmd/krokorok: Krokorok [Choice Scarf]
:pmd/mienfoo: Mienfoo [Choice Scarf]

:pmd/fletchinder: Fletchinder [Eviolite]
:pmd/gastly: Gastly [Choice Scarf / Choice Specs]
:pmd/magnemite: Magnemite [Eviolite]
:pmd/quilladin: Quilladin [Eviolite]
:pmd/seadra: Seadra [Eviolite / Waterium Z / Icium Z]
:pmd/sliggoo: Sliggoo [Eviolite]
:pmd/vibrava: Vibrava [Eviolite]

These Pokemon have just been released, either through a council unban or DLC. They're too "new" for the council to accurately judge the viability rank, and are thus left in this category for now. However, an estimated ranking is given, based on the opinion of the TL(s) and not the whole council. They'll be ranked in due course of time.

:pmd/Pikachu: Pikachu [Light Ball] (estimated ranking: somewhere between B+ to A-)

  • This list is based on the opinions of the members of the council. Voting sheet can be found here.
  • The list is arranged in alphabetical order.
  • The most "viable" items are in bold letters.
  • This list is not set in stone! Feel free to post your nominations in this thread; however, make sure to back your opinion with facts and an actual analysis of the metagame. Replays are encouraged. UR nominations are especially encouraged. Based on the quality of your nomination, we may even hold an emergency slate.
  • We will not be doing D Ranks.
  • The VR will be updated periodically in council 'slates'.
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(format stolen from 5Dots's SV NFE version)

★ Entry Hazard Setters ★

Stealth Rock:


Toxic Spikes:

★ Entry Hazard Removal / Deterrents ★


Rapid Spin:

Magic Bounce:

Defiant / Contrary:


★ Setup move users ★

Swords Dance:

Nasty Plot:

Calm Mind:

Dragon Dance:

Bulk Up:



Iron Defense / Acid Armor:


Shell Smash:

Speed Boost:

Belly Drum:

★ Wallbreakers ★




★ Revenge Killers ★

Choice Scarf:


Naturally Fast:

★ Walls ★




★ Momentum ★


Volt Switch:

Flip Turn:
:quaxwell: :wartortle:
Parting Shot:


★ Utility ★

Knock Off / Thief / Covet:

Trick / Switcheroo:

(Magician) :tinkatuff: (Pickpocket)
Roar / Whirlwind:

Dragon Tail:



Thunder Wave / Nuzzle:



Healing Wish:
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Hi, it's time for the post-NFEPL regular season survey! Anyone who has been involved with ND NFE in any capacity may respond (even support for the team tours), and we will be taking a particularly close look at those who have played or are playing (gamecount>1) NFEPL / NDOTSL / Seasonal.

While there's no strict deadline (results will be out sometime this weekend), the council will be reading responses as they come in, so please respond as soon as possible. It only takes a few minutes to complete, so please do so if you are invested in our metagame!

HERE is the third ND NFE tiering survey. Please respond!!!

Following the recent tiering survey and discussions, the council has decided to take action on 2 of the most controversial 'mons of the tier.

Electabuzz and Combusken are being tested!
:sv/electabuzz: :sv/combusken:

I'll not make reasonings overly lengthy, but if anyone wants further explanation feel free to DM me
To nobody's surprise, Electabuzz scored the highest numbers in the recent survey. With its blazing Speed tier and amazing movepool, Electabuzz has cemented itself as one of the most dangerous 'mons in the tier, something to be very wary of while teambuilding. There's no 'one true counter' to Electabuzz, being able to tech past, say, Ground-types with Z Fightium / HP Grass / HP Ice, Roselia with Knock Off + Psychic, and bulkier 'mons like Corsola-G with Toxic — though against non-Ground-types, Knock Off + Volt Switch is usually pressuring enough. While Electabuzz is not something you'd expect to win games on its own, it can definitely blow a few holes in the opposing team and influence teambuilding to a great degree. Now the question here is: Is Electabuzz overcentralizing and an absolute strain on teambuilding that should be banished from the tier, or is it a healthy 'mon that can be adapted to and something whose positives outweigh its negatives?

It's really funny to see Combusken here because its been around forever in the tier, in say, the B ranks of the VR. Combusken is a recent development, but it's a threat that cannot be ignored, or it can absolutely destroy you. The combination of SD + Speed Boost, basically perfect coverage, and the ability to resist almost all common forms of priority makes Combusken a phenomenal sweeper. Oh wait there's more! How can I forget the funny Z Moves (usually Firium Z, to some extent Fightium and Electrium), which quite literally gives the chicken unparalleled firepower? Overall, it's a ridiculous 'mon that is extremely hard to prepare against and contain in-game. However, it's still not 'perfect', as it's quite frail and against aggressive plays or offensive pressure, may have trouble setting up. Even though it wasn't on the recent survey, we've been getting complaints lately and we felt it's still more than noteworthy enough to warrant a test.

As for the suspect itself, after discussing with NDOT staff and within the council, we have decided to use the following requirements to determine qualified voters (meeting one or more of these requirements qualifies you for voting):
  • Won a minimum of 3 games in NFEPL
  • Played 3 weeks in NDOTSL and won a minimum of 2 games
  • Was top 4 in ND NFE Seasonal
If you qualify and don't see yourself in this list, please let me know.

A majority of 50%+1 will be required to ban these Pokemon, meaning 4/6 ban votes.
Voting will be closed on 8 August, Sunday, at 3 PM GMT+0, but will close earlier if a decision has conclusively been reached.

Wanted to get this up quick because of NDOTSL, I'll post survey results in the coming day or two.
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Following the recent tiering survey and discussions, the council has decided to take action on 2 of the most controversial 'mons of the tier.

Electabuzz and Combusken are being tested!
:sv/electabuzz: :sv/combusken:

I'll not make reasonings overly lengthy, but if anyone wants further explanation feel free to DM me
To nobody's surprise, Electabuzz scored the highest numbers in the recent survey. With its blazing Speed tier and amazing movepool, Electabuzz has cemented itself as one of the most dangerous 'mons in the tier, something to be very wary of while teambuilding. There's no 'one true counter' to Electabuzz, being able to tech past, say, Ground-types with Z Fightium / HP Grass / HP Ice, Roselia with Knock Off + Psychic, and bulkier 'mons like Corsola-G with Toxic — though against non-Ground-types, Knock Off + Volt Switch is usually pressuring enough. While Electabuzz is not something you'd expect to win games on its own, it can definitely blow a few holes in the opposing team and influence teambuilding to a great degree. Now the question here is: Is Electabuzz overcentralizing and an absolute strain on teambuilding that should be banished from the tier, or is it a healthy 'mon that can be adapted to and something whose positives outweigh its negatives?

It's really funny to see Combusken here because its been around forever in the tier, in say, the B ranks of the VR. Combusken is a recent development, but it's a threat that cannot be ignored, or it can absolutely destroy you. The combination of SD + Speed Boost, basically perfect coverage, and the ability to resist almost all common forms of priority makes Combusken a phenomenal sweeper. Oh wait there's more! How can I forget the funny Z Moves (usually Firium Z, to some extent Fightium and Electrium), which quite literally gives the chicken unparalleled firepower? Overall, it's a ridiculous 'mon that is extremely hard to prepare against and contain in-game. However, it's still not 'perfect', as it's quite frail and against aggressive plays or offensive pressure, may have trouble setting up. Even though it wasn't on the recent survey, we've been getting complaints lately and we felt it's still more than noteworthy enough to warrant a test.

As for the suspect itself, after discussing with NDOT staff and within the council, we have decided to use the following requirements to determine qualified voters (meeting one or more of these requirements qualifies you for voting):
  • Won a minimum of 3 games in NFEPL
  • Played 3 weeks in NDOTSL and won a minimum of 2 games
  • Was top 4 in ND NFE Seasonal
A majority of 50%+1 will be required to ban Hisuian Qwilfish, meaning 4/6 ban votes.
Voting will be closed on 8 August, Sunday, at 3 PM GMT+0, but will close earlier if a decision has conclusively been reached.

Wanted to get this up quick because of NDOTSL, I'll post survey results in the coming day or two.
think i speak for everyone when i say no one thought combusken should get suspected/is broken. hidin sealoo seth
The ND NFE suspect voting has concluded. Thank you to everyone who voted and to zastra for organizing it. The vote is as follows

Ban: 3/6 (=50%)

Ban: 6/6 (=100%)

With a 100% majority, Combusken is now banned from ND NFE! Since Electabuzz did not reach the 50% + 1 threshold, it remains unbanned.

The challenge code in the thread has been updated. This ban will come in to effect Week 5 NDOTSL and in the ND NFE Seasonal Grand Finals.

If you have any inquiries, ping me in the NFE channel in the National Dex Other Metagames discord or send me a private message on Smogon.