First off I want to clarify that I'm not trying to criticize the tier / how its run at all, just sharing my thoughts on the current metagame. ND DOU is extremely awesome whether I personally enjoy playing it or not and I'm very happy that it was able to get off the ground and I hope it keeps growing (part of why I'm writing this).
I like to think I have a good amount of experience with the tier, as I've been playing since relatively early on as well as helping build / play in both Derby and NDPL, and I'm currently helping out in NDFL. I'm basing this post off of my personal experience playing/watching games, the NDPL usage stats, team (1) dumps (2), and any salvaged replays from Derby/NDPL/NDFL.
Basically, I don't think the tier is fun or rewarding to play or build in its current state. Despite having seemingly more options than any other doubles tier, I have felt more limited in the builder when building for ND DOU than even current gen DOU. There are 2/3 teamcomps/strategies that just feel far and away the strongest, most successful, and most consistent to the point where I (and top players) don't really see a reason to deviate from them or explore in the builder.
The 2 main compositions I want to focus on are Setupspam/Coachingspam and Urshifu offense (often they can overlap on the same team). The vast majority of successful teams have been centered around abusing Coaching + anti-disruption (Clear Amulet, Covert Cloak, Defiant, etc) on bulky physical attackers such as Zygarde, Kyurem-B, and Kingambit or abusing Urshifu-R + Tornadus/Chien Pao (or both at once). Tera + Clear Amulet on Pokemon with such absurd stats like Kyruem and Zygarde makes it extremely difficult to stop them from setting up with the myriad of excellent support options in the tier such as Kangaskhan, Zeraora, Rillaboom, Jirachi, Tapu Fini, and many others. The best way to combat this usually tends to be to set up with your own raid boss and play to out position your opponent as you each race to boost as much as possible. Otherwise the best bet is generally to try and blow up the opponent with insane offensive pressure from combinations like Urshifu-R + Rain Dance Tornadus and Chien Pao.
So many games I have played have boiled down to either "Who can get their raid boss set up faster?" while pivoting around with your support mons in the other slot or "Can I blow them up fast enough to not lose?". Maybe it is a skill issue on my end but anytime I have tried to experiment with new builds and test them against competent players they always fall flat and eventually it came to the point where recycling the same 2 ideas became a better idea than actually engaging with the tier.
I personally have flipped back and forth on the brokenness of certain mons. I believe I was one of the first people to bring up Zygarde/tera boost sweepers as a concern, but ended up voting no ban during the suspect test as I had just discovered the power of Tera-Water Surging Strikes in Rain and didn't feel like Zygarde was too strong (the secret is that they are both broken). As of right now I think that this tier would really benefit from some sort of tiering action, whether that be testing/retesting the most common culprits and enablers (Zygarde/Kyurem-B/Jirachi/Urshifu) or even a ban on items or moves such as Clear Amulet or Coaching. I don't know what the solution is or if this is even a problem for most players, but I just wanted to share my thoughts on the current state of the tier because as it is now I don't really see myself returning to it after the current tours I'm involved in finish up.
I like to think I have a good amount of experience with the tier, as I've been playing since relatively early on as well as helping build / play in both Derby and NDPL, and I'm currently helping out in NDFL. I'm basing this post off of my personal experience playing/watching games, the NDPL usage stats, team (1) dumps (2), and any salvaged replays from Derby/NDPL/NDFL.
Basically, I don't think the tier is fun or rewarding to play or build in its current state. Despite having seemingly more options than any other doubles tier, I have felt more limited in the builder when building for ND DOU than even current gen DOU. There are 2/3 teamcomps/strategies that just feel far and away the strongest, most successful, and most consistent to the point where I (and top players) don't really see a reason to deviate from them or explore in the builder.
The 2 main compositions I want to focus on are Setupspam/Coachingspam and Urshifu offense (often they can overlap on the same team). The vast majority of successful teams have been centered around abusing Coaching + anti-disruption (Clear Amulet, Covert Cloak, Defiant, etc) on bulky physical attackers such as Zygarde, Kyurem-B, and Kingambit or abusing Urshifu-R + Tornadus/Chien Pao (or both at once). Tera + Clear Amulet on Pokemon with such absurd stats like Kyruem and Zygarde makes it extremely difficult to stop them from setting up with the myriad of excellent support options in the tier such as Kangaskhan, Zeraora, Rillaboom, Jirachi, Tapu Fini, and many others. The best way to combat this usually tends to be to set up with your own raid boss and play to out position your opponent as you each race to boost as much as possible. Otherwise the best bet is generally to try and blow up the opponent with insane offensive pressure from combinations like Urshifu-R + Rain Dance Tornadus and Chien Pao.
So many games I have played have boiled down to either "Who can get their raid boss set up faster?" while pivoting around with your support mons in the other slot or "Can I blow them up fast enough to not lose?". Maybe it is a skill issue on my end but anytime I have tried to experiment with new builds and test them against competent players they always fall flat and eventually it came to the point where recycling the same 2 ideas became a better idea than actually engaging with the tier.
I personally have flipped back and forth on the brokenness of certain mons. I believe I was one of the first people to bring up Zygarde/tera boost sweepers as a concern, but ended up voting no ban during the suspect test as I had just discovered the power of Tera-Water Surging Strikes in Rain and didn't feel like Zygarde was too strong (the secret is that they are both broken). As of right now I think that this tier would really benefit from some sort of tiering action, whether that be testing/retesting the most common culprits and enablers (Zygarde/Kyurem-B/Jirachi/Urshifu) or even a ban on items or moves such as Clear Amulet or Coaching. I don't know what the solution is or if this is even a problem for most players, but I just wanted to share my thoughts on the current state of the tier because as it is now I don't really see myself returning to it after the current tours I'm involved in finish up.
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