Approved by NatDex moderation team | OP stolen from AG and v1 by @Solaros & Lunaris and Optify
Hosted by Sulo and hidin
Welcome to the National Dex Community Create-A-Team! This is a weekly event where players can come together and build some new teams as a community.
During the process of a CCAT, I (or hidin) will lead the community through the process of building a team. Users involved will work together to decide the team's build, partners to support the core, and sets. Finished teams will be posted in this thread and stored in this post, alongside a brief description of the team-building process.
Submissions Phase:
Any user is free to post a set or core they would like to build around for our CCAT. This phase will run as soon as the previous week's team has been posted for a week. The submissions will then be collected for the next phase.
Voting Phase:
Users will vote on which of the cores they like the most within the National Dex Room on Pokemon Showdown!, and the winner will be what the next CCAT is based around. This phase will run on Sundays at 3:00 PM GMT-4 (-5) in the National Dex Room on Pokemon Showdown!
It should be noted that votes for a user's own submission will not be taken into account.
Here are some general guidelines regarding CCATs:
Hosted by Sulo and hidin
During the process of a CCAT, I (or hidin) will lead the community through the process of building a team. Users involved will work together to decide the team's build, partners to support the core, and sets. Finished teams will be posted in this thread and stored in this post, alongside a brief description of the team-building process.
Submissions Phase:
Any user is free to post a set or core they would like to build around for our CCAT. This phase will run as soon as the previous week's team has been posted for a week. The submissions will then be collected for the next phase.
Voting Phase:
Users will vote on which of the cores they like the most within the National Dex Room on Pokemon Showdown!, and the winner will be what the next CCAT is based around. This phase will run on Sundays at 3:00 PM GMT-4 (-5) in the National Dex Room on Pokemon Showdown!
It should be noted that votes for a user's own submission will not be taken into account.
Here are some general guidelines regarding CCATs:
- Every CCAT will centre team-building around a specific idea––a core, a set, or an archetype––which has been voted and selected in this thread. Do not argue or appeal to this idea during the discussion. You may use this thread as a place to suggest cores or ideas for an upcoming CCAT.
- Suggestions for the team should be thoughtful. Remember that the purpose of the CCAT project is to build teams that are viable in the metagame as well as being inclusive with our community. Creative and unconventional ideas are welcome and should be discussed and should not be judged harshly.
- When discussing a Pokemon, consider it both individually and in the larger context of the team. What is it's purpose? How does it support the entire team? What support does need itself?
- During the building process, we have the right to change sets except for the original submission/core. Unless absolutely necessary or the person that submitted the Pokemon/core agrees to it, we cannot change the original sets.
- Remember, during discussion we should respect other users and be civil towards those you may have an issue with. Flaming, Shitposting, and hostility will not be tolerated in this thread, leave any feuds out of here.
- Please refrain from posting bad or "gimmick" sets. Innovation is fine, but I reserve the right to exclude objectively bad sets from voting.
- If a submission isn't on the VR, then further evidence proving that it can be used in a competitive setting viably must be provided.
- Have fun!