NFE Nasty Plot Monferno [Done]

Nasty Plot (Monferno) @ Eviolite
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Fire Blast
- Focus Blast
- Vacuum Wave

Monferno is a surprising special setup sweeper, as it’s more commonly expected to be physical. It can lure in physical walls like Gabite or physically defensive Clefairy. Once it has set up, Monferno becomes a potent late-game cleaner, using its powerful, mostly unresisted STAB moves to threaten the opposition. Focus Blast provides essential coverage, dealing with foes like Hisuian Sliggoo, Piloswine, and Quaxwell. Vacuum Wave can pick up KOs on damaged faster foes like Girafarig or Frogadier. Timid nature ensures that Monferno outspeeds and OHKOs foes like Thwackey and allows it to deal sufficient damage without the need for the extra power that Modest would provide.

Monferno fits well on offensive teams thanks to its ability to clean up weakened foes late-game. It also excels on balance teams, where it supports physically offensive teammates like Vigoroth, Thwackey, and Piloswine by luring and removing physical walls such as Quaxwell and Koffing that would otherwise hinder their progress. Monferno pairs well with hazard setters like Tinkatuff, Frogadier, and Gabite, which can lay down Stealth Rock and Spikes to weaken the opponent, facilitating Monferno’s sweeps. A layer of Stealth Rock or Spikes enables Monferno, once boosted, to secure the OHKO range on bulkier foes such as defensive Tinkatuff with Fire Blast, or Coil Dunsparce and defensive Gabite with Focus Blast. Wallbreakers like Piloswine and Thwackey are essential teammates, as they clear out key defensive checks such as Mareanie and Quaxwell, respectively. Paralysis absorbers, such as Eelektrik and Piloswine, help mitigate Monferno’s vulnerability to paralysis, which could otherwise allow slower threats like Pignite or Piloswine to outspeed and threaten it. Thunder Wave spreaders are also valuable to provide additional speed control; teammates like Clefairy or Tinkatuff stop faster Pokemon, such as Murkrow or Frogadier, otherwise able to get the jump on Monferno. Grass-types like Servine or Thwackey are helpful dealing with the likes of Quaxwell or Gabite while resisting both Water- and Ground-type moves. Knock Off users like Vigoroth or Thwackey are valuable additions to the team, as they ease Monferno's need for setting up.

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Great work for a first analysis; you've got the point of the specific set down. However, there's some fluff/dex info that doesn't need to be explained; you can assume a reader doesn't need to know what something like what this STAB move does or what this nature does.
(Nasty Plot) Monferno @ Eviolite
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Fire Blast
- Focus Blast
- Vacuum Wave

Monferno is a surprising special setup sweeper, as it’s more commonly expected to be physical. This expectation can catch opponents off guard, causing them to switch in a physical wall while Monferno sets up with Nasty Plot section has some fluff in it; just list physical walls Monferno is expected to face. Once boosted, it becomes a potent late-game cleaner, using its priority STAB move, Vacuum Wave, to finish off weakened foes explain what foes Vacuum Wave picks off; also +2 Monferno moreso able to threaten much of the opposition with its mostly unresisted STAB moves rather than finish off foes with priority. Fire Blast, a powerful STAB move, hits Grass-types, Steel-types, and other common special walls hard. fluff Its power is further amplified by Monferno’s Blaze ability when its HP is low, allowing it to break through nearly everything. Focus Blast provides coverage against Normal- and Steel-types, dealing with foes like Hisuian Sliggoo, Dunsparce, and Vigoroth I'd include examples where Fire Blast is resisted but not Focus Blast. However, both Focus Blast and Fire Blast have low accuracy, making them a liability at critical moments. Maximizing Special Attack and Speed with fluff a Timid nature ensures Monferno outspeeds foes like Thwackey, which it can OHKO, and deals considerable damage to any Pokemon attempting to stop it from sweeping.

Monferno pairs well with hazard setters like Tinkatuff, Frogadier, and Gabite, which can lay down Stealth Rock or Spikes to weaken the opponent, facilitating Monferno’s sweeps. It often misses the OHKO range on specially defensive walls like Tinkatuff or Dunsparce, and hazards make it easier to secure knockouts Do these hazard setters achieve specific benchmarks after a foe has taken Spikes or Stealth Rock damage? List them if so (i.e. achieving a 2HKO on Pokemon X after Stealth Rock). Spinblockers like Misdreavus or Drakloak are essential to block Rapid Spin from Quaxwell or Wartortle, preventing opposing teams from removing entry hazards I wouldn't consider them that important; I'd consider wallbreakers that could make things easier for Monferno to set up. Paralysis absorbers, such as Eelektrik and Piloswine, help mitigate Monferno’s vulnerability to paralysis, which could otherwise allow slower threats like Pignite or Piloswine to outspeed and threaten it. You can also include Thunder Wave spreaders that could stop faster Pokemon otherwise able to get the jump over Monferno Grass-types like Servine or Thwackey are also helpful, dealing with Water- or Ground-types that threaten Monferno, while resisting these types of moves themselves. Bulk Up Vigoroth is also a valuable teammate, as it applies physical offensive pressure, complementing Monferno’s special attacks and dealing with Ghost-types that threaten it, such as Misdreavus.

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Nice work!
(Nasty Plot) Monferno @ Eviolite
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Fire Blast
- Focus Blast
- Vacuum Wave

Monferno is a surprising special setup sweeper, as it’s more commonly expected to be physical. It can lure in physical walls like Coil Dunsparce or Duosion. Once it has set up, Monferno becomes a potent late-game cleaner, using its powerful, mostly unresisted STAB moves to threaten the opposition. Its STAB priority move, Vacuum Wave, can pick up KOs on damaged faster foes like Girafarig or Frogadier. Focus Blast provides essential coverage, dealing with foes like Hisuian Sliggoo, Thick Fat doesn't really run it considering Oblivious is the better ability Piloswine and Water-types Quaxwell. Timid nature ensures Monferno outspeeds foes like Thwackey, which it can OHKO, and deals considerable damage to any Pokemon attempting to stop it from sweeping.

Monferno pairs well with hazard setters like Tinkatuff, Frogadier, and Gabite, which can lay down Stealth Rock or Spikes to weaken the opponent, facilitating Monferno’s sweeps. Hazards enable Monferno to OHKO bulkier foes such as Defensive Tinkatuff, Coil Dunsparce or Defensive Gabite be more specific here - do you mean at +2, Monferno KOs these threats? If so, with what STAB move? Does Monferno need a layer of Stealth Rock or Spikes to achieve these calculations? Wallbreakers like Piloswine or Thwackey are essential teammates, as they clear out key defensive checks such as Mareanie or Quaxwell. Paralysis absorbers, such as Eelektrik and Piloswine, help mitigate Monferno’s vulnerability to paralysis, which could otherwise allow slower threats like Pignite or Piloswine to outspeed and threaten it. Thunder Wave spreaders are also valuable to provide additional speed control; teammates like Clefairy or Tinkatuff stop faster Pokemon otherwise able to get the jump over Monferno. Grass-types like Servine or Thwackey are helpful dealing with Water- or Ground-types that threaten Monferno, while resisting these types of moves themselves. Bulk Up Vigoroth is also a valuable teammate, as it applies physical offensive pressure, complementing Monferno’s special attacks and dealing with Ghost-types that threaten it, such as Misdreavus. I don't think Vigoroth is that valuable of a teammate, and would moreso list examples of Knock Off users that could ease Monferno's need of setting up.

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good work. make these changes first and let me look over it before i clear you for QC 2/2
(Nasty Plot) Monferno @ Eviolite please change to the following: Nasty Plot (Monferno) @ Eviolite
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Fire Blast
- Focus Blast
- Vacuum Wave

Monferno is a surprising special setup sweeper, as it’s more commonly expected to be physical. It can lure in physical walls like Coil Dunsparce or Duosion (neither of these are good examples tbh. duosion is still a solid check to both monferno sets and dunsparce wont switch in regardless of the set maybe use like any of the following: koffing, physically defensive clefairy, quaxwell, gabite, or mareanie) . Once it has set up, Monferno becomes a potent late-game cleaner, using its powerful, mostly unresisted STAB moves to threaten the opposition. Its STAB priority move, Vacuum Wave, can pick up KOs on damaged faster foes like Girafarig or Frogadier. Focus Blast provides essential coverage, dealing with foes like Hisuian Sliggoo, Piloswine and Quaxwell (move this sentence before the vacuum wave sentence since it needs to follow the move order listed above). Timid nature ensures Monferno outspeeds foes like Thwackey, which it can OHKO, and deals considerable damage to any Pokemon attempting to stop it from sweeping instead maybe say that "it doesn't need the power of Modest".

start the sentence off by mentioning what style of teams that monferno fits on, something like "Monferno is appreciated on balance or offensive teams looking to take advantage of its Pokemon that would normally check its physical set like x, y, and z. That way, teammates like x and y find an easier time sweeping." Monferno pairs well with hazard setters like Tinkatuff, Frogadier, and Gabite, which can lay down Stealth Rock or Spikes to weaken the opponent, facilitating Monferno’s sweeps. A layer of Stealth Rock or Spikes enables Monferno, once boosted, to secure the OHKO range on bulkier foes such as Defensive Tinkatuff with Fire Blast, or Coil Dunsparce and Defensive Gabite with Focus Blast. Wallbreakers like Piloswine or Thwackey are essential teammates, as they clear out key defensive checks such as Mareanie or and Quaxwell, respectively. Paralysis absorbers, such as Eelektrik and Piloswine, help mitigate Monferno’s vulnerability to paralysis, which could otherwise allow slower threats like Pignite or Piloswine to outspeed and threaten it. Thunder Wave spreaders are also valuable to provide additional speed control; teammates like Clefairy or Tinkatuff stop faster Pokemon (such as?) otherwise able to get the jump over Monferno. Grass-types like Servine or Thwackey are helpful dealing with Water- or Ground-types (i would just mention mons by name like wartortle, gabite, etc) that threaten Monferno, while resisting these types of moves themselves. Knock Off users like Vigoroth or Thwackey are valuable additions to the team, as they ease Monferno's need of setting up.

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great job, one small fix before sending to GP
Nasty Plot (Monferno) @ Eviolite
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Fire Blast
- Focus Blast
- Vacuum Wave

Monferno is a surprising special setup sweeper, as it’s more commonly expected to be physical. It can lure in physical walls like Gabite or Physically Defensive Clefairy. Once it has set up, Monferno becomes a potent late-game cleaner, using its powerful, mostly unresisted STAB moves to threaten the opposition. Focus Blast provides essential coverage, dealing with foes like Hisuian Sliggoo, Piloswine and Quaxwell. Its STAB priority move, Vacuum Wave, can pick up KOs on damaged faster foes like Girafarig or Frogadier. Timid nature ensures Monferno outspeeds foes like Thwackey, which it can OHKO, and allows it to deal sufficient damage without the need for the extra power that Modest would provide.

Monferno fits well on offensive teams thanks to its ability to clean up weakened foes in the late game. It also excels on balance teams, where it supports physically offensive teammates like Vigoroth, Thwackey, or Piloswine by luring and removing physical walls such as Coil Dunsparce or Hisuian Sliggoo (neither of these are physical walls, maybe use koffing or quaxwell instead) that would otherwise hinder their progress. Monferno pairs well with hazard setters like Tinkatuff, Frogadier, and Gabite, which can lay down Stealth Rock or Spikes to weaken the opponent, facilitating Monferno’s sweeps. A layer of Stealth Rock or Spikes enables Monferno, once boosted, to secure the OHKO range on bulkier foes such as Defensive Tinkatuff with Fire Blast, or Coil Dunsparce and Defensive Gabite with Focus Blast. Wallbreakers like Piloswine or Thwackey are essential teammates, as they clear out key defensive checks such as Mareanie and Quaxwell, respectively. Paralysis absorbers, such as Eelektrik and Piloswine, help mitigate Monferno’s vulnerability to paralysis, which could otherwise allow slower threats like Pignite or Piloswine to outspeed and threaten it. Thunder Wave spreaders are also valuable to provide additional speed control; teammates like Clefairy or Tinkatuff stop faster Pokemon, such as Murkrow or Frogadier, otherwise able to get the jump over Monferno. Grass-types like Servine or Thwackey are helpful dealing with the likes of Quaxwell or Gabite, that threaten Monferno, while resisting both Water- and Ground-type moves. Knock Off users like Vigoroth or Thwackey are valuable additions to the team, as they ease Monferno's need of setting up.

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Nasty Plot (Monferno) @ Eviolite
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Fire Blast
- Focus Blast
- Vacuum Wave

Monferno is a surprising special setup sweeper, as it’s more commonly expected to be physical. It can lure in physical walls like Gabite or physically defensive Clefairy. Once it has set up, Monferno becomes a potent late-game cleaner, using its powerful, mostly unresisted STAB moves to threaten the opposition. Focus Blast provides essential coverage, dealing with foes like Hisuian Sliggoo, Piloswine, (AC) and Quaxwell. Its STAB priority move (RC) Vacuum Wave (RC) can pick up KOs on damaged faster foes like Girafarig or Frogadier. Timid nature ensures that Monferno outspeeds and OHKOs foes like Thwackey (RC) which it can OHKO (RC) and allows it to deal sufficient damage without the need for the extra power that Modest would provide.

Monferno fits well on offensive teams thanks to its ability to clean up weakened foes in the late game late-game. It also excels on balance teams, where it supports physically offensive teammates like Vigoroth, Thwackey, or and Piloswine by luring and removing physical walls such as Quaxwell and Koffing that would otherwise hinder their progress. Monferno pairs well with hazard setters like Tinkatuff, Frogadier, and Gabite, which can lay down Stealth Rock or and Spikes to weaken the opponent, facilitating Monferno’s sweeps. A layer of Stealth Rock or Spikes enables Monferno, once boosted, to secure the OHKO range on bulkier foes such as defensive Tinkatuff with Fire Blast, or Coil Dunsparce and defensive Gabite with Focus Blast. Wallbreakers like Piloswine or and Thwackey are essential teammates, as they clear out key defensive checks such as Mareanie and Quaxwell, respectively. Paralysis absorbers, such as Eelektrik and Piloswine, help mitigate Monferno’s vulnerability to paralysis, which could otherwise allow slower threats like Pignite or Piloswine to outspeed and threaten it. Thunder Wave spreaders are also valuable to provide additional speed control; teammates like Clefairy or Tinkatuff stop faster Pokemon, such as Murkrow or Frogadier, otherwise able to get the jump over on Monferno. Grass-types like Servine or Thwackey are helpful dealing with the likes of Quaxwell or Gabite (RC) that threaten Monferno (RC) while resisting both Water- and Ground-type moves. Knock Off users like Vigoroth or Thwackey are valuable additions to the team, as they ease Monferno's need of for setting up.

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echo the above sentiments – great work for your first analysis! if you have any questions, lemme know :blobwizard:

GP Team done