
Base Stats: 73 HP | 73 Atk | 73 Def | 127 SpA | 73 SpD | 121 Spe
Ability: Beast Boost
Level Up Moves:
- [00] Air Cutter
- [00] Air Slash
- [00] Dragon Pulse
- [00] Peck
- [00] Growl
- [00] Helping Hand
- [00] Acid
- [07] Fury Attack
- [14] Fell Stinger
- [21] Charm
- [28] Venoshock
- [35] Venom Drench
- [42] Nasty Plot
- [49] Poison Jab
- [56] Gastro Acid
- [63] Toxic
- [70] Dragon Rush
- [TM06] Fly
- [TM07] Pin Missile
- [TM08] Hyper Beam
- [TM09] Giga Impact
- [TM21] Rest
- [TM23] Thief
- [TM24] Snore
- [TM25] Protect
- [TM29] Charm
- [TM39] Facade
- [TM40] Swift
- [TM41] Helping Hand
- [TM56] U-turn
- [TM58] Assurance
- [TM65] Shadow Claw
- [TM73] Cross Poison
- [TM74] Venoshock
- [TM76] Round
- [TM77] Hex
- [TM78] Acrobatics
- [TM85] Snarl
- [TM95] Air Slash
- [TM96] Smart Strike
- [TM99] Breaking Swipe
- [TR02] Flamethrower
- [TR08] Thunderbolt
- [TR15] Fire Blast
- [TR18] Leech Life
- [TR20] Substitute
- [TR22] Sludge Bomb
- [TR23] Spikes
- [TR24] Outrage
- [TR26] Endure
- [TR27] Sleep Talk
- [TR31] Iron Tail
- [TR35] Uproar
- [TR36] Heat Wave
- [TR47] Dragon Claw
- [TR51] Dragon Dance
- [TR54] Toxic Spikes
- [TR57] Poison Jab
- [TR58] Dark Pulse
- [TR60] X-Scissor
- [TR62] Dragon Pulse
- [TR68] Nasty Plot
- [TR73] Gunk Shot
- [TR78] Sludge Wave
- [TR83] Ally Switch
- [TR91] Venom Drench
- [TR95] Throat Chop
Move Tutor:
- Dual Wingbeat
- Scale Shot
Transfer Only Moves:
- Double Team
- Aerial Ace
- Echoed Voice
- Dragon Tail
- Confide
- Tailwind
- Sky Attack
- Shockwave
- Laser Focus
- Covet
- [00] Air Cutter
- [00] Air Slash
- [00] Dragon Pulse
- [00] Peck
- [00] Growl
- [00] Helping Hand
- [00] Acid
- [07] Fury Attack
- [14] Fell Stinger
- [21] Charm
- [28] Venoshock
- [35] Venom Drench
- [42] Nasty Plot
- [49] Poison Jab
- [56] Gastro Acid
- [63] Toxic
- [70] Dragon Rush
- [TM06] Fly
- [TM07] Pin Missile
- [TM08] Hyper Beam
- [TM09] Giga Impact
- [TM21] Rest
- [TM23] Thief
- [TM24] Snore
- [TM25] Protect
- [TM29] Charm
- [TM39] Facade
- [TM40] Swift
- [TM41] Helping Hand
- [TM56] U-turn
- [TM58] Assurance
- [TM65] Shadow Claw
- [TM73] Cross Poison
- [TM74] Venoshock
- [TM76] Round
- [TM77] Hex
- [TM78] Acrobatics
- [TM85] Snarl
- [TM95] Air Slash
- [TM96] Smart Strike
- [TM99] Breaking Swipe
- [TR02] Flamethrower
- [TR08] Thunderbolt
- [TR15] Fire Blast
- [TR18] Leech Life
- [TR20] Substitute
- [TR22] Sludge Bomb
- [TR23] Spikes
- [TR24] Outrage
- [TR26] Endure
- [TR27] Sleep Talk
- [TR31] Iron Tail
- [TR35] Uproar
- [TR36] Heat Wave
- [TR47] Dragon Claw
- [TR51] Dragon Dance
- [TR54] Toxic Spikes
- [TR57] Poison Jab
- [TR58] Dark Pulse
- [TR60] X-Scissor
- [TR62] Dragon Pulse
- [TR68] Nasty Plot
- [TR73] Gunk Shot
- [TR78] Sludge Wave
- [TR83] Ally Switch
- [TR91] Venom Drench
- [TR95] Throat Chop
Move Tutor:
- Dual Wingbeat
- Scale Shot
Transfer Only Moves:
- Double Team
- Aerial Ace
- Echoed Voice
- Dragon Tail
- Confide
- Tailwind
- Sky Attack
- Shockwave
- Laser Focus
- Covet

- Assurance, Breaking Swipe, Cross Poison, Dual Wingbeat, Giga Impact, Pin Missile

- Hex, Swift

- Dragon Dance, Spikes, Toxic Spikes
[Notable Moves]
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Pulse
- Sludge Wave
- Sludge Bomb
- Fire Blast
- Flamethrower
- Nasty Plot
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- U-turn
- Substitute
- Great offensive typing; Poison scares out Fairy-types, such as Clefable and the Tapus, for Draco Meteor.
- Good coverage in Fire Blast or Flamethrower to hit Steel-types which aren't bothered by Poison or Dragon, such as Magearna and Corviknight.
- Stellar Special Attack and Speed stats make it fit for the job of special sweeper, cleaner, or wallbreaker.
- Beast Boost can boost Naganadel's Speed, allowing it to snowball and sweep through more offensively inclined teams with relative ease, and you can also make it boost Special Attack on a Choice Scarf set for instance.
- Nasty Plot allows Naganadel to boost its Special Attack to even more threatening levels, which synergizes well with Speed-boosting Beast Boost.
- Spikes and U-turn allow it to punish switches and make it fit to be a Choice Specs or Choice Scarf user as well.
- Potential to be a suicide lead thanks to access to Spikes and Toxic Spikes in addition to a good Speed stat and the ability to threaten hazard removal options.
- Its Poison typing grants it an immunity to Toxic, which can be very useful in the face of walls like Toxapex and Blissey/Chansey, as well as the ability to absorb Toxic Spikes from foes like Toxapex, Nihilego, and even opposing Naganadel.
- Very mediocre bulk; it can barely take any strong hits and as such is vulnerable to priority moves like Sucker Punch and Bullet Punch in addition to faster Pokemon like Pheromosa, Dragapult, and Choice Scarf users.
- Its frailty means it hates to be crippled by paralysis from moves like Thunder Wave and Glare.
- The above cons can make it hard to send in safely or to provide it with safe setup opportunities.
- Can't effectively hurt Heatran, one of the most prominent Pokemon in the metagame, and is weak to its Earth Power.
[Potential Sets]
Nasty Plot sweeper

Naganadel @ Life Orb
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Draco Meteor
- Sludge Wave
- Fire Blast / Flamethrower
This is the tried and true sweeper set from last generation but with Life Orb over Dragonium Z. The idea of this set is to use Nasty Plot on an opportune moment and then take down foes with its strong Life Orb-boosted attacks and wide coverage. A Timid nature makes it so that this results in a Speed boost from Beast Boost, so it is especially a menace to teams that are more offensively inclined. It is also possible to use a Modest nature so that Beast Boost raises its Special Attack after a KO, but then you miss out on outspeeding a wide variety of offensive threats, such as Tornadus-T, Alakazam, Cinderace, Latios, Kartana, and Blacephalon, making it not worthwhile in the vast majority of cases.
Choice Scarf revenge killer & cleaner

Naganadel @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Sludge Wave
- Flamethrower / Fire Blast
- U-turn
A Choice Scarf allows Naganadel to outspeed and revenge kill various common threats at +1, such as Volcarona, Genesect, Kyurem-Black, Zygarde, and Landorus-T, as well as +2 Magearna. A Modest nature makes Beast Boost raise Naganadel's Special Attack after each KO, making it a devastating late-game cleaner. A Timid nature is also valid though, as it allows Naganadel to outspeed Choice Scarf Latios and Kartana, as well as +2 Adamant Blaziken and Dragonite.
Choice Specs wallbreaker

Naganadel @ Choice Specs
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Sludge Wave
- Fire Blast / Flamethrower
- Spikes / U-turn
Choice Specs allows Naganadel to break through walls without needing to set up or take recoil damage. It can take advantage of forced switches by using Spikes to wear down foes over time and potentially put its checks in range of its attacks later on in the game, similarly to Ash-Greninja last generation, but U-turn is also an option to grab momentum.
(Toxic) Spikes setter

Naganadel @ Focus Sash / Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes / Sludge Bomb
- Draco Meteor / Sludge Bomb
- Flamethrower / Sludge Bomb
With its great offensive capabilities, Naganadel is often able to set multiple layers of Spikes and/or Toxic Spikes either at the start of the game (with Focus Sash) or throughout the game (with Heavy-Duty Boots). It doesn't have access to Taunt, but it can threaten out most hazard removal options (and hazard setters) with its strong attacks.
Overall, Naganadel is a very strong pick and I hope people don't just tunnel vision on its Nasty Plot set!
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