Ubers Naganadel


Banned deucer.


* Naganadel carves itself a niche on offensive teams as a sweeper and general anti-stall Pokemon.
* Poison / Dragon is a good offensive typing, and access to Nasty Plot and Fire-type coverage makes Naganadel a real offensive threat.
* A good base 121 Speed combined with its ability Beast Boost gives Naganadel the ability to get Speed boosts and minimize the adverse effects of its mediocre bulk.
* Naganadel's Poison / Dragon typing makes it the only Pokemon aside from Mega Gengar on offense that is capable of absorbing Toxic Spikes. Having a Toxic immunity means Naganadel is able to beat the two most annoying special walls, Blissey and Chansey.
* Its poor bulk leaves it vulnerable to priority and many prevalent faster attackers such as Choice Scarf Yveltal, Marshadow, and Ultra Necrozma.
* Its bulk can make it somewhat hard to set up Nasty Plot, as most Pokemon in Ubers have enough offensive presence to massively damage or OHKO Naganadel.
* Naganadel's wallbreaking capabilities are somewhat reliant around predicting with Devastating Drake, a powerful one-time attack that can be pivoted into by Steel- and Fairy-types, making their existence a nuisance for Naganadel.

name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Sludge Wave
move 3: Nasty Plot
move 4: Fire Blast
item: Dragonium Z
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Draco Meteor is Naganadel's strongest STAB option, allowing it to use a 195-Base Power Devastating Drake once, which, after a Nasty Plot boost, scores important OHKOs on Pokemon like Primal Groudon, Ho-Oh, and Primal Kyogre without losing Special Attack.
* Sludge Wave offers great neutral coverage with Draco Meteor and lets Naganadel check threats such as Xerneas and Arceus-Fairy.
* Nasty Plot boosts Naganadel's Special Attack and allows it to function as a sweeper. A +2 Devastating Drake easily OHKOes bulkier threats like Ho-Oh and Primal Kyogre, while a +2 Fire Blast OHKOes Bronzong and Celesteela and 2HKOes specially defensive Necrozma-DM and Magearna.
* Fire Blast hits Steel-types, the only Pokemon that resist Naganadel's STAB combination, hard. A +2 Fire Blast will OHKO Bronzong, Ferrothorn, and offensive Necrozma-DM.
* Dragon Pulse can be used over Draco Meteor for more consistent damage, but it is rather weak and the power drop on Devastating Drake is significant.

Set Details

* Dragonium Z is required to turn Draco Meteor into Devastating Drake.
* Maximum Speed EVs with a Timid nature grant Naganadel Speed boosts through its ability Beast Boost while simultaneously letting it outspeed maximum Speed Arceus formes.
* Maximum Special Attack EVs allow Naganadel to hit as hard as possible.

Usage Tips

* Switch in Naganadel via double switches or a predicted status move like Toxic or Recover.
* Instead of using Nasty Plot directly, attacking is usually safer, since faster attackers may switch in to prevent Naganadel from snowballing.
* Try not to switch Naganadel repeatedly on hazards and attacks, since it'll take massive damage from even resisted hits and then be in range for a priority user to KO it very quickly.
* Be wary of your opponent pivoting, since various Pokemon resist or are immune to Naganadel's attacks, such as Necrozma-DM.
* Against more offensive teams, Naganadel is best utilized as a wallbreaker that can chain Speed boosts due to their frail nature.
* The more passive the opposing team is, the more aggressively Naganadel can be played.
* Keep in mind that Naganadel can absorb Toxic Spikes and turn the most prominent Toxic Spikes setter, Toxapex, into setup fodder.
* Ideally, Naganadel wants to use Nasty Plot when faster attackers and priority users have been eliminated.
* It's best to chip down threats such as Primal Groudon, support Arceus formes, and Primal Kyogre before attempting a sweep, since after its Z-Move has been used, Naganadel fails to OHKO many healthy bulky attackers.
* Using Devastating Drake requires good prediction, since having a Dragon-type Z-Move means it can be completely wasted against Fairy-types, and without it, Naganadel is unable to break many threats such as Ho-Oh and Tyranitar.

Team Options

* Entry hazard leads such as Excadrill, Deoxys-S, and Cloyster can help wear down Naganadel's checks.
* Marshadow checks common priority attackers like Mega Lucario, Extreme Killer Arceus, and Rayquaza, while Naganadel can take out checks like Arceus-Fairy and Toxapex.
* Primal Groudon sets up Stealth Rock, checks Primal Kyogre and Xerneas, and threatens Steel-types.
* Swords Dance Arceus-Ground checks Primal Groudon, Steel-types, and Ho-Oh.
* Xerneas is a great partner, since Naganadel can OHKO or at worst weaken checks like Primal Groudon, Magearna, and Necrozma-DM, thus helping Xerneas sweep late-game.
* Yveltal, specifically a Choice Scarf variant, appreciates Naganadel's ability to threaten Fairy-types, and in return, it deals with Psychic-types and Marshadow.
* Mega Salamence checks Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh, while Naganadel breaks Arceus-Fairy and Arceus-Water for it.
* Chople Berry Extreme Killer Arceus can lure in Marshadow and OHKO it with Shadow Claw for Naganadel.
* Wobbuffet can create setup opportunities for Naganadel with the combination of Shadow Tag and Encore.

Other Options

* Substitute can create safe setup opportunities in certain situations.
* A Life Orb set with U-turn can be utilized as a decent wallbreaker, but forgoing Nasty Plot and a Z-Crystal makes it unable to break through common bulky Pokemon in the tier.

Checks and Counters

**Faster Pokemon**: In general, most faster Pokemon, such as Choice Scarf Yveltal and Xerneas, can quickly stop Naganadel without a Speed boost in its tracks.

**Necrozma-DM**: Specially defensive variants of Necrozma-DM are able to take a +2 Fire Blast from Naganadel with ease, and either use Sunsteel Strike to put it in range for a priority user to revenge kill it or, if carrying moves like Photon Geyser and Earthquake, outright OHKO it. Also, if Necrozma-DM is carrying Ultranecrozium Z, it can force a mind game with Naganadel on whether it should use Draco Meteor or Fire Blast.

**Bulky Attackers**: Most bulky attackers that are hit neutrally by Naganadel's coverage, such as Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre, can take any attack from an unboosted Naganadel and OHKO it back.

**Priority**: Priority from strong users such as Marshadow, Extreme Killer Arceus, and Yveltal can deal massive damage or outright OHKO Naganadel before it can become threatening.

**Lugia**: If Multiscale is intact, Lugia is able to take any attack from a boosted Naganadel and phaze it with Whirlwind or Dragon Tail.

**Ho-Oh**: Ho-Oh is capable of taking any boosted attack other than Devastating Drake and OHKOing Naganadel back.
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Overview said:
Fantastic offensive typing in Poison/Dragon, base 127 Special Attack and access to Nasty Plot make it a serious offensive threat to watch out for.
Poison/Dragon with Fire-type coverage is good - otherwise its walled by Steels really easily. Note the access to strong Fire-type coverage is helping a lot here.
Usage Tips said:
* Scout for possible Choice Scarf users, and catch them with a Draco Meteor on a possible switch-in.
Assuming this means "attack faster mons that might switch in on NP and prevent a Naga snowball", you wanna specify that attacking instead of NP could be a better idea to avoid confusion, otherwise the reader doesn't know why a Scarfer/faster mon is switching in as they are generally looked at as revenge killers.

Usage tips also wants to note that some small damage is needed on mons like Primal Groudon/Kyogre/support Arceus if Naga wants at least two kills from Z-move and +2 Draco - +2 Draco falls short on a few bulky mons at full. +2 Fire Blast is an unfavorable roll on a full HP Magearna even with SR for example. More damage is better as it means there is less need to click Draco and be forced out for lack of boosted damage afterwards.

"When to Nasty Plot and what on" is a good tip to note as well. How to switch in is noted, but what about setting up?

As for C&C some bulky attackers are an ok idea (noted above) as they can take a +2 Draco or force a Drake which can go 2 ways. Assuming Naga is +2 vs all its targets is also unfair to assume, which widens what can switch in or take a hit. Chipping these mons down to Naga range is easily done in actual play, but it points out to the reader that if these mons are healthy then its possible they can take the trade which lets both parties have more knowledge of the situation.

QC 1/3
Omfuga - tänään klo 11.13
mention somewhere that not only does it absorb tspikes
but it also turns the most prominent tspikes mon
into setup fodder
Omfuga - tänään klo 11.15
I dont see anything wrong with this Loloartsi
so make it 2/3

Fantastic offensive typing in Poison/Dragon
This is really overstated. Dragon hasn't been a good offensive typing since like 2013, and some could argue back to DPP. Poison has always been, and still kind of is, a bad offensive type. Neither are notable individually, and together their only real virtue is that Poison can cover Fairies for its Dragon-type. In practice, this has complications. Even though it can beat Fairy-types via Sludge Wave, their very existence limit this set's ability to do its job. Why? Because this Pokemon is reliant on a single-use Dragon-type move to break bulky Pokemon when virtually every team in the tier has an immunity + a resistance to it. As a result, this Pokemon can end up being reliant on prediction. Now you can argue wether this benefits the proactive side or reactive side more, but either way that doesn't sound like "fantastic" offensive typing to me. "Fantastic" should be reserved for Pokemon with offensive typing that can consistently force itself over the opponent. Think Marshadow, or if gamefreak ever decided to give us a Ground-Fairy. A tiny point, but this simple word choice overhypes the intro and isn't reflective of this Pokemon's limitations.

Somewhere in the analysis, maybe even in the intro, the phenomenon I just described should be mentioned. By that same token, most Fairy- and Steel-types may not check this Pokemon directly, but their very existence makes Naganadel uneasy.
This is really overstated. Dragon hasn't been a good offensive typing since like 2013, and some could argue back to DPP. Poison has always been, and still kind of is, a bad offensive type.

I disagree. Why are you talking about Poison and Dragon as offensive types individually, when it has no relevance to dual typings, where a type covers anothers weaknesses? Poison/Dragon hits everything neutrally/Super Effectively apart from Steel-types (which Naga has coverage for), what more do you want for a offensive mon? It also gives Naga resists to important types such as e.g Fire and Water, which gives atleast a way for it to get setup opportunities with its barely passable bulk.

However this is a good point, and I definitely agree,

As a result, this Pokemon can end up being reliant on prediction. Now you can argue wether this benefits the proactive side or reactive side more, but either way that doesn't sound like "fantastic" offensive typing to me. "Fantastic" should be reserved for Pokemon with offensive typing that can consistently force itself over the opponent. Think Marshadow, or if gamefreak ever decided to give us a Ground-Fairy. A tiny point, but this simple word choice overhypes the intro and isn't reflective of this Pokemon's limitations.

I shortly indicated this already at Usage Tips: "* Watch out as your opponent can pivot since all of Naganadel's attacks are resisted or are immune to various Pokemon." But didn't write anything about Naganadel's reliance on the Z-Move yet, which indeed leads to an overhyping analysis for the reader.

I'll implement this in intro but keep the word choice as "fantastic".
Why are you talking about Poison and Dragon as offensive types individually, when it has no relevance to dual typings, where a type covers anothers weaknesses?
I talked about both, because they are both important - Naganadel can only use one type offensively on a given turn, and that's where the core of its challenge comes from. Looking at it both ways is important, hence why I discussed both ways.

Poison/Dragon hits everything neutrally/Super Effectively apart from Steel-types (which Naga has coverage for), what more do you want for a offensive mon?
It goes without saying that there is more to offensive Pokemon than this. Additionally, this is a poor metric for considering the strength of a Pokemon's offensive typing. Reshiram can hit every type neutrally or super effectively without even needing coverage - better than the criterion you cite. Does that automatically mean Reshiram has fantastic offensive typing? Of course not.

The core of what I'm getting at is that the intro misappropriates the strengths of this Pokemon. Think of it like this: how good at breaking would this Pokemon be if it didn't have Fire-type coverage or Nasty Plot - two things independent of its offensive typing. Naganadel can work not because of its offensive typing, but because it has access to Fire Blast and Nasty Plot. That's the point I'm getting at. Now compare to Marshadow, a Pokemon I cited in my previous post as having "fantastic" offensive typing. How would Marshadow fare if it suddenly lost Rock-type coverage? How about Ice-type coverage? What about Bulk Up? Just fine, in fact people run Marshadow without these moves all the type. Why? Because it's two STABs - it's offensive typing, are "fantastic" on their own, that last slot is just a bonus.

My purpose isn't to pointlessly argue over a mundane detail, nor am I going to force you to make this specific prose change. I'm saying all this because I think it's integral to Naganadel's identity as an offensive Pokemon - an identity that the analysis should reflect and that its writer should be very intimate with.


* Naganadel is a Pokemon that carves a niche on offensive teams in the Ubers tier as a sweeper and as a general anti-stall Pokemon.
* Poison/Dragon is a good offensive typing, and access to Nasty Plot and Fire-type coverage make it a real offensive threat.
* Good Speed in 121 combined with its ability Beast Boost gives Naganadel the ability to get speed boosts, and that way patch up its mediocre bulk. (Probably a GP thing, but speed should be followed by "tier")
* Poison/Dragon typing makes Naganadel the only Pokemon alongside Mega Gengar in offense that is capable of absorbing Toxic Spikes. (Talk about how it's typing allows it beat the two most annoying Pokemon for special attackers i.e Blissey and Chansey)
* Poor bulk leaves it vulnerable to priority and much prevalent faster attackers such as Choice Scarf Yveltal, Marshadow and Ultra Necrozma.
* Its bulk can make it somewhat hard to set up Nasty Plot for Naganadel, due to most Pokemon in Ubers having enough offensive presence to massively damage or OHKO Naganadel.
* Naganadel's wallbreaking capabilities are somewhat reliant around predicting with Devastating Drake, a one-time nuke that is pivoted in by Steel-types and Fairy-types, making their existence a nuisance for Naganadel.

name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Sludge Wave
move 3: Nasty Plot
move 4: Fire Blast
item: Dragonium Z
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Draco Meteor is Naganadel's strongest STAB option, and allows Naganadel to use a 195-BP Devastating Drake once, which nukes even in resisted hits after a Nasty Plot without losing Special Attack. Mention a few importnat threats that Devastating Drake can OHKO here
* Sludge Wave is the secondary STAB, which offers great neutral coverage along Draco Meteor and lets Naganadel check threats such as Xerneas and Arceus-Fairy.
* Nasty Plot boosts Naganadel's Special Attack and gives it the ability to function as a wincon. This move is too important for Naganadel to have such a small bullet point. Go indepth, mention a few OHKOs it can score thanks to the boost. Another GPish issue, use "sweeper" instead because wincon talks from an in-game perspective.
* Fire Blast hits Steel-types hard, the only resists to Naganadel's STAB combination. Give examples
* Dragon Pulse can be used for more consistent damage over Draco Meteor, however it is rather weak and the power drop in Devastating Drake is significant.

Set Details

* Dragonium Z is required to turn Draco Meteor into Devastating Drake.
* Maximum Speed EVs with Timid grants Naganadel speed boosts through its ability Beast Boost, while simultaneously letting it outspeed max speed Arceus.
* Maximum Special Attack EVs allow Naganadel to hit as hard as possible.

Usage Tips

* Switch in Naganadel via double switches or a predicted move like Toxic or Recover, for example.
* Instead of using Nasty Plot directly, attacking is usually safer since faster attackers might switch in to prevent a Naganadel snowball.
* Try not to switch Naganadel repeadetly on hazards and attacks, since it'll take massive damage from even resisted hits and it'll be in range for a priority user to OHKO very fast.
* Watch out as your opponent can pivot since all of Naganadel's attacks are resisted or are immune to various Pokemon.
* Against more offensive teams, Naganadel is best utilized as a wallbreaker that can chain speed boosts due to their frail nature.
* The more passive the opposing team is, the more aggressively Naganadel can be played.
* Keep in mind that Naganadel can absorb Toxic Spikes and turn the most prominent Toxic Spikes setter, Toxapex, into setup fodder.
* Ideally, you want to use Nasty Plot when faster attackers and priority have been eliminated.
* It's best to chip down threats such as Primal Groudon, Support Arceus and Primal Kyogre before attempting a sweep, since after Z-Move has been used Naganadel fails to OHKO many healthy bulky attackers.
The issue of having a dragon type z move i.e you can waste it easily cause of fairy-types is completely ignored as well. A z move less naga can't beat ho-oh after at +2 so now you have difficulty functioning as a sweeper / wall breaker. There's no point in usage tips to explain this issue. The 4th point seems pretty close to what I hope to read so add a point about this problem there.

Team Options

* Entry hazard leads such as Excadrill, Deoxys-S and Cloyster can help wear down Naganadel's checks.
* Primal Groudon sets up Stealth Rock, checks Primal Kyogre and Xerneas and threatens Steel-types.
* Other Pokemon to threaten Steel-types are Swords Dance Arceus-Ground and Marshadow.
* Yveltal (specifically Choice Scarf) appreciates Naganadel's ability to threaten Fairy-types, and deals with Psychic-types and Marshadow
* Mega Salamence checks Primal Groudon while Naganadel breaks Arceus-Fairy and Arceus-Water for it.
* Chople Extreme Killer Arceus can lure in Marshadow and OHKO with Shadow Claw for Naganadel.
* Wobbuffet can create setup opportunities for Naganadel with the combination of Shadow Tag and Encore.

Xerneas is a great partner for obvious reasons. Naganadel can take out if not weaken bulkier threats such as Ho-Oh, Magearna, and Bronzong. Weakening Necrozma-DM will allow Xerneas to sweep late game. These two support each other's sweep.

Marshadow is another great teammate since it's able to check common priority attackers like EKiller Arceus, Mega Lucario, and Rayquaza. On the other hand, Naganadel can take out checks to Marshadow like Toxapex and Arceus-Fairy. These two make great partners. Add this one below entry hazard.

Other Options

* Substitute can create safe setup opportunities at certain situations.
* A Life Orb set with U-Turn can be utilized as a decent wallbreaker.

Checks and Counters

**Faster Pokemon**: In general, most faster Pokemon, such as Choice Scarf Yveltal and Xerneas, can quickly stop Naganadel without a speed boost in its tracks.

**Necrozma-Dusk-Mane**: Specially defensive variants of Dusk Mane Necrozma are able to take a +2 Fire Blast from Naganadel with ease, and either put it in range for a priority user to revenge kill with Sunsteel Strike, or if carrying moves like Photon Geyser and Earthquake, outright OHKO it. Also if carrying Ultranecrozium Z, Necrozma can force a mindgame with Naganadel whether it should Draco Meteor or Fire Blast.

**Bulky attackers**: Most bulky attackers that are hit neutrally by Naganadel's coverage such as Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre for example, can take any attack from a unboosted Naganadel and OHKO it back. (Add Shadow Shield Lunala here instead)

**Priority**:Priority from strong users such as Marshadow, Extreme Killer Arceus and Yveltal can deal massive damage or outright OHKO Naganadel before it can become threatening.

**Lugia**: If Multiscale is intact, Lugia is able to take any attack from a boosted Naganadel and phaze it out with Whirlwind or Dragon Tail.

**Lunala**: If Shadow Shield is intact, Lunala is able to take any attack from a boosted Naganadel and revenge kill it with various attacks of it's own. Lunala has to to have its Shadow Shield intact to take a hit like you said. Not really worth its own point. On the other hand, Ho-Oh is able to take anything apart from a +2 Devastating Drake. This is one of the cases where you have used up your Z-Move and now get checked. Remove Lunala's point and add Ho-Oh instead.
The sentences in blue are comments.
Implement these for QC 3/3
One thing that I want to note is that you need to use the serial comma in the future.

* Naganadel is a Pokemon that carves a niche on offensive teams in the Ubers tier as a sweeper and as a general anti-stall Pokemon.
* Poison_/_Dragon (spaces) is a good offensive typing, and access to Nasty Plot and Fire-type coverage make it Naganadel a real offensive threat.
* Good Speed tier in 121 combined with its ability Beast Boost gives Naganadel the ability to get Speed boosts, (RC) and that way patch up minimizes the adverse effects of (the bulk is the same) its mediocre bulk.
* Poison_/_Dragon (spaces) typing makes Naganadel the only Pokemon alongside aside from Mega Gengar in offense that is capable of absorbing Toxic Spikes. Having a Toxic immunity means that Naganadel is it's able to beat the two most annoying special walls, Blissey and Chansey.
* Poor bulk leaves it vulnerable to priority and much many prevalent faster attackers such as Choice Scarf Yveltal, Marshadow and Ultra Necrozma.
* Its bulk can make it somewhat hard to set up Nasty Plot for Naganadel (obviously), due to as most Pokemon in Ubers having have enough offensive presence to massively damage or OHKO Naganadel.
* Naganadel's wallbreaking capabilities are somewhat reliant around predicting with Devastating Drake, a one-time nuke that is pivoted in by Steel-types and Fairy-types, making their existence a nuisance for Naganadel.

name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Sludge Wave
move 3: Nasty Plot
move 4: Fire Blast
item: Dragonium Z
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Draco Meteor is Naganadel's strongest STAB option, and allows Naganadel to use a 195-BP Devastating Drake once, which, (AC) after a Nasty Plot, (AC) scores important OHKOs on Pokemon like Primal Groudon, Ho-Oh and Primal Kyogre, (RC) without losing Special Attack.
* Sludge Wave is the secondary STAB, which offers great neutral coverage with Draco Meteor and lets Naganadel check threats such as Xerneas and Arceus-Fairy.
* Nasty Plot boosts Naganadel's Special Attack and allows Naganadel to function as a sweeper. A +2 Devastating Drake easily OHKOes bulkier threats like Ho-Oh and Primal Kyogre, while a +2 Fire Blast OHKOes Bronzong and Celesteela, and 2HKOs specially defensive Dusk Mane Necrozma and Magearna. (AP)
* Fire Blast hits Steel-types hard, the only Pokemon that resists to Naganadel's STAB combination, hard. A +2 Fire Blast will OHKO Bronzong, Ferrothorn, (AC) and offensive Dusk Mane Necrozma.
* Dragon Pulse can be used over Draco Meteor for more consistent damage, however it is rather weak and the power drop in Devastating Drake is significant.

Set Details

* Dragonium Z is required to turn Draco Meteor into Devastating Drake.
* Maximum Speed EVs with a Timid nature grants Naganadel Speed boosts through its ability Beast Boost, (RC) while simultaneously letting it outspeed max speed Arceus.
* Maximum Special Attack EVs allow Naganadel to hit as hard as possible.

Usage Tips

* Switch in Naganadel via double switches or on a predicted status move like Toxic or Recover, for example.
* Instead of using Nasty Plot directly, attacking is usually safer, (AC) since faster attackers might may switch in to prevent a Naganadel snowball.
* Try not to switch Naganadel repeadetedly on hazards and attacks, since it'll take massive damage from even resisted hits and it'll then be in range for a priority user to OHKO very fast quickly.
Watch out asBe wary of your opponent can pivoting, (AC) since all of Naganadel's attacks are resisted or are immune to various Pokemon.
* Against more offensive teams, Naganadel is best utilized as a wallbreaker that can chain Speed boosts due to their frail nature.
* The more passive the opposing team is, the more aggressively Naganadel can be played.
* Keep in mind that Naganadel can absorb Toxic Spikes and turn the most prominent Toxic Spikes setter, Toxapex, into setup fodder.
* Ideally, Naganadel wants to Nasty Plot when faster attackers and priority have been eliminated.
* It's best to chip down threats such as Primal Groudon, support Arceus, (AC) and Primal Kyogre before attempting a sweep, since after its Z-Move has been used, (AC) Naganadel fails to OHKO many healthy bulky attackers.
* Using Devastating Drake requires good prediction, since having a Dragon-type Z-Move means it can be completely wasted against Fairy-types, and a Z-moveless without it Naganadel is unable to break many threats such as Ho-Oh and Tyranitar.

Team Options

* Entry hazard leads such as Excadrill, Deoxys-S, (AC) and Cloyster can help wear down Naganadel's checks.
* Marshadow checks common priority attackers like Mega Lucario, Extreme Killer Arceus, (AC) and Rayquaza, while Naganadel can take out checks like Arceus-Fairy and Toxapex.
* Primal Groudon sets up Stealth Rock, checks Primal Kyogre and Xerneas, (AC) and threatens Steel-types.
* Swords Dance Arceus-Ground checks Primal Groudon, Steel-types, (AC) and Ho-Oh.
* Xerneas is a great partner, since Naganadel can check or at worst weaken Xerneas' checks like Primal Groudon, Magearna, (AC) and Dusk Mane Necrozma, thus helping Xerneas sweep late-game.
* Yveltal (specifically Choice Scarf) appreciates Naganadel's ability to threaten Fairy-types, (RC) and deals with Psychic-types and Marshadow. (AP)
* Mega Salamence checks Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh, (AC) while Naganadel breaks Arceus-Fairy and Arceus-Water for it.
* Chople Berry Extreme Killer Arceus can lure in Marshadow and OHKO it (optional) with Shadow Claw for Naganadel.
* Wobbuffet can create setup opportunities for Naganadel with the combination of Shadow Tag and Encore.

Other Options

* Substitute can create safe setup opportunities at in certain situations. (drawbacks?)
* A Life Orb set with U-turn can be utilized as a decent wallbreaker. (what are the drawbacks to this that make it OO?)

Checks and Counters

**Faster Pokemon**: In general, most faster Pokemon, such as Choice Scarf Yveltal and Xerneas, can quickly stop Naganadel without a Speed boost in its tracks.

**Necrozma-Dusk-Mane**: Specially defensive variants of Dusk Mane Necrozma are able to take a +2 Fire Blast from Naganadel with ease, (RC) and either put it in range for a priority user to revenge kill with Sunsteel Strike (Sunsteel Strike is neither a priority move nor learned by anything with priority, so this is misleading), or if carrying moves like Photon Geyser and Earthquake, outright OHKO it. Also if carrying Ultranecrozium Z, Necrozma can force a mindgame 50/50 (optional?) with Naganadel on whether it should Draco Meteor or Fire Blast.

**Bulky attackers**: Most bulky attackers that are hit neutrally by Naganadel's coverage, (AC) such as Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre for example, can take any attack from a unboosted Naganadel and OHKO it back.

**Priority**: (AS) Priority from strong users such as Marshadow, Extreme Killer Arceus, (AC) and Yveltal can deal massive damage or outright OHKO Naganadel before it can become threatening.

**Lugia**: If Multiscale is intact, Lugia is able to take any attack from a boosted Naganadel and phaze it out with Whirlwind or Dragon Tail.

**Ho-Oh**: Ho-Oh is capable of taking any boosted attack other than Devastating Drake, (RC) and OHKO back.
GP 1/2 great check
Zrp200 add remove comments
me add remove comments

* Naganadel is a Pokemon that carves a niche on offensive teams in the Ubers tier as a sweeper and as a general anti-stall Pokemon.
* Poison_/_Dragon (spaces) is a good offensive typing, and access to Nasty Plot and Fire-type coverage make it Naganadel a real offensive threat.
* Its good Speed tier in 121 combined with its ability Beast Boost gives Naganadel the ability to get Speed boosts, (RC) and that way patch up minimizes the adverse effects of (the bulk is the same) its mediocre bulk.
* Poison_/_Dragon (spaces) typing makes Naganadel the only Pokemon alongside aside from Mega Gengar in on offense that is capable of absorbing Toxic Spikes. Having a Toxic immunity means that Naganadel is it's able to beat the two most annoying special walls, Blissey and Chansey.
* Poor bulk leaves it vulnerable to priority and much many prevalent faster attackers such as Choice Scarf Yveltal, Marshadow, (AC) and Ultra Necrozma.
* Its bulk can make it somewhat hard to set up Nasty Plot for Naganadel (obviously), due to as most Pokemon in Ubers having have enough offensive presence to massively damage or OHKO Naganadel.
* Naganadel's wallbreaking capabilities are somewhat reliant around predicting with Devastating Drake, a powerful one-time nuke that is attack that can be pivoted into by Steel-types and Fairy-types, making their existence a nuisance for Naganadel.

name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Sludge Wave
move 3: Nasty Plot
move 4: Fire Blast
item: Dragonium Z
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Draco Meteor is Naganadel's strongest STAB option, and allows allowing Naganadel to use a 195-Base Power Devastating Drake once, which, (AC) after a Nasty Plot boost, (AC) scores important OHKOs on Pokemon like Primal Groudon, Ho-Oh, (AC) and Primal Kyogre, (RC) without losing Special Attack.
* Sludge Wave is the secondary STAB, which offers great neutral coverage with Draco Meteor and lets Naganadel check threats such as Xerneas and Arceus-Fairy.
* Nasty Plot boosts Naganadel's Special Attack and allows Naganadel it to function as a sweeper. A +2 Devastating Drake easily OHKOes bulkier threats like Ho-Oh and Primal Kyogre, while a +2 Fire Blast OHKOes Bronzong and Celesteela, (RC) and 2HKOes specially defensive Dusk Mane Necrozma-DM and Magearna. (AP)
* Fire Blast hits Steel-types hard, the only Pokemon that resists to Naganadel's STAB combination, hard. A +2 Fire Blast will OHKO Bronzong, Ferrothorn, (AC) and offensive Dusk Mane Necrozma-DM.
* Dragon Pulse can be used over Draco Meteor for more consistent damage, however but it is rather weak and the power drop in on Devastating Drake is significant.

Set Details

* Dragonium Z is required to turn Draco Meteor into Devastating Drake.
* Maximum Speed EVs with a Timid nature grants Naganadel Speed boosts through its ability Beast Boost, (RC) while simultaneously letting it outspeed maximum Speed Arceus.
* Maximum Special Attack EVs allow Naganadel to hit as hard as possible.

Usage Tips

* Switch in Naganadel via double switches or on a predicted status move like Toxic or Recover, for example.
* Instead of using Nasty Plot directly, attacking is usually safer, (AC) since faster attackers might may switch in to prevent a Naganadel snowball.
* Try not to switch Naganadel repeadetedly on hazards and attacks, since it'll take massive damage from even resisted hits and it'll then be in range for a priority user to OHKO it very fast quickly.
Watch out asBe wary of your opponent can pivoting, (AC) since all of Naganadel's attacks are resisted or are immune to various Pokemon resist or are immune to Naganadel's attacks.
* Against more offensive teams, Naganadel is best utilized as a wallbreaker that can chain Speed boosts due to their frail nature.
* The more passive the opposing team is, the more aggressively Naganadel can be played.
* Keep in mind that Naganadel can absorb Toxic Spikes and turn the most prominent Toxic Spikes setter, Toxapex, into setup fodder.
* Ideally, Naganadel wants to use Nasty Plot when faster attackers and priority users have been eliminated.
* It's best to chip down threats such as Primal Groudon, support Arceus, (AC) and Primal Kyogre before attempting a sweep, since after its Z-Move has been used, (AC) Naganadel fails to OHKO many healthy bulky attackers.
* Using Devastating Drake requires good prediction, since having a Dragon-type Z-Move means it can be completely wasted against Fairy-types, and a Z-moveless without it, (AC) Naganadel is unable to break many threats such as Ho-Oh and Tyranitar.

Team Options

* Entry hazard leads such as Excadrill, Deoxys-S, (AC) and Cloyster can help wear down Naganadel's checks.
* Marshadow checks common priority attackers like Mega Lucario, Extreme Killer Arceus, (AC) and Rayquaza, while Naganadel can take out checks like Arceus-Fairy and Toxapex.
* Primal Groudon sets up Stealth Rock, checks Primal Kyogre and Xerneas, (AC) and threatens Steel-types.
* Swords Dance Arceus-Ground checks Primal Groudon, Steel-types, (AC) and Ho-Oh.
* Xerneas is a great partner, since Naganadel can check or at worst weaken Xerneas' checks like Primal Groudon, Magearna, (AC) and Dusk Mane Necrozma-DM, thus helping Xerneas sweep late-game.
* Yveltal (specifically Choice Scarf) appreciates Naganadel's ability to threaten Fairy-types, (RC) and in return it deals with Psychic-types and Marshadow. (AP)
* Mega Salamence checks Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh, (AC) while Naganadel breaks Arceus-Fairy and Arceus-Water for it.
* Chople Berry Extreme Killer Arceus can lure in Marshadow and OHKO it (optional) (not optional) with Shadow Claw for Naganadel.
* Wobbuffet can create setup opportunities for Naganadel with the combination of Shadow Tag and Encore.

Other Options

* Substitute can create safe setup opportunities at in certain situations. (drawbacks?)
* A Life Orb set with U-turn can be utilized as a decent wallbreaker. (what are the drawbacks to this that make it OO?)

Checks and Counters

**Faster Pokemon**: In general, most faster Pokemon, such as Choice Scarf Yveltal and Xerneas, can quickly stop Naganadel without a Speed boost in its tracks.

**Necrozma-DMusk-Mane**: Specially defensive variants of Dusk Mane Necrozma-DM are able to take a +2 Fire Blast from Naganadel with ease, (RC) and either use Sunsteel Strike to put it in range for a priority user to revenge kill with Sunsteel Strike (Sunsteel Strike is neither a priority move nor learned by anything with priority, so this is misleading) (I think they mean use sunsteel strike to put it in range), or if carrying moves like Photon Geyser and Earthquake, outright OHKO it. Also if Necrozma-DM is carrying Ultranecrozium Z, Necrozma can force a mindgame 50/50 (optional?) (keep mindgame, 50/50 is a no) with Naganadel on whether it should use Draco Meteor or Fire Blast.

**Bulky Attackers**: Most bulky attackers that are hit neutrally by Naganadel's coverage, (AC) such as Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre for example, can take any attack from a unboosted Naganadel and OHKO it back.

**Priority**: (AS) Priority from strong users such as Marshadow, Extreme Killer Arceus, (AC) and Yveltal can deal massive damage or outright OHKO Naganadel before it can become threatening.

**Lugia**: If Multiscale is intact, Lugia is able to take any attack from a boosted Naganadel and phaze it out with Whirlwind or Dragon Tail.

**Ho-Oh**: Ho-Oh is capable of taking any boosted attack other than Devastating Drake, (RC) and OHKOing Naganadel back.
Remove Add Comments (AC)= add comma (RC)= remove comma (AH)= add hyphen (RH)= remove hyphen

* Naganadel is a Pokemon that carves itself a niche on offensive teams in the Ubers tier as a sweeper and as a general anti-stall Pokemon.
* Poison / Dragon is a good offensive typing, and access to Nasty Plot and Fire-type coverage makes Naganadel a real offensive threat.
* A good base 121 Speed tier in 121 combined with its ability Beast Boost gives Naganadel the ability to get Speed boosts and minimize the adverse effects of its mediocre bulk.
* Naganadel's Poison / Dragon typing makes Naganadel it (even though these are bullet points they still need to read as a paragraph) the only Pokemon aside from Mega Gengar on offense that is capable of absorbing Toxic Spikes. Having a Toxic immunity means Naganadel is able to beat the two most annoying special walls, Blissey and Chansey.
* Its poor bulk leaves it vulnerable to priority and many prevalent faster attackers such as Choice Scarf Yveltal, Marshadow, and Ultra Necrozma.
* Its bulk can make it somewhat hard to set up Nasty Plot, as most Pokemon in Ubers have enough offensive presence to massively damage or OHKO Naganadel.
* Naganadel's wallbreaking capabilities are somewhat reliant around predicting with Devastating Drake, a powerful one-time attack that can be pivoted into by Steel- and Fairy-types, making their existence a nuisance for Naganadel.

name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Sludge Wave
move 3: Nasty Plot
move 4: Fire Blast
item: Dragonium Z
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Draco Meteor is Naganadel's strongest STAB option, allowing Naganadel it to use a 195-Base Power Devastating Drake once, which, after a Nasty Plot boost, scores important OHKOs on Pokemon like Primal Groudon, Ho-Oh, and Primal Kyogre without losing Special Attack.
* Sludge Wave offers great neutral coverage with Draco Meteor and lets Naganadel check threats such as Xerneas and Arceus-Fairy.
* Nasty Plot boosts Naganadel's Special Attack and allows Naganadel it to function as a sweeper. A +2 Devastating Drake easily OHKOes bulkier threats like Ho-Oh and Primal Kyogre, while a +2 Fire Blast OHKOes Bronzong and Celesteela and 2HKOes specially defensive Necrozma-DM and Magearna.
* Fire Blast hits Steel-types, the only Pokemon that resist Naganadel's STAB combination, hard. A +2 Fire Blast will OHKO Bronzong, Ferrothorn, and offensive Necrozma-DM.
* Dragon Pulse can be used over Draco Meteor for more consistent damage, but it is rather weak and the power drop on Devastating Drake is significant.

Set Details

* Dragonium Z is required to turn Draco Meteor into Devastating Drake.
* Maximum Speed EVs with a Timid nature grants grant Naganadel Speed boosts through its ability Beast Boost while simultaneously letting it outspeed maximum Speed Arceus formes. ("Arceus" = Arceus-Normal. I'm assuming you meant all types of Arceus here)
* Maximum Special Attack EVs allow Naganadel to hit as hard as possible.

Usage Tips

* Switch in Naganadel via double switches or a predicted status move like Toxic or Recover.
* Instead of using Nasty Plot directly, attacking is usually safer, since faster attackers may switch in to prevent a Naganadel from snowballing.
* Try not to switch Naganadel repeatedly on hazards and attacks, since it'll take massive damage from even resisted hits and then be in range for a priority user to OHKO KO it very quickly.
* Be wary of your opponent pivoting, since various Pokemon resist or are immune to Naganadel's attacks (I would give some examples).
* Against more offensive teams, Naganadel is best utilized as a wallbreaker that can chain Speed boosts due to their frail nature.
* The more passive the opposing team is, the more aggressively Naganadel can be played.
* Keep in mind that Naganadel can absorb Toxic Spikes and turn the most prominent Toxic Spikes setter, Toxapex, into setup fodder.
* Ideally, Naganadel wants to use Nasty Plot when faster attackers and priority users have been eliminated.
* It's best to chip down threats such as Primal Groudon, support Arceus formes, and Primal Kyogre before attempting a sweep, since after its Z-Move has been used, Naganadel fails to OHKO many healthy bulky attackers.
* Using Devastating Drake requires good prediction, since having a Dragon-type Z-Move means it can be completely wasted against Fairy-types, and without it, Naganadel is unable to break many threats such as Ho-Oh and Tyranitar.

Team Options

* Entry hazard leads such as Excadrill, Deoxys-S, and Cloyster can help wear down Naganadel's checks.
* Marshadow checks common priority attackers like Mega Lucario, Extreme Killer Arceus, and Rayquaza, while Naganadel can take out checks like Arceus-Fairy and Toxapex.
* Primal Groudon sets up Stealth Rock, checks Primal Kyogre and Xerneas, and threatens Steel-types.
* Swords Dance Arceus-Ground checks Primal Groudon, Steel-types, and Ho-Oh.
* Xerneas is a great partner, since Naganadel can OHKO or at worst weaken checks like Primal Groudon, Magearna,(AC) and Necrozma-DM, thus helping Xerneas sweep late-game.
* Yveltal,(AC) specifically a Choice Scarf variant,(AC) (specifically Choice Scarf) appreciates Naganadel's ability to threaten Fairy-types,(AC) and in return,(AC) it deals with Psychic-types and Marshadow.
* Mega Salamence checks Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh, while Naganadel breaks Arceus-Fairy and Arceus-Water for it.
* Chople Berry Extreme Killer Arceus can lure in Marshadow and OHKO it with Shadow Claw for Naganadel.
* Wobbuffet can create setup opportunities for Naganadel with the combination of Shadow Tag and Encore.

Other Options

* Substitute can create safe setup opportunities in certain situations.
* A Life Orb set with U-turn can be utilized as a decent wallbreaker, but forgoing Nasty Plot and a Z-Crystal ("Z-Crystal" is not an item) makes it unable to break through common bulky Pokemon in the Ubers tier.

Checks and Counters

**Faster Pokemon**: In general, most faster Pokemon, such as Choice Scarf Yveltal and Xerneas, can quickly stop Naganadel without a Speed boost in its tracks.

**Necrozma-DM**: Specially defensive variants of Necrozma-DM are able to take a +2 Fire Blast from Naganadel with ease,(RC) and either use Sunsteel Strike to put it in range for a priority user to revenge kill,(RC) it or,(AC) if carrying moves like Photon Geyser and Earthquake, outright OHKO it. Also,(AC) if Necrozma-DM is carrying Ultranecrozium Z, it can force a mindgame mind game with Naganadel on whether it should use Draco Meteor or Fire Blast.

**Bulky Attackers**: Most bulky attackers that are hit neutrally by Naganadel's coverage, such as Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre, can take any attack from a an unboosted Naganadel and OHKO it back.

**Priority**: Priority from strong users such as Marshadow, Extreme Killer Arceus, and Yveltal can deal massive damage or outright OHKO Naganadel before it can become threatening.

**Lugia**: If Multiscale is intact, Lugia is able to take any attack from a boosted Naganadel and phaze it out with Whirlwind or Dragon Tail.

**Ho-Oh**: Ho-Oh is capable of taking any boosted attack other than Devastating Drake and OHKOing Naganadel back.
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