My team (Offensive OU)

Hi all this is the team Ive been using for a while now in shoddy. Its been doing pretty good. But Rotom-As and thunder wave are a pain to this team. I need help.


The team's goal is to lay the rocks and start scouting right away with scizor and swampert. After the rocks and damage to my opponent have taken their toll, I proceed to sweep.


Azelf @ Focus Sash
Stealth Rock

Naive 6 atk, 252 spatk, 252 speed
(28spdef iv)

My lead of choice for many teams. Speedy, lays down stealth rock most of the time and starts attacking. I tend not to explode mindlessly though, I tend to explode only if theres no other option. Ive been able to take rotom-As down with psychic due to opponents thinking I was going to explode. Ttar and dragonite leads give this guy trouble though.

Dark- Heatran, Scizor
Ghost- Heatran, Scizor
Bug- Heatran, Scizor, Salamence, Gengar


Salamence @ Life Orb
Dragon Dance
Fire Blast

232 atk, 24 satk, 252 speed

My sweeper and wall breaker. Usually when I get a free switch in to this thing because the opponent is locked with a choice or something it means gg. I love this thing <3. Outrage for monstrous STAB. Earthquake for grounded steels that resist outrage. Fire Blast is for taking down Skarmory and Bronzong. Perfect coverage. This guy usually comes in mid to late game after the opponent has been weakened enough for a sweep.

Ice- Heatran, Scizor
Dragon- Heatran, Scizor
Rock- Swampert, Scizor


Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Earth Power
Dragon Pulse

Naive 6 hp, 252 satk, 252 speed

My revenge killer. And scizor counter. I chose flamethrower over fire blast because I hate missing when I need it to hit >_<. Dragon Pulse for dragons and hitting latias harder than HP Ice. Earth Power for other heatrans. After I dont need him anymore I simply explode.

Ground- Salamence, Gengar, Azelf
Fighting- Gengar, Salamence, Azelf
Water- Salamence


Swampert @ Leftovers
Ice Beam

Relaxed 252 hp, 252 def, 6 satk

My scouter, thunderwave absorber, salamence counter and phazer. Before adding this guy, I had a lot of trouble with twave >_<. Surf for STAB. Ice Beam for salamence and dragonite. Earthquake for STAB and coverage. He usually comes in right after azelf and starts scouting right away with roar. He's also my answer to ttar leads.

Grass- Scizor, Heatran, Salamence, Gengar


Scizor @ Choice Band
Bullet Punch

Adamant 248 hp, 252 atk, 8 speed

My other revenge killer and scouter. U-Turn for scouting and STAB, Bullet Punch for STAB and priority, Superpower for coverage and hitting Heatran and zone on the switch in. Its also the best choice in mirrors. Pursuit for pokemon trying to run away though I dont use it much.

Fire- Salamence, Heatran, Swampert


Gengar @ Life Orb
Shadow Ball
Hidden Power Fire
Focus Blast

6 hp, 252 satk, 252 speed

My spin blocker and my answer to Rotom. Shadow Ball for STAB, HP fire for steels like scizor, meta and forry, focus blast for ttar and bliss and thunderbolt for gyara, skarm, etc. Before I put this into my team I always got wrecked by rotom-As, now not so much.

Dark- Heatran, Scizor
Ghost- Heatran, Scizor
Psychic- Azelf, Heatran, Scizor

So, thats the team. Thanks for your help. :)

This team looks relatively solid, most threats are taken care of quite well through the offensive pace. However, Gyarados most definitely gives you hurts everything after a Dragon Dance (it can get one versus Heatran, maybe Scizor if lucky, and if it has Taunt, against Swampert) and the best way out looks to be Exploding Heatran, which is undesirable.

Let's start by getting rid of Swampert. Salamence cannot really Dragon Dance on anything (mostly Heatran, seeing as Scizor is likely to be spamming U-turn/Bullet Punch). DD Salamence doesn't look like too much of a threat without Swampert really, because you have Stealth Rock Azelf, Bullet Punch Scizor, etc. Plus, it needs to Outrage your own Salamence to KO it, so Bullet Punch Scizor can deal with it even easier in that case. I would definitely say you are safe enough against it. MixMence is annoying for almost all teams, but again, it can't really come in easily.

So, Swampert mostly looks to be a bit of a "go to" guy, helping against offensive threats like Agility Metagross, also absorbing Thunder Waves (and scouting, although that is less necessary). You have quite a few options for a Pokemon to take that slot:

  • Suicune: A more offensive choice. Timid Life Orb Suicune can run Calm Mind + Surf, Ice Beam, and Hidden Power Electric to help against Gyarados. Suicune doesn't particularly take status well but helps against Heatran. Suicune would fit this team excellently because you can Pursuit Latias, and Explode on Blissey. Maybe try Explosion on Gengar too if you use Suicune!
  • Rotom-A: Rotom can take a +1 Waterfall and OHKO with Thunderbolt. It can also take on Metagross, and a variety of other physical threats with ease (helping against Fighters!). I would consider a Rest + Sleep Talk set, to help take status and help longetivity wise against opposing fast paced teams who may otherwise have an edge. It may seem counterproductive as it loses momentum, but if you have momentum in the battle you likely won't be switching it in anyway! It can run Will-O-Wisp. I just find Rest + Sleep Talk Rotom-A is ironically a great go-to-guy on offensive teams. Be careful of Tyranitar if you run Rotom-A.
  • Celebi: Can Leech Seed/Grass Knot Gyarados. Has Thunder Wave to support your team, or can alternatively use U-turn to gain momentum. Natural Cure makes it a good status absorber. Less viable due to the Fire weak.
Hope I was helpful, good luck.