My Shoddy Team... Rate it.

I have used this team 4 times on Shoddy and my Record is 4-0

Gengar@Life orb
252 sp.atk/252 spe/ 6 Hp
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast

252 atk/252 spe/ 6 hp
-Swords Dance
- Flare Blitz
-Close Combat

Starmie@ wise glasses
252 sp. atk/ 252 spd./ 6 hp
-Ice Beam

PorygonZ@ choice scarf
252 sp.atk/252 sp/ 6 hp
-Dark Pulse
-Thunder Bolt
-ice beam
-Tri attack

Electivire@ Expert Belt
252 atk/ 252 sp/ 6 hp
-Ice Punch
-Cross Chop

Wobbufett@ leftovers
252 def/252 sp. def/ 6 hp
-Mirror Coat

There's my team. Rate it, punch it, squeeze it, hug it, flame it, whatever. :D
Input please, so we know what we're talking about here? Like descriptions of the roles of the Pokemon, etc?

So first off, your team does NOT enjoy Tyranitar AT ALL. 3 Pokemon are weak to Pursuit and only Infernape can seriously revenge-kill it. I'd say that you can't really stop a DDTar either, even if it carries Crunch and Earthquake, just about everyone is going down. You're actually weak to a lot of other Pokemon, such as Weavile and Choice Scarf Heracross in general. No one here, in short, enjoys Bug nor Dark moves.

Second off, no one enjoys status here either, especially Sleep. Porygon-Z can be easily crippled by a Blissey Thunder Wave, and actually... the vast majority of this team hates it. Granted that you have Safegaurd, but it won't save you from stuff such as Toxic Spikes later on.

The problem to me in general is that you lack a lot of things that you're seriously missing. A SleepTalker is really wanted on a team to absorb Hypnosis, especially against stuff like Gengar (which brings another thing this team doesn't enjoy at all), and that a lot of these team members could be better off doing something else and, actually, some replacements.

SO, to kind of brush this onto you, I'll try to help to the best of my abilities. Adding a SleepTalker, like I said, will really help this team. If you choose to keep Starmie or Electivire, SleepTalk Gyara would really be good to slap on this team, especially if you pair this with Electivire. I know GyaraVire is practically "dead" but it's still accomplishable. Rest / Sleep Talk / Dragon Dance / Waterfall would be the best to have on SleepTalk Gyarados...

...BUT, if you don't want something that sets up easily like that, there's also Snorlax which can help tone down your Gengar problems, at the cost of suffering a bit from Tyranitar still. Body Slam and Crunch (or even Pursuit) would be the mandatory moves to use paired with Rest and Sleep Talk.

I'd re-arrange some of these movesets. In particular, that Electivire is being blocked by many things, which is why if you want to use Electivire, I'd recommend Thunderbolt over Thunderpunch OR go for a brand new set of Thunderbolt / Flamethrower / Cross Chop / Hidden Power [Ice] (Grass works too). The set that I mentioned above will have an easier time dealing with things in the late-game, and even in the mid-game. I'd go for Grass here since Swampert gives your team a lot of troubles.

So, assuming we replace Starmie (if we have Electivire and Gyarados it'll cover what you'll need), this leaves you with a bit more of breathing space. I'd also find someone to use Stealth Rock, such as Bronzong, to put in this team.

I'll post later I guess. Hope I helped a little.
Infernape looks like it would benefit from Expert Belt. Normally I'd recommend Life Orb, but Flare Blitz's recoil combined with Life Orb's recoil would mean that you weren't staying out on the field very long. Expert Belt will give you a little boost that will definitely be helpful in certain situations. Better still, why don't you use a mixed Infernape so you can immediately threaten stall teams? Flamethrower / Grass Knot / Close Combat / Nasty Plot is the way to go for this one. You can use Fire Blast if the slightly lowered accuracy doesn't bother you - it gives you a chance at OHKOing Cresselia after a Nasty Plot.

Starmie probably wants Leftovers - the boost provided for by Wise Glasses is fairly negligible, and being able to combine Recover and Leftovers will make sure you're able to heal when necessary without having your recovery cancelled out by sandstorm. Psychic is not necessary here - you have enough coverage as it is.

Yanmega can potentially give you a lot of trouble, as it can with any offensive team. It can put Wobbuffet to sleep before you get the chance to Mirror Coat. It beats Starmie and Infernape one on one in any situation with Speed Boost and can easily finish off the rest of your members once they've been worn down. Why don't you have a look at using Thunderbolt / Hidden Power Ice / Rest / Sleep Talk Zapdos over Electivire - it allows you to take status from Pokemon like Yanmega and hit them right back while Sleep Talking. You might then consider Rapid Spin over Thunderbolt on Starmie so Stealth Rock doesn't wear you down. You have enough Pokemon that can use Thunderbolt effectively regardless.

This doesn't help with your Tyranitar weakness, however. I'd recommend handing that Choice Scarf over to Gengar - you still need something to clean up lategame where necessary. Then you can stick something over PorygonZ to remedy your Tyranitar problem. Machamp and Hariyama are good options - notably Hariyama either resists or psuedoresists every attack Tyranitar has bar Earthquake.