My Mega Heracross Team

As you can tell from the title, I'm absolutely terrible at coming up with creative names, so here's pretty much the focus of my team. For years now, Heracross has been one of my favorite pokemon hands down. When I first found out he was getting a new Mega form, I was ecstatic. I couldn't believe one of my top fives was getting a buff. When I saw his stats, I noticed that while everything else was great, the speed was pretty mediocre, so I never really plopped him down on any of my teams. The ability was there and he has decent bulk, so all I needed now was a way to get him fast enough. While thinking of different ideas for a Heracross team, I went online and I got a few ideas.

The team:


Heracross (M) @ Heracronite
Trait: Moxie
EVs: 164 HP / 252 Atk / 92 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Pin Missile
- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Rock Blast

Obviously the first choice of my list. To take advantage of the fact that Mega Heracross gets skill link, I plopped Rock Blast and Pin Missile on him. Close Combat for the pokemon that neither move will work, or in the few instances that normal Heracross will be more beneficial for me based on his base speed, and Swords Dance for the attack. As for the last move, I'm not sure what to replace it with, due to its redundancy with the pokemon up next


Scolipede (F) @ Black Sludge
Trait: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Baton Pass
- Substitute
- Protect
- Swords Dance

While thinking of what a good compliment for Mega Heracross would be, I thought of either Ninjask or Scolipede. I ended up going with Scolipede due to merely me flipping a coin since I figured either would be fine for the job I wanted it to do. I figured that since Scolipede can baton pass its speed and maybe an SD if I can fit it in there, then it would be the best choice to aid in Mega Heracross's abysmal speed. Its moveset is pretty much self explanatory. Not much to explain here. I might end up going with Ninjask anyways because of its immunity to ground, which Scolipede has trouble dealing with


Goodra (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Hydration
EVs: 240 HP / 252 SDef / 16 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Infestation
- Rest
- Rain Dance
- Sludge Bomb

This is the part where I express my shame. While trying to think of ideas of maybe another pokemon to compliment the last two guys, I found a team online that had Goodra on it. I ended up going with it because it was late last night and I was tired, and because I honestly didn't know what to go with next to build off defenses. It seemed right, because of the fire weakness my team has so far as well as its absurdly great ability to shrug off special attacks like a champ. I kept it on the team and decided to go with pure stall with rain dance, hydration, rest, and leftovers. Infestation takes care of the rest and sludge bomb is there for more attack power as well as a possible poisoning


Gliscor (M) @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
EVs: 244 HP / 40 Def / 224 Spd
Hardy Nature
- Substitute
- Toxic
- Protect
- Earthquake

While thinking of a physical wall that I could use to compliment Goodra, I thought why not Gliscor? He's an amazing physical wall and his SubToxic set hasn't failed me yet so far. I can wall off pretty much anything that hasn't been boosted yet like a champ. This set too is self explanatory with the function that SubToxic Gliscor is supposed to serve


Slowbro (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 244 Def / 16 SAtk
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Slack Off
- Psyshock

At first, I had put choice scarf Starmie in this spot. My reasoning was was that I should probably have a pure special attacker here now, with me going off the old formula I usually went with of 1 special wall, 1 physical wall, 2 special sweepers, 2 physical sweepers. Unfortunately, Starmie ended up serving very little use on this team. After I decided on what the final slot of my team should be and going into testing, Starmie simply just did not make the cut. It just did not synergize very well with the rest of its team mates and it did not accomplish much on my team. While thinking of pokemon with more bulk that I could use to replace it as a special tank, my thoughts immediately went to Suicune and Slowbro. In the end, I went with Slowbro due to his access to a more reliable healing method than Suicune, as well as the utilization of Calm Mind. After making this change, Slowbro has done eons more for my team than Starmie.


Conkeldurr (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Ice Punch

After first having come up with Starmie, I thought it was finally time to find my physical sweeper. After looking online for some ideas, because I have a hard time with thinking of every pokemon off the top of my head, I was intrigued when I found Conkeldurr on the list of pokemon. I knew he had reliable defensive stats and he just seems to synergize well with the rest of my team that seems to specialize in bulk, so I stuck him in. Either I use Conkeldurr as a switch in target for Scolipede, or Heracross. Depending on what threat is out, I find that either one of these pokemon are a perfect set up for sweeping. One or two SD's from Scolipede is usually enough for me to just plow through a team for the rest of the match

My Observations:
I've found that my team on a whole performs decently enough. I DO have a few problems with some troublemakers though. Pokemon like Sableye that carry taunt, anything with infiltrator, anything with whirlwind, and Banette all give me trouble. That, though, is to be expected with a team that relies heavily on Baton Pass to succeed. As a result, those problems are problems that I believe I have to learn to adapt to as a trainer who wants to become better at the game. I don't blame my opponent for it, because those ARE flaws that they are exploiting that I should learn to deal with in a team like this.


-Mega Heracross: He is one of the two star players on my team when I do manage to pull off at least one SD and a few speed boosts with Scolipede. He can absolutely tear a hole in just about every team. Half the time, I manage to go 6-0 with just Heracross because nobody knows how to deal with him at that level of power.

-Conkeldurr: He is the other star player on my team. As with Heracross, he has more than enough bulk to be able to take a hit on a switch in and retaliate with Drain Punch or Ice Punch depending on what is out. I'm glad I chose him to be on a team because so far he has been nothing but an asset.


- Everything I stated above previously. All those things give me trouble and unfortunately I'm still in the process of learning how I can fix that hole in my team

- A lack of an electric type move: with starmie out of the picture, I lost somebody I could use Tbolt on. It means I usually have a very hard time against other bulky waters. It always ends up in a war of attrition between me and the opponent because I have nothing that can reliably kill them half the time.

- Scolipede. He's extremely frail and gets wrecked by a lot of things. I'm considering maybe putting a Ninjask with the same moveset on instead or maybe a Smeargle with Spore, BP, and a few stat boosting moves. I'm still not really sure what to do with him.

Any criticisms you'd have with my team would be fantastic. After years of trying, I think I'm finally starting to get the whole teambuilding thing down. I've been battling competitively since Gen IV when I was 13 and now is when I'm finally starting to understand what creates a good team.
Hello there! Nice team here. I do have a few suggestions that might help this team. One, change your Goodra set to the Assault Vest set. AV Goodra carries excellent coverage and has respectable SpA to boot. Two, if you feel the need to have hazard control, I suggest you replace Goodra with Latias. Latias provides Defog support and Healing Wish (should you elect to run it). And three, replace Substitute or Protect on Scolipede with Megahorn so you won't be shut down by Taunt. I'd prefer to keep Sub as it avoids status and can be passed.
In all honesty, I think Mega Heracross is a wallbreaker. It's non-Mega form could sweep well thanks to better Speed, Scarf and Moxie. Also, Baton Passing isn't always consistent. Stall can easily phaze you out and Prankster Taunt will cripple your Scolipede. I'd rather find another win condition that benefits from Mega Heracross breaking down walls. But again, this is just my opinion of course.
Goodra @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sap Sipper / Gooey
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Draco Meteor / Dragon Pulse
- Fire Blast
- Thunderbolt
- Sludge Wave
The abilities are totally up to your preference. Sap Sipper grants you Grass immunity which is always nice to have. Gooey is, well, Gooey.

Latias @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Defog
- Roost / Healing Wish
Hope I helped and good luck with your team!
You might want to consider including a way of dealing with Aegislash, since your team can pretty much get easily run over by Aegislash: Conkeldurr and Mega Heracross both are completely walled and get 2HKO'd by Shadow Ball respectively, Goodra can switch in Aegi but has no way to deal with it other than stall with Infestation and easily gets KO'd by 2 Iron Heads + Shadow Sneak (uninvested), Slowbro dies to Shadow ball, Scolipede can't do much other than rack up Speed boosts and Gliscor easily gets 2HKO'd by Shadow Ball.
Earthquake over Swords Dance on Mega Heracross should let you deal with Aegislash as an effective offensive check, being able to reliably 2HKO it before you get KO'd.

Another threat your team might struggle to face against would be Mega Pinsir; it can easily set up on either Conkeldurr or Scolipede, OHKO Mega Heracross and Goodra and Reliably 2HKO Gliscor by unboosted Return/Frustration. Slowbro gets 3HKOd by unboosted Return/Frustration, becomes a 2HKO with hazards on the field (which you can't really clear since you have no spinner/defogger).
You might want to replace Gliscor (if I may inquire, why are you using a neutral nature?) with something that can keep flyspam at bay, like physically defensive Zapdos:


Zapdos @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def/ 8 SpA
IVs: 0 Atk IVs
Bold Nature
- Roost
- Toxic
- Thunderbolt
- Defog/Substitute

This set does exactly what Gliscor did; Roost is your form of recovery, Toxic lets you wear down walls, Thunderbolt is your reliable STAB that lets you OHKO Mega Pinsir most of the time, the last slot is for either defog if you want a way to clear hazards or Substitute if you want to stall using Sub+ Roost.

248 HP EVs on Scolipede should decrease the damage you take from hazards a little, and Conkeldurr could use Guts over Iron Fist; while Iron Fist has more immediate power, Guts lets it act as a status sponge for the team (Heracross isn't really fond of Burns and being able to take a Toxic for Slowbro could prove useful). But then again, I guess Iron Fist fits the Bulk up set nicely and no sane person statuses Conk in general. If ever you feel that Aegislash/lack of coverage is still a problem, you could always opt for the Assault Vest set (Basically replace Leftovers with Assault Vest, Iron Fist with Guts and Bulk up with Knock Off) and you shouldn't have too much trouble.

Hope I was of any help. Have a nice day!
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HI Pancakesaurusrex! How are you?
First of all, I gotta say that Heracross is easily one of my favorites also! I also think that Aegislash is THE bad news to your team, you can't switch nothing to it safely. And only Gliscor can deal damage to Aegi without being killed in return. You seem to run pretty weird Ev set on Heracross? why, i mean what do you benefit from running only 92 speed EV?
Your Heracross is too slow IMO, and it rely too heavily on that speed boost from Scolipede. So if you don't manage to get speed boost to Heracross, it can't sweep so effectively, don't get me wrong it's still strong, but it's easy to outspeed and revenge kill due to his many weaknesses... I suggest you to run a little bit different set on your Heracross:

Ev's: 252 Att/ 252 Spd/ 4 def
-Pin Missile
-Rock Blast
-Close Combat
This set is not so bulky, but it can sweep without that speed boost. This set can sweep without megaform,
this set can be very situational. You can pick weakened mons and gain moxie boost and then evolve to megaform. Earthquake is necessary for Hera to deal any damage to Aegislash. And with those moves you got nice coverage. Swords Dance is nice boosting move but I don't think there are too many opportunities to Heracross to set up because M-Pinsir, Talonflame, Lati@s and M-Charizard-xy....

You should definetely get something that can get rid of/set up hazards. Hazards help Heracross to gain moxie boost.
Goodra set is also pretty unique. It's nice but i don't see how it helps your team, maybe you should try something standard set like Choice Specs or AV?... Maybe Conkeldurr could run Guts? It could work status absorber, mainly absorb those WoW aimed at Heracross.
Then again these are only my thoughts, but i suggest you to test these... You don't loose anything, right?:)
Before I respond, I'd like to preface with a thank you to everybody who responded to me with advice. I very much appreciate the responses I've gotten on my team and improvements that can be made

Hello there! Nice team here. I do have a few suggestions that might help this team. One, change your Goodra set to the Assault Vest set. AV Goodra carries excellent coverage and has respectable SpA to boot. Two, if you feel the need to have hazard control, I suggest you replace Goodra with Latias. Latias provides Defog support and Healing Wish (should you elect to run it). And three, replace Substitute or Protect on Scolipede with Megahorn so you won't be shut down by Taunt. I'd prefer to keep Sub as it avoids status and can be passed.
In all honesty, I think Mega Heracross is a wallbreaker. It's non-Mega form could sweep well thanks to better Speed, Scarf and Moxie. Also, Baton Passing isn't always consistent. Stall can easily phaze you out and Prankster Taunt will cripple your Scolipede. I'd rather find another win condition that benefits from Mega Heracross breaking down walls. But again, this is just my opinion of course.
Goodra @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sap Sipper / Gooey
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Draco Meteor / Dragon Pulse
- Fire Blast
- Thunderbolt
- Sludge Wave
The abilities are totally up to your preference. Sap Sipper grants you Grass immunity which is always nice to have. Gooey is, well, Gooey.

Latias @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Defog
- Roost / Healing Wish
Hope I helped and good luck with your team!

I'm going to take your advice and try out Latias for a bit and see how she fares. That being said, I tried out Megahorn on Scolipede, and I found that I just can't get the job I want to be done properly. If I'm going to keep him around as a baton passer, very often I find myself having to stall out my opponent out of pure necessity. Scolipede by himself isn't powerful enough to kill most stuff and I find the Substitute to be critical in being able to get at least one SD in most of the time. I'm going to think about it, but I think I want to keep my Scolipede the way it is for the time being. I suppose if anything taunts me, I can simply switch out into something else that doesn't rely on as much with non attacking moves.

You might want to consider including a way of dealing with Aegislash, since your team can pretty much get easily run over by Aegislash: Conkeldurr and Mega Heracross both are completely walled and get 2HKO'd by Shadow Ball respectively, Goodra can switch in Aegi but has no way to deal with it other than stall with Infestation and easily gets KO'd by 2 Iron Heads + Shadow Sneak (uninvested), Slowbro dies to Shadow ball, Scolipede can't do much other than rack up Speed boosts and Gliscor easily gets 2HKO'd by Shadow Ball.
Earthquake over Swords Dance on Mega Heracross should let you deal with Aegislash as an effective offensive check, being able to reliably 2HKO it before you get KO'd.

Another threat your team might struggle to face against would be Mega Pinsir; it can easily set up on either Conkeldurr or Scolipede, OHKO Mega Heracross and Goodra and Reliably 2HKO Gliscor by unboosted Return/Frustration. Slowbro gets 3HKOd by unboosted Return/Frustration, becomes a 2HKO with hazards on the field (which you can't really clear since you have no spinner/defogger).
You might want to replace Gliscor (if I may inquire, why are you using a neutral nature?) with something that can keep flyspam at bay, like physically defensive Zapdos:


Zapdos @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def/ 8 SpA
IVs: 0 Atk IVs
Bold Nature
- Roost
- Toxic
- Thunderbolt
- Defog/Substitute

This set does exactly what Gliscor did; Roost is your form of recovery, Toxic lets you wear down walls, Thunderbolt is your reliable STAB that lets you OHKO Mega Pinsir most of the time, the last slot is for either defog if you want a way to clear hazards or Substitute if you want to stall using Sub+ Roost.

248 HP EVs on Scolipede should decrease the damage you take from hazards a little, and Conkeldurr could use Guts over Iron Fist; while Iron Fist has more immediate power, Guts lets it act as a status sponge for the team (Heracross isn't really fond of Burns and being able to take a Toxic for Slowbro could prove useful). But then again, I guess Iron Fist fits the Bulk up set nicely and no sane person statuses Conk in general. If ever you feel that Aegislash/lack of coverage is still a problem, you could always opt for the Assault Vest set (Basically replace Leftovers with Assault Vest, Iron Fist with Guts and Bulk up with Knock Off) and you shouldn't have too much trouble.

Hope I was of any help. Have a nice day!

I don't know why, but I honestly don't have much trouble at all with Aegislash. What normally goes down between me and it is that I'll have a Venipede out and since the majority of the time my opponent always tries to use King's Shield first, I can easily get one substitute in. Depending on what happens next, I can either get 1 or 2 SDs in before my doll fades and by that time, I'll usually be so fast enough that I can BP into Heracross. From Heracross, I'll Mega Evolve it and kill it off in at least two hits with Rock Blast. I will take Earthquake over Sword's Dance though. That is a damn good idea and it'll give me more ease than I usually have in dealing with it.

As for Zapdos, I'm going to take your suggestion and use it. The neutral nature on my Gliscor was completely accidental. I had sworn I had Impish nature on it, but I guess I just didn't. I'll keep defog off and use Substitute instead, since I'll already have defog on my Latias, and I'd prefer to run some good old Toxic stall on Zapdos. Also, you were right with that problem with Mega Pinsir. On further testing the old team, Mega Pinsir just wrecks my team. That's one more reason for me to run Zapdos over Gliscor

I'm also going to try the assault vest set on Conk. I want to see how AV Conkeldurr plays out more than anything, and if I find that I don't like it, then I'll just go back to using the old Bulk Up set

HI Pancakesaurusrex! How are you?
First of all, I gotta say that Heracross is easily one of my favorites also! I also think that Aegislash is THE bad news to your team, you can't switch nothing to it safely. And only Gliscor can deal damage to Aegi without being killed in return. You seem to run pretty weird Ev set on Heracross? why, i mean what do you benefit from running only 92 speed EV?
Your Heracross is too slow IMO, and it rely too heavily on that speed boost from Scolipede. So if you don't manage to get speed boost to Heracross, it can't sweep so effectively, don't get me wrong it's still strong, but it's easy to outspeed and revenge kill due to his many weaknesses... I suggest you to run a little bit different set on your Heracross:

Ev's: 252 Att/ 252 Spd/ 4 def
-Pin Missile
-Rock Blast
-Close Combat
This set is not so bulky, but it can sweep without that speed boost. This set can sweep without megaform,
this set can be very situational. You can pick weakened mons and gain moxie boost and then evolve to megaform. Earthquake is necessary for Hera to deal any damage to Aegislash. And with those moves you got nice coverage. Swords Dance is nice boosting move but I don't think there are too many opportunities to Heracross to set up because M-Pinsir, Talonflame, Lati@s and M-Charizard-xy....

You should definetely get something that can get rid of/set up hazards. Hazards help Heracross to gain moxie boost.
Goodra set is also pretty unique. It's nice but i don't see how it helps your team, maybe you should try something standard set like Choice Specs or AV?... Maybe Conkeldurr could run Guts? It could work status absorber, mainly absorb those WoW aimed at Heracross.
Then again these are only my thoughts, but i suggest you to test these... You don't loose anything, right?:)

I'm fine and you?

I honestly found the set online. I'm not very familiar with Gen V (I got bored and quit for a while after all the weather abuse) or Gen VI (I only recently came back a few weeks ago) so I don't know very well what Mega Evos should be running.

Thank you for the new set. I'll test it out and see, but chances are I think I'm going like it more than what I had.

As for the rest of your advice, see above. Thanks anyways! If Latias doesn't end up working out for me (I'm very iffy on Latias over Goodra right now and AV Conk), I'll switch back to an assault vest Goodra set at the very least.

EDIT: I also find my team is also very god awful against Mega Venusaur. I have no idea what to put on my team that doesn't get absolutely walled to hell and back by it.
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Swap conkell for rotom or azumarill. The problem with baton pass to heracross is that talonflame, noivern and basically any other flying can completely destroy your baton passer and batonpasse, and if they see scolipede/heracross, they will open with a flying or volt switch/u-turn to one.

You also have a serious lack of sp attackers, specifically those that can outspeed and kill flyers (latios, greninja, etc).
You have no fire, maybe get rid of calm mind on your slowbro since he is defensive and give him flamethrower for coverage.

Finally, and most people will disagree with me here (and rightfully so) but I'm adamant about this since I love mega heracross, Arm-Thrust over CC on hera. 2 reasons, first of all, arm thrust breaks sub on pokemon like heatran that just LOVE to stall. Secondly, CC lowers your base atk/def and if you play heracross long enough, you will know that he is all about the sweep. He's not the kind of pokemon you swap in and out constantly, the base 25 stabs with skill link and baton pass speed boost will allow him to basically stay in and kill an entire team. You lose atk damage or bulk and you are seriously jeopardizing your team by having to switch him. And finally, drop sword dance for bullet seed. He doesn't need sword dance, his attacks are already enormous and bullet seed can take out basically any water, any ground, etc.
Pin missile can handle a lot of things through the STAB bonus such as mega gyarados, but for certain pokemon you'll need a good setup to actually kill. And getting setup with heracross is not that easy since, as mentioned, he shares the flying weakness with your passer.

252+ Atk Mega Heracross Bullet Seed (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 480-570 (118.8 - 141%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Mega Heracross Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 180-210 (44.5 - 51.9%) -- approx. 7.4% chance to 2HKO
252+ Atk Mega Heracross Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 169-199 (41.8 - 49.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
EDIT: I also find my team is also very god awful against Mega Venusaur. I have no idea what to put on my team that doesn't get absolutely walled to hell and back by it.

Life Orb Latias should let you 2HKO Mega Venusaur with Psyshock though (even if it's fully physically defensive) and Mega Heracross should be able to 2HKO it too without any prior boosts using Pin Missile (even if it's fully physically defensive). That of course is assuming you don't get leech seeded or sleep powder'd, which can be a problem overall. Baton Passing a Sub to either of these pokemon could prove useful I guess.

You could always replace something in the team with Kyurem-B using this set:

Kyurem-B @ Leftovers
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 56 HP / 216 S.Atk / 236 Spe
Mild Nature
- Substitute
- Fusion Bolt
- Ice Beam
- Earth Power

56 HP Lets you hit 405 HP, so you can sit behind 101 HP Substitutes and not be worried about getting them broken by just 1 Seismic Toss, protecting you from status and leech seed. Fusion Bolt will be your main physical move, letting you hit just about any Water-type for some heavy damage, though it will not KO Azumarill, but I guess it does make the job easier for the team (Zapdos should help out here). Ice Beam is your main physical stab that will pretty much peel through your opponent's defenses; Teravolt's effect coupled with Ice beam lets you get past Thick Fat (for Venusaur) and Multiscale (for Dragonite), but also lets you get past other common bulky pokemon like Mandibuzz, Landorus-T, Gliscor and Zapdos (pretty much anything weak to ice will be severely dented), making Kyu-B an amazing wallbreaker that can tear holes in your opponent's team. Earth Power is to deal with Steel types like Heatran, Excadrill and Aegislash, but also lets you deal with the ever common Rotom-W, since Teravolt lets you get past Levitate and hits Rotom-W for some really heavy damage.

I hope this somehow solves your problem with Mega Venusaur.
Have a nice day!