SM OU My first legit SM OU team (1819 rank)

This is the first team that I have made that I've actually stuck with. Made a few changes along the way but I feel like I ended up with a really solid team so far. Since I run a ditto, I don't really have a solid game plan going into a match. My main goal is to weaken the opponent's team and then sweep with either Mega Scizor or by using one of their sweepers against them with ditto.


Volcanion @ Assault Vest
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 160 HP / 252 SpA / 96 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Steam Eruption
- Flamethrower
- Earth Power
- Sludge Wave

Volcanion destroys a lot of pokes in the current metagame if it can come in safely. Steam Eruption is there as my go to move since it deals lots of damage to most things that don't resist it and comes with the added bonus of possibly burning the opponent. Flamethrower is there for steel and grass types and is a great move to spam if the opponent doesn't have Heatran. Earth Power is there mostly for Toxapex and for other Volcanions. Sludge Wave is a great move to use against the Tapus and fairy types in general. I gave Volcanion an assault vest to give it more durability against special attacks and 96 speed evs to outrun max speed Adamant Mega Mawile

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Ditto @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Imposter
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 30 HP / 30 SpA / 30 SpD
- Transform

Ditto is here to revenge kill most sweepers and is there to keep my opponent from boosting for free. I still have to worry about pokemon who use boosting moves that raise defense as well, though. Depending on the pokemon I transform into and the boosts I get, I can sometimes sweep the remainder of the opponent's team with this guy. The IVs given are for HP Ground to hit Magnezone harder but I can always change it.


Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spe
Adamant Nature
- U-turn
- Bullet Punch
- Swords Dance
- Superpower

My set up sweeper. This guy works well with Tapu Koko since he is free to set up and sweep as long as Heatran and Psychic Surge are gone. I like to use U turn early on to keep my opponent guessing as to what set I'm running. Bullet punch is there to take out weakened pokes and to sweep later after a boost or two from Swords dance. Superpower is there to heavily damage or even KO common switch-ins such as Heatran and Magnezone. 56 evs are put into speed to outrun adamant max speed Mega Mawile.


Landorus-Therian @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 120 HP / 244 Atk / 144 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Defog

My stealth rocker and defoger. I know it's a bad idea to run these two moves together but I can't really fit one of these moves into another poke's set so I have to run both on this guy. Adamant nature and close to max Attack means that this guy's Earthquakes hit hard. Knock off is there to get rid of hold items and getting rid of leftovers or an assault vest is always great. 144 speed evs are there to outrun max speed neutral speed nature heatran and leftovers to help it survive just a little longer. Might give it white herb later on if I feel like Taunt might become a problem


Tapu Koko @ Electrium Z
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Wild Charge
- Nature's Madness
- Toxic
- U-turn

This guy is insane! Z-Wild Charge hits insanely hard and you are most likely kissing something goodbye if you don't have an electric resist or immunity. Natures madness is there to deal damage to common switch ins and deals more damage than hp Ice to opponents who aren't Ice weak. Toxic is there to poison walls and calm mind sweepers like Latias. After poisoning or weakening your checks/counters, you can U-turn into a poke that's better suited for the job.


Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Moonblast
- Wish
- Protect
- Heal Bell

My wish passer and second way of dealing with set up sweepers. The set is petty self explanatory. One of those copy/paste sets but it gets the job done. It can check some of the things that give me trouble such as Zygarde and Kyurem (after Subzero Slammer).
This poke allows me to make a few mistakes without it costing me the match such as getting poisoned and burned.

So there it is. So far, I've gotten to the 1800s with a team I never thought would make it there. If you guys feel I should make any changes to my team, feel free to post them
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This is the first team that I have made that I've actually stuck with. Made a few changes along the way but I feel like I ended up with a really solid team so far. Since I run a ditto, I don't really have a solid game plan going into a match. My main goal is to weaken the opponent's team and then sweep with either Mega Scizor or by using one of their sweepers against them with ditto.

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Volcanion @ Assault Vest
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 160 HP / 252 SpA / 96 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Steam Eruption
- Flamethrower
- Earth Power
- Sludge Wave

Volcanion destroys a lot of pokes in the current metagame if it can come in safely. Steam Eruption is there as my go to move since it deals lots of damage to most things that don't resist it and comes with the added bonus of possibly burning the opponent. Flamethrower is there for steel and grass types and is a great move to spam if the opponent doesn't have Heatran. Earth Power is there mostly for Toxapex and for other Volcanions. Sludge Wave is a great move to use against the Tapus and fairy types in general. I gave Volcanion an assault vest to give it more durability against special attacks and 96 speed evs to outrun max speed Adamant Mega Mawile

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Ditto @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Imposter
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 30 HP / 30 SpA / 30 SpD
- Transform

Ditto is here to revenge kill most sweepers and is there to keep my opponent from boosting for free. I still have to worry about pokemon who use boosting moves that raise defense as well, though. Depending on the pokemon I transform into and the boosts I get, I can sometimes sweep the remainder of the opponent's team with this guy. The IVs given are for HP Ground to hit Magnezone harder but I can always change it.

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Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spe
Adamant Nature
- U-turn
- Bullet Punch
- Swords Dance
- Superpower

My set up sweeper. This guy works well with Tapu Koko since he is free to set up and sweep as long as Heatran and Psychic Surge are gone. I like to use U turn early on to keep my opponent guessing as to what set I'm running. Bullet punch is there to take out weakened pokes and to sweep later after a boost or two from Swords dance. Superpower is there to heavily damage or even KO common switch-ins such as Heatran and Magnezone. 56 evs are put into speed to outrun adamant max speed Mega Mawile.

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Landorus-Therian @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 120 HP / 244 Atk / 144 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Defog

My stealth rocker and defoger. I know it's a bad idea to run these two moves together but I can't really fit one of these moves into another poke's set so I have to run both on this guy. Adamant nature and close to max Attack means that this guy's Earthquakes hit hard. Knock off is there to get rid of hold items and getting rid of leftovers or an assault vest is always great. 144 speed evs are there to outrun max speed neutral speed nature heatran and leftovers to help it survive just a little longer. Might give it white herb later on if I feel like Taunt might become a problem

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Tapu Koko @ Electrium Z
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Wild Charge
- Nature's Madness
- Toxic
- U-turn

This guy is insane! Z-Wild Charge hits insanely hard and you are most likely kissing something goodbye if you don't have an electric resist or immunity. Natures madness is there to deal damage to common switch ins and deals more damage than hp Ice to opponents who aren't Ice weak. Toxic is there to poison walls and calm mind sweepers like Latias. After poisoning or weakening your checks/counters, you can U-turn into a poke that's better suited for the job.

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Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Moonblast
- Wish
- Protect
- Heal Bell

My wish passer and second way of dealing with set up sweepers. The set is petty self explanatory. One of those copy/paste sets but it gets the job done. It can check some of the things that give me trouble such as Zygarde and Kyurem (after Subzero Slammer).
This poke allows me to make a few mistakes without it costing me the match such as getting poisoned and burned.

So there it is. So far, I've gotten to the 1800s with a team I never thought would make it there. If you guys feel I should make any changes to my team, feel free to post them
Not a rate but I really wanted to say that your team is incredibly Koko weak
SaveMeJebus said:
Any specific set? I don't really seem to struggle with Tapu Koko since most HP Ice can't OHKO Landorus
Your Landorus set isnt an ideal Koko switch in b/c Koko can just uturn out on it and bring in a pokemon that can handle it and unlike Tangrowth and Bulu, Landorus doesnt have regenerator or reliable recovery therefore, it cant switch in multiple times since itll get worn down and eventually end up range of hp ice. It is also very easy to predict since your team lacks a tbolt switch in and once Lando goes down Koko just spams tbolt. Overall, I think your team is quite bad despite it getting you to the 1800s and much has to be changed for it to excel in the OU meta.
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Your Landorus set isnt an ideal Koko switch in b/c Koko can just uturn out on it and bring in a pokemon that can handle it and unlike Tangrowth and Bulu, Landorus doesnt have regenerator or reliable recovery therefore, it cant switch in multiple times since itll get worn down and eventually end up range of hp ice. It is also very easy to predict since your team lacks a tbolt switch in and once Lando goes down Koko just spams tbolt. Overall, I think your team is quite bad despite it getting you to the 1800s and much has to be changed for it to excel in the OU meta.
But that's where prediction comes into play. In theory, he beats me but the fact that I have a ground type means he can't spam tbolt.
What changes do you suggest?
SaveMeJebus said:
But that's where prediction comes into play. In theory, he beats me but the fact that I have a ground type means he can't spam tbolt.
What changes do you suggest?
AV Tangrowth, SpDef Bulu and Gastrodon are some examples that can reliably switch on Koko and aren’t threatened by hp ice. Despite being a ground-type, Koko can just uturn out on Landorus if it comes in on tbolt and can hp ice it when it’s in range. Not much prediction is required, but it very easy to predict it b/c the rest of your team can’t switch in on tbolt and Landorus is your only tbolt switch in. The three Pokemon that I’ve metioned are able to switch in Koko multiple times b/c of regenerator/reliable recovery, something that Landorus lacks. If you want to make your team better for the OU meta I recommend that you start from scratch and use the OU viability rankings and strategy dex to see what’s used in the tier and what works well with what and build accordingly.
AV Tangrowth, SpDef Bulu and Gastrodon are some examples that can reliably switch on Koko and aren’t threatened by hp ice. Despite being a ground-type, Koko can just uturn out on Landorus if it comes in on tbolt and can hp ice it when it’s in range. Not much prediction is required, but it very easy to predict it b/c the rest of your team can’t switch in on tbolt and Landorus is your only tbolt switch in. The three Pokemon that I’ve metioned are able to switch in Koko multiple times b/c of regenerator/reliable recovery, something that Landorus lacks. If you want to make your team better for the OU meta I recommend that you start from scratch and use the OU viability rankings and strategy dex to see what’s used in the tier and what works well with what and build accordingly.

So you're suggesting I get rid of lando and add Tangrowth/gastrodon or who do I replace?
SaveMeJebus said:
So you're suggesting I get rid of lando and add Tangrowth/gastrodon or who do I replace?
I’m emphasizing a point that was previously made that you dont seem to fully understand. Changing Lando will solve your weakness to Koko but will add other weaknesses. I’m not suggesting any changes to your team since I’m assuming you built for fun but if you want to have a better team for the OU tier I recommend that you rebuild the team from step 1 as your team lacks reliable answers for many common threats in the tier such as Koko. I not suggesting you should just replace Lando but instead to rebuild the team because of these weaknesses and the lack of synergy with the mons you have. The amount of changes I feel that need to be made would change your team completely to a point where it is significantly different. I don’t have any suggestions for you make just wanted to state my opinion.

Edit: It is impossible to have reliable answers for every mon in the tier, however you should have answers for common Pokemon like Koko.
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I’m emphasizing a point that was previously made that you dont seem to fully understand. Changing Lando will solve your weakness to Koko but will add other weaknesses. I’m not suggesting any changes to your team since I’m assuming you built for fun but if you want to have a better team for the OU tier I recommend that you rebuild the team from step 1 as your team lacks reliable answers for many common threats in the tier such as Koko. I not suggesting you should just replace Lando but instead to rebuild the team because of these weaknesses and the lack of synergy with the mons you have. The amount of changes I feel that need to be made would change your team completely to a point where it is significantly different. I don’t have any suggestions for you make just wanted to state my opinion.

Edit: It is impossible to have reliable answers for every mon in the tier, however you should have answers for common Pokemon like Koko.

You forget I have ditto as well which more than likely outspeeds koko if I transform into a decently fast poke and can revenge kill it if it's weakend by switching into it

If I have any weakness, its to Gliscor
SaveMeJebus said:
You forget I have ditto as well which more than likely outspeeds koko if I transform into a decently fast poke and can revenge kill it if it's weakend by switching into it
If you are saying that if Ditto transforms in a pokemon like Landorus or Grenjnja which can revenge kill Koko your not wrong but this very terrible point because Koko would NEVER come in a pokemon like that, your opponent would scout what you lock yourself into and play accordingly. Also, if Ditto transforms into Koko, the opposing Koko can just roost stall tbolts or switch out. Do keep in mind that pokemon battles are 6v6 so your opponent, asumming that they have Koko on their team, would use other members of their team to remove/weaken your “answers” for Koko to put in work.
If you are saying that if Ditto transforms in a pokemon like Landorus or Grenjnja which can revenge kill Koko your not wrong but this very terrible point because Koko would NEVER come in a pokemon like that, your opponent would scout what you lock yourself into and play accordingly. Also, if Ditto transforms into Koko, the opposing Koko can just roost stall tbolts or switch out. Do keep in mind that pokemon battles are 6v6 so your opponent, asumming that they have Koko on their team, would use other members of their team to remove/weaken your “answers” for Koko to put in work.

You're making it seem like Tapu Koko isn't gonna have any damage after I try to revenge kill and that everyone is running the roost set. Also, I changed my set to better deal with the current metagame and it deals better with koko as well

Tapu Koko @ Electrium Z
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant/Jolly Nature
- Wild Charge
- Brave Bird
- Toxic
- U-turn

I go with Adamant now since I wanna hit harder and most of the things that Jolly outspeeds are not switching in/staying in. Jolly can work as well, though.

Damage Calculations: 252+ Atk Tapu Koko Gigavolt Havoc (175 BP) vs. 20 HP / 0 Def Tapu Koko in Electric Terrain: 246-291 (86 - 101.7%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

Pokemon Jolly Tapu Koko can outrun that Adamant cannot:
394 / Tapu Koko / 130 / +Spe / 252 / 0
393 / Bisharp, Volcanion / 70 / +Spe / 252 / +1
391 / Gyarados, Gyarados (Mega) / 81 / Neutral / 252 / +1
388 / Dragonite / 80 / Neutral / 252 / +1
385 / Tapu Koko / 130 / +Spe / 216 / 0
383 / Weavile, / 125 / +Spe / 252 / 0
377 / Greninja / 122 / +Spe / 252 / 0
375 / Tornadus-Therian / 121 / +Spe / 252 / 0
372 / Alakazam / 120 / +Spe / 252 / 0
364 / Tyranitar / 61 / +Spe / 252 / +1
361 / Azelf / 115 / +Spe / 252 / 0
360 / Magnezone / 60 / +Spe / 252 / +1

I'd rather not speed tie with any base 130s, you never see Bisharp run +speed, Gyrados and mega are almost always gonna be jolly same with dragonite. The rest of the pokemon won't stay if I switch in for the most part and won't switch in on me
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SaveMeJebus said:
You're making it seem like Tapu Koko isn't gonna have any damage after I try to revenge kill and that everyone is running the roost set. Also, I changed my set to better deal with the current metagame and it deals better with koko as well


Tapu Koko @ Electrium Z
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant/Jolly Nature
- Wild Charge
- Brave Bird
- Toxic
- U-turn

I go with Adamant now since I wanna hit harder and most of the things that Jolly outspeeds are not switching in/staying in. Jolly can work as well, though.

Damage Calculations: 252+ Atk Tapu Koko Gigavolt Havoc (175 BP) vs. 20 HP / 0 Def Tapu Koko in Electric Terrain: 246-291 (86 - 101.7%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

Pokemon Jolly Tapu Koko can outrun that Adamant cannot:
394 / Tapu Koko / 130 / +Spe / 252 / 0
393 / Bisharp, Volcanion / 70 / +Spe / 252 / +1
391 / Gyarados, Gyarados (Mega) / 81 / Neutral / 252 / +1
388 / Dragonite / 80 / Neutral / 252 / +1
385 / Tapu Koko / 130 / +Spe / 216 / 0
383 / Weavile, / 125 / +Spe / 252 / 0
377 / Greninja / 122 / +Spe / 252 / 0
375 / Tornadus-Therian / 121 / +Spe / 252 / 0
372 / Alakazam / 120 / +Spe / 252 / 0
364 / Tyranitar / 61 / +Spe / 252 / +1
361 / Azelf / 115 / +Spe / 252 / 0
360 / Magnezone / 60 / +Spe / 252 / +1

I'd rather not speed tie with any base 130s, you never see Bisharp run +speed, Gyrados and mega are almost always gonna be jolly same with dragonite. The rest of the pokemon won't stay if I switch in for the most part and won't switch in on me
changing your koko to adamant doesnt solve the your weakness to opposing koko as a good player would scout your set before making any reckless plays and honestly it prefers the speed rather than the extra power. I refer to roost because one of the most common koko is tbolt/hp ice/uturn/roost, and shuca berry variants can bait ground types and counterattack with hp ice and they also run roost and so do z wild charge sets. Being adamant has more downsides and ups. Your team in general is very poor because of lack of answers for many pokemon that are viable in the, not just koko. Other pokemon include Lele, Kyurem-B and Mega Alakazam to name a few simply by looking at the team and changing one of your sets (though it’s not that great of a change) doesn’t help you in the slightest. Furthermore, I don’t think that you fully understand the meta based on your ideas of counterplay, like how you have a Scizor with superpower for Magnezone that can’t outspeed Magnezone, and how you seemed to have put your team together because you never state how x pokemon is here because it helps x pokemon do this, it feels more like you chose a bunch of pokemon that you like and thought fit well with each other (which they don’t) rather than making an ideal team. Making it high on the ladder with a specific team doesn’t make it good, such as winning by making a specific play doesn’t mean that play was good. I made to #4 on the ladder with an old account using a special dragonite with fire blast/tbolt/ice beam/agility and scarf zapdos which turned out being complete garbage. This is just an example of bad teams doing well. Do keep in mind that I am NOT suggesting anything just stating points UNDERSTAND THIS. Teambuilding is a big part of meta as teams that lack the ability to take on the viable pokemon in the tier aren’t that great in the meta. Teambuilding is something that take trial and error and is something that you’ll get better overtime. The OU viability rankings is a great place to see what’s viable and what to prep for when teambuilding and the OU sets viability rankings are there to understand what sets are viable in the meta. Of course you can’t prep so you may have minimal counterplay to specific threat like Volcarona or Charizard who are more team focused rather pokemon like Koko who aren’t. I also recommend that you thoroughly read the information about the pokemon in the strategy dex as it explains why a pokemon has a specific move, how a specific pokemon is used and teammate options for a specific pokemon.
changing your koko to adamant doesnt solve the your weakness to opposing koko as a good player would scout your set before making any reckless plays and honestly it prefers the speed rather than the extra power. I refer to roost because one of the most common koko is tbolt/hp ice/uturn/roost, and shuca berry variants can bait ground types and counterattack with hp ice and they also run roost and so do z wild charge sets. Being adamant has more downsides and ups. Your team in general is very poor because of lack of answers for many pokemon that are viable in the, not just koko. Other pokemon include Lele, Kyurem-B and Mega Alakazam to name a few simply by looking at the team and changing one of your sets (though it’s not that great of a change) doesn’t help you in the slightest. Furthermore, I don’t think that you fully understand the meta based on your ideas of counterplay, like how you have a Scizor with superpower for Magnezone that can’t outspeed Magnezone, and how you seemed to have put your team together because you never state how x pokemon is here because it helps x pokemon do this, it feels more like you chose a bunch of pokemon that you like and thought fit well with each other (which they don’t) rather than making an ideal team. Making it high on the ladder with a specific team doesn’t make it good, such as winning by making a specific play doesn’t mean that play was good. I made to #4 on the ladder with an old account using a special dragonite with fire blast/tbolt/ice beam/agility and scarf zapdos which turned out being complete garbage. This is just an example of bad teams doing well. Do keep in mind that I am NOT suggesting anything just stating points UNDERSTAND THIS. Teambuilding is a big part of meta as teams that lack the ability to take on the viable pokemon in the tier aren’t that great in the meta. Teambuilding is something that take trial and error and is something that you’ll get better overtime. The OU viability rankings is a great place to see what’s viable and what to prep for when teambuilding and the OU sets viability rankings are there to understand what sets are viable in the meta. Of course you can’t prep so you may have minimal counterplay to specific threat like Volcarona or Charizard who are more team focused rather pokemon like Koko who aren’t. I also recommend that you thoroughly read the information about the pokemon in the strategy dex as it explains why a pokemon has a specific move, how a specific pokemon is used and teammate options for a specific pokemon.

I think my team does work well together.
Pretty much all my pokemon benefit from Clefable as it can Heal Bell and Wish pass to a better poke if it goes in and the opponent switches out. Koko works well with Scizor since it gets rid of Psychic terrain and U turn can work well with Volcanion since as long as it comes in safely, very little can come in safely on it. Giga Volt Havoc will almost always get rid of at least one poke and toxic/ U turn wears down pokes that counter the common Koko sets (Bulky Ground water types, Tengrowth, Hippowdon). Depending on the set, Lele can give me problems but Volcanion can deal with the scarf variants and Clefable can also switch in on it and stall the Psychic terrain. The other sets are easier to deal with since they can't switch in on anyone but Clefable. Kyurem loses to Scizor and Ditto can revenge kill most Alakazam sets. Scizor can OHKO Magnezone on the switch in or just u turn

I think you underestimate my my team since in theory, it might have a Koko weakness but he's actually pretty frail and can't safely switch in on any poke in my team. It gets destroyed by EQ and pretty much anything Volcanion has. It can switch into Clefable but I can always just protect or wish pass. The fact that you only really mention Koko as a counter on my team when other teams on these RMTs have an endless list proves this team has a shot to go a bit higher.

I got outplayed for the most part this game but it shows just to little prediction you need when you get Volcanion in safely
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SaveMeJebus said:
I think my team does work well together.
Pretty much all my pokemon benefit from Clefable as it can Heal Bell and Wish pass to a better poke if it goes in and the opponent switches out. Koko works well with Scizor since it gets rid of Psychic terrain and U turn can work well with Volcanion since as long as it comes in safely, very little can come in safely on it. Giga Volt Havoc will almost always get rid of at least one poke and toxic/ U turn wears down pokes that counter the common Koko sets (Bulky Ground water types, Tengrowth, Hippowdon). Depending on the set, Lele can give me problems but Volcanion can deal with the scarf variants and Clefable can also switch in on it and stall the Psychic terrain. The other sets are easier to deal with since they can't switch in on anyone but Clefable. Kyurem loses to Scizor and Ditto can revenge kill most Alakazam sets. Scizor can OHKO Magnezone on the switch in or just u turn

I think you underestimate my my team since in theory, it might have a Koko weakness but he's actually pretty frail and can't safely switch in on any poke in my team. It gets destroyed by EQ and pretty much anything Volcanion has. It can switch into Clefable but I can always just protect or wish pass. The fact that you only really mention Koko as a counter on my team when other teams on these RMTs have an endless list proves this team has a shot to go a bit higher.

I got outplayed for the most part this game but it shows just to little prediction you need when you get Volcanion in safely
This whole discussion started because you underestimated Koko and its relevance in the tier that’s why I’ve been talking about to so much. If you really want me to talk about your weaknesses your team cannot reliably switch in on Lele because your Scizor doesn’t have roost and fears hp fire and the fact that you said Clefable can switch in on it is absurd because Lele always 2HKOs Clefable with psychic which almost all Leles run even after protect + leftovers (252 SpA Tapu Lele Psychic vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Clefable in Psychic Terrain: 241-285 (61.1 - 72.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery), the minimum roll is 241 which puts you at 153 + leftovers you be at 177 then after protect + leftovers you’re at 201 so you can’t even protect stall psychic terrain unless you get a triple protect which is still a roll. The fact that your team relies so much on wish support is also detrimental because it means that your defensive answers can’t get recovery unless Clefable sets up a wish and switch in the turn after which can be hard to do sometimes. Scizor gets 2HKO by Mega Alakazam’s focus blast so it has to be wary of directly switching in on it and don’t try to say that its 70% percent accurate so I can hope for a miss because that is pathetic. Ditto is a very niche pokemon in the OU meta because it can really only come in on a free switch because of its low hp stat meaning that you would have to sack something or get it in with uturn. It can’t beat set up mons that boost their defensive stats like calm mind Clefable and bulky quiver dance Volcarona (both of are pretty viable though I am aware of unware Clef I’m just talking about in general). Ash Gren is also hard for your team to switch into as most of your team can’t switch in on hydro pump and Volcanion takes alot from dark pulse especially if stealth rock is up (252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja Dark Pulse vs. 160 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Volcanion: 121-144 (35.4 - 42.2%) -- 82.4% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock | 252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Clefable: 249-294 (63.1 - 74.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery (these calcs are before the transformation). You also have a hard time switching in on LO Kyurem-B as it can take the bullet punch from Scizor and KO it with hp fire, it can 2HKO Clef with ice beam if rocks are up, it can bear Volcanion with fusion bolt. Choice band Kartana is also very hard for to switch in against because Scizor can get 2HKO’d by sacred sword, nothing else switches in too well. Your team is also very weak to rain teams as you lack solid rain checks. And if Koko gets a free switch it can give you a hard time switching in on it. In terms of the team itself i don’t know why unware Clef is here because you already have Ditto for set up and unware is used on stall primarily and some balanced builds which your team is neither. It looks like every pokemon is just there for no particular reason and it really feels like that you threw a bunch of pokemon together. It’s more of a heat squad than a competitive team. And just to let you know I’ve been testing your team on the ladder and it doesn’t win consistently. Overall, your team is inconsistent and there are certain matchups where it feels like an auto-loss for it. That last part where you talk about how other RMTs have endless weakness is bs. This isn’t about other RMTs, it’s about your team. Also that replay doesn’t show much. You switched in Volcanion on Scizor as you’re supposed to.
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This whole discussion started because you underestimated Koko and its relevance in the tier that’s why I’ve been talking about to so much. If you really want me to talk about your weaknesses your team cannot reliably switch in on Lele because your Scizor doesn’t have roost and fears hp fire and the fact that you said Clefable can switch in on it is absurd because Lele always 2HKOs Clefable with psychic which almost all Leles run even after protect + leftovers (252 SpA Tapu Lele Psychic vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Clefable in Psychic Terrain: 241-285 (61.1 - 72.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery), the minimum roll is 241 which puts you at 153 + leftovers you be at 177 then after protect + leftovers you’re at 201 so you can’t even protect stall psychic terrain unless you get a triple protect which is still a roll. The fact that your team relies so much on wish support is also detrimental because it means that your defensive answers can’t get recovery unless Clefable sets up a wish and switch in the turn after which can be hard to do sometimes. Scizor gets 2HKO by Mega Alakazam’s focus blast so it has to be wary of directly switching in on it and don’t try to say that its 70% percent accurate so I can hope for a miss because that is pathetic. Ditto is a very niche pokemon in the OU meta because it can really only come in on a free switch because of its low hp stat meaning that you would have to sack something or get it in with uturn. It can’t beat set up mons that boost their defensive stats like calm mind Clefable and bulky quiver dance Volcarona (both of are pretty viable though I am aware of unware Clef I’m just talking about in general). Ash Gren is also hard for your team to switch into as most of your team can’t switch in on hydro pump and Volcanion takes alot from dark pulse especially if stealth rock is up (252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja Dark Pulse vs. 160 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Volcanion: 121-144 (35.4 - 42.2%) -- 82.4% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock | 252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Clefable: 249-294 (63.1 - 74.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery (these calcs are before the transformation). You also have a hard time switching in on LO Kyurem-B as it can take the bullet punch from Scizor and KO it with hp fire, it can 2HKO Clef with ice beam if rocks are up, it can bear Volcanion with fusion bolt. Choice band Kartana is also very hard for to switch in against because Scizor can get 2HKO’d by sacred sword, nothing else switches in too well. Your team is also very weak to rain teams as you lack solid rain checks. And if Koko gets a free switch it can give you a hard time switching in on it. In terms of the team itself i don’t know why unware Clef is here because you already have Ditto for set up and unware is used on stall primarily and some balanced builds which your team is neither. It looks like every pokemon is just there for no particular reason and it really feels like that you threw a bunch of pokemon together. It’s more of a heat squad than a competitive team. And just to let you know I’ve been testing your team on the ladder and it doesn’t win consistently. Overall, your team is inconsistent and there are certain matchups where it feels like an auto-loss for it. That last part where you talk about how other RMTs have endless weakness is bs. This isn’t about other RMTs, it’s about your team. Also that replay doesn’t show much. You switched in Volcanion on Scizor as you’re supposed to.

For tapu Lele and Clefable, I meant it can switch in and stall it out after I lose a Poke. Wish first turn, protect and lose over half and then wish and protect again until the terrain is down. I usually have to sac with all the pokes you mentioned but then again, most teams do as well. No one can counter every Greninja set and most teams have to sac a poke against Lele depending on the set if they're not running a dark type. Same with Kyurem. That thing wrecks like half the metagame with Subzero Slammer. The set you mentioned is quite uncommon. In fact most of the Pokes you mentioned usually have revenge killers in the checks/counters section. The thing is that just as I have to sac something, they have to as well when I bring my Pokes in safely. Very little can come in safe on a Volcanion
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SaveMeJebus said:
For tapu Lele and Clefable, I meant it can switch in and stall it out after I lose a Poke. Wish first turn, protect and lose over half and then wish and protect again until the terrain is down. I usually have to sac with all the pokes you mentioned but then again, most teams do as well. No one can counter every Greninja set and most teams have to sac a poke against Lele depending on the set if they're not running a dark type. Same with Kyurem. That thing wrecks like half the metagame with Subzero Slammer. The set you mentioned is quite uncommon. The thing is that just as I have to sac something, they have to as well when I bring my Pokes in safely. Very little can come in safe on a Volcanion
Scarf Lele is falling down in usage as of late. The more common sets are specs which annihilates your team and can’t be wish stalled, fightinium z which runs taunt, and psychium z which can OHKO Clef with z psyshock if it guesses correctly (252 SpA Tapu Lele Shattered Psyche (160 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Clefable in Psychic Terrain: 427-504 (108.3 - 127.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Leftovers recovery). Teams don’t have to sac a mon to Lele, in terms of the specs variant which is the hardest to switch into I feel Celesteela and I did not talk about protean Gren, I talked about battle bond Gren. You don’t have a switch in that can reliably switch in on both its stab. Toxapex, Bulu and Chansey are examples that switch in on battle bond Gren and prevent the transformation unless they get haxed. Protean Gren can put in work against depending on the sets which how it is for most teams. Kyurem only has two viable sets, icium z and LO. I’m aware that the LO set isn’t as viable as z freezeshock however I think that you underestimate it. Ice, fire and electric is near perfect coverage and your counterplay for it is very limited. And pokemon that can switch in on Volcanion are the Lati twins, Chansey, Gastrodon and Mantine are all great Volcanion. Also, I really think that you overestimate Volcanion in OU, it’s ranked C+ for a reason and not because of your AV set which doesn’t help it switch into special attacks that well. Also, a lot of your sets are weird. For instance why do you have toxic on Koko when you have a brave bird and uturn that already helps with Koko’s answers or helps with momentum. Why does have superpower in Scizor if you already have uturn. Scizor and Koko feel like they have unnecessary moves at the cost of recovery. Pokemon battles are 6v6 so you don’t have to need pokemon to take on more than they should. You can have have magic gaurd Clef or Tangrowth to help with Gastrodon for Koko, you can have Heatran or Zygarde for Magnezone to help Scizor. Those are some examples of synergy which your team lacks. Furthermore, why do you have the AV on Volcanion, so you can tank a tbolt from Koko LOL and your Lando set is very weird and very bad like why does it have both defog and stealth rock, that’s bad because it limits what it can do.


I was looking at the account that you were using and your and elo is quite below the 1800s which you said that the team made it. So what happened, did you lose points using the team on the ladder, did you lie about the peak because the drop is too big to just be off decay if you were at the 1800s when you posted the RMT.
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Scarf Lele is falling down in usage as of late. The more common sets are specs which annihilates your team and can’t be wish stalled, fightinium z which runs taunt, and psychium z which can OHKO Clef with z psyshock if it guesses correctly (252 SpA Tapu Lele Shattered Psyche (160 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Clefable in Psychic Terrain: 427-504 (108.3 - 127.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Leftovers recovery). Teams don’t have to sac a mon to Lele, in terms of the specs variant which is the hardest to switch into I feel Celesteela and I did not talk about protean Gren, I talked about battle bond Gren. You don’t have a switch in that can reliably switch in on both its stab. Toxapex, Bulu and Chansey are examples that switch in on battle bond Gren and prevent the transformation unless they get haxed. Protean Gren can put in work against depending on the sets which how it is for most teams. Kyurem only has two viable sets, icium z and LO. I’m aware that the LO set isn’t as viable as z freezeshock however I think that you underestimate it. Ice, fire and electric is near perfect coverage and your counterplay for it is very limited. And pokemon that can switch in on Volcanion are the Lati twins, Chansey, Gastrodon and Mantine are all great Volcanion. Also, I really think that you overestimate Volcanion in OU, it’s ranked C+ for a reason and not because of your AV set which doesn’t help it switch into special attacks that well. Also, a lot of your sets are weird. For instance why do you have toxic on Koko when you have a brave bird and uturn that already helps with Koko’s answers or helps with momentum. Why does have superpower in Scizor if you already have uturn. Scizor and Koko feel like they have unnecessary moves at the cost of recovery. Pokemon battles are 6v6 so you don’t have to need pokemon to take on more than they should. You can have have magic gaurd Clef or Tangrowth to help with Gastrodon for Koko, you can have Heatran or Zygarde for Magnezone to help Scizor. Those are some examples of synergy which your team lacks. Furthermore, why do you have the AV on Volcanion, so you can tank a tbolt from Koko LOL and your Lando set is very weird and very bad like why does it have both defog and stealth rock, that’s bad because it limits what it can do.

edit:View attachment 147604
I was looking at the account that you were using and your and elo is quite below the 1800s which you said that the team made it. So what happened, did you lose points using the team on the ladder, did you lie about the peak because the drop is too big to just be off decay if you were at the 1800s when you posted the RMT.


I've been messing around with certain sets, missclicking and playing really bad but I can consistently get to the high 1700s if I really focus
Made a pretty big change to this team.

Hawlucha @ Electric Seed
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 96 HP / 252 Atk / 36 SpD / 124 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- High Jump Kick
- Acrobatics
- Stone Edge

Added Hawlucha and removed ditto since I was struggling against the Mega Swampert and rain teams in general as well as Venusaur and Gliscor. This thing can set up on most Swamperts and sweep most RD teams. Ditto is really good but I was getting tired of speed ties with other scarfed mons and stalls teams where he's pretty much useless. With this change and a few others like giving koko both u turn and volt switch and Landorus smackdown over knockoff, I'm in the high 1700s.

Here's a short replay showing how this poke patched up one of my biggest weaknesses
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