My first doubles team

Ok this was my first real team:*
I use this for doubles
The whole team is based on speed for the most part. While I like the speed boost from Ninjask to go to Yanmega. ,but even if I get it on heatran or gyarados. Because of that Ninjask living is really important to the cause. It really is my first real team I designed ,so I will take all the help I can.

Azelf@Focus Sash
4atk/252 SPattack/ 252 speed
Stealth rock
Fire Blast
I use Azelf for either as a Stealth rocker and if my other pokemon has protect as an exploder to hopefully kill my enemies first two pokemon. It pretty fast and because I pair it up with Ninjask I can get the protect or substitute off before I explode. Not much problems coming out later because of Levitate.

Ninjask@Focus Sash
Speed Boost
252atk 4def 252 speed
X scissor
baton pass*
I use Ninjask to protect if I use explosion w/ Azelf or as a baton passer. The passes normally go to Yanmega, but ill put it on heatran or gyarados
I will use him as a partner to blissey if he gets knocked down to low health because i will protect when i come out and then baton pass into my next pokemon so that way someone important doesn’t have to take damage and i can give a +1 speed boost to whoever which never hurts.

Yanmega@focus sash
Speed Boost
104Def 252 spatk 152speed *
Air slash*
Bug Buzz
My main sweeper i try and use protect to get his speed up if i didn’t baton pass from him to Ninjask. I will use him with Blissey w/ hypnosis to wall enemies. The last match I played it came down to his last pokemon which was a Regirock and my Yanmega and Ninjask against it. I think I lucked out because I got the hypnosis off and started hitting him with Air slash for Yanmega and Ninjask with X scissor and called the protects when it woke up ,but I want to know if there is a move that Yanmega can learn to be more efficient against rock and steal types .

natural cure
24hp 252df 232SPDF*
seismic toss
My Blissey is obviously a wall. I use her if there are pokemon that have a 4x to bug type and try and stall them out. I never really have problem getting her out ,but I have some trouble when a pokemon tricks choice whatever onto her ,so I try not to send her out when pokemon like Azelf are out. I have a Shuckle that I have thought about switching for ,but that doesn’t really change the whole trick problem.

252atk 4DF 254Speed
Stone Edge
My attack sweeper. I will give him the speed boost from Ninjask if a fire pokemon like let say infernape comes out on to the field. I like to get a DD off when I come in. I try to pair him up with Yanmega and earthquake to hit everyone. I have trouble getting him out often because of pokemon that are really fast like Weavile. Other than that my only other problems are like hidden power ,but I cant really do anything about that.

Heatran@shuca berry
Flash Fire
4atk 252spatk 252speed
Earth Power
Fire Blast
Stealth Rock
Hidden Power Grass
Basically another sweeper, but if I use explode with Azelf before I get Stealth Rocks out I will have heatran do it and normally I try and give it the speed boost from Ninjask if he is coming out for stealth rocks. I always seem to come in on a earthquake though so I have started only bringing him out when I have Yanmega or Ninjask out. I also try and use heatran if a water time comes out but only if he has a few speed boosts from Ninjask’s baton pass. It really is a big weakness on my team is really no water coverage so I was thinking about getting rid of him for an electric of bulky grass type.