My 2nd UU team

This is a slight variation on my other UU Team and I think it works much better.

Registeel @ Leftovers
Clear Body
252 HP / 100 Atk / 156 SDef
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave

This is my lead. Stealth Rocks gets laid down 90% of the time. Stealth Rock is a fantastic support move, and as such, Registeel is one of the most reliable Pokémon to set it up. It helps with Venusaur when he forces switches. It can then proceed to spread status. T-Wave and Iron Head provide the ultimate annoyance. Earthquake is there for coverage. He has great synergy w/ the rest of my team so I try and save him for later if needed.

Fire - Arcanine, Blastoise
Fight - Mismagius
Ground - Mismagius, Blastoise

Blastoise @ Leftovers
252 HP / 150 Def / 98 SpDef / 4 Spe
- Surf
- Rapid Spin
- Toxic
- Protect

Good 'ol tanking of the premier defensive walls in UU and my FAVORITE pokemon of all time. Surf is so I have an attack. Toxic is for Slowbrow and Tangrowth and whoever else decides to switch in that won't like being poisoned. Rapid Spin is to blow are Stealth Rock and Spikes. 6 speed ev's is to outspeed/tie opposing Blastoise. The ev's are to help take special attacks from Houndoom/Ninetails and other neutral special attacks.

Grass - Venusaur, Arcanine, Registeel
Electric - Venusaur
Toxic - Venusaur

Hitmonlee @ Muscle Band
6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Close Combat
- Sucker Punch
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide

Close Combat is for pure power. Earthquake and Rock Slide provide excellent coverage. I chose Rock Slide over Stone Edge b/c of the difference in accuracy. Sucker Punch is for Psychics, Ghosts and any other pokemon that's fast and frail(Dugtrio, Swellow I'm lookin' at you kid). Muscle Band is to fake a Choice Band/Scarf.

Psychic - Registeel
Flying - Registeel

Mismagius @ Life Orb
6 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
- HP Ground
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Substitute

My special attacker and spin blocker. HP Ground has about the same coverage as HP Fighting except is can hit Drapion now. Plus, I don't like the imperfect speed. Shadow Ball is for STAB and to hit Slowbrow and Uxie hard. T-Bolt is there for coverage. I usually switch into an Earthquake, fighting move, or normal move and substitute on the switch for scouting.

Ghost - Registeel
Dark - Registeel, Venusaur(special)

Arcanine @ Life Orb
120 HP / 152 Atk / 236 Spe
- Flare Blitz
- Extremespeed
- Morning Sun
- Toxic

Usually I switch this guy in on a grass/steel type. They usually switch out to a bulky water of Flash Fire Ninetails/Houndoom and I get a free Toxic most of the time which really screws the opponent up. Flare Blitz is the main attack and Extremespeed is to clean up. Morning Sun is to recover recoil and life orb damage.

Water - Venusaur, Blastoise
Ground - Blastoise, Mismagius
Rock - Registeel, Venusaur, Blastoise

Venusaur @ Leftovers
252 HP / 6 Def / 252 SpDef
- Leech Seed
- Sleep Power
- Energy Ball
- Sludge Bomb

The 3rd of my fire/water/grass core and my special wall for when Registeel dies.. Switch in onto a water/ground type and sleep powder as they switch out. Then leech seed. Energy ball and sludge bomb are my main attacks. Sludge Bomb is for opposing grass. He has great synergy w/ Blastoise.

Ice - Registeel, Blastoise, Arcanine
Bug - Registeel, Toxicroak, Arcanine
Flying - Registeel
No, it's not. Btw, Everything except Arcanine is extremely hard to read (with the exception of Venusaur, which is just moderatly hard to read). Why are you using Earthquake on Registeel? it's a waste of 100 atk EVs and still doesn't hit Rotom or Mismagius like Seismic Toss, so I would change Registeel's EVs to 252 HP/80 Def/176 Def to still take most hits like Adamant Life Orb Close Combat from Hitmontop and Fire Blast from Arcanine and friends. Muscle band is useless on Hitmonlee, it's very frail on the Physical side and it's special bulk is reasonably good enough to still be there with Life Orb, so replacing Muscle Band with Life Orb is crucial to maximize Hitmonlee's sweeping potential. Also, Close Combat + Sucker Punch provides better coverage than Rock Slide + Earthquake, so I would replace Rock Slide with Rapid Spin and replace Blastoise with Milotic. This gives a much sturdier Fire/Water/Grass core as well as having an unpredictable spinner.

Not a bad overall team, good luck.

Your descriptions are very hard to read, I would at least make them darker if you want to use color.
"it's a waste of 100 atk EVs and still doesn't hit Rotom or Mismagius like Seismic Toss" - umm......Seismic Toss doesn't even hit Rotom and Mismagius..?

I had Milotic and I didn't like her very much...the Toxic + Protect combo has saved me many many times.
"it's a waste of 100 atk EVs and still doesn't hit Rotom or Mismagius like Seismic Toss"

Seismic Toss doesn't even hit Rotom and Mismagius..?

I had Milotic and I didn't like her very much...the Toxic + Protect combo and saved me many many times.

Sorry I worded the first part wrong, it was supposed to mean: "Like Seismic Toss, it also fails to hit Mismagius and Rotom, so it a waste of attack EVs."

The sole reason Blastoise is used is because of it's superior defense (Milotic has more Physical bulk though anyway becuase of it's great HP stat), so if you can use Rapid Spin instead of a useless move (Rock Slide) on hitmonlee, then why not change Blastoise to Milotic? So what, Rock Slide hits Moltres, but even Modest Moltres outspeeds you and hits you with STAB Super Effective Air Slash.

You can use Toxic + Protect on Milotic too you know...But I never find it useful on mixed walls because you can take any hit anyway. It's more useful on like Chansey to make sure they don't hit you with a surprise physical move or such.

Not saying you have to take my advice, but it would definatley make this team better.
Kinda just expanding on what charmander said

I agree that EQ sucks on Hitmonlee. CC and Rock Slide give the same coverage that you would have got, so I'd say replace it. I actually recommend using Substitute over EQ however. Hitmonlee can often get many oppertunities to set up a sub on things like Registeel, and you can also fake a Choice set with your Muscle Band, and often get a surprise kill. Hitmonlee as a Rapid Spinner is generally not very good, and if you want a Rapid Spinning Fighter Hitmontop would be a better choice due to his greater bulk and Foresight. Hitmonlee is usually better off just knocking the stuffing out of things instead of team supporting.

Your Mismagius set really bothers me, and IMO it's not very good. Sub + LO is suicidal and generally a waste of Mismagius's decent natural bulk even when running a sweeper spread. You're also neglecting one of Mismagius's greatest assets: Nasty Plot. I recommend changing it to the Nasty Plot set on site, with the move Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball, Substitute/Taunt, and Thunderbolt. I recommend using Taunt over Sub though, since currently you have some troubles with stall. Tbolt was also chosen over HP Fighting/Ground since you have some issues with Moltres (Blastoise cannot repeatedly switch in to it's attacks since it has no recovery).

Kinda just expanding on what charmander said

I agree that EQ sucks on Hitmonlee. CC and Rock Slide give the same coverage that you would have got, so I'd say replace it. I actually recommend using Substitute over EQ however. Hitmonlee can often get many oppertunities to set up a sub on things like Registeel, and you can also fake a Choice set with your Muscle Band, and often get a surprise kill. Hitmonlee as a Rapid Spinner is generally not very good, and if you want a Rapid Spinning Fighter Hitmontop would be a better choice due to his greater bulk and Foresight. Hitmonlee is usually better off just knocking the stuffing out of things instead of team supporting.

Your Mismagius set really bothers me, and IMO it's not very good. Sub + LO is suicidal and generally a waste of Mismagius's decent natural bulk even when running a sweeper spread. You're also neglecting one of Mismagius's greatest assets: Nasty Plot. I recommend changing it to the Nasty Plot set on site, with the move Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball, Substitute/Taunt, and Thunderbolt. I recommend using Taunt over Sub though, since currently you have some troubles with stall. Tbolt was also chosen over HP Fighting/Ground since you have some issues with Moltres (Blastoise cannot repeatedly switch in to it's attacks since it has no recovery).


Actually, Hitmonlee is unpredictable as a rapid spinner so no one would want to switch to a ghost anyway. Muscle Band doesn't get you any KOs, where as Life Orb does (but with only stone edge, for stuff like altaria). So maybe I guess you could run a sub+three attacks set, but something like a rapid spin life orb set might be better to boost offensive potential for this team.

Actually, I kind of disagree with sharkz there. while sub plot is good, it either lacks power or coverage, depending on whether you use thunderbolt or hidden power. subsplit is probably a better choice because life orb will quickly where him out and it also protects him from pursuit users. on a side note, it fucks up chansey with it's huge pain split recovery, which this team sucks against without hitmonlee dead, especially since your recomending thunderbolt over HP fighitng. If he just listened to me and used Milotic, he wouldn't have that moltres weakness :P

PS (im too lazy to edit this into the first paragraph) hitmontop isn't nearly strong enough for this team. He's using defensive things like Registeel, Blastoise, and bulky Venusaur, so unless he stacks up some layers of spikes, this team won't be going anywhere with offensive power hitmonlee loses when it becomes hitmontop.

EDIT: thanks for making to desriptions darker, it's a lot easier to read and I'm sure other people will appreciate it too =)
Actually, Hitmonlee is unpredictable as a rapid spinner so no one would want to switch to a ghost anyway. Muscle Band doesn't get you any KOs, where as Life Orb does (but with only stone edge, for stuff like altaria). So maybe I guess you could run a sub+three attacks set, but something like a rapid spin life orb set might be better to boost offensive potential for this team.

Actually, I kind of disagree with sharkz there. while sub plot is good, it either lacks power or coverage, depending on whether you use thunderbolt or hidden power. subsplit is probably a better choice because life orb will quickly where him out and it also protects him from pursuit users. on a side note, it fucks up chansey with it's huge pain split recovery, which this team sucks against without hitmonlee dead, especially since your recomending thunderbolt over HP fighitng. If he just listened to me and used Milotic, he wouldn't have that moltres weakness :P

PS (im too lazy to edit this into the first paragraph) hitmontop isn't nearly strong enough for this team. He's using defensive things like Registeel, Blastoise, and bulky Venusaur, so unless he stacks up some layers of spikes, this team won't be going anywhere with offensive power hitmonlee loses when it becomes hitmontop.

EDIT: thanks for making to desriptions darker, it's a lot easier to read and I'm sure other people will appreciate it too =)

I may change EQ to Blaze Kick on Hitmonlee and see what happens. Who would you suggest I use as a Spiker....switch Blastoise out for Omastar and use something else in place of Registeel since Omastar and set rocks and spikes?

Sorry about the descriptions earlier :)
I wasn't suggesting a spikes, I was saying if you wanted to change Hitmonlee to Hitmontop you need some more offense so spikes would patch that up, but if you want to do that, you can definatley do this:

- Replace Registeel with Omastar
- Replace Hitmonlee with Hitmontop
- Replace Blastoise with a dedicated mixed wall

idk if you'd want to to do that though. Also, the only thing Blaze Kick would only work if you kept hitmonlee, but if you do, there is no need to have a spiker. So either do everything on the list or nothing lol