My 1st Rmt Wifi team

im not gonna provide pictures right now because i am on a laptop and copying and pasting is a bitch and i just dont know where to get pictures

well here it goes

The lead
Infernape@Choice Scarf
Evs 252 att 252 speed 4 hp
Flare blitz
close combat
u turn

This thing is like an anti lead noone expects a scarf nape especially leading u turn works really good to switch out of their counter thunderpunch if i smell the gyrados coming closecombat is for sweeping flare blitz will ko yanmega even after its speed boost

EVS 188hp/252def/68sp att
hp electric
ice beam

this thing really does the most work on the team it counters so much wish passes counters gyrados and mixnape really well hp electric for gyra ice beam for the dragons and surf for donphan and hippowdon and its sp att deals good damage with lots of super effective damage

My def wall shuffler
evs 252 hp 252 def 4 speed
stealth rocks/drillpeck

this thing has no attacking moves because most taunts are coming from gyrados which my whole team can take care of it vaporeon and dugtrio work good to take care of its weaknesses shuffles teams around making them take tons of damage from spikes and rocks not much else to say

Dugtrio@choice band
Jolly arena trap
252 att 252 speed 4 hp
sucker punch
aerial ace
stone edge

this thing can trap starmies napes electivres and a lot more but it has to many flaws its very frail sometimes it doesnt get 1hkos and it 3hkos blissey which can be a problem if they have ice beam it works good after nape u turns which can lead to an easy trap

Special sweeper
Gengar@choice scarf
evs 252 sp att 252 speed 4 hp
Shadow ball
hp ice
focus blast/psychic

this guy does a lot for me he can revenge kill and hit for a lot of super effective damage with this set i want to change focus blast for psychic so i
can revenge kill heracross if it ever becomes a problem since focus blast has very untrustable accuracy

last and least favorite pokemon
Blissey @leftovers
252 hp 252 def 4 def
seismic toss
thunder wave

i havent used this thing in a long time because on wifi it makes the battle double in time when using it but theres not much better it provides paralizes counters gengar which is a big problem for me and also solves my biggest problem status i might change this for a rest talk machamp or rest talk snorlax but i havent used them before i so im not sure how they work

biggest threats
Focus sash lol this thing just screws things up all the time so i have to get stealth rocks out fast

electivre if it sneaks in on an hp electric or thunderbolt/punch im in trouble
but i find a way to revenge kill it or roar it out

breloom i just dont know what to do when these show and they always seem to show up late game the spore isnt avoidable so im thinking of using rest talk machamp

thanks for reading i would like any constructive criticism i know skarm bliss is nooby but its ill ive found that works for me
Well you have a big weakness to Deoxys since it outspeeds and hits everything for Super Effective damage. First off use Timid Gengar since thats what everyone else uses to outspeed Jolly Garchomps... Anyways you can get rid of Skarmory and use Bronzong as your steel wall instead. You have Wish on your team so you dont need the recovery that Skarmory has. You lose phazing, but the only things that really beat you if you cant phaze them are pretty uncommon.
well gengar is scarfed so it should outspeed jolly garchomp and i need that extra power from gengar being modest and i dont see speed deoxys to much so it hasnt been a problem since its wifi
Use Drill Peck over spikes and Stealth Rock on Skarm. Spikes doesnt ruin all sashes like gengars. Sashes as you stated is a huge threat so Id use that. Ummm SD Chomp is a huge problem if it has yache berry and fire fang. which most do. focus blast over pyschic unless youre unlucky use energy ball or pyshcic.
well gengar is scarfed so it should outspeed jolly garchomp and i need that extra power from gengar being modest and i dont see speed deoxys to much so it hasnt been a problem since its wifi
He meant Jolly Scarfchomp, which is basically what everyone uses as they outrun a Modest Gengar.

As for Vaporeon, personally I don't believe it benefit anything at all from Ice Beam. After a SD, a Yache Garchomp will OHKO with Outrage, and without any special defence, Mixmence will definitely 2HKO you with Draco Meteor. It does however give you some coverage against the DD versions of Dragonite and Salamence, but Gengar and Skarmory should already handle them pretty well.
Protect is a far superior option in my book, as it will increase your survivablility a lot by giving you a reliable recovery move.

Bullet Punch Lucario will definitely tear your team apart, as it will OHKO everything on your team after a SD. Even without Bullet Punch it will probably rip your team apart, as Gengar is your only answer to it which basically means that you'll have to sacrifice a Pokémon every turn to get it on the field as you're pretty much done if it hits you with a well-predicted Crunch on the switch. I'm going to support Ryo's idea of replacing Skarmory with another wallish Pokémon, but personally I would rather use maybe Gliscor who'll handle Lucario with ease.

Suicune in general will also hurt this team, especially those SubCM versions with two attack moves. To me, using a CMBliss would basically solve all your problems, including your minor SubCM Jirachi weakness who won't take much damage from anything besides Infernape and Dugtrio, who'll both get OHKO, and anticipating Jirachi is behind a Sub it isn't going to take much damage at all.