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well since no one's posting...
hey everyone, i am going to be sharing some teams i made that were used in the tournament. this was probably my first time being in the same tier throughout the entire duration of a tournament, which made ideas extremely hard to come around (even if this tour was short) and even if they did come around, they probably never saw the light of day due to either me not feeling too confident about them or them just being straight up terrible. along with me not really liking sm mono too much, this ultimately lead to me just reusing old teams or using someone else's teams so yeah, pretty unoriginal tournament for me xd. this post is gonna be long for the sake of explaining teams and the games themselves, im also way too lazy to format this so enjoy this long blob of text. with that being said lets get started
W1 vs. Juseth sepulveda: https://pokepast.es/d77b115f97e09330 [Poison]
Game: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen7monotype-673045
to start the tournament off we played team venezuela. this was part 1 of me having no idea what to bring but i was in the mood for some poison stall so i ended up using it. i made this a little more than a year ago for monotype invitational vs kaguya lys and ive never really used it outside of that game so it made me want to bring it even more. the idea of this team is to pp stall the pex's haze on water with growth amoonguss to open up work up mega venusaur. should they have a mantine, i have toxic on amoonguss to annoy it even more. double grasses, especially with an spa boosting move, is also extremely nice vs opposing ground, which is something you definitely want to have some stuff for if you're using poison. i have icium z pex with either blizzard or haze, blizzard hits gliscor (this is a roll at worse if they're max spdef, u kill most of the time though since they're likely to have a lot of speed) and a broken multiscale dragonite, while z haze helps with kommoo. crobat is needed to revenge mega gallade which makes the match up super doable especially in conjunction with this muk. heatran is super annoying so i opted for tenta, which can set tspikes vs most types, another source of hazard removal, and rest in the event i have to deal with a suicune, which i should be able to pp stall. its very possible that you can't really break the extremely fat water teams but hey you can tie and tieing isn't losing! with all that being said, this team really isn't that good LOL it loses to stuff like zhp jirachi, band nite, and probably more im forgetting but its definitely a fun and unique team that is probably worth trying out.
as for the game itself, i ran into grass which is kind of free unless i troll around celebi. i was most definitely trolling though as i could have lost to celebi (i let the crobat fall asleep and never attempted to try and wake it up, which can lead to me losing to earth power crits on muk). luckily for me though i was saved from embarrassment and started off the tournament with a win
W2 vs. ZetaAlfa: [Flying]
Game: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen7monotype-674855
i used a flying team Leru gave me and edited it; won't be sharing cause its not mine. shoutouts to him though! we played spain this week and was also part 2 of me having no idea what to use so... anyway the team is cool, balanced flying that uses skarmory which isn't ever seen on flying and it has spikes which is also different cause typically flying wants the hazards gone. other than that the team isn't too crazy, just a regular flying team focused on hazard stacking with dd dnite + taunt knock glis (original had sd)
in the game, i ran into steel while having a knock taunt gliscor, so as long as im mindful about my gliscor pp i should be okay. i was a bit worried about hp ice magnezone in preview but after he revealed specs i assume it was just hp fire as specs hp ice just does not sound real. i was also a bit concerned about sd z rock slide excadrill but after the magnezone revealed specs it was almost certainly scarf excadrill. the heatran got a little scary and in hindsight i probably should have eqed it the first time around but bleh i didn't think he'd taunt and roost still seemed super free. the game is straight forward though; deny hazards, don't troll with your gliscor, and you should outlast them as long as you're patient
W3 vs. Amukamara: https://pokepast.es/5eafb94c0c8055d5 [Flying]
Game: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen7monotype-675402
before the tour started i really wanted to try and build my own flying because i haven't really used the type in a team tour since late 2018 so i was pretty adamant on trying to make it work. before the tournament i always thought the type was real shitty and easy to prepare for which kind of explains my lack of usage for it but at the end of the day mostly everything felt real shitty so it all cancelled out. once again this team is some crack but it does feature some things i think can be good. eq/knock gliscor isn't really used but being able to switch into celesteelas and threaten them with knock off is super convenient, something you can't really do with toxic > knock. pretty good at removing hazards too. av torn is some ou inspiration, i made it super slow cause it really just lives a whole lot of nonsense from z ice beam from greninja, specs greninja ice beam, specs koko tbolt, eating the living hell out of kommoo, latios as a whole so you don't have to switch your celesteela into it, and a lot more. icy wind is the filler move but you can cycle between sludge bomb / superpower / flying move, just depends on what you're trying to beat. with eq/knock glis + heat wave/knock torn i made zard hp ice over focus/eq to make ground and other flyings easier, don't think i needed the other coverage when steel seemed super doable already (just need to be patient and you should outlast them). in this tournament i fell in love with non standard dragonite sets as people either expect 1 of the 3 sets (band/lum dd/z dd) and having some surprise set, such as this sub dd one for example, can really mess up your opponent and can sometimes straight up win games. the possibilities are really endless with different dragonite sets and i wont get into all of them, but for this one specifically, dd/dclaw/eq/sub is fantastic vs electric/water/psychic. the spread allows you to outspeed scarf latios after 2 dds and to most likely have sub not break from rotoms volt switch. also this team is horrible vs dragon lol
in preview, i knew zap passed the team and i know that the deo is most likely gonna be screens cause ive never seen zap use/pass a team with some 4 atk/np deo. even if it wasn't screens though my av torn eats the living hell out of deoxys hits so i wasn't too concerned about that. gallade is probably the most threatening since the only thing that outspeeds it on my team is scarf thundurus which doesn't really hit it too hard so i had to be careful around that. physical variants of victini are threatening too especially since band outspeeds my tornt but i was pretty confident it was z celebrate since i also assumed it was screens deo (these suspicions were confirmed furthermore after leading deo, confirmed it 100% after the tini was sent out with screens up vs a full health tornt). as you can see, the tornt absolutely ate up victini hits which was super convenient as i was able to icy wind it so that i can go dragonite on it and do things. i avoided burn twice which was pretty fortunate for me but i couldn't really figure out a way to deal with victini otherwise without losing too much so i ended up doing that. at the time though i didn't really expect searing shot the first time around since i thought he'd respect the possibility of me being lum so i thought he'd just stored power twice. after killing tini, i misclicked sub vs celebi which could have made gallade scary but thankfully i hit toxic vs it which ends the game.
W4 vs. Spitfire Arcanine: https://pokepast.es/d40bcf317d149fb7 [Water]
Game: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen7monotype-677471
part 3 of me not knowing what to use, i ended up just stealing a team chaitanya used the previous week from replays and changed some things. i really liked the 6 but i never realized these 6 have been around for a super long time though the sets were super different (it went smth along the lines of z gyara/specs ninja/cm fini/scarf keld but chait had other things, more similar to what i had). gunk on greninja is probably some malarkey but i wanted to make fairy at least somewhat doable since i lack a poison move on pex. chait had black sludge pex but i used shuca cause it can be cool vs ground as a whole and diggersby on normal. refresh pert is for zapdos, earth power is so i can break bewear's sub in case its bulk up (no i did not misclick trying to use earthquake), and i had speed for p2 cause demons were out here running sub on it and man is that annoying. everything else is fairly standard
in the game i saw grass and was pretty tilted cause i had like 4 things planned this week and all of them lost to grass. i was feeling pretty defeated as i didn't have sludge on pex so turn 2 i clicked trick on venu thinking if he went ferro there the chat would go crazy but that didn't happen so i took a giga which made me unable to revenge +2 breloom. other than that though i think i did what i had to do for the most part (pp stall venu, try to do things with keld, try to do things with gyara at the correct time, try to catch ferrothorn with z ice beam) but he was doing a whole lot of weird things which gave me several chances throughout the game so idk how to feel
didn't play W5 and semis
FINALS vs. Chaitanya (also part 4 of me not knowing what to use): [Normal]
Game: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen7monotype-681974
15 min before the game DugZa was preaching his normal team to me and at that point i did not care about what im using so i just went with it and hoped to just do my best in the game. not sharing the team cause its not mine but the original had band diggersby > scarf, i made it scarf to help with psychic and the team felt slow anyways so i just opted for it. the team has some cool things, such as sub p2 for non zapdos flying, defog pidgeot which normally has phys def staraptor taking its place, sub sd bewear with z tpunch (owns normal/steel/dark) over mega lopunny, and scarf diggersby (they're really only ever sd or band so scarf is a nice throwback)
cause its finals gonna go more in depth in this game, i also couldn't really do so the other games they were fairly straight forward
looking at preview i felt pretty screwed if he had tspikes on anything so i had to try to keep those off for the whole game. on preview i assumed scarf rotom but it ended up being the 50% healing berry (didn't reveal this but chait said so after the game), z ninja, sub sharpedo but only if there was tspikes on ninja/pex, sub cm keldeo (i only see chait use this keldeo so i was confident in this assumption), standard pert and standard pex. i didn't lead pidgeot cause if i lead it vs keldeo he's automatically in an annoying position. i lead chansey cause it is at the least not terrible vs everything aside from keldeo. he lead greninja and if you lead greninja vs a normal team you're almost certainly tspikes imo, so i went ahead and used seismic toss cause i need it dead. didn't use rocks cause, once again, i needed it dead and didn't toxic cause i was pretty certain it was tspikes so toxic into poison type greninja would be a pretty terrible start for me. at this point he goes pex and i had to risk not getting burned/poison with pidgeot due to desperation and luckily i avoided those. up till turn 15 everything is pretty uneventful for me and i pretty much did things i needed to do at that point. turn 15 he goes greninja which means tspikes go back up. i went diggersby here just to try and get something going as he tspikes, killing it the following turn revealing im scarf. at this point the game felt pretty doable now that his tspike setter is gone as long as i get to defog the hazards that are already up. turn 18 i had to options: click return or go pidgeot to remove hazards (note that both options rely on not getting burned by pex scald should he scald, recover is definitely possible here). i calced return on pex and it did a pretty respectable amount and i concluded he'd probably scald cause me going pidgeot on his recover is pretty terrible for him, and he probably thinks im jolly diggersby anyway so he's safe from 2hkos from the range he was in. so yeah i use return and do a lot which puts him in 100% range of the next return. i avoid scald burn thankfully so i did get pretty lucky avoiding status 3/3 times. turn 20 i go chansey cause its my least important mon but in the event he does protect i live crunch which closes off the sub stuff happening. t21-26 aren't too important, i just did things that felt optimal at the time. turn 27 i have two options: hurricane or defog. i chose defog because psy fangs/crunch/sub/tect sharpedo with tspikes up seemed way too scary and i wanted to just avoid that endgame so i defogged cause the game felt pretty doable even if he stayed in. if i hurricane there i couldn't really think of many defog opportunities otherwise + my timer was too low to really really really think that through so i just took the chance. i go diggersby to revenge keldeo cause i have to at that point, he goes pert, i go bewear next turn on an eq. i decide to sub cause 1. if he stays in he'd take poison damage so i can drain punch afterwards and 2. if he ever switches out i now have a ztpunch bewear behind a sub which is pretty rewarding if it happens. the latter happens, i get to ztpunch the pex behind a sub and kill it and from there i win the game.
W3: Isza vs. LuckyPiper: https://pokepast.es/2c68e9ff8244adc1 [Dragon]
Game: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen7monotype-675105
this week Isza pmed me to give him something fun and that he's playing early. he's a good friend so i gave him something fresh but i also need to save teams for myself cause wtf LOL... you are an OPP. i ended up giving him a dragon that i did not care too much for but it had some pretty cool things so i was a little bit proud of it nonetheless. i really don't like standard dragon so i wanted to try my own take on the type, and this was the result. it features the sub dd dnite that ive talked about in the W3 part of this post, defog hydrei over some scarf lati with defog, scarf chomp with rocks over some sash/roseli/lum/helmet set, and pherb kyub. the removal in this type is cringe in every way imaginable so i used defog hydreigon with flame + epower cause on this type imo you NEED 2 mons that steel have an annoying time switching into (possibilities of this include fire + ground covg dnite/chomp/hydrei/mega lati + kommoo). but yeah, defog hydreigon qualifies as cringe removal but its certainly less cringe than scarf latios so i went with it. i needed a scarfer so i just made it chomp. i wanted an alt so i went ahead and put one there and kommoo is kommoo, kyub is kyub. this kyub is different, it has power herb + freezeshock over the typical ebelt/life orb + earth power. freeze shock is something no1 expects and its basically almost a z move. it can absolutely just shit on everything reasonable, from mamoswine/gastrodon/celesteela, and so much more. no one expects it too so its a super nice thing to catch your opponent off guard. not going over this game cause its not my game
- the many options this meta has to offer is kind of a bad thing imo cause there is way too many things to account for in the builder
- z moves are utterly obnoxious, they wont get banned but they can go lmao
- dragon is overrated but kommoo is one of the most obnoxious things to cover in the builder and single handedly carries this type
- standard dragon is baaaad, be bold and do something different
- normal is better than i give it credit for, still has some issues but yeah
- i didn't use it this tour but fairy is really good, should definitely be used more
- steel is the most annoying type to account for in the builder
- dark is a catfish type, literally loses to everything
- fire is shit
- rock/fighting/ghost might not actually be terrible
- rain is mid
- people should definitely try to build this tier more often, its been pretty stale for the past couple of years so seeing some new teams would definitely be refreshing (and rewarding for the builder!). just avoid the nonsense please..
- idk if it happened this tour but if you bring/pass bug in this tier you have no respect for yourself as a player. have some shame and dignity
closing thoughts:
firstly, shoutouts to leru for the w2 flying and dugza for the finals normal. i was absolutely tired of this tier but you guys came through so, thank you. west was.. interesting this year to say the least lmao but for the most part i had a good time. to the new guys on the squad, hope you guys had a good time. with that being said, abolish this tour world cups are super unbalanced. don't wanna sound cocky but west vs east finals was really not that surprising. also the winners being east -> west -> west is pretty absurd even if europe and canada came pretty close in the first two editions. regardless, it can go. anyway, this post is pretty long but if you learned something from this post, you like reading long texts of pokemon related things, or you're just here for these teams it makes it worth it. thank you for reading!
go west
Going to do what attribute did and provide a reflection on teams i made for myself + teammates and review my games since i always think its nice to self improve. In sm mono, i diversified a bit more compared to other seasons in actually beginning to use a bit of offense (broken electric) as opposed to mainly balances/fats and in sv mono i built a lot of cool new stuff. Sm mono is stale as hell though, and it's a shame since i was really bored with the tier throughout the season and ended up reusing for a lot of my games or just making small edits. Sv is the direct opposite where its nice to innovate due to it being cg but as a tier its just not that good quality wise compared to sm. I didnt touch ss at all and lowkey forgot it existed sometimes ROFL.
vs Akarui Kurayami (SM):
Replay: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen7monotype-672286
With this week I just wanted to use something i was comfortable with so i went with good old SM water which is by far my favorite monotype archetype to load. Suicune is a nice mon that wins matchups such as fairy, psychic, electric and normal with t spikes, while being a pretty nice wincon vs steel regardless. Metronome toxapex is for cm clefable since u slowly outdamage it with poison jab, and suicune beating steel means u can run choice scarf keldeo for deoxys-s as well as cb greninja for psychic. Electrium z rotom nukes toxapex since this team can be a bit water weak. I loaded into fairy and played rather recklessly; i wasn't on medication when i played which caused my brain to partly shut off but that doesnt discount the fact that i didnt play that well. I don't think i played badly, just not good enough for me to win. Looking back I probably should have lead greninja or toxapex since leading keldeo didnt really do anything; I wanted to catch the diancie with scarf but greninja does that too with the bluff even though I technically couldn't touch it. Even if he lead koko, he was probably not staying in because of the scarf greninja bluff and i could always go swampert regardless safely. I needed toxic spikes up ASAP for tapu bulu but i never really went for it. Life orb bulu was unexpected but it put the nail in the coffin by OHKOing toxapex (it was a 50% roll to kill without the crit). Looking back, i should have utilized toxapex more as an anchor to spam poison jab against his team and if he ever went klefki to take it i could scout whether or not he was thunder wave and go rotom-w to pivot or defog. This game, coupled with week 2's game was the main thing that told me i should probably stray away from fat types like water and flying which im known for in the tournament since the Fairy seemed like a water cteam and it worked because water is like 50+% of my usage in sm LOL
vs Dorron (SM): https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7monotype-1797102720-lete1xqoassqic4akmvgu8lqto30u81pw
Because I have nothing better to do than load fat in sm monotype, i went with this fat flying team for week 2. Jokes aside i felt that it would be fairly safe vs most things since (fat) flying is generally pretty reliable and i was really busy with school and didnt have enough time to do a lot of prep. Glisc + celes + mantine + zapdos covers pretty much anything in the metagame defensively, and mantine with wacan berry beats deoxys s and tapu koko with thunderbolt and greninja with hp electric. I loaded into dragon with kyurem b which is a hard matchup on paper but very doable in practice especially with celes + torn t + mega aerodactyl with ice fang. The first 10 turns i played decently well; i double ice fang'd the garchomp instead of earthquaking because i didnt want to reveal the moveset in case i wanted to bluff pursuit vs latios later. I missed a leech seed which was unfortunately but largely irrelevant in the long run. However, on turn 10 i accidentally misclicked going torn instead of gliscor which ultimately was really bad because torn t was a really good midground for the late game. The only thing that outsped torn was latios and that got walled by celesteela and doesnt even kill it with draco meteor most of the time. It was picking up a free kill at minimum while forcing dorron to think harder about the endgame. Had i kept tornadus i would have a much easier time winning especially with stealth rock off. The other mistake i made that game was not calcing damage on mantine with close combat because it revealed that he wasn't taunt 3 attacks and was dragon dance and ultimately lead to me to give mantine away for free. I wasnt on meds this game either which explains fucking it up for the most part but i played p badly nonetheless.
vs TheArchitect_ (SM): https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen7monotype-675984
I was down bad in the trenches being 0-2 and needed a win this week so i decided to switch things up. I decided to rely more on scouting and my own instinct for team choice instead of just mostly loading random stuff i like. Offense is not something im commonly known for using in monotype (and in general) so i wanted to try it out with electric being very underrated. Tapu koko + alolan raichu + zeraora kinda messes the whole tier up offensively unless u load into something like lanturn which is like one pokemon while they were never using stall. Psychic was the main type i was prepping for vs canada because zap has an affinity with it and it goes nicely against the fat types i like to use (deoxys s for water and flying, mega gallade + mew for steel and poison) so electric was also good against it as it doesnt carry volt switch immunities. Electric is also good against other types like fairy and dragon that are used to cteam fat balance builds. The team itself is pretty standard outside of magnezone and alolan raichus sets. Magnezone is subtoxic because it's good against grass and fairy where u can trap ferrothorn/klefki and basically go to town while lefties gives more leeway to its defensive typing. Alolan raichu is encore + z move since it breaks setup sweepers like mega latias and clefable where u can encore them into calm mind and catch faster ones like volcarona with stoked sparksurfer. Its more of a glue mon in terms of an actual sweeper, and knock off is for alolan muk because once u disable it against poison/dark then subtoxic magnezone/tapu koko essentially just wins. I never clicked tbolt on koko so i just did grass knot + hp ice for more coverage esp since its hard to fit otherwise. The game itself was really clean where i loaded into psy and i dont really regret how i played.
vs RaJ.Shoot (SM): https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen7monotype-676884
This week was similar to the previous where i targeted types that are good vs bulkier types like psychic, fairy, dragon, and electric so ground was my pick. Mega steelix beats fairy primarily while also being incredible against dark and psychic while mamoswine beats dragon. Subsd garchomp with z outrage poops over a lot of balance types, primarily the ones with toxapex since u can just click sub and go to town. Choice scarf lando t grabs momentum like crazy against psychic especially and alongside mega steelix and garchomp it makes the matchup more than doable. Lando t is explosion to nuke keldeo turn 1. Seismitoad is grass knot for mega swampert since being able to kill it instantly is nice when u dont have recovery. As for the game itself, at team preview mamoswine was a huge threat so i kept an eye on it while scouting for the set whether or not it was cb or z move. I didn't think it was scarf since krook was there and thats 90% scarf pursuit. Lando t was my lead because intimidate weakens mamoswine so mega steelix/seismitoad can wall it and while i didnt have knock off on it, it could threaten gliscor out by removing toxic orb so i could double to mamoswine in case they were protect. I ended up surprising his seismitoad with my seis's grass knot and managed to take down both his water and ground immunity within the first few turns which lead to a more simple endgame where mamoswine failed to OHKO landorus-t after revealing jolly z move from the calc against my mamosiwne. Overall this game i just tried to not overthink it too much both in prep and in play.
vs juleocesar (SM): https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen7monotype-677723 I was expecting some sort of offense from juleo since he tends to be a very offensive builder. Ditto catches that, so normal was my pick, and diggers/bewear/pidgeot should take on balance and outplay since normal is a very outplay reliant type. Bewear nukes steel and dark and is an easy out. In the game itself, I lead ditto to scout mamos set and i saw crash/superpower/eq/rocks so i thought it was sash rocks but i got hit by the side of the face by cb. I played pretty safe until the endgame where i made a minor mistake by not copying cloy with ditto since i didnt want to miss rock blast, but i almost got nuked by subroost kyurem b without chansey because of it. My only out at that point was discharge para from porygon2 into getting the diggersby turn right and fortunately i got it. Originally i was expecting something like cb or scarf kyurem b so in my mind ditto and porygon2 would be able to deal with it so the bulky set took me by surprise.
Shiba vs Lhions (SV): https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen9monotype-674994
I forgot exactly why we brought this but i remember attribute asked me for a team and i gave shiba this because i thought it was extremely broken. Great tusk + sandy shocks shatters every defensive core in existence and scarf chomp completes the offensive core. The sire twins and iron treads forms the defensive core with quagsire having t spikes for ice as well as it being unexpected. Sub great tusk beats dark since u can take advantage of the ting lu sack and water/ground since quagsire's unaware ignores the drops from close combat and u can sub on it and toxapex. Haze clodsire is for espathra since no ting lu. Air balloon sandy shocks beats corvi for great tusk and the ground immunity is nice for opposing grounds. Shiba loaded into water and the team worked very well, though the gastrodon couldnt touch sandy shocks due to being mono epower.
Shiba vs Floss (SV): https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen9monotype-677067
Pretty standard dark team that's easy to pilot. Lokix is nice for the mirror and taunt chien-pao is for corviknight and other pokemon. Shiba loaded into electric and had a pretty clean win with ting lu being a hazard bot as usual and chien-pao cleaning up.
Semifinals: vs Hurtadoo (SV): https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9monotype-1820218304
Since hurtadoo is a friend i moved to sv to play him. Flying was my call since it goes nicely against the offenses he typically likes to bring with choice band espeed dragonite while its generally reliable (i was super high on it ROFL). I didnt think he would bring electric since that was what he was going to bring against me in teamballo and i didnt think hed repeat. The team doesnt do too well against fat poison and water but hes mainly an offense player so i didnt think hed go that route either. I went through around 10 flying teams LOL and finally settled on a more basic offense with scarf gyarados + specs jugulis. It was pretty easy to pilot and went pretty nicely against anything i felt hurtadoo would bring, including ice since corviknight with rocks bombirdier and specs jugulis was rly good in that matchup. Scarf gyarados is nice to catch flutter mane off guard and also has a good speed tier and i wanted to bring it since it can surprise offense easily. Thunder wave is nice because yellow magic. The bombirdier should be parting shot because of the way it interacts with hatterene over whirlwind; i had whirlwind for klefki but to be honest it was doable either way with corvi. The fourth move on jugulis is dragon pulse to deal with dragon as i thought it was a potential bring. Sub kilowattrel was something i used to deter rain teams since i felt hurtadoo would be the type to run double hazards gastrodon. Metronome means u can power through things like clodsire and opposing kilowattrels in the mirror. In the game itself, i loaded into fairy and triple iron head helped a lot. I ended up sacking gyarados turn 1 to scout for flutter mane's set, but my thinking was if he was scarf tbolt, then it was less of a threat later on compared to specs which nuked my team. The rest of the game was pretty basic; i probably should have thought more about staying in with jugulis at the end and instead played a safer route by sacking dragonite but i felt corvi had p much won at that point.
just like hunny vs pas_tuchao (SV): https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9monotype-1819001143-gs7j3hhb1u6guv43k9ssszv74dwz2j9pw
I showed this team to hunny and he ended up really liking it and bringing it. Defensive gyara is nice for teams without rocks so u can deal with stuff like bax cloyster and cb chien pao. It also takes pressure off of kilo to beat dondozo. The evs mean its never 2hkoed by greninja's ice beam while outspeeding azu. Ada mence OHKOs flutter mane with dwb or +1 crunch. Dragonite is iron head for fairy. Taunt knock jugulis is nice for fats and steel. In the game, we ended up loading into ghost and scarf mence played a huge part in winning.
Finals: vs Isza (SM): https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen7monotype-680756 I decided to use steel vs isza because its good vs stuff like psychic and fairy which i expected him to bring, while water usage means ground and fire are less likely. The team is pretty standard cutout with rocks bisharp with balloon to beat gliscor against flying if he were to bring it. In the game itself, I should have air slashed the kommo o when he double flamethrowered turn 4 since having it dead would have been a great help especially when he didnt z move yet. Exca did its job, which was poisoning kommo o twice. After kommo o got off its z move, i had to try and play around it by getting 5050s right but i got them wrong. Tried to click sub on heatran since drain punch's roll was like 76% but ig he had some attack EVs. He ended up not having a fire move outside of kommo o so scizor-mega ultimately won but i ultimately think i could have played better here.
Shiba vs Booty (SV): https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen9monotype-680961
This team was another version of the hunny team but its the same concept with hazard stack + boots fmane + hzoro. Shiba made some minor changes in having a slightly faster skeledirge and flutter mane has perish song for espathra instead of being fully water breaker with energy ball. I made 2 versions with one that has mimikyu and one that has dragapult (the one that has both got binned since no tox immunity). Eball brambleghast is for dondozo. Protect on dragapult was an option to scout for choice band chien-pao and greninja vs dark but we went with dual status. I also had specs dpult with flamethrower/sball/dmeteor/rest (rest is for dondozo) but boots double status is god. This time, the team loaded into poison and spikes + hzoro + gholdengo did a fuckton while dpult checked salazzle and reversed the momentum nicely. Max hp hzoro almost got pp stalled this game but in general i feel like spikes should accelerate the process.
kythr vs lax (SV): https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen9monotype-681200
I was REALLY high on boots flutter mane and made a team around it for fun that kythr liked and ended up bringing. The idea of the team was spikes + boots spam, much like the ghost. I think hatterene sucks since it doesnt even prevent any hazards and doesnt beat poison since skunk always nukes u so i just dropped it for tinkaton. Tinkaton itself is really nice since u can rock up vs flying (u 1v1 corviknight with swords dance) and its generally a pain in the butt esp vs fatter types like poison water and opposing fairy. Watching it shit on things after a sd is the most dopamine producing thing in sv monotype. The 2 paradox pokemon in flutter mane and iron valiant both have boots since theyre the offensive powerhouses that can switch in and out. Taunt sd iron valiant is for toxapex and ground; its supposed to be drain punch but it was an outdated version that kythr brought with cc (altho cc is still good, just worse vs residual damage). Boots azu with encore is good for providing offensive pressure combined with the typing + bulk + setup breaking capabilities. I think belly drum azumarill sucks and doesnt sweep in this meta and encore is nice for stuff like bulk up corvi and ting lu. Klefki is evil lagging tail switcheroo for speed control vs stuff like iron treads; this team is more click spikes + rocks and blow holes open rather than screens + setup so i felt screens were optional. Switcheroo lagging tail is generally a nice catch all "get out of jail free" card and i love using it. Mimi is wisp since it helps with the idea of the team of residual damage and spell tag means it isnt worn down by life orb while it spreads status. The team loaded into dark and the boots spam came into clutch vs ting lu + skuntank and kythr won after getting a few good turns right.
For common thoughts, i had a lot of fun building sv mono where i could because its a new meta that could be explored more especially with more mons coming in. I still think its a struggling tier in terms of competitiveness, i just think it should be explored more. As for sm, i think people, including me, should branch out more because even though its an amazing tier in terms of competitiveness, its getting stale fast. In terms of my games, if i could revisit them i would try to have cleaner ones since a lot of them i yolo'd by playing while unmedicated or just not focusing. With that being said wcop is kinda wack af because its sooo unbalanced like attribute said. Even though west is by far one of the strongest regions, if not the strongest in terms of monotype, it makes the entire tour very uncompetitive where there are clear winners like west, east, etc.
Go west :3