Side MOMPL II - Finals [Won by Spirit World Spectriers]

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is a Tournament Directoris a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Member of Senior Staffis a Top Community Contributoris a Metagame Resource Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Host
Monotype Leader
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Follow all rules listed here.


Spirit World Spectriers (3) vs (3) Talented Turtwigs
Monothreat: SEROO vs twinkay
National Dex: Dorron vs Sunnyboi0
LC: AM vs Zcarlett
CAP: Sificon vs Trouser Snakes
UU: Rinda vs Aeran
Wild Card: Uta The Clown vs Scarfire

This week's Monothreat is Flying!
Screen Shot 2024-11-03 at 12.25.00 PM.png

Challenge codes: You are required to use these codes to challenge for all LC, CAP, UU, and Wildcard battles.
  • LC
    /chall gen9lc @@@ sametypeclause, terastalclause, -Bright Powder, -Damp Rock, -Focus Band, -Heat Rock, -Icy Rock, -King's Rock, -Lax Incense, -Quick Claw, -Minccino, +Diglett-Base, +Porygon, +Vulpix, +Vulpix-Alola, +Snivy, +Scraggy, +Voltorb-Hisui, +Sticky Web
  • CAP
    /chall gen9monotype @@@ +CAP, -Fidgit, -Crucibellite, -Heat Rock
    /challenge gen9monotype @@@ -Garchomp, -Lokix, -Ogerpon-wellspring, -walking-wake, -Tornadus-therian, -Gliscor, -Kleavor, -Cinderace, -Terapagos, -Hippowdon, -Scizor, -Spectrier, -Dragonite, -Kyurem, -Archaludon, -Iron Hands, -Great Tusk, -Ceruledge, -Corviknight, -Meowscarada, -Clodsire, -Hatterene, -Volcarona, -Greninja, -Baxcalibur, -Raging Bolt, -Flutter Mane, -Gouging Fire, -Landorus-Base, -Ogerpon-Hearthflame, -Dragapult, -Iron Valiant, -Heatran, -Skarmory, -Iron Treads, -Sneasler, -Gholdengo, -Primarina, -Goodra-Hisui, -Toxapex, -Latios, -Urshifu*, -Ting-Lu, -Zamazenta, -Espathra, -Gallade, -Samurott-Hisui, -Pelipper, -Politoed, -Darkrai, -Iron-Boulder, -Forretress, -Klefki, -Zoroark-Hisui, -Mamoswine, -Roaring Moon, -Araquanid, -Glimmora, -Mimikyu, -Barraskewda
  • Wild Card
    /challenge gen9monotype @@@ -Heat Rock, !Same Type Clause
Congrats for making it to finals & the deadline for this round is Sunday, November 10th at 11:00 PM GMT -4.

Spirit World Spectriers (0) vs (0) Talented Turtwigs
Monothreat: SEROO vs twinkay
National Dex: Dorron vs Sunnyboi0
LC: AM vs Zcarlett
CAP: Sificon vs Trouser Snakes
UU: Rinda vs Aeran
Wild Card: Uta The Clown vs Scarfire



Spirit World Spectriers (2) vs (1) Talented Turtwigs
Monothreat: Rinda vs twinkay
National Dex: Dorron vs Sunnyboi0
CAP: Sificon vs Scarfire

The monothreat for this tiebreak is Fire!

The deadline for this tiebreak is Sunday, November 17th at 11:00 PM GMT -4. Good luck!

Spirit World Spectriers (0) vs (0) Talented Turtwigs
Monothreat: Rinda vs twinkay
National Dex: Dorron vs Sunnyboi0
CAP: Sificon vs Scarfire
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Spirit World Spectriers (2) vs (1) Talented Turtwigs
Monothreat: Rinda vs twinkay
National Dex: Dorron vs Sunnyboi0
CAP: Sificon vs Scarfire

The monothreat for this tiebreak is Fire!
Screen Shot 2024-11-10 at 6.51.06 PM.png

The deadline for this tiebreak is Sunday, November 17th at 11:00 PM GMT -4. Good luck!

Spirit World Spectriers (0) vs (0) Talented Turtwigs
Monothreat: Rinda vs twinkay
National Dex: Dorron vs Sunnyboi0
CAP: Sificon vs Scarfire
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Spirit World Spectriers (0) vs (0) Talented Turtwigs
Monothreat: Rinda vs twinkay
National Dex: Dorron vs Sunnyboi0
CAP: Sificon vs Scarfire
Huge s/o to the team Scarfire Sunnyboi0 Aeran Trouser Snakes Zcarlett Bouki Earthflax JeoZ yall did fantastic this tour, your energy and effort throughout the tour was awesome, and super glad to get to meet some of yall/team up with some of yall again. Unlucky to go out like this, but yall are winners despite the outcome. twinkay you are an amazing manager, and as always theres no one else I woulda wanted to do this again with, rip to the future piplups :'( it wasn't bound to be.

Huge congrats Spectrier queens yall are awesome and the heat you produced this tour was giving what needed to be gave.
Thank you to the hosts as always, yall are amazing.

I told you things get a little spooky around here, spectrier is now at peace only to return when needed to save the day.

Shoutout montage,

boomp thank you so much for managing with me and being one of my very closest friends. All the times we would be prepping on call week after week. Having fun and being on top of things. You rigorously did test games with everyone and I appreciated everything you did for us.

Sificon Team tour bestie back at it again at the top of the leaderboard per usual. Absolutely love teaming with you as you have a great presence, fun energy, and creative drive that nobody will never take away from you.

Rinda Team tour bestie while we haven’t teamed in a few tours. It’s always a good time to team up with you. You’re on top of everything and only keep positive vibes. One of monotype’s greatest players in my humble opinion. Keep doing you and you’ll always do great!

Uta The Clown When we drafted you we expected great things and that we did got. Going undefeated in the regular season is something to be proud of. You like everyone on the team really kept the spirits up, every week you came up with something cool and exciting. Keep grinding, keep your head up and you will always do well.

Dorron : back to back mompl wins is nice! You worked really hard to put in a 100% every week and I greatly appreciate the effort you put in. Thank you for contributing whenever you could. Great vibes and a great player.

AM at the start of the tour things were looking bleak, However through putting effort and really locking in you pulled through important wins for the team. I greatly appreciate having you apart of the crew and hope you do sign up for more mono tours!

sasha Regardless of what the record says for the record you’re great. You put in a lot of great contributions for the team. Incredibly fun vibes and truly kept everyone happy with a great sense of humor. Thank you for everything!

Iggy96 Schwipper told me that you were a cool person and he was right! You helped as much as you could and it always paid off, greatly appreciate your effort and good spirits. Keep signing up for tours!

King Billu : While we were fighting for our lives in rbypl, I do appreciate your willingness to help if needed. Always a pleasure interacting with you and hope you keep signing up for mono tours.

SEROO thank you for stepping up for sacrifice in threat. Great sense of independence and risk taking. Incredibly fun chat presence and helpfulness when you could even if you didn’t play the tier. Hope to see you in more mono tours.

Samirsin : thank you for not only making the logo for the team but being readily available to help out with CAP. You also gave us the funniest meme of the entire team tour. Great vibes and hope to see you in mono again.

KeshBa54 You were busy winning tours alongside this one! Keep doing great things and I appreciate your willingness to help others out despite not necessarily being a tier main. Great vibes all around!

Thank you all and until we meet again!
We did it Spectriers what a run! Shout out to all my players for being goats and having such a great vibe. This was truly amazing experience as this was my first time managing, so winning it all was insane haha.
Charmriah my co manager, amazing overall

Sificon Rinda Uta The Clown The powerhouses, just was killing it each week and never showed any signs of slowing down.

Dorron the back to back champ haha glad i can pick you up you did great and loved the energy each week.
AM we had our LC moments haha but you finished off strong and was funny af to have
sasha Iggy96 records dont mean shit as long as you put in the effort and thats what yall did, each week giving inputs + always wanting to help out
SEROO you gave our threat slot hope when you won lmfao Great vibes.
Samirsin ty for being a great friend and making the logo
King Billu ty for being down to help when need, was ready to be put in LC when needed.
KeshBa54 same to you ty for being down to help when need.

Lastly ken schwipper thank yall for hosting <3

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