Moltres is the best bird ever. UU warstory

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This is my first warstory. I got an amazing sweep with moltres and I just had to share it. My thought process is bolded. Score in Blue/red, Me/Opponent
My team:

Opponents team:

Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause
bloshi sent out Aggron (lvl 100 Aggron ?).
elgoo sent out Uxie (lvl 100 Uxie).
Uxie used Sunny Day.
The sun began to shine!
Aggron used Head Smash.
Uxie lost 58% of its health.
The sun continues to shine.
I get my sun up, which is awesome. but now my lead is over half dead. And I DO NOT like the idea of suicide leads, so I'm a little dissapointed.
Uxie used Hidden Power.
Aggron lost 29% of its health.
Aggron used Substitute.
Aggron lost 25% of its health.
Aggron made a substitute!
The sun continues to shine.
Aggron's leftovers restored its health a little!
Aggron restored 6% of its health.
Aggron is rather slow and I have hidden power fire so I get a descent chunk of damage off, And him setting up a sub (which I can easily break with most of my team) Gets him under half.
Uxie used U-turn.
It's not very effective...
The substitute took damage for Aggron!
elgoo switched in Tangrowth (lvl 100 Tangrowth ?).
Aggron used Head Smash.
Aggron's attack missed!
The sun continues to shine.
Aggron's leftovers restored its health a little!
Aggron restored 6% of its health.
I switch in to Tangrowth Predicting another head smash, as im pretty sure Tangrowth can take it rather well, but he misses, and I felt bad cause i dont like getting haxed, and i'm sure he doesnt.
Tangrowth used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
The substitute took damage for Aggron!
Aggron's substitute faded!
Aggron used Head Smash.
Tangrowth lost 64% of its health.
The sun continues to shine.
Aggron's leftovers restored its health a little!
Aggron restored 6% of its health.
I earthquake to break the sub and He uses Iron head and does a lot more than I thought it would.
bloshi switched in Mismagius (lvl 100 Mismagius ?).
Mismagius makes ground moves miss with Levitate!
Tangrowth used Earthquake.
Tangrowth's attack missed!
The sun continues to shine.
I earthquake again to take it out but he switches to Mismagius and evades my eq, good prediction on his part.
bloshi switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?).
Hitmontop's Intimidate cut Tangrowth's attack!
Tangrowth used Power Whip.
Hitmontop lost 52% of its health.
Tangrowth lost 10% of its health.
The sun continues to shine.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
I choose the safe stab power whip, and He switches to Hitmontop and gets an intimidate off, Which pretty much cripples me, but I saw it did over half so I stay in to hopefully get a kill.
Tangrowth used Power Whip.
Hitmontop lost 54% of its health.
bloshi's Hitmontop fainted.
Tangrowth lost 10% of its health.
The sun continues to shine.
My life orb is really starting to eat at me here. I get lucky and my -1 power whip takes out the Hitmontop.
bloshi switched in Dugtrio (lvl 100 Dugtrio ?).
Dugtrio used Sucker Punch.
Tangrowth lost 16% of its health.
elgoo's Tangrowth fainted.
The sun faded.
At this point I completely forgot that Dugtrio can have sucker punch. He takes out my Tangrowth (which was pretty much fodder at 16% health anyway)
elgoo switched in Victreebel (lvl 100 Victreebel ?).
bloshi switched in Chansey (lvl 100 Chansey ?).
Victreebel used Leaf Storm.
Chansey lost 39% of its health.
Victreebel's special attack was harshly lowered.
Chansey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Chansey restored 6% of its health.
So now my sun is gone So I need to get it up, But I send in my Specs bell forgetting how much special defense Chansey has. My leaf storm weakens it a little bit, but its still doing pretty good.
elgoo switched in Uxie (lvl 100 Uxie).
Chansey used Wish.
Chansey made a wish!
Chansey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Chansey restored 6% of its health.
I switch in my lead so I can get more sun up next turn. He wishes and I was pretty sure that he would give it to his weakened Aggron.
bloshi switched in Aggron (lvl 100 Aggron ?).
Uxie used Sunny Day.
The sun began to shine!
The wish came true!
Aggron restored 36% of its health.
The sun continues to shine.
He switches in his Aggron to take the wish as predicted and I set up my sun so I can utilize it with one of my sweepers.
Uxie used Solarbeam.
Aggron lost 36% of its health.
Aggron used Substitute.
Aggron lost 25% of its health.
Aggron made a substitute!
The sun continues to shine.
Aggron's leftovers restored its health a little!
Aggron restored 6% of its health.
This turn I decided to use solarbeam instead of hidden power just to see if it would do more, As I know Uxie isnt going to damage Aggron much, but he sets a sub and gets himself down to below half again.
Uxie used Solarbeam.
The substitute took damage for Aggron!
Aggron's substitute faded!
Aggron used Head Smash.
Uxie lost 42% of its health.
elgoo's Uxie fainted.
The sun continues to shine.
Aggron's leftovers restored its health a little!
Aggron restored 6% of its health.
I use solarbeam Just to break the sub, nothing more, and he takes my Uxie out with another head smash. He takes the lead here, I was a little scared, but I thought I might be able to recover.
elgoo switched in Moltres (lvl 100 Moltres).
Moltres is exerting its pressure!
bloshi switched in Chansey (lvl 100 Chansey ?).
Moltres used Fire Blast.
Chansey lost 44% of its health.
The sun continues to shine.
Chansey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Chansey restored 6% of its health.
I send in my scarftres and select fireblast for stab and the sun boost. He switches in to his Chansey to take the hit. As it turns out, the leafstorm from my Victrebell was nessecary in Moltres's 2hko of this Chansey.
Moltres used Fire Blast.
Chansey lost 35% of its health.
bloshi's Chansey fainted.
The sun continues to shine.
I fireblast again as I am scarfed and its going to ko anyway.
bloshi switched in Dugtrio (lvl 100 Dugtrio ?).
Moltres used Fire Blast.
Dugtrio lost 100% of its health.
bloshi's Dugtrio fainted.
The sun continues to shine.
He sends in a Dugtrio, I assume he selected stone edge and was probobly banded So I go first and ohko it with fire blast.
bloshi switched in Aggron (lvl 100 Aggron ?).
Moltres used Fire Blast.
Aggron lost 52% of its health.
bloshi's Aggron fainted.
The sun continues to shine.
He sends in aggron hoping for a miss with fire blast, because head smash would ohko moltres, but my moltres hits with fire blast and finishes off Aggron.
bloshi switched in Alakazam (lvl 100 Alakazam ?).
Moltres used Fire Blast.
Alakazam lost 100% of its health.
bloshi's Alakazam fainted.
The sun faded.
He sends in an Alakazam, who would be faster if I wasnt scarfed, but I am so my Moltres can ohko with the sun boosted stab fire blast.
bloshi switched in Mismagius (lvl 100 Mismagius ?).
Moltres used Fire Blast.
Mismagius lost 63% of its health.
Mismagius used Thunderbolt.
It's super effective!
Moltres lost 54% of its health.
Mismagius's leftovers restored its health a little!
Mismagius restored 6% of its health.
My sun is gone now so my fire blast wont be doing nearly as much damage, I get a big chunk out of Mismagius but his thunderbolt does over half, so at the moment i'm praying not to miss.
Moltres used Fire Blast.
Mismagius lost 44% of its health.
bloshi's Mismagius fainted.
elgoo wins!
bloshi: gg
elgoo: gg
bloshi has left the room.
I dont miss with my last fire blast and take out the mismagius. I love how moltres can sweep everything with fire blast. I love it.
4/0, gg
Not very exciting, all it was was Sunny Day + a Moltres sweep. Too one-sided. Try warstorying a match that's a bit more climactic next time. 3/10
Sorry, but this battle was just you sweeping a random noob with a Moltres. There was no prediction in the battle at all, the comments were pretty bland, and as already mentioned, it was just too one-sided to be any interesting.

Elgoo said:
This turn I decided to use solarbeam instead of hidden power just to see if it would do more
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