Galarian Moltres's access to Nasty Plot, a boosting ability in Berserk, and a powerful Max Airstream make it a threat in the metagame. Max Airstream and Max Darkness are a powerful combination that boosts your Speed and lowers your foe's Special Defense, meaning that Galarian Moltres becomes more dangerous every turn. It also performs incredibly well against Calyrex-S, Rillaboom, and Kartana, resisting most of their moves and dealing serious damage with its own. However, it is often too reliant on Nasty Plot and Berserk boosts to deal serious damage, meaning it struggles against Eerie Impulse Porygon2 and Snarl users like Incineroar. Galarian Moltres's typing also exposes it to common threats such as Regieleki, Thundurus, and Calyrex-I.
name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Fiery Wrath
move 2: Air Slash / Hurricane
move 3: Nasty Plot
move 4: Protect
item: Safety Goggles / Life Orb / Weakness Policy
ability: Berserk
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
* Fiery Wrath hits Psychic-types like Indeedee-F, Solgaleo and Calyrex-S and has a useful 20% flinching chance. Max Darkness is really useful to lower foes' Special Defense and threaten them even more when Dynamaxed.
* Air Slash hits threats like Venusaur, Urshifu-S and Rillaboom and allows Galarian Moltres to make up for its below average Speed, providing Speed boosts to it and its partner with Max Airstream while Dynamaxed. Hurricane can be used over Air Slash to get more power while sacrificing accuracy.
* Nasty Plot combined with Berserk allows Galarian Moltres to quickly boost its Special Attack and become a threatening offensive presence, capable of quickly sweeping its foes.
* Safety Goggles lets Galarian Moltres ignore Venusaur's and Amoonguss's powder moves. Alternatively Life Orb instantly boosts Galarian Moltres's damage output and reduces its reliance on Nasty Plot, whereas Weakness Policy can be used to provide even more stat boosting on bulkier spreads.
Other Options
Taunt can be used over Protect to stop Porygon2 from using Trick Room or Eerie Impulse, but Protect is often preferred to preserve Galarian Moltres's longevity. Psychic Seed can be used alongside Indeedee-F to boost Galarian Moltres's already high Special Defense in order to safely set up Nasty Plot, while Sitrus Berry is useful for potentially allowing Berserk to activate a second time.
- Written by: [[Giokio, 517038]]
- Quality checked by: [[zeefable, 501951], [Piley, 493619]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
Galarian Moltres's access to Nasty Plot, a boosting ability in Berserk, and a powerful Max Airstream make it a threat in the metagame. Max Airstream and Max Darkness are a powerful combination that boosts your Speed and lowers your foe's Special Defense, meaning that Galarian Moltres becomes more dangerous every turn. It also performs incredibly well against Calyrex-S, Rillaboom, and Kartana, resisting most of their moves and dealing serious damage with its own. However, it is often too reliant on Nasty Plot and Berserk boosts to deal serious damage, meaning it struggles against Eerie Impulse Porygon2 and Snarl users like Incineroar. Galarian Moltres's typing also exposes it to common threats such as Regieleki, Thundurus, and Calyrex-I.
name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Fiery Wrath
move 2: Air Slash / Hurricane
move 3: Nasty Plot
move 4: Protect
item: Safety Goggles / Life Orb / Weakness Policy
ability: Berserk
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
* Fiery Wrath hits Psychic-types like Indeedee-F, Solgaleo and Calyrex-S and has a useful 20% flinching chance. Max Darkness is really useful to lower foes' Special Defense and threaten them even more when Dynamaxed.
* Air Slash hits threats like Venusaur, Urshifu-S and Rillaboom and allows Galarian Moltres to make up for its below average Speed, providing Speed boosts to it and its partner with Max Airstream while Dynamaxed. Hurricane can be used over Air Slash to get more power while sacrificing accuracy.
* Nasty Plot combined with Berserk allows Galarian Moltres to quickly boost its Special Attack and become a threatening offensive presence, capable of quickly sweeping its foes.
* Safety Goggles lets Galarian Moltres ignore Venusaur's and Amoonguss's powder moves. Alternatively Life Orb instantly boosts Galarian Moltres's damage output and reduces its reliance on Nasty Plot, whereas Weakness Policy can be used to provide even more stat boosting on bulkier spreads.
Other Options
Taunt can be used over Protect to stop Porygon2 from using Trick Room or Eerie Impulse, but Protect is often preferred to preserve Galarian Moltres's longevity. Psychic Seed can be used alongside Indeedee-F to boost Galarian Moltres's already high Special Defense in order to safely set up Nasty Plot, while Sitrus Berry is useful for potentially allowing Berserk to activate a second time.
- Written by: [[Giokio, 517038]]
- Quality checked by: [[zeefable, 501951], [Piley, 493619]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
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