NFE Mixed set Roselia (QC 2/2) (GP 1/1) DONE

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name: Mixed Wall
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Giga Drain / Leaf Storm / Covet
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Synthesis
item: Eviolite
ability: Poison Point
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 204 Def / 36 SpD / 16 Spe

With a mixed defensive EV spread, Roselia can check both physical and special attackers like non-Acrobatics Thwackey, Vullaby, Wartortle, and Electabuzz. Spikes provides great utility in pressuring opposing Pokemon such as Electabuzz, Piloswine, and Wartortle and wearing them down for Roselia to KO. Roselia is the best Spikes setter in NFE because it can switch into passive walls such as Tangela and Clefairy and threaten them with Sludge Bomb. Giga Drain is the main Grass-type STAB move, hitting Wartortle and Piloswine. Leaf Storm is sometimes used over Giga Drain for more immediate power against weakened walls such as Galarian Corsola and Duosion, even though it leaves Roselia useless afterwards. If there is another Wartortle check on the team, however, Covet may be used to potentially recover Roselia's Eviolite post-Knock Off. Sludge Bomb lets Roselia check opposing Grass-types like Tangela and Thwackey and pressure the likes of Vullaby and Hattrem with poison. Poison Point is preferred over Natural Cure, as it can poison Thwackey and Vullaby if they use their contact moves, and Roselia is immune to Toxic anyway.

Roselia fits best on balance and bulky offense teams, which love Spikes. Roselia pairs well with special walls that can check Lampent such as Vullaby and Gabite. It also enjoys physical walls like Galarian Corsola, Clefairy, and Gurdurr which help checking Thwackey running Acrobatics, Galarian Linoone, and Raboot, though Galarian Corsola does not check Galarian Linoone. Moreover, both Clefairy and Galarian Corsola provide Stealth Rock, stacking entry hazard damage. Backup checks to special attackers like Thwackey for Wartortle, and Piloswine for Electabuzz, help prevent Roselia from being overwhelmed. Piloswine also provides Stealth Rock. Wallbreakers and setup sweepers such as Thwackey, Raboot, and Shell Smash Wartortle appreciate Spikes support. A long-term way to deter entry hazard removers is useful, like Electabuzz or Vullaby, which can threaten opposing Vullaby and punish Hattrem for trying to bounce back Spikes with Magic Bounce, respectively.

- Written by: [[Mirbro, 451786]]
- Quality checked by: [[pannuracotta, 517892]], [[beauts, 484270]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
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amqc feel free to implement what u want etc

name: Mixed wall
move 1: Giga Drain maybe covet could warrant a slash here? it switches into knock off users more than full sp.def versions so being able to steal opposing eviolites is huge.
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Synthesis
move 4: Spikes (very minor thing but id probs slash it like spikes / giga / sludge / synth cuz spikes is roselias main tool that it wants to click
item: Eviolite
ability: Poison Point
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 204 Def / 36 SpD / 16 Spe

Mixed defensive set allows Roselia to check physical attackers like Thwackey and Vullaby, while also being to check special attackers like Wartortle and Electabuzz, albeit less reliably then physical attackers similar Pokemon than the specially defensive one such as Wartortle and Electabuzz but less reliably. Nonetheless, this set is able to better check Thwackey that does not run Acrobatics and to better deal with Vullaby. I think this makes the sentence flow better. Spikes provides great utility pressuring opposing grounded Pokemon and sometimes putting them in range of Roselia's attacks. i think mentioning that it's ability to switch into more passive walls like tang or marsh to set up spikes almost freely Giga Drain is the Grass-type STAB move that can be useful to hit Shell Smash Wartortle and Piloswine. Sludge Bomb is the Poison-type STAB move that hits Electabuzz and Vullaby and that has a small chance to poison them. lets Roselia check opposing Grass-types like Tangela and Thwackey, while also being able to pressure the likes of Vullaby and Hattrem with poison. Poison Point is preferred over Natural Cure as it can poison Thwackey after a contact move.

Roselia fits best on balance and bulky offense builds thanks to its ability to provide its teammates with entry hazard support via Spikes. Roselia pairs well with special walls that can check Lampent such as Vullaby. Roselia also pairs well with physical walls like Galarian Corsola and Clefairy that can help checking Thwackey running Acrobatics, Galarian Linoone, and Raboot. i think maybe putting down backup checks to special attackers (smthng like sd thwackey for wart or piloswine for ebuzz) incase you get overwhelmed can be good Moreover, both Clefairy and Galarian Corsola provide Stealth Rock which stacks entry hazard damage. Wallbreakers and setup sweepers that appreciate Spikes support such as Thwackey, Raboot, and Wartortle all pair well with it as well. Electabuzz is also a good teammate as it takes advantage o opponent's Vullaby that comes into the field to threaten Roselia and remove Spikes. i think u should mention smthng that can help pressure common removal / hazard checks like vull or hatt, also checks to types that pressure rose like psychic,fire and flying through teammates such as Vullaby, marshtomp or Electabuzz.

- Written by: [[Mirbro, 451786]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1]], [[username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
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name: Mixed wall
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Giga Drain / Leaf Storm / Covet
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Synthesis
item: Eviolite
ability: Poison Point
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 204 Def / 36 SpD / 16 Spe

Mixed defensive set allows Roselia to check physical attackers like non-Acrobatics Thwackey and Vullaby, while also being to check special attackers like Wartortle and Electabuzz, albeit less reliably then physical attackers. Spikes provides great utility pressuring opposing Pokemon and sometimes putting them in range of Roselia's attacks give examples. Roselia is the best Spikes setter in NFE because of its ability to switch into passive walls such as Tangela and Clefairy and threaten them with Sludge Bomb. Giga Drain is the Grass-type STAB move that can be useful to hit Wartortle and Piloswine. add here that leaf storm is an option for more immediate power However, in the case that Wartortle is already checked by some another teammate such as, Covet is also useful as it lets Roselia to steal an item and, ideally, potentially recover its Eviolite. Sludge Bomb lets Roselia check opposing Grass-types like Tangela and Thwackey, while also being able to pressure the likes of Vullaby and Hattrem with poison. Poison Point is preferred over Natural Cure as it can poison after a contact move . Thwackey and Vullaby if they use their contact moves.

Roselia fits best on balance and bulky offense builds thanks to its ability to provide its teammates with entry hazard support via Spikes. Roselia pairs well with special walls that can check Lampent such as Vullaby and Gabite. Roselia also pairs well with physical walls like Galarian Corsola and Clefairy that can help checking Thwackey running Acrobatics, Galarian Linoone specify that gorsola is not a ginoone check, and Raboot. Moreover, both Clefairy and Galarian Corsola provide Stealth Rock which stacks entry hazard damage. Because of the decrease in special bulk compared to the specially defensive set, some backup check to special attackers like Thwackey for Wartortle and Piloswine for Electabuzz might help to not get overwhelmed by them. Wallbreakers and setup sweepers that appreciate Spikes support such as Thwackey, Raboot, and Shell Smash Wartortle all pair well with it as well. Because the main role of Roselia is to set Spikes, having a way to pressure or punish entry hazard removal is always going to be beneficial at long-term. In this sense, Electabuzz takes advantage of opponent's Vullaby that comes into the field to threaten Roselia and remove Spikes. Vullaby is also great as it can switch into special versions of Hattrem that try to deny Spikes, and threaten them with Knock Off. mention piloswine as a good partner. gurdurr functions as a good check to ginoone/boot as well so it may be worth mentioning

- Written by: [[Mirbro, 451786]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1]], [[beauts, 484270]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
qc 2/2, ill also approve pannu's qc check so u can put this into gp. just make sure to credit them for qc 1
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amgp check, implement what you want
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name: Mixed Wall wall
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Giga Drain / Leaf Storm / Covet
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Synthesis
item: Eviolite
ability: Poison Point
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 204 Def / 36 SpD / 16 Spe

With a mixed defensive EV spread, Roselia can check both physical and special attackers like non-Acrobatics Thwackey, Vullaby, Wartortle, and Electabuzz. Mixed defensive set allows Roselia to check physical attackers like non-Acrobatics Thwackey and Vullaby, while also being to check special attackers like Wartortle and Electabuzz. Spikes provides great utility in pressuring and wearing down Pokemon like Electabuzz, Piloswine, and Wartortle for Roselia to KO. pressuring opposing Pokemon and sometimes putting them in range of Roselia's attacks such as Electabuzz, Piloswine, and Wartortle . Roselia is the best Spikes setter in NFE because of its ability to switch into passive walls such as Tangela and Clefairy and threaten them with Sludge Bomb. Giga Drain is the main Grass-type STAB move, (ac) hitting that can be useful to hit Wartortle and Piloswine. Leaf Storm is sometimes used over Giga Drain for more immediate power against weakened weakend walls such as Galarian Corsola and Duosion, even though it leaves Roselia useless afterwards. If there's already another Wartortle check on the team, however, Covet may be used to potentially recover Roselia's Eviolite. However, in the case that Wartortle is already checked by another teammate such as, Covet is also useful as it lets Roselia to steal an item and, potentially recover its Eviolite. Sludge Bomb lets Roselia check opposing Grass-types like Tangela and Thwackey and , while also being able to pressure the likes of Vullaby and Hattrem with poison. Poison Point is preferred over Natural Cure as it can poison Thwackey and Vullaby if they use their contact moves.

Roselia fits best on balance and bulky offense builds thanks to it providing its ability to provide its teammates with entry hazard support via Spikes. Roselia pairs well with special walls that can check Lampent such as Vullaby and Gabite. Roselia also pairs well with physical walls like Galarian Corsola, Clefairy, and Gurdurr that help check checking Thwackey running Acrobatics, Galarian Linoone, even though it is not checked by Galarian Corsola, and Raboot, (ac) though Galarian Corsola does not check Galarian Linoone. Moreover, both Clefairy and Galarian Corsola provide Stealth Rock, (ac) stacking which stacks entry hazard damage. Backup checks Because of the decrease in special bulk compared to the specially defensive set, some backup check (cross referencing sets isn't allowed) to special attackers like Thwackey for Wartortle and Piloswine for Electabuzz help in preventing Roselia from being overwhelmed. might help to not get overwhelmed by them. Piloswine itself is also a good partner overall as it provides Stealth Rock while being a secondary Electabuzz check. too while stacking Electabuzz checks. Wallbreakers and setup sweepers that appreciate Spikes support such as Thwackey, Raboot, and Shell Smash Wartortle all pair well with Roselia. it as well. Having a way to deter entry hazard removers in the long-term from clearing Spikes is useful for Roselia. Therefore, Pokemon like Electabuzz and Vullaby that can threaten opposing Vullaby and punish Hattrem for attempting to deny Spikes, respectively, are good partners. Because the main role of Roselia is to set Spikes, having a way to pressure or punish entry hazard removal is always going to be beneficial at long-term. In this sense, Electabuzz takes advantage of opponent's Vullaby that comes into the field to threaten Roselia and remove Spikes. Vullaby is also great as it can switch into special versions of Hattrem that try to deny Spikes, and threaten them with Knock Off.

- Written by: [[Mirbro, 451786]]
- Quality checked by: [[pannuracotta, 517892]], [[beauts, 484270]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
amgp check, implement what you want
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ac = add comma
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ap = add period

name: Mixed Wall wall
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Giga Drain / Leaf Storm / Covet
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Synthesis
item: Eviolite
ability: Poison Point
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 204 Def / 36 SpD / 16 Spe

With a mixed defensive EV spread, Roselia can check both physical and special attackers like non-Acrobatics Thwackey, Vullaby, Wartortle, and Electabuzz. Mixed defensive set allows Roselia to check physical attackers like non-Acrobatics Thwackey and Vullaby, while also being to check special attackers like Wartortle and Electabuzz. Spikes provides great utility in pressuring and wearing down Pokemon like Electabuzz, Piloswine, and Wartortle for Roselia to KO. pressuring opposing Pokemon and sometimes putting them in range of Roselia's attacks such as Electabuzz, Piloswine, and Wartortle . Roselia is the best Spikes setter in NFE because of its ability to switch into passive walls such as Tangela and Clefairy and threaten them with Sludge Bomb. Giga Drain is the main Grass-type STAB move, (ac) hitting that can be useful to hit Wartortle and Piloswine. Leaf Storm is sometimes used over Giga Drain for more immediate power against weakened weakend walls such as Galarian Corsola and Duosion, even though it leaves Roselia useless afterwards. If there's already another Wartortle check on the team, however, Covet may be used to potentially recover Roselia's Eviolite. However, in the case that Wartortle is already checked by another teammate such as, Covet is also useful as it lets Roselia to steal an item and, potentially recover its Eviolite. Sludge Bomb lets Roselia check opposing Grass-types like Tangela and Thwackey and , while also being able to pressure the likes of Vullaby and Hattrem with poison. Poison Point is preferred over Natural Cure as it can poison Thwackey and Vullaby if they use their contact moves.

Roselia fits best on balance and bulky offense builds thanks to it providing its ability to provide its teammates with entry hazard support via Spikes. Roselia pairs well with special walls that can check Lampent such as Vullaby and Gabite. Roselia also pairs well with physical walls like Galarian Corsola, Clefairy, and Gurdurr that help check checking Thwackey running Acrobatics, Galarian Linoone, even though it is not checked by Galarian Corsola, and Raboot, (ac) though Galarian Corsola does not check Galarian Linoone. Moreover, both Clefairy and Galarian Corsola provide Stealth Rock, (ac) stacking which stacks entry hazard damage. Backup checks Because of the decrease in special bulk compared to the specially defensive set, some backup check (cross referencing sets isn't allowed) to special attackers like Thwackey for Wartortle and Piloswine for Electabuzz help in preventing Roselia from being overwhelmed. might help to not get overwhelmed by them. Piloswine itself is also a good partner overall as it provides Stealth Rock while being a secondary Electabuzz check. too while stacking Electabuzz checks. Wallbreakers and setup sweepers that appreciate Spikes support such as Thwackey, Raboot, and Shell Smash Wartortle all pair well with Roselia. it as well. Having a way to deter entry hazard removers in the long-term from clearing Spikes is useful for Roselia. Therefore, Pokemon like Electabuzz and Vullaby that can threaten opposing Vullaby and punish Hattrem for attempting to deny Spikes, respectively, are good partners. Because the main role of Roselia is to set Spikes, having a way to pressure or punish entry hazard removal is always going to be beneficial at long-term. In this sense, Electabuzz takes advantage of opponent's Vullaby that comes into the field to threaten Roselia and remove Spikes. Vullaby is also great as it can switch into special versions of Hattrem that try to deny Spikes, and threaten them with Knock Off.

- Written by: [[Mirbro, 451786]]
- Quality checked by: [[pannuracotta, 517892]], [[beauts, 484270]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
I liked it and I implemented it. Thanks!
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name: Mixed Wall
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Giga Drain / Leaf Storm / Covet
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Synthesis
item: Eviolite
ability: Poison Point
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 204 Def / 36 SpD / 16 Spe

With a mixed defensive EV spread, Roselia can check both physical and special attackers like non-Acrobatics Thwackey, Vullaby, Wartortle, and Electabuzz. Spikes provides great utility in pressuring and wearing down opposing Pokemon such as Electabuzz, Piloswine, and Wartortle and wearing them down for Roselia to KO. Roselia is the best Spikes setter in NFE because of its ability to it can switch into passive walls such as Tangela and Clefairy and threaten them with Sludge Bomb. Giga Drain is the main Grass-type STAB move, hitting Wartortle and Piloswine. Leaf Storm is sometimes used over Giga Drain for more immediate power against weakened walls such as Galarian Corsola and Duosion, even though it leaves Roselia useless afterwards. If there is another Wartortle check on the team, however, Covet may be used to potentially recover Roselia's Eviolite post-Knock Off. Sludge Bomb lets Roselia check opposing Grass-types like Tangela and Thwackey and, while also being able to and pressure the likes of Vullaby and Hattrem with poison. Poison Point is preferred over Natural Cure, (AC) as it can poison Thwackey and Vullaby if they use their contact moves, and Roselia is immune to Toxic anyway. (optional, but this feels notable)

Roselia fits best on balance and bulky offense builds thanks to it providing its ability to provide its teammates with entry hazard support via teams, which love Spikes. Roselia pairs well with special walls that can check Lampent such as Vullaby and Gabite. Roselia also pairs well with It also enjoys physical walls like Galarian Corsola, Clefairy, and Gurdurr that help check checking Gurdurr, which help check Thwackey running Acrobatics, Galarian Linoone, and Raboot, though Galarian Corsola does not check Galarian Linoone. Moreover, both Clefairy and Galarian Corsola provide Stealth Rock, stacking entry hazard damage. Backup checks to special attackers like Thwackey for Wartortle, (AC) and Piloswine for Electabuzz, (AC) help in preventing prevent Roselia from being overwhelmed. Piloswine itself is also a good partner overall as it provides Stealth Rock while being a secondary Electabuzz check. also provides Stealth Rock. Wallbreakers and setup sweepers that appreciate Spikes support such as Thwackey, Raboot, and Shell Smash Wartortle all pair well with Roselia. Having a way to deter entry hazard removers in the long-term from clearing Spikes is useful for Roselia. Therefore, Pokemon like Electabuzz and Vullaby that can threaten opposing Vullaby and punish Hattrem for attempting to deny Spikes, respectively, are good partners. appreciate Spikes support. A long-term way to deter entry hazard removers is useful, like Electabuzz or Vullaby, which can threaten opposing Vullaby and punish Hattrem for trying to bounce back Spikes with Magic Bounce, respectively.

- Written by: [[Mirbro, 451786]]
- Quality checked by: [[pannuracotta, 517892]], [[beauts, 484270]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]

GP Team done
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(AC): Add Comma
name: Mixed Wall
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Giga Drain / Leaf Storm / Covet
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Synthesis
item: Eviolite
ability: Poison Point
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 204 Def / 36 SpD / 16 Spe

With a mixed defensive EV spread, Roselia can check both physical and special attackers like non-Acrobatics Thwackey, Vullaby, Wartortle, and Electabuzz. Spikes provides great utility in pressuring and wearing down opposing Pokemon such as Electabuzz, Piloswine, and Wartortle and wearing them down for Roselia to KO. Roselia is the best Spikes setter in NFE because of its ability to it can switch into passive walls such as Tangela and Clefairy and threaten them with Sludge Bomb. Giga Drain is the main Grass-type STAB move, hitting Wartortle and Piloswine. Leaf Storm is sometimes used over Giga Drain for more immediate power against weakened walls such as Galarian Corsola and Duosion, even though it leaves Roselia useless afterwards. If there is another Wartortle check on the team, however, Covet may be used to potentially recover Roselia's Eviolite post-Knock Off. Sludge Bomb lets Roselia check opposing Grass-types like Tangela and Thwackey and, while also being able to and pressure the likes of Vullaby and Hattrem with poison. Poison Point is preferred over Natural Cure, (AC) as it can poison Thwackey and Vullaby if they use their contact moves, and Roselia is immune to Toxic anyway. (optional, but this feels notable)

Roselia fits best on balance and bulky offense builds thanks to it providing its ability to provide its teammates with entry hazard support via teams, which love Spikes. Roselia pairs well with special walls that can check Lampent such as Vullaby and Gabite. Roselia also pairs well with It also enjoys physical walls like Galarian Corsola, Clefairy, and Gurdurr that help check checking Gurdurr, which help check Thwackey running Acrobatics, Galarian Linoone, and Raboot, though Galarian Corsola does not check Galarian Linoone. Moreover, both Clefairy and Galarian Corsola provide Stealth Rock, stacking entry hazard damage. Backup checks to special attackers like Thwackey for Wartortle, (AC) and Piloswine for Electabuzz, (AC) help in preventing prevent Roselia from being overwhelmed. Piloswine itself is also a good partner overall as it provides Stealth Rock while being a secondary Electabuzz check. also provides Stealth Rock. Wallbreakers and setup sweepers that appreciate Spikes support such as Thwackey, Raboot, and Shell Smash Wartortle all pair well with Roselia. Having a way to deter entry hazard removers in the long-term from clearing Spikes is useful for Roselia. Therefore, Pokemon like Electabuzz and Vullaby that can threaten opposing Vullaby and punish Hattrem for attempting to deny Spikes, respectively, are good partners. appreciate Spikes support. A long-term way to deter entry hazard removers is useful, like Electabuzz or Vullaby, which can threaten opposing Vullaby and punish Hattrem for trying to bounce back Spikes with Magic Bounce, respectively.

- Written by: [[Mirbro, 451786]]
- Quality checked by: [[pannuracotta, 517892]], [[beauts, 484270]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
View attachment 463024
GP Team done
Implemented :) thanks! :blobpex:
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