Mixed Salamence

Well, with ChainChomp recently popping up, I was thinking that Salamence might be better at it.

Lets think for a second, the most important aspects of "Chain" are Attack, Special Attack, and to a lesser extent; HP. So, now lets compare the base stats of these pokemon:

Salamence: HP-95 Atk-135 SpAtk-110
Garchomp : HP-108 Atk-130 Spatk-80

So, after examining the stats, we can see that Salamence beats Garchomp in everything but HP. So stat wise, Salamence is already an ideal choice.

Now, lets examine two possible sets:

Salamence @ Life Orb
EVs: 132 Attack / 132 Special Attack / 246 Speed
Lonely Or Naughty
Dragon Dance
Dragon Claw / Earthquake
Draco Meteor
Fire Blast

Garchomp @Life Orb
EVs: 16 Attack / 252 Special Attack / 240 Speed
Lonely Or Naughty
Swords Dance
Draco Meteor
Fire Blast

SalaChain works in a very similar way. Dragon Dance, so that the opponent thinks you're physical, then surprise with Fire Blast, or Draco Meteor. IMO, DD is superior to SD, because it still has the desired effect of fooling the opponent, and it provides a nice speed boost.

So, in theory, Salamence could be a 'Chain Chomp,' and do its job in a similar fashion, and maybe even do it better. Comments?
chain chomp is very unexpected, salamence on the other hand, is expected because it the the potential to be a threat whether it be mixed, physical or special
The main differences between Chain Chomp and Chain BandWagon Mence is that: People dont usually send in defense walls against Salamence because of the expected Fire Blast off 110 base sp atk, or CSpec Meteor, and Chain Chomp relies on people sending in a purely physical wall so it can smack it with Draco Meteor/Fire Blast. Chain Bandwagon Mence cant take out Blissey before it dies to IB, due to lower power of DC and slower attack boosting from DD.

DD is inferior to SD because the Chain set is meant to counter walls, so the speed boost is useless when your already faster.
If you were to ask me, I reckon Salamence would fare much better with max attack, Brick Break and Crunch and trying to predict the special wall that comes in expecting Draco meteor, whether it be Blissey, cresselia, Empoleon or whatever. I'm not sure under what circumstances Crunch could 2HKO Cresselia, but I'm certain that Brick Break would be a Guaranteed 2HKO on the other stuff. After maxing Attack and Speed, Mence could hit just as hard on the special side as Garchomp with the same moves too, so it could work I guess.
The main differences between Chain Chomp and Chain BandWagon Mence is that: People dont usually send in defense walls against Salamence because of the expected Fire Blast off 110 base sp atk, or CSpec Meteor, and Chain Chomp relies on people sending in a purely physical wall so it can smack it with Draco Meteor/Fire Blast.

And once the competitive community adjusts to Chain Chomp, Salamence will be able to pull it off slightly better simply because of its stats.
Having better stats is great and all, but having the moves to back it up on both sides of the spectrum for a mixed sweeper is more important for the most part.
oh god maybe it's smogon but im starting to hate mixed names that arent innovative.

Seriously, Mixmence is better.

But anyways, this could never work, seriously because it's been working.
I'm pretty sure in ADV some sets carried Flamethrower, just to deal with some huge threats.

Jumpman already included a mixmence in the analysis, so that idea's been around for a while, sticking a special attack or two on him, while Garchomp's stats arent good enough to pull anything BUT Draco Meteor/Fire Blast just to surprise it's common switches, not it's counters.
Base stats aren't everything, you miss the forest for the trees.

Garchomp's slightly lower attack doesn't matter. Its Earthquake is already more powerful than any physical attack Salamence can throw out because of the difference in base power, and Swords Dance raises your attack faster than Dragon Dance does. Maybe if Salamence got Swords Dance (it doesn't) it would even the score and make it more usable for this idea, but...it doesn't.
I devised a similar moveset to yours yesterday with different EVs:

Salamence @ Life Orb
Rash Nature (+SAtk, -SDef)
EVs: 194 SpA/136 Spd/180 Atk

It hits 270 speed, which it probably the least amount of speed it should have, leaving more room for offense. Unfortunately, Salamence is much slower and harder to switch in than Garchomp, as this has a Stealth Rock weakness and is vulnerable to Sandstorm. Garchomp actually resists Stealth Rock and Sandstorm benefits it. I would probably always use Crunch as after a Dragon Dance (assuming my EVs), 504 attack Salamence does 48%-56% to Cresselia, with Stealth Rock, it's a guaranteed 2HKO (though Cresselia can Rest/Moonlight) Fire Fang is better than Fire Blast in my opinion, as it is boosted by Dragon Dance- thus doing more to Bronzong- and Draco Meteor already OHKO's max HP Weezing/Gliscor/Donphan.
To agree with a couple of people who've said so in this thread, I think Salamence is really better off just doing 1 thing or the other. The only thing that makes Garchomp capable of being "Chain Chomp" is the fact that Garchomp has the double-stab with type-coverage and, of course, Swords Dance.

A SalaChain (which is probably better if called ChainMence) is just silly. SpecsMence or standard DDMence can stay, but this is just a sad attempt to mimic Garchomp.
I'm just going to say it here and now and pretty much voice what alot of others are saying. Stop with the 'Salachain' 'Chainmence' naming stupidity. Not only does it sound utterly retarded it completely kills the joke behind the mixed Garchomp reference and annoys alot of people including me.
Mix-Mence, though weak to Sandstorm and Stealth Rock, can heal with Roost, and thus can last longer.

But yes, Chain Chomp has the advantage in terms of element of surprise.
But that means you'll only have one moveslot left, with Dragon Dance/Roost occupying two of them, and Draco Meteor to feign a special Salamence.
Base stats aren't everything, you miss the forest for the trees.

Garchomp's slightly lower attack doesn't matter. Its Earthquake is already more powerful than any physical attack Salamence can throw out because of the difference in base power, and Swords Dance raises your attack faster than Dragon Dance does. Maybe if Salamence got Swords Dance (it doesn't) it would even the score and make it more usable for this idea, but...it doesn't.

On the flipside, though, Salamence very much enjoys that speed boost provided by Dragon Dance and can go for a potential sweep. Also, Salamence can potentially match EQ's base power with...Dragon Rush, although it's a very bad idea.
Make sure to keep in mind each of their speeds. ChainChomp has just enough speed to outdo anything with base 100 speed and a neutral nature, and Salamence is one Poke that just about always will have 299 speed. Also, the fakeout is less predictable with ChainChomp; whereas MixedMences are much more common.
One more thing of note I believe it would be called chainmence, not salachain thats just retarded.

It already has a name. Mixmence. Check jumpman's analysis, and sub some moveslots with "other options".

EDIT: Or, for the sake of originality, you guys could probably call it something like 'Salamence'.
Lets think for a second, the most important aspects of "Chain" are Attack, Special Attack, and to a lesser extent; HP.

No, no, no, no, no, no. The only important aspect of "Chain" is that it starts with a C and ends with "hain". It's not an archtype. Chain Chomp is a monster from some Mario game, the only reason we named the Garchomp set like that was because Hazerider came up with it and it sounded funny. Don't make up names like this, it's horribly annoying. Don't do it for Boah, don't do it for Chain Chomp, don't do it for anything else.

And mixed Salamence with Life Orb is nothing new. In fact, it's in the analysis already.