Mixed Luxray [QC 3/3] [GP 2/2]


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The special set has been rejected, so I deleted it. That leaves the mixed set.

name: Wallbreaker
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Hidden Power Grass
move 4: Volt Switch / Signal Beam
item: Life Orb
ability: Intimidate
nature: Rash
EVs: 60 Atk / 252 SpA / 196 Spd


  • Enables Luxray to hit certain threats not possible on full on physical sets
  • Thunderbolt's the main attacking move, giving a solid, reliable stab.
  • Superpower nails Regice and Lickilicky, OHKOing the former after Stealth Rock and the later after a Thunderbolt or enough prior damage, as well as OHKOing Bastiodon and Audino right off the bat.
  • Hidden Power Grass OHKOs all (relevant) ground-types bar Golurk and Piloswine.
  • Volt Switch allows Luxray to scout switches when you check pokémon like Braviary, giving you momentum provided they don't switch into a ground type, Raichu or Lightningrod Seaking, while Signal Beam hits grass-types (bar Roselia and Vileplume) and psychic-types hard

  • Ice Fang is an alternative for slot 4, hitting Altaria and Roselia hard. However, the other 2 options make better use of the EV spread, but Ice Fang is still a very viable option.
  • The given EV spread enables Luxray to have decent power on the special side, while still hitting hard on the physical side, albeit, not as much. The rest dumped into speed to give Luxray a little speed.
  • Rash is used to boost Luxray's Special Attack stat further.
  • Intimidate is used due to Guts only having an effect on Luxray's physical side, but is usable if you really want a monstrously powerful Superpower, but it's reliant on Luxray actually being statused.
  • As in any Luxray set, entry hazards are needed to get crucial KOs. This means that good partners include Garbodor, Cacturn and Probopass make good team mates for Luxray.
  • Strong special attackers also make good partners for Luxray due to Luxray better for breaking walls (hence the name, Wallbreaker), luring in pokémon like Regice, who is quickly KOd by Superpower.
  • Jynx and Articuno are good partners for Luxray, hitting Vileplume, Tangela and Roselia hard, coming in through volt switch or a well predicted switch.
  • Caracosta, Samurott and Ludicolo are great partners for Luxray, hitting Piloswine and Golurk hard. This is especially true for the former and latter due to being specially based.

QC: 3/3
  • Raseri
  • EBeast
  • Treecko

GP: 2/2
  • MysticNova
  • Melvni


name: Wallbreaker
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Hidden Power Grass
move 4: Volt Switch / Signal Beam
item: Life Orb
ability: Intimidate
nature: Rash
evs: 60 Atk / 252 SpA / 196 Spe


<p>This set uses Luxray's Special Attack stat alongside its Attack stat to get past certain threats that Luxray can't beat otherwise. Thunderbolt is Luxray's main attack, as it is a reliable STAB move that can get past threats such as Gorebyss while giving Luxray a way to break down Alomomola. Superpower is in the second moveslot, because it's ridiculously powerful coming off Luxray's base 120 Attack stat, nailing Regice and Lickilicky for OHKOs, the former after Stealth Rock and the latter after a Thunderbolt. Superpower cleanly OHKOes Audino and Bastiodon right off the bat. Hidden Power Grass gives Luxray the power to OHKO Seismitoad and Golem, the latter if Sturdy has been broken. This means that Seismitoad in particular no longer walls Luxray to no end. In the last moveslot, it's down to personal preference. Volt Switch lets you scout for switches against Pokemon Luxray checks, such as Braviary, giving you momentum. On the other hand, Signal Beam hits almost every Grass-type hard as well as Psychic-types such as Duosion.</p>


<p>Ice Fang could be used in the last slot in order to hit Altaria, who walls this set otherwise, and it is also the only way to hit Roselia and Vileplume for super effective damage. However, it is not listed because it doesn't make as good use of the EV spread as the other two options do. The EV spread lets Luxray hit with as much power as possible on the special side, giving it a way to hit physical walls, who are this set's main targets, hard while still hitting like a truck on the physical side. The remaining EVs are dumped into Speed to let Luxray outpace max Speed Gorebyss before a Shell Smash and OHKO it with Thunderbolt. Life Orb is used to let Luxray hit hard on both the physical and special side, and a Rash nature boosts Luxray's Special Attack further while not lowering its Attack stat. Intimidate is used due to Guts only boosting Luxray's Attack stat, as well as for it's ability to turn Luxray into a half-decent bulky pivot. However, if you are paranoid about Superpower not being weakened by burn, Guts is still viable, but it's too unreliable to be recommended.</p>

<p>Entry hazard setters are vital to Luxray's success, gaining it many OHKOes and 2HKOes after they have been set up, such as an OHKO on Regice with Superpower. This makes Pokemon such as Garbodor, Cacturne, and Probopass very good teammates For Luxray. Strong special attackers, such as Choice Specs Altaria, make good partners for their ability to lure Pokemon such as Regice in, ready to be KOed or crippled by Superpower. Ice-types such as Jynx and Articuno complement Luxray with their typing and ability to hit Vileplume, Roselia, and Tangela hard, coming in on a Volt Switch or a well predicted double switch. Water-types such as Carracosta, Samurott, and Ludicolo make good teammates for Luxray, hitting Piloswine and Golurk harder than Hidden Power Grass. Fast and frail sweepers such as Swellow and Choice Scarf Charizard make good partners for Luxray as well because it breaks down walls, opening up a late-game sweep for the said Pokemon.</p>
Yeah I don't know about this. Even though Luxray has a good base 95 Special Attack there are better Electric-type Pokemon for the job of an all-out special attacker even if Luxray does have Intimidate to soften up some hits. Examples being Zebstrika, Electabuzz, and Rotom-A. Your set itself has way too many slashes and there are things in both Set Comments and Additional Comments are incorrect or just shouldn't be such as mentioning Furret as a partner or that Luxray is capable of switching safely into Sawk and Zangoose.

Now a specially based Luxray set that I would be willing to give a pass to would be a Mixed Set with Superpower:

name: Wallbreaker
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Hidden Power Grass
move 4: Ice Fang / Signal Beam
item: Life Orb
ability: Intimidate
nature: Rash
EVs: 96 Atk / 252 SpA / 160 Spe

Similar to your set but Superpower coming from its base 120 Attack allows it to nail Regice and Lickilicky, OHKOing the former after Stealth Rock and the latter after a Thunderbolt. Hidden Power Grass hits Seismitoad and other Ground-type Pokemon who could take a Thunderbolt while Signal Beam hits Exeggutor, Ludicolo, and Tangela. 160 Spe allows Luxray to outspeed Adamant Rampardos, which at the same time lets it outspeeds standard Misdreavus and everything slower. Ice Fang lets it 2HKO Roselia and Exeggutor as well as OHKO Altaria. It's a toss up between whether to use Ice Fang or Signal Beam, the former missing out on Tangela and the latter on Roselia, but Ice Fang is generally better due to Roselia being more common.

If you want to write about the mixed set instead you can, but otherwise:

QC Reject 1/3
Yeah I don't know about this. Even though Luxray has a good base 95 Special Attack there are better Electric-type Pokemon for the job of an all-out special attacker even if Luxray does have Intimidate to soften up some hits. Examples being Zebstrika, Electabuzz, and Rotom-A. Your set itself has way too many slashes and there are things in both Set Comments and Additional Comments are incorrect or just shouldn't be such as mentioning Furret as a partner or that Luxray is capable of switching safely into Sawk and Zangoose.

Now a specially based Luxray set that I would be willing to give a pass to would be a Mixed Set with Superpower:

name: Wallbreaker
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Hidden Power Grass
move 4: Ice Fang / Signal Beam
item: Life Orb
ability: Intimidate
nature: Rash
EVs: 96 Atk / 252 SpA / 160 Spe

Similar to your set but Superpower coming from its base 120 Attack allows it to nail Regice and Lickilicky, OHKOing the former after Stealth Rock and the latter after a Thunderbolt. Hidden Power Grass hits Seismitoad and other Ground-type Pokemon who could take a Thunderbolt while Signal Beam hits Exeggutor, Ludicolo, and Tangela. 160 Spe allows Luxray to outspeed Adamant Rampardos, which at the same time lets it outspeeds standard Misdreavus and everything slower. Ice Fang lets it 2HKO Roselia and Exeggutor as well as OHKO Altaria. It's a toss up between whether to use Ice Fang or Signal Beam, the former missing out on Tangela and the latter on Roselia, but Ice Fang is generally better due to Roselia being more common.

If you want to write about the mixed set instead you can, but otherwise:

QC Reject 1/3

OK, thanks for your comments. However, when I said "It also has merit for softening up Zangoose and Sawks otherwise devistating attacks, providing you switched in on them." I didn't mean it like that. What I meant was if it happened to switch in on them (for example in a double switch or double-down), it would soften up their attacks. Sorry about the obscurity. I'll edit it and make sure it's written up like that. However, a mixed set is already in 'other options' on the set, so I can't add your set onto the main section above. Also, you forgot to mention the great type synergy between Thunderbolt and Ice Fang in your set comments. I'll also remove Furret as a partner for the set.
However, a mixed set is already in 'other options' on the set, so I can't add your set onto the main section above.
This is not true at all man. Just because an analysis mentions a mixed set in OO and deems it inferior at the time of writing does not mean that some day a niche will be found. Analyses are fluid, and the OO can and will be modified accordingly when a new set goes up. I'd suggest going with the changes EBeast suggested so you can at least write the set yourself.
This is not true at all man. Just because an analysis mentions a mixed set in OO and deems it inferior at the time of writing does not mean that some day a niche will be found. Analyses are fluid, and the OO can and will be modified accordingly when a new set goes up. I'd suggest going with the changes EBeast suggested so you can at least write the set yourself.
I didn't know that. thanks for telling me. I'll add it later today when I've finished school.
When I was typing up the mixed set, Smogon went down for maintainance, meaning that I lost the type up. I will re-type it whenever I get some spare time.
When I was typing up the mixed set, Smogon went down for maintainance, meaning that I lost the type up. I will re-type it whenever I get some spare time.

When you're working on these kinds of things, I find it best to work in Word or Notepad or whatever text editor suits your fancy so you don't have to worry about your session timing out or the website crashing, etc.
I think Word gives you the wrong type of apostrophe ('), which is very annoying. I may be wrong, though.

You're safe if you write up your draft on google docs.
Alternatively, if you're writing this up in Word, you can refer to this post by Redew to change your apostrophes.

By the way, straight apostrophes are the appropriate ones, curly ones muck up the HTML process. Looks to me like this analysis uses the correct type of apostrophe.
Expert Belt would certainly be nice to preserve Luxray and utilize Intimidate better, but the loss in power is very notable against neutral targets due to its 95 base Special Attack. I also suggest you follow EBeast's advice in doing Mixed Luxray (since Unlike Special Luxray, it isn't outclassed and at worst just competes with Eelektross) and change the analysis's name accordingly.
Expert Belt would certainly be nice to preserve Luxray and utilize Intimidate better, but the loss in power is very notable against neutral targets due to its 95 base Special Attack. I also suggest you follow EBeast's advice in doing Mixed Luxray (since Unlike Special Luxray, it isn't outclassed and at worst just competes with Eelektross) and change the analysis's name accordingly.
thanks. I've added the set.
I'd agree that a mixed set is surely the best way to go about this; it's far better than special on its own and doesn't have to compete with others like Electabuzz and Raichu like EBeast pointed out. I haven't gone through the comments on the mixed set yet but like EBeast I don't approve of the special set, so you can count this as QC REJECT (2/3) for that. I'll go through and give my thoughts on the mixed set later.
Volt Switch should be the 4th slot over Ice Fang / Signal Beam. Both are weak unSTAB options that try to hit 1 specific Pokemon, when in reality you could run the STAB Volt Switch, damage them a bit, and gain some serious momentum since both Tangela and Roselia are easy to take advantage of (stuff like Swellow and Braviary and Charizard will have a field day with the free switch they get). In addition it works well with Intimidate, turning Luxray into a halfway decent pivot on a bulky team.
  • I'm not a big fan of your EV spread, it seems completely arbitrary. Does it get any specific KOs with 96 attack EVs? If so then great.
I think a spread of:

  • EVs: 60 Atk / 252 SpA / 196 Spd
is better. You outrun max speed Byss before a smash and can KO it. Your current spread doesn't outrun anything

  • I also agree with slashing Volt Switch on the last move. It should look like Volt Switch / Signal Beam
  • Ice Fang for AC

  • When you mention hazard users, make sure you specify what KOs are gained with SPikes / SR. Don't include it for no reason
  • Otherwise I do like this set, it's a good use of Luxray in this meta, just make sure you list why all of the teammates are good (Luxray lures and beats something that walls them)
The EVs I gave for him were mainly just max SpA, enough Speed for Rampardos (aka incognito Missy speed creep), and rest for Atk. Raseri's EV spread is definitely better as Luxray still gets the desired KOes on Regice and Lickilicky/Audino with Superpower using 60 Atk Evs, so make sure to make that change.

[Set Comments]
  • Standard Regirock is actually 2HKOed by Thunderbolt after Stealth Rock and Tbolt actually does more damage than Hidden Power Grass against it, so no need to mention Regirock there at all really.

  • Add Audino and Bastiodon to the list of Pokemon that Superpower hits. Both are used on defensive teams alongside Regice and Lickilicky and being able to break past them is a huge boon for a special attacker.

[Additional Comments]
  • Remove the thing about Luxray using Naive. Naive is -SpD + Spe, which Luxray has no reason to use.

  • Remove the thing about Luxray sweeping. Luxray is a wallbreaker and not a sweeper. Only mention hazard support if it helps it get any specific KOes. Regice goes down to Superpower after SR, but also after just Thunderbolt damage so I don't know if that really counts.

  • Remove the mentions of Golurk and Sawk as partners. They don't really help Luxray in any specific way at all and are kind of irrelevant to the analysis. Also you have former and latter wrong; Sawk cannot learn Stealth Rock or Dynamicpunch. Former is a reference to the first thing you mention while latter refers to the second thing you mentioned. The way I like to remember it is former and first; latter and last.

  • Again the Specstaria and Offensive Vileplume mentions are kind of random. Just talk about how special attackers in general like Luxray as a partner for it luring and KOing Regice, Lickilicky, Audino, and Bastiodon.

  • Remove the last sentence. Regirock is not a counter to Luxray as its 2HKOed by Thunderbolt after Stealth Rock.

Implement this and Raseri's check. I'll look over it again after you do so to give it a stamp.
thank you for the comments. I will act on them right away. I'll also test it a bit more on the simulator, get a few more calcs.
Remove mention of Regirock at all in Set Comments.

Remove mention of Thunder and Rain Dance in Set Comments.

Move 4 should be Volt Switch / Signal Beam in that order. Ice Fang goes to Additional Comments.

Add calcs for hazards and why they are important, if you cannot find any you should then remove that it needs hazards.

Remove the part about Jynx and Articuno being options over Ice Fang. That doesn't make sense at all. Instead say that they can take down Tangela, Vileplume, and Roselia for Luxray and can come into them via Luxray's Volt Switch.

Change the last line in AC to Ludicolo and Samurott can take down Piloswine and Golurk, who are the only relevant Ground-type Pokemon that aren't OHKOed by LO Hidden Power Grass. LO HP Grass actually does more than enough to the other relevant Ground-type Pokemon: Golem and Seismitoad.

Implement everything. This needs some work before I can stamp it.
Mention why Ice Fang is usable (hitting Altaria and Roselia)

In AC instead of "Jynx and Articuno have good coverage with Luxray" make it: Jynx and Articuno are good partners for Luxray.

no posts for a week (ish)? I don't mean to be bumping the thread, but howcome noone's posting anymore?