Suspect Mix and Mega Suspect #9 - Red Orb: Finally, Summertime

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Career Ended

Whatever happens, happens
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris the defending Other Metas Circuit Champion
:red_orb: :red_orb: :red_orb:
:red_orb: :red_orb: :red_orb:
Since the re-introduction of form-changing items into the Mix and Mega, Red Orb has maintained its presence as a dominant metagame choice. Providing a powerful secondary typing in Fire with a powerful complementary ability in desolate land, alongside a strong +50 boost in SpA, Red Orb acts as an enabler to many strong special threats. In particular, pokemon that have existing access to strong fire moves like Weather Ball or Fire Blast turn into extremely powerful wallbreakers, from the likes of Raging Bolt and Landorus to more niche options like Thundurus and Iron Moth. Furthermore, the secondary Fire typing gives a valuable resistance to Pixispeed, disabling a common form of revenge killing in the tier. Lastly, the increasing use of Weather Ball on Red Orb breakers makes it difficult for Blue Orb, a traditional 'fire' check', to check these pokemon. Combined with the fact that the metagame is already somewhat lacking in special walls, Red Orb puts a huge strain in the builder that forces players to dedicate several mons to deal with the large variety of Red Orb threats.

However, Red Orb is not without it flaws. Whilst it does provide a powerful SpA boost, it notably does not boost speed, leaving Red Orb breakers vulnerable to be revenge killed by many common metagame threats such as Iron Boulder, Arceus-Ground and Landorus-Therian. Furthermore, whilst there is large diversity of Red Orb breakers, many of their checks do overlap and are common metagame staples, such as Altarianite Dragonite. Moreover, Red Orb does add many valuable elements to the metagame, providing the tier with many strong wallbreakers as well as a splashable water resist that helps keep pokemon such as Urshifu-R in check.

Taking both sides of argument into account, we deemed it would be best that the community decides on the future of Red Orb in the meta.


Requirements can be achieved by getting 75 GXE in 30 games on the Mix and Mega ladder. In order to participate in the suspect, you must create a fresh alt (creation date no earlier than 27 May 2024) with the prefix MNMRED at the start of the name. When you have obtained the reqs, make sure to post proof of your alt's record (generally a screenshot) in this thread, and if you wish to do so, you can also share your thoughts on the test here.

Once the suspect period is over, everyone who has obtained reqs will be tagged. The post will then outline a process of blind voting, which will be clarified once the time arrives. For now, follow the above "Requirements" subheading to ensure that you have posted your reqs correctly. You must post on this thread in order to be tagged in the voting thread, however you do not need to include your vote on this thread.

A super-majority of 60% ban votes is required to restrict Red Orb from Mix and Mega.

- Red Orb is permitted on the suspect Ladder
- The GXE requirement is 75 and the minimum game count is 30
- You must ladder on a newly-created alt using the prefix MNMRED
- You must post your reqs in this thread, though the voting process will happen in a separate thread in blind voting. You are not required to state your vote in this thread.
- The suspect test will run conclude at 11:59pm GMT -4 (EST) on Monday, June 10th.
finally this is getting supect tested...


The ban of :Red Orb: was long overdue because it was incredibly overpowered, disrupting the balance of the game. Its ability to grant significant advantages made matches uncompetitive and frustrating for players. Many strategies revolved solely around its use, stifling creativity and variety in gameplay. This imbalance created an unfair environment, diminishing the overall enjoyment and integrity of the game. By banning :Red Orb:, a more balanced and enjoyable experience can be restored for all players.
just the same shitty HO as always
inactive ladders in OM need to have their own gxe and games played goals. getting reqs is like 95% time investment, waiting for 1 game every 10 minutes, and 5% skill as u get ur 25th match up with someone at 1050s, even tho ur already at 1400

idk how none of u thought to address this over the years The Immortal
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Hi Itz a me Infinity.
I do not want red orb banned yeah sure its really good and a slightly broken but without it a lot of mons will start to go crazy for example sablenite lugia. anyways if you guys end up banning it free jolteon plaeze.
Also i am responsible for 4 losses of the person above me Lol...


  • Screenshot 2024-06-04 172753.png
    Screenshot 2024-06-04 172753.png
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Luv me Wife
Luv me ladder
Luv me Espeed
'Ate Landorus
'Ate Lugia
'Ate the Weather Ball

but honestly you just end up running makeshift checks to the red orbers because it is nearly impossible to defensively check the 150bp stab and a plethora of easy to fit "coverage" (stab ep, psynoise, volt switch, gknot, rock move etc) but it has its flaws so currently im :tornadus-therian: on the judgment
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