Suspect Mix and Mega Suspect #8: Kung Fu Fighting

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Forgiven and Hanged
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Following the survey results, Mix and Mega Council has decided to suspect Urshifu-Rapid-Strike. This decision comes after Urshifu's consistent presence as the tier's most potent physical wallbreaker. Notably, it retains its abilities from the previous generation, which ultimately led to its ban in that format. One of the best users of Metagrossite (and occassionally Aerodactylite), Urshifu gains access to a great speed tier allowing it to outspeed threats like Eternatus, Red Orb Raikou and all Arceus forms. Additionally, its formidable STAB combination of Fighting/Water forces out a significant portion of the metagame. This capability is further amplified by U-turn, enabling Urshifu to gain momentum against opponents like Sablenite Lugia, Arceus-Water, and Magearna while inflicting chip damage, eventually bringing them within range of Surging Strikes or Close Combat. This ability of Urshifu, which is infamously common in Mix and Mega with respect to Fighting types with U-turn, often leaves significant holes in opponent's defensive cores, allowing -ate speeders in the back or Red Orb users to form a deadly combination with Urshifu. Ice Spinner as the 4th move can 2HKO non invested Eternatus while also catching the aforementioned Dragonite on a switch-in. Zen Headbutt may also be preferred for its flinch chance and effectiveness against Toxapex.

However, Urshifu's greatest weapon can also be its greatest weakness - prevalence of Rocky Helmet users in the form of Lunala and defensive Eternatus punish Urshifu greatly. Moreover Arceus-Fairy, Latiasite Pecharunt and defensive Solgaleo all have the ability to tank multiple hits from Urshifu-Rapid Strike and KO it. Bulky Red Orb users like Ursaluna, Hippowdon, Lugia and Raging Bolt or Poison types like Arceus-Poison or Toxapex all boast the ability to 1v1 Urshifu. Finally, Altarianite -ate Speeders like Regieleki , Arcanine and Dragonite can revenge kill it handily with Dragonite in particular going a step ahead thanks to resisting both its STABs and forcing it out.

Taking both sides of argument into account, we deemed it would be best that the community decides on the future of Urshifu in the meta.


Requirements can be achieved by getting 75 GXE in 25 games on the Mix and Mega ladder. In order to participate in the suspect, you must create a fresh alt (creation date no earlier than 7 March 2024) with the prefix MNMURR at the start of the name. When you have obtained the reqs, make sure to post proof of your alt's record (generally a screenshot) in this thread, and if you wish to do so, you can also share your thoughts on the test here.

Once the suspect period is over, everyone who has obtained reqs will be tagged. The post will then outline a process of blind voting, which will be clarified once the time arrives. For now, follow the above "Requirements" subheading to ensure that you have posted your reqs correctly. You must post on this thread in order to be tagged in the voting thread, however you do not need to include your vote on this thread.

A super-majority of 60% ban votes is required to restrict Urshifu-Rapid Strike from Mix and Mega.

- Urshifu-Rapid Strike is permitted on the suspect Ladder
- The GXE requirement is 75 and the minimum game count is 25
- You must ladder on a newly-created alt using the prefix MNMURR
- You must post your reqs in this thread, though the voting process will happen in a separate thread in blind voting. You are not required to state your vote in this thread.
- The suspect test will conclude at 11:59pm GMT -5 (EST) on Thursday, March 21.

Speedran suspect because I dislike laddering, found a lot of games surprisingly (also sorry to anyone I may have haxed, but I want wins so...)
:deoxys-speed: :dragonite: :magearna: :kyurem: :solgaleo: :arceus-ghost: Ran Screens, this isn't the best but it works good enough versus ladder

I don't really have any strong opinins on Urshifu, I think it can be pretty hard to consistently wall thanks to pivoting and Setup Corv just getting owned by it, at the same time you can out-offense it with PixiSpeed, and I also tend to run Waterceus so I don't personally struggle with it, but I can still see the problem, will await and read what others have to say before I decide what I will vote

I'm probably in the minority here but i believe urshifu is a totally fine and healthy mon in the metagame. the pool of mons that check shifu that naturally fit quite easily on teams is good enough, the OP has a good list of mons and I recommend reading that. I've stated my thoughts in discord as well and I'm too lazy to write all that again, but urshifu in no way is a perfect mon-- it's just a good pivot, that's all. don't give me "etern dies after some chip" because lol even raikou can snipe etern and it also needs "some chip", and hey there's no helmet damage. the tier has bigger issues at hand imo (lack of a better fat ground than groundy, 500 gouging fire sets, red orbers, solg, etc....) and banning shifu hastily won't solve anything. let the meta settle. Ill be voting DNB.

I dont think urshifu is outright broken or something that is constraining the builder too much and so its understandable why plenty of people want to keep it in the tier but it takes good advantage of the meta trends. Stuff like most arc's running speed make it easier for shifu to break them. eg i have a team with waterceus and red orb hippo and a CC from adamant shifu can 2hko both. U-turn kinda is a big offender too and overall in game there are often times where i have felt that urshifu put my opponent ahead.
This suspect i only played with shifu teams to test this and i do think i was right. Will be voting Ban
Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 00-17-38 Shaboingboingdiddy vs. MNMURR Ludenberg - Showdown!.png

Used that stall sample and I realized on my penultimate game that Ho-oh walls most Red Orb Landos my poor Blissey lol I felt so stupid.
Yeah idk :urshifu-rapid-strike:(Urshifu [Rapid Strike Style]) didn't give me much trouble also it gave me some funny Ditto countersweeps, probably nothing to worry about.
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