M&M Mix and Mega Resources


Formerly Quantum Tesseract
is a Community Contributoris a Metagame Resource Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributoris a Dedicated Tournament Host
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Mix & Mega Viability Rankings
(Last Updated on December 4th, 2024)
PokemonMega Stones / Items
S Rank
:regieleki: Regieleki:altarianite: Altarianite, :glalitite: Glalitite, :light clay: Light Clay
A+ Rank
:arceus-ground: Arceus-Ground:earth plate: Earth Plate
:dragonite: Dragonite:altarianite: Altarianite, :pinsirite: Pinsirite, :salamencite: Salamencite
:Eternatus: Eternatus:rocky helmet: Rocky Helmet, :life orb:Life Orb, :black sludge:Black Sludge, :heavy-duty boots: Heavy-Duty Boots, :power herb:Power Herb
:garganacl: Garganacl:latiasite: Latiasite, :sablenite: Sablenite, :pinsirite: Pinsirite, :tyranitarite: Tyranitarite
:Magearna: Magearna:latiasite: Latiasite, :pinsirite: Pinsirite, :manectite: Manectite, :blue orb: Blue Orb
:Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: Urshifu-Rapid-Strike:metagrossite: Metagrossite, :aerodactylite: Aerodactylite
A Rank
:Great Tusk: Great Tusk:pinsirite: Pinsirite, :metagrossite: Metagrossite,:Hearthflame Mask: Hearthflame Mask,:lopunnite: Lopunnite
:Ho-Oh: Ho-Oh:Heavy-Duty Boots: Heavy-Duty Boots, :choice band: Choice Band
:Lunala: Lunala:Heavy-Duty Boots: Heavy-Duty Boots, :leftovers: Leftovers, :Rocky helmet: Rocky Helmet, :power herb: Power Herb
:Walking Wake: Walking Wake:lucarionite: Lucarionite, :Diancite: Diancite, :absolite: Absolite
A- Rank
:Arcanine-Hisui: Arcanine-Hisui:altarianite: Altarianite, :pinsirite: Pinsirite
:Arceus-Ghost: Arceus-Ghost:spooky plate: Spooky Plate
:Arceus-Fairy: Arceus-Fairy:pixie plate: Pixie Plate
:Arceus-Water: Arceus-Water:splash plate: Splash Plate
:Ceruledge: Ceruledge:latiosite: Latiosite, :lucarionite: Lucarionite
:Corviknight: Corviknight:sablenite: Sablenite, :Venusaurite: Venusaurite, :salamencite: Salamencite
:Hippowdon: Hippowdon:sablenite: Sablenite, :venusaurite: Venusaurite, :pinsirite: Pinsirite
:Mandibuzz: Mandibuzz:sablenite: Sablenite, :gyaradosite: Gyaradosite
:Pecharunt: Pecharunt:latiasite: Latiasite, :banettite: Banettite
:Raging Bolt: Raging Bolt:lucarionite: Lucarionite, :Diancite: Diancite
:Sandy Shocks: Sandy Shocks:manectite: Manectite,:lucarionite: Lucarionite,:glalitite: Glalitite, :absolite: Absolite
B+ Rank
:Arceus: Arceus:lum berry: Lum Berry, :Heavy-Duty Boots: Heavy-Duty Boots, :leftovers: Leftovers
:Clodsire: Clodsire:latiasite: Latiasite, :gyaradosite: Gyaradosite
:Hoopa-Unbound: Hoopa-Unbound:diancite: Diancite, :lucarionite: Lucarionite
:Iron Boulder: Iron Boulder:metagrossite: Metagrossite, :lopunnite: Lopunnite, :pinsirite: Pinsirite
:Iron Crown: Iron Crown:lucarionite: Lucarionite
:Samurott-Hisui: Samurott-Hisui:metagrossite: Metagrossite
:Spectrier: Spectrier:manectite: Manectite, :audinite: Audinite, :lucarionite: Lucarionite
:Slowking-Galar: Slowking-Galar:latiasite: Latiasite, :sablenite: Sablenite
B Rank
:Baxcalibur: Baxcalibur:heracronite: Heracronite
:Calyrex-Ice: Calyrex-Ice:Heavy-Duty Boots: Heavy-Duty Boots, :choice Band: Choice Band
:Cresselia: Cresselia:sablenite: Sablenite
:Darkrai: Darkrai:diancite: Diancite, :absolite: Absolite
:Kilowattrel: Kilowattrel:lucarionite: Lucarionite, :blue orb: Blue Orb
:Kingambit: Kingambit:latiosite: Latiosite, :aerodactylite: Aerodactylite, :lucarionite: Lucarionite
:Milotic: Milotic:sablenite: Sablenite, :audinite: Audinite
:Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: Necrozma-Dusk-Mane:rocky helmet: Rocky Helmet, :Heavy-Duty Boots: Heavy-Duty Boots, :covert cloak: Covert Cloak, :weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:Zamazenta: Zamazenta:lopunnite: Lopunnite, :metagrossite: Metagrossite
B- Rank
:Basculegion-F: Basculegion-F:lucarionite: Lucarionite, :diancite: Diancite
:Basculegion: Basculegion-M:choice band: Choice Band, :choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:Deoxys-Speed: Deoxys-Speed:light clay: Light Clay, :hearthflame mask: Hearthflame Mask, :cameruptite: Cameruptite, :Lucarionite: Lucarionite,
:Groudon: Groudon:leftovers: Leftovers, :Heavy-Duty Boots: Heavy-Duty Boots, :rocky helmet: Rocky Helmet
:Heatran: Heatran:Latiasite: Latiasite, :ampharosite: Ampharosite
:Indeedee: Indeedee:terrain extender: Terrain Extender
:Iron Moth: Iron Moth:latiasite: Latiasite, :absolite: Absolite
:Scream Tail: Scream Tail:gardevoirite: Gardevoiritie, :ampharosite: Ampharosite
:Weavile: Weavile:scizorite: Scizorite
:Zapdos: Zapdos:lucarionite: Lucarionite, :blue orb: Blue Orb
C Rank
:Alomomola: Alomomola:sablenite: Sablenite,:audinite: Audinite
:Annihilape: Annihilape:sablenite: Sablenite
:Archaludon: Archaludon:blue orb: Blue Orb
:Barraskewda: Barraskewda:lopunnite: Lopunnite
:Chien-Pao: Chien-Pao:lucarionite: Lucarionite, :aerodactylite: Aerodactylite
:Giratina: Giratina:heavy-duty boots: Heavy-Duty Boots, :leftovers: Leftovers, :covert cloak: Covert Cloak
:Magnezone: Magnezone:diancite: Diancite, :lucarionite: Lucarionite, :latiasite: Latiasite
:Swampert: Swampert:sablenite: Sablenite
:Arceus-Poison: Arceus-Poison:toxic plate: Toxic Plate
:Excadrill: Excadrill:metagrossite: Metagrossite, :latiosite: Latiosite, :glalitite: Glalitite
:Kommo-o: Kommo-o:altarianite: Altarianite
:Kyurem: Kyurem:lucarionite: Lucarionite, :heracronite: Heracronite
:Slowbro: Slowbro:sablenite: Sablenite, :audinite: Audinite
:Slowking: Slowking:sablenite: Sablenite, :audinite: Audinite
:Toxapex: Toxapex:latiasite: Latiasite, :banettite: Banettite, :rocky helmet: Rocky Helmet
:Thundurus: Thundurus:absolite: Absolite
:Ursaluna: Ursaluna:aerodactylite: Aerodactylite, :pinsirite: Pinsirite
:Zapdos-Galar: Zapdos-Galar:metagrossite: Metagrossite, :aerodactylite: Aerodactylite
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Speed Tiers
(Last Updated: 24/10/2024)

Pokemon + Mega Stone
Base Speed
Boosts ±
Glalitite / Pinsirite Regieleki​
:pmd/great tusk:
Metagrossite Great Tusk​
Altarianite Regieleki​
:pmd/great tusk:
Lopunnite Great Tusk​
:pmd/great tusk:
Pinsirite Great Tusk​
Arceus (All Formes)​
Lucarionite Basculegion-F​
Pinsirite / Salamencite Dragonite​
Glalitite / Pinsirite Regieleki​
:pmd/great tusk:
Metagrossite Great Tusk​
:pmd/great tusk:
Lopunnite Great Tusk​
Altarianite Regieleki​
Glalitite / Pinsirite Regieleki​
Pinsirite Magearna​
Altarianite Dragonite​
:pmd/great tusk:
Pinsirite Great Tusk​
Diancite Darkrai​
Arceus (All Formes)​
Heracronite Baxcalibur​
Hearthflame Mask / Light Clay Deoxys-Speed​
Metagrossite Zamazenta​
Altarianite Regieleki​
Diancite Lugia​
Lopunnite Zamazenta​
Absolite Darkrai​
:pmd/iron boulder:
Metagrossite Iron Boulder​
Manectite Spectrier​
Cameruptite Deoxys-Speed​
Lucarionite Chien-Pao​
Aerodactylite Chien-Pao​
Pinsirite / Salamencite Dragonite​
:pmd/iron boulder:
Lopunnite Iron Boulder​
Absolite Thundurus​
Absolite Lugia​
:pmd/walking wake:
Absolite Walking Wake​
Lucarionite Kilowattrel​
Lopunnite Barraskewda​
:pmd/iron treads:
Metagrossite Iron Treads​
:pmd/iron boulder:
Pinsirite Iron Boulder​
Diancite Hoopa-Unbound​
Metagrossite Zapdos-Galar​
Metagrossite Urshifu-Rapid-Strike​
:pmd/iron treads:
Manectite Iron Treads​
Scizorite Weavile​
:pmd/sandy shocks:
Manectite Sandy Shocks​
:pmd/walking wake:
Lucarionite Walking Wake​
:pmd/scream tail:
Gardevoirite Scream Tail​
Audinite Spectrier​
Altarianite Dragonite​
:pmd/great tusk:
Metagrossite Great Tusk​
Metagrossite Samurott-Hisui​
Blue Orb Kilowattrel​
:pmd/sandy shocks:
Lucarionite Sandy Shocks​
Heracronite Baxcalibur​
Lucarionite Zapdos​
:pmd/sandy shocks:
Glalitite Sandy Shocks​
Arceus (All Formes)​
Aerodactylite Urshifu-Rapid-Strike​
:pmd/great tusk:
Lopunnite Great Tusk​
:pmd/great tusk:
Pinsirite Great Tusk​
Lucarionite Ceruledge​
Arceus (All Formes)​
Aerodactylite Urshifu-Rapid-Strike​
Latiasite Magearna​
Blue Orb Zapdos​
Lucarionite Basculegion-F​
Latiosite Ceruledge​
:pmd/raging bolt:
Lucarionite Raging Bolt​
Altarianite Arcanine-Hisui​
Arceus (All Formes)​
Pinsirite / Salamencite Dragonite​
Pinsirite Magearna​
Altarianite Dragonite​
Heracronite Baxcalibur​
Aerodactylite Kingambit​
Manectite Magearna​
Altarianite Arcanine-Hisui​
Latiasite Pecharunt​
Latiosite Kingambit​
Sablenite Lugia​
Latiasite Heatran​
Latiasite Magearna​
Aggronite / Venusaurite Mandibuzz​
Pinsirite Garganacl​
Venusaurite Hippowdon​
Tyranitarite Garganacl​
Venusaurite Corviknight​
Latiasite / Aggronite Garganacl​
Cameruptite Blissey​
Sablenite Milotic​
Sablenite Mandibuzz​
Sablenite Blissey​
Latiasite / Gyaradosite Clodsire​
Sablenite Corviknight​
Sablenite Hippowdon​
Latiasite Slowking-Galar​
Sablenite Garganacl​
Sablenite Slowbro​
Sablenite Slowking-Galar​

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Mix & Mega Role Compendium
(Updated October 24th, 2024)

Entry Hazards:
- Spikes: :samurott-hisui: (Ceaseless Edge) :magearna: :sandy shocks: :clodsire: | :groudon: :deoxys-speed:

- Stealth Rock: :garganacl: :arceus: :arcanine-hisui: :great tusk: :sandy shocks: :hippowdon::clodsire: | :blissey: :heatran: :iron treads: :deoxys-speed: :groudon: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :archaludon: :excadrill:

- Toxic Spikes: :eternatus: :slowking-galar: :clodsire:| :iron moth: :toxapex:

Hazard Control:
- Defog: :mandibuzz: :corviknight:| :giratina:

- Magic Bounce: (:absolite: Absolite, :diancite: Diancite, :sablenite: Sablenite)
[Offensive]: :lugia: :walking wake: :darkrai: :hoopa-unbound: | :thundurus: :iron moth: :iron valiant: :magnezone:
[Defensive]: :garganacl: :corviknight: :lugia: :slowking-galar: :mandibuzz: :hippowdon: :blissey: :milotic: :slowbro: | :alomomola: :skeledirge: :slowking::cresselia:

- Rapid Spin: :regieleki: :great tusk: :iron treads: | :excadrill:

- Dual Screens Setter: :regieleki: |:arceus: :deoxys-speed:

- Encore: :magearna: |:dragonite: :samurott-hisui: :scream tail:

- Taunt: :arceus:(Ghost) :samurott-hisui: :urshifu-rapid-strike::deoxys-speed: | :heatran:

- Trick Room: :arceus: :lunala: :magearna: :slowking-galar: :calyrex-ice: :cresselia:

- Wish: :scream tail: :alomomola:

Offensive Roles:

- Physical Attackers: :regieleki: :arceus:(Normal, Ground):dragonite: :arcanine-hisui: :ho-oh: :samurott-hisui: :urshifu-rapid-strike: :magearna: :great tusk: :baxcalibur: :iron boulder: :chien-pao::weavile: | :iron treads: :kingambit: :zamazenta: :barraskewda: :ceruledge: :groudon: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :zapdos-galar: :basculegion: :basculegion-f: :excadrill: :iron valiant::ursaluna: :roaring moon: :calyrex-ice:

- Special Attackers: :eternatus: :arceus:(Ground, Fairy, Water, Ghost, Poison):kilowattrel: :lugia: :lunala: :magearna: :sandy Shocks: :raging bolt: :spectrier: :walking wake: :darkrai: :iron crown: :zapdos: :deoxys-speed: :pecharunt: | :heatran: :scream tail: :hoopa-unbound: :thundurus: :archaludon: :iron moth: :kyurem: :magnezone:

- Mixed Attackers: :regieleki: :hoopa-unbound:

Setup Sweepers:
- Bulk Up: :arceus:(Normal, Ground) :urshifu-rapid-strike: :great tusk: :corviknight: | :groudon: :zapdos-galar: :ursaluna:

- Calm Mind: :arceus:(Ground, Fairy, Ghost, Water, Poison) :lugia: :lunala: :raging bolt: :magearna: :iron crown: | :slowking-galar: :blissey: :scream tail: :slowbro: :cresselia:

- Dragon Dance: :arceus:(Ground) :Dragonite: :baxcalibur: | :necrozma-dusk-mane: :kyurem: :roaring moon:

- Iron Defense: :garganacl: :corviknight:| :zamazenta:

- Nasty Plot: :slowking-galar: :spectrier: :darkrai: :pecharunt: :deoxys-speed: | :hoopa-unbound: :thundurus: :slowking:

- Shift Gear: :magearna:

- Swords Dance: :samurott-hisui: :urshifu-rapid-strike: :arceus:(Normal) :iron boulder: :chien-pao: :weavile: | :calyrex-ice: :kingambit: :ceruledge: :groudon: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :excadrill: :iron valiant: :ursaluna:

- Aqua Jet: :samurott-hisui: :urshifu-rapid-strike: :barraskewda: :basculegion: :basculegion-f:

- Extreme Speed: :regieleki: :Dragonite: :arcanine-hisui: :arceus:(Normal)

- Ice Shard: :chien-pao: :weavile: | :baxcalibur:

- Prankster: (:banettite: Banettite) :pecharunt: :toxapex:

- Shadow Sneak: :ceruledge:

- Sucker Punch | Thunderclap: :samurott-hisui: :chien-pao: :kingambit: | :raging bolt:

Defensive Roles:

- Physical Walls: :eternatus: :arceus-ground:(Ground, Fairy, Ghost, Water, Poison) :garganacl: :corviknight: :ho-oh: :arceus-fairy: :lunala: :hippowdon: :mandibuzz: :milotic: :pecharunt: :slowbro: | :alomomola: :giratina: :skeledirge: :toxapex:

- Special Walls: :garganacl: :Arceus:(Ground, Fairy) :lunala: :magearna: :slowking-galar: :blissey: :clodsire: :milotic: | :giratina: :slowking:

- Mixed Walls: :arceus:(Ground) :garganacl: :corviknight: :ho-oh: :lunala: :magearna: :hippowdon: | :alomomola: :giratina:

Setup Control:
- Haze: :milotic: :toxapex:

- Toxic // Toxic + Mold Breaker: (:gyaradosite: Gyaradosite) :eternatus: :slowking-galar: | :pecharunt: :iron moth: :toxapex:// :mandibuzz: :clodsire:

- Whirlwind // Roar: :ho-oh: :hippowdon: | :mandibuzz:// :arceus: :groudon: :giratina:

- Chilly Reception: :slowking-galar: | :slowking:

- Flip Turn: :samurott-hisui: :walking wake: :milotic: | :barraskewda: :basculegion: :basculegion-f: :alomomola:

- Parting Shot: :pecharunt:

- Teleport: :lunala:

- U-turn: :corviknight: :urshifu-rapid-strike: :kilowattrel: :mandibuzz: :zapdos: :zapdos-galar: | :iron moth::roaring moon:

- Volt Switch: :regieleki: :kilowattrel: :magearna: :sandy shocks: :raging bolt: :iron treads: :zapdos: :iron crown: | :magnezone: :thundurus:
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Transformation Item Guide

1. Offensive items:

Physical Attack boosting:
:aerodactylite: Aerodactylite (+30 Attack, +20 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Tough Claws | N/A | +20 Kg)

The first of three Tough Claws Mega Stones, Aerodactylite is a balanced offensive stone that has plenty of uses. Aerodactylite offers +30 Attack and +20 Speed in addition to solid defensive boosts. It faces direct competition from its speedier Tough Claws brother Metagrossite, but trades in the extra Speed directly into Attack, making it more suitable on Pokemon that prefer the extra wallbreaking powers to Speed. True users of Aerodactylite like Ursaluna and Zamazenta are less concerned with their speed tier and more concerned with putting holes in the opposing team. Pokemon like Gouging Fire and Solgaleo use the stone to great effect, but hesitate between the power and the extra speed offered by Metagrossite. This hesitation is more palpable on frail Pokemon such as Urshifu and Zapdos-Galar which really appreciate maximum Speed, but will begrudgingly run Aerodactylite due to stone constraints, team construction or personal desire to do as much damage as possible.

Heracronite (+60 Attack, +40 Defense, +10 Special Defense, -10 Speed | Skill Link | N/A | +8.5 Kg)

Heracronite is a nice offensive option on Pokemon looking to make use of Skill Link and large Attack and Defensive stat boosts. It's unfortunate that moves like Bone Rush and Rock Blast have limited distribution, otherwise Heracronite might be considered one of the strongest Mega Stones within the Mix and Mega tier. 5 hit Scale Shot is a serious weapon that can be employed by practically any Dragon-type, who coincidentally will all enjoy the beefy Defense stat boost to help take any Altarianite or Glalitite Espeed that is amok in Mix and Mega. Pokemon like Gouging Fire and Garchomp offer strong boosting moves and good secondary STAB coverage to increase to potency of these sets. Baxcalibur and Kyurem can also take advantage of STAB Icicle spear and become really threatening with Chilly Reception support further increasing their already staggering physical Defense. As it stands Heracronite is a good Mega Stone that deserves recognition, but isn't one of the most common transformation items.

:lopunnite: Lopunnite (+60 Attack, +10 Defense, +30 Speed | Scrappy | +View attachment 600598 | -5 Kg)

Lopunnite is one of the strongest offensive stones for the tier's physical attackers . Really concentrated stat boosts of +60 Attack and +30 Speed alongside a granted Fighting and Scrappy keeps all Ghost-types in the tier on their toes. Great Tusk appreciates unblockable Fighting STAB and Rapid Spin for reliable Speed Boosts and hazard removal. Barraskewda and Iron Boulder appreciate the secondary Fighting STAB to boost Close Combat and can use Flip Turn and SD respectively to break down teams due in part to their terrific speed tiers. Other Fighting Pokemon who wish bypass bulky Ghost-types like Zamazenta can opt for Lopunnite to more freely spam Iron Defense boosted Body Press. Overall Lopunnite gives plenty of Ghost-types in the tier serious concern and offers another strong tool that can be utilized on offensive and bulky teams alike.

:pinsirite: Pinsirite (+30 Attack, +20 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Aerilate | +View attachment 600597 | +4 Kg)

Pinsirite is a metagame staple in Mix and Mega, providing the tier with a plethora of strong Flying-type attackers. Donating Aerilate alongside the matching Flying-type, Pinsirite provides a fine balanced stat boost profile, skewing slightly to the physical side. Plenty of Extreme Speed users can opt for Pinsirite, providing the tier with strong revenge killing options like Hisuian Arcanine, Dragonite and Regieleki. Great Tusk becomes perhaps the premier spinner in the tier due it's strength, bulk and strong STAB combo of Body Slam and EQ / Headlong Rush. Pokemon such as Magearna or Revavroom can use Pinsirite to facilitate a Shift Gear set which utilizes Body Slam paralysis combined with Iron Head to paraflinch through would be checks or counters, with Magearna offering the possibility of going mixed as well as providing Pain Split and Revavroom threatening a powerful Self-Destruct. Garganacl can use Salt Cure and the threat of a nuclear Aerilate Explosion to find opportunities set up Stealth Rock and fish for Body Slam paralysis. All in all, Pinsirite is a strong tool that any Mix and Mega player can use to mold plenty of Pokemon to fit a desired role.

Scizorite (+20 Attack, +40 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +10 Speed | Technician | N/A | +7 Kg)

Scizorite has a solid niche in the meta by way of providing any Pokemon access to Technician, a strong damage amplification ability. A balanced stat boost distribution including a standout +40 Defense boost gives Scizorite abuser some staying power to setup and threaten a sweep. Weavile is a common user that can now boasts 135 base Speed, a criminally strong Beat Up and a Technician boosted STAB Ice Shard. Surprisingly enough, Scizorite Weavile is also able to take a Altarianite Regieleki Extremespeed from full HP under the snow and offers a better then coin flip odds to OHKO back with a Swords Dance boosted +2 Ice Shard. Other users aren't very prominent in the current meta, but Technician being able to boost the power of a variety of priority and multi-hit attacks make Scizorite an interesting Mega Stone to think about in team construction.

Sharpedonite (+20 Attack, +30 Defense, +15 Special Attack, +25 Special Defense, +10 Speed | Strong Jaw | N/A | +41.5 Kg)

Sharpedonite is a similar boat as Scizorite, offering a powerful damage amplification ability and a balanced stat boost distribution to give it a solid niche. Unfortunately there isn't a long list of suitable Pokemon that have access to a plethora of biting moves (thankfully Mix and Mega lacks a Fishious Rend abuser). Roaring Moon is the resident user offering a base 120 STAB Crunch or Jaw Lock and effective coverage in Fire / Thunder Fang. Roost, U-Turn, Taunt and great all around stats make it an effective pivot and stallbreaker. A Pokemon like Solgaleo that carries a STAB Psychic Fangs and fine coverage in Crunch might entice a selection, but typically the Tough Claws stones offer a more powerful third or fourth coverage option that is more appealing. Overall Sharpedonite is limited by the distribution of the biting moves category more than any other factor, as it is a solid stone when utilized effectively.

Special Attack boosting:
:cameruptite: Cameruptite (+20 Attack, +30 Defense, +40 Special Attack, +30 Special Defense, -20 Speed | Sheer Force | N/A | +100.5 Kg)

Cameruptite is powerful stone balanced out by a unfortunate -20 hinderance to the Speed stat. Plenty of special attackers value Sheer Force along a +40 Special Attack boost and +30 to both defenses enough to justify considerable use. Pokemon like Kyurem and Solgaleo use powerful Sheer Force boosted STAB moves like Ice Beam and Flash Cannon / Psychic combined with good coverage in Earth Power or Flamethrower / Thunderbolt respectively. These two can also bypass the Speed tradeoff by using moves like Scale Shot and Agility to quickly boost their Speed tier. Deoxys-Speed is less concerned with losing Speed due to it's already incredible proficiency in that category and can become a fearsome attacker able to boost further with access to Calm Mind, Nasty Plot and Recover. Slower Pokemon such as Blissey and Slowking-Galar don't mind losing the speed and really appreciate the bulk and power as well as Sheer Force boosting their otherwise unimpressive attacks.

:gardevoirite: Gardevoirite (+20 Attack, +40 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Pixilate | N/A | N/A)

Gardevoirite is an often underutilized item, being almost completely outshined by an upcoming item on this guide, Altarianite. Gardevoirite does have some meta uses nonetheless, as it still offers solid stat boosts for a special attacker alongside Pixilate. Fairy Pokemon wanting to utilize Pixilate will typically choose Gardevoirite to open up teammates to use Altarianite, or simply to acquire a solid +20 Speed boost. Scream Tail is a common user that likes the Speed and power combination of +40 Special Attack and Pixilate boosted Boomburst. These sets can run WishTect and Calm Mind to act as a solid special attacker or can run coverage and utility moves like Encore or Flamethrower. The tier tends to turn towards Altarianite to provide some of the strongest Fairy-types, and lack of Gardevoirite abusers primarily keep it in the shadow of the other Pixilate granting stone, but it still carries a decent niche worth considering for Mix and Mega players.

:manectite: Manectite (+20 Defense, +30 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +30 Speed | Intimidate | N/A | +3.8 Kg)

Manectite is perhaps the most balanced Mega Stone available in the tier. Offering solid boosts for any special attacker, granting Intimidate and the +30 Speed tier really make Manectite an appealing option for many different Pokemon, especially pivots. Manectite Iron Treads is a fast offensive ground that can set Stealth Rock on Regieleki, one of the tiers most common spinners, and also happens to carry its own Rapid Spin. Magearna and Iron Moth frequently run the item to boost into more appealing speed tiers to better enact their roles as offensive pivots. Slowbro considers this stone as well, a fine option to Intimidate a threat when Regenerator and bulk alone no longer cut it. Due to stone overlap, it's easy to consider plenty of Pokemon to run Manectite as a secondary option in a pinch, such as Sandy Shocks, Spectrier, Walking Wake or Zapdos. Intimidate is a great tool on any team to help limit the tier's strong physical attackers, so expect Manectite to see consistent use for the rest of SV Mix and Mega.

Mixed offensive boosting:
:altarianite: Altarianite (+40 Attack, +20 Defense, +40 Special Attack | Pixilate | +View attachment 600596 | N/A)

Finding out which of your opponents Pokemon is the Altarianite is kind of like finding out who was the culprit in an old movie. Oh my word it was the Dragonite butler?! I never would've guessed... Anyway Altarianite is the most common item in the tier and probably the most effective on a game-to-game basis. Giving arguably the best type in the game and delivering that type's strongest offensive ability combined with great buffs of +40 to Attack and Special Attack and a +20 Defense boost to boot? Arcanine-H, Dragonite and Regieleki dominate the tier with their Pixilate-boosted Extreme Speed. No other tier has such an omnipresence of powerful revenge killing options quite like Mix and Mega, thanks in part to the dominance of Altarianite. Although it can be hard to justify other uses, there are plenty of applications for Altarianite, making it a useful tool to throw around on Pokemon with access to the game's strong Normal-type moves.

:blue-orb: Blue Orb (+50 Attack, +30 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense | Primordial Sea | N/A | +78 Kg)

Just as Primal Groudon outshines Primal Kyogre, so too does the Blue Orb bow in terms of power to it's counterpart. Nonetheless, Primordial Sea is a strong ability and a +50 boost to Attack is hard to ignore, so don't take it too lightly. +30 Special Attack and a welcome Special Defense boost help propel its mixed attacking potential. Flying-types like Lugia and Zapdos can use the permanent rain to fire off accurate Hurricanes and Thunders and also have the option to hit on the Physical side with STAB Brave Birds. Barraskewda and Urshifu can use the stone to maximize the strength of their water attacks. Blue Orb also offers an avenue for Archaludon to fire off Electro Shot without a charge turn, though make sure to scout for opposing Red Orb before mindlessly clicking it as taking a sun boosted Weather Ball is none too fun.

Glalitite (+40 Attack, +40 Special Attack, +20 Speed | Refrigerate | N/A | +93.7 Kg)

Glalitite is an interesting option allowing any Pokemon access to Refrigerate boosted Ice-type coverage attacks. Mirrored +40 stat boosts to the offenses and the standard +20 speed makes Glalitite straightforward and easy to remember. Regieleki can run this as an alternative to the items yielding type additions alongside their Normal-type move altering -ate ability, utilizing that good 'ole BoltBeam coverage to a great degree. Excadrill appreciates getting up Mold Breaker Stealth Rock before Mega Evolving and then punishing Pinsirite Great Tusk trying to switch in to get off a Rapid Spin with its own x4 Super-effective spin. Finding uses for the plethora of strong Normal-type moves is easy and Ice-type coverage is generally useful so Glalitite has a comfortable place in the metagame and remains a threat that any Mix and Mega battler should consider during games or while building.

:lucarionite: Lucarionite (+35 Attack, +18 Defense, +25 Special Attack, +22 Speed | Adaptability | N/A | +3.5 Kg)

Any unrestricted Pokemon in Mix and Mega can get access to Adaptability thanks to the trusty Lucarionite. A strong offensive option for either Physical or Special Attackers due to quality offensive stat boosts, including a clutch +22 Speed tier which let's it outclass the multitude of transformation items that offer a meager +20 Speed. Many Pokemon with strong inherent STAB moves can rock with Lucarionite including but not limited to: Gouging Fire, Iron Treads, Kingambit, Raging Bolt, Urshifu, Walking Wake and Zapdos. Lucarionite is an essential item in the toolbox of the Mix and Mega metagame that any experienced player should consider at all times.

:red-orb: Red Orb (+30 Attack, +20 Defense, +50 Special Attack | Desolate Land | +View attachment 600595 | +49.7 Kg)

Red Orb is one of the more controversial items in Mix and Mega and has found a plethora of new abusers due to the Weather Ball move tutor introduced in the recent DLC. Granting +50 Special Attack, a Fire typing and Desolate Land which functions as both a Water immunity and permanent sun boost to STAB Fire attacks, Red Orb has come under fire as of late with many player calling for it to be suspect tested or banned. This item and the abusers of it have to be accounted for in the builder or else it'll be your funeral and your coffin will be on fire and the cemetary will burn down. A plethora of Electric-types such as both Thundurus formes, Raikou and Raging Bolt can threaten a strong Weather Ball to Volt Switch on many of the Water or Dragon-types in the tier. Landorus and Lugia offer tools such as strong Ground STAB, Nasty Plot and U-Turn or Calm Mind, egregious bulk and reliable recovery. The Mix and Mega council is going to be keeping a close eye on Red Orb for the foreseeable future.

Speed Boosting:
:absolite:Absolite (+20 Attack, +40 Special Attack, +40 Speed | Magic Bounce | N/A | +2 Kg)

Absolite is a generic, simple item and finds its way onto lots of teams due to its usefulness. Going fast and bouncing status moves back at your opponent while doing it will always be good. It has a significant niche over sister stone Diancite by virtue of not lowering both of your defenses by a significant margin. Due to it's free elevated Speed, it's an item that fits many Pokemon in theory, though the most common users are Darkrai, Iron Moth and Walking Wake. +40 Speed is only rivaled by Metagrossite as far as non-Diancite items go, making Absolite a great choice for any Special Attacker that truly values their Speed.

:diancite: Diancite (+60 Attack, -40 Defense, +60 Special Attack, -40 Special Defense, +60 Speed | Magic Bounce | N/A | +19 Kg)

Absolite's sister stone on crack, Diancite offers the biggest change in base stats for any item allowed in Mix and Mega. Incredible offensive donations of +60 to both offenses, the Speed boost is the largest of any transformational item (besides Beedrillite). Offset by -40 to both defenses, Diancite is a great tool for glass cannons, an essential stone for any who consider themselves an opportunistic battler. Pokemon like Darkrai, Lugia and Hoopa-U offer great mixed wallbreaking power due to a combination of strong stats and fantastic movepools. Diancite also makes for a great surprise item for many Pokemon, allowing otherwise slow Pokemon to drastically raise their speed tier and hit the opponent hard. Some Pokemon such as Indeedee-M, Iron Treads, Magearna or Magnezone can preserve their mega for the right moment, using the stat boost to leapfrog speed tiers and land surprise OHKOes on would be problematic Pokemon.

:metagrossite: Metagrossite (+10 Attack, +20 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +40 Speed | Tough Claws | N/A | +392.9 Kg)

Metagrossite is one of the most effective items in the Mix and Mega metagame. The go-to stone for a physical attacker hungry for a better Speed tier, Metagrossite also offers comfortable defense boosts and a tolerable +10 to both offenses. Don't underestimate Metagrossite due to its measly Physical Attack stat boost however, as the 1.33x boost to contact moves provided by Tough Claws does the heavy lifting. Gouging Fire, Solgaleo, Urshifu and Zapdos-Galar are faster than a Eternatus and boast breaking power to take advantage. Great Tusk and Hisuian Samurott become faster then a max speed Timid Arceus and can become difference makers in the hazard game. Another astounding Metagrossite feat would be Iron Boulder being able to outpace a max Speed Timid Cameruptite Deoxys-Speed. Being fast has always been one of the most important aspects of offensive Pokemon, so it's no wonder that the viability rankings are littered with this stone.

:swampertite: Swampertite (+40 Attack, +20 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +10 Speed | Swift Swim | N/A | +20.1 Kg)

Offering Swift Swim alongside a +40 Attack, +10 Special Attack and +10 Speed gives Swampertite a strong niche as one of the best Speed boosting stones, albeit requiring Drizzle or Rain Dance support. In a tier dominated by Red Orb it is hard to justify using a Pelipper and any manual setter is equally questionable, so Swampertite is likely to remain underutilized in the mean time. Pokemon that threaten Red Orb switchs such as Ursaluna and Volcanion perhaps have a niche, although Archaludon Basculegion, and Basculegion-F would be more ideal abusers in a meta friendlier to rain strategies.
2. Defensive items:

Physical Defense boosting:
Aggronite (+30 Attack, +50 Defense, +20 Special Defense | Filter | - Secondary typing | +35 Kg)

Aggronite is a strange mixed bag of a defensive item. The aspect that sets it apart is that it's the only item that removes the secondary typing, allowing a Pokemon to become it's a monotype of its primary typing. Filter is an interesting combination with this premise, and serves better on types with more weaknesses such as Rock or Grass. It's a bit counterproductive as these types aren't typically strong defensive options, but a +50 Defense and +20 Special Defense can give many different Pokemon a reason to run Aggronite. Garganacl, Mandibuzz, Slowking-Galar and Zamazenta are the most common users in the current meta, though options like Amoonguss and Hisuian Goodra could see extended use in UU Mix and Mega.

:rusted-shield: Rusted Shield (+25 Defense, +25 Special Defense, -10 Speed | Dauntless Shield | +View attachment 600594 | +167 KG)

Rusted Shield is one of the few transformational items that can hold it's own against a Mega Stone. Dauntless Shield's one time only boost is unfortunate, but even so +25 in both defenses and a free Steel secondary typing is nothing to scoff at. In previous metas, Cresselia has run a CM Stored Power set to benefit from the initial Dauntless Shield boost. Due to the abundance of Red Orb in the current meta, Rusted Shield hasn't seen much use. A potential Terastallize clause suspect in the future could increase it's viability, turning Volcarona and a handful of Dragon-types into very serious threats.

:salamencite: Salamencite (+10 Attack, +50 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Aerilate | N/A | +10 Kg)

Salamencite is in a similar position to Gardevoirite, outshadowed by another -Ate granting stone that also bestows the desired typing associated with the respective ability (Pinsirite and Altarianite, respectively). Nonetheless, a +50 Defense boost and Aerilate to reduce passivity gives Salamencite fair uses on Flying-types such as Corviknight or Landorus-Therian who look to paralyze opponents with STAB Body Slam. A Pokemon such as Noivern can also utilize Salamencite's defensive and speed boosts to Defog more efficiently, sporting Aerilate Boombursts to help keep it from being too passive. Dragonite can also utilize this stone to open up teammates to run Altarianite and/or Pinsirite.

:slowbronite: Slowbronite (+70 Defense, +30 Special Attack | Shell Armor | N/A | +31.5 Kg)

Boasting the strongest single defensive stat boost for any transformational item with a +70 Defense boon, Slowbronite is a great way to offer plenty of physical bulk when needed. The +30 Special Attack isn't to be skipped over either, very welcome for most Pokemon that will want the defensive upgrade. Shell Armor is also a useful defensive ability, ensuring your opponent can't land a critical hit to cheat through any stat boosts. It also weakens auto critical hit moves such as Surging Strikes and Wicked Blow, making it an option on Pokemon packing a resistance to fighting to become a spontaneous Urshifu answer. Blissey is also a common user, patching up its usually porous Defense to a respectable base 80 which stands tall when combined with its gargantuan 255 base HP. A Magearna can also become an incredibly scary sweeper on screens teams by using Iron Defense and Calm Mind to quickly boost up the power of Stored Power without fear of getting hit by a critical hit.

Venusaurite (+18 Attack, +40 Defense, +22 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense | Thick Fat | N/A | +55.5 Kg)

Venusaurite is a pretty balanced item that can help patch up a Fire or Ice-type match-up. +40 Defense and +20 Special Defense are good additions to any Pokemon, and they come alongside servicable offensive boosts. Thick Fat and the Defense boost complement quite nice to shore up versus the many strong Fire and Ice-types in the tier. Pokemon like Corviknight become great checks to the tier's offensive Ice-types like Baxcalibur, Calyrex-Ice, Kyurem and Weavile. Hippowdon and Roaring moon appreciate neutralizing their Ice weakness, and can act as better checks to Fire-types like Gouging Fire and Red Orb Raikou respectively. Solgaleo and Magearna can neutralize their Fire weakness, becoming premier checks to Eternatus, and better threaten a Calm Mind sweep.

Special Defense boosting:
Audinite (+40 Defense, +20 Special Attack, +40 Special Defense | Healer | +
| +1 Kg)

Audinite is a Mega Stone that's beautiful in it's simplicity. Bestowing the best defensive typing in the game alongside +40 to each defense is much appreciated, especially on the special side as physically defensive boosting items are much more common. Healer is unfortunately useless in singles, but that doesn't stop this stone from being a strong choice for defensive options. The Fairy-type addition makes it easy to slap on to Pokemon trying to better take Dark, Fighting or Dragon-type attacks. It makes sense that the twins Slowbro and Slowking as well as Alomomola and Skeledirge are some common defensive Pokemon that use this stone to turn a Dark weakness into a resistance. Audinite Spectrier has also seen use, giving it STAB on Draining Kiss to give it incredible offensive STAB coverage, making Calm Mind or Nasty Plot boosts that much scarier.

:Sablenite: Sablenite (+10 Attack, +50 Defense, +20 Special Attack, +50 Special Defense, -30 Speed | Magic Bounce | N/A | +150 Kg)

Sablenite is the premier defensive item in Mix and Mega. Granting +50 Defense and +50 Special Defense would warrant use on it's own, but when you factor in that Magic Bounce is the donated ability? Sablenite blows every other defensive stone out of the water. Modest Attack and Special Attack boosts round out the stone's incredible defensive profile. Practically anything with Recover can justify running Sablenite, as it becomes a solid entry hazard denier for any setter lacking access to Mold Breaker. The speed negative can also a benefit in certain cases where a slower pivot is preferred, such as Corviknight's U-Turn or Slowking's Chilly Reception. Many bulky attackers not overly concerned with their Speed tier can use Sablenite to better act as bulky setup sweepers, such as Lugia or Garganacl. It's not uncommon for bulky offense teams to run Sablenite as the only defensive item, as this stone has a firm hold at the top of the defensive food chain.

:tyranitarite: Tyranitarite (+30 Attack, +40 Defense, +20 Special Defense, +10 Speed | Sand Stream | N/A | +53 Kg)

Sand chipping the opponent, Rock-type Special Defense boost under Sand and strong stat boosts for a physical attacker gives Tyranitarite serious utility. Best on defensive pokemon like Garganacl who sport reliable recovery, theoretically any Rock-type can run this stone to benefit from the pseudo Assault Vest boost provided by the sand. Enabling any sand based abilities for teammates is hardly worth mentioning as a positive, as the scarcity of pivoting moves on Pokemon that benefit from Tyranitarite is headscratching. Abusing the 5 turns of sand it provides is hard enough as it on its own with the amount of weather overrides available in the tier. Overall a really strong option for any Rock-type, even on more offensive Pokemon such as Iron Boulder or Rhyperior.
3. Utility items:
:ampharosite: Ampharosite (+20 Attack, +20 Defense, +50 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, -10 Speed | Mold Breaker | +
| N/A)

Ampharosite is one of the 3 transformational items that bequeath the desirable Mold Breaker ability. Ampharosite offers a powerful +50 Special Attack boost and respectable +20 to both defensive stats and overwrites a Pokemon's secondary typing with Dragon. Ampharosite is a common item employed by Pokemon looking to set hazards, offering the largest offensive stat boost that is paired with Mold Breaker. SS MnM stars like Heatran and Skamory are still viable in SV, the former enjoying the large Special Attack boost and ability to taunt Sablenite Blissey while the latter can set Spikes on Sablenite Corviknight and throw out unblockable Whirlwinds. Blissey and Scream Tail can use Ampharosite for solid role compression, reducing their passivity via stronger attacks and unblockable Thunder Waves and being able to setup Stealth Rock and offer support such as Healing Wish from Blissey or unblockable Encore from Scream Tail. Great Tusk has also seen use to be able to Taunt Sablenite Corviknight to prevent it from Defogging away the Stealth Rock it sets, and also easing the matchup into Red Orb attackers by adding a Fire resist while threatening a STAB Earthquake.

:banettite: Banettite (+50 Attack, +10 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +10 Speed | Prankster | N/A | +0.5 Kg )

Offering Prankster will mean Banettite will always have a niche to do something with such a strong ability. Simple priority healing is strong on any Pokemon, though +10 Def and +20 SpDef aren't really making it stand out as a defensive stone, especially considering the abundance of Extreme Speed overshadowing priority status. +50 Attack helps reduce passivity though, making Banettite a fine choice on Pokemon like Pecharunt and Toxapex. Both of these Poison-types sport Recover and Toxic and sport useful tools such as Pecharunt's Parting Shot and Destiny Bond and Toxapex' access to Haze. Iron Valiant is a Pokemon struggling to find a solid niche but appreciates the Prankster Encore, Taunt and Destiny Bond as well as the Attack boost. Ceruledge and Mimikyu are other physical attackers that could appreciate the Attack boost as well as the threat of a Destiny Bond, though it can be hard to justify over other items. Copycat is another tool which can be seen on Blissey to copy Final Gambit, though not hitting Dark or Ghost-types make it very situational.

:gyaradosite: Gyaradosite (+30 Attack, +30 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +30 Special Defense | Mold Breaker | +View attachment 600593 | +70 Kg)

Gyaradosite is another Mold Breaker option offering a more balanced defensive profile by offering +30 stat boost to each defensive stat. The Dark typing is a double-edged sword however as adding a weakness to Fairy, Fighting and U-Turn is balanced out by a coveted Ghost resist, a less useful Dark resist and practical immunities to Psychic moves and Prankster. Common Gyaradosite Pokemon in the past have been primarily Poison-types, such as in SS where Toxapex appreciated STAB on Knock Off and Mold Breaker Toxic / Toxic Spikes. As for the current generation Clodsire has seen a strong amount of usage as a hefty special wall that can hit Levitate Pokemon with Earthquake and set hazards that can't be bounced back. Pre-Mega abilities like Water Absorb and Unaware help Clodsire make use of a sudden Psychic immunity, though Mega Evolving straight away to layer up isn't a bad move either.

:hearthflame-mask: Hearthflame Mask (Mold Breaker | +
| 1.2x Boost to all moves)

Hearthflame Mask offers a 1.2x multiplier to attacks and gives a Pokemon Mold Breaker and Fire as their secondary typing. The lattermost condition of changing the secondary type is shared between the other Mold Breaker items, which is the reason Hearthflame Mask actually has a niche at all. Since both Dragon and Dark (donated by Ampharosite and Gyaradosite respectively) are weak to Fairy they can be very susceptible to Altarianite Regieleki's Rapid Spin. Hearthflame Mask in comparison grants the Fire typing, inherently benefitting a Pokemon's matchup against PixiSpin by giving it a Fairy resistance. Since the primary reason to run Mold Breaker in the first place is to be able to click entry hazards without fear of Magic Bounce, this descrepancy is enough to give Hearthflame Mask the smallest of niches. Deoxys-Speed and Great Tusk are Pokemon that have used the mask to accentuate their roles as hazard setters, providing Mold Breaker to let them Taunt the tier's Sablenite Defog users and Fire-type STAB to their Fire Punch and Fire Fang, respectively.

:latiasite: Latiasite (+20 Attack, +30 Defense, +30 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense | Levitate | N/A | +12 Kg)
:latiosite: Latiosite (+40 Attack, +20 Defense, +30 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense | Levitate | N/A | +10 Kg)

If Game Freak can get away with making the same design for two different Mega Pokemon, we can get away with putting the guide to those two Mega Pokemon's Mega Stones together. In seriousness, the Lati items see a lot of use due to the strength of Levitate to block Spikes damage and Ground-type attacks. Depending on what statistical benchmarks are more important to the Pokemon in question should help a Mix and Mega player decide which of the two stones to choose from. For example an Excadrill might prefer Latiosite on an SD set focused on getting a Rapid Spin Speed boost and sweeping. An Excadrill that wanted the bulk to take on Pokemon like Arceus-Ground, Dragonite or Regieleki comfortably would be more likely to choose Latiasite. Ceruledge, Gouging Fire, Magearna and Solgaleo are some other common Pokemon that appreciate the Ground immunity to setup boosts from Swords Dance, Dragon Dance or Calm Mind to threaten the opposing team. Slowking-Galar can hold Latiasite to abuse Regenerator and keep a Ground immunity around for a moment when neutralizing a threat like Calm Mind Arceus-Ground with a timely Toxic would be beneficial.

Sceptilite (+25 Attack, +10 Defense, +40 Special Attack, +25 Speed | Lightning Rod | +
| +3 Kg)

Sceptilite suffers from clear direction, but offers a decent set of donations. +20 Speed, +40 Special Attack along with the Lightning Rod ability is a strong start, but the rest of the profile leaves something to be desired. The Dragon typing addition is both a gift and a curse, while the physical boosts of +25 Attack and +10 Defense feel misplaced. A Mix and Mega player should always be on the lookout for Volt Switch denial and Sceptilite is the tier's only option outside of Ground-types and pre-Mega-Evolved Thundurus-Therian, but strong Volt Switch users like Regieleki can easily punish a Sceptilite pivot due to the added Dragon-typing procuring a weakness to Pixilate-boosted Fairy moves Altarianite supplies. Regular Slowking has seen a little use, allowing it to act as a counter to Red Orb Electric types, but Sceptilite's lack of a Special Defense boost is very noticeable. The Speed boost is detrimental in this case as well, making slow pivoting with Chilly Reception more challenging.

4. Little to no niche (Avoid using these):
Abomasite (+40 Attack, +30 Defense, +40 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, -30 Speed | Snow Warning | N/A | +49.5 Kg)

Abomasite is one of the many stones that gives as much as it takes. Held back by a hard-to-ignore -30 reduction to Speed, it has some great qualities that are simply unable to overcome this handicap: Ice-types really hate being slow. On the bright side, +30 Defense coupled with a magnificent 1.5x multiplier to Physical Defense in the snow make Abomasite Pokemon absolute tanks. That's not to mention the incredible mixed attacking potential with +40 to both Attack and Special Attack. However, a Heracronite's Skill Link boosted Icicle spear outshines any physical Ice coverage an Abomasite Pokemon would run and Cameruptite's Sheer Force Boosted Ice Beams are stronger then an Abomasite Blizzard. This stone simply doesn't pull it's weight enough to justify use, even for Aurora Veil. I suggest running Chilly Reception instead to support your Ice type attackers!

:alakazite: Alakazite (+20 Defense,+40 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +30 Speed | Trace | N/A | N/A)

Although Trace makes Alakazite interesting in theory, this stone struggles to find its ways onto teams. It faces competition from other items, primarily Absolite, which just beats it out in the Speed boost department. Hypothetically this stone could be useful in certain matchups by copying common Regenerator Pokemon such as Ho-Oh or Slowking-Galar, but Alakazite's offensively oriented profile doesn't currently support any Pokemon to fulfill this role very well. Perhaps different metagames can utilize Alakazite to it's fullest potential, because as it stands now there isn't really a reason to use it.

:Adamant-crystal: Adamant Crystal (-20 Attack, +20 Special Defense | Pressure | N/A | +167 Kg | 1.2x Boost to Steel- and Dragon-type moves)

Not justifiable over other stones, although the defensive boost and pressure is nice. A Pressure stall team might one day be able to justify the use of Adamanat Crystal, but for now there is simply too many defensive items that outclass it and by a sizeable margin. The type bonus boosts don't sway the needle enough for this item to ever really see the light of day. If this item made your Pokemon look like more of a horse, perhaps a Horse-themed team tour team could find a use for it, but otherwise leave Adamant Crystal at home.

:blastoisinite: Blastoisinite (+20 Attack, +20 Defense, +50 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense | Mega Launcher | N/A | +15.6 Kg)

I actually planned to put Blastoisinite in the Special Attack section of the guide, but barring a change to Mega Launcher or any Pulse related movepools, it really doesn't belong there in SV Mix and Mega. Suffering from the not uncommon Game Freak malpractice of giving special attackers more Attack than necessary as a balancing factor, Blastoisinite doesn't really have a niche over it's competition. Sure a +50 stat boost and a damage amplification ability might look appealing, but making use of Mega Launcher is exceedingly difficult. A lack of Speed boost and the Pulse category of moves being so distressingly empty sinks this ship. Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse and Dragon pulse share one familiar roadblock and even Archaludon would simply prefer a different option. If Origin Pulse were ever to get some distribution, this item would finally find its calling but for now we simply have to apologize to the genwunners and move on. Beware! Blastoisinite isn't the last of the OG starter trio final evolution Mega Stones in the do not use category.

:charizardite-x: Charizardite X (+46 Attack, +33 Defense, +21 Special Attack | Tough Claws | +View attachment 600592 | +20 Kg)

Charizardite X is up next! As awesome as Charizard Mega X is, the stone that gets it there does it in a way that is underwhelming on paper. It's really hard to justify over Aerodactylite and Metagrossite given the Speed boosts from the former two and donating Dragon typing isn't really ideal when Altarianite is the highest stone in usage. Does grant more Special Attack then the previous 2 if your plan was to boost the power of Grass Knot or Draining Kiss though. Otherwise this stone lacks a real strength over its Tough Claws competition.

Charizardite Y (+20 Attack, +50 Special Attack, +30 Special Defense | Drought | N/A | +10 Kg)

Although this item is sitting in the do not use section, it's really to no fault of it's own. Charizardite Y would be much at home next to stones like Cameruptite, Gardevoirite or Manectite were it not for the existence of Red Orb. Although similar statistical boosts may make it seem close on paper, Red Orb has some factors that set it apart such as providing the desired Fire typing and the strength of Desolate Land compared to Drought. Providing an immunity to Water-type attacks as well as the weather override widens the gap between these abilities significantly. Still some players have sought to run Charizardite Y Walking Wake to boost Hydro Steam's base power. This is another trap inexperienced players may fall into, as Lucarionite provides a better Speed tier, stronger Dragon-type STAB and better damage output with Hydro Pump than Hydro Steam would receive from Drought. If a Red Orb suspect and ban were to occur, Charizardite Y would increase in viability as a strong option for Fire-types or Special attackers that appreciate the support Drought offers.

:cornerstone-mask: Cornerstone Mask ( Sturdy | + View attachment 600436 | 1.2x Boost to all moves)

A funny option for Smeargle that can be used over Focus Sash (Trading dying to Sunsteel Strike for stronger Stone Axe). However, Smeargle's effectiveness in Mix and Mega is heavily neutered due to Sleep Moves clause and the abundance of Magic Bounce and strong priority. Nothing else can really justify this at the moment, though perhaps in a meta without Terastallize clause this Mask could see some use for a Rock damage amp and a Defense boost.

:galladite: Galladite (+40 Attack, +30 Defense, +30 Speed | Inner Focus | N/A | +4.4Kg)

The donations are intriguing but with Fake out and Manectite (Intimidate by extension) usage so low, Inner Focus isn't moving the needle in a positive direction. Mostly overshadowed by Lopunnite and the Tough Claws Mega Stones, Galladite is unfortunately suffering from a lowering power level then its competition. If Mix and Mega doubles or other OM mashups therein were to exist, Galladite might have a more resounding home, but in the current singles format Galladite is mostly forgotten.

:garchompite: Garchompite (+40 Attack, +20 Defense, +40 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, -10 Speed | Sand Force | N/A | N/A)

As long as the Primordial orbs are in this tier I will stand on the hill that this stone is unviable. Although the donations are the some of the best mixed offensive stat gifts, Sand Force being Sand Force and the loss of speed isn't doing Garchompite any favors. Support from Hippowdon, Tyranitar or a Tyranitarite Pokemon is maybe feasible, but hard to implement to a worth while reward. Best bet for Garchompite is using a Tyranitar that could appreciate boosted Rock STAB and Ground and Steel coverage for Fairy-types. I wouldn't do it on days that weren't April Fools though.

:griseous-core: Griseous Core (+20 Attack, -20 Defense, +20 Special Attack, -20 Special Defense | Levitate | N/A | -100 Kg | 1.2x Boost to Ghost- and Dragon-type moves)

The Sinnoh trilogy transformation items are not good and that won't stop here. As both Latiosite and Latiasite exist, this stone not only has to sit in the shadow of one Mega Stone but two! On the bright side, this poetically mirrors Giratina's own situation beautifully. From a competitive standpoint, if you ever needed a third Pokemon to gain Levitate you could probably decide to run Griseous Orb, provided you weren't already also using Pinsirite. Using Griseous Core over any of those options is mostly self-deprecating. At least Low Kick and Grass Knot will do less damage, as Griseous Core offers the greatest weight loss from a transformational item.

:houndoominite: Houndoominite (+40 Defense, +30 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Solar Power | N/A | +14.5 Kg)

With all the Red Orb running around maybe this has a niche somewhere. Groudon (and Charzardite Y) also gives you some setters. The Speed is nothing special and the HP loss in the sun does offset the huge Defense boost, leaving you weaker and more susceptible to priority anyway. Strong special attacks in the Sun might be reason enough to use it, though you might be the first. Making use of Solar Power seems both difficult to achieve in game and difficult to justify in the builder over options like Absolite or Manectite. For now Houndoominite will graciously accept its award for most fun Mega Stone to enunciate and remain in obscurity.

:lustrous-globe: Lustrous Globe (-20 Attack, +20 Speed | Pressure | N/A | +324 Kg | 1.2x Boost to Water- and Dragon-type moves)

The last of the Sinnoh devices, and it might actually be the strongest on paper. However, just like the others, the lack of a difference making ability as well as mediocre stat changes keep it from being useful. Even a Pokemon like Walking Wake would just prefer running Lucarionite. If you already had a team member using Lucarionite, go try out Absolite. If both are taken and you forget that Manectite exists too, maybe you justify this item over Charizardite Y or Alakazite, but at that point I suggest going outside and sitting in some soft green grass for a while.

:mewtwonite-x: Mewtwonite X (+80 Attack, +10 Defense, +10 Special Defense | Steadfast | +View attachment 600591 | +5 Kg)

The first of the Mewtwo stones and the one that sees more usage. This is a farce, as outside of the shiny +80 Attack, this stone is completely outshined by the trio of Aerodactylite, Lopunnite and Lucarionite. Tough Claws and Adaptability outweigh the smaller raw stat boost and are not only stronger, but offer better all around stat boosts, while Lopunnite offers a better ability and much better speed tier. Many new MnM players have fallen into the trap of using this stone, hopefully less now that this guide is here.

:mewtwonite-y: Mewtwonite Y (+40 Attack, -20 Defense, +40 Special Attack, +30 Special Defense, +10 Speed | Insomnia | N/A | -89 Kg)

Sleep Moves are banned in Mix and Mega. A wise man once hypothesized that you could use this stone as a 1 time Chesto berry substitute when paired with Rest, that also happened to supply+40 stat boosts to both attacking stats as well as +30 Special Defense and +10 Speed. If only you didn't lose a moveslot, an ability and 20 Defense for it to work. Mewtwonite Y is mostly uninteresting and hasn't ever held a niche in a competitive format.

:steelixite: Steelixite (+40 Attack, +30 Defense, +30 Special Defense | Sand Force | N/A | +340 Kg

Steelixite is another sad Sand Force Mega Stone with no Speed boost and using it is less fun then this alliteration was. Honestly, this stone really suffers from a terminal case of being boring. Sure getting some solid defensive boosts is nice, and +40 Attack and a damage amp ability seems like it could effective. The truth is Sand Force is too hard to pull value from consistently and this is a flaw that it shares with the other Sand Force Mega Stone. This one is maybe better than Garchompite, so it has that going for it. We suggest leaving both of them on the shelf permanently.

:wellspring-mask: Wellspring Mask ( Water Absorb | + View attachment 600590 | 1.2x Boost to all moves)

Water Absorb, Water-type donation and a free discount Life Orb isn't something worth writing home about. No stat donations really hold this item back, but that doesn't mean there aren't any uses for it. Its viability could be subject to skyrocket if either a Terastallize reintroduction suspect or a Red Orb ban were to occur. The former offering a strong Water-type attack boost and a Special Defense boost and the latter opening up Wellspring Mask's niche as the only Water immunity. For now though, Wellspring Mask belongs in this Category.
5. Banned items
Beedrillite (+60 Attack, -30 Special Attack, +70 Speed | Adaptability | N/A | 11 Kg)

Beedrillite's incredible offensive gifts would too overcentralizing for any meta that featured any physical attackers. It's remarkably simple how giving Adaptability, +60 Attack and +70 Speed could make even lower tier Pokemon too overbearing for an Ubers-based metagame like Mix and Mega. As an item that creates far too many problems that could be handled by a balanced competitive metagame, Beedrillite has enjoyed it's spot at the top of the banned list since the metagames inception and will stay there until the end of time.

Blazikenite (+40 Attack, +10 Defense, +20 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Speed Boost | N/A | N/A)

Offering Speed Boost and a good offensive profile of stat boosts, Blazikenite is a bit too dangerous to be let free. Speed Boost on it's own offers up too much value for so many of the tiers physical attackers. Imagining Pokemon like Ceruledge, Kingambit or Ursaluna clicking SD and getting up a Speed boost in a single turn is frightening. Special attackers like Iron Crown or Magearna could stockpile Iron Defense or Calm Mind boosts and threaten devastating Stored Powers. Blazikenite is incredibly strong and isn't likely to get unbanned easily, though a suspect test isn't outside the realm of possibility.

Gengarite (+20 Defense, +40 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Shadow Tag | N/A | N/A)

Gengarite's focused offensive stat donations and access to Shadow Tag will ensure it never sees the light of day in a stable and balanced metagame. Preventing switching is inherently uncompetitive and when any Pokemon could simply Mega Evolve and trap non Ghost-type opposing Pokemon, the metagame would devolve into who traps their opponent's key piece first. Nothing short of a complete removal of Shadow Tag as an ability would be able to free Gengarite.

Kangaskhanite (+30 Attack, +20 Defense, +20 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Parental Bond | N/A | +20 Kg)

Parental Bond and a balanced stat boost distribution push Kangaskhanite over the edge and then some. Moves like Seismic Toss and Night Shade suddenly become a nightmare to deal with, as they can 2HKO anything with less than 100 base HP. Fast Pokemon with access to these fixed damage moves or even simply flinching moves like Iron Head and Dark Pulse would skew the metagame in a manner that wouldn't be competitive or fun.

Mawilite (+20 Attack, +40 Defense, +40 Special Defense | Huge Power | N/A | +12 Kg)

If you thought everything before this was bad, you've arrived at the final boss. Mawilite donates standout defensive stat boosts of +40 and a nice +20 to Attack, which it then doubles because Huge Power is this item's ability. If you can read this I'm sure you can do the math that putting a 2x in front of high stats is really good for getting outlandish numbers. Huge Power will forever cement Mawilite's place on the banned list.

Medichamite (+40 Attack, +10 Defense, + 20 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Pure Power | N/A | N/A)

And if you thought Mawilite was the final boss, Medichamite is that boss who came back again but with a full health bar and you aren't allowed a moment to heal. +40 Attack and +20 Speed on top of Pure Power? Forget about it. Medichamite doesn't even know what a suspect test is, it's in the lowest depths of Tartarus and cut up into 10,000 pieces as far as the Mix and Mega council is concerned.

Pidgeotite (+5 Defense, +65 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +20 Speed | No Guard | N/A | +11 Kg)

Pidgeotite is the most recent addition to the banned item's list, being banned via suspect test in July of 2023 with an 85% supermajority. +65 Special Attack and +20 Speed are fantastic boosts for any special attacker, but Pidgeotite's biggest sin is allowing access to No Guard. So many high base power attacks are balanced by their lack of consistent accuracy, so with Pidgeotite bypassing that flaw completely it opened up a can of worms rivaled only by Pandora's box. Pokemon like Magearna and Sandy Shocks freely shot off 100% accurate Zap Cannons regularly. Focus Blast, Thunder, Hurricane, Blizzard, Inferno, Magma Storm or even Dynamic Punch were too easily abused through Pidgeotite. The council is not considering reintroducing it to the meta at this time.

Rusted Sword (+30 Attack, +10 Speed | Intrepid Sword | +
| +245 kg)

Not soon after Mix and Mega went through the change to incorporate all transformation items instead of solely Mega Stones, Rusted Sword wound up on the banned list. Of course it was at this time that Terastallization was still legal in Mix and Mega before it too was banned via suspect test. A free Steel-typing alongside good stat boosts of +30 Attack and +10 Speed, Rusted Sword puts Rusted Shield to shame due in part that a one time boost to Attack is far more valuable than a one time boost in Defense. Shocker that positive Speed boosting item outclasses negative Speed boosting item. As it stands currently the council still considers Rusted Sword strong enough to remain banned, but could be deserving of a reintroduction suspect test at some point.
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vr noms ig

B->A- (Add Lopunnite and Diancite)
ok now why is this in B lol. Iron-Valiant is a crazy mon, its stabs and coverage allows it to threaten more or less every defensive mon of the tier (corv with tbolt, garg with focus blast/cc, bliss with focus blast/cc, amph scream tail with moonblast, non gyaradosite clodsire with psychic, iron moth with psychic, slowbro with moonblast, hippowdon with focus blast, Gastrodon with CC, Skeledirge with thunderbolt/psychic with rocks chip), not to mention its a great revenge killer capable of murdering many threats. It seems Lopunnite and Diancite aren't even listed, but they should. Lopunnite trades a bit of raw power for the better speed tier [most notably Diancite Gholdengo and Iron Bundle(Luc outspeeds, but Pidge speedties)], but at the same time also gives it an ability to hit Gholdengo, which is pretty big. Diancite is very threatening, and gives it an amazing speed tier (most notably you get the jump on Pidgeotite Dragapult), and you don't have to burn your Pidgeotite/Lucarionite spot. Tl;dr crazy breaker and revenge killer, very hard to switch into (especially if the opposing player is smart with predictions), deserves a rise to at least A-. A replay.
UR->B (Pidgeotite, Diancite)
Whilst I think Greninja is comparatively worse than Iron-Bundle (Its easier to switch into with mons like Audinite Slowking and Corviknight existing and is also vulnerable to PixiSpeed), I don't think it deserves UR. Its offensive typing is pretty good for MnM (gives it the ability to break defensive mons like Skeledirge, Clodsire, Hippowdon, Garganacl, Slowbro, etc), and unlike Iron-Bundle, it doesn't have to fear being choice locked (which allows it to tackle or pivot out of bad mu in an easier manner), and has more reliable STABs and coverage (Pidge Hydro Pump 100% vs Tera Specs 80% acc). Diancite is an option if you want a pivot speed control mon without burning your Pidgeotite slot.
A-->A+ (Suspect, in fact)
Garganacl has become a pain. It's annoyingly bulky to kill, and most of its checks (Iron-Valiant, Gholdengo, etc) are not consistent enough and usually can't beat it longterm (Salt Cure cripples every switch-in). The problem is the IDef/Curse Salt Cure set, and once it gets a boost or two, it becomes almost invincible. Unfortunately, you can't even afford to run Covert Cloak in MnM (over Mega Stones), so the situation becomes even worse.
What does Barraskewda even do??? Its typing is almost horrible, and it lost Flip Turn. I see no reason to run it over other breakers.
B-->B+ (Add Altarianite)
Quaquaval @ Altarianite
Ability: Moxie
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
IVs: 0 SpA
- Bulk Up
- Roost
- Aqua Step
- Facade / Last Resort
I credit Kman343 for this set. It's a beast LOL- and absolutely wrecks unprepared teams. Can BU on the face of a lot of mons, then Aqua Step into Facade/Last Resort-->gg. Here's a replay.
A-->B+ / B
What does Iron Hands even do to warrant A-? I mean sure it has a tremendous amount of Attack, but that's it. It's slow, even for a breaker, not to mention it's vulnerable to PixiSpeed. I don't see why it's ranked higher than Iron Valiant.
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Mix and Mega Role compendium:
Format Shamelessly stolen from OU.

1. Utility:

Entry Hazards:

:Clodsire: :Deoxys-speed: :gliscor: :magearna: :Sandy-shocks: :skarmory:

Spikes (Mold Breaker): :clodsire: :magearna: :skarmory: :samurott-hisui: (Ceaseless Edge)

Stealth Rock: :annihilape: :arcanine-hisui: :arceus:(Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, Ground, Poison, Water) :Archaludon: :clodsire: :Excadrill: :garchomp: :garganacl: :gliscor: :great-tusk: :heatran: :Landorus: :landorus-therian: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :sandy-shocks: :skarmory: :scream-tail:
Stealth Rock (Mold Breaker): :Clodsire: :Excadrill: :Great-tusk: :heatran: :scream-tail: :skarmory:

Toxic Spikes: :Clodsire: :gliscor: :iron-moth: :slowking-galar: :Toxapex:

Toxic Spikes (Mold Breaker): :Clodsire: :toxapex:

Hazard Control:

Court Change:

Defog: :corviknight: :giratina: :mandibuzz::noivern:

Magic Bounce (Absolite, Diancite, Sablenite): :alomomola::annihilape: :azelf::blissey: :Corviknight: :cresselia: :darkrai: :hippowdon: :iron-moth::iron-valiant: :magearna: :Milotic: :moltres: :Pecharunt: :slowbro: :slowking::slowking-galar::toxapex::walking-wake:

Rapid Spin: :avalugg: :excadrill: :great-tusk: :iron-treads: :regieleki:


Healing Wish / Lunar Dance:
:Alomomola::arceus: :Blissey: :cresselia::Indeedee:

Wish: :Alomomola::Scream-tail:

Screen Setters: :arceus::deoxys-speed: :regieleki:


:annihilape: :dragonite: :magearna: :samurott-hisui: :scream-tail: :skeledirge:

Taunt: :annihilape::arceus: :deoxys-speed: :great-tusk: :gliscor: :heatran: :Landorus: :Landorus-therian: :roaring-moon: :samurott-hisui: :skarmory: :spectrier: :urshifu-rapid-strike:

2. Offensive Roles


:annihilape: :arcanine-hisui: :Arceus: (Ekiller, Ground DD) :Basculegion::barraskewda::baxcalibur: :Calyrex-ice: :Ceruledge: :Chien-pao: :Dragonite: :excadrill::garchomp: :gouging-fire: :great-tusk::groudon: :ho-oh: :iron-boulder: :iron-valiant::kingambit::landorus-therian: :Lugia: :Hoopa-unbound: :kyurem: :magearna: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :roaring-moon: :samurott-hisui: :solgaleo: :ursaluna: :urshifu-rapid-strike: :weavile: :zamazenta::Zapdos-galar:

Special: :arceus: (Fairy, Poison, Water, Ghost, Ground) :archaludon: :azelf: :darkrai: :deoxys-speed: :eternatus: :hoopa-unbound: :landorus: :lugia: :lunala: :Iron-crown: :iron-moth::iron-valiant: :iron-treads: :kyurem: :magearna: :pecharunt: :raging-bolt: :raikou: :sandy-shocks: :scream-tail: :solgaleo: :spectrier::thundurus::thundurus-therian: :volcarona::walking-wake: :zapdos:

Mixed: :darkrai::dragonite: :hoopa-unbound: :kyurem: :landorus: :lugia: :regieleki:

Setup Sweepers:

Bulk Up:
:annihilape::Arceus: :ceruledge: :corviknight: :great-tusk::groudon: :ursaluna: :Urshifu-rapid-strike: :zapdos-galar:

Calm Mind: :arceus: (Fairy, Ghost, Ground, Poison, Water) :blissey::cresselia::landorus: :lugia: :lunala: :iron-crown: :iron-valiant::magearna::raging-bolt: :scream-tail: :slowbro: :slowking-galar: :slowking: :spectrier:

Dragon Dance: :arceus-ground: :baxcalibur::dragonite: :gouging-fire: :kyurem: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :roaring-moon:

Howl: :arcanine-hisui: :zamazenta:

Iron Defense: :arceus-ghost: :corviknight: :garganacl: :skarmory: :zamazenta:

Nasty Plot: :darkrai: :deoxys-speed: :landorus: :pecharunt: :spectrier: :thundurus: :thundurus-therian:

Shift Gear: :Magearna: :revavroom:

Swords Dance: :arceus: :baxcalibur::calyrex-ice: :ceruledge: :chien-pao: :excadrill: :garchomp::groudon::iron-boulder::iron-valiant::kingambit::landorus-therian: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :samurott-hisui: :Ursaluna: :urshifu-rapid-strike: :weavile:

Quiver Dance: :volcarona:


Aqua Jet:
:barraskewda: :Basculegion: :Samurott-hisui:

Extreme Speed: :arcanine-hisui: :dragonite: :lucario::regieleki:

Ice Shard: :baxcalibur::chien-pao: :weavile:

Prankster: :banettite: (Banettite) :pecharunt: :Toxapex:

Shadow Sneak: :ceruledge:

Sucker Punch / Thunderclap: :chien-pao: :Darkrai: :Kingambit::raging-bolt: :samurott-hisui:

3. Defensive Roles:


Physically Defensive:
:alomomola::arceus: (Fairy, Ghost, Ground, Poison, Water) :archaludon::avalugg: :Corviknight::cresselia: :garganacl: :giratina::gliscor: :gouging-fire: :great-tusk: :groudon: :hippowdon::landorus-therian: :lunala: :mandibuzz: :moltres::necrozma-dusk-mane: :pecharunt: :scream-tail: :skarmory: :skeledirge::slowbro: :solgaleo: :toxapex: :zamazenta::zapdos:

Specially Defensive: :arceus: (Dragon, Ground):blissey: :clodsire: :corviknight: :cresselia::eternatus: :garganacl: :giratina: :ho-oh: :lugia::lunala: :roaring-moon: :scream-tail: :slowking-galar: :slowking: :solgaleo:

Mixed: :alomomola::arceus: (Ground, Normal):clodsire::cresselia: :Corviknight: :eternatus: :giratina: :hippowdon::heatran: :ho-oh: :lugia: :lunala: :mandibuzz: :milotic: :scream-tail::skeledirge::slowking-galar::solgaleo: :toxapex:


:arcanine-hisui: :arceus: :calyrex-ice: :ceruledge: :dragonite: :eternatus: :excadrill: :gouging-fire: :great-tusk: :ho-oh: :iron-boulder: :iron-crown: :iron-moth: :iron-treads: :kingambit: :landorus: :lunala: :raging-bolt: :raikou: :regieleki: :samurott-hisui: :solgaleo: :ursaluna: :walking-wake: :zapdos: :zapdos-galar:

Defensive: :alomomola: :arceus-fairy: :arceus-ghost: :arceus-ground: :arceus-poison: :arceus-water: :blissey: :clodsire: :corviknight: :eternatus: :garganacl: :gliscor: :hippowdon: :ho-oh: :lugia: :lunala: :magearna: :mandibuzz: :milotic::necrozma-dusk-mane: :pecharunt: :scream-tail: :skarmory: :skeledirge: :slowbro: :Slowking: :slowking-galar: :solgaleo: :toxapex:

Flip Turn: :alomomola::basculegion: :barraskewda: :milotic: :samurott-hisui: :walking-wake:

Parting Shot: :pecharunt: :revavroom:

Teleport: :deoxys-speed: :lunala: :solgaleo:

U-Turn: :annihilape: :cinderace::corviknight::gliscor: :landorus: :landorus-therian::iron-moth: :mandibuzz::moltres: :roaring-moon::thundurus: :thundurus-therian::urshifu-rapid-strike: :volcarona::zapdos: :zapdos-galar:

Volt Switch: :iron-crown: :iron-treads: :magearna: :raging-bolt: :raikou: :regieleki: :sandy-shocks: :thundurus: :thundurus-therian: :zapdos:
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Transformation Item Guide

1. Offensive items:

Physical Attack boosting:

:aerodactylite: Aerodactylite (+30 Attack, +20 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Tough Claws | N/A | +20 Kg)

The first of three Tough Claws Mega Stones, Aerodactylite is a balanced offensive stone that has plenty of uses. Aerodactylite offers +30 Attack and +20 Speed in addition to solid defensive boosts. It faces direct competition from its speedier Tough Claws brother Metagrossite, but trades in the extra Speed directly into Attack, making it more suitable on Pokemon that prefer the extra wallbreaking powers to Speed. True users of Aerodactylite like Ursaluna and Zamazenta are less concerned with their speed tier and more concerned with putting holes in the opposing team. Pokemon like Gouging Fire and Solgaleo use the stone to great effect, but hesitate between the power and the extra speed offered by Metagrossite. This hesitation is more palpable on frail Pokemon such as Urshifu and Zapdos-Galar which really appreciate maximum Speed, but will begrudgingly run Aerodactylite due to stone constraints, team construction or personal desire to do as much damage as possible.

Heracronite (+60 Attack, +40 Defense, +10 Special Defense, -10 Speed | Skill Link | N/A | +8.5 Kg)

Heracronite is a nice offensive option on Pokemon looking to make use of Skill Link and large Attack and Defensive stat boosts. It's unfortunate that moves like Bone Rush and Rock Blast have limited distribution, otherwise Heracronite might be considered one of the strongest Mega Stones within the Mix and Mega tier. 5 hit Scale Shot is a serious weapon that can be employed by practically any Dragon-type, who coincidentally will all enjoy the beefy Defense stat boost to help take any Altarianite or Glalitite Espeed that is amok in Mix and Mega. Pokemon like Gouging Fire and Garchomp offer strong boosting moves and good secondary STAB coverage to increase to potency of these sets. Baxcalibur and Kyurem can also take advantage of STAB Icicle spear and become really threatening with Chilly Reception support further increasing their already staggering physical Defense. As it stands Heracronite is a good Mega Stone that deserves recognition, but isn't one of the most common transformation items.

:lopunnite: Lopunnite (+60 Attack, +10 Defense, +30 Speed | Scrappy | +
| -5 Kg)

Lopunnite is one of the strongest offensive stones for the tier's physical attackers . Really concentrated stat boosts of +60 Attack and +30 Speed alongside a granted Fighting and Scrappy keeps all Ghost-types in the tier on their toes. Great Tusk appreciates unblockable Fighting STAB and Rapid Spin for reliable Speed Boosts and hazard removal. Barraskewda and Iron Boulder appreciate the secondary Fighting STAB to boost Close Combat and can use Flip Turn and SD respectively to break down teams due in part to their terrific speed tiers. Other Fighting Pokemon who wish bypass bulky Ghost-types like Zamazenta can opt for Lopunnite to more freely spam Iron Defense boosted Body Press. Overall Lopunnite gives plenty of Ghost-types in the tier serious concern and offers another strong tool that can be utilized on offensive and bulky teams alike.

:pinsirite: Pinsirite (+30 Attack, +20 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Aerilate | +
| +4 Kg)

Pinsirite is a metagame staple in Mix and Mega, providing the tier with a plethora of strong Flying-type attackers. Donating Aerilate alongside the matching Flying-type, Pinsirite provides a fine balanced stat boost profile, skewing slightly to the physical side. Plenty of Extreme Speed users can opt for Pinsirite, providing the tier with strong revenge killing options like Hisuian Arcanine, Dragonite and Regieleki. Great Tusk becomes perhaps the premier spinner in the tier due it's strength, bulk and strong STAB combo of Body Slam and EQ / Headlong Rush. Pokemon such as Magearna or Revavroom can use Pinsirite to facilitate a Shift Gear set which utilizes Body Slam paralysis combined with Iron Head to paraflinch through would be checks or counters, with Magearna offering the possibility of going mixed as well as providing Pain Split and Revavroom threatening a powerful Self-Destruct. Garganacl can use Salt Cure and the threat of a nuclear Aerilate Explosion to find opportunities set up Stealth Rock and fish for Body Slam paralysis. All in all, Pinsirite is a strong tool that any Mix and Mega player can use to mold plenty of Pokemon to fit a desired role.

Scizorite (+20 Attack, +40 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +10 Speed | Technician | N/A | +7 Kg)

Scizorite has a solid niche in the meta by way of providing any Pokemon access to Technician, a strong damage amplification ability. A balanced stat boost distribution including a standout +40 Defense boost gives Scizorite abuser some staying power to setup and threaten a sweep. Weavile is a common user that can now boasts 135 base Speed, a criminally strong Beat Up and a Technician boosted STAB Ice Shard. Surprisingly enough, Scizorite Weavile is also able to take a Altarianite Regieleki Extremespeed from full HP under the snow and offers a better then coin flip odds to OHKO back with a Swords Dance boosted +2 Ice Shard. Other users aren't very prominent in the current meta, but Technician being able to boost the power of a variety of priority and multi-hit attacks make Scizorite an interesting Mega Stone to think about in team construction.

Sharpedonite (+20 Attack, +30 Defense, +15 Special Attack, +25 Special Defense, +10 Speed | Strong Jaw | N/A | +41.5 Kg)

Sharpedonite is a similar boat as Scizorite, offering a powerful damage amplification ability and a balanced stat boost distribution to give it a solid niche. Unfortunately there isn't a long list of suitable Pokemon that have access to a plethora of biting moves (thankfully Mix and Mega lacks a Fishious Rend abuser). Roaring Moon is the resident user offering a base 120 STAB Crunch or Jaw Lock and effective coverage in Fire / Thunder Fang. Roost, U-Turn, Taunt and great all around stats make it an effective pivot and stallbreaker. A Pokemon like Solgaleo that carries a STAB Psychic Fangs and fine coverage in Crunch might entice a selection, but typically the Tough Claws stones offer a more powerful third or fourth coverage option that is more appealing. Overall Sharpedonite is limited by the distribution of the biting moves category more than any other factor, as it is a solid stone when utilized effectively.

Special Attack boosting:

:cameruptite: Cameruptite (+20 Attack, +30 Defense, +40 Special Attack, +30 Special Defense, -20 Speed | Sheer Force | N/A | +100.5 Kg)

Cameruptite is powerful stone balanced out by a unfortunate -20 hinderance to the Speed stat. Plenty of special attackers value Sheer Force along a +40 Special Attack boost and +30 to both defenses enough to justify considerable use. Pokemon like Kyurem and Solgaleo use powerful Sheer Force boosted STAB moves like Ice Beam and Flash Cannon / Psychic combined with good coverage in Earth Power or Flamethrower / Thunderbolt respectively. These two can also bypass the Speed tradeoff by using moves like Scale Shot and Agility to quickly boost their Speed tier. Deoxys-Speed is less concerned with losing Speed due to it's already incredible proficiency in that category and can become a fearsome attacker able to boost further with access to Calm Mind, Nasty Plot and Recover. Slower Pokemon such as Blissey and Slowking-Galar don't mind losing the speed and really appreciate the bulk and power as well as Sheer Force boosting their otherwise unimpressive attacks.

:gardevoirite: Gardevoirite (+20 Attack, +40 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Pixilate | N/A | N/A)

Gardevoirite is an often underutilized item, being almost completely outshined by an upcoming item on this guide, Altarianite. Gardevoirite does have some meta uses nonetheless, as it still offers solid stat boosts for a special attacker alongside Pixilate. Fairy Pokemon wanting to utilize Pixilate will typically choose Gardevoirite to open up teammates to use Altarianite, or simply to acquire a solid +20 Speed boost. Scream Tail is a common user that likes the Speed and power combination of +40 Special Attack and Pixilate boosted Boomburst. These sets can run WishTect and Calm Mind to act as a solid special attacker or can run coverage and utility moves like Encore or Flamethrower. The tier tends to turn towards Altarianite to provide some of the strongest Fairy-types, and lack of Gardevoirite abusers primarily keep it in the shadow of the other Pixilate granting stone, but it still carries a decent niche worth considering for Mix and Mega players.

:manectite: Manectite (+20 Defense, +30 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +30 Speed | Intimidate | N/A | +3.8 Kg)

Manectite is perhaps the most balanced Mega Stone available in the tier. Offering solid boosts for any special attacker, granting Intimidate and the +30 Speed tier really make Manectite an appealing option for many different Pokemon, especially pivots. Manectite Iron Treads is a fast offensive ground that can set Stealth Rock on Regieleki, one of the tiers most common spinners, and also happens to carry its own Rapid Spin. Magearna and Iron Moth frequently run the item to boost into more appealing speed tiers to better enact their roles as offensive pivots. Slowbro considers this stone as well, a fine option to Intimidate a threat when Regenerator and bulk alone no longer cut it. Due to stone overlap, it's easy to consider plenty of Pokemon to run Manectite as a secondary option in a pinch, such as Sandy Shocks, Spectrier, Walking Wake or Zapdos. Intimidate is a great tool on any team to help limit the tier's strong physical attackers, so expect Manectite to see consistent use for the rest of SV Mix and Mega.

Mixed offensive boosting:

:altarianite: Altarianite (+40 Attack, +20 Defense, +40 Special Attack | Pixilate | +
| N/A)

Finding out which of your opponents Pokemon is the Altarianite is kind of like finding out who was the culprit in an old movie. Oh my word it was the Dragonite butler?! I never would've guessed... Anyway Altarianite is the most common item in the tier and probably the most effective on a game-to-game basis. Giving arguably the best type in the game and delivering that type's strongest offensive ability combined with great buffs of +40 to Attack and Special Attack and a +20 Defense boost to boot? Arcanine-H, Dragonite and Regieleki dominate the tier with their Pixilate-boosted Extreme Speed. No other tier has such an omnipresence of powerful revenge killing options quite like Mix and Mega, thanks in part to the dominance of Altarianite. Although it can be hard to justify other uses, there are plenty of applications for Altarianite, making it a useful tool to throw around on Pokemon with access to the game's strong Normal-type moves.

:blue-orb: Blue Orb (+50 Attack, +30 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense | Primordial Sea | N/A | +78 Kg)

Just as Primal Groudon outshines Primal Kyogre, so too does the Blue Orb bow in terms of power to it's counterpart. Nonetheless, Primordial Sea is a strong ability and a +50 boost to Attack is hard to ignore, so don't take it too lightly. +30 Special Attack and a welcome Special Defense boost help propel its mixed attacking potential. Flying-types like Lugia and Zapdos can use the permanent rain to fire off accurate Hurricanes and Thunders and also have the option to hit on the Physical side with STAB Brave Birds. Barraskewda and Urshifu can use the stone to maximize the strength of their water attacks. Blue Orb also offers an avenue for Archaludon to fire off Electro Shot without a charge turn, though make sure to scout for opposing Red Orb before mindlessly clicking it as taking a sun boosted Weather Ball is none too fun.

Glalitite (+40 Attack, +40 Special Attack, +20 Speed | Refrigerate | N/A | +93.7 Kg)

Glalitite is an interesting option allowing any Pokemon access to Refrigerate boosted Ice-type coverage attacks. Mirrored +40 stat boosts to the offenses and the standard +20 speed makes Glalitite straightforward and easy to remember. Regieleki can run this as an alternative to the items yielding type additions alongside their Normal-type move altering -ate ability, utilizing that good 'ole BoltBeam coverage to a great degree. Excadrill appreciates getting up Mold Breaker Stealth Rock before Mega Evolving and then punishing Pinsirite Great Tusk trying to switch in to get off a Rapid Spin with its own x4 Super-effective spin. Finding uses for the plethora of strong Normal-type moves is easy and Ice-type coverage is generally useful so Glalitite has a comfortable place in the metagame and remains a threat that any Mix and Mega battler should consider during games or while building.

:lucarionite: Lucarionite (+35 Attack, +18 Defense, +25 Special Attack, +22 Speed | Adaptability | N/A | +3.5 Kg)

Any unrestricted Pokemon in Mix and Mega can get access to Adaptability thanks to the trusty Lucarionite. A strong offensive option for either Physical or Special Attackers due to quality offensive stat boosts, including a clutch +22 Speed tier which let's it outclass the multitude of transformation items that offer a meager +20 Speed. Many Pokemon with strong inherent STAB moves can rock with Lucarionite including but not limited to: Gouging Fire, Iron Treads, Kingambit, Raging Bolt, Urshifu, Walking Wake and Zapdos. Lucarionite is an essential item in the toolbox of the Mix and Mega metagame that any experienced player should consider at all times.

:red-orb: Red Orb (+30 Attack, +20 Defense, +50 Special Attack | Desolate Land | +
| +49.7 Kg)

Red Orb is one of the more controversial items in Mix and Mega and has found a plethora of new abusers due to the Weather Ball move tutor introduced in the recent DLC. Granting +50 Special Attack, a Fire typing and Desolate Land which functions as both a Water immunity and permanent sun boost to STAB Fire attacks, Red Orb has come under fire as of late with many player calling for it to be suspect tested or banned. This item and the abusers of it have to be accounted for in the builder or else it'll be your funeral and your coffin will be on fire and the cemetary will burn down. A plethora of Electric-types such as both Thundurus formes, Raikou and Raging Bolt can threaten a strong Weather Ball to Volt Switch on many of the Water or Dragon-types in the tier. Landorus and Lugia offer tools such as strong Ground STAB, Nasty Plot and U-Turn or Calm Mind, egregious bulk and reliable recovery. The Mix and Mega council is going to be keeping a close eye on Red Orb for the foreseeable future.

Speed Boosting:

:absolite:Absolite (+20 Attack, +40 Special Attack, +40 Speed | Magic Bounce | N/A | +2 Kg)

Absolite is a generic, simple item and finds its way onto lots of teams due to its usefulness. Going fast and bouncing status moves back at your opponent while doing it will always be good. It has a significant niche over sister stone Diancite by virtue of not lowering both of your defenses by a significant margin. Due to it's free elevated Speed, it's an item that fits many Pokemon in theory, though the most common users are Darkrai, Iron Moth and Walking Wake. +40 Speed is only rivaled by Metagrossite as far as non-Diancite items go, making Absolite a great choice for any Special Attacker that truly values their Speed.

:diancite: Diancite (+60 Attack, -40 Defense, +60 Special Attack, -40 Special Defense, +60 Speed | Magic Bounce | N/A | +19 Kg)

Absolite's sister stone on crack, Diancite offers the biggest change in base stats for any item allowed in Mix and Mega. Incredible offensive donations of +60 to both offenses, the Speed boost is the largest of any transformational item (besides Beedrillite). Offset by -40 to both defenses, Diancite is a great tool for glass cannons, an essential stone for any who consider themselves an opportunistic battler. Pokemon like Darkrai, Lugia and Hoopa-U offer great mixed wallbreaking power due to a combination of strong stats and fantastic movepools. Diancite also makes for a great surprise item for many Pokemon, allowing otherwise slow Pokemon to drastically raise their speed tier and hit the opponent hard. Some Pokemon such as Indeedee-M, Iron Treads, Magearna or Magnezone can preserve their mega for the right moment, using the stat boost to leapfrog speed tiers and land surprise OHKOes on would be problematic Pokemon.

:metagrossite: Metagrossite (+10 Attack, +20 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +40 Speed | Tough Claws | N/A | +392.9 Kg)

Metagrossite is one of the most effective items in the Mix and Mega metagame. The go-to stone for a physical attacker hungry for a better Speed tier, Metagrossite also offers comfortable defense boosts and a tolerable +10 to both offenses. Don't underestimate Metagrossite due to its measly Physical Attack stat boost however, as the 1.33x boost to contact moves provided by Tough Claws does the heavy lifting. Gouging Fire, Solgaleo, Urshifu and Zapdos-Galar are faster than a Eternatus and boast breaking power to take advantage. Great Tusk and Hisuian Samurott become faster then a max speed Timid Arceus and can become difference makers in the hazard game. Another astounding Metagrossite feat would be Iron Boulder being able to outpace a max Speed Timid Cameruptite Deoxys-Speed. Being fast has always been one of the most important aspects of offensive Pokemon, so it's no wonder that the viability rankings are littered with this stone.

:swampertite: Swampertite (+40 Attack, +20 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +10 Speed | Swift Swim | N/A | +20.1 Kg)

Offering Swift Swim alongside a +40 Attack, +10 Special Attack and +10 Speed gives Swampertite a strong niche as one of the best Speed boosting stones, albeit requiring Drizzle or Rain Dance support. In a tier dominated by Red Orb it is hard to justify using a Pelipper and any manual setter is equally questionable, so Swampertite is likely to remain underutilized in the mean time. Pokemon that threaten Red Orb switchs such as Ursaluna and Volcanion perhaps have a niche, although Archaludon Basculegion, and Basculegion-F would be more ideal abusers in a meta friendlier to rain strategies.

2. Defensive items:

Physical Defense boosting:

Aggronite (+30 Attack, +50 Defense, +20 Special Defense | Filter | - Secondary typing | +35 Kg)

Aggronite is a strange mixed bag of a defensive item. The aspect that sets it apart is that it's the only item that removes the secondary typing, allowing a Pokemon to become it's a monotype of its primary typing. Filter is an interesting combination with this premise, and serves better on types with more weaknesses such as Rock or Grass. It's a bit counterproductive as these types aren't typically strong defensive options, but a +50 Defense and +20 Special Defense can give many different Pokemon a reason to run Aggronite. Garganacl, Mandibuzz, Slowking-Galar and Zamazenta are the most common users in the current meta, though options like Amoonguss and Hisuian Goodra could see extended use in UU Mix and Mega.

:rusted-shield: Rusted Shield (+25 Defense, +25 Special Defense, -10 Speed | Dauntless Shield | +
| +167 KG)

Rusted Shield is one of the few transformational items that can hold it's own against a Mega Stone. Dauntless Shield's one time only boost is unfortunate, but even so +25 in both defenses and a free Steel secondary typing is nothing to scoff at. In previous metas, Cresselia has run a CM Stored Power set to benefit from the initial Dauntless Shield boost. Due to the abundance of Red Orb in the current meta, Rusted Shield hasn't seen much use. A potential Terastallize clause suspect in the future could increase it's viability, turning Volcarona and a handful of Dragon-types into very serious threats.

:salamencite: Salamencite (+10 Attack, +50 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Aerilate | N/A | +10 Kg)

Salamencite is in a similar position to Gardevoirite, outshadowed by another -Ate granting stone that also bestows the desired typing associated with the respective ability (Pinsirite and Altarianite, respectively). Nonetheless, a +50 Defense boost and Aerilate to reduce passivity gives Salamencite fair uses on Flying-types such as Corviknight or Landorus-Therian who look to paralyze opponents with STAB Body Slam. A Pokemon such as Noivern can also utilize Salamencite's defensive and speed boosts to Defog more efficiently, sporting Aerilate Boombursts to help keep it from being too passive. Dragonite can also utilize this stone to open up teammates to run Altarianite and/or Pinsirite.

:slowbronite: Slowbronite (+70 Defense, +30 Special Attack | Shell Armor | N/A | +31.5 Kg)

Boasting the strongest single defensive stat boost for any transformational item with a +70 Defense boon, Slowbronite is a great way to offer plenty of physical bulk when needed. The +30 Special Attack isn't to be skipped over either, very welcome for most Pokemon that will want the defensive upgrade. Shell Armor is also a useful defensive ability, ensuring your opponent can't land a critical hit to cheat through any stat boosts. It also weakens auto critical hit moves such as Surging Strikes and Wicked Blow, making it an option on Pokemon packing a resistance to fighting to become a spontaneous Urshifu answer. Blissey is also a common user, patching up its usually porous Defense to a respectable base 80 which stands tall when combined with its gargantuan 255 base HP. A Magearna can also become an incredibly scary sweeper on screens teams by using Iron Defense and Calm Mind to quickly boost up the power of Stored Power without fear of getting hit by a critical hit.

Venusaurite (+18 Attack, +40 Defense, +22 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense | Thick Fat | N/A | +55.5 Kg)

Venusaurite is a pretty balanced item that can help patch up a Fire or Ice-type match-up. +40 Defense and +20 Special Defense are good additions to any Pokemon, and they come alongside servicable offensive boosts. Thick Fat and the Defense boost complement quite nice to shore up versus the many strong Fire and Ice-types in the tier. Pokemon like Corviknight become great checks to the tier's offensive Ice-types like Baxcalibur, Calyrex-Ice, Kyurem and Weavile. Hippowdon and Roaring moon appreciate neutralizing their Ice weakness, and can act as better checks to Fire-types like Gouging Fire and Red Orb Raikou respectively. Solgaleo and Magearna can neutralize their Fire weakness, becoming premier checks to Eternatus, and better threaten a Calm Mind sweep.

Special Defense boosting:

Audinite (+40 Defense, +20 Special Attack, +40 Special Defense | Healer | +
| +1 Kg)

Audinite is a Mega Stone that's beautiful in it's simplicity. Bestowing the best defensive typing in the game alongside +40 to each defense is much appreciated, especially on the special side as physically defensive boosting items are much more common. Healer is unfortunately useless in singles, but that doesn't stop this stone from being a strong choice for defensive options. The Fairy-type addition makes it easy to slap on to Pokemon trying to better take Dark, Fighting or Dragon-type attacks. It makes sense that the twins Slowbro and Slowking as well as Alomomola and Skeledirge are some common defensive Pokemon that use this stone to turn a Dark weakness into a resistance. Audinite Spectrier has also seen use, giving it STAB on Draining Kiss to give it incredible offensive STAB coverage, making Calm Mind or Nasty Plot boosts that much scarier.

:Sablenite: Sablenite (+10 Attack, +50 Defense, +20 Special Attack, +50 Special Defense, -30 Speed | Magic Bounce | N/A | +150 Kg)

Sablenite is the premier defensive item in Mix and Mega. Granting +50 Defense and +50 Special Defense would warrant use on it's own, but when you factor in that Magic Bounce is the donated ability? Sablenite blows every other defensive stone out of the water. Modest Attack and Special Attack boosts round out the stone's incredible defensive profile. Practically anything with Recover can justify running Sablenite, as it becomes a solid entry hazard denier for any setter lacking access to Mold Breaker. The speed negative can also a benefit in certain cases where a slower pivot is preferred, such as Corviknight's U-Turn or Slowking's Chilly Reception. Many bulky attackers not overly concerned with their Speed tier can use Sablenite to better act as bulky setup sweepers, such as Lugia or Garganacl. It's not uncommon for bulky offense teams to run Sablenite as the only defensive item, as this stone has a firm hold at the top of the defensive food chain.

:tyranitarite: Tyranitarite (+30 Attack, +40 Defense, +20 Special Defense, +10 Speed | Sand Stream | N/A | +53 Kg)

Sand chipping the opponent, Rock-type Special Defense boost under Sand and strong stat boosts for a physical attacker gives Tyranitarite serious utility. Best on defensive pokemon like Garganacl who sport reliable recovery, theoretically any Rock-type can run this stone to benefit from the pseudo Assault Vest boost provided by the sand. Enabling any sand based abilities for teammates is hardly worth mentioning as a positive, as the scarcity of pivoting moves on Pokemon that benefit from Tyranitarite is headscratching. Abusing the 5 turns of sand it provides is hard enough as it on its own with the amount of weather overrides available in the tier. Overall a really strong option for any Rock-type, even on more offensive Pokemon such as Iron Boulder or Rhyperior.

3. Utility items:

:ampharosite: Ampharosite (+20 Attack, +20 Defense, +50 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, -10 Speed | Mold Breaker | +
| N/A)

Ampharosite is one of the 3 transformational items that bequeath the desirable Mold Breaker ability. Ampharosite offers a powerful +50 Special Attack boost and respectable +20 to both defensive stats and overwrites a Pokemon's secondary typing with Dragon. Ampharosite is a common item employed by Pokemon looking to set hazards, offering the largest offensive stat boost that is paired with Mold Breaker. SS MnM stars like Heatran and Skamory are still viable in SV, the former enjoying the large Special Attack boost and ability to taunt Sablenite Blissey while the latter can set Spikes on Sablenite Corviknight and throw out unblockable Whirlwinds. Blissey and Scream Tail can use Ampharosite for solid role compression, reducing their passivity via stronger attacks and unblockable Thunder Waves and being able to setup Stealth Rock and offer support such as Healing Wish from Blissey or unblockable Encore from Scream Tail. Great Tusk has also seen use to be able to Taunt Sablenite Corviknight to prevent it from Defogging away the Stealth Rock it sets, and also easing the matchup into Red Orb attackers by adding a Fire resist while threatening a STAB Earthquake.

:banettite: Banettite (+50 Attack, +10 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +10 Speed | Prankster | N/A | +0.5 Kg )

Offering Prankster will mean Banettite will always have a niche to do something with such a strong ability. Simple priority healing is strong on any Pokemon, though +10 Def and +20 SpDef aren't really making it stand out as a defensive stone, especially considering the abundance of Extreme Speed overshadowing priority status. +50 Attack helps reduce passivity though, making Banettite a fine choice on Pokemon like Pecharunt and Toxapex. Both of these Poison-types sport Recover and Toxic and sport useful tools such as Pecharunt's Parting Shot and Destiny Bond and Toxapex' access to Haze. Iron Valiant is a Pokemon struggling to find a solid niche but appreciates the Prankster Encore, Taunt and Destiny Bond as well as the Attack boost. Ceruledge and Mimikyu are other physical attackers that could appreciate the Attack boost as well as the threat of a Destiny Bond, though it can be hard to justify over other items. Copycat is another tool which can be seen on Blissey to copy Final Gambit, though not hitting Dark or Ghost-types make it very situational.

:gyaradosite: Gyaradosite (+30 Attack, +30 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +30 Special Defense | Mold Breaker | +
| +70 Kg)

Gyaradosite is another Mold Breaker option offering a more balanced defensive profile by offering +30 stat boost to each defensive stat. The Dark typing is a double-edged sword however as adding a weakness to Fairy, Fighting and U-Turn is balanced out by a coveted Ghost resist, a less useful Dark resist and practical immunities to Psychic moves and Prankster. Common Gyaradosite Pokemon in the past have been primarily Poison-types, such as in SS where Toxapex appreciated STAB on Knock Off and Mold Breaker Toxic / Toxic Spikes. As for the current generation Clodsire has seen a strong amount of usage as a hefty special wall that can hit Levitate Pokemon with Earthquake and set hazards that can't be bounced back. Pre-Mega abilities like Water Absorb and Unaware help Clodsire make use of a sudden Psychic immunity, though Mega Evolving straight away to layer up isn't a bad move either.

:hearthflame-mask: Hearthflame Mask (Mold Breaker | +
| 1.2x Boost to all moves)

Hearthflame Mask offers a 1.2x multiplier to attacks and gives a Pokemon Mold Breaker and Fire as their secondary typing. The lattermost condition of changing the secondary type is shared between the other Mold Breaker items, which is the reason Hearthflame Mask actually has a niche at all. Since both Dragon and Dark (donated by Ampharosite and Gyaradosite respectively) are weak to Fairy they can be very susceptible to Altarianite Regieleki's Rapid Spin. Hearthflame Mask in comparison grants the Fire typing, inherently benefitting a Pokemon's matchup against PixiSpin by giving it a Fairy resistance. Since the primary reason to run Mold Breaker in the first place is to be able to click entry hazards without fear of Magic Bounce, this descrepancy is enough to give Hearthflame Mask the smallest of niches. Deoxys-Speed and Great Tusk are Pokemon that have used the mask to accentuate their roles as hazard setters, providing Mold Breaker to let them Taunt the tier's Sablenite Defog users and Fire-type STAB to their Fire Punch and Fire Fang, respectively.

:latiasite: Latiasite (+20 Attack, +30 Defense, +30 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense | Levitate | N/A | +12 Kg)
:latiosite: Latiosite (+40 Attack, +20 Defense, +30 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense | Levitate | N/A | +10 Kg)

If Game Freak can get away with making the same design for two different Mega Pokemon, we can get away with putting the guide to those two Mega Pokemon's Mega Stones together. In seriousness, the Lati items see a lot of use due to the strength of Levitate to block Spikes damage and Ground-type attacks. Depending on what statistical benchmarks are more important to the Pokemon in question should help a Mix and Mega player decide which of the two stones to choose from. For example an Excadrill might prefer Latiosite on an SD set focused on getting a Rapid Spin Speed boost and sweeping. An Excadrill that wanted the bulk to take on Pokemon like Arceus-Ground, Dragonite or Regieleki comfortably would be more likely to choose Latiasite. Ceruledge, Gouging Fire, Magearna and Solgaleo are some other common Pokemon that appreciate the Ground immunity to setup boosts from Swords Dance, Dragon Dance or Calm Mind to threaten the opposing team. Slowking-Galar can hold Latiasite to abuse Regenerator and keep a Ground immunity around for a moment when neutralizing a threat like Calm Mind Arceus-Ground with a timely Toxic would be beneficial.

Sceptilite (+25 Attack, +10 Defense, +40 Special Attack, +25 Speed | Lightning Rod | +
| +3 Kg)

Sceptilite suffers from clear direction, but offers a decent set of donations. +20 Speed, +40 Special Attack along with the Lightning Rod ability is a strong start, but the rest of the profile leaves something to be desired. The Dragon typing addition is both a gift and a curse, while the physical boosts of +25 Attack and +10 Defense feel misplaced. A Mix and Mega player should always be on the lookout for Volt Switch denial and Sceptilite is the tier's only option outside of Ground-types and pre-Mega-Evolved Thundurus-Therian, but strong Volt Switch users like Regieleki can easily punish a Sceptilite pivot due to the added Dragon-typing procuring a weakness to Pixilate-boosted Fairy moves Altarianite supplies. Regular Slowking has seen a little use, allowing it to act as a counter to Red Orb Electric types, but Sceptilite's lack of a Special Defense boost is very noticeable. The Speed boost is detrimental in this case as well, making slow pivoting with Chilly Reception more challenging.

4. Little to no niche (Avoid using these):

Abomasite (+40 Attack, +30 Defense, +40 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, -30 Speed | Snow Warning | N/A | +49.5 Kg)

Abomasite is one of the many stones that gives as much as it takes. Held back by a hard-to-ignore -30 reduction to Speed, it has some great qualities that are simply unable to overcome this handicap: Ice-types really hate being slow. On the bright side, +30 Defense coupled with a magnificent 1.5x multiplier to Physical Defense in the snow make Abomasite Pokemon absolute tanks. That's not to mention the incredible mixed attacking potential with +40 to both Attack and Special Attack. However, a Heracronite's Skill Link boosted Icicle spear outshines any physical Ice coverage an Abomasite Pokemon would run and Cameruptite's Sheer Force Boosted Ice Beams are stronger then an Abomasite Blizzard. This stone simply doesn't pull it's weight enough to justify use, even for Aurora Veil. I suggest running Chilly Reception instead to support your Ice type attackers!

:alakazite: Alakazite (+20 Defense,+40 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +30 Speed | Trace | N/A | N/A)

Although Trace makes Alakazite interesting in theory, this stone struggles to find its ways onto teams. It faces competition from other items, primarily Absolite, which just beats it out in the Speed boost department. Hypothetically this stone could be useful in certain matchups by copying common Regenerator Pokemon such as Ho-Oh or Slowking-Galar, but Alakazite's offensively oriented profile doesn't currently support any Pokemon to fulfill this role very well. Perhaps different metagames can utilize Alakazite to it's fullest potential, because as it stands now there isn't really a reason to use it.

:Adamant-crystal: Adamant Crystal (-20 Attack, +20 Special Defense | Pressure | N/A | +167 Kg | 1.2x Boost to Steel- and Dragon-type moves)

Not justifiable over other stones, although the defensive boost and pressure is nice. A Pressure stall team might one day be able to justify the use of Adamanat Crystal, but for now there is simply too many defensive items that outclass it and by a sizeable margin. The type bonus boosts don't sway the needle enough for this item to ever really see the light of day. If this item made your Pokemon look like more of a horse, perhaps a Horse-themed team tour team could find a use for it, but otherwise leave Adamant Crystal at home.

:blastoisinite: Blastoisinite (+20 Attack, +20 Defense, +50 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense | Mega Launcher | N/A | +15.6 Kg)

I actually planned to put Blastoisinite in the Special Attack section of the guide, but barring a change to Mega Launcher or any Pulse related movepools, it really doesn't belong there in SV Mix and Mega. Suffering from the not uncommon Game Freak malpractice of giving special attackers more Attack than necessary as a balancing factor, Blastoisinite doesn't really have a niche over it's competition. Sure a +50 stat boost and a damage amplification ability might look appealing, but making use of Mega Launcher is exceedingly difficult. A lack of Speed boost and the Pulse category of moves being so distressingly empty sinks this ship. Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse and Dragon pulse share one familiar roadblock and even Archaludon would simply prefer a different option. If Origin Pulse were ever to get some distribution, this item would finally find its calling but for now we simply have to apologize to the genwunners and move on. Beware! Blastoisinite isn't the last of the OG starter trio final evolution Mega Stones in the do not use category.

:charizardite-x: Charizardite X (+46 Attack, +33 Defense, +21 Special Attack | Tough Claws | +
| +20 Kg)

Charizardite X is up next! As awesome as Charizard Mega X is, the stone that gets it there does it in a way that is underwhelming on paper. It's really hard to justify over Aerodactylite and Metagrossite given the Speed boosts from the former two and donating Dragon typing isn't really ideal when Altarianite is the highest stone in usage. Does grant more Special Attack then the previous 2 if your plan was to boost the power of Grass Knot or Draining Kiss though. Otherwise this stone lacks a real strength over its Tough Claws competition.

Charizardite Y (+20 Attack, +50 Special Attack, +30 Special Defense | Drought | N/A | +10 Kg)

Although this item is sitting in the do not use section, it's really to no fault of it's own. Charizardite Y would be much at home next to stones like Cameruptite, Gardevoirite or Manectite were it not for the existence of Red Orb. Although similar statistical boosts may make it seem close on paper, Red Orb has some factors that set it apart such as providing the desired Fire typing and the strength of Desolate Land compared to Drought. Providing an immunity to Water-type attacks as well as the weather override widens the gap between these abilities significantly. Still some players have sought to run Charizardite Y Walking Wake to boost Hydro Steam's base power. This is another trap inexperienced players may fall into, as Lucarionite provides a better Speed tier, stronger Dragon-type STAB and better damage output with Hydro Pump than Hydro Steam would receive from Drought. If a Red Orb suspect and ban were to occur, Charizardite Y would increase in viability as a strong option for Fire-types or Special attackers that appreciate the support Drought offers.

:cornerstone-mask: Cornerstone Mask ( Sturdy | +
| 1.2x Boost to all moves)

A funny option for Smeargle that can be used over Focus Sash (Trading dying to Sunsteel Strike for stronger Stone Axe). However, Smeargle's effectiveness in Mix and Mega is heavily neutered due to Sleep Moves clause and the abundance of Magic Bounce and strong priority. Nothing else can really justify this at the moment, though perhaps in a meta without Terastallize clause this Mask could see some use for a Rock damage amp and a Defense boost.

:galladite: Galladite (+40 Attack, +30 Defense, +30 Speed | Inner Focus | N/A | +4.4Kg)

The donations are intriguing but with Fake out and Manectite (Intimidate by extension) usage so low, Inner Focus isn't moving the needle in a positive direction. Mostly overshadowed by Lopunnite and the Tough Claws Mega Stones, Galladite is unfortunately suffering from a lowering power level then its competition. If Mix and Mega doubles or other OM mashups therein were to exist, Galladite might have a more resounding home, but in the current singles format Galladite is mostly forgotten.

:garchompite: Garchompite (+40 Attack, +20 Defense, +40 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, -10 Speed | Sand Force | N/A | N/A)

As long as the Primordial orbs are in this tier I will stand on the hill that this stone is unviable. Although the donations are the some of the best mixed offensive stat gifts, Sand Force being Sand Force and the loss of speed isn't doing Garchompite any favors. Support from Hippowdon, Tyranitar or a Tyranitarite Pokemon is maybe feasible, but hard to implement to a worth while reward. Best bet for Garchompite is using a Tyranitar that could appreciate boosted Rock STAB and Ground and Steel coverage for Fairy-types. I wouldn't do it on days that weren't April Fools though.

:griseous-core: Griseous Core (+20 Attack, -20 Defense, +20 Special Attack, -20 Special Defense | Levitate | N/A | -100 Kg | 1.2x Boost to Ghost- and Dragon-type moves)

The Sinnoh trilogy transformation items are not good and that won't stop here. As both Latiosite and Latiasite exist, this stone not only has to sit in the shadow of one Mega Stone but two! On the bright side, this poetically mirrors Giratina's own situation beautifully. From a competitive standpoint, if you ever needed a third Pokemon to gain Levitate you could probably decide to run Griseous Orb, provided you weren't already also using Pinsirite. Using Griseous Core over any of those options is mostly self-deprecating. At least Low Kick and Grass Knot will do less damage, as Griseous Core offers the greatest weight loss from a transformational item.

:houndoominite: Houndoominite (+40 Defense, +30 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Solar Power | N/A | +14.5 Kg)

With all the Red Orb running around maybe this has a niche somewhere. Groudon (and Charzardite Y) also gives you some setters. The Speed is nothing special and the HP loss in the sun does offset the huge Defense boost, leaving you weaker and more susceptible to priority anyway. Strong special attacks in the Sun might be reason enough to use it, though you might be the first. Making use of Solar Power seems both difficult to achieve in game and difficult to justify in the builder over options like Absolite or Manectite. For now Houndoominite will graciously accept its award for most fun Mega Stone to enunciate and remain in obscurity.

:lustrous-globe: Lustrous Globe (-20 Attack, +20 Speed | Pressure | N/A | +324 Kg | 1.2x Boost to Water- and Dragon-type moves)

The last of the Sinnoh devices, and it might actually be the strongest on paper. However, just like the others, the lack of a difference making ability as well as mediocre stat changes keep it from being useful. Even a Pokemon like Walking Wake would just prefer running Lucarionite. If you already had a team member using Lucarionite, go try out Absolite. If both are taken and you forget that Manectite exists too, maybe you justify this item over Charizardite Y or Alakazite, but at that point I suggest going outside and sitting in some soft green grass for a while.

:mewtwonite-x: Mewtwonite X (+80 Attack, +10 Defense, +10 Special Defense | Steadfast | +
| +5 Kg)

The first of the Mewtwo stones and the one that sees more usage. This is a farce, as outside of the shiny +80 Attack, this stone is completely outshined by the trio of Aerodactylite, Lopunnite and Lucarionite. Tough Claws and Adaptability outweigh the smaller raw stat boost and are not only stronger, but offer better all around stat boosts, while Lopunnite offers a better ability and much better speed tier. Many new MnM players have fallen into the trap of using this stone, hopefully less now that this guide is here.

:mewtwonite-y: Mewtwonite Y (+40 Attack, -20 Defense, +40 Special Attack, +30 Special Defense, +10 Speed | Insomnia | N/A | -89 Kg)

Sleep Moves are banned in Mix and Mega. A wise man once hypothesized that you could use this stone as a 1 time Chesto berry substitute when paired with Rest, that also happened to supply+40 stat boosts to both attacking stats as well as +30 Special Defense and +10 Speed. If only you didn't lose a moveslot, an ability and 20 Defense for it to work. Mewtwonite Y is mostly uninteresting and hasn't ever held a niche in a competitive format.

:steelixite: Steelixite (+40 Attack, +30 Defense, +30 Special Defense | Sand Force | N/A | +340 Kg

Steelixite is another sad Sand Force Mega Stone with no Speed boost and using it is less fun then this alliteration was. Honestly, this stone really suffers from a terminal case of being boring. Sure getting some solid defensive boosts is nice, and +40 Attack and a damage amp ability seems like it could effective. The truth is Sand Force is too hard to pull value from consistently and this is a flaw that it shares with the other Sand Force Mega Stone. This one is maybe better than Garchompite, so it has that going for it. We suggest leaving both of them on the shelf permanently.

:wellspring-mask: Wellspring Mask ( Water Absorb | +
| 1.2x Boost to all moves)

Water Absorb, Water-type donation and a free discount Life Orb isn't something worth writing home about. No stat donations really hold this item back, but that doesn't mean there aren't any uses for it. Its viability could be subject to skyrocket if either a Terastallize reintroduction suspect or a Red Orb ban were to occur. The former offering a strong Water-type attack boost and a Special Defense boost and the latter opening up Wellspring Mask's niche as the only Water immunity. For now though, Wellspring Mask belongs in this Category.

5. Banned items

Beedrillite (+60 Attack, -30 Special Attack, +70 Speed | Adaptability | N/A | 11 Kg)

Beedrillite's incredible offensive gifts would too overcentralizing for any meta that featured any physical attackers. It's remarkably simple how giving Adaptability, +60 Attack and +70 Speed could make even lower tier Pokemon too overbearing for an Ubers-based metagame like Mix and Mega. As an item that creates far too many problems that could be handled by a balanced competitive metagame, Beedrillite has enjoyed it's spot at the top of the banned list since the metagames inception and will stay there until the end of time.

Blazikenite (+40 Attack, +10 Defense, +20 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Speed Boost | N/A | N/A)

Offering Speed Boost and a good offensive profile of stat boosts, Blazikenite is a bit too dangerous to be let free. Speed Boost on it's own offers up too much value for so many of the tiers physical attackers. Imagining Pokemon like Ceruledge, Kingambit or Ursaluna clicking SD and getting up a Speed boost in a single turn is frightening. Special attackers like Iron Crown or Magearna could stockpile Iron Defense or Calm Mind boosts and threaten devastating Stored Powers. Blazikenite is incredibly strong and isn't likely to get unbanned easily, though a suspect test isn't outside the realm of possibility.

Gengarite (+20 Defense, +40 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Shadow Tag | N/A | N/A)

Gengarite's focused offensive stat donations and access to Shadow Tag will ensure it never sees the light of day in a stable and balanced metagame. Preventing switching is inherently uncompetitive and when any Pokemon could simply Mega Evolve and trap non Ghost-type opposing Pokemon, the metagame would devolve into who traps their opponent's key piece first. Nothing short of a complete removal of Shadow Tag as an ability would be able to free Gengarite.

Kangaskhanite (+30 Attack, +20 Defense, +20 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Parental Bond | N/A | +20 Kg)

Parental Bond and a balanced stat boost distribution push Kangaskhanite over the edge and then some. Moves like Seismic Toss and Night Shade suddenly become a nightmare to deal with, as they can 2HKO anything with less than 100 base HP. Fast Pokemon with access to these fixed damage moves or even simply flinching moves like Iron Head and Dark Pulse would skew the metagame in a manner that wouldn't be competitive or fun.

Mawilite (+20 Attack, +40 Defense, +40 Special Defense | Huge Power | N/A | +12 Kg)

If you thought everything before this was bad, you've arrived at the final boss. Mawilite donates standout defensive stat boosts of +40 and a nice +20 to Attack, which it then doubles because Huge Power is this item's ability. If you can read this I'm sure you can do the math that putting a 2x in front of high stats is really good for getting outlandish numbers. Huge Power will forever cement Mawilite's place on the banned list.

Medichamite (+40 Attack, +10 Defense, + 20 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +20 Speed | Pure Power | N/A | N/A)

And if you thought Mawilite was the final boss, Medichamite is that boss who came back again but with a full health bar and you aren't allowed a moment to heal. +40 Attack and +20 Speed on top of Pure Power? Forget about it. Medichamite doesn't even know what a suspect test is, it's in the lowest depths of Tartarus and cut up into 10,000 pieces as far as the Mix and Mega council is concerned.

Pidgeotite (+5 Defense, +65 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +20 Speed | No Guard | N/A | +11 Kg)

Pidgeotite is the most recent addition to the banned item's list, being banned via suspect test in July of 2023 with an 85% supermajority. +65 Special Attack and +20 Speed are fantastic boosts for any special attacker, but Pidgeotite's biggest sin is allowing access to No Guard. So many high base power attacks are balanced by their lack of consistent accuracy, so with Pidgeotite bypassing that flaw completely it opened up a can of worms rivaled only by Pandora's box. Pokemon like Magearna and Sandy Shocks freely shot off 100% accurate Zap Cannons regularly. Focus Blast, Thunder, Hurricane, Blizzard, Inferno, Magma Storm or even Dynamic Punch were too easily abused through Pidgeotite. The council is not considering reintroducing it to the meta at this time.

Rusted Sword (+30 Attack, +10 Speed | Intrepid Sword | +
| +245 kg)

Not soon after Mix and Mega went through the change to incorporate all transformation items instead of solely Mega Stones, Rusted Sword wound up on the banned list. Of course it was at this time that Terastallization was still legal in Mix and Mega before it too was banned via suspect test. A free Steel-typing alongside good stat boosts of +30 Attack and +10 Speed, Rusted Sword puts Rusted Shield to shame due in part that a one time boost to Attack is far more valuable than a one time boost in Defense. Shocker that positive Speed boosting item outclasses negative Speed boosting item. As it stands currently the council still considers Rusted Sword strong enough to remain banned, but could be deserving of a reintroduction suspect test at some point.
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:Primarina: UR --> B+
(slowbronite) after a calm mind primarina just sits on a lot of mons and sets up. after that pretty much everything just dies. I have seen her just eat attacks and then slap back way harder
Primarina (F) @ Slowbronite
Ability: Torrent
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Surf
- Draining Kiss
- Calm Mind
- Charm

:Zamazenta: C --> B/B+
(Mewtwonite X) not the best, but is certainly not useless with that absurd 200 atk and amazing speed tier to boot after going mega. also has decent bulk at 90/125/125. the best part is it's ability to outspeed and deal heavy damage to this thing :Eternatus:
Zamazenta @ Mewtwonite X
Ability: Dauntless Shield
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Psychic Fangs
- Crunch
- Play Rough

:Corviknight: A+ --> S
(Sablenite) it's hard to have a good defensive core without this total menace, boasting absurd bulk and somewhat ok offense, this thing can just end most -ate extreme killers such as altarianite :Dragonite: as well as clearing hazards and bringing in team members with slow U-turn.
Corviknight @ Sablenite
Ability: Mirror Armor
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Iron Head
- U-turn
- Defog
- Roost
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It's been a while since our last VR update, but between OMPL and all the bans it was past due! You can just check out the post now for the up to date version, but if you want to see what changed everything is listed here in hide tags as well.

:Annihilape: Annihilape B- to C
:Arceus-Fairy: Arceus-Fairy A+ to A-
:Arceus-Poison: Arceus-Poison B to B-
:Archaludon: Archaludon B to C
:Azelf: Azelf B- to UR
:Barraskewda: Barraskewda B to B-
:Corviknight: Corviknight A+ to A
:Deoxys-Speed: Deoxys-Speed B to B-
:Excadrill: Excadrill B to C
:Garchomp: Garchomp C to UR
:Gliscor: Gliscor C to UR
:Great Tusk: Great Tusk A+ to A-
:Iron Moth: Iron Moth B- to C
:Kyurem: Kyurem B- to C
:Landorus-Therian: Landorus-Therian C to UR
:Lucario: Lucario C to UR
:Lunala: Lunala A to A-
:Moltres: Moltres C to UR
:Raging Bolt: Raging Bolt A- to B+
:Revavroom: Revavroom C to UR
:Roaring Moon: Roaring Moon B- to C
:Shaymin-Sky: Shaymin-Sky C to UR
:Skarmory: Skarmory C to UR
:Slowking: Slowking B- to C
:Slowking-Galar: Slowking-Galar A to A-
:Thundurus: Thundurus B to C
:Toxapex: Toxapex B to C
:Ursaluna: Ursaluna B to C
:Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: Urshifu-Rapid-Strike A+ to A
:Volcarona: Volcarona C to UR
:Zapdos-Galar: Zapdos-Galar B+ to B-
:Arceus-Ghost: Arceus-Ghost B- to B+
:Baxcalibur: Baxcalibur B- to B+
:Calyrex-Ice: Calyrex-Ice B- to B
:Cresselia: Cresselia ( C to B-
:Garganacl: Garganacl B+ to A+
:Heatran: Heatran C to B
:Hippowdon: Hippowdon B to B+
:Ho-oh: Ho-oh B+ to A
:Iron Treads: Iron Treads C to B
:Kilowattrel: Kilowattrel UR to A-
:Kingambit: Kingambit B- to B
:Lugia: Lugia B+ to A-
:Magearna: Magearna B+ to A-
:Mandibuzz: Mandibuzz B to B+
:Milotic: Milotic B- to B
:Samurott-Hisui: Samurott-Hisui A- to A
:Sandy Shocks: Sandy Shocks C to A-
:Scream Tail: Scream Tail B- to B
:Slowbro: Slowbro B- to B
:Spectrier: Spectrier C to B+
:Zamazenta: Zamazenta C to B
:Zapdos: Zapdos B- to B
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:Zamazenta: haven't played in a couple weeks but he deserved the rise. he hits really hard and can threaten a large variety of threats with aerodactylite and proper coverage
So I know that Ludicolo is... less than ideal competitively, but I feel like this could cook. Hear me out,

:ludicolo: + :alakazam-mega:

Ludicolo @ Alakazite
Ability: Swift Swim
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Energy Ball
- Surf
- Hyper Voice
- Ice Beam

So basically, Energy Ball and Surf are for stab which also can take out Garganacl or Arceus-Ground. Ice Beam is mainly for flying coverage and could also take care of threats like Dragonite, Eternatus, Arceus-Ground, and Lugia. Anything I could change, offline pm LudicoloBlue on Pokemon Showdown or dm me through Smogon!
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Hiya folks, I've been hard at work (being unemployed), but now there are updated resources! The following that have been updated are Speed Tiers and the Role Compendium, as well as updated sample sets in the Dex, which can be found here. Updated sample teams are still currently in progress, but, if you feel like you have a team that could make an excellent addition, feel free to make a submission in the Metagame thread and we might consider it.
Happy Halloween!
A couple of nominations before I sleep. Meta honestly feels really solid outside of Lugia (but that's not a topic for here) so honestly I expect the number of Pokemon on the VR to grow and even the C tiers to get fleshed out properly.

:greninja: -> B- (set)
Greninja is probably the best offensive Spikes setter currently, compressing speed control, damage, Spikes, and a good offensive typing. It's less potentially pressuring than Sandy Shocks and cannot deal damage and set Spikes simultaneously like Samurott-H, but instead it can actively pressure every hazard clearer with Lucarionite Hydro Pump and sometimes Dark Pulse while being overall more consistent than the other two. Notably, it outspeeds most Pokemon that Samurott-Hisui and certain Sandy Shocks sets would struggle with including Urshifu, Metagrossite Great Tusk, Eternatus, and Absolite Sandy Shocks. While not perfect, here's a couple replays showcasing Greninja [1] [2]. I did have some replays featuring Greninja before the Replay Incident back in DLC1, but the only one saved is one where the game ended in 8 turns before Greninja even came out, sadly.

:great-tusk::hearthflame-mask: - BOLD (sets)
Hearthflame Mask on Great Tusk as a bolded item. Mold Breaker Tusk has been pretty good over the past year or so (see fardin's Ampharosite Tusk usage in DLC1), but recently I've been using Hearthflame Mask on Great Tusk on offense and BO teams as a Stealth Rock setter that bypasses Sablenite while also being the single best Altarianite Regieleki answer in the tier. For context, Altarianite Regieleki is the scariest Pokemon for offense teams to face because of its high Speed, Rapid Spin reducing potential output, Volt Switch being painfully punishing etc etc. Hearthflame Tusk is also hard to switch in on due to the 1.2x BP boost and Head Smash acting as a tertiary STAB, not to mention its surprisingly vast support movepool in Knock Off, Roar, Taunt, Stealth Rock (obviously), and Rapid Spin (again obviously). While slow, this set has felt much more splashable and effective than every other Great Tusk set in the current meta, potentially thanks to Ground/Fire/Rock being uniquely difficult to switch into and Mold Breaker allowing Great Tusk to threaten 2HKOes on most teams. Pokemon that fear Hearthflame Tusk include, but aren't limited to, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Pecharunt, Magearna, Corviknight, Mandibuzz, Hisuian Arcanine (both -ate Stones), Regieleki, Raging Bolt, and defensive Eternatus below roughly 75% HP. I only have one replay of this [1] excluding the replays shown in the Greninja section, but people like zastra, SammyCe123, and Dragonillis can attest to its effectiveness. Also quick edit because even the Item Compendium mentions Hearthflame Tusk, although Temper Flare is strictly superior to Fire Fang since it's 1) stronger and 2) gets a 2x boost when Headlong Rush and Earthquake are clicked into a Fire-weak Pokemon like Corviknight.


I also want to mention that once OMWC is over I will make a new personal VR featuring every Pokemon used in OMWC, SSNL past round 3 if they're worth using, and OMPL even if it's now a bit old. This meta is honestly pretty great and I've seen a lot of cool sets from people both in and out of the main MnM community.
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Hi friends, just wanted to post a couple mons that I think are either over or under-rated. I don't have any specific ranks in mind, I just wanted to bring attention to them.

:iron moth: (Latiasite)
There's a lot to like about Latiasite Iron Moth in terms of role compression and typing. I ran some combo of U-Turn/Fiery Dance/Morning Sun/Toxic to decent success. Fire/Poison with Levitate lets you check Magearna, Alt Dragonite, Regieleki (to an extent) which is useful in terms of role compression for a fair amount of offense teams. It isn't perfect by any means; it can be fairly passive, you're easily threatened out by Hamu/Urshifu and any physical attacker you don't resist, but considering how dominant Magearna is right now, I think it could definitely be utilized more as a soft-check and pivot.

:basculegion: (both)
Last Respects is busted. There isn't really anything else to say

:kingambit: (aerodactylite)
Bulky, strong, and has priority. I don’t have a to to say here; it’s just really strong,

:walking wake: (lucarionite, diancite)
Pivoting and a combination of great offensive typing makes it difficult to check in the current meta. Flip Turn generates tons of great momentum in current meta, and Draco is extremely clickable at all times.

:raging bolt: (lucarionite)
Another Draco clicker. Enough said

:magearna: (manectite, offensive sets):
Probably the best mon in the meta IMO. I don’t even bother running Pain Split at this point; Spikes / Volt / 2 attacks is enough for me on basically all my teams. Setup mage is also highly underrated given how many positive matchups it generates, especially if your stone mus well (Blue Orb into Ho-oh, Lati into grounds, Pins subsplit into fat, etc)

:lunala: (offensive cm)
Need to see more offensive CM sets I swearrrrr. Moongeist is always a good click and the coverage Lunala can carry is great too (Moonblast / Ice Beam). CM + Moonlight gives nice longevity and setup ability through a game.

:porygon-z: (cameruptite)
Nasty Plot + Agility + BoltBeam is surprisingly devastating. It’s unfortunately only diet Genesect but I mean; you get a free Download boost, setup, and tons of options for Sheer Force boosted moves so I mean..

:annihilape: (sablenite)
Rest / Sleep Talk / Rage Fist / Bulk Up is the set I go with; with max HP and max SpD. Ape eats literally every attack, Rage Fist is probably the best STAB you could have, and Bulk Up lets you break through every team. You’d be surprised with how many 100-0 matchups into balance Annihilape gets.

:ting-lu: (gyaradosite, covert cloak)
Mostly functions right now as a Lugia check but, it’s a spikes setter that can pressure with Ruination. Taunt is a solid option, along with WW for special setup sweepers. Payback threatens Lugia vaguely; EQ is also an option i GUESS

:hoopa-unbound: (lucarionite)
It’s a hoopa with adapt dual stabs I mean….Focus Blast last lets you threaten Mandibuzz and Magearna

:swampert: (sablenite)
pivot with rocks and flip turn that’s immune to volt. nuf said

:blissey: While normal-types have a good niche in the metagame as a Last Respect blocker, I don't think Blissey does anything well at all.

:samurott-hisui: People prep so much more for this thing now. It was fun and kinda niche when I first brought it in OMPL but it's reached a point of over-saturation where you don't gain a ton from using Hamu over any other offensive spiker. It still has a great niche but I just don't find myself gravitating towards it anymore because of how common it is now. It's a mon that gains a lot from being a counter-pick, not the main pick.
:magnezone: :zapdos-galar: :sinistcha: :thundurus:
:pelipper: :dugtrio:
:annihilape: :giratina:
Just to mention I don't think I've seen a single one of these pokemon once outside of Gira on my own semi-stall team.

I'm particularly curious on what sets Magnezone runs. On paper it'd be a good E-speeder check but taking 4x ground damage with that bad of a speed tier forces it into Latiasite from what I can tell.
I'm particularly curious on what sets Magnezone runs. On paper it'd be a good E-speeder check but taking 4x ground damage with that bad of a speed tier forces it into Latiasite from what I can tell.
lucarionite or diancite volt / tbolt / fcannon / steel beam. magnezone's main niche is trapping steels (corv and mage, mostly corv) pre mega-->mega and attack. not a fan of lati cuz you sacrifice power and speed, the ground weakness is w/e as long as it does what it's supposed to (like even eleki can't deal with grounds without booming). it's also good vs eleki on offense oriented teams yeah.

Just to mention I don't think I've seen a single one of these pokemon once outside of Gira on my own semi-stall team.
they are not run often (hence the c rank) but I do think they have potential / notable niche. I believe you'll find a couple of these mons in hayedenn's ssnl games. if you need explanation on something let me know
hi i am here with some vr noms since apparently theres a resources update happening soon.

:magearna: -> A+ / S
best mon in the tier. can viably run a variety of sets, both defensive (manec, lati, sab) and offensive (pins, blue orb, double dance) variants and excels at all of them. very good spiker too. doesn't get scared out by a ton and can apply enough pressure to scare other stuff out. only issue is wanting split as well as spikes/volt/2a. also an excellent matchup fish that can just win games on the spot if given opportunity

:corviknight: -> something lower than A
corv feels like a fraud rn, like what does it even do? id much rather just use mage or glowking or even treads if i need a pivot, and defog is not a great form of removal in this meta imo, with the amount of spikers that we've got. maybe if ur using some bu + power trip bs then its ok, but in its traditional role, just feels not very good.

:iron boulder: -> A-
pretty sweet breaker with lop or a tc stone, sd up and start clicking. decently bulky on both sides, very fast and we dont have a lot of rock resists, if any, that like to take a cc to the face. relatively one dimensional but does it pretty damn well.

:samurott-hisui: -> A- / B+
basically what beauts said, feels like all the good mons in the tier matchup well into it, so it is not as effective as it once was. not having a very good way to threaten mage without sacrificing something else is very unfortunate.

:great tusk: -> A
maybe the most consistent mon that ive used since picking this tier back up, whether thats pins, lop, or meta. probably the best removal in the tier imo, and a surprisingly solid wincon with bulk up on pins sets, and a strong breaker with other sets. only thing that keeps it a little lower for me is how it just folds to anything with a special move pretty much

:hoopa unbound: -> B
either diancite or np luc, but something is getting chunked when this guy hits the field. real easy to rk so requires a decent amount of support, whether psyterrain or a dedicated pixispeed counter. funny guy that can be pretty difficult to deal with in the builder

thats all i got.
:lugia:Lugia (Absolite)
:magearna:Magearna (Manectite, Latiasite)
:regieleki:Regieleki (Altarianite, Glalitite)

:dragonite:Dragonite (Altarianite, Salamencite)
:raging bolt:Raging Bolt (Lucarionite)
:urshifu-rapid-strike:Urshifu-Rapid-Strike (Metagrossite, Aerodactylite, Diancite)

:arceus-fairy:Arceus-Fairy (Pixie Plate)
:eternatus:Eternatus (Rocky Helmet, Life Orb, Heavy-Duty Boots, Power Herb)
:garganacl:Garganacl (Sablenite, Tyranitarite, Latiasite, Latiosite)
Ho-oh (Heavy-Duty Boots)
Kingambit (Aerodactylite, Latiosite)

Arceus-Ground (Earth Plate)
:corviknight:Corviknight (Sablenite, Venusaurite)
:great tusk:Great Tusk (Pinsirite, Metagrossite, Aerodactylite, Hearthflame Mask)
:walking wake:Walking Wake (Diancite)

:arcanine-hisui:Arcanine-Hisui (Pinsirite, Altarianite)
Basculegion (Choice Scarf)
Basculegion-F (Lucarionite, Diancite)
:clodsire:Clodsire (Gyaradosite)
Hippowdon (Sablenite, Pinsirite)
:iron treads:
Iron Treads (Latiosite, Latiasite, Metagrossite, Diancite)
:pecharunt:Pecharunt (Diancite, Latiasite)
:slowking-galar:Slowking-Galar (Latiasite, Sablenite)
:spectrier:Spectrier (Manectite, Audinite, Lucarionite)
:zapdos:Zapdos (Lucarionite, Manectite)

:ceruledge:Ceruledge (Lucarionite, Latiosite)
:necrozma-dusk-mane:Necrozma-Dusk-Mane (Covert Cloak, Leftovers)
Lunala (Heavy-Duty Boots, Covert Cloak, Power Herb)
Samurott-Hisui (Metagrossite)
:sandy shocks:Sandy Shocks (Lucarionite, Manectite)
Swampert (Sablenite)
Zamazenta (Metagrossite)

Arceus-Water (Splash Plate)
:entei:Entei (Altarianite)
:iron boulder:Iron Boulder (Metagrossite, Lopunnite, Aerodactylite, Pinsirite)
:iron crown:Iron Crown (Absolite, Manectite)
:magnezone:Magnezone (Diancite, Lucarionite)
Landorus-Therian (Diancite, Sablenite, Salamencite)
:rhyperior:Rhyperior (Tyranitarite)

I Guess This Is Viable Rank

:annihilape:Annihilape (Sablenite, Metagrossite)
Arceus-Ghost (Spooky Plate)
:baxcalibur:Baxcalibur (Heracronite)
:barraskewda:Barraskewda (Lopunnite)
Cresselia (Sablenite)
:deoxys-speed:Deoxys-Speed (Hearthflame Mask)
:garchomp:Garchomp (Heracronite)
:hoopa-unbound:Hoopa-Unbound (Lucarionite, Diancite)
:indeedee:Indeedee (Terrain Extender)
:milotic:Milotic (Sablenite)
:skarmory:Skarmory (Ampharosite, Gyaradosite)
Weavile (Scizorite, Lucarionite)
:zacian:Zacian (Life Orb)
Zapdos-Galar (Metagrossite)

Here's reasoning as to why I selected the mons I have:

Some things to make note of before the individual ranking explanation:

I have sorted the mons in S and A+ based off of their splashability more-so than their influence on the metagame. All of these mons are well above the rest (perhaps barring Eternatus) in viability, but not all of them can fit on a wide range of teamstyles, and not all of them are so valuable I'd consider them mandatory, either.

The "Viable I Guess" list is for mons who I have heard or seen success with but either are beyond the scope of accurate viability (i.e Psyspam, Annihilape) or are mons I find to be outclassed or difficult to justify, but see some success regardless of this (GZap, Bax, etc.)


:magearna: I wasn't going to put Magearna so high up in this list initially, but the simple case is that almost every team does better with one than without one. Magearna is by my understanding the single best Spiker in the tier by far, compresses a huge amount of roles into one teamslot, and it's usually way easier for the Magearna player to get momentum than it is for a bouncer or Ground-type to sap momentum. Split sets are alright on balance but usually I find it's better to be some set like Fleur / Volt / Spikes / coverage (i.e Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Thunder Wave etc) as these sets tend to allow the Magearna user to better respond to threats that are able to force Magearna out in the immediate term.

:lugia: Lugia is a mon that I'll almost always splash on slower builds. Absolite Lugia happens to be a fantastic blanket check to several offensive brokens - primarily Urshifu-R, Eternatus, and the Basculegions, but this alone wouldn't really be enough for me to consider it S rank - its setup potential happens to be obscenely good, too. Psychic Noise really pushes this mon over the edge, allowing it to very easily bypass bulkier checks that would otherwise choke it out, and then it has the choice of any other random coverage move - Aeroblast allows it to hit Urshifu-R with an OHKO, Ice Beam is nice for mons like Dragonite, Thunderbolt has been used to further pressure Corviknight and Ho-Oh, and some sets can even run Earth Power for grounded Garganacl and Kingambit.
Gone now. Was a pretty unhealthy mon as far as I'm concerned, but I'm not entirely glad it's gone due to what roles it filled on balance. Most VR placements still stand here, and that includes some of the hot takes I had on Lunala / Boulder / etc.

:regieleki: Regieleki is a mon I've previously found somewhat overrated, but I feel that in this metagame in particular, Regieleki's surroundings have become significantly more comfortable for it - its insanely strong anti-offense profile is a must have for some teams. In addition to this, Regieleki is one of the greatest exploiters of the rather shaky Ground-type metagame, either through being allowed to pivot freely via another Volt Switch user like Magearna pressuring Ground-types, or exploding so something like Raging Bolt can just cleave through teams freely.


:raging bolt: Raging Bolt appears on this list this high for a multitude of reasons. Not only is it an incredibly good blanket check, having stats that even most Ubers would be jealous of, and having a priority move that's about as strong as most -atespeeders, but it's also probably the most dangerous wallbreaker in the metagame right now. Most Ground-types, if not outright OHKOd are taking obscene amounts of damage from Draco Meteor, even if they resist it. (consider that full SpDef Latiosite Treads takes 40% at minimum!) And most slower teams simply do not have the capability of preventing it from coming in often - common picks like Garganacl and Ho-Oh tend to be easy switchins for Raging Bolt, and even defensive Eternatus can sometimes be forced to trade with Raging Bolt if momentum swings in the Bolt team's favour. CM Bolt is mid btw - I don't know why you'd use CM in a metagame where it makes less meaningful progress than pivot and is never going to be able to meaningfully win games because of how omnipresent Pixispeed is

:urshifu-r: Urshifu-Rapid-Strike still remains as VoltTurn's major offensive threat. Whilst multiple alternatives have been used, none of them are really remotely as consistent or as bulky as Urshifu-R. Worth noting that Urshifu-R can also drop Metagrossite for Aerodactylite and absolutely massacre Helmet Etern balances if deemed necessary, and it doesn't really drop a whole lot of major speed tiers from doing this right now.

:dragonite: Dragonite is the superior balance Dragon. Its typing and immediate priority simply provide more value than what Eternatus can offer in the same role as anti-Voltturn. Users of Dragonite have also been experimenting with different sets - 3a Roost with Low Kick actually works quite nicely at annoying offense right now as it takes out a lot of bulky Ground-immunes that have been popping up this year, particularly Garganacl and Iron Treads. Rising usage of Raging Bolt also heavily incentivizes usage of the mon IMO - it can take a lot of pressure off of already exhausted Ground-types.


Eternatus is a mon I find severely overrated in the metagame - both in terms of its defensive sets and its offensive sets.

Defensive Etern is a mon I believe is notoriously easy to trade with and pressure. In most instances, it's either having to trade itself with a mon that doesn't need all of its bulk to function, such as Ice Spinner Urshifu-R, or an -atespeeder like Dragonite or Hisuian Arcanine. In addition, it can't reasonably punish these mons without Rocky Helmet, often putting it in a situation where hazards will quickly force the mon into range, forcing a sack.

I also think people play too predictably with defensive Etern - for example, using Urshifu-R, it's really easy to never click Surging Strikes with one on the field, especially when the mons Urshifu-R switches into aren't immediately threatening or are necessary to keep around.

Offensive Etern simply finds itself with the same issues that defensive has - it's either too vulnerable to hazards, too easy to pressure or is often forced to click Recover too often, making it difficult for Etern to actually utilize its more powerful attacking profile. Etern as a breaker also has a multitude of issues relating to its performance in the short term - most teams will usually have some form of preparation, be it a specially bulky Groundceus, Clodsire, offensive pressure from bulky steels, Slowking-G, or other shorter term checks like Lugia, Tyranitarite Garganacl and Imprison Ho-Oh. As an aside, on most offense teams I find offensive Etern to have major competition from Raging Bolt, as Raging Bolt does not have nearly as many soft answers and is generally more useful when faced with faster Pokemon like Diancite Wake.

:kingambit: I think Kingambit is a fantastic mon at the moment. Generally, most teams are strapped for actually good Ghost resists, and Kingambit is about the best one currently available. Its exceptionally high bulk makes it extremely useful for blanket checking - -ate threats, fast mons you didn't know existed, potentially dangerous bulky setup, etc. As a wallbreaker it's also surprisingly difficult to answer in the current metagame - most long-term walls are actually weak to one of its two STABs, and even though bulky Ground types like Arceus-Ground and Hippowdon do have recovery to stave it off long term, Kingambit is often capable of finding enough switchin opportunities to force them into a misplay. Admittedly, it can have some issues with popular mons like Helmet Etern, where it often finds itself in need of winning a 50/50 to properly formalize a trade, but Helmet Etern is so often the answer of most of your big bad offensive guys (especially Urshifu-R, a fantastic teammate) that it often is advantageous to merely take it down to 20%. Sucker Punch is also incredibly useful priority - almost all of the frail Diancite breakers and Ghost-type wincons are one-shot by Sucker, and it can often result in some nice snowball situations vs Ho-Oh balances. Immunity sets can also be used to patch up critical weaknesses in offense builds, primarily Latiosite, although these sets are often not as useful as Aerodactylite's overall strengths.


:arceus-ground: Arceus-Ground is this low primarily because its offensive profile doesn't do much in this metagame, and it's a pretty poor rocker. It's still a nice defensive piece to have at the moment and its STAB forces out a lot, but it just fails to do much outside of being a nice wall - it fails to adequately pressure bouncers, and is often easily exploited by Ground-immune stones.


:arcanine-hisui: Arcanine-Hisui isn't a mon I'm particularly fond of. I think it's often not bulky enough, and really easily thuds into Ho-Oh and Garganacl. Pinsirite sets were nice on Hyper Offense at some point, but I think HArc's role is generally done better by Kingambit in that regard. Pinsirite sets also struggle immensely from extremely heavy popularity of Regieleki, which makes it hard for them to even clean up most games. RBolt also makes Pinsirite HArc useless into offense, as it is capable of taking it on multiple times throughout a game without much sacrifice. Altarianite sets suffer extremely badly from a lack of bulk and 4MSS - they're often tasked with fitting all of Stealth Rock (the main reason why you'd run HArc in the first place imo), Double-Edge and Morning Sun in 2 moveslots. In addition, usage of bulkier Bouncers like Hippowdon has made Rocks HArc a very inconsistent rocker, leaving it in a bit of a weird spot where it doesn't do anything particularly well that's tasked of an -atespeeder. Never the less, I still think 3 Attacks + Morning Sun is a nice battering ram in the current meta, and it still holds on well enough to its niche for me to not drop it further.

:basculegion: Basculegions are both tough mons to fit, but they're extremely annoying to deal with. Not only are both of them pretty dangerous pivots like most of our fast mons, but they're capable of very suddenly being the most annoying breaker that fat builds have to deal with with 2 or 3 knockouts pushing Last Respects over the 2hko threshold for the vast majority of physical walls. Very scary mon, you really want something faster than Scarf Basculegion on most builds. It's also probably the biggest contender, and reason not to use Urshifu-R.

:iron treads:
Iron Treads is a nice little role compression bot that beats most of the broken Volt users pretty handily. Lati stone variants are really nice for checking -ate users and soft-checking Groundceus. Metagrossite sets are decent speed control and are pretty good at maintaining offensive pressure, and Diancite sets are nice as a lead for hyper offense. With Magearna usage skyrocketing, having a mon that can freely clean Magearna's spikes and pivot out is a really nice thing to have.

:hippowdon: Please do not use Whirlwind + Rocks Hippo. Please please please do not use this set. The entire reason I even have this mon ranked is because of Curse sets, every time I see someone use Whirlwind + Rocks Hippo they load into a bouncer and lose all of their momentum.

:pecharunt: Pecharunt is a pretty dangerous Ghost-type. Diancite sets are still surprisingly bulky on the physical end, being able to handle -atespeeders with no issue, and have a speed tier that's enough to creep the vast majority of good mons in the metagame (Urshifu-R, Scarf Basculegion, Eternatus), and they're also very dangerous long term, capable of easily dismantling builds that rely on status vulnerable mons like Ho-Oh and Groundceus. Latiasite sets are really solid defensively and shut out practically every -ate attacker in the metagame. However, Pecharunt does have an obnoxious weakness to Kingambit, and some Pokemon that it usually would check like Urshifu-R are running setup more often, making it difficult for me to justify a higher ranking and making it difficult to rank the mon accurately in this metagame.


:ceruledge: Ceruledge is a fantastic breaker but it's sooooo hard to justify. Between low Speed, Garganacl being a frustratingly good (but not unbreakable!) balance pick and other Ghost-types having dumber moves to exploit this mon's definitely a mon that I could only use against specific opponents.

:samurott-hisui: I hate this mon SO much. Hisuian Samurott is fraud to the maximum. It's barely capable of forcing out anything due to the fact that Mega Evolution doesn't even give it any more damage amplification, it's fairly slow for a pivot, and as a hazard setter, it's often unable to return much pressure to other Spikers or removal attempts from mons like Regieleki, who can switch into Ceaseless in a pinch. I also think this mon's niche is heavily threatened by Magearna + Urshifu pivot offenses, which are the teams I consider to be by far the best in the metagame. Which gives it a very specific niche on balance as a mon that can barely do speed control, that poorly checks Ground-types, and doesn't set hazards any particularly better than competing Spikers (i.e Clodsire, Magearna, heck sometimes even Skarmory).

:lunala: Lunala if I'm honest isn't that great of a mon. Power Herb sets don't really break balance particularly well, Cloak sets are too easy to pressure with hazards, and Boots sets are often too easy to pressure with status. I also think that in regards to offense, Manectite Spectrier tends to break much better than it, whilst also being a decent blanket check to everything around.

:swampert: Swampert is a specific mon, but a mon that still has a valid defensive niche on offense teams as a very aggressive bouncer. This mon's probably one of the best ways offense has to deal with both the hazards and the Volt Switch metagame. I do not recommend this mon outside of these circumstances however, and it only remains this high because of how strongly I view VoltTurn offense right now.


:entei: Entei is basically what Hisuian Arcanine without recovery is but slightly bulkier, has a slightly better speed tier and a move that burns its targets somewhat reliably. I've been finding that this mon is just a better battering ram than HArc sometimes, the burns and extra coverage move are just really nice when Eternatus, Ho-Oh and Garganacl running around everywhere.

:iron boulder: I haven't played much against Iron Boulder but I don't trust it one bit. The speed tier is very nice but this doesn't mean a whole lot when Boulder is persistently having issues with Magearna and every good Ground-type in the metagame. Its defensive typing was nice back when Lugia was in the metagame, but besides that I haven't seen anything particularly special about the mon. Lopunnite sets are still "frail", being weak to -atespeed and having no valuable resistances. Metagrossite sets aren't particularly strong and tend to suffer with dealing with Magearna, Corviknight and Great Tusk often.

:landorus-therian: Landorus-Therian is another fairly niche mon - since losing Explosion, the primary use I've had for Landorus-T is as a portable Ground resist that can also act as annoying speed control with Diancite. I've experimented with Sablenite & Salamencite and they prove somewhat outdone by Swampert, but I do believe they have an independent niche.
Edit 1: Added B- and shifted a couple placements, C tiers in the midst of being sorted currently
will edit rest in when done, will edit rest in when done (c+ to c- wip + sets for a+ to a- soon + explanations after all done. approx 90-100 mons to put on personal vr, give or take)
Bold = Top Item | Regular = Good Item | Italic = Niche Item

1) :regieleki:Regieleki (Altarianite, Light Clay, Glalitite)
2) :magearna:Magearna (Latiasite, Sablenite, Blue Orb, Manectite, Pinsirite, Ampharosite)
3) :arceus-ground:Arceus-Ground (Earth Plate)

4) :eternatus:Eternatus (Life Orb, Rocky Helmet, Black Sludge, Choice Scarf, Heavy-Duty Boots, Light Clay, Power Herb)
5) :great-tusk:Great Tusk (Hearthflame Mask, Metagrossite, Pinsirite, Aerodactylite, Lopunnite, Altarianite)
6) :raging-bolt:Raging Bolt (Lucarionite, Diancite, Manectite, Altarianite, Swampertite)
7) :dragonite: Dragonite (Altarianite, Pinsirite, Salamencite)
8) :urshifu-rapid-strike:Urshifu-RS (Metagrossite, Aerodactylite)
9) :ho-oh:Ho-Oh (Heavy-Duty Boots, Choice Band)

10) :walking-wake:Walking Wake (Diancite, Lucarionite, Absolite)
11) :sandy-shocks:Sandy Shocks (Absolite, Glalitite, Lucarionite, Manectite)
12) :corviknight:Corviknight (Sablenite, Venusaurite, Blue Orb, Salamencite)
13) :mandibuzz:Mandibuzz (Sablenite, Gyaradosite, Venusaurite)
14) :pecharunt:Pecharunt (Diancite, Latiasite, Sablenite)
15) :hippowdon:Hippowdon (Pinsirite, Sablenite, Altarianite, Gyaradosite)

16) :arcanine-hisui:Hisuian Arcanine (Altarianite, Pinsirite)
17) :lunala:Lunala (Covert Cloak, Heavy-Duty Boots, Power Herb, Rocky Helmet)
18) :garganacl:Garganacl (Aggronite, Latiasite, Pinsirite, Sablenite, Tyranitarite)
19) :slowking-galar:Galarian Slowking (Latiasite, Sablenite)
20) :clodsire:Clodsire (Gyaradosite, Latiosite)
21) :kilowattrel:Kilowattrel (Blue Orb, Lucarionite)
22) :arceus-ghost:Arceus-Ghost (Spooky Plate)

23) :groudon:Groudon (Leftovers, Choice Band, Heat Rock)
24) :arceus:Arceus (Heavy-Duty Boots, Leftovers, Life Orb, Silk Scarf, Lum Berry)
25) :darkrai:Darkrai (Diancite, Absolite)
26) :iron-boulder:Iron Boulder (Lopunnite, Metagrossite, Pinsirite, Aerodactylite)
27) :spectrier:Spectrier (Lucarionite, Manectite, Audinite)
28) :calyrex-ice:Calyrex-Ice (Choice Band, Heavy-Duty Boots, Weakness Policy)
29) :baxcalibur:Baxcalibur (Heracronite, Metagrossite)
30) :ceruledge:Ceruledge (Latiosite, Lucarionite)
31) :arceus-water:Arceus-Water (Splash Plate)

32) :annihilape:Annihilape (Sablenite)
33) :necrozma-dusk-mane:Necrozma-Dusk-Mane (Heavy-Duty Boots, Leftovers, Rocky Helmet, Weakness Policy, Covert Cloak)
34) :samurott-hisui:Hisuian Samurott (Metagrossite, Aerodactylite, Lucarionite, Choice Scarf)
35) :kingambit:Kingambit (Aerodactylite, Latiosite)
36) :roaring-moon:Roaring Moon (Pinsirite, Aerodactylite, Metagrossite, Sharpedonite)
37) :arceus-fairy:Arceus-Fairy (Pixie Plate)
38) :milotic:Milotic (Audinite, Sablenite, Manectite)
39) :kyurem:Kyurem (Lucarionite, Absolite, Cameruptite, Diancite)
40) :barraskewda:Barraskewda (Lopunnite)
41) :weavile:Weavile (Lucarionite, Scizorite)
42) :iron-crown:Iron Crown (Absolite, Diancite, Lucarionite, Scizorite)
43) :greninja:Greninja (Lucarionite)

44) :zamazenta:Zamazenta (Lopunnite, Metagrossite, Aerodactylite)
45) :hoopa-unbound:Hoopa-U (Diancite, Lucarionite, Cameruptite)
46) :landorus-therian:Landorus-T (Lucarionite, Salamencite, Sablenite)
47) :primarina:Primarina (Cameruptite, Lucarionite, Slowbronite, Sablenite)
48) :basculegion:Basculegion (Choice Band, Choice Scarf)
49) :ditto:Ditto (Choice Scarf)
50) :alomomola:Alomomola (Audinite, Sablenite, Manectite)
51) :iron-treads:Iron Treads (Latiosite, Manectite, Latiasite, Metagrossite)
52) :archaludon:Archaludon (Blue Orb)
53) :moltres:Moltres (Sablenite)
54) :iron-valiant:Iron Valiant (Diancite, Lucarionite)
55) :arceus-electric:Arceus-Electric (Zap Plate)

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