PU Minior


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name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Acrobatics
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Stone Edge / Substitute
item: White Herb
ability: Shields Down
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 30 HP
tera type: Flying / Ground

Minior is a colorful setup sweeper with its decent offensive stats, unrivaled Speed once boosted, and access to one of the best setup moves in the game: Shell Smash. Minior's unique ability can make it easier to set up with its Meteor forme's higher bulk and immunity to status moves, though it can be unreliable when trying to change to base forme and sweep. With Acrobatics and Earthquake having near-perfect neutral coverage, Stone Edge offers a secondary STAB move that hits foes that resist these moves such as Rotom-H and Kilowattrel as well as dealing more damage to certain walls like Altaria and Houndstone. Alternatively, Substitute helps Minior find turns to set up, makes it harder to revenge kill, and punishes moves like Sucker Punch from Skuntank and Bombirdier. 30 HP IVs activates Minior's Shields Down after two Substitutes, allowing it to be much more self-sufficient. An Adamant nature gives Minior an easier time sweeping, as once boosted and in its base forme, Minior outspeeds the entire metagame. However, a Jolly nature makes Minior slightly less reliant on setting up, since unboosted Adamant Minior's base forme Speed ties with base 105 Speed foes like Zoroark and Pawmot and is outsped by Pokemon like Salazzle, Virizion, and Whimsicott. Furthermore, a Jolly nature means its Meteor forme after a Shell Smash no longer Speed ties with Hisuian Electrode and isn't outsped by Choice Scarf users like Flamigo and Rotom-C. Tera Flying eases Minior's matchup against walls like Mudsdale and Milotic while sweeping and is preferred if not running Stone Edge for a stronger way to hit Altaria and Rotom-H. Tera Flying also allows Minior to tank certain priority moves like Pawmot's Mach Punch and Bruxish's Aqua Jet when at 50% HP. Alternatively, Tera Ground allows Minior to break through Flying-resistant foes such as Bellibolt, Hisuian Avalugg, and Duraludon. It can also give Minior chances to set up when baiting Electric- and Rock-type moves like Bellibolt's Volt Switch, Kilowattrel's Thunderbolt, and Coalossal's Power Gem. Both of these options come at the cost of Minior's resistance to priority moves like Staraptor's Quick Attack and Arcanine's Extreme Speed.

Minior fits well on offensive teams as a secondary sweeper, since it lacks the raw strength needed to break healthy walls and often relies on having low HP to win. Defensive walls that can tank its boosted attacks like Mudsdale, Houndstone, and Bronzong should be worn down with their checks like Decidueye and Paldean Tauros-F and special wallbreakers like Toxtricity. If not running Stone Edge, Pokemon like Rotom-H and Kilowattrel can also tank a hit, so their own checks like Tatsugiri and Duraludon can come in handy. Pokemon like Rotom-C and Scyther can also lure in many of these walls in, and while they don't do much damage, they can eventually put these threats in range for Minior. The wide array of priority move users like Skuntank, Bombirdier, Hariyama, and Paldean Tauros-W should also be accounted for, especially if not running Substitute for the former two, as they easily KO Minior in its base forme, immediately putting a stop to its sweep. Encore and Trick users like Delphox, Calm Mind Scream Tail, and Rotom-C can help Minior come in safely and get an opportunity to set up. Offensive pivots like Decidueye and Kilowattrel can give Minior setup opportunities by luring in setup bait like Altaria and Gligar.

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name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Acrobatics
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Stone Edge / Substitute
item: White Herb
ability: Shields Down
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 30 HP
tera type: Flying / Ground


Just like its multiple forms, Minior is a colorful setup sweeper with its decent offensive stats, unrivaled Speed once boosted, and access to one of the best setup moves in the game: Shell Smash. Minior's unique ability furthers its sweeping capabilities, being able to utilize the bulk and immunity to status moves like Salazzle's Toxic and Altaria's Will-O-Wisp while in its Meteor form to more easily set up. This can be a double-edged sword, however, as Minior often depends on Shields Down activating to reliably sweep. (This opening feels a bit too run on. Maybe just say that Shields Down is a great abilities to prevent status attempts at the cost of being dependent on it instead of having 2 long lines for it?) With Acrobatics and Earthquake having near-perfect neutral coverage, Stone Edge offers a secondary STAB move that hits remaining resistances such as Rotom-H and Kilowattrel as well as dealing more damage to certain walls like Altaria and Houndstone. However, Stone Edge's inaccuracy makes it very unreliable when trying to sweep, and can be switched out for other Rock moves like Rock Slide and Rock Blast. (Nah Rock Slide and Rock Blast both suck.) Alternatively, Substitute helps Minior find turns to set up (against what pokemon?), makes it harder to revenge kill, and punishes moves like Skuntank's Sucker Punch, Milotic's Dragon Tail, and Grimmsnarl's Thunder Wave (Prankster exists, cut and mention other Sucker Puncher like Bombird instead.). Most notably, using Substitute twice with 30 HP IVs activates Minior's Shields Down, making it much less reliant on the opponent. Even if not running Substitute, 30 HP IVs also allows Shields Down to be activated after switching into Stealth Rock twice, albeit also means Minior can switch into Stealth Rock one less time. (this feels like its a relatively obvious thing so i would cut.) Adamant nature gives Minior an easier time sweeping, as once boosted and in its base form Minior outspeeds the entire metagame. Still, a Jolly nature makes Minior slightly less reliant on setting up, since unboosted Adamant Minior's base form speed ties with base 105's like Zoroark and Pawmot and is outsped by Pokemon like Salazzle, Virizion, and Whimsicott. Furthermore, Jolly nature means its Meteor form after a Shell Smash no longer speed ties with Hisuian Electrode and isn't outsped by Choice Scarf users like Flamigo and Rotom-C. Tera Flying eases Minior's matchup against walls like Mudsdale, Milotic, and Florges while sweeping, and is preferred if not running Stone Edge for a stronger way to hit Altaria and Rotom-H. Tera Flying also allows Minior it to tank certain priority moves like Pawmot's Mach Punch and Swords Dance Bruxish's Aqua Jet when at 50% HP. (Both are relatively uncommon priority moves so this can be cut. I would rather mention any potential rolls that Acrobatics can reach thanks to Tera.) Alternatively, Tera Ground allows Minior to break through Flying resists such as Bellibolt, Hisuian Avalugg (bad mention, Coal is better here.), and Duraludon. It can also give Minior chances to setup when baiting Electric and Rock moves like Bellibolt's Volt Switch and Discharge (?), Kilowattrel's Thunderbolt, and Lycanroc's Stone Edge (is a lead + doesnt run stone edge anyways, Coal Pgem is a better mention here.). Both of these options also come at the cost of Minior's resistance to priority moves like Staraptor's Quick Attack and Arcanine's Extreme Speed. (In a general sense k9 isnt going to try to take on minior, same w raptor. Besides, Raptor doesnt run QA much anyways since thats mostly band tech and scarf is more common + band prefers other options alot of the time.)

As Minior will often be at low health when sweeping, in conjunction with its mediocre bulk, it relies heavily on being able to OHKO the remaining foes while sweeping. (You want to mention how Minior is mostly a Offense and Hyper Offense Pokemon that is mostly a secondary cleaner to work w a primary setup sweeper like deci or k9.) Therefore, defensive walls that can tank its boosted attacks like Mudsdale, Houndstone, and Bronzong should be worn down with their checks like Wo-Chien (Doesnt fit on teams minior is on + doesnt do much to muds anyways. Deci is a better optionn here instead.), and Paldean Tauros-F, and special wallbreakers like Goodra, (same idea as wo-chien; generally does not fit on teams is oftentimes placed on.) and Toxtricity. If not running Stone Edge, Pokemon like Rotom-Heat and Kilowattrel can also tank a hit, so their own checks like Gastrodon and Goodra Tatsugiri and Florges can come in handy. Pokemon like Rotom-C and Scyther can also lure many of these threats in, and while not doing much damage, can eventually put these threats in range for Minior. Priority move users like Skuntank, Bombirdier, Hariyama, and Paldean Tauros-A, easily KO Minior in it's base form, especially if not running Substitute for the former two, immediately putting a stop to its sweep. They should be taken out before Minior tries to sweep, albeit the wide array of priority move users makes them difficult to reliably check (you dont need a line to explain they need to be taken out.). Encore and Trick users like Delphox, Scream Tail, Rotom-C, and Choice Scarf Florges can lock the foe into a suboptimal move that allows Minior to come in safely and get opportunity to setup. (You can just say how they do this to walls to and just generally give minior opertunities to set up safely.) Other utility like Rotom-H's Will-O-Wisp, Arcanine's Intimidate, and Grafaiai's Parting Shot can also give Minior opportunities to set up. (All of these are either A) Good Pokemon but not utility for Minior B) Niche options or C) Shit. Mentioning utility like wishpasssing from Florges, Uturn pivoting from Ambi / Raptor, or Volt switch from Kilo is probably better options here. As a matter of fact, add a line for offensive pivots that can get minior in on their checks to setup against them like bronzong and galarbro.)

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1/2, good content just feels a bit too lengthy and run on for a frankly pretty mediocre Pokemon while also mentioning teammates that dont rly fit w minior.

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name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Acrobatics
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Stone Edge / Substitute
item: White Herb
ability: Shields Down
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 30 HP
tera type: Flying / Ground

Just like its multiple forms (RC) (Fluff) Minior is a colorful setup sweeper with its decent offensive stats, unrivaled Speed once boosted, and access to one of the best setup moves in the game: Shell Smash. Minior's unique ability can make it easier to set up with its Meteor form's forme's higher bulk and immunity to status moves, albeit though it can be unreliable when trying to change to base form forme and sweep. With Acrobatics and Earthquake having near-perfect neutral coverage, Stone Edge offers a secondary STAB move that hits remaining resistances any foe that resists these moves such as Rotom-H and Kilowattrel as well as dealing more damage to certain walls like Altaria and Houndstone. Alternatively, Substitute helps Minior find turns to set up, makes it harder to revenge kill, and punishes moves like Sucker Punch from Skuntank and Bombirdier. 30 HP IVs activates Minior's Shields Down after two Substitutes, allowing it to be much more self-reliant self-sufficient. An Adamant nature gives Minior an easier time sweeping, as once boosted and in its base form, (AC) Minior outspeeds the entire metagame. Still However, a Jolly nature makes Minior slightly less reliant on setting up, since unboosted Adamant Minior's base form forme Speed ties with base 105's 105 Speed foes like Zoroark and Pawmot and is outsped by Pokemon like Salazzle, Virizion, and Whimsicott. Furthermore, a Jolly nature means its Meteor form forme after a Shell Smash no longer Speed ties with Hisuian Electrode and isn't outsped by Choice Scarf users like Flamigo and Rotom-C. Tera Flying eases Minior's matchup against walls like Mudsdale and Milotic while sweeping (RC) and is preferred if not running Stone Edge for a stronger way to hit Altaria and Rotom-H. Tera Flying also allows Minior it to tank certain priority moves like Pawmot's Mach Punch and Bruxish's Aqua Jet when at 50% HP. Alternatively, Tera Ground allows Minior to break through foes that resist Flying resists such as Bellibolt, Hisuian Avalugg, and Duraludon. It can also give Minior chances to setup set up when baiting Electric- and Rock Rock-type moves like Bellibolt's Volt Switch, Kilowattrel's Thunderbolt, and Coalossal's Power Gem. Both of these options come at the cost of Minior's resistance to priority moves like Staraptor's Quick Attack and Arcanine's Extreme Speed.

Minior fits well on offensive teams as a secondary sweeper, since it lacks the raw strength needed to break healthy walls and often relies on having low HP to win. Defensive walls that can tank its boosted attacks like Mudsdale, Houndstone, and Bronzong should be worn down with their checks like Decidueye and Paldean Tauros-F and special wallbreakers like Toxtricity. If not running Stone Edge, Pokemon like Rotom-H and Kilowattrel can also tank a hit, so their own checks like Tatsugiri and Duraludon can come in handy. Pokemon like Rotom-C and Scyther can also lure in many of these walls in, and while not doing they don't do much damage, they can eventually put these threats in range for Minior. The wide array of priority move users like Skuntank, Bombirdier, Hariyama, and Paldean Tauros-W should also be accounted for, (AC) especially if not running Substitute for the first two as they easily KO Minior in it's base form, especially if not running Substitute for the former two as they easily KO Minior in its base forme, immediately putting a stop to its sweep. Encore and Trick users like Delphox, Scream Tail, and Rotom-C can help Minior come in safely and get an opportunity to setup set up. Offensive pivots like Decidueye and Kilowattrel can give Minior setup opportunities by luring in setup bait like Altaria and Gligar.

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