Battle Spot Mimikyu

name: Swords Dance Sweeper
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Play Rough
move 3: Shadow Claw
move 4: Shadow Sneak
item: Life Orb / Spell Tag
ability: Disguise
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Mimikyu is a fantastic Pokemon in the current metagame because of its signature ability: Disguise. Disguise allows Mimikyu to set up Swords Dance on almost any target and retaliate with its strong STAB moves. Additionally, Disguise lets Mimikyu stall out the opponent's Dynamax turns. Play Rough and Shadow Claw are Mimikyu’s strongest STAB moves that can hit some of the metagame’s strongest Pokemon such as Dragapult, Grimmsnarl, and Haxorus, though the latter can retaliate with a Mold Breaker Iron Tail. Shadow Sneak is able to deal good damage versus many Pokemon, and allows Mimikyu to revenge kill weakened targets. Mimikyu can utilize Dynamax to clean up against bulkier teams thanks to Max Phantasm lowering opposing Pokemon's defense, and Max Starfall protecting Mimikyu from status, especially burns and paralysis, but also poison and sleep.

Life Orb is by far the best item on Mimikyu, as it needs the extra power to boost its modest base 90 Attack to respectable levels. If the Life Orb slot is already taken, Mimikyu can utilize Spell Tag to boost its Ghost-type moves. However, Mimikyu is one of the strongest users of Life Orb in the meta, so Spell Tag should only be utilized in very specific team compositions. Jolly is the preferred nature, as it allows Mimikyu to outspeed Excadrill, Rotom formes, and neutral nature Hydreigon, though Adamant can be used for the slight power boost.

Mimikyu struggles with Pokemon like Excadrill and Haxorus, who threaten to OHKO with a Mold Breaker boosted Steel-type move. Therefore, other Steel-types such as Ferrothorn should be considered alongside Mimikyu. Additionally, Mimikyu is very vulnerable to burns from Scald or Will-O-Wisp, so a Pokemon that does not mind burns makes for an excellent partner. However, Mimikyu can set up Misty Terrain by Dynamaxing to mitigate this problem.
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Personally I actually prefer Jolly Mimikyu in this metagame but maybe others feel differently so don't change that just yet. Otherwise this is pretty straightforward, Mimikyu only really has this set at the moment. QC 1/2
Alright Ima give my check, once you implement my stuff, this will be ready for GP!

name: Swords Dance Sweeper
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Play Rough
move 3: Shadow Claw
move 4: Shadow Sneak
item: Life Orb / Spell Tag
ability: Disguise
nature: Adamant / Jolly I agree with Pysnergy: I think Jolly is the better call at the moment, this metagame has a lot of speed creep + I like outspeeding Dynamaxed Galarian Darmanitan and Jolly Mold Breaker Excadrill. I think an Adamant slash in as the 2nd nature is fine though.
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Mimikyu is a fantastic Pokemon in the current metagame, boasting its signature ability disguise Mimikyu is able to set up Swords Dance on almost any target and retaliate with its strong STAB moves. Additionally, disguise lets Mimikyu stall out the opponents Dynamax turns, and can fire off strong STAB moves. Play Rough and Shadow Claw are Mimikyu’s strongest STAB moves that can hit some of the metagame’s strongest Pokemon such as Dragapult, Grimmsnarl, and Haxorus, though the latter can retaliate with a Mold Breaker Iron Tail. Shadow Sneak is able to deal good damage versus many Pokemon, and allows Mimikyu to revenge kill weakened targets. I think it's worth mentioning that Mimikyu can make an effective Dynamaxer sometimes, since it lets Mimikyu clean up bulkier teams a lot more easily, especially with the defense drops from Max Phantasm and using Max Starfall to block status.
Life Orb is by far the best item on Mimikyu, as it needs the extra power to boost it’s modest 90 base attack to respectable levels. If the life orb slot is already taken Mimikyu can utilize Spell Tag to boost its Ghost-Type moves. However, Mimikyu is one of the strongest users of Life Orb in the meta, so Spell Tag should only be utilized on very specific team compositions. Adamant nature is preferred, as Mimikyu appreciates the attack boost, but Jolly is a good alternative in order to outspeed Excadrill, Rotom forms, and neutral nature Hydreigons. Again, I think Jolly is better atm just because so many Pokemon use +Speed natures atm.
Mimikyu struggles with Pokemon like Excadrill and Haxorus, who can OHKO mimikyu with a Mold Breaker boosted Steel-Type move. Therefore, other steel types such as Ferrothorn should be considered alongside Mimikyu. Additionally Mimikyu is very vulnerable to burns from Scald or Will-o-wisp, so something that does not mind burns is an important partner. I think something important to note here is that Mimikyu can also get around slower status setters by Dynamaxing and using Max Starfall. This will set up Misty Terrain, which means you won't be able to status Mimikyu! Very handy against bulkier Rotom formes in particular.

Otherwise, you covered Mimikyu just fine. Once you implement my stuff, consider this QC Approved 2/2!
Alright Ima give my check, once you implement my stuff, this will be ready for GP!

Otherwise, you covered Mimikyu just fine. Once you implement my stuff, consider this QC Approved 2/2!
Personally I actually prefer Jolly Mimikyu in this metagame but maybe others feel differently so don't change that just yet. Otherwise this is pretty straightforward, Mimikyu only really has this set at the moment. QC 1/2
Implemented everything!
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name: Swords Dance Sweeper
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Play Rough
move 3: Shadow Claw
move 4: Shadow Sneak
item: Life Orb / Spell Tag
ability: Disguise
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Mimikyu is a fantastic Pokemon in the current metagame because of its signature ability: (add colon) Disguise. Disguise allows Mimikyu to set up Swords Dance on almost any target and retaliate with its strong STAB moves. Additionally, Disguise lets Mimikyu stall out the opponent's Dynamax turns. Play Rough and Shadow Claw are Mimikyu’s strongest STAB moves that can hit some of the metagame’s strongest Pokemon such as Dragapult, Grimmsnarl, and Haxorus, though the latter can retaliate with a Mold Breaker Iron Tail. Shadow Sneak is able to deal good damage versus many Pokemon, and allows Mimikyu to revenge kill weakened targets. Mimikyu can utilize Dynamax to clean up against bulkier teams thanks to Max Phantasm lowering opposing Pokemon's Defense, and Max Starfall preventing protecting Mimikyu from status, especially burns and paralysis being burned or paralyzed. (felt worthwhile mentioning that Misty Terrain blocks it from poison and sleep as well, even if burn/para is more significant)

Life Orb is by far the best item on Mimikyu, as it needs the extra power to boost its (no apostrophe) modest 90 base attack base 90 Attack to respectable levels. If the Life Orb slot is already taken(add comma) Mimikyu can utilize Spell Tag to boost its Ghost-type moves. However, Mimikyu is one of the strongest users of Life Orb in the meta, so Spell Tag should only be utilized in very specific team compositions. Jolly is the preferred nature, as it allows Mimikyu to outspeed Excadrill, Rotom formes, and neutral nature Hydreigons, though Adamant can be used for the slight power boost.

Mimikyu struggles with Pokemon like Excadrill and Haxorus, who can threaten to OHKO mimikyu with a Mold Breaker boosted Steel-type move. Therefore, other Steel-types(add hyphen) such as Ferrothorn should be considered alongside Mimikyu. Additionally(add comma) Mimikyu is very vulnerable to burns from Scald or Will-O-Wisp, so something a Pokemon that does not mind burns is an important makes for an excellent partner,(remove comma)(add period) However, Mimikyu can set up Misty Terrain by Dynamaxing to mitigate this problem.

Good stuff, just watch for where I made adjustments to capitalization and you should be good! GP 1/1.

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name: Swords Dance Sweeper
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Play Rough
move 3: Shadow Claw
move 4: Shadow Sneak
item: Life Orb / Spell Tag
ability: Disguise
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Mimikyu is a fantastic Pokemon in the current metagame because of its signature ability: (add colon) Disguise. Disguise allows Mimikyu to set up Swords Dance on almost any target and retaliate with its strong STAB moves. Additionally, Disguise lets Mimikyu stall out the opponent's Dynamax turns. Play Rough and Shadow Claw are Mimikyu’s strongest STAB moves that can hit some of the metagame’s strongest Pokemon such as Dragapult, Grimmsnarl, and Haxorus, though the latter can retaliate with a Mold Breaker Iron Tail. Shadow Sneak is able to deal good damage versus many Pokemon, and allows Mimikyu to revenge kill weakened targets. Mimikyu can utilize Dynamax to clean up against bulkier teams thanks to Max Phantasm lowering opposing Pokemon's Defense, and Max Starfall preventing protecting Mimikyu from status, especially burns and paralysis being burned or paralyzed. (felt worthwhile mentioning that Misty Terrain blocks it from poison and sleep as well, even if burn/para is more significant)

Life Orb is by far the best item on Mimikyu, as it needs the extra power to boost its (no apostrophe) modest 90 base attack base 90 Attack to respectable levels. If the Life Orb slot is already taken(add comma) Mimikyu can utilize Spell Tag to boost its Ghost-type moves. However, Mimikyu is one of the strongest users of Life Orb in the meta, so Spell Tag should only be utilized in very specific team compositions. Jolly is the preferred nature, as it allows Mimikyu to outspeed Excadrill, Rotom formes, and neutral nature Hydreigons, though Adamant can be used for the slight power boost.

Mimikyu struggles with Pokemon like Excadrill and Haxorus, who can threaten to OHKO mimikyu with a Mold Breaker boosted Steel-type move. Therefore, other Steel-types(add hyphen) such as Ferrothorn should be considered alongside Mimikyu. Additionally(add comma) Mimikyu is very vulnerable to burns from Scald or Will-O-Wisp, so something a Pokemon that does not mind burns is an important makes for an excellent partner,(remove comma)(add period) However, Mimikyu can set up Misty Terrain by Dynamaxing to mitigate this problem.

Good stuff, just watch for where I made adjustments to capitalization and you should be good! GP 1/1.

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