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Mime Jr.


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+Strong typing, allowing it quad resist Fighting.
+Amazing Special Attack and Special Defense stats
+Has a myriad of support moves and makes an amazing baton pass chain.

-Poor HP and Defense stats
-Lackluster unless it is a Baton Pass Chain
-Very weak to Taunt

Baton Passer
name: Baton Pass
move 1: Baton Pass
move 2: Substitute
move 3: Barrier
move 4: Encore / Calm Mind / Psychic
ability: Soundproof / Filter
item: Berry Juice / Eviolite
evs: 196 HP / 236 Def / 76 SpD
nature: bold

  • Baton Pass is a staple for the set, as it allows you to get the buffs to a teammate.
  • Substitute is important because it ensures the next Pokemon entering will not take unnecessary damage.
  • Barrier allows it to get a quick Defense boost and it only requires 3 turns to obtain maximum defense.
  • Calm Mind is also for boosts, but can be switched for Psychic if you are afraid of being weak to taunt.

Set Details
  • Eviolite is the preferred item because it allows Mime Jr. to survive and still be able to do it's job.
  • EV's and Nature are to maximize Mime Jr's defensive bulk and still make it a Special wall as well.
  • Soundproof blocks Roar, which would be one of the main counters to Baton Pass

Usage Tips
  • Mime Jr. enjoys any extra stats you are able to give him in the chain, try not to use him as the first member of the chain.
  • Using Mime Jr. in tandem with a teammate that boosts speed easily, such as Torchic, benefits him significantly.
  • Mime Jr. can take a hit from a special pokemon or a fighting move well, try passing stats to him when the opponent is going to use one of those moves.

Team Options
  • Other Baton Pass users, such as Mienfoo, Buneary, Shelmet, Torchic and Drifloon are extremely useful so more stats can be passed or moved.
  • There should also be a receiver of all of the stats. This could in theory be any Pokemon you like, but some such as Munna, have STAB Stored Power and Baton Pass.

Other Options
  • Mime Jr. can also run a solid Screen set with it's massive support movepool, including Light Screen, Reflect, Healing Wish, Thunder Wave and Safeguard.
  • Mime Jr. also has a good ability in Filter, however it is not as useful without Baton Pass.
  • Also has access to Trick Room, however there are better setters.

Checks and Counters
  • Hard physical hitters weaken Mime Jr. and his ability to come in on a pass, however this is alleviated when Barrier is set up.
  • Knock Off weak, even moreso with it's poor physical bulk.
  • Taunt is a hard counter to Mime Jr and should be carefully played around.
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Slash filter, its really an ability to never be ignored. Also perish song and sound based attacks are not common
The reason Soundproof is the main ability is because it completely counters Roar. I'd like to hear some other opinions on it, but it, in my opinion, should stay in Other Options for now.
Completely get it too, but if Baton Pass teams become more common, so will Roar.
baton pass teams are really bad and a gimmick, torchic pass + mime jr may get popular, but why run roar when the best mons that can fit it such as vullaby have Whirlwind? Show me viable mons that can even fit roar.
baton pass teams are really bad and a gimmick, torchic pass + mime jr may get popular, but why run roar when the best mons that can fit it such as vullaby have Whirlwind? Show me viable mons that can even fit roar.
Slashed for now.
You should probably mention other Baton Passers that work with Mime Jr., rather than leaving it ambiguous. Mienfoo and Torchic are the big ones here, but there's also Buneary, Munna, and Togepi. For Baton Pass recipients, you should also list Munna here due to it having Baton Pass and STAB Stored Power; Natu is really bad due to Baton Pass and Magic Bounce being illegal.

[15:32] TaHuUuU: encore mime jr
[15:32] TaHuUuU: is really really good on fullpass

Maybe add Encore to Other Options also? I didn't even know Mime Jr. had Encore...
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