General Thread

What constitutes a Micro Metagame?
- It's simple - a micro metagame is a metagame where the total number of Pokemon permitted is less than 50.
Thread specific rules:
- While all metagames must be approved the normal way, if your metagame is denoted as a micro metagame, the final product must be posted here instead of in the forum.
- This thread will also serve as a discussion thread - there will be a list of metagames kept in ths OP.
List of Micro Metagames:
- Fail Cup -- Players can only use Pokemon that cannot learn moves by TM!
- Mega Cup -- Only Mega-Formes of Pokemon can be used, but they can equip any item they want!
- Championmons -- Only Pokemon used by Pokemon Champions from the games are permitted!
- Fossilmons -- Only Pokemon revived from a Fossil can be used!
- ChampionMons -- Only Pokemon used by Pokemon Champions from the games are permitted!
- Fledgling Cup -- Players can only use Baby Pokemon!
- Undivisible Cup -- Pokemon are permitted if their BST is not evenly divisible by 5!
- RBY LC UU -- Only the UU Tier Pokemon from Red/Blue/Yellow Little Cup are permitted!
- Smeargle Cup -- You can only use Smeargle! You can't have the same move on different Smeargle!
- Badmovemons -- If it can learn a move with no effect (Splash, Celebrate, Hold Hands), you can use it here!
- Extreme Mons -- Only Pokemon with at least 1 stat greater than or equal to 140 may be used!
- Birdmons -- Only Pokemon that resemble birds are permitted!
- Feather Cup -- Players can only use Pokemon that weigh under 5 lb.!
- Frogmons -- (Basically) only Frog-like Pokemon are permitted!
- Under-powered Mons -- Only Pokemon with every stat under 60 are permitted!
- Within the Borderline -- Only Pokemon in the BL tiers may be used!
- Weedmons -- Only Pokemon with a BST of 420, or with the Ability Blaze, Sap Sipper, White Smoke, are permitted!
- Arceus Cup -- Only Arceus Formes may be used! No duplicate forms!
- The Barber Shop -- Only Pokemon with facial hair are permitted! (Mustaches, Beards)
- Gem-Mons -- If the Pokemon has a jewel(s) on their body, they can be used!
- Formeations -- Only Pokemon with an alternate Forme may be used!
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