Draft Mew

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**Draft Order**: Round 3 onwards

**Price Range**: 13-15 points

**Overview**: Mew is defined by its unrivaled moveset flexibility. If a draft has a weakness, Mew can probably take advantage of it. Mew's solid bulk and Speed give it plenty of opportunities to set up and sweep, especially when using Tera. It also has access to plenty of utility moves, allowing it to support teammates when necessary. However, its offensive stats and base typing are nothing special, so it often has to rely on setup moves and Tera to deal meaningful damage. Most of its sets also have limited survivability due to its lack of reliable recovery moves.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Cleaner**: Mew's numerous Speed-boosting options and nearly unlimited coverage let it reliably clean up weakened teams. Dragon Dance sets are most common, though it is also able to run Agility with a damage-boosting move or item.

**Bulky Setup**: Calm Mind and Bulk Up are used to win games by utilizing Mew's good defensive stats. It can stay healthy with Leftovers or moves like Drain Punch, Draining Kiss, and Rest.

**Utility**: Mew can act as a strong early-game entry hazard setter while remaining an offensive threat. It can also be used to disrupt the opponent's offense with status, Encore, or phazing.

**Wallbreaker**: Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, and other setup moves combined with Mew's coverage can be nearly impossible for defensive cores to withstand. Taunt and Toxic can also help it get through bulkier foes.

**Offensive Pivot**: Items like Assault Vest and Choice Scarf let Mew put its offensive movepool to work without setting up. Pivoting moves allow it to safely build momentum while it threatens KOs.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB Moves**: Psychic, Psyshock, Psychic Noise, Psychic Fangs, Stored Power

**Setup Moves**: Dragon Dance, Calm Mind, Bulk Up, Agility, Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, Iron Defense

**Utility Moves**: Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Encore, Taunt, U-turn, Flip Turn, Volt Switch, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Roar, Dragon Tail, Trick, Super Fang, Substitute, Pain Split, Reflect, Light Screen

**Coverage**: Mew has access to every TM, meaning it can use 80+ Base Power physical and special attacks of any type. Some notably powerful coverage options are Close Combat, Triple Axel, Poltergeist, Earthquake, Acrobatics, Gunk Shot, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Hurricane, and Sludge Wave. Common attacks with unique effects include Drain Punch, Leech Life, Vacuum Wave, Draining Kiss, Giga Drain, Scald, and Scorching Sands.

Niche Moves
**Future Sight**: Pivot Mew can run Future Sight to pressure opposing Psychic-resistant Pokemon that threaten Mew's teammates.

**Endeavor**: Lead sets can use Endeavor to deal considerable damage before fainting.

**Steel Beam / Misty Explosion**: Mew can KO itself after using support moves to damage a foe while bringing in a teammate.

**Hex**: Hex can be run alongside status-inflicting moves as an alternative to Shadow Ball.

**Foul Play**: Utility Mew can use Foul Play to threaten physical attackers, especially if they attempt to set up. Faster sets are also able to use it as a revenge killing option.

**Flame Charge / Trailblaze**: Swords Dance sets appreciate moves that act as coverage and setup at the same time.

**Meteor Beam**: Meteor Beam and a Power Herb allow Mew to boost its Special Attack without spending turns on status moves.

Common Items
**Leftovers**: Mew appreciates Leftovers in many matchups because of its natural bulk and lack of reliable recovery. Passive recovery has the biggest impact on setup and defensive utility builds.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: An immunity to entry hazards allows Mew to stay healthy before it sets up, especially if Spikes or Toxic Spikes are a concern. It can also allow utility and pivot sets to enter the field more comfortably throughout games.

**Sitrus Berry**: When Mew is expected to take big hits, Sitrus Berry can provide more HP than Leftovers as it sets up.

**Lum Berry**: Lum Berry can serve as an answer to status-inflicting moves like Toxic and Thunder Wave that would hinder setup. Synchronize can also leave the foe in a bad spot if it isn't immune to its status-inflicting move.

**Mental Herb**: Mental Herb protects Mew from Taunt and Encore as it sets up or sets entry hazards.

**Weakness Policy**: Mew can make use of its bulk and weaknesses to common moves like U-turn and Knock Off to pick up boosts from Weakness Policy.

Niche Items
**Clear Amulet**: Clear Amulet helps Dragon Dance sets sweep against drafts with Intimidate users.

**Resistance Berries**: Colbur Berry and other similar items allow Mew to lure specific foes and KO them or set up more safely.

**Throat Spray / Power Herb**: Throat Spray can be used with moves like Psychic Noise, Alluring Voice, and Bug Buzz to increase Mew's damage output without using Calm Mind or Nasty Plot. Power Herb has a similar effect when paired with Meteor Beam. This strategy pairs well with Speed-boosting moves like Agility.

**Loaded Dice**: Mew has access to Scale Shot, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, and Bullet Seed, which are normally not worth using. However, if multiple of these moves are useful in a matchup, Loaded Dice makes them strong options on physical setup variants.

**Chesto Berry**: Bulky setup and utility sets can use Chesto Berry and Rest to fully restore HP and remove status conditions once.

**Custap Berry**: Bulky lead sets use Custap Berry to act an extra time against faster foes, and offensive sets can run Endure with Custap Berry to stop opposing setup sweepers in a pinch.

**Damage-boosting Items**: Setup and wallbreaker sets can use items like Expert Belt to hit specific damage thresholds on foes.

**Choice Scarf**: Mew can use its decent Speed and wealth of coverage to act as a revenge killer when holding a Choice Scarf.

**Assault Vest**: Assault Vest allows Mew to check some special attackers while using moves like U-turn, Drain Punch, Scald, and Knock Off to frustrate foes.

**Red Card**: Utility-focused Mew sets can use Red Card to disrupt the opponent's gameplan. Thanks to its bulk, it can often survive boosted attacks and phaze the attacker without needing to use a move.

Tera amplifies Mew's setup potential, making it an excellent Tera Captain. Most Tera types are viable for resisting specific foes or bolstering coverage options. Tera Fairy and Steel are solid defensive options in many matchups, but the Tera type will often be chosen to help counter major threats to Mew or its team. Speed-boosting sets may seek to resist the opponent's revenge killing options, while defensive setup necessitates a good matchup against opposing wallbreakers. Tera Fighting helps Mew cover Dark-types, and other types can protect Mew from status conditions. Tera Psychic grants Mew powerful STAB attacks when its coverage and defensive typing are sufficient. As a lead, Tera Ghost allows Mew to act as a spinblocker while setting entry hazards.

Draft Strategy
Mew brings many useful roles and moves to a draft, though careful consideration is still required when building the rest of the team. It reaches its full potential as a Tera Captain, so it pairs best with high-value picks that don't rely on Tera. Drafting the rest of the team without considering Mew's utility options can be helpful as well, as this will result in a more flexible draft. It can fill many roles, but not all at once. The following are particularly important alongside Mew.

**Speed Control**: Mew's Speed is somewhat mediocre, so faster Pokemon like Greninja and Iron Valiant are valuable for managing fast foes. Strong priority options from Pokemon like Palafin and Rillaboom can be helpful as well.

**Wallbreakers**: Mew's offensive stats are also fairly average. Strong attackers with more immediate offense like Iron Hands and Enamorus are vital for pressuring teams.

**Entry Hazard Control**: One of the few notable categories of utility move that Mew lacks is entry hazard removal. Rapid Spin and Defog from Pokemon like Great Tusk and Corviknight can help Mew stay healthy, as it struggles to regain lost HP. Grounded Poison-types are also good to consider for their ability to remove Toxic Spikes.

**Entry Hazard Setters**: Although Mew has access to most entry hazards, it shouldn't be the primary setter. The presence of teammates like Garchomp and Overqwil keeps Mew flexible, and their entry hazards help Mew sweep more reliably.

Checks and Counters
**Status Conditions**: Toxic puts Mew on a timer, paralysis makes it easy to revenge kill, burn weakens physical sets, and sleep can feel like a KO. Synchronize can deter status-inflicting moves to a degree, but many status users are unaffected by it.

**Disruption / Phazing**: Encore and Taunt can seriously limit Mew's effectiveness as a setup sweeper and entry hazard setter, while Trick and Switcheroo can restrict it for the remainder of a battle. Phazing moves are especially harmful to setup variants, as Mew often doesn't have the longevity to set up a second time.

**Chip Damage**: Mew's lack of reliable recovery makes it susceptible to being worn down despite its good bulk. Entry hazards, stray hits, and damage from status moves add up quickly.

**Knock Off**: Mew is naturally weak to Dark, and it often heavily relies on its item to contribute.

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phys: Close Combat, Drain Punch, Low Kick, Body Press, Play Rough, Triple Axel, Icicle Spear, Ice Spinner, Leech Life, Brave Bird, Dual Wingbeat, Flare Blitz, Fire Punch, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Poltergeist, Earthquake, High Horsepower, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Blast, Supercell Slam, Wild Charge, Thunder Punch, Petal Blizzard, Bullet Seed, Liquidation, Iron Head, Throat Chop

spec: Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave, Alluring Voice, Draining Kiss, Draco Meteor, Leaf Storm, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Grass Knot, Overheat, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Hurricane, Air Slash, Hydro Pump, Scald, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Earth Power, Scorching Sands, Bug Buzz, Shadow Ball, Hex, Flash Cannon, Power Gem
On the one hand, I get it. On the other hand, ???
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**Draft Order**: Round 3 onwards

**Price Range**: 13-14 13-15 points

**Overview**: Mew is defined by its unrivaled moveset flexibility. If a draft has a weakness, Mew can probably take advantage of it. Mew's solid bulk and Speed give it plenty of opportunity to set up and sweep, especially when using Tera. It also has access to plenty of utility moves, allowing it to support teammates when necessary. However, its offensive stats and base typing are nothing special, so it often has to rely on setup moves and Tera to deal meaningful damage. Probably should mention its lack of reliable recovery in its weaknesses since this is important to how Mew plays this gen.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Cleaner**: Mew's numerous Speed-boosting options and nearly unlimited coverage let it reliably clean up weakened teams. Dragon Dance sets are most common, though it is also able to run Agility with a damage-boosting move or item.

**Bulky Setup**: Calm Mind and Bulk Up are used to win games by utilizing Mew's good defensive stats. It can stay healthy with Leftovers or moves like Drain Punch, Draining Kiss, and Rest.

**Utility**: Mew can act as a strong earlygame entry hazard setter while remaining an offensive threat. It can also be used to disrupt the opponent's offense with status, Encore, or phazing.

**Wallbreaker**: Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, and other setup moves combined with Mew's coverage can be nearly impossible for defensive cores to withstand. Taunt and Toxic can also help it get through bulkier foes.

**Offensive Pivot**: Items like Assault Vest and Choice Scarf let Mew put its offensive movepool to work without setting up. Pivoting moves allow it to safely build momentum while it threatens KOs.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB Moves**: Psychic, Psyshock, Psychic Noise, Psychic Fangs, Stored Power

**Setup Moves**: Dragon Dance, Calm Mind, Bulk Up, Agility, Nasty Plot, Swords Dance

**Utility Moves**: Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Encore, Taunt, U-Turn, Flip Turn, Volt Switch, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Roar, Dragon Tail, Trick, Super Fang, Substitute, Pain Split

**Coverage**: Mew has access to every TM, meaning it can use 80+ BP physical and special attacks of any type. Some notably powerful coverage options are Close Combat, Triple Axel, Poltergeist, Earthquake, Gunk Shot, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Hurricane, and Sludge Wave. Common attacks with unique effects include Drain Punch, Leech Life, Vacuum Wave, Draining Kiss, Giga Drain, Scald, and Scorching Sands.

Niche Moves
**Acrobatics**: Acrobatics is a strong coverage option for sets with consumable items like Berries; it should be used over Brave Bird or Dual Wingbeat if the item will reliably be removed.

**Iron Defense / Body Press**: Iron Defense can be a niche bulky setup option if the opponent's Body Press resistances can be removed.
Move Iron Defense to common setup moves. Can also be used for Calm Mind/Iron Defense/Stored Power/Draining Kiss sets and I don't think it needs further elaboration.

**Future Sight**: Pivot Mew can run Future Sight to pressure opposing Psychic-resistant Pokemon that threaten Mew's teammates.

**Endeavor**: Lead sets can use Endeavor to deal considerable damage before fainting.

**Steel Beam**: Mew can KO itself after using support moves to damage a foe while bringing in a teammate.

**Hex**: Hex can be run alongside status-inflicting moves as an alternative to Shadow Ball.

**Foul Play**: Utility Mew can use Foul Play to threaten physical attackers, especially if they attempt to set up. Faster sets are also able to use it as a revenge killing option.

**Reflect / Light Screen**: Dual Screens and Light Clay are used to support other setup sweepers.

**Flame Charge / Trailblaze**: Swords Dance sets appreciate moves that act as coverage and setup at the same time.

**Fire Spin / Whirlpool / Sand Tomb**: Trapping moves deal consistent damage and potentially grant Mew turns to safely set up.
I think this is too niche. If Mew still had recovery I could see it, but the mons it can successfully trap with these moves would probably just lose 1v1 to a Sub set.

**Meteor Beam**: (insert description here)

Common Items
**Leftovers**: Mew appreciates Leftovers in many matchups because of its natural bulk and lack of reliable recovery. Passive recovery has the biggest impact on setup or defensive utility builds.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: An immunity to entry hazards allows Mew to stay healthy before it sets up, especially if Spikes or Toxic Spikes are a concern. It can also allow utility and pivot sets to enter the field more comfortable throughout games.

**Sitrus Berry**: When Mew is expected to take big hits, Sitrus Berry can provide more HP than Leftovers as it sets up.

**Lum Berry**: Lum Berry can serve as an answer to status moves like Toxic and Thunder Wave that would hinder setup. Synchronize can also leave the foe in a bad spot if they aren't immune to their status move.

**Mental Herb**: Mental Herb protects Mew from Taunt and Encore as it sets up or sets entry hazards.

Niche Items
**Clear Amulet**: Clear Amulet helps Dragon Dance sets sweep against drafts with Intimidate users.

**Resistance Berries**: Colbur Berry or other similar items allow Mew to lure specific foes and KO them, or set up more safely.

**Throat Spray**: Throat Spray can be used with moves like Psychic Noise, Alluring Voice, or Bug Buzz to increase Mew's damage output without using Calm Mind or Nasty Plot. This strategy pairs well with Speed-boosting moves like Agility.

**Loaded Dice**: Mew has access to Scale Shot, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, and Bullet Seed, which are normally not worth using. However, if multiple of these moves are useful in a matchup, Loaded Dice makes them strong options on physical setup variants.

**Chesto Berry**: Bulky setup or utility sets can use Chesto Berry and Rest to fully restore HP and remove status conditions once.

**Custap Berry**: Bulky lead sets use Custap Berry to act an extra time against faster foes, and offensive sets can run Endure with Custap Berry to stop opposing setup sweepers in a pinch.

**Damage-boosting Items**: Setup or wallbreaker sets can use items like Expert Belt to hit specific damage thresholds on foes.

**Choice Scarf**: Mew can use its decent Speed and wealth of coverage to act as a revenge killer when holding a Choice Scarf.

**Weakness Policy**: Mew can make use of its bulk and weaknesses to common moves like U-Turn and Knock Off to pick up boosts from Weakness Policy.
Move this to common

**Assault Vest**: Assault Vest allows Mew to check some special attackers while using moves like U-Turn, Drain Punch, Scald, and Knock Off to frustrate foes.

**Power Herb**: (for Meteor Beam)

Tera amplifies Mew's setup potential, making it an excellent Tera Captain. Most Tera Types are viable for resisting specific foes or bolstering coverage options. Tera Fairy and Tera Steel are solid defensive options in many matchups, but the type will often be chosen to help counter major threats to Mew or its team. Speed-boosting sets may seek to resist the opponent's revenge killing options, while defensive setup necessitates a good matchup against opposing wallbreakers. Tera Fighting helps Mew cover Dark-types, and other types can protect Mew from status conditions. As a lead, Tera Ghost allows Mew to act as a spinblocker while setting entry hazards.

Draft Strategy
Mew brings many useful roles and moves to a draft, though careful consideration is still required when building the rest of the team. Mew reaches its full potential as a Tera Captain, so it pairs best with high-value picks that don't rely on Tera. Drafting the rest of the team without considering Mew's utility options can be helpful as well, as this will result in a more flexible draft. The following are particularly important alongside Mew.

**Speed Control**: Mew's speed is somewhat mediocre, so faster Pokemon like Greninja or Iron Valiant are valuable for managing fast foes. Strong priority options from Pokemon like Palafin or Rillaboom can be helpful as well.

**Wallbreakers**: Mew's offensive stats are also fairly average. Strong attackers with more immediate offense like Iron Hands or Enamorus will be vital for pressuring teams.

**Entry Hazard Control**: One of the few notable utility moves that Mew lacks is entry hazard removal. Rapid Spin or Defog from Pokemon like Great Tusk or Corviknight can help Mew stay healthy, as it struggles to regain lost HP. Grounded Poison-types are also good to consider for their ability to remove Toxic Spikes.

**Other Entry Hazard Setters**: (to enable Mew's wincon sets better so it's not forced into utility)

Checks and Counters
**Status Conditions**: Toxic puts Mew on a timer, paralysis makes it easy to revenge kill, burn weakens physical sets, and sleep can feel like a KO. Synchronize can deter status moves to a degree, but many users will be unaffected by it.

**Disruption / Phazing**: Encore and Taunt can seriously limit Mew's effectiveness as a setup sweeper or entry hazard setter, while Trick and Switcheroo can restrict it for the remainder of a battle. Phazing moves are especially harmful to setup variants, as Mew often doesn't have to longevity to set up a second time.

**Chip Damage**: Mew's lack of reliable recovery makes it susceptible to being worn down despite its good bulk. Entry hazards, stray hits, and damage from status moves add up quickly.

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QC 1/2
**Draft Order**: Round 3 onwards

**Price Range**: 13-14 13-15 points

**Overview**: Mew is defined by its unrivaled moveset flexibility. If a draft has a weakness, Mew can probably take advantage of it. Mew's solid bulk and Speed give it plenty of opportunity to set up and sweep, especially when using Tera. It also has access to plenty of utility moves, allowing it to support teammates when necessary. However, its offensive stats and base typing are nothing special, so it often has to rely on setup moves and Tera to deal meaningful damage. Probably should mention its lack of reliable recovery in its weaknesses since this is important to how Mew plays this gen.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Cleaner**: Mew's numerous Speed-boosting options and nearly unlimited coverage let it reliably clean up weakened teams. Dragon Dance sets are most common, though it is also able to run Agility with a damage-boosting move or item.

**Bulky Setup**: Calm Mind and Bulk Up are used to win games by utilizing Mew's good defensive stats. It can stay healthy with Leftovers or moves like Drain Punch, Draining Kiss, and Rest.

**Utility**: Mew can act as a strong earlygame entry hazard setter while remaining an offensive threat. It can also be used to disrupt the opponent's offense with status, Encore, or phazing.

**Wallbreaker**: Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, and other setup moves combined with Mew's coverage can be nearly impossible for defensive cores to withstand. Taunt and Toxic can also help it get through bulkier foes.

**Offensive Pivot**: Items like Assault Vest and Choice Scarf let Mew put its offensive movepool to work without setting up. Pivoting moves allow it to safely build momentum while it threatens KOs.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB Moves**: Psychic, Psyshock, Psychic Noise, Psychic Fangs, Stored Power

**Setup Moves**: Dragon Dance, Calm Mind, Bulk Up, Agility, Nasty Plot, Swords Dance

**Utility Moves**: Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Encore, Taunt, U-Turn, Flip Turn, Volt Switch, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Roar, Dragon Tail, Trick, Super Fang, Substitute, Pain Split

**Coverage**: Mew has access to every TM, meaning it can use 80+ BP physical and special attacks of any type. Some notably powerful coverage options are Close Combat, Triple Axel, Poltergeist, Earthquake, Gunk Shot, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Hurricane, and Sludge Wave. Common attacks with unique effects include Drain Punch, Leech Life, Vacuum Wave, Draining Kiss, Giga Drain, Scald, and Scorching Sands.

Niche Moves
**Acrobatics**: Acrobatics is a strong coverage option for sets with consumable items like Berries; it should be used over Brave Bird or Dual Wingbeat if the item will reliably be removed.

**Iron Defense / Body Press**: Iron Defense can be a niche bulky setup option if the opponent's Body Press resistances can be removed.
Move Iron Defense to common setup moves. Can also be used for Calm Mind/Iron Defense/Stored Power/Draining Kiss sets and I don't think it needs further elaboration.

**Future Sight**: Pivot Mew can run Future Sight to pressure opposing Psychic-resistant Pokemon that threaten Mew's teammates.

**Endeavor**: Lead sets can use Endeavor to deal considerable damage before fainting.

**Steel Beam**: Mew can KO itself after using support moves to damage a foe while bringing in a teammate.

**Hex**: Hex can be run alongside status-inflicting moves as an alternative to Shadow Ball.

**Foul Play**: Utility Mew can use Foul Play to threaten physical attackers, especially if they attempt to set up. Faster sets are also able to use it as a revenge killing option.

**Reflect / Light Screen**: Dual Screens and Light Clay are used to support other setup sweepers.

**Flame Charge / Trailblaze**: Swords Dance sets appreciate moves that act as coverage and setup at the same time.

**Fire Spin / Whirlpool / Sand Tomb**: Trapping moves deal consistent damage and potentially grant Mew turns to safely set up.
I think this is too niche. If Mew still had recovery I could see it, but the mons it can successfully trap with these moves would probably just lose 1v1 to a Sub set.

**Meteor Beam**: (insert description here)

Common Items
**Leftovers**: Mew appreciates Leftovers in many matchups because of its natural bulk and lack of reliable recovery. Passive recovery has the biggest impact on setup or defensive utility builds.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: An immunity to entry hazards allows Mew to stay healthy before it sets up, especially if Spikes or Toxic Spikes are a concern. It can also allow utility and pivot sets to enter the field more comfortable throughout games.

**Sitrus Berry**: When Mew is expected to take big hits, Sitrus Berry can provide more HP than Leftovers as it sets up.

**Lum Berry**: Lum Berry can serve as an answer to status moves like Toxic and Thunder Wave that would hinder setup. Synchronize can also leave the foe in a bad spot if they aren't immune to their status move.

**Mental Herb**: Mental Herb protects Mew from Taunt and Encore as it sets up or sets entry hazards.

Niche Items
**Clear Amulet**: Clear Amulet helps Dragon Dance sets sweep against drafts with Intimidate users.

**Resistance Berries**: Colbur Berry or other similar items allow Mew to lure specific foes and KO them, or set up more safely.

**Throat Spray**: Throat Spray can be used with moves like Psychic Noise, Alluring Voice, or Bug Buzz to increase Mew's damage output without using Calm Mind or Nasty Plot. This strategy pairs well with Speed-boosting moves like Agility.

**Loaded Dice**: Mew has access to Scale Shot, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, and Bullet Seed, which are normally not worth using. However, if multiple of these moves are useful in a matchup, Loaded Dice makes them strong options on physical setup variants.

**Chesto Berry**: Bulky setup or utility sets can use Chesto Berry and Rest to fully restore HP and remove status conditions once.

**Custap Berry**: Bulky lead sets use Custap Berry to act an extra time against faster foes, and offensive sets can run Endure with Custap Berry to stop opposing setup sweepers in a pinch.

**Damage-boosting Items**: Setup or wallbreaker sets can use items like Expert Belt to hit specific damage thresholds on foes.

**Choice Scarf**: Mew can use its decent Speed and wealth of coverage to act as a revenge killer when holding a Choice Scarf.

**Weakness Policy**: Mew can make use of its bulk and weaknesses to common moves like U-Turn and Knock Off to pick up boosts from Weakness Policy.
Move this to common

**Assault Vest**: Assault Vest allows Mew to check some special attackers while using moves like U-Turn, Drain Punch, Scald, and Knock Off to frustrate foes.

**Power Herb**: (for Meteor Beam)

Tera amplifies Mew's setup potential, making it an excellent Tera Captain. Most Tera Types are viable for resisting specific foes or bolstering coverage options. Tera Fairy and Tera Steel are solid defensive options in many matchups, but the type will often be chosen to help counter major threats to Mew or its team. Speed-boosting sets may seek to resist the opponent's revenge killing options, while defensive setup necessitates a good matchup against opposing wallbreakers. Tera Fighting helps Mew cover Dark-types, and other types can protect Mew from status conditions. As a lead, Tera Ghost allows Mew to act as a spinblocker while setting entry hazards.

Draft Strategy
Mew brings many useful roles and moves to a draft, though careful consideration is still required when building the rest of the team. Mew reaches its full potential as a Tera Captain, so it pairs best with high-value picks that don't rely on Tera. Drafting the rest of the team without considering Mew's utility options can be helpful as well, as this will result in a more flexible draft. The following are particularly important alongside Mew.

**Speed Control**: Mew's speed is somewhat mediocre, so faster Pokemon like Greninja or Iron Valiant are valuable for managing fast foes. Strong priority options from Pokemon like Palafin or Rillaboom can be helpful as well.

**Wallbreakers**: Mew's offensive stats are also fairly average. Strong attackers with more immediate offense like Iron Hands or Enamorus will be vital for pressuring teams.

**Entry Hazard Control**: One of the few notable utility moves that Mew lacks is entry hazard removal. Rapid Spin or Defog from Pokemon like Great Tusk or Corviknight can help Mew stay healthy, as it struggles to regain lost HP. Grounded Poison-types are also good to consider for their ability to remove Toxic Spikes.

**Other Entry Hazard Setters**: (to enable Mew's wincon sets better so it's not forced into utility)

Checks and Counters
**Status Conditions**: Toxic puts Mew on a timer, paralysis makes it easy to revenge kill, burn weakens physical sets, and sleep can feel like a KO. Synchronize can deter status moves to a degree, but many users will be unaffected by it.

**Disruption / Phazing**: Encore and Taunt can seriously limit Mew's effectiveness as a setup sweeper or entry hazard setter, while Trick and Switcheroo can restrict it for the remainder of a battle. Phazing moves are especially harmful to setup variants, as Mew often doesn't have to longevity to set up a second time.

**Chip Damage**: Mew's lack of reliable recovery makes it susceptible to being worn down despite its good bulk. Entry hazards, stray hits, and damage from status moves add up quickly.

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QC 1/2
u bitch i just started qcing this
**Draft Order**: Round 3 onwards

**Price Range**: 13-15 points

**Overview**: Mew is defined by its unrivaled moveset flexibility. If a draft has a weakness, Mew can probably take advantage of it. Mew's solid bulk and Speed give it plenty of opportunity to set up and sweep, especially when using Tera. It also has access to plenty of utility moves, allowing it to support teammates when necessary. However, its offensive stats and base typing are nothing special, so it often has to rely on setup moves and Tera to deal meaningful damage. Most of its sets also have limited survivability due to its lack of reliable recovery moves.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Cleaner**: Mew's numerous Speed-boosting options and nearly unlimited coverage let it reliably clean up weakened teams. Dragon Dance sets are most common, though it is also able to run Agility with a damage-boosting move or item.

**Bulky Setup**: Calm Mind and Bulk Up are used to win games by utilizing Mew's good defensive stats. It can stay healthy with Leftovers or moves like Drain Punch, Draining Kiss, and Rest.

**Utility**: Mew can act as a strong earlygame entry hazard setter while remaining an offensive threat. It can also be used to disrupt the opponent's offense with status, Encore, or phazing.

**Wallbreaker**: Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, and other setup moves combined with Mew's coverage can be nearly impossible for defensive cores to withstand. Taunt and Toxic can also help it get through bulkier foes.

**Offensive Pivot**: Items like Assault Vest and Choice Scarf let Mew put its offensive movepool to work without setting up. Pivoting moves allow it to safely build momentum while it threatens KOs.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB Moves**: Psychic, Psyshock, Psychic Noise, Psychic Fangs, Stored Power

**Setup Moves**: Dragon Dance, Calm Mind, Bulk Up, Agility, Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, Iron Defense

**Utility Moves**: Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Encore, Taunt, U-Turn, Flip Turn, Volt Switch, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Roar, Dragon Tail, Trick, Super Fang, Substitute, Pain Split

**Coverage**: Mew has access to every TM, meaning it can use 80+ BP physical and special attacks of any type. Some notably powerful coverage options are Close Combat, Triple Axel, Poltergeist, Earthquake, Gunk Shot, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Hurricane, and Sludge Wave. Common attacks with unique effects include Drain Punch, Leech Life, Vacuum Wave, Draining Kiss, Giga Drain, Scald, and Scorching Sands.

Niche Moves
**Acrobatics**: Acrobatics is a strong coverage option for sets with consumable items like Berries; it should be used over Brave Bird or Dual Wingbeat if the item will reliably be removed. move to coverage options and just make it one of the notable ones imo

**Future Sight**: Pivot Mew can run Future Sight to pressure opposing Psychic-resistant Pokemon that threaten Mew's teammates.

**Endeavor**: Lead sets can use Endeavor to deal considerable damage before fainting.

**Steel Beam / Misty Explosion**: Mew can KO itself after using support moves to damage a foe while bringing in a teammate.

**Hex**: Hex can be run alongside status-inflicting moves as an alternative to Shadow Ball.

**Foul Play**: Utility Mew can use Foul Play to threaten physical attackers, especially if they attempt to set up. Faster sets are also able to use it as a revenge killing option.

**Reflect / Light Screen**: Dual Screens and Light Clay are used to support other setup sweepers. i dont think this is niche but if you wanna explain it anyway im cool w it

**Flame Charge / Trailblaze**: Swords Dance sets appreciate moves that act as coverage and setup at the same time.

**Meteor Beam**: Meteor Beam and a Power Herb allow Mew to boost its Special Attack without spending turns on status moves.

**Trick Room**: mew is fat enough to eat any neutral hit from the booster losers, scarfers, and faster foes and in particular ruin the booster boys one time chance to sweep

Common Items
**Leftovers**: Mew appreciates Leftovers in many matchups because of its natural bulk and lack of reliable recovery. Passive recovery has the biggest impact on setup or defensive utility builds.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: An immunity to entry hazards allows Mew to stay healthy before it sets up, especially if Spikes or Toxic Spikes are a concern. It can also allow utility and pivot sets to enter the field more comfortable throughout games.

**Sitrus Berry**: When Mew is expected to take big hits, Sitrus Berry can provide more HP than Leftovers as it sets up.

**Lum Berry**: Lum Berry can serve as an answer to status moves like Toxic and Thunder Wave that would hinder setup. Synchronize can also leave the foe in a bad spot if they aren't immune to their status move.

**Mental Herb**: Mental Herb protects Mew from Taunt and Encore as it sets up or sets entry hazards.

**Weakness Policy**: Mew can make use of its bulk and weaknesses to common moves like U-Turn and Knock Off to pick up boosts from Weakness Policy.

Niche Items
**Clear Amulet**: Clear Amulet helps Dragon Dance sets sweep against drafts with Intimidate users.

**Resistance Berries**: Colbur Berry or other similar items allow Mew to lure specific foes and KO them, or set up more safely.

**Throat Spray / Power Herb**: Throat Spray can be used with moves like Psychic Noise, Alluring Voice, or Bug Buzz to increase Mew's damage output without using Calm Mind or Nasty Plot. Power Herb has a similar effect when paired with Meteor Beam. This strategy pairs well with Speed-boosting moves like Agility.

**Loaded Dice**: Mew has access to Scale Shot, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, and Bullet Seed, which are normally not worth using. However, if multiple of these moves are useful in a matchup, Loaded Dice makes them strong options on physical setup variants. ngl ion really see it but im open to being convinced

**Chesto Berry**: Bulky setup or utility sets can use Chesto Berry and Rest to fully restore HP and remove status conditions once.

**Custap Berry**: Bulky lead sets use Custap Berry to act an extra time against faster foes, and offensive sets can run Endure with Custap Berry to stop opposing setup sweepers in a pinch.

**Damage-boosting Items**: Setup or wallbreaker sets can use items like Expert Belt to hit specific damage thresholds on foes.

**Choice Scarf**: Mew can use its decent Speed and wealth of coverage to act as a revenge killer when holding a Choice Scarf.

**Assault Vest**: Assault Vest allows Mew to check some special attackers while using moves like U-Turn, Drain Punch, Scald, and Knock Off to frustrate foes.

**Mirror Herb**: same logic as trick room, there's barely any opportunity cost to switching mew in on a turn where you think they'll set up as you're bulky enough to live anyway, i ran this like 3 times in wpf

**Red Card**: its got the bulk to make use of it, prevents setup sweepers, good for suicide leads

There is an angle to mention sash here for suicide leads but im aware how it sounds coming from me, its better without tera but like it saves lead mew from exploding to chi-yu or other nukes

Tera amplifies Mew's setup potential, making it an excellent Tera Captain. Most Tera Types are viable for resisting specific foes or bolstering coverage options. Tera Fairy and Tera Steel are solid defensive options in many matchups, but the type will often be chosen to help counter major threats to Mew or its team. Speed-boosting sets may seek to resist the opponent's revenge killing options, while defensive setup necessitates a good matchup against opposing wallbreakers. Tera Fighting helps Mew cover Dark-types, and other types can protect Mew from status conditions. As a lead, Tera Ghost allows Mew to act as a spinblocker while setting entry hazards. imo mention tera psychic for ddance pfangs sets as their one of its strongest attacking options, i also really like tera dragon on mew as people like to hit it with neutral attacks through fear of WP and dragon resists so many common types

Draft Strategy
Mew brings many useful roles and moves to a draft, though careful consideration is still required when building the rest of the team. Mew reaches its full potential as a Tera Captain, so it pairs best with high-value picks that don't rely on Tera. Drafting the rest of the team without considering Mew's utility options can be helpful as well, as this will result in a more flexible draft. The following are particularly important alongside Mew. i think you're getting at it already but that philosophy of just drafting like you dont even have mew rings true, mew does everything but that also means it cannot be drafted to do everything so when drafting it you need a lil bit of everything

**Speed Control**: Mew's speed is somewhat mediocre, so faster Pokemon like Greninja or Iron Valiant are valuable for managing fast foes. Strong priority options from Pokemon like Palafin or Rillaboom can be helpful as well.

**Wallbreakers**: Mew's offensive stats are also fairly average. Strong attackers with more immediate offense like Iron Hands or Enamorus will be vital for pressuring teams.

**Entry Hazard Control**: One of the few notable utility moves that Mew lacks is entry hazard removal. Rapid Spin or Defog from Pokemon like Great Tusk or Corviknight can help Mew stay healthy, as it struggles to regain lost HP. Grounded Poison-types are also good to consider for their ability to remove Toxic Spikes.

**Entry Hazard Setters**: Although Mew has access to most entry hazards, it shouldn't be the primary setter. The presence of teammates like Garchomp and Overqwil keeps Mew flexible, and their entry hazards help Mew sweep more reliably.

Checks and Counters
**Status Conditions**: Toxic puts Mew on a timer, paralysis makes it easy to revenge kill, burn weakens physical sets, and sleep can feel like a KO. Synchronize can deter status moves to a degree, but many users will be unaffected by it.

**Disruption / Phazing**: Encore and Taunt can seriously limit Mew's effectiveness as a setup sweeper or entry hazard setter, while Trick and Switcheroo can restrict it for the remainder of a battle. Phazing moves are especially harmful to setup variants, as Mew often doesn't have to longevity to set up a second time.

**Chip Damage**: Mew's lack of reliable recovery makes it susceptible to being worn down despite its good bulk. Entry hazards, stray hits, and damage from status moves add up quickly.

I almost kinda wanna mention knock off in particular here, it is SE damage, and inhibits like a lot of what mew wants to do as mew is usually very specialised in each MU and therefore more reliant on its items than most, idk how to word this though, can make it dark types in general perhaps

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**Draft Order**: Round 3 onwards

**Price Range**: 13-15 points

**Overview**: Mew is defined by its unrivaled moveset flexibility. If a draft has a weakness, Mew can probably take advantage of it. Mew's solid bulk and Speed give it plenty of opportunity opportunities to set up and sweep, especially when using Tera. It also has access to plenty of utility moves, allowing it to support teammates when necessary. However, its offensive stats and base typing are nothing special, so it often has to rely on setup moves and Tera to deal meaningful damage. Most of its sets also have limited survivability due to its lack of reliable recovery moves.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Cleaner**: Mew's numerous Speed-boosting options and nearly unlimited coverage let it reliably clean up weakened teams. Dragon Dance sets are most common, though it is also able to run Agility with a damage-boosting move or item.

**Bulky Setup**: Calm Mind and Bulk Up are used to win games by utilizing Mew's good defensive stats. It can stay healthy with Leftovers or moves like Drain Punch, Draining Kiss, and Rest.

**Utility**: Mew can act as a strong early-game (AH) entry hazard setter while remaining an offensive threat. It can also be used to disrupt the opponent's offense with status, Encore, or phazing.

**Wallbreaker**: Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, and other setup moves combined with Mew's coverage can be nearly impossible for defensive cores to withstand. Taunt and Toxic can also help it get through bulkier foes.

**Offensive Pivot**: Items like Assault Vest and Choice Scarf let Mew put its offensive movepool to work without setting up. Pivoting moves allow it to safely build momentum while it threatens KOs.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB Moves**: Psychic, Psyshock, Psychic Noise, Psychic Fangs, Stored Power

**Setup Moves**: Dragon Dance, Calm Mind, Bulk Up, Agility, Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, Iron Defense

**Utility Moves**: Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Encore, Taunt, U-Turn U-turn, Flip Turn, Volt Switch, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Roar, Dragon Tail, Trick, Super Fang, Substitute, Pain Split, Reflect, Light Screen

**Coverage**: Mew has access to every TM, meaning it can use 80+ BP Base Power physical and special attacks of any type. Some notably powerful coverage options are Close Combat, Triple Axel, Poltergeist, Earthquake, Acrobatics, Gunk Shot, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Hurricane, and Sludge Wave. Common attacks with unique effects include Drain Punch, Leech Life, Vacuum Wave, Draining Kiss, Giga Drain, Scald, and Scorching Sands.

Niche Moves
**Future Sight**: Pivot Mew can run Future Sight to pressure opposing Psychic-resistant Pokemon that threaten Mew's teammates.

**Endeavor**: Lead sets can use Endeavor to deal considerable damage before fainting.

**Steel Beam / Misty Explosion**: Mew can KO itself after using support moves to damage a foe while bringing in a teammate.

**Hex**: Hex can be run alongside status-inflicting moves as an alternative to Shadow Ball.

**Foul Play**: Utility Mew can use Foul Play to threaten physical attackers, especially if they attempt to set up. Faster sets are also able to use it as a revenge killing option.

**Flame Charge / Trailblaze**: Swords Dance sets appreciate moves that act as coverage and setup at the same time.

**Meteor Beam**: Meteor Beam and a Power Herb allow Mew to boost its Special Attack without spending turns on status moves.

Common Items
**Leftovers**: Mew appreciates Leftovers in many matchups because of its natural bulk and lack of reliable recovery. Passive recovery has the biggest impact on setup or and defensive utility builds.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: An immunity to entry hazards allows Mew to stay healthy before it sets up, especially if Spikes or Toxic Spikes are a concern. It can also allow utility and pivot sets to enter the field more comfortable comfortably throughout games.

**Sitrus Berry**: When Mew is expected to take big hits, Sitrus Berry can provide more HP than Leftovers as it sets up.

**Lum Berry**: Lum Berry can serve as an answer to status-inflicting (since status moves is broader than what you're talking about) moves like Toxic and Thunder Wave that would hinder setup. Synchronize can also leave the foe in a bad spot if they aren't it isn't immune to their its status-inflicting move.

**Mental Herb**: Mental Herb protects Mew from Taunt and Encore as it sets up or sets entry hazards.

**Weakness Policy**: Mew can make use of its bulk and weaknesses to common moves like U-Turn U-turn and Knock Off to pick up boosts from Weakness Policy.

Niche Items
**Clear Amulet**: Clear Amulet helps Dragon Dance sets sweep against drafts with Intimidate users.

**Resistance Berries**: Colbur Berry or and other similar items allow Mew to lure specific foes and KO them (RC) or set up more safely.

**Throat Spray / Power Herb**: Throat Spray can be used with moves like Psychic Noise, Alluring Voice, or and Bug Buzz to increase Mew's damage output without using Calm Mind or Nasty Plot. Power Herb has a similar effect when paired with Meteor Beam. This strategy pairs well with Speed-boosting moves like Agility.

**Loaded Dice**: Mew has access to Scale Shot, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, and Bullet Seed, which are normally not worth using. However, if multiple of these moves are useful in a matchup, Loaded Dice makes them strong options on physical setup variants.

**Chesto Berry**: Bulky setup or and utility sets can use Chesto Berry and Rest to fully restore HP and remove status conditions once.

**Custap Berry**: Bulky lead sets use Custap Berry to act an extra time against faster foes, and offensive sets can run Endure with Custap Berry to stop opposing setup sweepers in a pinch.

**Damage-boosting Items**: Setup or and wallbreaker sets can use items like Expert Belt to hit specific damage thresholds on foes.

**Choice Scarf**: Mew can use its decent Speed and wealth of coverage to act as a revenge killer when holding a Choice Scarf.

**Assault Vest**: Assault Vest allows Mew to check some special attackers while using moves like U-Turn U-turn, Drain Punch, Scald, and Knock Off to frustrate foes.

**Red Card**: Utility-focused Mew sets can use Red Card to disrupt the opponent's gameplan. Thanks to its bulk, it can often survive boosted attacks and phaze the attacker without needing to use a move.

Tera amplifies Mew's setup potential, making it an excellent Tera Captain. Most Tera Types types are viable for resisting specific foes or bolstering coverage options. Tera Fairy and Tera Steel are solid defensive options in many matchups, but the Tera type will often be chosen to help counter major threats to Mew or its team. Speed-boosting sets may seek to resist the opponent's revenge killing options, while defensive setup necessitates a good matchup against opposing wallbreakers. Tera Fighting helps Mew cover Dark-types, and other types can protect Mew from status conditions. Tera Psychic grants Mew with powerful STAB attacks when its coverage and defensive typing are sufficient. As a lead, Tera Ghost allows Mew to act as a spinblocker while setting entry hazards.

Draft Strategy
Mew brings many useful roles and moves to a draft, though careful consideration is still required when building the rest of the team. Mew It reaches its full potential as a Tera Captain, so it pairs best with high-value picks that don't rely on Tera. Drafting the rest of the team without considering Mew's utility options can be helpful as well, as this will result in a more flexible draft. It can fill many roles, but not all at once. The following are particularly important alongside Mew.

**Speed Control**: Mew's speed Speed is somewhat mediocre, so faster Pokemon like Greninja or and Iron Valiant are valuable for managing fast foes. Strong priority options from Pokemon like Palafin or and Rillaboom can be helpful as well.

**Wallbreakers**: Mew's offensive stats are also fairly average. Strong attackers with more immediate offense like Iron Hands or and Enamorus will be are vital for pressuring teams.

**Entry Hazard Control**: One of the few notable utility moves categories of utility move that Mew lacks is entry hazard removal. Rapid Spin or and Defog from Pokemon like Great Tusk or and Corviknight can help Mew stay healthy, as it struggles to regain lost HP. Grounded Poison-types are also good to consider for their ability to remove Toxic Spikes.

**Entry Hazard Setters**: Although Mew has access to most entry hazards, it shouldn't be the primary setter. The presence of teammates like Garchomp and Overqwil keeps Mew flexible, and their entry hazards help Mew sweep more reliably.

Checks and Counters
**Status Conditions**: Toxic puts Mew on a timer, paralysis makes it easy to revenge kill, burn weakens physical sets, and sleep can feel like a KO. Synchronize can deter status-inflicting moves to a degree, but many status users will be are unaffected by it.

**Disruption / Phazing**: Encore and Taunt can seriously limit Mew's effectiveness as a setup sweeper or and entry hazard setter, while Trick and Switcheroo can restrict it for the remainder of a battle. Phazing moves are especially harmful to setup variants, as Mew often doesn't have to the longevity to set up a second time.

**Chip Damage**: Mew's lack of reliable recovery makes it susceptible to being worn down despite its good bulk. Entry hazards, stray hits, and damage from status moves add up quickly.

**Knock Off**: Mew is naturally weak to Dark-type attacks, (AC) and it often heavily relies on its item to contribute.

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