QC: p2 / DennisEG / PK Gaming
GP: CryoGyro
* Mega Metagross is a strong wallbreaker due to Tough Claws and its good movepool giving it great coverage to hit a number of different Pokemon.
* It has great defensive utility due to its defensive typing and great bulk allowing it to check prominent threats, such as Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Latios, Clefable, Magearna, and Mega Alakazam, if it's healthy enough.
* A great base Speed stat in conjunction with the new Mega Evolution mechanics allows Mega Metagross to outspeed a great number of Pokemon in the metagame.
* Mega Metagross runs into the issue of four-moveslot syndrome; it gets checked by specific Pokemon depending on the coverage moves that it runs.
name: All Out Attacker
move 1: Meteor Mash
move 2: Zen Headbutt
move 3: Earthquake / Hammer Arm
move 4: Thunder Punch / Ice Punch / Bullet Punch
item: Metagrossite
ability: Clear Body
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
* Meteor Mash is Mega Metagross's strongest STAB move and its most spammable one, being able to do great damage to those that don't resist it.
* Zen Headbutt is Mega Metagross's other STAB move and provides great coverage in conjunction with Meteor Mash, hitting Pokemon such as Rotom-W, Mega Venusaur, Keldeo, Buzzwole, and Toxapex harder than Meteor Mash.
* Earthquake hits Heatran, Alolan Marowak, Jirachi, Magnezone, and opposing Mega Metagross hard and is great coverage in conjunction with Mega Metagross's STAB moves.
* Hammer Arm is another option to hit the Steel-types that normally switch into Mega Metagross easily, such as Ferrothorn, Heatran, and Kartana.
* Thunder Punch gives Mega Metagross the ability to hit Tapu Fini, Skarmory, Celesteela, Mantine, and Slowbro harder.
* Ice Punch provides great coverage by hitting Landorus-T, Garchomp, and Gliscor along with other Pokemon such as Latios and Hippowdon.
* Bullet Punch is a nice priority STAB move able to pick off weakened threats that naturally outspeed Mega Metagross, such as Weavile, Pheromosa, and Tapu Koko, if they are sufficiently weakened.
* Pursuit provides great utility for teams that appreciate having the likes of Latios and Latias gone and picks off threats such as Tapu Lele, which is 2HKOed by Pursuit on the switch.
Set Details
* Maximum Speed and Attack EVs give Mega Metagross the best chance to make use of its offensive stats.
* Maximum Speed allows Mega Metagross to Speed tie with Latios and Latias and outspeed the likes of Keldeo, Terrakion, and Kartana.
* Clear Body avoids Intimidate pre-Mega Evolution.
Usage Tips
* Use Mega Metagross as an early- or mid-game wallbreaker to soften up the opposing team. You may also want to switch into attacks due to Mega Metagross's typing and bulk, but be careful since Mega Metagross may find itself worn down easily, which will limit the amount of times it can wallbreak throughout the match.
* Meteor Mash is a great neutral move to throw out, but be wary of Steel-types, which you can try to predict and hit with coverage moves such as Hammer Arm.
* Bringing Mega Metagross in on passive Pokemon works if you are sure that you are avoiding status ailments from the Pokemon you are switching it into; otherwise, take caution when it comes to these threats.
* In general, it is advised to play very aggressively with Mega Metagross by taking advantage of double switches and predictions to break through the enemy team, such as predicting an opposing Rotom-W by hitting it with Zen Headbutt on the switch in, which can 2HKO after prior damage, as opposed to Meteor Mash, which allows Rotom-W to force Mega Metagross out.
Team Options
* Tapu Lele is a great partner, being able to provide Psychic Terrain to bolster Mega Metagross's Zen Headbutt; Tapu Lele also can hit many of Mega Metagross's checks, such as Skarmory, Scizor, and Celesteela, hard with Psychic Terrain-boosted Psychics for Mega Metagross to take advantage of them, or lure out said Pokemon with Hidden Power Fire or Thunderbolt.
* Buzzwole, which appreciates having Fairy- and Ground-type Pokemon weakened, has great synergy with Mega Metagross, as it can wear down these Pokemon for Buzzwole. Buzzwole can help break down Steel-types for Mega Metagross in return.
* If running Pursuit, the likes of Buzzwole, Keldeo, and other partners appreciate having Latios and Latias taken out so that they don't have to worry about being revenge killed or checked by them.
* Partners to handle Steel-types are beneficial; Heatran is a fantastic partner that can assist Mega Metagross in breaking down bulkier builds, check Mega Scizor, and take out Water-types with its Bloom Doom set.
* Magnezone is a great partner here due to its ability to remove Skarmory, Celesteela, Mega Scizor, and Kartana; pairing Magnezone with Mega Metagross also means that Metagross may be free to choose another coverage option over Hammer Arm since Magnezone will have Steel-types covered the majority of the time.
* The rest of Metagross' team should make up for the coverage moves that Metagross lacks; coverage for Slowbro, Skarmory, and Celesteela should be present if Mega Metagross lacks Thunder Punch and for Landorus-T, Garchomp, and Gliscor if it doesn't have Ice Punch.
Other Options
* Rock Polish allows Mega Metagross to set up with its great bulk to outspeed threats such as Pheromosa and perform as a late-game sweeper.
* Grass Knot is boosted by Tough Claws and allows Mega Metagross to hit Hippowdown and Slowbro for great damage, but it's incredibly difficult to justify using over Mega Metagross's other coverage options.
* Metagross can also run an Assault Vest set that is used primarily for Pursuit trapping opposing Pokemon such as Latios and Mega Alakazam and can greatly threaten other special attackers such as Tapu Lele.
Checks and Counters
**Steel-types**: Steel-types such as Mega Scizor, Ferrothorn, Skarmory, and Celesteela can take Mega Metagross's moves easily depending on the coverage it's running; Mega Scizor specifically can take all of Mega Metagross's attacks and Roost off the damage while being able to set up Swords Dance on it. Skarmory and Celesteela also have to be careful switching in on Thunder Punch.
**Ground-types**: Landorus-T, though it cannot switch into Mega Metagross's Ice Punch, can wear down it with Intimidate and potential Rocky Helmet damage or force it out with its Choice Scarf set. Choice Scarf Garchomp is able to revenge kill Mega Metagross after some prior damage. Rocky Helmet Garchomp can switch into many of Mega Metagross's attacks barring Ice Punch and wear it down with the combination of Rough Skin and Rocky Helmet. Hippowdon and Quagsire get honorable mentions, as they are able to take Mega Metagross's attacks and recover the damage with Slack Off and Recover, respectively.
**Water-types**: Pokemon such as Slowbro and Rotom-W can threaten Mega Metagross due to their resistance to Meteor Mash and their potential to wear down or cripple Mega Metagross with burns. However, Rotom-W has to be wary of switching into Zen Headbutt, and Slowbro fears Thunder Punch.
**Faster Attackers**: Given Mega Metagross's lack of recovery, it is prone to being revenge killed by Pokemon such as Greninja, Pheromosa and Mega Alakazam if it's weakened enough. Dark-types such as Bisharp, Weavile, and Choice Scarf Tyranitar can be very threatening to Mega Metagross and must be handled cautiously, especially if you lack Bullet Punch for Weavile.
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