Mental state>

Recently, things have been weird. My mind keeps racing from thought to thought, and I tend to have delusions a lot. I don't know what is going on. My mind keeps going off tangent, and I can't look people in the face. At work, all day I could barely show any emotion or look anyone in the face.

I don't know if it is because I am really bored, or stressed, or if I have something wrong with me that I cannot control. I also tend to move according to what I am thinking, which also changes like every two seconds. I don't know if it is because everyone is busy with Valentine's Day and I am by myself, or if it is something deeper.

My thoughts are so jumbled right now, and I don't know why. My motor skills are like all over the place, and when it was almost time for me to leave work, I just really wanted to be home. I grew increasingly agitated and anxious to leave once the last hour came, and I have no idea why. I can't really talk to anyone, and when I do talk, the words come out strange, like too quiet, or I mix up syllables Example: I bide a rike.

Several times, I feel like I want to cry, and nothing comes out. Several times I tried, but nothing happens. I don't know what is going on. I amazedI could stay on task long enough to type this.

Any thoughts? Insight would be greatly appreciated.
The first thing that comes to my mind is stress. Stress can do so many things to the body, from making your heart beats really irregular, to mental issues.

I'd try to calm down, especially before bed. Drink non-caffeinated tea, or something that calms you down. Take a break from things that might cause you stress.

If all else fails, seeing a doctor is probably a good thing, since this could be a condition.
Yes, do see a doctor, they will be able to figure out your condition much quiker.

Something you could do is perhaps after work (work is very stressing) is just relax on your bed for a moment. Lay down for five minutes and think about your hopes and dreams. Only focus on them; don't let the outsides stress get in. Breath deep, relax, and close your eyes. After those five minutes have passed, get up and start performing life, with the memory of those hopes and dreams in your head.

Hope this helps.
It's kind of depressing, because it's like, Ive been through enough shit, and of course, it's another obstacle. Thanks for the input guys.
See a doctor, sounds a hell of a lot like hypomania to me. Been there myself. Don't leave it too late to seek help - i.e. buying a one way ticket to new york (thankfully that wasn't me, but a hypomanic friend of mine).
It might have something to do with the fact that I basically drank soda and other such drinks instead of water for the last three days or I drank some water and I'M gonna see how the rest of the day goes. thanks for the concern.
you should take a long warm bath with some candles and some cool tunes, that's pretty relaxing.

If akuchi is right, then good luck. I hope it's stress.
Here's my input:

Should this persist for a day or two more, go see a doctor. In my opinion, though, it sounds like stress is getting the best of you. Try and find something that can soothe your soul or calm you down. Anything at all.

If all else fails, try and find somebody you can talk to. Despite the fact that your words are a bit jumbled, talking helps. I hope everything turns out okay (if it's stress, it should... just don't let it get the best of you).
i think i've been experiencing something similar to this as of late. Except with me, my mind would randomly linger on a particular subject (significant or not) up until a point where my breath would stop for like a half a second subconsciously and a subsequent urge to faint would arise. This occurs usually when I'm idle and/or by myself. Keeping my mind occupied with pleasurable ideas/thoughts (daggering vagina etc) has been doing the trick for the past couple of days. Even now as i type this post.

try not to pay your mind racing from thought to thought much attention, as that tends to add more pressure to the peas
Due to your bizarre symptoms, I wouldn't be surprised if there was something terribly wrong with you but I'd go ahead and go to the doctor as others suggested and find out the root of the problem; staying away from stress will aid in your getting better too.
Sounds like an anxiety disorder to me, which one, im not to sure because psych is not my speciality.
GP will be able to help
Its been everywhere, but I am going to see the doctor later to see what is going on. wish me luck. With my streak, I will definitely need it.
Of course you've heard of it. -_-

Anyway, you sound like Edward Norton's character in Fight Club. What is your sleeping pattern like? Can't sleep? Chew Valerian Root and exercise. My advice to you is to exercise if you aren't already. Or have sex, or both. Just find a way to release endorphins. By the way, are these symptoms only occurring at work?

Jesus christ, what's that supposed to mean?
Funnily enough, magic herbs and a nice long run don't actually solve everything. If it is hypomania - and though I'm not a psychiatrist, natch (I'm not nearly enough of a cunt) it needs to be checked out and treated before it progresses further. It could be the difference between life and death, quite bluntly.
I work in a supermarket and I'm saving up money for university in 2010, I just graduated highschool. All this tedious work is so boring.

However, when I want to get something done "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen plays in my head and I feel like I'm on top of the world and that I'm bulletproof. I'll be a smartass to all the customers and work very hard, fuck I'm awesome.
Not now,

Mummyfish, all I am saying is that having symptoms thatI have never had together in tandem is not caused by lack of excercise and lack of sleep, (which I didn't lack anyway).

Actually, just save the attitude for someone who is not waiting for the follow up to an MRI.
What's the MRI for? They think this has a physical root rather than a psychological?
When'd you get the results back? Sounds like a stress-filled nightmare, hope it works out.
Well, I told the doctor my symptoms "uncoordination", headaches, racing thoughts) and in two minutes he gave me a prescription slip for an MRI. Then the next day (Yesterday) I was at the local hospital getting an MRI. Now I am just awaiting the results of the MRI.

I actually feel a little bit worse as each day goes, but I am still able to function normally. For the most part, at least.
Wow, that sucks Ancax. Hopefully it's psychological instead of physical because mental medication has many side effects from what I've seen.
Um. I think you mean the other way round?
Anyway, head meds aren't that bad. Takes time to get on the right cocktail and dose but once you're stabilised on them they're pretty much fine, and certainly better than the alternative.
I'm bloody impressed with your health system (and your doctor!), my local GP generally just gives me another prescription and tells me to wander back in two weeks.
I have to wait up to three business days, so at the latest Monday I will have the results. It's going to be a long way until Monday.
As opposed to say, you, who writes off all mental illness with the typical 'herbs, smiles and a run' formula and a bad analogy to a fictional character. ..hurm. I see. Not to mention you've not actually explained what you meant by your ridiculous little dig (long-term mental patient has knowledge of mental health issues! shock horror!). Grow up.
Yes, I am well aware that certain drugs can permanently alter your brain. FWIW, I'm actually not on any psychiatric medication at present, preferring to deal with what at present is only mild/moderate depression *with* getting out of the house more often, concentrating on my A levels, doimg stuff and seeing people (stopped the mirtazapine last week). I find your analysis of me to be simplistic and mildly offensive; I don't just 'run to the doctors and get another pill'.
What I will do is go back on the medication if I end up suffering another spell of depression so severe I haven't got out of bed for three weeks except to a) piss and b) attempt suicide and medication is the only thing that's going to pull me out of that hole or another mania so severe I think I can quite literally walk on water; funnily enough I don't think that's unreasonable. Long term observation? Since 2008? Sweetie, you have no idea.
I bitch about SSRIs a lot (go look them up - prozac, etc) as I find them prescribed as a first-line panacea far too often, without doctors actually taking the time to consider what might be more appropriate and the discontinuation syndrome is quite frankly a whore.
I bitch about serotonergic medication in general. I don't like it; anything really fucks with my serotonin (without a great deal of noradrenaline activity too) and I'll hit the walls screaming.
Does that mean other people shouldn't take them? No. For a couple of people I know, citalopram/sertraline/etc has been a livesaver.
Yes, I've taken a lot of psychiatric medication. My brain is evidently rather fussy and doesn't like a great deal of it; I've been on several different kinds (seven? eight? I forget) and I've found one that works. But it works.
You have absolutely no idea what I was like November 2008 - neither did I at the time, I was working 75 hour weeks ignoring the world and heading for the biggest burn-out ever, which of course hit and hit me hard. Several incredibly traumatic events in quick succession (loss of job/new flat/home/was arrested and placed into a really nasty council room) finished the job and I ended up with a spell of severe reactive clinical depression. Don't tell me I could have solved that with your nutritional ass or getting a bit of vitamin D.
I did, however, solve it with eight weeks of mirtazapine (I'm very surprised I feel okay enough to come off it at this point, and it's probably not a good idea, but gift horses mouths etc). The mirtazapine was not the be-all-and-end-all you seem to think I make it out as. Nor did I go and get more at the first sign of trouble - though if I had I would not have got in anything like the car wreck my life ended up as. Honestly love, tl;dr if you've not been there don't presume to criticise and don't you dare sit in judgement of me for taking psychiatric medication when I need to.
What I'm saying to Ancax isn't that it IS hypomania, it sounds a lot like my own experiences with hypomania and therefore he should certainly get it checked out. It may be minor reactive stress, I don't know - but if someone came on here and went 'dude, I've got a lump in my testicle' you'd tell them to get it checked out, wouldn't you?
MummyFish said:
My advice to you is to exercise if you aren't already. Or have sex, or both. Just find a way to release endorphins.

As somebody who exercises religiously and has had two bouts with depression in the past, I really can't stand it when people come out with this reccomendation. I've found endorphins to be no more effective than alcohol in this regard - they temporarily mask the symptom but you just feel even worse in the aftermath.

As long as I was training regularly I'd feel the benefits mentally but it's impossible to maintain that level of dedication when I'm in such a dark place and it only ends up with me losing the will to exercise and then feeling even worse. From there I'd enter into a spiral where I'd spend hours wrestling with my mind trying to convince myself to exercise and it would end in failure more often than not which only served to make me feel even lower.

You can't expect people to just smile and go out running when they're feeling as low as they's not practical. Exercise takes a certain amount of enthusiasm and positivity; two things that are obviously absent in depressed people. Even if they are capable of exercising, it's a short term solution at best and I daresay Ancax is looking for something a little more permanent.