BH Mega Mewtwo X [QC 3/3] [GP 2/2] [Done]


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Mega Mewtwo X


With an incredible stat spread, a fantastic STAB combination, and a good Speed tier, Mega Mewtwo X finds itself as one of the most threatening offensive Pokemon in Balanced Hackmons. Due to its Fighting STAB and high Attack stat, Mega Mewtwo X can pressure Normal-, Steel-, and Dark-types, while its Psychic-type STAB makes Mega Mewtwo X an effective user of Photon Geyser, a powerful move that allows it to get past would-be checks such as Sturdy Shedinja and Fur Coat or Unaware Pokemon. These two types complement each other well, as Pokemon that resist Psychic often don't resist Fighting and vice versa, limiting viable answers to its STAB combination to Pokemon such as Mega Slowbro, Mega Sableye, and Cresselia. Also, with a good Special Attack stat, it can bypass Pokemon that wall physical attackers, such as Fur Coat Pokemon, Zygarde-C and Mega Slowbro, and with its decent bulk it can take neutral STAB attacks in a pinch. For instance, it has the bulk to take Kyurem-B's Extreme Speed, Regigigas's Facade, and Dialga's Core Enforcer. Finally, its high Speed stat in conjunction with its typing allows it to force out or eliminate many Pokemon, including Kartana, Regigigas, Arceus, and Registeel.

However, Mega Mewtwo X is still limited by its weaknesses to Flying- and Fairy-type attacks, making it vulnerable to being revenge killed by Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie, which are very common. Also, it Speed ties with Mega Gengar and is outsped by Mega Mewtwo Y, giving it quite a list of offensive checks. Meanwhile, defensively, though Mega Mewtwo X has few checks in general, Pokemon that do check it such as Mega Sableye, Giratina, and Cresselia consistently do so, as they either resist or are immune to its STAB moves. Also, Mega Mewtwo X can often be OHKOed by slower offensive threats that it cannot OHKO, such as Mega Rayquaza and Primal Groudon.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Photon Geyser
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Knock Off / Spectral Thief
move 4: U-turn / Trick
item: Choice Band
ability: Adaptability / Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Photon Geyser is the Psychic STAB move of choice, bypassing Fur Coat and Sturdy. With Adaptability, it 2HKOes Giratina and Mega Audino, as well as potentially 2HKOing Zygarde-C after Stealth Rock and potentially OHKOing Primal Kyogre after Stealth Rock. Close Combat is the Fighting STAB move of choice, OHKOing Registeel, Kartana, and Primal Kyogre lacking Fur Coat and 2HKOing Zygarde-C lacking Fur Coat. It also functions as a way to beat Steel-types and Dark-types that don't mind being hit by Photon Geyser. Knock Off hits Psychic-types such as Cresselia and Mega Slowbro while also removing Leftovers from Pokemon to reduce their passive recovery. It can also be used to remove Plates from Judgment users, limiting their coverage; Choice items and Life Orbs from offensive Pokemon, neutering their power; and Safety Goggles, removing their Spore immunity. Spectral Thief is a more consistent option to hit Psychic-types, steal boosts from slower Pokemon that have stolen other boosts, and punish foes that may otherwise set up on Mega Mewtwo X, but Knock Off is preferred due to the added utility of removing items. U-turn can be used to gain momentum on the switches that Mega Mewtwo X forces while also dealing heavy damage to Psychic-types that may try to switch in. Trick can be used to lock defensive Pokemon into one move, crippling them if they need to use healing moves to check Mega Mewtwo X, while also giving Mega Mewtwo X the freedom to switch attacks again. However, Mega Mewtwo X generally prefers the power that is granted by Choice Band, so using Trick does come with a drawback. Finally, Ice Hammer can be used to OHKO Zygarde-C, but it is already 2HKOed by Mega Mewtwo X's STAB attacks, and running Ice Hammer leaves Mega Mewtwo X walled by Psychic-types.

Set Details

Choice Band is used to boost Mega Mewtwo X's power alongside Adaptability so it can OHKO Primal Kyogre and 2HKO Mega Audino and Giratina. Adaptability boosts Photon Geyser and Close Combat, further increasing Mega Mewtwo X's power and turning it into a frightening wallbreaker. Tough Claws can be run over Adaptability, but it has the drawback of not boosting Photon Geyser, which is arguably the best move on the set. However, it can boost coverage moves such as Knock Off, Spectral Thief, U-turn, and Ice Hammer. A Jolly nature is used to maximize Speed without sacrificing Mega Mewtwo X's bulk and power.

Usage Tips

It's important to conserve PP on Photon Geyser and Close Combat, as both moves have fairly low PP that can be stalled down by the opponent by using type immunities. Bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon it can threaten, such as Steel-types, Mega Tyranitar, and Kyurem-B. Be careful not to let Mega Mewtwo X's item get removed, as Choice Band is vital for its power. Scouting for Knock Off on Pokemon such as Mega Gyarados and Mega Tyranitar will help in assessing if Mega Mewtwo X can switch in on them. Scout for status on common users such as Registeel, Giratina, and Dialga to ensure that Mega Mewtwo X does not get burned or paralyzed, as it needs both its Speed and power to achieve the 2HKOs and OHKOs that make it good. Do not play Mega Mewtwo X recklessly; make sure you mainly bring it in with slow pivoting or double switches, as Mega Mewtwo X needs to remain healthy to defeat certain threats. Be wary of locking Mega Mewtwo X into Photon Geyser or Close Combat while Dark- or Ghost-types are on the opposing team, as much momentum will be lost if they switch in. Only use Trick when you no longer need Choice Band on Mega Mewtwo X or when the need for power is outweighed by the benefit of crippling a defensive Pokemon. Ensure that the opposing Pokemon is not holding items that cannot be Tricked, such as a Z-Crystal, or items that would cripple Mega Mewtwo X, such as Toxic Orbs from Poison Heal Pokemon.

Team Options

An Imposter user such as Chansey can be used in order to see which Pokemon Mega Mewtwo X can come in on, while also checking to see if Mega Mewtwo X can safely revenge kill Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie. Stealth Rock support is also valuable to get damage on many of the switches that Mega Mewtwo X forces, such as against Registeel and Dialga, make walls easier to break down, and let Mega Mewtwo X get the potential 2HKO on Zygarde-C. Pokemon with -ate abilities such as Mega Rayquaza, Mega Diancie, and Zekrom can take advantage of Mega Mewtwo X's ability to eliminate Steel-types. In return, they can beat Pokemon that check Mega Mewtwo X, such as Mega Slowbro and Mega Sableye, and Mega Diancie in particular can additionally eliminate Dark-types so Mega Mewtwo X can use Photon Geyser more freely. Mega Mewtwo X also appreciates checks to Pixilate and Aerilate users, such as Flash Fire Steel-types and Fur Coat Chansey. Checks to opposing Mega Mewtwo X, such as Imposter Chansey, Cresselia, and Mega Slowbro, are appreciated, as they can additionally Imposter-proof Mega Mewtwo X. Checks to Mega Gengar such as Yveltal and Mega Audino are good team options, as Mega Mewtwo X is forced out by Mega Gengar. Mega Mewtwo X appreciates entry hazard removal from common Defoggers such as Giratina, Mega Audino, and Zygarde-C, as Toxic Spikes can put it on a timer which Mega Mewtwo X cannot often afford. Finally, Mega Slowbro, Cresselia, and Mega Sableye can all Imposter-proof Mega Mewtwo X, while also providing safe opportunities to bring it in with slow pivoting.

name: Technician
move 1: Storm Throw
move 2: Frost Breath
move 3: Bonemerang / Sunsteel Strike
move 4: Knock Off / Stealth Rock / Spectral Thief
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Naive
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Storm Throw is the Fighting-type STAB move of choice, doing considerable damage to almost anything that does not resist it thanks to the guaranteed critical hit as well as Technician's boost in power. In addition, Storm Throw's critical hit also lets Mega Mewtwo X ignore drops to its attack from King's Shield and boosts to the opponent's Defense, which helps it wallbreak more efficiently. Frost Breath rounds out the coverage, OHKOing Mega Rayquaza and Zygarde-C while also 2HKOing Giratina. By virtue of its guaranteed critical hit, Frost Breath can also ignore boosts to the opponent's Special Defense, which may be useful. Bonemerang is used to OHKO Aegislash and Primal Groudon after Stealth Rock while also breaking Substitutes and Focus Sash. Sunsteel Strike can be used to bypass Fur Coat, OHKO Shedinja, and 2HKO Mega Audino. Knock Off is used to remove items as well as hit Psychic-types such as Mega Mewtwo Y and Cresselia. Stealth Rock can be run, as Mega Mewtwo X forces out many common Magic Bounce Pokemon such as Mega Audino and Giratina. Spectral Thief is an option to more consistently hit Psychic-types while also stealing some boosts. Finally, Shell Smash can be run on this set to boost Mega Mewtwo X's offensive prowess, but it will often not need the boost in power and cannot often afford wasting a turn to set up.

Set Details

Life Orb allows Mega Mewtwo X to achieve the OHKO on Zygarde-C and Aegislash as well as the 2HKO on Mega Audino, Primal Groudon, and Giratina. Expert Belt can also be used to avoid recoil, as this set relies on super effective hits to do damage. However, the lower power does make a difference, as Mega Mewtwo X no longer reliably OHKOes Zygarde-C and no longer reliably 2HKOes Mega Audino. Technician is used to boost the power of Storm Throw and Frost Breath, allowing them to get key damage on their intended targets. A Naive nature is used to maximize Speed while maintaining power. Naive is preferred, as -ate Fake Out and Extreme Speed are a common way to revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X, so it cannot afford to lower its Defense stat.

Usage Tips

Don't let Mega Mewtwo X take unnecessary damage. As Mega Mewtwo X runs Life Orb, it is already on a timer, and adding damage onto that can hurt Mega Mewtwo X's potential in the match. Don't let Mega Mewtwo X get statused by common users such as Aegislash, Mega Audino, and Dialga, as poison limits its longevity, burn limits its physical damage output, and paralysis can drastically reduce its potency against offense. Make sure to bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon it forces out, such as Steel-types, or use a teammate's slow momentum move to get it in. Avoid taking unnecessary damage, as Mega Mewtwo X already has a limit on the number of attacks it can deliver in a game due to Life Orb, so it's important that Mega Mewtwo X not waste HP getting a 2HKO where it could have gotten an OHKO. When Mega Mewtwo X forces a switch, it can take the opportunity to set up Stealth Rock to discourage the opponent from switching liberally. Also, because Storm Throw and Frost Breath guarantee a critical hit, Mega Mewtwo X can check Contrary Pokemon that have not boosted their Speed, such as Mega Rayquaza.

Team Options

Imposter can be used to scout sets on typical checks to Mega Mewtwo X, such as RegenVest Giratina, Mega Slowbro, and Aegislash. Pokemon that resist Fighting and have the bulk or typing to take on Mega Mewtwo X's other attacks, such as Mega Slowbro and Ho-Oh, can Imposter-proof it. Pokemon that force out Mega Mewtwo X's defensive checks are good partners, such as Mega Diancie and Zekrom. Mega Mewtwo X can also eliminate Steel-types for Mega Diancie and Ground- and Dragon-types for Zekrom. Defoggers such as Giratina, Zygarde-C, and Mega Audino can remove entry hazards for Mega Mewtwo X to keep its HP as high as possible. Pokemon that check -ate users such as Flash Fire Registeel, Flash Fire Celesteela, and Soundproof Arceus can function as partners to Mega Mewtwo X so it isn't revenge killed. Checks to Triage Mega Rayquaza such as Unaware Mega Tyranitar, faster Dazzling users, and Zekrom can function as effective teammates to Mega Mewtwo X. Pokemon such as Registeel, Mega Audino, and Zygarde-C can help Mega Mewtwo X by helping it switch in with their slow pivot moves. If Mega Mewtwo X is not running Stealth Rock, partners with the ability to set up entry hazards such as Zygarde-C, Registeel, and Giratina can be useful. Checks to Mega Gengar such as Yveltal and Mega Audino can afford Mega Mewtwo X more opportunities to wallbreak, as it will no longer have to worry about being revenge killed. Checks to Aegislash, such as Yveltal, Mega Gengar, and Mega Gyarados, should be used if Mega Mewtwo X is not running Bonemerang as Mega Mewtwo X cannot bypass it otherwise. Fur Coat Primal Kyogre can wall Mega Mewtwo X, so Pokemon such as Zekrom and Mega Sceptile can be used deal with it.

Other Options

An Adamant nature can be used on the main set to have a chance at OHKOing Primal Groudon after Stealth Rock with Close Combat, 2HKO Zygarde-C after Leftovers, and OHKO Mega Rayquaza with Photon Geyser. A Naughty nature can be used on the Technician set to 2HKO Fur Coat Primal Kyogre. However, Mega Mewtwo X enjoys having maximum Speed, which these natures do not give. Mega Mewtwo X can run a set with Refrigerate or Pixilate for the priority, defeating its common checks and also beating Zygarde-C, Aerilate Mega Rayquaza, and Giratina. However, Mega Mewtwo X generally does not need the priority, and its main sets are powerful enough that an -ate set only helps against other -ate users. Tinted Lens can be run over Adaptability in order to be able to use STAB options more freely. However, the power loss from Adaptability is noticeable, as without it, Mega Mewtwo X cannot 2HKO Zygarde-C or Giratina, and Mega Mewtwo X is still checked by Pokemon immune to its STAB moves. Mega Mewtwo X can run a Poison Heal set with Low Kick, Will-O-Wisp, Knock Off, and Leech Seed to function as a check to boosted Regigigas as well as prevent it from being statused easily. However, a Poison Heal set sorely misses out on the power that other sets provide via ability, item, or both. Mega Mewtwo X can run a Shell Smash set with Dazzling to lure -ate users that may try to revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X while also breaking down physical walls such as Zygarde-C and Giratina with Stored Power. However, this set fares poorly against Unaware and Spectral Thief users, so it is often very risky to use. Finally, Mega Mewtwo X can run a Contrary set. However, this set can be difficult to Imposter-proof, and Mega Mewtwo X generally does not require the extra power, as it 2HKOes most of the metagame already. The extra bulk can be beneficial, but its main sets are often more reliable and less risky to use.

Checks and Counters

**Imposter**: Imposter switches in on most of Mega Mewtwo X's attacks and easily forces it out. However, it must be wary of a Poison Heal set, as they are generally self Imposter proof.

**Priority**: Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie can revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X with their -ate sets. However, both must be wary of Dazzling, and Mega Rayquaza must be wary of Mega Mewtwo X itself running an -ate set. In addition to -ate sets, Triage Mega Rayquaza can revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X with less fear of an -ate set, but must still be wary of Dazzling.

**Psychic-types**: Defensive Psychic-types such as Cresselia and Mega Slowbro can wall Mega Mewtwo X's main sets. They must be wary of Dark-or Ghost-type coverage, such as Knock Off or Spectral Thief, however. Knock Off does tend to do reduced damage after the item is lost, though, so it is easier to handle.

**Ghost-types**: With their high bulk in conjunction with their typings, Mega Sableye, Aegislash, and Giratina can check Mega Mewtwo X's Adaptability set. However, the former two must be wary of Technician, while Giratina must be wary of Photon Geyser on the Adaptability set, as it will get 2HKOed. All Ghost-types must also be wary of Knock Off and Spectral Thief, but Knock Off still does reduced damage after the first use so it's more manageable than Spectral Thief.

**Dark-types**: Mega Sableye is immune to both of Mega Mewtwo X's STAB moves, making it a viable option to check Mega Mewtwo X with Poison Heal in order to ensure it doesn't get worn down too quickly. However, it must be wary of any coverage move, as Mega Sableye can only sufficiently check Mega Mewtwo X sets that have no way to hurt it, which is very rare. Fur Coat Yveltal can check Adaptability sets, but requires Leftovers to do so and cannot take chip damage.

- Written by: [[GL Volkner, 330455]]
- Quality checked by: [[Funbot28, 255984], [ScarfWynaut, 221682], [E4 Flint, 203690]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Electrolyte, 148072], [The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216]]
Last edited by a moderator:

  • Mega Mewtwo X is one of the only viable Fighting-types in the tier.
  • Its STAB combination in conjunction with its high attack allows it to beat almost every Steel-type and Dark-type.
  • Its high speed stat in conjunction with its typing allows it to force out or revenge kill many Pokemon, including Kartana, Regigigas and Mega Tyranitar.
  • Photon Geyser allows Mega Mewtwo X to ignore Fur Coat, Sturdy and Unaware, decreasing its checks and counters.
  • Its decent bulk means it can take a neutral STAB attack in a pinch. Give examples of certain threats it can take on
  • Mega Mewtwo X can be revenge killed by Triage or Aerilate Mega Rayquaza and Pixilate Mega Diancie, as it is Fighting-type.
  • Mega Mewtwo X finds it difficult to bypass Mega Slowbro, Cresselia, or Mega Sableye due to them resisting or being immune to Mega Mewtwo X's STAB moves. I don't like how this bullet implies how these mons are common let alone that viable besides bro. Reword and state how MMX's presence forces these mons onto teams where they otherwise wouldn't probs see any use.
  • Mega Mewtwo X only speed ties with Mega Gengar, risking being KOed by Judgment. Seems rather too specific of a point to leave in Overview, just state how its Speed tier lets it be outspeed by offensive threats such as MMY alongside speed tying with Mega Gar.
  • Mega Mewtwo X cannot OHKO Mega Rayquaza without coverage, making it checked by Mega Rayquaza as it generally does not run coverage. Again, another rather specific point. State how it can often be threatened to be KOed by common offensive threats if they haven't been chipped prior.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Photon Geyser
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Knock Off / Spectral Thief
move 4: Trick / U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Adaptability / Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


  • Photon Geyser is the Psychic STAB move of choice, bypassing Fur Coat and Sturdy. It 2HKOs Giratina and Mega Audino, as well as potentially 2HKOing Zygarde-C after Stealth Rock and potentially OHKOing Primal Kyogre after Stealth Rock. Mention specifically with Adapt.
  • Close Combat is the Fighting STAB move of choice. It OHKOs Registeel, Kartana and Primal Kyogre lacking Fur Coat, as well as 2HKOing Zygarde-C lacking Fur Coat. Also mention specifically that it hits the Dark and Steel types that are immune / resist Photon.
  • Knock Off is used to hit Psychic-types such as Cresselia and Mega Slowbro while also removing Leftovers from Pokemon to reduce their passive recovery. Knock Off can also be used to remove Plates from Judgment users, limiting their coverage, or to remove Choice items and Life Orbs from offensive Pokemon to neuter their power. Also removes Goggles too, helping partners with Spore.
  • Spectral Thief is a more consistent option to hit Psychic-types, but Knock Off is preferred due to the added utility of removing items. Mention when Spectral may be useful for stealing boosts of slower threats
  • Trick is used to lock defensive Pokemon into one move while also allowing Mega Mewtwo X to have constant choice in what it uses. State how MMX would prefer to keep its Band the majority of the time though
  • Ice Hammer mention
  • U-turn can be used to gain momentum on the switches that are forced by Mega Mewtwo X.
Set Details

  • Choice Band is used to boost Mega Mewtwo X's power alongside Adaptability so it achieve the OHKOs and 2HKOs that it gets. Give some relevant calcs
  • Adaptability boosts Photon Geyser and Close Combat, further increasing Mega Mewtwo X's power and turning it into a frightening wallbreaker.
  • Tough Claws can be run over Adaptability, but it has the drawback of not boosting Photon Geyser which is arguably the best move on the set. However, it has the niche of boosting coverage options such as Koff, Spectral and Ice Hammer
  • A Jolly nature is used to maximize speed while ensuring Mega Mewtwo X's bulk and offensive power remains untouched.

Usage Tips

  • Bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon it can KO, such as Steel-types, Mega Tyranitar or Kyurem-Black.
  • Be careful not to let Mega Mewtwo X's item get removed, as Choice Band is pivotal to its power. Mention common mons that run Koff that it should scout before switching into.
  • Scout for status to ensure that Mega Mewtwo X does not get burned. If it is burned, Mega Mewtwo X will hardly have any use as it no longer achieves the 2HKOs and OHKOs that make it good. Not just burnt, but it also hates being paralyzed too due to how important its Speed is for it.
  • Do not play Mega Mewtwo X recklessly; Make sure you exclusively bring it in with slow pivoting or double switches, as Mega Mewtwo X needs to remain healthy most of the time. It dosent have the worst bulk though, so I would reword "exclusively" to "mainly"
  • Do not be afraid to use Knock Off if you are unsure of what move to use. Photon Geyser and Close Combat should not be used liberally if there is a check to Mega Mewtwo X on the field, due to the moves having low PP. Just rephrase this point in general to not spamming Photon due to its low PP and possibility to be blocked by Darks, where you can mention it can use CC instead.
  • Only use Trick when you no longer need Choice Band on Mega Mewtwo X or when the need for power is outweighed by the benefits you get from swapping items with a defensive Pokemon. Ensure that the opposing Pokemon is not holding a Z Crystal, either. I would even be wary of PH mons as it hates getting a Toxic Orb too.

Team Options

  • Stealth Rock support is valuable to get damage on many of the switches that Mega Mewtwo X forces, as well as helping Mega Mewtwo X get the potential 2HKO on Zygarde-C.
  • Mega Diancie can take advantage of Mega Mewtwo X's ability to eliminate Steel-types. In return, Mega Diancie can beat Pokemon that check Mega Mewtwo X such as Mega Slowbro and Mega Sableye. Also helps beat Darks meaning MMX can spam Photon more liberally.
  • Mega Mewtwo X appreciates checks to Pixilate and Aerilate users, such as Flash Fire Steel-types and Fur Coat Chansey.
  • Mega Mewtwo X appreciates hazard removal, as Toxic Spikes can put it on a timer which Mega Mewtwo X cannot often afford. Mention examples
  • Mega Slowbro, Cresselia and Mega Sableye can all Imposterproof Mega Mewtwo X.
  • Slow pivoting mention

name: Technician
move 1: Storm Throw
move 2: Frost Breath
move 3: Bonemerang / Sunsteel Strike
move 4: Stealth Rock / Knock Off / Spectral Thief
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Naive
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


  • Storm Throw serves as the Fighting-type STAB move of choice, doing considerable damage to almost anything that does not resist it thanks to the boost provided by Technician and its ability to always land a critical hit.
  • Frost Breath rounds out the coverage, OHKOing Mega Rayquaza and Zygarde-C while also 2HKOing Giratina.
  • Bonemerang is used to OHKO Aegislash and Primal Groudon after Stealth Rock while also breaking substitutes.
  • Sunsteel Strike is used to bypass Fur Coat, OHKO Shedinja and also 2HKO Mega Audino.
  • Stealth Rock can be run, as Mega Mewtwo X forces out many common Magic Bounce Pokemon such as Mega Audino and Giratina.
  • Knock Off is used to remove items as well as hit Psychic-types such as Mega Mewtwo Y and Cresselia.
  • Spectral Thief is used to more consistently hit Psychic-types while also stealing some boosts.
  • Mention of Shell Smash
Move SR and Koff around, MMX provides more utility removing items then setting hazards since its other defensive teammates can do that instead

Set Details

  • Life Orb allows Mega Mewtwo X to achieve the OHKO on Zygarde-Complete, Aegislash and Primal Groudon as well as the 2HKO on Mega Audino and Giratina.
  • Technician is used to boost the power of Storm Throw and Frost Breath, allowing them to get key damage on their intended targets.
  • A Naive nature is used to maximize speed while maintaining offensive power. Naive is preferred as -ate users are a common way to revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X, so keeping your Defense stat allows you to live more priority.

Usage Tips

  • Don't let Mega Mewtwo X take unnecessary damage. As Mega Mewtwo X runs Life Orb, it is already on a timer and adding damage onto that can hurt Mega Mewtwo X's potential in the match.
  • Don't let Mega Mewtwo X get statused. If it is Poisoned, it will take damage faster and be limited to how many attacks it can use in a game. If it is burned, it halves Mega Mewtwo X's physical damage output which hurts it as Mega Mewtwo X heavily relies on Physical attacks. Paralysis can drastically reduce Mega Mewtwo X's potency against offense. Mention common threats that carry status that can potentially threaten MMX
  • Make sure you bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon which do not like to stay in on it, such as Steel-types. Add that it should be coming in the majority of the time through slow pivoting
  • Predict well. Mega Mewtwo X already has a limit on the attacks it can deliver in a game due to Life Orb, so it's important that Mega Mewtwo X does not waste HP getting an OHKO where it could have gotten a 2HKO.
  • Point on how MMX should use SR when it knows it will force a switch out

Team Options

  • Pokemon that resist Fighting and have the bulk or typing to take on Mega Mewtwo X's other attacks can function as an Imposterproof. These Pokemon include Mega Slowbro and Ho-Oh.
  • Pokemon that force out Mega Mewtwo X's defensive checks are good partners, such as Mega Diancie and Zekrom. Mega Mewtwo X can also eliminate Steel-types for Mega Diancie and Ground and Dragon-types for Zekrom.
  • Pokemon that run Defog such as Giratina, Zygarde-C and Mega Audino can remove hazards for Mega Mewtwo X to keep its HP as high as possible.
  • Pokemon that check -ates such as Flash Fire Registeel, Flash Fire Celesteela or Soundproof Arceus can function as partners to Mega Mewtwo X so it isn't revenged.
  • Point on slow pivots
  • Entry hazard setters if MMX is not running SR itself

Other Options

  • Mega Mewtwo X can run a set with Refrigerate or Pixilate for the priority while also beating Zygarde-C and Giratina and Aerilate Mega Ray. However, Mega Mewtwo X generally does not need the priority as its main sets are powerful enough that an -ate set only helps vs other -ate users.
  • Mega Mewtwo X can run a Poison Heal set to function as a check to boosted Regigigas as well as preventing it from being statused easily. Mention the set in particular (ie: Koff / Spore / Low Kick / Leech Seed) However, a Poison Heal set sorely misses out on the power that other sets provide via ability, item, or both.
  • Mega Mewtwo X can run a Contrary set. However, this set can be difficult to Imposterproof and Mega Mewtwo X generally does not require the extra offensive power, as it 2HKOs most of the metagame already. The extra bulk can be beneficial, but its main sets are often more reliable and less risky to use.
  • Mega Mewtwo X can run a Shell Smash set with Dazzling to lure -ate users that may try to revenge Mega Mewtwo X also breaks down physical walls thanks to Stored Power. However, this set fares poorer against Unawares and Spectral Thief users, so it is often very risky to use. Move this above Contrary

Checks and Counters

**Imposter**: Imposter switches in on most of Mega Mewtwo X's attacks and easily forces it out. However, it must be wary of a Poison Heal set as they are generally self Imposterproof.

**Mega Rayquaza**: If Mega Rayquaza has Aerilate or Triage, it can revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X with Aerilate Extreme Speed or Oblivion Wing. However, Mega Rayquaza must be wary of Refrigerate Extreme Speed or Dazzling when it attempts to revenge Mega Mewtwo X, as those sets can check Mega Rayquaza instead of the other way around.

**Mega Diancie**: Mega Diancie can revenge Mega Mewtwo X with Pixilate priority. However, it must be wary of Dazzling.

Merge these two and just go with -ate, specifically adding on any details appropriately

**Psychic-types**: Defensive Psychic-types such as Cresselia and Mega Slowbro can wall Mega Mewtwo X's main sets. They must be wary of Dark or Ghost-type coverage, such as Knock Off or Spectral Thief.

**Aegislash and Mega Sableye**: With their high bulk in conjunction with their typings, Mega Sableye and Aegislash can check Mega Mewtwo X's Adaptability set. However, both must be wary of Technician. I would add Gira and just go with Ghost types since they can switch into one of its stabs, where Aegi and Mega Sab also have added benefit of taking on Photon as well.
Good job, just a few changes needed. QC 1/3
On the technician set's usage tips you say, "• Predict well. Mega Mewtwo X already has a limit on the attacks it can deliver in a game due to Life Orb, so it's important that Mega Mewtwo X does not waste HP getting an OHKO where it could have gotten a 2HKO." Don't you mean MMX should not waste hp getting a 2HKO where it could have gotten an OHKO?
u can think of a better introductory point than "Mega Mewtwo X is one of the only viable Fighting-types in the tier." this doesnt tell me anything about how good / bad mewtwo is. u can probably merge the first three points into one, like: "its high offensive stats, great stab moves (referring to photon and cc, this can probably be worded better) and incredible speed tier makes mewtwo one of the most threatening offensive pokemon in the tier" or some shit like that

"Mega Mewtwo X can be revenge killed by Triage or Aerilate Mega Rayquaza and Pixilate Mega Diancie, as it is Fighting-type." mention how these sets are common

"Mega Mewtwo X is difficult to check, making Pokemon such as Mega Slowbro, Cresselia and Mega Sableye viable." just say how its stab coverage isnt that good, leaving it walled by x, y and z

"Mega Mewtwo X's speed tier leaves it outsped by Mega Mewtwo Y and speed tying with Mega Gengar." the way u word this makes it appear as if its speed isn't good enough, which isn't true at all. mention this earlier when u talk about mewtwo's speed eg "Its high speed stat in conjunction with its typing allows it to do this and that, but its outsped by mmy and ties with gengar"

"Mega Mewtwo X can often be OHKOed by common offensive threats if they have not been chipped prior." who is "they" in this scenario

id slash u-turn before trick

"However, Spectral Thief can steal the boosts of slower Pokemon." such as

"U-turn can be used to gain momentum on the switches that are forced by Mega Mewtwo X." se chip on psychics and the less bulky sableye is useful as well

[usage tips]
"Bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon it can KO, such as Steel-types, Mega Tyranitar or Kyurem-Black." its bulk is what lets mewtwo do this

"Scout for status to ensure that Mega Mewtwo X does not get burned. If it is burned, Mega Mewtwo X will hardly have any use as it no longer achieves the 2HKOs and OHKOs that make it good. Mega Mewtwo X also needs its high speed tier to be as threatening as it is, so it must be careful of being paralyzed." what are some common status users one must look out for

[team options]
imposter for scouting

"Stealth Rock support is valuable to get damage on many of the switches that Mega Mewtwo X forces, as well as helping Mega Mewtwo X get the potential 2HKO on Zygarde-C." examples


[team options]
imposter for scouting
triage ray checks are good as well

[checks & counters]
imposter can also check its moves and since mewtwos so versatile lots of its threat is gone once its set has been safely identified

include triage in the -ate section and rename it to priority or something. cite its typing as the primary reason its checked by these

u can think of a better introductory point than "Mega Mewtwo X is one of the only viable Fighting-types in the tier." this doesnt tell me anything about how good / bad mewtwo is. u can probably merge the first three points into one, like: "its high offensive stats, great stab moves (referring to photon and cc, this can probably be worded better) and incredible speed tier makes mewtwo one of the most threatening offensive pokemon in the tier" or some shit like that

"Mega Mewtwo X can be revenge killed by Triage or Aerilate Mega Rayquaza and Pixilate Mega Diancie, as it is Fighting-type." mention how these sets are common

"Mega Mewtwo X is difficult to check, making Pokemon such as Mega Slowbro, Cresselia and Mega Sableye viable." just say how its stab coverage isnt that good, leaving it walled by x, y and z

"Mega Mewtwo X's speed tier leaves it outsped by Mega Mewtwo Y and speed tying with Mega Gengar." the way u word this makes it appear as if its speed isn't good enough, which isn't true at all. mention this earlier when u talk about mewtwo's speed eg "Its high speed stat in conjunction with its typing allows it to do this and that, but its outsped by mmy and ties with gengar"

"Mega Mewtwo X can often be OHKOed by common offensive threats if they have not been chipped prior." who is "they" in this scenario

id slash u-turn before trick

"However, Spectral Thief can steal the boosts of slower Pokemon." such as

"U-turn can be used to gain momentum on the switches that are forced by Mega Mewtwo X." se chip on psychics and the less bulky sableye is useful as well

[usage tips]
"Bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon it can KO, such as Steel-types, Mega Tyranitar or Kyurem-Black." its bulk is what lets mewtwo do this

"Scout for status to ensure that Mega Mewtwo X does not get burned. If it is burned, Mega Mewtwo X will hardly have any use as it no longer achieves the 2HKOs and OHKOs that make it good. Mega Mewtwo X also needs its high speed tier to be as threatening as it is, so it must be careful of being paralyzed." what are some common status users one must look out for

[team options]
imposter for scouting

"Stealth Rock support is valuable to get damage on many of the switches that Mega Mewtwo X forces, as well as helping Mega Mewtwo X get the potential 2HKO on Zygarde-C." examples


[team options]
imposter for scouting
triage ray checks are good as well

[checks & counters]
imposter can also check its moves and since mewtwos so versatile lots of its threat is gone once its set has been safely identified

include triage in the -ate section and rename it to priority or something. cite its typing as the primary reason its checked by these


implemented and written up, ready for 3/3

for the next qcer we discussed some of the changes and some may not be implemented in the way theyre presented on the analysis, so not ignoring the change/changing it
am qc check

- Good on content, but I think this section can be better organized. Strengths need to be more clearly connected to the functions that MMX can serve, and they should be listed in order of significance / frequency of usage.
- First thing to note, you mention that it revenges Kartana, Regigigas, and Mega Tyranitar twice lol
- Anyways:
- First, stat spread overall makes MMX function as a powerful physical attacker that can cover its weaknesses with special coverage
- Second, typing gives MMX unique STAB combo that helps it break through many common walls (Steel- and Dark-types). This gives it wallbreaking capabilities on top of the above. Then, explain other benefits of STABs (ie, Photon Geyser)
- Thirdly, semibulky so can take quite a few even STAB attacks
- Finally, speed tier + all of the above lets it put on a ton of offensive pressure and revenge kill / force out many common Pokemon (this is where you mention Kartana, Regi, and TTar)

Then, in your qualification paragraph:
- Make explanations more clear. From a GP standpoint, you need more transitions to connect the statements and make the ideas flow better
- Also, don't repeat that MMX is difficult to check, especially since that belongs in the above paragraph because it's a strength. Just plainly say that even though it doesn't have many checks / counters, it does have a few that work very consistently.

- No reason to make this multiple paragraphs. Try to be more concise in your explanations so it can be condensed into one paragraph.

- Looks good

- Looks good

- Stealth Rock doesn't just 'get damage on many of the switches'; it wears walls down to make them easier to break down.
- Again, don't make this two paragraphs, just clean up the wording so it fits together (ie add more transitions)

- Note that crits ignore opposing defensive boosts
- Bonemerang breaks Focus Sash on Mega Diancie, Deo-A, and random other things with Sash
- One paragraph

- Looks good

- Because of crits, MMX is a decent way to check defensive setup sweepers (like slow Contrary)

- Looks good, one paragraph though

- Refrigerate / Pixilate because it more quickly shuts down MMX's most common answers - it is literally a lure set

- On Psychic-types, qualify "be careful of Knock Off" with it only really hurts once
- On Ghost-types, mention they should be careful of Knock Off / Spectral, again with the Knock Off qualification
  • Like
Reactions: Ren
im not sure about the rules on am qc so you can implement both of these.
Mega Mewtwo X


With an incredible stat spread, a fantastic STAB combination and a good speed tier, Mega Mewtwo X finds itself as one of the most threatening offensive Pokemon in Balanced Hackmons. Due to its Fighting STAB and high Attack stat, Mega Mewtwo X is able to revenge kill Pokemon such as Kartana, Regigigas and Mega Tyranitar. Its STAB combination in conjunction with its high attack allows it to beat almost every Steel-type and Dark-type. Its high speed stat in conjunction with its typing allows it to force out or revenge kill many Pokemon, including Kartana, Regigigas and Mega Tyranitar.Apart from being repetition, it does not explicitly need to revenge kill them, you can use words like "eliminate" instead. Also include how it can okho one of the major walls in registeel, and mention normal arceus as well. Lots of fighting pokemon can ohko ttar so should highlight its extreme power difference instead of how it can revenge kill However, it speed ties with Mega Gengar and is outsped by Mega Mewtwo Y. finish your discussion about its stabs before going to its speed Having Psychic-type STAB makes Mega Mewtwo X an effective user of Photon Geyser, which ignores common defensive abilities such as Fur Coat, Sturdy and Unaware highlight this more as a positive , "...Photon geyser, a powerful move that allows it to get past would-be checks to it with Fur Coat, Sturdy Shedinja, Unaware . also include how fighting/psychic is a pretty nice stab combination to have This reduces its checks and counters. Its decent bulk means it can take a neutral STAB attacks in a pinch. For instance, it has the bulk to live Kyurem-Black's Extreme Speed, Regigigas' Facade and Dialga's Core Enforcer.

Mega Mewtwo X can be revenge killed by Triage or Aerilate Mega Rayquaza and Pixilate Mega Diancie, as it is Fighting-type. Due to how common these sets are, Mega Mewtwo X struggles to put in work against teams which have any of them. rephrase these two lines, it seems kinda wordy e.g. "mewtwo mega x's weaknesses to flying and fairy make it vulnerable to rk'ing from the usual diancie/megay sets, mons that are present in many common teams" Mega Mewtwo X is difficult to check, only being checked by Pokemon such as Mega Slowbro, Cresselia and Mega Sableye. this can be included with the comment i made before about highlighting how its STABs and raw power Unfortunately, Mega Mewtwo X finds it difficult to bypass these Pokemon due to them resisting or being immune to Mega Mewtwo X's STAB moves. also can be rephrased, it's not really unfortunate, these are its checks. i would shift the focus onto them "fortunately, due to one of its stabs having an immunity, m2x still has some answers in ...etc Mega Mewtwo X can often be OHKOed by slower offensive threats if the offensive threat has not been chipped prior and m2x is unable to ohko them. These threats include Mega Rayquaza and Primal Groudon.combine with previous sentence

name: Choice Band
move 1: Photon Geyser
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Knock Off / Spectral Thief
move 4: U-turn / Trick
item: Choice Band
ability: Adaptability / Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Photon Geyser is the Psychic STAB move of choice, bypassing Fur Coat and Sturdy. With Adaptability, it 2HKOs Giratina and Mega Audino, as well as potentially 2HKOing Zygarde-C after Stealth Rock and potentially OHKOing Primal Kyogre after Stealth Rock. Close Combat is the Fighting STAB move of choice. It OHKOs Registeel, Kartana and Primal Kyogre lacking Fur Coat, as well as 2HKOing Zygarde-C lacking Fur Coat. It also functions as a way to beat the Steel-types and Dark-types that don't mind being hit by Photon Geyser. Knock Off is used to hit Psychic-types such as Cresselia and Mega Slowbro while also removing Leftovers from Pokemon to reduce their passive recovery. Knock Off can also be used to remove Plates from Judgment users, limiting their coverage, or to remove Choice items and Life Orbs from offensive Pokemon to neuter their power. It also removes Safety Goggles, allowing teammates to use Spore more freely. Spectral Thief is a more consistent option to hit Psychic-types, but Knock Off is preferred due to the added utility of removing items. However, Spectral Thief can steal the boosts of slower Pokemon, such as walls like Giratina and Zygarde-C that have stolen other boosts. optional: also an option to punish mons that try to setup on m2x predicting the switch

U-turn can be used to gain momentum on the switches that are forced by Mega Mewtwo X while also dealing heavy damage to Psychic-types that may try to switch into Mega Mewtwo X. Trick is used to lock defensive Pokemon into one move while also allowing Mega Mewtwo X to have constant choice in what it uses effectively crippling mons that rely on healing to check/stall out m2x . However, Mega Mewtwo X generally prefers the power that is granted by Choice Band. Ice Hammer can be used to OHKO Zygarde-C. However, Zygarde-C is already 2HKOed by Mega Mewtwo X's STAB attacks and running Ice Hammer leaves you walled by Psychic-types so it is not optimal.

Set Details

Choice Band is used to boost Mega Mewtwo X's power alongside Adaptability so it can OHKO Primal Kyogre and 2HKO Mega Audino and Giratina. Adaptability boosts Photon Geyser and Close Combat, further increasing Mega Mewtwo X's power and turning it into a frightening wallbreaker. Tough Claws can be run over Adaptability, but it has the drawback of not boosting Photon Geyser which is arguably the best move on the set. However, it can boost coverage moves such as Knock Off s thief, close combat, uturn and Ice Hammer. A Jolly nature is used to maximize speed while ensuring Mega Mewtwo X's bulk and offensive power remains untouched.

Usage Tips

Bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon it can threaten, such as Steel-types, Mega Tyranitar or Kyurem-Black. Be careful not to let Mega Mewtwo X's item get removed, as Choice Band is pivotal to its power. Scouting for Knock Off on Pokemon such as Mega Gyarados and Mega Tyranitar will help in assessing if Mega Mewtwo X can switch in on the threats. Scout for status to ensure that Mega Mewtwo X does not get burned. If it is burned, Mega Mewtwo X will hardly have any use as it no longer achieves the 2HKOs and OHKOs that make it good. Mega Mewtwo X also needs its high speed tier to be as threatening as it is, so it must be careful of being paralyzed. Pokemon which carry status include Registeel, Giratina and Dialga. Do not play Mega Mewtwo X recklessly; Make sure you mainly bring it in with slow pivoting or double switches, as Mega Mewtwo X needs to remain healthy most of the time. Be wary of clicking Photon Geyser on the field. If you predict a Dark or Steel-type switchin, you should use Close Combat instead. Only use Trick when you no longer need Choice Band on Mega Mewtwo X or when the need for power is outweighed by the benefits you get from swapping items with a defensive Pokemon. Ensure that the opposing Pokemon is not holding a Z Crystal, either. Be wary of tricking Poison Heal Pokemon, as well. Attaining a Toxic Orb puts Mega Mewtwo X on a timer. careful in using up its low pp on photon geyser as without one of its stabs it can be difficult to break some mons like giratina. combined with the fact that m2x has immunities to each stab, would be advised to not blindly click the same move every time it's out and/or cover at least one of them with something else so that pp is not wasted. you can include something that hits ghost types better as a team option as well to show this

Team Options

An Imposter user such as Chansey can be used in order to see which Pokemon Mega Mewtwo X can come in on, while also checking to see if Mega Mewtwo X can revenge kill Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie. Stealth Rock support is valuable to get damage on many of the switches that Mega Mewtwo X forces, such as Registeel and Dialga. Stealth Rock also helps Mega Mewtwo X get the potential 2HKO on Zygarde-C. Mega Diancie can take advantage of Mega Mewtwo X's ability to eliminate Steel-types. In return, Mega Diancie can beat Pokemon that check Mega Mewtwo X such as Mega Slowbro and Mega Sableye, while also eliminating Dark-types so Mega Mewtwo X can use Photon Geyser more freely it can provide these benefits to all ate users. start with them and then drill down to how diancie in particular is a good one for its dark type coverage Mega Mewtwo X appreciates checks to Pixilate and Aerilate users, such as Flash Fire Steel-types and Fur Coat Chansey. gengar check, other m2x

Mega Mewtwo X appreciates hazard removal, as Toxic Spikes can put it on a timer which Mega Mewtwo X cannot often afford. Pokemon such as Giratina, Mega Audino and Zygarde-C can run Defog to help Mega Mewtwo X. Mega Slowbro, Cresselia and Mega Sableye can all Imposterproof Mega Mewtwo X. Slow pivoting can be useful to bring Mega Mewtwo X in. Pokemon such as Registeel, Mega Slowbro and Zygarde-C can accomplish this.

name: Technician
move 1: Storm Throw
move 2: Frost Breath
move 3: Bonemerang / Sunsteel Strike
move 4: Knock Off / Stealth Rock / Spectral Thief
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Naive
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Storm Throw serves as the Fighting-type STAB move of choice, doing considerable damage to almost anything that does not resist it thanks to the guaranteed critical hit chance as well as Technician's boost in power. crit guarantee also lets it get past kings shield, nice perk Frost Breath rounds out the coverage, OHKOing Mega Rayquaza and Zygarde-C while also 2HKOing Giratina. Bonemerang is used to OHKO Aegislash and Primal Groudon after Stealth Rock while also breaking substitutes. Sunsteel Strike is used to bypass Fur Coat, OHKO Shedinja and also 2HKO Mega Audino. Knock Off is used to remove items as well as hit Psychic-types such as Mega Mewtwo Y and Cresselia.

Stealth Rock can be run, as Mega Mewtwo X forces out many common Magic Bounce Pokemon such as Mega Audino and Giratina. Spectral Thief is used to more consistently hit Psychic-types while also stealing some boosts. Shell Smash can be run on this set to boost Mega Mewtwo X's offensive power. However, Mega Mewtwo X will often not need the boost in offensive power and it cannot often afford wasting a turn to set up.

Set Details

Life Orb allows Mega Mewtwo X to achieve the OHKO on Zygarde-Complete, Aegislash and Primal Groudon as well as the 2HKO on Mega Audino and Giratina. optional: expert belt imo can be a good option and lets it have a little more longetivity. good for this set specifically as it relies on SE hits and raw power more than its stabs Technician is used to boost the power of Storm Throw and Frost Breath, allowing them to get key damage on their intended targets. A Naive nature is used to maximize speed while maintaining offensive power. Naive is preferred as -ate users are a common way to revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X, so keeping your Defense stat allows you to live more priority.

Usage Tips

Don't let Mega Mewtwo X take unnecessary damage. As Mega Mewtwo X runs Life Orb, it is already on a timer and adding damage onto that can hurt Mega Mewtwo X's potential in the match.hence i mentioned expert belt, but again optional Don't let Mega Mewtwo X get statused. If it is Poisoned, it will take damage faster and be limited to how many attacks it can use in a game. If it is burned, it halves Mega Mewtwo X's physical damage output which hurts it as Mega Mewtwo X heavily relies on Physical attacks. Paralysis can drastically reduce Mega Mewtwo X's potency against offense. Pokemon such as Aegislash, Mega Audino and Dialga can status Mega Mewtwo X on the switch. Make sure you bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon which do not like to stay in on it, such as Steel-types. It should generally use a teammate's slow momentum to get in as well. Predict well. Mega Mewtwo X already has a limit on the attacks it can deliver in a game due to Life Orb, so it's important that Mega Mewtwo X does not waste HP getting a 2HKO where it could have gotten an OHKO. When Mega Mewtwo X forces a switch, it can take the opportunity to set up Stealth Rock to discourage the opponent from switching liberally.

Team Options

Imposter can be used to scout sets on Pokemon that may check Mega Mewtwo X, such as RegenVest Giratina, Mega Slowbro and Aegislash. Pokemon that resist Fighting and have the bulk or typing to take on Mega Mewtwo X's other attacks can function as an Imposterproof. These Pokemon include Mega Slowbro and Ho-Oh. Pokemon that force out Mega Mewtwo X's defensive checks are good partners, such as Mega Diancie and Zekrom. Mega Mewtwo X can also eliminate Steel-types for Mega Diancie and Ground and Dragon-types for Zekrom. Pokemon that run Defog such as Giratina, Zygarde-C and Mega Audino can remove hazards for Mega Mewtwo X to keep its HP as high as possible.

Pokemon that check -ates such as Flash Fire Registeel, Flash Fire Celesteela or Soundproof Arceus can function as partners to Mega Mewtwo X so it isn't revenged. Checks to Triage Mega Rayquaza such as Unaware Mega Tyranitar, Dazzling users which outspeed Mega Rayquaza and Zekrom can function as effective teammates to Mega Mewtwo X. Pokemon such as Registeel, Mega Audino and Zygarde-C can help Mega Mewtwo X by granting it slow momentum. If Mega Mewtwo X is not running Stealth Rock, partners with the ability to set up entry hazards such as Zygarde-C, Registeel and Giratina can be useful. again gengar check. aegi check if you use SR. not sure about fc ogre too so check on that

Other Options

Mega Mewtwo X can run a set with Refrigerate or Pixilate for the priority while also beating Zygarde-C, Aerilate Mega Rayquaza and Giratina. However, Mega Mewtwo X generally does not need the priority as its main sets are powerful enough that an -ate set only helps vs other -ate users. Mega Mewtwo X can run a Poison Heal set with Low Kick, Will-O-Wisp, Knock Off and Leech Seed to function as a check to boosted Regigigas as well as preventing it from being statused easily. However, a Poison Heal set sorely misses out on the power that other sets provide via ability, item, or both. Mega Mewtwo X can run a Shell Smash set with Dazzling to lure -ate users that may try to revenge Mega Mewtwo X while also breaking down physical walls such as Zygarde-C and Giratina with Stored Power. However, this set fares poorer against Unawares and Spectral Thief users, so it is often very risky to use. Mega Mewtwo X can run a Contrary set. However, this set can be difficult to Imposterproof and Mega Mewtwo X generally does not require the extra offensive power, as it 2HKOs most of the metagame already. The extra bulk can be beneficial, but its main sets are often more reliable and less risky to use.

tinted. have to mention it. jolly +1 photon 57-66 to dialga, 48-58 to bold registeel, cc does 77-82 to xerneas, 75-88 to megaray

no mention of Adamant. include the obvious note about its increase in power, and perform some calcs to see if it turns some 3hkos to 2hkos. Already found some, Adapt band geyser can ohko ray with adamant, and 2hko leftovers zyg. adamant also works great with tinted examples i showed above. i would honestly slash it on both sets/whatever the nature that doesnt lower spA on tech

Checks and Counters

**Imposter**: Imposter switches in on most of Mega Mewtwo X's attacks and easily forces it out. However, it must be wary of a Poison Heal set as they are generally self Imposterproof.

**Priority**: Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie can revenge Mega Mewtwo X with their -ate sets. However, both must be wary of Dazzling and Mega Rayquaza must be wary of Mega Mewtwo X running an -ate set. In addition to -ate sets, Triage Mega Rayquaza can revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X with less fear of an -ate set. However, it must still be wary of Dazzling.

**Psychic-types**: Defensive Psychic-types such as Cresselia and Mega Slowbro can wall Mega Mewtwo X's main sets. They must be wary of Dark or Ghost-type coverage, such as Knock Off or Spectral Thief.

**Ghost-types**: With their high bulk in conjunction with their typings, Mega Sableye, Aegislash and Giratina can check Mega Mewtwo X's Adaptability set. However, the former two must be wary of Technician while Giratina must be wary of Photon Geyser on the Adaptability set, as it will get 2HKOed.

youve mentioned dark types in your opening para and later so double mention sable (with ph), fc yvel is a decent check as we discussed before
Last edited:
  • Like
Reactions: Ren
im not sure about the rules on am qc so you can implement both of these.

implemented, lmk if i missed anything bc there was a lot

am qc check

- Good on content, but I think this section can be better organized. Strengths need to be more clearly connected to the functions that MMX can serve, and they should be listed in order of significance / frequency of usage.
- First thing to note, you mention that it revenges Kartana, Regigigas, and Mega Tyranitar twice lol
- Anyways:
- First, stat spread overall makes MMX function as a powerful physical attacker that can cover its weaknesses with special coverage
- Second, typing gives MMX unique STAB combo that helps it break through many common walls (Steel- and Dark-types). This gives it wallbreaking capabilities on top of the above. Then, explain other benefits of STABs (ie, Photon Geyser)
- Thirdly, semibulky so can take quite a few even STAB attacks
- Finally, speed tier + all of the above lets it put on a ton of offensive pressure and revenge kill / force out many common Pokemon (this is where you mention Kartana, Regi, and TTar)

Then, in your qualification paragraph:
- Make explanations more clear. From a GP standpoint, you need more transitions to connect the statements and make the ideas flow better
- Also, don't repeat that MMX is difficult to check, especially since that belongs in the above paragraph because it's a strength. Just plainly say that even though it doesn't have many checks / counters, it does have a few that work very consistently.

- No reason to make this multiple paragraphs. Try to be more concise in your explanations so it can be condensed into one paragraph.

- Looks good

- Looks good

- Stealth Rock doesn't just 'get damage on many of the switches'; it wears walls down to make them easier to break down.
- Again, don't make this two paragraphs, just clean up the wording so it fits together (ie add more transitions)

- Note that crits ignore opposing defensive boosts
- Bonemerang breaks Focus Sash on Mega Diancie, Deo-A, and random other things with Sash
- One paragraph

- Looks good

- Because of crits, MMX is a decent way to check defensive setup sweepers (like slow Contrary)

- Looks good, one paragraph though

- Refrigerate / Pixilate because it more quickly shuts down MMX's most common answers - it is literally a lure set

- On Psychic-types, qualify "be careful of Knock Off" with it only really hurts once
- On Ghost-types, mention they should be careful of Knock Off / Spectral, again with the Knock Off qualification
and implemented
egg: gotten

add remove (comments)


With an incredible stat spread, a fantastic STAB combination and a good speed tier, Mega Mewtwo X finds itself as one of the most threatening offensive Pokemon in Balanced Hackmons. Due to its Fighting STAB and high Attack stat, Mega Mewtwo X can pressure Normal-, Steel-,(AC) and Dark-types,(AC) . With a good Special Attack stat, it can bypass Pokemon that wall Physical attackers, such as Fur Coat Pokemon, Zygarde-C and Mega Slowbro. (moving this elsewhere for better flow) Having while its Psychic-type STAB makes Mega Mewtwo X an effective user of Photon Geyser, a powerful move that allows it to get past would-be checks to it such as Sturdy Shedinja and Fur Coat or Unaware Pokemon. These two types also complement each other well, as Psychic-type resists often don't resist Fighting-type and vice versa, making Mega Mewtwo X's STAB combination fantastic as its answers are limited limiting viable resists to its STAB combination to Pokemon such as Mega Slowbro, Mega Sableye,(AC) and Cresselia. Also, with a good Special Attack stat, it can bypass Pokemon that wall physical attackers, such as Fur Coat Pokemon, Zygarde-C and Mega Slowbro, and with its Its decent bulk means it can take neutral STAB attacks in a pinch. For instance, it has the bulk to live Kyurem-Black's Extreme Speed, Regigigas' Facade,(AC) and Dialga's Core Enforcer. Finally, Its high speed stat in conjunction with its typing allows it to force out or eliminate many Pokemon, including Kartana, Regigigas, Arceus,(AC) and Registeel. However, it speed ties with Mega Gengar and is outsped by Mega Mewtwo Y.

However, Mega Mewtwo X's Mega Mewtwo X is still limited by its weaknesses to Flying- and Fairy-type attacks, making make it vulnerable to being revenge killed by Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie, Pokemon which are very common. Also, it speed ties with Mega Gengar and is outsped by Mega Mewtwo Y, giving it quite a list of offensive checks. These weaknesses give Mega Mewtwo X some offensive checks. Meanwhile, defensively, while though Mega Mewtwo X is difficult to check, has few checks in general, Pokemon that do check it checks such as Mega Sableye, Giratina,(AC) and Cresselia consistently do so, check Mega Mewtwo X due to resisting or being as they either resist or are immune to its STAB moves. Also, Mega Mewtwo X can often be OHKOed by slower offensive threats if the offensive threat has not been chipped prior, that it cannot OHKO, such as Mega Rayquaza and Primal Groudon.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Photon Geyser
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Knock Off / Spectral Thief
move 4: U-turn / Trick
item: Choice Band
ability: Adaptability / Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Photon Geyser is the Psychic STAB move of choice, bypassing Fur Coat and Sturdy. With Adaptability, it 2HKOs Giratina and Mega Audino, as well as potentially 2HKOing Zygarde-C after Stealth Rock and potentially OHKOing Primal Kyogre after Stealth Rock. Close Combat is the Fighting STAB move of choice, OHKOing . It OHKOs Registeel, Kartana,(AC) and Primal Kyogre lacking Fur Coat(RC) and 2HKOs 2HKOing Zygarde-C lacking Fur Coat. It also functions as a way to beat the Steel-types and Dark-types that don't mind being hit by Photon Geyser. Knock Off is used to hit hits Psychic-types such as Cresselia and Mega Slowbro while also removing Leftovers from Pokemon to reduce their passive recovery. Knock Off can also be used to remove Plates from Judgment users, limiting their coverage, or to remove Choice items and Life Orbs from offensive Pokemon,(AC) to neutering their power,(AC) and . It also removes Safety Goggles, allowing teammates to use Spore more freely removing their Spore immunity. Spectral Thief is a more consistent option to hit Psychic-types, steal boosts from slower Pokemon that have stolen other boosts, and punish foes that may otherwise set up on Mega Mewtwo X, but Knock Off is preferred due to the added utility of removing items. However, Spectral Thief can steal the boosts of slower Pokemon, such as walls like Giratina and Zygarde-C that have stolen other boosts. Spectral Thief is also an option to punish Pokemon that may otherwise set up on Mega Mewtwo X. U-turn can be used to gain momentum on the switches that are forced by Mega Mewtwo X while also dealing heavy damage to Psychic-types that may try to switch into Mega Mewtwo X. Trick is can be used to lock defensive Pokemon into one move, crippling them if they need to use healing moves to check Mega Mewtwo X, effectively crippling Pokemon that rely on healing moves in order to check Mega Mewtwo X, while also allowing giving Mega Mewtwo X to have constant choice in the freedom to switch attacks again. what it uses. However, Mega Mewtwo X generally prefers the power that is granted by Choice Band, so using Trick does come with a drawback. Finally, Ice Hammer can be used to OHKO Zygarde-C,(AC) but it . However, Zygarde-C is already 2HKOed by Mega Mewtwo X's STAB attacks and running Ice Hammer leaves you walled by Psychic-types,(AC) so it Ice Hammer is not optimal.

Set Details

Choice Band is used to boost Mega Mewtwo X's power alongside Adaptability so it can OHKO Primal Kyogre and 2HKO Mega Audino and Giratina. Adaptability boosts Photon Geyser and Close Combat, further increasing Mega Mewtwo X's power and turning it into a frightening wallbreaker. Tough Claws can be run over Adaptability, but it has the drawback of not boosting Photon Geyser,(AC) which is arguably the best move on the set. However, it can boost coverage moves such as Knock Off, Spectral Thief, U-turn,(AC) and Ice Hammer. A Jolly nature is used to maximize Speed while ensuring without sacrificing Mega Mewtwo X's bulk and offensive power remains untouched.

Usage Tips

It's important to conserve PP on Photon Geyser and Close Combat, as both moves have Pokemon they cannot hit while having fairly low PP that can be stalled down by the opponent by using type immunities. Losing too much PP can neuter Mega Mewtwo X's wallbreaking ability. Bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon it can threaten, such as Steel-types, Mega Tyranitar,(AC) and or Kyurem-Black. Be careful not to let Mega Mewtwo X's item get removed, as Choice Band is pivotal vital for to its power. Scouting for Knock Off on Pokemon such as Mega Gyarados and Mega Tyranitar will help in assessing if Mega Mewtwo X can switch in on them threats. Scout for status on common users such as Registeel, Giratina, and Dialga to ensure that Mega Mewtwo X does not get burned or paralyzed, as it needs both its Speed and power to achieve . If it is burned, Mega Mewtwo X will hardly have any use as it no longer achieves the 2HKOs and OHKOs that make it good. Mega Mewtwo X also needs its high speed tier to be as threatening as it is, so it must be careful of being paralyzed. Pokemon which carry status include Registeel, Giratina and Dialga. Do not play Mega Mewtwo X recklessly; make sure you mainly bring it in with slow pivoting or double switches, as Mega Mewtwo X needs to remain healthy most of the time to defeat certain threats. Be wary of locking Mega Mewtwo X into Photon Geyser or Close Combat while Dark- or Ghost-types are on the opposing team, respectively, as much momentum will be lost if they switch in. clicking Photon Geyser on the field. If you predict a Dark or Steel-type switchin, you should use Close Combat instead. Only use Trick when you no longer need Choice Band on Mega Mewtwo X or when the need for power is outweighed by the benefits you get from swapping items with of crippling a defensive Pokemon. Ensure that the opposing Pokemon is not holding items that cannot be Tricked, such as a Z-(add hyphen)Crystal, either. Be wary of tricking or items that would cripple Mega Mewtwo X, such as Toxic Orbs from Poison Heal Pokemon, as well. Attaining a Toxic Orb puts Mega Mewtwo X on a timer.

Team Options

An Imposter user such as Chansey can be used in order to see which Pokemon Mega Mewtwo X can come in on, while also checking to see if Mega Mewtwo X can safely revenge kill Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie. Stealth Rock support is also valuable to get damage on many of the switches that Mega Mewtwo X forces, such as against Registeel and Dialga, and the additional damage also makes walls easier to break down,(AC) for Mega Mewtwo X. Stealth Rock also helps and let Mega Mewtwo X get the potential 2HKO on Zygarde-C. Pokemon with -ate Pokemon such as Mega Rayquaza, Mega Diancie,(AC) and Zekrom can take advantage of Mega Mewtwo X's ability to eliminate Steel-types. In return, they can beat Pokemon that check Mega Mewtwo X,(AC) such as Mega Slowbro and Mega Sableye, and Mega Diancie in particular can additionally eliminate Dark-types so Mega Mewtwo X can use Photon Geyser more freely. Mega Mewtwo X also appreciates checks to Pixilate and Aerilate users, such as Flash Fire Steel-types and Fur Coat Chansey. Checks to opposing Mega Mewtwo X, such as Imposter Chansey, Cresselia,(AC) or Mega Slowbro, are appreciated as they can additionally Imposter-(add hyphen)proof Mega Mewtwo X. Checks to Mega Gengar such as Yveltal and Mega Audino are good team options, as Mega Mewtwo X is forced out by Mega Gengar. Mega Mewtwo X appreciates entry hazard removal from common Defoggers such as Giratina, Mega Audino, and Zygarde-C, as Toxic Spikes can put it on a timer which Mega Mewtwo X cannot often afford. Pokemon such as Giratina, Mega Audino and Zygarde-C can run Defog to help Mega Mewtwo X. Finally, Mega Slowbro, Cresselia,(AC) and Mega Sableye can all Imposter-(add hyphen)proof Mega Mewtwo X, while also providing safe opportunities to bring it in with slow pivoting can be useful to bring Mega Mewtwo X in.

name: Technician
move 1: Storm Throw
move 2: Frost Breath
move 3: Bonemerang / Sunsteel Strike
move 4: Knock Off / Stealth Rock / Spectral Thief
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Naive
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Storm Throw serves as is the Fighting-type STAB move of choice, doing considerable damage to almost anything that does not resist it thanks to the guaranteed critical hit chance as well as Technician's boost in power. In addition, Storm Throw's critical hit also lets Mega Mewtwo X ignore drops to its attack from King's Shield and boosts to the opponent's Defense, which helps it wallbreak more efficiently. Frost Breath rounds out the coverage, OHKOing Mega Rayquaza and Zygarde-C while also 2HKOing Giratina. By virtue of its guaranteed critical hit, Frost Breath can also ignore boosts to the opponent's Special Defense, which may be useful. Bonemerang is used to OHKO Aegislash and Primal Groudon after Stealth Rock while also breaking Substitutes and Focus Sash. Sunsteel Strike is used to bypass Fur Coat, OHKO Shedinja,(AC) and also 2HKO Mega Audino. Knock Off is used to remove items as well as hit Psychic-types such as Mega Mewtwo Y and Cresselia. Stealth Rock can be run, as Mega Mewtwo X forces out many common Magic Bounce Pokemon such as Mega Audino and Giratina. Spectral Thief is used to more consistently hit Psychic-types while also stealing some boosts. Finally, Shell Smash can be run on this set to boost Mega Mewtwo X's offensive power,(AC) but it . However, Mega Mewtwo X will often not need the boost in offensive power and it cannot often afford wasting a turn to set up.

Set Details

Life Orb allows Mega Mewtwo X to achieve the OHKO on Zygarde-C and Aegislash as well as the 2HKO on Mega Audino, Primal Groudon,(AC) and Giratina. Expert Belt can also be used to avoid recoil, as this set relies on super(remove hyphen) effective hits to do damage. However, the lower power does make a difference as Mega Mewtwo X no longer reliably OHKOes Zygarde-C and no longer reliably 2HKOes Mega Audino. Technician is used to boost the power of Storm Throw and Frost Breath, allowing them to get key damage on their intended targets. A Naive nature is used to maximize Speed while maintaining offensive power. Naive is preferred as -ate users Fake Out and Extreme Speed are a common way to revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X, so keeping your Defense stat allows you to live more priority it cannot afford to lower its Defense stat.

Usage Tips

Don't let Mega Mewtwo X take unnecessary damage. As Mega Mewtwo X runs Life Orb, it is already on a timer and adding damage onto that can hurt Mega Mewtwo X's potential in the match. Don't let Mega Mewtwo X get statused by common users such as Aegislash, Mega Audino, and Dialga,(AC) as poison limits its longevity, burn If it is Poisoned, it will take damage faster and be limited to how many attacks it can use in a game. If it is burned, it halves Mega Mewtwo X's its physical damage output,(AC) and which hurts it as Mega Mewtwo X heavily relies on Physical attacks. paralysis can drastically reduce Mega Mewtwo X's its potency against offense. Pokemon such as Aegislash, Mega Audino,(AC) and Dialga can status Mega Mewtwo X on the switch. Make sure you to bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon which do not like to stay in on it it forces out, such as Steel-types,(AC) or use . It should generally use a teammate's slow momentum to get it in as well. Predict well. (this is a given) Avoid taking unnecessary damage, as Mega Mewtwo X already has a limit on the amount of attacks it can deliver in a game due to Life Orb, so it's important that Mega Mewtwo X does not waste HP getting a 2HKO where it could have gotten an OHKO. When Mega Mewtwo X forces a switch, it can take the opportunity to set up Stealth Rock to discourage the opponent from switching liberally. Also, because of Storm Throw and Frost Breath guaranteeing a critical hit, Mega Mewtwo X can check Contrary Pokemon that have not boosted their Speed, such as Mega Rayquaza.

Team Options

Imposter can be used to scout sets on Pokemon that may check typical checks to Mega Mewtwo X, such as RegenVest Giratina, Mega Slowbro,(AC) and Aegislash. Pokemon that resist Fighting and have the bulk or typing to take on Mega Mewtwo X's other attacks,(AC) such as Mega Slowbro and Ho-Oh, can function as an Imposter-(add hyphen)proof it. These Pokemon include Mega Slowbro and Ho-Oh. Pokemon that force out Mega Mewtwo X's defensive checks are good partners, such as Mega Diancie and Zekrom. Mega Mewtwo X can also eliminate Steel-types for Mega Diancie and Ground-(add hyphen) and Dragon-types for Zekrom. Pokemon that run Defoggers such as Giratina, Zygarde-C,(AC) and Mega Audino can remove entry hazards for Mega Mewtwo X to keep its HP as high as possible. Pokemon that check -ates such as Flash Fire Registeel, Flash Fire Celesteela,(AC) or Soundproof Arceus can function as partners to Mega Mewtwo X so it isn't revenge killed. Checks to Triage Mega Rayquaza such as Unaware Mega Tyranitar, Dazzling users which outspeed Mega Rayquaza,(AC) and Zekrom can function as effective teammates to Mega Mewtwo X. Pokemon such as Registeel, Mega Audino,(AC) and Zygarde-C can help Mega Mewtwo X by helping it switch in with their slow pivot moves granting it slow momentum. If Mega Mewtwo X is not running Stealth Rock, partners with the ability to set up entry hazards such as Zygarde-C, Registeel,(AC) and Giratina can be useful. Checks to Mega Gengar such as Yveltal and Mega Audino(RC) can afford Mega Mewtwo X more opportunities to wallbreak,(AC) as it will no longer have to worry about being revenge killed. as it can avoid worrying about Mega Gengar revenge killing it. Checks to Aegislash, such as Yveltal, Mega Gengar,(AC) and Mega Gyarados, should be used if Mega Mewtwo X is not running Stealth Rock Bonemerang as Mega Mewtwo X cannot bypass it otherwise. Fur Coat Primal Kyogre can wall Mega Mewtwo X, so Pokemon such as Zekrom and Mega Sceptile can be used deal with it.

Other Options

Adamant can be used on the main set in order to have a chance at OHKOing Primal Groudon after Stealth Rock with Close Combat, 2HKO Zygarde-C after Leftovers, and OHKO Mega Rayquaza with Photon Geyser. A Naughty nature can be used on the Technician set in order to 2HKO Fur Coat Primal Kyogre. However, Mega Mewtwo X enjoys having maximum Speed, which these natures do not give. Mega Mewtwo X can run a set with Refrigerate or Pixilate for the priority, luring in defeating its common checks and also beating Zygarde-C, Aerilate Mega Rayquaza,(AC) and Giratina. However, Mega Mewtwo X generally does not need the priority,(AC) and as its main sets are powerful enough that an -ate set only helps vs against other -ate users. (previously was misleading, as being powerful enough has nothing to do with not needing priority) Tinted Lens can be run over Adaptability in order to be able to use STAB options more freely. However, the power loss from Adaptability is noticeable due to no longer 2HKOing as without it, Mega Mewtwo X cannot 2HKO Zygarde-C or Giratina, and Mega Mewtwo X is still checked by Pokemon immune to its STAB moves. Mega Mewtwo X can run a Poison Heal set with Low Kick, Will-O-Wisp, Knock Off,(AC) and Leech Seed to function as a check to boosted Regigigas as well as preventing it from being statused easily. However, a Poison Heal set sorely misses out on the power that other sets provide via ability, item, or both. Mega Mewtwo X can run a Shell Smash set with Dazzling to lure -ate users that may try to revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X while also breaking down physical walls such as Zygarde-C and Giratina with Stored Power. However, this set fares poorer poorly against Unawares and Spectral Thief users, so it is often very risky to use. Finally, Mega Mewtwo X can run a Contrary set. However, this set can be difficult to Imposter-(add hyphen)proof and Mega Mewtwo X generally does not require the extra offensive power, as it 2HKOes most of the metagame already. The extra bulk can be beneficial, but its main sets are often more reliable and less risky to use.

Checks and Counters

**Imposter**: Imposter switches in on most of Mega Mewtwo X's attacks and easily forces it out. However, it must be wary of a Poison Heal set as they are generally self-(add hyphen)Imposter-(add hyphen)proof.

**Priority**: Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie can revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X with their -ate sets. However, both must be wary of Dazzling and Mega Rayquaza must be wary of Mega Mewtwo X itself running an -ate set. In addition to -ate sets, Triage Mega Rayquaza can revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X with less fear of an -ate set,(AC) but must . However, it must still be wary of Dazzling.

**Psychic-types**: Defensive Psychic-types such as Cresselia and Mega Slowbro can wall Mega Mewtwo X's main sets. They must be wary of Dark-(add hyphen) or Ghost-type coverage, such as Knock Off or Spectral Thief,(AC) however. Knock Off does tend to do reduced damage after the first hit item is lost, though, so it is easier to handle.

**Ghost-types**: With their high bulk in conjunction with their typings, Mega Sableye, Aegislash,(AC) and Giratina can check Mega Mewtwo X's Adaptability set. However, the former two must be wary of Technician,(AC) while Giratina must be wary of Photon Geyser on the Adaptability set, as it will get 2HKOed. All Ghost-types must also be wary of Knock Off and Spectral Thief, but Knock Off still does reduced damage after the first use so it's more manageable than Spectral Thief.

**Dark-types**: Mega Sableye is immune to both of Mega Mewtwo X's STAB moves, making it a viable option to check Mega Mewtwo X with Poison Heal in order to ensure it doesn't get worn down too quickly. However, it must be wary of any coverage move, as Mega Sableye can only sufficiently check Mega Mewtwo X sets that have no way to hurt it, which is very rare. Fur Coat Yveltal can check Adaptability sets, but requires Leftovers to do so and cannot take chip damage.

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With an incredible stat spread, a fantastic STAB combination and a good speed tier, Mega Mewtwo X finds itself as one of the most threatening offensive Pokemon in Balanced Hackmons. Due to its Fighting STAB and high Attack stat, Mega Mewtwo X can pressure Normal-, Steel-,(AC) and Dark-types,(AC) . With a good Special Attack stat, it can bypass Pokemon that wall Physical attackers, such as Fur Coat Pokemon, Zygarde-C and Mega Slowbro. (moving this elsewhere for better flow) Having while its Psychic-type STAB makes Mega Mewtwo X an effective user of Photon Geyser, a powerful move that allows it to get past would-be checks to it such as Sturdy Shedinja and Fur Coat or Unaware Pokemon. These two types also complement each other well, as Psychic-type resists often don't resist Fighting-type and vice versa, making Mega Mewtwo X's STAB combination fantastic as its answers are limited limiting viable resists to its STAB combination to Pokemon such as Mega Slowbro, Mega Sableye,(AC) and Cresselia. Also, with a good Special Attack stat, it can bypass Pokemon that wall physical attackers, such as Fur Coat Pokemon, Zygarde-C and Mega Slowbro, and with its Its decent bulk means it can take neutral STAB attacks in a pinch. For instance, it has the bulk to live Kyurem-Black's Extreme Speed, Regigigas' Facade,(AC) and Dialga's Core Enforcer. Finally, Its high speed stat in conjunction with its typing allows it to force out or eliminate many Pokemon, including Kartana, Regigigas, Arceus,(AC) and Registeel. However, it speed ties with Mega Gengar and is outsped by Mega Mewtwo Y.

However, Mega Mewtwo X's Mega Mewtwo X is still limited by its weaknesses to Flying- and Fairy-type attacks, making make it vulnerable to being revenge killed by Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie, Pokemon which are very common. Also, it speed ties with Mega Gengar and is outsped by Mega Mewtwo Y, giving it quite a list of offensive checks. These weaknesses give Mega Mewtwo X some offensive checks. Meanwhile, defensively, while though Mega Mewtwo X is difficult to check, has few checks in general, Pokemon that do check it checks such as Mega Sableye, Giratina,(AC) and Cresselia consistently do so, check Mega Mewtwo X due to resisting or being as they either resist or are immune to its STAB moves. Also, Mega Mewtwo X can often be OHKOed by slower offensive threats if the offensive threat has not been chipped prior, that it cannot OHKO, such as Mega Rayquaza and Primal Groudon.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Photon Geyser
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Knock Off / Spectral Thief
move 4: U-turn / Trick
item: Choice Band
ability: Adaptability / Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Photon Geyser is the Psychic STAB move of choice, bypassing Fur Coat and Sturdy. With Adaptability, it 2HKOs Giratina and Mega Audino, as well as potentially 2HKOing Zygarde-C after Stealth Rock and potentially OHKOing Primal Kyogre after Stealth Rock. Close Combat is the Fighting STAB move of choice, OHKOing . It OHKOs Registeel, Kartana,(AC) and Primal Kyogre lacking Fur Coat(RC) and 2HKOs 2HKOing Zygarde-C lacking Fur Coat. It also functions as a way to beat the Steel-types and Dark-types that don't mind being hit by Photon Geyser. Knock Off is used to hit hits Psychic-types such as Cresselia and Mega Slowbro while also removing Leftovers from Pokemon to reduce their passive recovery. Knock Off can also be used to remove Plates from Judgment users, limiting their coverage, or to remove Choice items and Life Orbs from offensive Pokemon,(AC) to neutering their power,(AC) and . It also removes Safety Goggles, allowing teammates to use Spore more freely removing their Spore immunity. Spectral Thief is a more consistent option to hit Psychic-types, steal boosts from slower Pokemon that have stolen other boosts, and punish foes that may otherwise set up on Mega Mewtwo X, but Knock Off is preferred due to the added utility of removing items. However, Spectral Thief can steal the boosts of slower Pokemon, such as walls like Giratina and Zygarde-C that have stolen other boosts. Spectral Thief is also an option to punish Pokemon that may otherwise set up on Mega Mewtwo X. U-turn can be used to gain momentum on the switches that are forced by Mega Mewtwo X while also dealing heavy damage to Psychic-types that may try to switch into Mega Mewtwo X. Trick is can be used to lock defensive Pokemon into one move, crippling them if they need to use healing moves to check Mega Mewtwo X, effectively crippling Pokemon that rely on healing moves in order to check Mega Mewtwo X, while also allowing giving Mega Mewtwo X to have constant choice in the freedom to switch attacks again. what it uses. However, Mega Mewtwo X generally prefers the power that is granted by Choice Band, so using Trick does come with a drawback. Finally, Ice Hammer can be used to OHKO Zygarde-C,(AC) but it . However, Zygarde-C is already 2HKOed by Mega Mewtwo X's STAB attacks and running Ice Hammer leaves you walled by Psychic-types,(AC) so it Ice Hammer is not optimal.

Set Details

Choice Band is used to boost Mega Mewtwo X's power alongside Adaptability so it can OHKO Primal Kyogre and 2HKO Mega Audino and Giratina. Adaptability boosts Photon Geyser and Close Combat, further increasing Mega Mewtwo X's power and turning it into a frightening wallbreaker. Tough Claws can be run over Adaptability, but it has the drawback of not boosting Photon Geyser,(AC) which is arguably the best move on the set. However, it can boost coverage moves such as Knock Off, Spectral Thief, U-turn,(AC) and Ice Hammer. A Jolly nature is used to maximize Speed while ensuring without sacrificing Mega Mewtwo X's bulk and offensive power remains untouched.

Usage Tips

It's important to conserve PP on Photon Geyser and Close Combat, as both moves have Pokemon they cannot hit while having fairly low PP that can be stalled down by the opponent by using type immunities. Losing too much PP can neuter Mega Mewtwo X's wallbreaking ability. Bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon it can threaten, such as Steel-types, Mega Tyranitar,(AC) and or Kyurem-Black. Be careful not to let Mega Mewtwo X's item get removed, as Choice Band is pivotal vital for to its power. Scouting for Knock Off on Pokemon such as Mega Gyarados and Mega Tyranitar will help in assessing if Mega Mewtwo X can switch in on them threats. Scout for status on common users such as Registeel, Giratina, and Dialga to ensure that Mega Mewtwo X does not get burned or paralyzed, as it needs both its Speed and power to achieve . If it is burned, Mega Mewtwo X will hardly have any use as it no longer achieves the 2HKOs and OHKOs that make it good. Mega Mewtwo X also needs its high speed tier to be as threatening as it is, so it must be careful of being paralyzed. Pokemon which carry status include Registeel, Giratina and Dialga. Do not play Mega Mewtwo X recklessly; make sure you mainly bring it in with slow pivoting or double switches, as Mega Mewtwo X needs to remain healthy most of the time to defeat certain threats. Be wary of locking Mega Mewtwo X into Photon Geyser or Close Combat while Dark- or Ghost-types are on the opposing team, respectively, as much momentum will be lost if they switch in. clicking Photon Geyser on the field. If you predict a Dark or Steel-type switchin, you should use Close Combat instead. Only use Trick when you no longer need Choice Band on Mega Mewtwo X or when the need for power is outweighed by the benefits you get from swapping items with of crippling a defensive Pokemon. Ensure that the opposing Pokemon is not holding items that cannot be Tricked, such as a Z-(add hyphen)Crystal, either. Be wary of tricking or items that would cripple Mega Mewtwo X, such as Toxic Orbs from Poison Heal Pokemon, as well. Attaining a Toxic Orb puts Mega Mewtwo X on a timer.

Team Options

An Imposter user such as Chansey can be used in order to see which Pokemon Mega Mewtwo X can come in on, while also checking to see if Mega Mewtwo X can safely revenge kill Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie. Stealth Rock support is also valuable to get damage on many of the switches that Mega Mewtwo X forces, such as against Registeel and Dialga, and the additional damage also makes walls easier to break down,(AC) for Mega Mewtwo X. Stealth Rock also helps and let Mega Mewtwo X get the potential 2HKO on Zygarde-C. Pokemon with -ate Pokemon such as Mega Rayquaza, Mega Diancie,(AC) and Zekrom can take advantage of Mega Mewtwo X's ability to eliminate Steel-types. In return, they can beat Pokemon that check Mega Mewtwo X,(AC) such as Mega Slowbro and Mega Sableye, and Mega Diancie in particular can additionally eliminate Dark-types so Mega Mewtwo X can use Photon Geyser more freely. Mega Mewtwo X also appreciates checks to Pixilate and Aerilate users, such as Flash Fire Steel-types and Fur Coat Chansey. Checks to opposing Mega Mewtwo X, such as Imposter Chansey, Cresselia,(AC) or Mega Slowbro, are appreciated as they can additionally Imposter-(add hyphen)proof Mega Mewtwo X. Checks to Mega Gengar such as Yveltal and Mega Audino are good team options, as Mega Mewtwo X is forced out by Mega Gengar. Mega Mewtwo X appreciates entry hazard removal from common Defoggers such as Giratina, Mega Audino, and Zygarde-C, as Toxic Spikes can put it on a timer which Mega Mewtwo X cannot often afford. Pokemon such as Giratina, Mega Audino and Zygarde-C can run Defog to help Mega Mewtwo X. Finally, Mega Slowbro, Cresselia,(AC) and Mega Sableye can all Imposter-(add hyphen)proof Mega Mewtwo X, while also providing safe opportunities to bring it in with slow pivoting can be useful to bring Mega Mewtwo X in.

name: Technician
move 1: Storm Throw
move 2: Frost Breath
move 3: Bonemerang / Sunsteel Strike
move 4: Knock Off / Stealth Rock / Spectral Thief
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Naive
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Storm Throw serves as is the Fighting-type STAB move of choice, doing considerable damage to almost anything that does not resist it thanks to the guaranteed critical hit chance as well as Technician's boost in power. In addition, Storm Throw's critical hit also lets Mega Mewtwo X ignore drops to its attack from King's Shield and boosts to the opponent's Defense, which helps it wallbreak more efficiently. Frost Breath rounds out the coverage, OHKOing Mega Rayquaza and Zygarde-C while also 2HKOing Giratina. By virtue of its guaranteed critical hit, Frost Breath can also ignore boosts to the opponent's Special Defense, which may be useful. Bonemerang is used to OHKO Aegislash and Primal Groudon after Stealth Rock while also breaking Substitutes and Focus Sash. Sunsteel Strike is used to bypass Fur Coat, OHKO Shedinja,(AC) and also 2HKO Mega Audino. Knock Off is used to remove items as well as hit Psychic-types such as Mega Mewtwo Y and Cresselia. Stealth Rock can be run, as Mega Mewtwo X forces out many common Magic Bounce Pokemon such as Mega Audino and Giratina. Spectral Thief is used to more consistently hit Psychic-types while also stealing some boosts. Finally, Shell Smash can be run on this set to boost Mega Mewtwo X's offensive power,(AC) but it . However, Mega Mewtwo X will often not need the boost in offensive power and it cannot often afford wasting a turn to set up.

Set Details

Life Orb allows Mega Mewtwo X to achieve the OHKO on Zygarde-C and Aegislash as well as the 2HKO on Mega Audino, Primal Groudon,(AC) and Giratina. Expert Belt can also be used to avoid recoil, as this set relies on super(remove hyphen) effective hits to do damage. However, the lower power does make a difference as Mega Mewtwo X no longer reliably OHKOes Zygarde-C and no longer reliably 2HKOes Mega Audino. Technician is used to boost the power of Storm Throw and Frost Breath, allowing them to get key damage on their intended targets. A Naive nature is used to maximize Speed while maintaining offensive power. Naive is preferred as -ate users Fake Out and Extreme Speed are a common way to revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X, so keeping your Defense stat allows you to live more priority it cannot afford to lower its Defense stat.

Usage Tips

Don't let Mega Mewtwo X take unnecessary damage. As Mega Mewtwo X runs Life Orb, it is already on a timer and adding damage onto that can hurt Mega Mewtwo X's potential in the match. Don't let Mega Mewtwo X get statused by common users such as Aegislash, Mega Audino, and Dialga,(AC) as poison limits its longevity, burn If it is Poisoned, it will take damage faster and be limited to how many attacks it can use in a game. If it is burned, it halves Mega Mewtwo X's its physical damage output,(AC) and which hurts it as Mega Mewtwo X heavily relies on Physical attacks. paralysis can drastically reduce Mega Mewtwo X's its potency against offense. Pokemon such as Aegislash, Mega Audino,(AC) and Dialga can status Mega Mewtwo X on the switch. Make sure you to bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon which do not like to stay in on it it forces out, such as Steel-types,(AC) or use . It should generally use a teammate's slow momentum to get it in as well. Predict well. (this is a given) Avoid taking unnecessary damage, as Mega Mewtwo X already has a limit on the amount of attacks it can deliver in a game due to Life Orb, so it's important that Mega Mewtwo X does not waste HP getting a 2HKO where it could have gotten an OHKO. When Mega Mewtwo X forces a switch, it can take the opportunity to set up Stealth Rock to discourage the opponent from switching liberally. Also, because of Storm Throw and Frost Breath guaranteeing a critical hit, Mega Mewtwo X can check Contrary Pokemon that have not boosted their Speed, such as Mega Rayquaza.

Team Options

Imposter can be used to scout sets on Pokemon that may check typical checks to Mega Mewtwo X, such as RegenVest Giratina, Mega Slowbro,(AC) and Aegislash. Pokemon that resist Fighting and have the bulk or typing to take on Mega Mewtwo X's other attacks,(AC) such as Mega Slowbro and Ho-Oh, can function as an Imposter-(add hyphen)proof it. These Pokemon include Mega Slowbro and Ho-Oh. Pokemon that force out Mega Mewtwo X's defensive checks are good partners, such as Mega Diancie and Zekrom. Mega Mewtwo X can also eliminate Steel-types for Mega Diancie and Ground-(add hyphen) and Dragon-types for Zekrom. Pokemon that run Defoggers such as Giratina, Zygarde-C,(AC) and Mega Audino can remove entry hazards for Mega Mewtwo X to keep its HP as high as possible. Pokemon that check -ates such as Flash Fire Registeel, Flash Fire Celesteela,(AC) or Soundproof Arceus can function as partners to Mega Mewtwo X so it isn't revenge killed. Checks to Triage Mega Rayquaza such as Unaware Mega Tyranitar, Dazzling users which outspeed Mega Rayquaza,(AC) and Zekrom can function as effective teammates to Mega Mewtwo X. Pokemon such as Registeel, Mega Audino,(AC) and Zygarde-C can help Mega Mewtwo X by helping it switch in with their slow pivot moves granting it slow momentum. If Mega Mewtwo X is not running Stealth Rock, partners with the ability to set up entry hazards such as Zygarde-C, Registeel,(AC) and Giratina can be useful. Checks to Mega Gengar such as Yveltal and Mega Audino(RC) can afford Mega Mewtwo X more opportunities to wallbreak,(AC) as it will no longer have to worry about being revenge killed. as it can avoid worrying about Mega Gengar revenge killing it. Checks to Aegislash, such as Yveltal, Mega Gengar,(AC) and Mega Gyarados, should be used if Mega Mewtwo X is not running Stealth Rock Bonemerang as Mega Mewtwo X cannot bypass it otherwise. Fur Coat Primal Kyogre can wall Mega Mewtwo X, so Pokemon such as Zekrom and Mega Sceptile can be used deal with it.

Other Options

Adamant can be used on the main set in order to have a chance at OHKOing Primal Groudon after Stealth Rock with Close Combat, 2HKO Zygarde-C after Leftovers, and OHKO Mega Rayquaza with Photon Geyser. A Naughty nature can be used on the Technician set in order to 2HKO Fur Coat Primal Kyogre. However, Mega Mewtwo X enjoys having maximum Speed, which these natures do not give. Mega Mewtwo X can run a set with Refrigerate or Pixilate for the priority, luring in defeating its common checks and also beating Zygarde-C, Aerilate Mega Rayquaza,(AC) and Giratina. However, Mega Mewtwo X generally does not need the priority,(AC) and as its main sets are powerful enough that an -ate set only helps vs against other -ate users. (previously was misleading, as being powerful enough has nothing to do with not needing priority) Tinted Lens can be run over Adaptability in order to be able to use STAB options more freely. However, the power loss from Adaptability is noticeable due to no longer 2HKOing as without it, Mega Mewtwo X cannot 2HKO Zygarde-C or Giratina, and Mega Mewtwo X is still checked by Pokemon immune to its STAB moves. Mega Mewtwo X can run a Poison Heal set with Low Kick, Will-O-Wisp, Knock Off,(AC) and Leech Seed to function as a check to boosted Regigigas as well as preventing it from being statused easily. However, a Poison Heal set sorely misses out on the power that other sets provide via ability, item, or both. Mega Mewtwo X can run a Shell Smash set with Dazzling to lure -ate users that may try to revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X while also breaking down physical walls such as Zygarde-C and Giratina with Stored Power. However, this set fares poorer poorly against Unawares and Spectral Thief users, so it is often very risky to use. Finally, Mega Mewtwo X can run a Contrary set. However, this set can be difficult to Imposter-(add hyphen)proof and Mega Mewtwo X generally does not require the extra offensive power, as it 2HKOes most of the metagame already. The extra bulk can be beneficial, but its main sets are often more reliable and less risky to use.

Checks and Counters

**Imposter**: Imposter switches in on most of Mega Mewtwo X's attacks and easily forces it out. However, it must be wary of a Poison Heal set as they are generally self-(add hyphen)Imposter-(add hyphen)proof.

**Priority**: Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie can revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X with their -ate sets. However, both must be wary of Dazzling and Mega Rayquaza must be wary of Mega Mewtwo X itself running an -ate set. In addition to -ate sets, Triage Mega Rayquaza can revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X with less fear of an -ate set,(AC) but must . However, it must still be wary of Dazzling.

**Psychic-types**: Defensive Psychic-types such as Cresselia and Mega Slowbro can wall Mega Mewtwo X's main sets. They must be wary of Dark-(add hyphen) or Ghost-type coverage, such as Knock Off or Spectral Thief,(AC) however. Knock Off does tend to do reduced damage after the first hit item is lost, though, so it is easier to handle.

**Ghost-types**: With their high bulk in conjunction with their typings, Mega Sableye, Aegislash,(AC) and Giratina can check Mega Mewtwo X's Adaptability set. However, the former two must be wary of Technician,(AC) while Giratina must be wary of Photon Geyser on the Adaptability set, as it will get 2HKOed. All Ghost-types must also be wary of Knock Off and Spectral Thief, but Knock Off still does reduced damage after the first use so it's more manageable than Spectral Thief.

**Dark-types**: Mega Sableye is immune to both of Mega Mewtwo X's STAB moves, making it a viable option to check Mega Mewtwo X with Poison Heal in order to ensure it doesn't get worn down too quickly. However, it must be wary of any coverage move, as Mega Sableye can only sufficiently check Mega Mewtwo X sets that have no way to hurt it, which is very rare. Fur Coat Yveltal can check Adaptability sets, but requires Leftovers to do so and cannot take chip damage.

Please get into the habit of using oxford commas, I'm begging you

GP 1/2

implemented ready for 2/2 !!_!!
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GP 2/2

With an incredible stat spread, a fantastic STAB combination, (AC) and a good Speed tier, Mega Mewtwo X finds itself as one of the most threatening offensive Pokemon in Balanced Hackmons. Due to its Fighting STAB and high Attack stat, Mega Mewtwo X can pressure Normal-, Steel-, and Dark-types, while its Psychic-type STAB makes Mega Mewtwo X an effective user of Photon Geyser, a powerful move that allows it to get past would-be checks such as Sturdy Shedinja and Fur Coat or Unaware Pokemon. These two types complement each other well, as Psychic-type resists Pokemon that resist Psychic often don't resist Fighting-type and vice versa, limiting viable resists answers to its STAB combination to Pokemon such as Mega Slowbro, Mega Sableye, and Cresselia. Also, with a good Special Attack stat, it can bypass Pokemon that wall physical attackers, such as Fur Coat Pokemon, Zygarde-C and Mega Slowbro, and with its decent bulk it can take neutral STAB attacks in a pinch. For instance, it has the bulk to live Kyurem-Black's take Kyurem-B's Extreme Speed, Regigigas's Facade, and Dialga's Core Enforcer. Finally, its high Speed stat in conjunction with its typing allows it to force out or eliminate many Pokemon, including Kartana, Regigigas, Arceus, and Registeel.

However, Mega Mewtwo X is still limited by its weaknesses to Flying- and Fairy-type attacks, making it vulnerable to being revenge killed by Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie, Pokemon which are very common. Also, it Speed ties with Mega Gengar and is outsped by Mega Mewtwo Y, giving it quite a list of offensive checks. Meanwhile, defensively, though Mega Mewtwo X has few checks in general, Pokemon that do check it such as Mega Sableye, Giratina, and Cresselia consistently do so, as they either resist or are immune to its STAB moves. Also, Mega Mewtwo X can often be OHKOed by slower offensive threats that it cannot OHKO, such as Mega Rayquaza and Primal Groudon.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Photon Geyser
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Knock Off / Spectral Thief
move 4: U-turn / Trick
item: Choice Band
ability: Adaptability / Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Photon Geyser is the Psychic STAB move of choice, bypassing Fur Coat and Sturdy. With Adaptability, it 2HKOs 2HKOes Giratina and Mega Audino, as well as potentially 2HKOing Zygarde-C after Stealth Rock and potentially OHKOing Primal Kyogre after Stealth Rock. Close Combat is the Fighting STAB move of choice, OHKOing Registeel, Kartana, and Primal Kyogre lacking Fur Coat and 2HKOing Zygarde-C lacking Fur Coat. It also functions as a way to beat Steel-types and Dark-types that don't mind being hit by Photon Geyser. Knock Off hits Psychic-types such as Cresselia and Mega Slowbro while also removing Leftovers from Pokemon to reduce their passive recovery. Knock Off It can also be used to remove Plates from Judgment users, limiting their coverage; (SC) Choice items and Life Orbs from offensive Pokemon, neutering their power; (SC) and Safety Goggles, removing their Spore immunity. Spectral Thief is a more consistent option to hit Psychic-types, steal boosts from slower Pokemon that have stolen other boosts, and punish foes that may otherwise set up on Mega Mewtwo X, but Knock Off is preferred due to the added utility of removing items. U-turn can be used to gain momentum on the switches that are forced by Mega Mewtwo X forces while also dealing heavy damage to Psychic-types that may try to switch in. Trick can be used to lock defensive Pokemon into one move, crippling them if they need to use healing moves to check Mega Mewtwo X, while also giving Mega Mewtwo X the freedom to switch attacks again. However, Mega Mewtwo X generally prefers the power that is granted by Choice Band, so using Trick does come with a drawback. Finally, Ice Hammer can be used to OHKO Zygarde-C, but it is already 2HKOed by Mega Mewtwo X's STAB attacks, (AC) and running Ice Hammer leaves you Mega Mewtwo X walled by Psychic-types, so Ice Hammer is not optimal.

Set Details

Choice Band is used to boost Mega Mewtwo X's power alongside Adaptability so it can OHKO Primal Kyogre and 2HKO Mega Audino and Giratina. Adaptability boosts Photon Geyser and Close Combat, further increasing Mega Mewtwo X's power and turning it into a frightening wallbreaker. Tough Claws can be run over Adaptability, but it has the drawback of not boosting Photon Geyser, which is arguably the best move on the set. However, it can boost coverage moves such as Knock Off, Spectral Thief, U-turn, and Ice Hammer. A Jolly nature is used to maximize Speed without sacrificing Mega Mewtwo X's bulk and offensive power.

Usage Tips

It's important to conserve PP on Photon Geyser and Close Combat, as both moves have fairly low PP that can be stalled down by the opponent by using type immunities. Bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon it can threaten, such as Steel-types, Mega Tyranitar, and Kyurem-Black. Be careful not to let Mega Mewtwo X's item get removed, as Choice Band is vital for its power. Scouting for Knock Off on Pokemon such as Mega Gyarados and Mega Tyranitar will help in assessing if Mega Mewtwo X can switch in on them. Scout for status on common users such as Registeel, Giratina, and Dialga to ensure that Mega Mewtwo X does not get burned or paralyzed, as it needs both its Speed and power to achieve the 2HKOs and OHKOs that make it good. Do not play Mega Mewtwo X recklessly; make sure you mainly bring it in with slow pivoting or double switches, as Mega Mewtwo X needs to remain healthy to defeat certain threats. Be wary of locking Mega Mewtwo X into Photon Geyser or Close Combat while Dark- or Ghost-types are on the opposing team, respectively, as much momentum will be lost if they switch in. Only use Trick when you no longer need Choice Band on Mega Mewtwo X or when the need for power is outweighed by the benefit of crippling a defensive Pokemon. Ensure that the opposing Pokemon is not holding items that cannot be Tricked, such as a Z-Crystal, or items that would cripple Mega Mewtwo X, such as Toxic Orbs from Poison Heal Pokemon.

Team Options

An Imposter user such as Chansey can be used in order to see which Pokemon Mega Mewtwo X can come in on, while also checking to see if Mega Mewtwo X can safely revenge kill Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie. Stealth Rock support is also valuable to get damage on many of the switches that Mega Mewtwo X forces, such as against Registeel and Dialga, make walls easier to break down, and let Mega Mewtwo X get the potential 2HKO on Zygarde-C. Pokemon with -ate abilities such as Mega Rayquaza, Mega Diancie, and Zekrom can take advantage of Mega Mewtwo X's ability to eliminate Steel-types. In return, they can beat Pokemon that check Mega Mewtwo X, such as Mega Slowbro and Mega Sableye, and Mega Diancie in particular can additionally eliminate Dark-types so Mega Mewtwo X can use Photon Geyser more freely. Mega Mewtwo X also appreciates checks to Pixilate and Aerilate users, such as Flash Fire Steel-types and Fur Coat Chansey. Checks to opposing Mega Mewtwo X, such as Imposter Chansey, Cresselia, or and Mega Slowbro, are appreciated, (AC) as they can additionally Imposter-proof Mega Mewtwo X. Checks to Mega Gengar such as Yveltal and Mega Audino are good team options, as Mega Mewtwo X is forced out by Mega Gengar. Mega Mewtwo X appreciates entry hazard removal from common Defoggers such as Giratina, Mega Audino, and Zygarde-C, as Toxic Spikes can put it on a timer which Mega Mewtwo X cannot often afford. Finally, Mega Slowbro, Cresselia, and Mega Sableye can all Imposter-proof Mega Mewtwo X, while also providing safe opportunities to bring it in with slow pivoting.

name: Technician
move 1: Storm Throw
move 2: Frost Breath
move 3: Bonemerang / Sunsteel Strike
move 4: Knock Off / Stealth Rock / Spectral Thief
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Naive
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Storm Throw is the Fighting-type STAB move of choice, doing considerable damage to almost anything that does not resist it thanks to the guaranteed critical hit as well as Technician's boost in power. In addition, Storm Throw's critical hit also lets Mega Mewtwo X ignore drops to its attack from King's Shield and boosts to the opponent's Defense, which helps it wallbreak more efficiently. Frost Breath rounds out the coverage, OHKOing Mega Rayquaza and Zygarde-C while also 2HKOing Giratina. By virtue of its guaranteed critical hit, Frost Breath can also ignore boosts to the opponent's Special Defense, which may be useful. Bonemerang is used to OHKO Aegislash and Primal Groudon after Stealth Rock while also breaking Substitutes and Focus Sash. Sunsteel Strike is can be used to bypass Fur Coat, OHKO Shedinja, and 2HKO Mega Audino. Knock Off is used to remove items as well as hit Psychic-types such as Mega Mewtwo Y and Cresselia. Stealth Rock can be run, as Mega Mewtwo X forces out many common Magic Bounce Pokemon such as Mega Audino and Giratina. Spectral Thief is used an option to more consistently hit Psychic-types while also stealing some boosts. Finally, Shell Smash can be run on this set to boost Mega Mewtwo X's offensive power prowess, but it will often not need the boost in offensive power and cannot often afford wasting a turn to set up.

Set Details

Life Orb allows Mega Mewtwo X to achieve the OHKO on Zygarde-C and Aegislash as well as the 2HKO on Mega Audino, Primal Groudon, and Giratina. Expert Belt can also be used to avoid recoil, as this set relies on super effective hits to do damage. However, the lower power does make a difference, (AC) as Mega Mewtwo X no longer reliably OHKOes Zygarde-C and no longer reliably 2HKOes Mega Audino. Technician is used to boost the power of Storm Throw and Frost Breath, allowing them to get key damage on their intended targets. A Naive nature is used to maximize Speed while maintaining offensive power. Naive is preferred, (AC) as -ate Fake Out and Extreme Speed are a common way to revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X, so it cannot afford to lower its Defense stat.

Usage Tips

Don't let Mega Mewtwo X take unnecessary damage. As Mega Mewtwo X runs Life Orb, it is already on a timer, (AC) and adding damage onto that can hurt Mega Mewtwo X's potential in the match. Don't let Mega Mewtwo X get statused by common users such as Aegislash, Mega Audino, and Dialga, as poison limits its longevity, burn limits its physical damage output, and paralysis can drastically reduce its potency against offense. Make sure to bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon it forces out, such as Steel-types, or use a teammate's slow momentum move to get it in. Avoid taking unnecessary damage, as Mega Mewtwo X already has a limit on the amount number of attacks it can deliver in a game due to Life Orb, so it's important that Mega Mewtwo X does not waste HP getting a 2HKO where it could have gotten an OHKO. When Mega Mewtwo X forces a switch, it can take the opportunity to set up Stealth Rock to discourage the opponent from switching liberally. Also, because Storm Throw and Frost Breath guarantee a critical hit, Mega Mewtwo X can check Contrary Pokemon that have not boosted their Speed, such as Mega Rayquaza.

Team Options

Imposter can be used to scout sets on typical checks to Mega Mewtwo X, such as RegenVest Giratina, Mega Slowbro, and Aegislash. Pokemon that resist Fighting and have the bulk or typing to take on Mega Mewtwo X's other attacks, such as Mega Slowbro and Ho-Oh, can Imposter-proof it. Pokemon that force out Mega Mewtwo X's defensive checks are good partners, such as Mega Diancie and Zekrom. Mega Mewtwo X can also eliminate Steel-types for Mega Diancie and Ground- and Dragon-types for Zekrom. Defoggers such as Giratina, Zygarde-C, and Mega Audino can remove entry hazards for Mega Mewtwo X to keep its HP as high as possible. Pokemon that check -ate users such as Flash Fire Registeel, Flash Fire Celesteela, or and Soundproof Arceus can function as partners to Mega Mewtwo X so it isn't revenge killed. Checks to Triage Mega Rayquaza such as Unaware Mega Tyranitar, faster Dazzling users which outspeed Mega Rayquaza, and Zekrom can function as effective teammates to Mega Mewtwo X. Pokemon such as Registeel, Mega Audino, and Zygarde-C can help Mega Mewtwo X by helping it switch in with their slow pivot moves. If Mega Mewtwo X is not running Stealth Rock, partners with the ability to set up entry hazards such as Zygarde-C, Registeel, and Giratina can be useful. Checks to Mega Gengar such as Yveltal and Mega Audino can afford Mega Mewtwo X more opportunities to wallbreak, as it will no longer have to worry about being revenge killed. Checks to Aegislash, such as Yveltal, Mega Gengar, and Mega Gyarados, should be used if Mega Mewtwo X is not running Bonemerang as Mega Mewtwo X cannot bypass it otherwise. Fur Coat Primal Kyogre can wall Mega Mewtwo X, so Pokemon such as Zekrom and Mega Sceptile can be used deal with it.

Other Options

An Adamant nature can be used on the main set to have a chance at OHKOing Primal Groudon after Stealth Rock with Close Combat, 2HKO Zygarde-C after Leftovers, and OHKO Mega Rayquaza with Photon Geyser. A Naughty nature can be used on the Technician set to 2HKO Fur Coat Primal Kyogre. However, Mega Mewtwo X enjoys having maximum Speed, which these natures do not give. Mega Mewtwo X can run a set with Refrigerate or Pixilate for the priority, defeating its common checks and also beating Zygarde-C, Aerilate Mega Rayquaza, and Giratina. However, Mega Mewtwo X generally does not need the priority, and its main sets are powerful enough that an -ate set only helps against other -ate users. Tinted Lens can be run over Adaptability in order to be able to use STAB options more freely. However, the power loss from Adaptability is noticeable, (AC) as without it, Mega Mewtwo X cannot 2HKO Zygarde-C or Giratina, and Mega Mewtwo X is still checked by Pokemon immune to its STAB moves. Mega Mewtwo X can run a Poison Heal set with Low Kick, Will-O-Wisp, Knock Off, and Leech Seed to function as a check to boosted Regigigas as well as prevent it from being statused easily. However, a Poison Heal set sorely misses out on the power that other sets provide via ability, item, or both. Mega Mewtwo X can run a Shell Smash set with Dazzling to lure -ate users that may try to revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X while also breaking down physical walls such as Zygarde-C and Giratina with Stored Power. However, this set fares poorly against Unawares Unaware and Spectral Thief users, so it is often very risky to use. Finally, Mega Mewtwo X can run a Contrary set. However, this set can be difficult to Imposter-proof, (AC) and Mega Mewtwo X generally does not require the extra offensive power, as it 2HKOes most of the metagame already. The extra bulk can be beneficial, but its main sets are often more reliable and less risky to use.

Checks and Counters

**Imposter**: Imposter switches in on most of Mega Mewtwo X's attacks and easily forces it out. However, it must be wary of a Poison Heal set, (AC) as they are generally self Imposter proof. (RH)

**Priority**: Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie can revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X with their -ate sets. However, both must be wary of Dazzling, (AC) and Mega Rayquaza must be wary of Mega Mewtwo X itself running an -ate set. In addition to -ate sets, Triage Mega Rayquaza can revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X with less fear of an -ate set, but must still be wary of Dazzling.

**Psychic-types**: Defensive Psychic-types such as Cresselia and Mega Slowbro can wall Mega Mewtwo X's main sets. They must be wary of Dark-or Ghost-type coverage, such as Knock Off or Spectral Thief, however. Knock Off does tend to do reduced damage after the item is lost, though, so it is easier to handle.

**Ghost-types**: With their high bulk in conjunction with their typings, Mega Sableye, Aegislash, and Giratina can check Mega Mewtwo X's Adaptability set. However, the former two must be wary of Technician, while Giratina must be wary of Photon Geyser on the Adaptability set, as it will get 2HKOed. All Ghost-types must also be wary of Knock Off and Spectral Thief, but Knock Off still does reduced damage after the first use so it's more manageable than Spectral Thief.

**Dark-types**: Mega Sableye is immune to both of Mega Mewtwo X's STAB moves, making it a viable option to check Mega Mewtwo X with Poison Heal in order to ensure it doesn't get worn down too quickly. However, it must be wary of any coverage move, as Mega Sableye can only sufficiently check Mega Mewtwo X sets that have no way to hurt it, which is very rare. Fur Coat Yveltal can check Adaptability sets, but requires Leftovers to do so and cannot take chip damage.
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GP 2/2

With an incredible stat spread, a fantastic STAB combination, (AC) and a good Speed tier, Mega Mewtwo X finds itself as one of the most threatening offensive Pokemon in Balanced Hackmons. Due to its Fighting STAB and high Attack stat, Mega Mewtwo X can pressure Normal-, Steel-, and Dark-types, while its Psychic-type STAB makes Mega Mewtwo X an effective user of Photon Geyser, a powerful move that allows it to get past would-be checks such as Sturdy Shedinja and Fur Coat or Unaware Pokemon. These two types complement each other well, as Psychic-type resists Pokemon that resist Psychic often don't resist Fighting-type and vice versa, limiting viable resists answers to its STAB combination to Pokemon such as Mega Slowbro, Mega Sableye, and Cresselia. Also, with a good Special Attack stat, it can bypass Pokemon that wall physical attackers, such as Fur Coat Pokemon, Zygarde-C and Mega Slowbro, and with its decent bulk it can take neutral STAB attacks in a pinch. For instance, it has the bulk to live Kyurem-Black's take Kyurem-B's Extreme Speed, Regigigas's Facade, and Dialga's Core Enforcer. Finally, its high Speed stat in conjunction with its typing allows it to force out or eliminate many Pokemon, including Kartana, Regigigas, Arceus, and Registeel.

However, Mega Mewtwo X is still limited by its weaknesses to Flying- and Fairy-type attacks, making it vulnerable to being revenge killed by Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie, Pokemon which are very common. Also, it Speed ties with Mega Gengar and is outsped by Mega Mewtwo Y, giving it quite a list of offensive checks. Meanwhile, defensively, though Mega Mewtwo X has few checks in general, Pokemon that do check it such as Mega Sableye, Giratina, and Cresselia consistently do so, as they either resist or are immune to its STAB moves. Also, Mega Mewtwo X can often be OHKOed by slower offensive threats that it cannot OHKO, such as Mega Rayquaza and Primal Groudon.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Photon Geyser
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Knock Off / Spectral Thief
move 4: U-turn / Trick
item: Choice Band
ability: Adaptability / Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Photon Geyser is the Psychic STAB move of choice, bypassing Fur Coat and Sturdy. With Adaptability, it 2HKOs 2HKOes Giratina and Mega Audino, as well as potentially 2HKOing Zygarde-C after Stealth Rock and potentially OHKOing Primal Kyogre after Stealth Rock. Close Combat is the Fighting STAB move of choice, OHKOing Registeel, Kartana, and Primal Kyogre lacking Fur Coat and 2HKOing Zygarde-C lacking Fur Coat. It also functions as a way to beat Steel-types and Dark-types that don't mind being hit by Photon Geyser. Knock Off hits Psychic-types such as Cresselia and Mega Slowbro while also removing Leftovers from Pokemon to reduce their passive recovery. Knock Off It can also be used to remove Plates from Judgment users, limiting their coverage; (SC) Choice items and Life Orbs from offensive Pokemon, neutering their power; (SC) and Safety Goggles, removing their Spore immunity. Spectral Thief is a more consistent option to hit Psychic-types, steal boosts from slower Pokemon that have stolen other boosts, and punish foes that may otherwise set up on Mega Mewtwo X, but Knock Off is preferred due to the added utility of removing items. U-turn can be used to gain momentum on the switches that are forced by Mega Mewtwo X forces while also dealing heavy damage to Psychic-types that may try to switch in. Trick can be used to lock defensive Pokemon into one move, crippling them if they need to use healing moves to check Mega Mewtwo X, while also giving Mega Mewtwo X the freedom to switch attacks again. However, Mega Mewtwo X generally prefers the power that is granted by Choice Band, so using Trick does come with a drawback. Finally, Ice Hammer can be used to OHKO Zygarde-C, but it is already 2HKOed by Mega Mewtwo X's STAB attacks, (AC) and running Ice Hammer leaves you Mega Mewtwo X walled by Psychic-types, so Ice Hammer is not optimal.

Set Details

Choice Band is used to boost Mega Mewtwo X's power alongside Adaptability so it can OHKO Primal Kyogre and 2HKO Mega Audino and Giratina. Adaptability boosts Photon Geyser and Close Combat, further increasing Mega Mewtwo X's power and turning it into a frightening wallbreaker. Tough Claws can be run over Adaptability, but it has the drawback of not boosting Photon Geyser, which is arguably the best move on the set. However, it can boost coverage moves such as Knock Off, Spectral Thief, U-turn, and Ice Hammer. A Jolly nature is used to maximize Speed without sacrificing Mega Mewtwo X's bulk and offensive power.

Usage Tips

It's important to conserve PP on Photon Geyser and Close Combat, as both moves have fairly low PP that can be stalled down by the opponent by using type immunities. Bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon it can threaten, such as Steel-types, Mega Tyranitar, and Kyurem-Black. Be careful not to let Mega Mewtwo X's item get removed, as Choice Band is vital for its power. Scouting for Knock Off on Pokemon such as Mega Gyarados and Mega Tyranitar will help in assessing if Mega Mewtwo X can switch in on them. Scout for status on common users such as Registeel, Giratina, and Dialga to ensure that Mega Mewtwo X does not get burned or paralyzed, as it needs both its Speed and power to achieve the 2HKOs and OHKOs that make it good. Do not play Mega Mewtwo X recklessly; make sure you mainly bring it in with slow pivoting or double switches, as Mega Mewtwo X needs to remain healthy to defeat certain threats. Be wary of locking Mega Mewtwo X into Photon Geyser or Close Combat while Dark- or Ghost-types are on the opposing team, respectively, as much momentum will be lost if they switch in. Only use Trick when you no longer need Choice Band on Mega Mewtwo X or when the need for power is outweighed by the benefit of crippling a defensive Pokemon. Ensure that the opposing Pokemon is not holding items that cannot be Tricked, such as a Z-Crystal, or items that would cripple Mega Mewtwo X, such as Toxic Orbs from Poison Heal Pokemon.

Team Options

An Imposter user such as Chansey can be used in order to see which Pokemon Mega Mewtwo X can come in on, while also checking to see if Mega Mewtwo X can safely revenge kill Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie. Stealth Rock support is also valuable to get damage on many of the switches that Mega Mewtwo X forces, such as against Registeel and Dialga, make walls easier to break down, and let Mega Mewtwo X get the potential 2HKO on Zygarde-C. Pokemon with -ate abilities such as Mega Rayquaza, Mega Diancie, and Zekrom can take advantage of Mega Mewtwo X's ability to eliminate Steel-types. In return, they can beat Pokemon that check Mega Mewtwo X, such as Mega Slowbro and Mega Sableye, and Mega Diancie in particular can additionally eliminate Dark-types so Mega Mewtwo X can use Photon Geyser more freely. Mega Mewtwo X also appreciates checks to Pixilate and Aerilate users, such as Flash Fire Steel-types and Fur Coat Chansey. Checks to opposing Mega Mewtwo X, such as Imposter Chansey, Cresselia, or and Mega Slowbro, are appreciated, (AC) as they can additionally Imposter-proof Mega Mewtwo X. Checks to Mega Gengar such as Yveltal and Mega Audino are good team options, as Mega Mewtwo X is forced out by Mega Gengar. Mega Mewtwo X appreciates entry hazard removal from common Defoggers such as Giratina, Mega Audino, and Zygarde-C, as Toxic Spikes can put it on a timer which Mega Mewtwo X cannot often afford. Finally, Mega Slowbro, Cresselia, and Mega Sableye can all Imposter-proof Mega Mewtwo X, while also providing safe opportunities to bring it in with slow pivoting.

name: Technician
move 1: Storm Throw
move 2: Frost Breath
move 3: Bonemerang / Sunsteel Strike
move 4: Knock Off / Stealth Rock / Spectral Thief
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Naive
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Storm Throw is the Fighting-type STAB move of choice, doing considerable damage to almost anything that does not resist it thanks to the guaranteed critical hit as well as Technician's boost in power. In addition, Storm Throw's critical hit also lets Mega Mewtwo X ignore drops to its attack from King's Shield and boosts to the opponent's Defense, which helps it wallbreak more efficiently. Frost Breath rounds out the coverage, OHKOing Mega Rayquaza and Zygarde-C while also 2HKOing Giratina. By virtue of its guaranteed critical hit, Frost Breath can also ignore boosts to the opponent's Special Defense, which may be useful. Bonemerang is used to OHKO Aegislash and Primal Groudon after Stealth Rock while also breaking Substitutes and Focus Sash. Sunsteel Strike is can be used to bypass Fur Coat, OHKO Shedinja, and 2HKO Mega Audino. Knock Off is used to remove items as well as hit Psychic-types such as Mega Mewtwo Y and Cresselia. Stealth Rock can be run, as Mega Mewtwo X forces out many common Magic Bounce Pokemon such as Mega Audino and Giratina. Spectral Thief is used an option to more consistently hit Psychic-types while also stealing some boosts. Finally, Shell Smash can be run on this set to boost Mega Mewtwo X's offensive power prowess, but it will often not need the boost in offensive power and cannot often afford wasting a turn to set up.

Set Details

Life Orb allows Mega Mewtwo X to achieve the OHKO on Zygarde-C and Aegislash as well as the 2HKO on Mega Audino, Primal Groudon, and Giratina. Expert Belt can also be used to avoid recoil, as this set relies on super effective hits to do damage. However, the lower power does make a difference, (AC) as Mega Mewtwo X no longer reliably OHKOes Zygarde-C and no longer reliably 2HKOes Mega Audino. Technician is used to boost the power of Storm Throw and Frost Breath, allowing them to get key damage on their intended targets. A Naive nature is used to maximize Speed while maintaining offensive power. Naive is preferred, (AC) as -ate Fake Out and Extreme Speed are a common way to revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X, so it cannot afford to lower its Defense stat.

Usage Tips

Don't let Mega Mewtwo X take unnecessary damage. As Mega Mewtwo X runs Life Orb, it is already on a timer, (AC) and adding damage onto that can hurt Mega Mewtwo X's potential in the match. Don't let Mega Mewtwo X get statused by common users such as Aegislash, Mega Audino, and Dialga, as poison limits its longevity, burn limits its physical damage output, and paralysis can drastically reduce its potency against offense. Make sure to bring Mega Mewtwo X in on Pokemon it forces out, such as Steel-types, or use a teammate's slow momentum move to get it in. Avoid taking unnecessary damage, as Mega Mewtwo X already has a limit on the amount number of attacks it can deliver in a game due to Life Orb, so it's important that Mega Mewtwo X does not waste HP getting a 2HKO where it could have gotten an OHKO. When Mega Mewtwo X forces a switch, it can take the opportunity to set up Stealth Rock to discourage the opponent from switching liberally. Also, because Storm Throw and Frost Breath guarantee a critical hit, Mega Mewtwo X can check Contrary Pokemon that have not boosted their Speed, such as Mega Rayquaza.

Team Options

Imposter can be used to scout sets on typical checks to Mega Mewtwo X, such as RegenVest Giratina, Mega Slowbro, and Aegislash. Pokemon that resist Fighting and have the bulk or typing to take on Mega Mewtwo X's other attacks, such as Mega Slowbro and Ho-Oh, can Imposter-proof it. Pokemon that force out Mega Mewtwo X's defensive checks are good partners, such as Mega Diancie and Zekrom. Mega Mewtwo X can also eliminate Steel-types for Mega Diancie and Ground- and Dragon-types for Zekrom. Defoggers such as Giratina, Zygarde-C, and Mega Audino can remove entry hazards for Mega Mewtwo X to keep its HP as high as possible. Pokemon that check -ate users such as Flash Fire Registeel, Flash Fire Celesteela, or and Soundproof Arceus can function as partners to Mega Mewtwo X so it isn't revenge killed. Checks to Triage Mega Rayquaza such as Unaware Mega Tyranitar, faster Dazzling users which outspeed Mega Rayquaza, and Zekrom can function as effective teammates to Mega Mewtwo X. Pokemon such as Registeel, Mega Audino, and Zygarde-C can help Mega Mewtwo X by helping it switch in with their slow pivot moves. If Mega Mewtwo X is not running Stealth Rock, partners with the ability to set up entry hazards such as Zygarde-C, Registeel, and Giratina can be useful. Checks to Mega Gengar such as Yveltal and Mega Audino can afford Mega Mewtwo X more opportunities to wallbreak, as it will no longer have to worry about being revenge killed. Checks to Aegislash, such as Yveltal, Mega Gengar, and Mega Gyarados, should be used if Mega Mewtwo X is not running Bonemerang as Mega Mewtwo X cannot bypass it otherwise. Fur Coat Primal Kyogre can wall Mega Mewtwo X, so Pokemon such as Zekrom and Mega Sceptile can be used deal with it.

Other Options

An Adamant nature can be used on the main set to have a chance at OHKOing Primal Groudon after Stealth Rock with Close Combat, 2HKO Zygarde-C after Leftovers, and OHKO Mega Rayquaza with Photon Geyser. A Naughty nature can be used on the Technician set to 2HKO Fur Coat Primal Kyogre. However, Mega Mewtwo X enjoys having maximum Speed, which these natures do not give. Mega Mewtwo X can run a set with Refrigerate or Pixilate for the priority, defeating its common checks and also beating Zygarde-C, Aerilate Mega Rayquaza, and Giratina. However, Mega Mewtwo X generally does not need the priority, and its main sets are powerful enough that an -ate set only helps against other -ate users. Tinted Lens can be run over Adaptability in order to be able to use STAB options more freely. However, the power loss from Adaptability is noticeable, (AC) as without it, Mega Mewtwo X cannot 2HKO Zygarde-C or Giratina, and Mega Mewtwo X is still checked by Pokemon immune to its STAB moves. Mega Mewtwo X can run a Poison Heal set with Low Kick, Will-O-Wisp, Knock Off, and Leech Seed to function as a check to boosted Regigigas as well as prevent it from being statused easily. However, a Poison Heal set sorely misses out on the power that other sets provide via ability, item, or both. Mega Mewtwo X can run a Shell Smash set with Dazzling to lure -ate users that may try to revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X while also breaking down physical walls such as Zygarde-C and Giratina with Stored Power. However, this set fares poorly against Unawares Unaware and Spectral Thief users, so it is often very risky to use. Finally, Mega Mewtwo X can run a Contrary set. However, this set can be difficult to Imposter-proof, (AC) and Mega Mewtwo X generally does not require the extra offensive power, as it 2HKOes most of the metagame already. The extra bulk can be beneficial, but its main sets are often more reliable and less risky to use.

Checks and Counters

**Imposter**: Imposter switches in on most of Mega Mewtwo X's attacks and easily forces it out. However, it must be wary of a Poison Heal set, (AC) as they are generally self Imposter proof. (RH)

**Priority**: Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie can revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X with their -ate sets. However, both must be wary of Dazzling, (AC) and Mega Rayquaza must be wary of Mega Mewtwo X itself running an -ate set. In addition to -ate sets, Triage Mega Rayquaza can revenge kill Mega Mewtwo X with less fear of an -ate set, but must still be wary of Dazzling.

**Psychic-types**: Defensive Psychic-types such as Cresselia and Mega Slowbro can wall Mega Mewtwo X's main sets. They must be wary of Dark-or Ghost-type coverage, such as Knock Off or Spectral Thief, however. Knock Off does tend to do reduced damage after the item is lost, though, so it is easier to handle.

**Ghost-types**: With their high bulk in conjunction with their typings, Mega Sableye, Aegislash, and Giratina can check Mega Mewtwo X's Adaptability set. However, the former two must be wary of Technician, while Giratina must be wary of Photon Geyser on the Adaptability set, as it will get 2HKOed. All Ghost-types must also be wary of Knock Off and Spectral Thief, but Knock Off still does reduced damage after the first use so it's more manageable than Spectral Thief.

**Dark-types**: Mega Sableye is immune to both of Mega Mewtwo X's STAB moves, making it a viable option to check Mega Mewtwo X with Poison Heal in order to ensure it doesn't get worn down too quickly. However, it must be wary of any coverage move, as Mega Sableye can only sufficiently check Mega Mewtwo X sets that have no way to hurt it, which is very rare. Fur Coat Yveltal can check Adaptability sets, but requires Leftovers to do so and cannot take chip damage.
implemented. E4 Flint Uselesscrab Chloe ready for upload as soon as this mega thing gets worked out!