XY OU Mega Metagross OU Team (Peaked 1400's)

Team Preview:

The team:


Metagross @ Metagrossite
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Hp / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Earthquake
- Zen Headbutt
- Ice Punch
Metagross is strong, so freaking strong. The main aspect of my team and my prime physical attacker. His natural bulk makes him last long. He usually comes out midgame after hazard setters are eliminated (thanks to thundurus). I preferably like to switch him in when there are no attacks coming but he gobbles up steel and rock types like a champ and hits hard back with earthquake.He has excellent coverage hitting Dragon and Ground types hard and slower fire types harder. He does have an issue with faster fire and ghost types which is ironic considering i have the perfect counter to him on this team. Chandelure and pory2 make excellent switch ins because of this. Chandelure works well hitting those bulky defensive walls hard that metagross can't break (FERROTHORN) while pory just spams T-wave slowing everybody down to the point metagross just outspeeds and kills. I've seen bulkier sets for metagross but even with the gained speed metagross can't keep up with other counters with the evs for speed and his bulk is not gone he can take several hits and keep on whaling.Only problem is 3 of 4 moves have 90 accuracy so
sometimes i may get haxed out but it rarely happens making it worth the risk. Did try out bullet punch but the power loss was very noticeable.

Chandelure @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Overheat
- Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power Fighting Trick
- Energy Ball

Chandelure is one of my favorite pokemon since I began Pokemon and it works very well with this team. I've been having trouble with WoW lately so I decided to pack Chandelure since well Flash Fire + Overheat annihilates. Since I run Chandelure I kinda have to use hit and run tactics which means I can really use Chandelure in any part though she shines better towards the end game. Shadow Ball is useful since a lot of ghost types run Wow and i gobble up and hit back with shadow ball. Hidden power fighting hits dark types hard as well as rocks. Have a Big problem with Bisharp as I am trapped with pursuit and Then threatened with sucker punch although usually it doesn't run both but can't be positive of which but most i've seen run sucker punch but i have been caught off guard by pursuit before. Energy Ball catches less bulky water types way off guard. Choice Scarf makes chandelure deadly fast and works well with the hit and run technique. Timid is to avoid speed ties with other choiced Chandeliers running Modest. Ev's maximize its abilities as a special attacker. Considered secondary wall breaker if Azumarill is dead. Doesn't like stealth rocks so I try to prevent them from coming on and thundurus does an excellent job at doing so.


Breloom @ Focus Sash
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Spore
- Bullet Seed
- Mach Punch
- Rock Tomb

Breloom is perhaps one of the most annoying pokemon to ever exist. He is great because he halts the enemies momentum with spore then forcing the opponent to switch out or be destroyed by breloom. Breloom loves to take charizards and talonflames down all day long taking no amount of brave birds and flare blitzes/air slashes thanks to the focus sash and puts them to sleep and then kills with rock tomb and if they survive breloom outspeeds thanks to the speed drop. Breloom hates weather as he loses the effect of his oh so precious sash so never switch into sand or hail. Also hates statuses which is why Metagross(toxic),
chandelure(Wow), and finally thundurus(T-wave) are very essential to breloom's longevity on the field.Like chandelure he hates entry hazards as well since he loses sash. Also trick and moves of that sort are an issue as well cause becoming choiced is not good since brellom is needed for his coverage on bulky waters. useful lead if no overcoat/grass types present in team preview since I can spam spore and get a guaranteed sleep, except for the unexpected
safety goggles(god i hate that item so), and can either stay in and destroy or switch into a appropriate counter.

Azumarill @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Belly Drum
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough
- Superpower

I'm sure if you've ever played in the ou meta than you have seen belly drum azumarill. It's terrifying. Belly Drum puts azumarills attacks into Godly places. Aqua jet literally kills everything that isn't a defensive wall. The sitrus berry is to help azumarills Hp so its not vunerable to other priority. Play rough is the perfect wall breaker move breaking all walls and losing priority doesn't matter because practically all walls are slow. Superpower breaks Ferrothorn at full Hp which is very convenient. Evs make for best sweeping capabilities so Azumarill can take a T-bolt and electric types down.Ability is needed to make Azumarill freakin insane. Bulky electric types are a problem sometimes usually die from play rough but occasionally will be killed by 1 t-bolt. Never seem to have an issue with grass types. Gengar is dependent on whether i have belly drum up, yes I kill with A-jet, no He kills with Sludge Bomb.Loves to switch in on dragons and get free belly drum in same with bulkier waters.Usually use her towards end game for cleaning but can bring her out early for a wall break, but you only wanna use belly Drum once as you only get the recovery from sitrus berry once. Does't like to be burned as it limits her sweeping capabilities doesn't mind other statuses though don' t stay in on toxic too long. Scizor dead counters her as can't KO and has priority Bullet punch that kills every time. Other than that not much she is just an utter beast.\


Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Foul Play
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Thunder Wave

I can't even begin to describe how incredibly bulky this thing is. It literally defines a wall. It does its job very well functioning as many different jobs for the team. T-wave slows down faster pokemon looking to sweep recover to keep pory on the field as long as possible. Ice beam makes pory the perfect counter for lots of things garchomp landorus etc. Foul Play was a test move that actually worked out well. It allows me to punish set up sweepers using there own attack against them. Metagross just hates pory. Trace is in my opinion one of the best abilities ever. In some cases pory completely walls stuff with flash fire or volt absorb. Some of the best abilites i've traced were Prankster, Protean and heh Wonder Guard (I totally won that one.)Eviolite makes it a monstrous wall. Avoid any item switching/removing moves at all cost as losing eviolite make pory useless.(You wouldn't believe the pokemon ive seen running knock off.)Do not let pory get toxic cause it cripples his longevity. Burns and t-waves are fine though. Rarely gets OHKO'D with its natural bulk as only choice focus blast kills it can still stomach non choiced focus blast. This guy works extremely well and highly recommend him as many opponents have forfeited just cause of this guy.


Thundurus @ Life Orb
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Taunt
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power Ice

Finally we come to thundurus my anti lead lead pokemon. This set is the bane of rock setters everywhere. First it spams taunt leaving there leads useless and then either kills or switches to an appropriate counter. Very fast only outsped by few. Thunderbolt is main STAB hidden power ice hits ground,grass, and dragons hard. You wouldn't believe all the garchomps i've caught off guard. T-wave slows down fast sweepers that threaten to punch a hole in the team.
Prankster makes taunt priority which is very convenient. Life orb allows me to snag KO's normally wouldn't get.Don't let thundurus die before set up pok's are dead as that is his main function. Greninja is a definite problem since i must switch and then they can switch and set-up which is bad. Has a horrible weakness to rocks. Not much else about him to say.


Well that's it there are several threats included in the list below.

Threat list:
Defensive -Can't break with anything but Metagross and metagross has a tough time breaking him. Chandelure only 3HKO's can't do much to him.

Dragon Dance -once it gets a sub up can't do much to him and once his dance is up he threatens to sweep the the entire team.

Standard -Without Chandelure can't touch this but may kill if azumarill can get a belly drum off and then superpower but it rarely happens. Also sets up rocks which this team hates so I constantly must be weary of that.

Choice Band -Again with out chandelure tears holes in my team espically ones with knock off as it dismantles my primary wall porygon 2.

Pursuit -Traps and kills chandelure with Knock off,also dismantles pory2.

Defensive -Can't touch him except for Azu's superpower at +6

Support -Same as above

Rain Teams in general.

That's it I appreciate all comments greatly. On a last note I have been considering changing someone out for a defogger and is it worth it to replace T-wave for Knock Off thanks.

Images from google.
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This team looks pretty cool to me, so I'm here to rate it. The usage of underrated threats such as Scarf Chandelure, Belly Drum Azumarill & Porygon2 are really clever, & bound to keep your opponent on their toes. However, as with every team, this one has flaws, some big ones, some small ones, but that's what we raters are here for. Anyway, I'm not going to add any more fluff & get straight into this rate. First off, your biggest threat would have to be SD Sand Rush Excadrill. SD Sand Rush Excadrill is a deadly threat to your team, as if it gets an SD off a switch or after something has been sleep foddered, it can drill a giant hole in your team as nothing on your team can take a boosted hit outside of Porygon2, which will eventually be worn down, & Chandelure can't outrun it in Sand & is easily OHKOd by Earthquake. To remedy this situation, I would like to suggest replacing Porygon2 with a Defensive Landorus-T. Landorus-T, in my opinion would make a great addition to your team, as Porygon2 is the most expendable member in my eyes. Landorus-T checks a myriad of physically attacking 'Mons while also providing Stealth Rock support that you really need. The one nitpick I'd like to make is running Trick over Energy Ball on Chandelure, as Trick completely cripples all Bulky Pokemon & allows you to get by Chansey, Suicune, & others rather easily.


Landorus-Therian @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 8 SpD / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Knock Off / Rock Slide / Stone Edge
Porygon2 ------------------------------------------> Landorus-T

Chandelure: Energy Ball -> Trick

Good Luck!

This team looks pretty cool to me, so I'm here to rate it. The usage of underrated threats such as Scarf Chandelure, Belly Drum Azumarill & Porygon2 are really clever, & bound to keep your opponent on their toes. However, as with every team, this one has flaws, some big ones, some small ones, but that's what we raters are here for. Anyway, I'm not going to add any more fluff & get straight into this rate. First off, your biggest threat would have to be SD Sand Rush Excadrill. SD Sand Rush Excadrill is a deadly threat to your team, as if it gets an SD off a switch or after something has been sleep foddered, it can drill a giant hole in your team as nothing on your team can take a boosted hit outside of Porygon2, which will eventually be worn down, & Chandelure can't outrun it in Sand & is easily OHKOd by Earthquake. To remedy this situation, I would like to suggest replacing Porygon2 with a Defensive Landorus-T. Landorus-T, in my opinion would make a great addition to your team, as Porygon2 is the most expendable member in my eyes. Landorus-T checks a myriad of physically attacking 'Mons while also providing Stealth Rock support that you really need. The one nitpick I'd like to make is runningTrick over Energy Ball on Chandelure, as Trick completely cripples all Bulky Pokemon & allows you to get by Chansey, Suicune, & others rather easily.

Really like this idea for lando will definitely give that a try thanks. Ice weakness is even negated cause I got 3 pokemon resistant to ice. Also on chandelure probably will switch out Hp fighting since I hardly use that anyway.
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