Mega Kangaskhan's great bulk for an offensive Pokemon and possession of some of the strongest priority options in the game in its Fake Out and Sucker Punch gives it a distinguished role, as it is able to to wear down and take on many offensive threats such as Mega Beedrill, Mega Alakazam, and Starmie. It also has a respectable Speed stat which lets it outspeed the majority of the bulkier Pokemon in the metagame, as well as a wide movepool containing various coverage options that let it potentially threaten almost anything. Thanks to Facade, Mega Kangaskhan also bears the distinction of being a physical Mega Evolution that can absorb status effectively. Mega Kangaskhan isn't without its downsides, however; Facade's lacking base power, when combined with its somewhat underwhelming Attack stat for an offensive Mega Evolution, can leave it struggling to deal reliable damage against targets it hits neutrally. As running the necessary coverage to threaten all of Mew, Zapdos, Melmetal, and others would require the loss of either Facade or the priority options Mega Kangaskhan is chosen for, it can often struggle to successfully leave a mark without getting its Facade boosted by a status condition, and as such Mega Kangaskhan is often overlooked in favour of more powerful and reliable Mega Evolutions despite its useful defensive qualities. Mega Kangaskhan also struggles when it is burn, because this makes it passive outside of Facade, making its priority attacks near useless, and cannot do any decent damage to Melmetal with Earthquake.
name: All Out Attacker
move 1: Fake Out / Sucker Punch
move 2: Facade
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Sucker Punch / Ice Punch / Thunder Punch / Crunch
nature: Adamant / Jolly
Set Information
Fake Out is great for being able to chip opposing Pokemon like Mew, Zapdos and frail Pokemon like Mega Beedrill. Facade is its go to STAB attack once statused which makes it hard to switch into, which is why the oppenment must be careful about using status moves. Earthquake allows Mega Kangaskhan to hit Melmetal, Rhydon and Nidoqueen. Sucker Punch can OHKO Gengar and Mega Alakazam after Stealth Rock while being able to do decent damage against Mega Beedrill and Mega Aerodactyl. Ice Punch is an option that can do decent damage to Zapdos, Mega Venusaur, and OHKO Dragonite after Stealth Rock damage. Thunder Punch is an another option to super effectively hit Mega Gyraardos, Poliwrath, and Starmie. Crunch is used to effectively take care of Psychic-types such as Mew and Starmie, and Mega Alakazam more effectively. An Adamant nature is the preferred nature in order to get the most damage out of Fake Out, 3HKO Melmetal with Earthquake, and 2HKO most of the metagame with Facade after getting statused. A Jolly nature can be used instead to speed tie with Zapdos, Mega Charizard X, and Mew.
Usage Tips
Mega Kangaskhan can be used early-game to use Fake Out to get damage off on Mew and Zapdos or use Sucker Punch to try to weaken Pokemon such as Mega Beedrill. It can also use Fake Out to help with forcing a Pokemon that is burn or Toxic to take damage. Try to preserve Mega Kangaskhan from getting a burn to mid- to late-game when Melmetal is weakened or KOed because a burn will make Mega Kangaskhan unable to 3HKO Melmetal with Earthquake. Try to predict Will-O-Wisp from Mew and Mega Charizard X, Toxic from Alolan Muk and Rhydon, or Sizzly Slide from Eevee-starter as this will turn Mega Kangaskhan's Facade into a powerful attack that can 2HKO most of the metagame. Use Earthquake on a predicted switch to Melmetal, Rhydon, and Nidoqueen, as it will get off decent damage against these. Try to preserve Sucker Punch for Gengar and Mega Alakazam, as there is a chance for them to be OHKOd after Stealth Rock Damage. Sucker Punch + Fake Out can take care of Mega Beedrill while doing major damage to Mega Aerodactyl. If running Ice Punch, use it on predicted switches into Mega Aerodactyl and Mega Venusaur. If Thunder Punch is being used, try to predict the switch in to Poliwrath and Starmie.
Team Options
Mew is a great partner that can threaten Melmetal and Poliwrath with Will-O-Wisp or Psychic. Both Zapdos and Mew and can safely bring in Mega Kangaskhan using their fast U-turn on an attack Mega Kangaskhan can take, or on a predicted switch. Zapdos can take on Poliwrath, do decent damage to Melmetal, and weaken Rhydon with Toxic. Melmetal is great for slowing down faster Pokemon like Starmie and Mew with Thunder Wave which helps Mega Kangaskhan outpace and KO these. Melmetal can also use Double Iron Bash to potentially KO Mega Aerodactyl and Rhydon, Pokemon Mega Kangaskhan struggles with. Both Nidoqueen and Rhydon are both good Stealth Rock users that can help Mega Kangaskhan break through its checks like Zapdos. Nidoqueen and Rhydon can also help by wearing down Melmetal with Earthquake, while Nidoqueen can use Super Fang to help wear down threats to Mega Kangaskhan such as Poliwrath, Mega Aerodactyl, and Snorlax. Poliwrath and Starmie are good Melmetal checks that can come in on Melmetal's Double Iron Bash since Melmetal is switches in on Mega Kangaskhan. Poliwrath can majorly dent Melmetal and Snorlax while Starmie weaken Melmetal using Scald or Hydro Pump and can use Psychic to help take care of Poliwrath. Poliwrath and Starmie can also check Rhydon and Mega Aerodactyl who Mega Kangaskhan can have trouble beating. Alolan Muk is another option to take on Mew and Rhydon thanks to its Dark-typing and Mega Drain.
Other Options
Toxic is an option to Toxic checks to Mega Kangaskhan like Poliwrath, Rhydon, and Mew; however, this has the major drawback of needing to drop a coverage move like Earthquake or Sucker Punch which can limit what Pokemon it can check or break through.
Checks and Counters
**Faster Pokemon**: Faster Pokemon such as Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Alakazam, and Mega Beedrill can revenge kill Mega Kangaskhan, but must be careful of Sucker Punch as it can do major damage to the latter two.
**Bulky Pokemon**: Bulky Pokemon such as Rhydon, and Melmetal can take an attack from Mega Kangaskhan and take care of it with their STAB attacks while Mew can Roost and slowly wear it down with Psychic.
**Poliwrath**: Poliwrath is able to come in on most of Mega Kangaskhan attacks and force it out with STAB Fighting-type attacks. It cannot switch into Mega Kangaskhan's attacks after Facade has been powered up though.
- Written by: [[Yami, 393488]]
- Quality checked by: [[Eve, 375272], [Collette, 520031]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]
Mega Kangaskhan's great bulk for an offensive Pokemon and possession of some of the strongest priority options in the game in its Fake Out and Sucker Punch gives it a distinguished role, as it is able to to wear down and take on many offensive threats such as Mega Beedrill, Mega Alakazam, and Starmie. It also has a respectable Speed stat which lets it outspeed the majority of the bulkier Pokemon in the metagame, as well as a wide movepool containing various coverage options that let it potentially threaten almost anything. Thanks to Facade, Mega Kangaskhan also bears the distinction of being a physical Mega Evolution that can absorb status effectively. Mega Kangaskhan isn't without its downsides, however; Facade's lacking base power, when combined with its somewhat underwhelming Attack stat for an offensive Mega Evolution, can leave it struggling to deal reliable damage against targets it hits neutrally. As running the necessary coverage to threaten all of Mew, Zapdos, Melmetal, and others would require the loss of either Facade or the priority options Mega Kangaskhan is chosen for, it can often struggle to successfully leave a mark without getting its Facade boosted by a status condition, and as such Mega Kangaskhan is often overlooked in favour of more powerful and reliable Mega Evolutions despite its useful defensive qualities. Mega Kangaskhan also struggles when it is burn, because this makes it passive outside of Facade, making its priority attacks near useless, and cannot do any decent damage to Melmetal with Earthquake.
name: All Out Attacker
move 1: Fake Out / Sucker Punch
move 2: Facade
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Sucker Punch / Ice Punch / Thunder Punch / Crunch
nature: Adamant / Jolly
Set Information
Fake Out is great for being able to chip opposing Pokemon like Mew, Zapdos and frail Pokemon like Mega Beedrill. Facade is its go to STAB attack once statused which makes it hard to switch into, which is why the oppenment must be careful about using status moves. Earthquake allows Mega Kangaskhan to hit Melmetal, Rhydon and Nidoqueen. Sucker Punch can OHKO Gengar and Mega Alakazam after Stealth Rock while being able to do decent damage against Mega Beedrill and Mega Aerodactyl. Ice Punch is an option that can do decent damage to Zapdos, Mega Venusaur, and OHKO Dragonite after Stealth Rock damage. Thunder Punch is an another option to super effectively hit Mega Gyraardos, Poliwrath, and Starmie. Crunch is used to effectively take care of Psychic-types such as Mew and Starmie, and Mega Alakazam more effectively. An Adamant nature is the preferred nature in order to get the most damage out of Fake Out, 3HKO Melmetal with Earthquake, and 2HKO most of the metagame with Facade after getting statused. A Jolly nature can be used instead to speed tie with Zapdos, Mega Charizard X, and Mew.
Usage Tips
Mega Kangaskhan can be used early-game to use Fake Out to get damage off on Mew and Zapdos or use Sucker Punch to try to weaken Pokemon such as Mega Beedrill. It can also use Fake Out to help with forcing a Pokemon that is burn or Toxic to take damage. Try to preserve Mega Kangaskhan from getting a burn to mid- to late-game when Melmetal is weakened or KOed because a burn will make Mega Kangaskhan unable to 3HKO Melmetal with Earthquake. Try to predict Will-O-Wisp from Mew and Mega Charizard X, Toxic from Alolan Muk and Rhydon, or Sizzly Slide from Eevee-starter as this will turn Mega Kangaskhan's Facade into a powerful attack that can 2HKO most of the metagame. Use Earthquake on a predicted switch to Melmetal, Rhydon, and Nidoqueen, as it will get off decent damage against these. Try to preserve Sucker Punch for Gengar and Mega Alakazam, as there is a chance for them to be OHKOd after Stealth Rock Damage. Sucker Punch + Fake Out can take care of Mega Beedrill while doing major damage to Mega Aerodactyl. If running Ice Punch, use it on predicted switches into Mega Aerodactyl and Mega Venusaur. If Thunder Punch is being used, try to predict the switch in to Poliwrath and Starmie.
Team Options
Mew is a great partner that can threaten Melmetal and Poliwrath with Will-O-Wisp or Psychic. Both Zapdos and Mew and can safely bring in Mega Kangaskhan using their fast U-turn on an attack Mega Kangaskhan can take, or on a predicted switch. Zapdos can take on Poliwrath, do decent damage to Melmetal, and weaken Rhydon with Toxic. Melmetal is great for slowing down faster Pokemon like Starmie and Mew with Thunder Wave which helps Mega Kangaskhan outpace and KO these. Melmetal can also use Double Iron Bash to potentially KO Mega Aerodactyl and Rhydon, Pokemon Mega Kangaskhan struggles with. Both Nidoqueen and Rhydon are both good Stealth Rock users that can help Mega Kangaskhan break through its checks like Zapdos. Nidoqueen and Rhydon can also help by wearing down Melmetal with Earthquake, while Nidoqueen can use Super Fang to help wear down threats to Mega Kangaskhan such as Poliwrath, Mega Aerodactyl, and Snorlax. Poliwrath and Starmie are good Melmetal checks that can come in on Melmetal's Double Iron Bash since Melmetal is switches in on Mega Kangaskhan. Poliwrath can majorly dent Melmetal and Snorlax while Starmie weaken Melmetal using Scald or Hydro Pump and can use Psychic to help take care of Poliwrath. Poliwrath and Starmie can also check Rhydon and Mega Aerodactyl who Mega Kangaskhan can have trouble beating. Alolan Muk is another option to take on Mew and Rhydon thanks to its Dark-typing and Mega Drain.
Other Options
Toxic is an option to Toxic checks to Mega Kangaskhan like Poliwrath, Rhydon, and Mew; however, this has the major drawback of needing to drop a coverage move like Earthquake or Sucker Punch which can limit what Pokemon it can check or break through.
Checks and Counters
**Faster Pokemon**: Faster Pokemon such as Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Alakazam, and Mega Beedrill can revenge kill Mega Kangaskhan, but must be careful of Sucker Punch as it can do major damage to the latter two.
**Bulky Pokemon**: Bulky Pokemon such as Rhydon, and Melmetal can take an attack from Mega Kangaskhan and take care of it with their STAB attacks while Mew can Roost and slowly wear it down with Psychic.
**Poliwrath**: Poliwrath is able to come in on most of Mega Kangaskhan attacks and force it out with STAB Fighting-type attacks. It cannot switch into Mega Kangaskhan's attacks after Facade has been powered up though.
- Written by: [[Yami, 393488]]
- Quality checked by: [[Eve, 375272], [Collette, 520031]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]
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